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As part of E-Flux III cruise studies in March 2005, plankton net collections were made to assess the effects of a cyclonic cold-core eddy (Cyclone Opal) on the biomass and grazing of mesozooplankton. Mesozooplankton biomass in the central region of Cyclone Opal, an area of uplifted nutricline and a subsurface diatom bloom, averaged 0.80±0.24 and 1.51±0.59 g DW m−2, for day and night tows, respectively. These biomass estimates were about 80% higher than control (OUT) stations, with increases more or less proportionately distributed among size classes from 0.2 to >5 mm. Though elevated relative to surrounding waters south of the Hawaiian Islands (Hawai’i lee), total biomass and size distribution in Cyclone Opal were almost exactly the same as contemporary measurements made at Stn. ALOHA, 100 km north of the islands, by the HOT (Hawaii Ocean Time-series) Program. Mesozooplankton biomass and community composition at the OUT stations were also similar to ALOHA values from 1994 to 1996, preceding a recent decadal increase. These comparisons may therefore provide insight into production characteristics or biomass gradients associated with decadal changes at Stn. ALOHA. Gut fluorescence estimates were higher in Opal than in ambient waters, translating to grazing impacts of 0.11±0.02 d−1 (IN) versus 0.03±0.01 d−1 (OUT). Over the depth-integrated euphotic zone, mesozooplankton accounted for 30% of the combined grazing losses of phytoplankton to micro- and meso-herbivores in Opal, as compared to 13% at control stations. Estimates of active export flux by migrating zooplankton averaged 0.81 mmol C m−2 d−1 in Cyclone Opal and 0.37 mmol C m−2 d−1 at OUT stations, 53% and 24%, respectively, of the carbon export measured by passive sediment traps. Migrants also exported 0.18 mmol N m−2 d−1 (117% of trap N flux) in Cyclone Opal compared to 0.08 mmol N m−2 d−1 (51% of trap flux) at control stations. Overall, the food-web importance of mesozooplankton increased in Cyclone Opal both in absolute and relative terms. Diel migrants provided evidence for enhanced export flux in the eddy that was missed by sediment trap and 234Th techniques, and migrant-mediated flux was the major export term in the observed bloom-perturbation response and N mass balance of the eddy.  相似文献   

E-Flux III (March 10–28, 2005) was the third and last field experiment of the E-Flux project. The main goal of the project was to investigate the physical, biological and chemical characteristics of mesoscale eddies that form in the lee of Maui and the Island of Hawai’i, focusing on the physical–biogeochemical interactions. The primary focus of E-Flux III was the cyclonic cold-core eddy Opal, which first appeared in the NOAA GOES sea-surface temperature (SST) imagery during the second half of February 2005. During the experiment, Cyclone Opal moved over 160 km, generally southward. Thus, the sampling design had to be constantly adjusted in order to obtain quasi-synoptic observations of the eddy. Analyses of ship transect-depth profiles of CTD, optical and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data revealed a well-developed feature characterized by a fairly symmetric circular shape with a radius of about 80 km. Depth profiles of temperature, salinity and density were characterized by an intense doming of isothermal, isohaline and isopycnal surfaces. Isopleths of nutrient concentrations were roughly parallel to isopycnals, indicating the upwelling of deep nutrient-rich water. The deep chlorophyll maximum layer (DCML) shoaled from a depth of about 130 m in the outer regions of the eddy to about 60 m in the center. Chlorophyll concentrations reached their maximum values in Opal's core region (about 40 km in diameter), where nutrients were upwelled into the euphotic layer. ADCP velocity data clearly showed the cyclonic circulation associated with Opal. Vertical sections of tangential velocities were characterized by values that increased linearly with radial distance from near zero close to the center to a maximum of about at roughly 25 km from the center, and then slowly decayed. The vertical extent of the cyclonic circulation was primarily limited to the upper mixed layer, as tangential velocities decayed quite rapidly within a depth range of 90–130 m. Potential vorticity analysis suggests that only a relatively small (about 50 km in diameter) and shallow (to a depth of approximately 70 m) portion of the eddy is isolated from the surrounding waters. Radial movements of water can occur between the center of the eddy and the outer regions along density surfaces within an isopycnal range of σt23.6 () and σt24.4 (). Thus the biogeochemistry of the system might have been greatly influenced by these lateral exchanges of water at depth, especially during Opal's southward migration. While the eddy was translating, deep water in front of the eddy might have been upwelled into the core region, leading to an additional injection of nutrients into the euphotic zone. At the same time, part of the chlorophyll-rich waters in the core region might have remained behind the translating eddy and, thus contributed to the formation of an eddy wake characterized by relatively high chlorophyll concentrations.  相似文献   

Quasi-synoptic observations of the horizontal and vertical structure of a cold-core cyclonic mesoscale eddy feature (Cyclone Noah) were conducted in the lee of Hawai’i from November 4–22, 2004 as part of the E-Flux interdisciplinary collaborative research program. Cyclone Noah appears to have spun up to the southwest of the ‘Alenuihaha Channel (between Maui and Hawai’i) as a result of strong and persistent northeasterly trade winds through the channel. Shipboard hydrographic surveys 2.5 months later suggest that Noah weakened and was in a hypothesized spin-down phase of its life cycle. Although the initial surface expression of Noah was limited in scale to 40 km in diameter and, as evidenced by surface temperatures, 2–3 °C cooler than the surrounding waters, depth profiles revealed a fully developed semi-elliptical shallow feature (200 m), 144 km long and 90 km wide (based on sigma-t=23 kg m−3) with tangential speeds of 40–80 cm s−1, and substantial isopycnal doming. Potential vorticity distribution of Noah suggests that radial horizontal flow of the core water was inhibited from the surface to depths of 75 m, with high vorticity confined above the sigma-t=23.5 kg m−3 isopycnal surface. Upward displacements of isopycnal surfaces in the eddy's center (50 m) were congruent with enhanced pigment concentrations (0.50 mg m−3). Comparisons of the results obtained for E-Flux I (Noah) and E-Flux III (Opal) suggest that translation characteristics of cyclonic Hawaiian lee eddies may be important in establishing the biogeochemical and biological responses of the oligotrophic ocean to cyclonic eddies.  相似文献   

A sequence of nine dilution experiments was conducted according to Landry and Hassett [Landry, M.R., Hassett, R.P., 1982. Estimating the grazing impact of marine microzooplankton. Mar. Biol. 67, 283–288] in the northern Wadden Sea from March until October 2004 to investigate the seasonality of microzooplankton grazing. From March until April, no grazing was observed. Microzooplankton grazing started in May (0.66 d− 1) and increased until August (1.22 d− 1). In October microzooplankton grazing was low again (0.17 d− 1). Phytoplankton growth rates varied between 0 and 1.1 d− 1. Since the reliability of dilution experiments is still frequently discussed in literature, we tested if our data obtained by dilution experiments reflected short-term in situ phytoplankton dynamics of the study site. We scaled experimental growth rates to water column irradiance, calculated short-term chlorophyll-a dynamics and compared the results to in situ measured chlorophyll-a concentrations. Calculated chlorophyll-a concentrations correlated significantly with in situ measured chlorophyll-a concentrations but slightly overestimated the in situ measured chlorophyll-a. This overestimation was in the range of phytoplankton assimilation reported for the Wadden Sea benthos. We will show that microzooplankton grazing had a large impact during the Phaeocystis bloom and during summer suggesting that a large proportion of phytoplankton biomass remained the pelagic food web. Microzooplankton grazing did not impact the diatom spring bloom and its demise.  相似文献   

The distribution of toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis cf. aeruginosa in the severely polluted Golden Horn Estuary was studied from 1998 to 2000. Microcystis persisted at the upper estuary where the water circulation was poor and values ranged between 2.9 × 104 and 2.7 × 106 cells ml−1 throughout the study. Simultaneously measured physical (salinity, temperature, rainfall and secchi disc) and chemical parameters (nutrients and dissolved oxygen) were evaluated together with Microcystis data. Although the Microcystis blooms generally occur in summer due to the increase in temperature, the blooms were recorded in winter in the present study. The abundance of Microcystis depended on the variations in salinity and both blooms were recorded below S = 2. A moderate partial correlation between Microcystis abundance and salinity was detected in the presence of temperature, dissolved oxygen and precipitation data (r = −0.561, p = 0.002). The M. cf. aeruginosa abundance was low in the summer when the salinity was higher than winter. A remarkable increase in the eukaryotic phytoplankton abundance following the improvements in the water quality of the estuary occurred, whilst the Microcystis abundance remained below bloom level.  相似文献   

Observations and numerical modeling indicate that a mesoscale anti-cyclonic eddy formed south of Cape Ann at the northern entrance of Massachusetts Bay (MB) during May 2005, when large river discharges in the western Gulf of Maine and two strong Nor'easters passing through the regions led to an unprecedented toxic Alexandrium fundyense bloom (red tide). Both model results and field measurements suggest that the western Maine Coastal Current separated from Cape Ann around May 7–8, and the eddy formed on around May 10. The eddy was trapped at the formation location for about a week before detaching from the coastline and moving slowly southward on May 17. Both model results and theoretical analysis suggest that the separation of the coastal current from the coast and subsequent eddy formation were initiated at the subsurface by an adverse pressure gradient between Cape Ann and MB due to the higher sea level set up by onshore Ekman transport and higher density in downstream MB. After the formation, the eddy was maintained by the input of vorticity transported by the coastal current from the north, and local vorticity generation around the cape by the horizontal gradients of wind-driven currents, bottom stress, and water density induced by the Merrimack River plume. Observations and model results indicate that the anti-cyclonic eddy significantly changed the pathway of nutrient and biota transport into the coastal areas and enhanced phytoplankton including Alexandrium abundances around the perimeter of the eddy and in the western coast of MB.  相似文献   

From January 1993 to September 1995, Cyathura carinata was a target species of a monitoring programme carried in the Mondego Estuary (Portugal). Being one of the key species of the intertidal mud flats, this isopod was found to be most abundant in a eutrophic area, where seasonal macroalgal blooms usually occur. Its density decreased towards downstream areas, where some Zostera noltii beds exist. At the Mondego Estuary, the present work stated that C. carinata: (a) had a 2-year life span, even though, 80–90% of the individuals died when 1 year old, revealing a strong post-reproduction mortality; (b) produced a single cohort per year; (c) showed continuous growth (with lower rates during winter); (d) evidenced protogynous hermaphroditism and (e) presented a high growth production and a low turnover ratio. A latitudinal gradient reflected in the life features of C. carinata was described. Except for the life span and the frequency of reproduction, which are generally valid for all populations, C. carinata from the Mondego Estuary fitted the characteristics of other populations from the south of Europe.The effects of macroalgal blooms were assessed. Cyathura carinata seemed to temporarily benefit from the presence of macroalgae, due to higher energy resources and more efficient protection against predators. In a long term, algal blooms had negative consequences. It was particularly evident on the recruitment success, which had repercussions in population abundance, and on the secondary production. Therefore, repeated events of algal blooms embracing the distribution areas of C. carinata represent a threat to this species in eutrophic estuaries.  相似文献   

利用2009-2018年在南黄海苏北浅滩海域的现场调查数据,分析和研究了该海域漂浮绿藻和马尾藻的长期变化和季节性波动特征。研究显示,漂浮绿藻于每年4月中旬至下旬在浅滩中部筏架周围开始出现。5月-6月,漂浮绿藻生物量迅速增加,并漂移扩散至深水区。漂浮绿藻密度年际变化较大,但这十年间总体呈上升趋势。相比较而言,漂浮马尾藻仅在2013、2017和2018年在浅滩聚集形成春季藻华;且这三年,漂浮马尾藻密度超过同期漂浮绿藻。浅滩漂浮马尾藻的发生与发展过程与漂浮浒苔明显不同。3月,漂浮马尾藻开始出现于浅滩离岸海域,4-5月,漂浮马尾藻大量侵入浅滩,因此浅滩漂浮马尾藻现并非起源于本地。受高强度人类活动以及浅滩以外海域物理化学和生物过程的影响,浅滩环境因素与漂浮绿藻生物量的关系不甚明确。对于漂浮马尾藻的起源以及与漂浮绿藻的相互关系也需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing were studied during the 2007 spring bloom in Central Yellow Sea. The surveyed stations were divided to pre-bloom phase (Chl a concentration less than 2 μg L−1), and bloom phase (Chl a concentration greater than 2 μg L−1). Shipboard dilution incubation experiments were carried out at 19 stations to determine the phytoplankton specific growth rates and the specific grazing rates of microzooplankton on phytoplankton. Diatoms dominated in the phytoplankton community in surface waters at most stations. For microzooplankton, Myrionecta rubra and tintinnids were dominant, and heterotrophic dinoflagellate was also important in the community. Phytoplankton-specific growth rates, with an average of 0.60±0.19 d−1, were higher at pre-bloom stations (average 0.62±0.17 d−1), and lower at the bloom stations (average 0.59±0.21 d−1), but the difference of growth rates between bloom and pre-bloom stations was not statistically significant (t test, p=0.77). The phytoplankton mortality rate by microzooplankton grazing averaged 0.41±0.23 d−1 at pre-bloom stations, and 0.58±0.31 d−1 during the blooms. In contrast to the growth rates, the statistic difference of grazing rates between bloom and pre-bloom stations was significant (after removal of outliers, t test, p=0.04), indicating the importance of the top-down control in the phytoplankton bloom processes. Average potential grazing efficiency on primary productivity was 66% at pre-bloom stations and 98% at bloom stations, respectively. Based on our results, the biomass maximum phase (bloom phase) was not the maximum growth rate phase. Both phytoplankton specific growth rate and net growth rate were higher in the pre-bloom phase than during the bloom phase. Microzooplankton grazing mortality rate was positively correlated with phytoplankton growth rate during both phases, but growth and grazing were highly coupled during the booming phase. There was no correlation between phytoplankton growth rate and cell size during the blooms, but they were positive correlated during the pre-bloom phase. Our results indicate that microzooplankton grazing is an important process controlling the growth of phytoplankton in spring bloom period in the Central Yellow Sea, particularly in the “blooming” phase.  相似文献   

通过单因子实验,研究了短角异剑水蚤(Apocyclops royi)在不同温度、光照、pH 值、饵料密度以及单性条件下对盐生杜氏藻的滤水率(F)和滤食率(G),及其对3种常见饵料微藻(盐生杜氏藻、球等边金藻和海水小球藻)摄食的选择性,旨在为该物种的人工高效可控培养提供实验和技术基础.结果表明,实验温度范围内(20,25和30℃),短角异剑水蚤对盐生杜氏藻的滤水率和滤食率差异不显著,其中25℃时 F和 G 较高,分别为(0.049±0.014)mL/(个?h)和(1.393±0.369)×104个/(个?h);滤水率和滤食率随光照强度的增加而升高,光照强度为9800 lx 时 F 和 G 最高,分别为(0.053±0.012)mL/(个?h)和(1.295±0.303)×104个/(个?h); pH 值为9.0时,滤水率和滤食率显著高于其他实验组(7.0、8.0、10.0);滤水率随饵料密度的增加呈现先增加后降低的趋势,滤食率随饵料密度的增大而升高;滤水率和滤食率存在性别差异,雌性的 F 和 G 均比雄性约高16%.实验的3种微藻中,球等鞭金藻的选择性指数最高.  相似文献   

Bacterial abundance, phytoplankton community structure and environmental parameters were investigated to study the relationships between bacteria and phytoplankton during giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai blooms in the central Yellow Sea during 2013. N. nomurai appeared in June, increased in August, reached a peak and began to degrade in September 2013. Results showed that phosphate was possible a key nutrient for both phytoplankton and bacteria in June, but it changed to nitrate in August and September. Phytoplankton composition significantly changed that pico-phytoplankton relative biomass significantly increased, whereas other size phytoplankton significantly decreased during jellyfish bloom. In June, a significantly positive correlation was observed between chlorophyll a concentration and bacterial abundance(r=0.67, P0.001, n=34).During jellyfish outbreak in August, there was no significant correlation between phytoplankton and bacteria(r=0.11, P0.05, n=25), but the relationship(r=0.71, P0.001, n=31) was rebuilt with jellyfish degradation in September. In August, small size phytoplankton occupied the mixed layer in offshore stations, while bacteria almost distributed evenly in vertical. Chlorophyll a concentration significantly increased from(0.42±0.056) μg/L in June to(0.74±0.174) μg/L in August, while bacterial abundance just slightly increased. Additionally, the negative net community production indicated that community respiration was not entirely determined by the local primary productivity in August. These results indicated that jellyfish blooms potentially affect coupling of phytoplankton and bacteria in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Seasonal development of Calanus finmarchicus was studied in relation to the physical environment and phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the Norwegian Sea during eight basin-scale surveys from March to August 1995. Our main objective was to gain new knowledge about the life cycle of C. finmarchicus and its adaptation to the physical and biological environment of the Norwegian Sea. Time of spawning, estimated by temperature-dependent back-calculations from the occurrences of copepodite stage 1 (CIs), varied by water mass and occurred mainly during the phytoplankton pre-bloom and bloom periods. Recruitment to CI of the year's first generation (G1) generally occurred during the bloom and late bloom. The seasonal development of C. finmarchicus was progressively delayed from Coastal to Atlantic and to Arctic water, and from south to north within Atlantic and Arctic waters. This delay was partly linked to the phytoplankton bloom development that followed the same pattern, but development of C. finmarchicus also showed an increasing tendency to lag behind the phytoplankton development in colder waters. This may explain why C. finmarchicus are less successful in colder water. The consumption of nitrate was used as proxy for the seasonal history of phytoplankton development to aid interpretation of the lifecycle of C. finmarchicus. This approach allows us to align phytoplankton bloom and copepod development sequences despite temporal and geographical variation in bloom development, which otherwise tend to cause variability in quasi-synoptic and large-scale data. Two generations of C. finmarchicus were found in southern and northern regions of Coastal Water, and in southern Atlantic Water. In northern Atlantic Water and in Arctic Water, one generation was observed.  相似文献   

本文在室内条件下研究了大、中、小3种规格的香港巨牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)对牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros muelleri)、亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)、球等鞭藻(Isochrysis galbana)3种浮游植物在同等密度、同等生物量条件下的摄食率和滤清率,探讨了香港巨牡蛎对3种浮游植物的摄食差异及其影响因素。结果表明,在28℃水温条件下,香港巨牡蛎的单位个体滤清率和单位体质量滤清率分别为1.40~8.94 L/(ind·h)和0.86~3.17 L/(g·h),等密度和等生物量浮游植物条件下香港巨牡蛎均表现出单位个体滤清率由高到低依次为:大规格、中规格、小规格;不同规格香港巨牡蛎的单位体质量滤清率相近。相同藻类密度条件下,香港巨牡蛎的单位体质量滤清率由高到低依次为:亚心形扁藻、球等鞭金藻、牟氏角毛藻;相同生物量条件下,香港巨牡蛎对3种浮游植物单位体质量滤清率由高到低依次为:球等鞭金藻、亚心形扁藻、牟氏角毛藻。香港巨牡蛎对不同浮游植物种类和密度的滤清率、摄食率差异主要是受饵料的大小、营养质量和密度等因素影响。  相似文献   

Year-round investigations were carried out to address the population dynamics of amphipod Ampithoe valida and its potential regulating factors in the Yundang Lagoon (a eutrophic subtropical coastal lagoon in Xiamen City, China) from October 2007 to October 2008. The results show that A. valida population was largely composed of juveniles and reached a peak abundance (12.02 × 10 3 ind./m2 ) in March, but sharply shrunk in July. The monthly variation pattern of A. valida seemed to follow that of Ulva lactuca which is the main food resource for A. valida, indicating a strong influence of food availability on A. valida population dynamics. Life cycle studies in laboratory indicate that A. valida adopted an r-selected life strategy, e.g., rapid growth rate (0.216-0.302 mm/d), consecutive breeding (4-10 times), short reproductive rhythm (9-17 d) and huge fecundity (24-192 eggs or 6-94 juveniles per brood), which contributed to the fast population growth of A. valida from January to March. Although temperature may also be a significant cause, A. valida could grow quickly and show normal reproductive traits (i.e., the timing of sexual differentiation or maturity, the reproductive rhythm, the number of broods all through its lifespan and offspring production) in temperature between 15-30 C. Therefore, the temperature variation in the lagoon water should not account for the sharp variation of A. valida population by affecting the survival, growth and reproduction of the amphipod. However, negative correlation between water temperature and U. lactuca biomass in the lagoon suggested that temperature could have indirectly affected the population dynamics of A. valida by affecting its food availability. The authors conclude that, in the Yundang Lagoon, the population dynamics of A. valida was mainly controlled by the food availability rather than water temperature.  相似文献   

近年来富营养化等海洋污染现象日益加重,我国近海每年都会暴发浒苔绿潮和微藻赤潮现象。本文在实验室模拟条件下,研究了不同状态不同含量的浒苔(Ulva prolifera),即浒苔新鲜藻体、浒苔培养液和浒苔干粉末与东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)共培养时产生的竞争抑制作用。结果表明,浒苔新鲜藻体、浒苔培养液和浒苔干粉末在初始质量含量大于1 g/L的条件下都会对东海原甲藻产生抑制作用,浒苔干粉末的抑制强度远远超过浒苔培养滤液和浒苔新鲜藻体。在二者共培养时,出现了“低促高抑”的现象,即浒苔含量较低时会促进东海原甲藻的生长,而高含量的浒苔则抑制东海原甲藻的生长,且抑制作用随浒苔含量的升高而增大。浒苔对东海原甲藻的这种抑制作用,一方面可能来自于营养物质的竞争和消耗,另一方面可能来自于浒苔释放的化感物质对东海原甲藻产生的影响。利用浒苔对东海原甲藻的抑制作用,可为东海原甲藻赤潮的生物防治提供一种思路与方法。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate controls on the phytoplankton community composition and biogeochemistry of the estuarine plume zone of the River Thames, U.K. using an instrumented moored buoy for in situ measurements and preserved sample collection, and laboratory-based measurements from samples collected at the same site. Instrumentation on the moored buoy enabled high frequency measurements of a suite of environmental variables including in situ chlorophyll, water-column integrated irradiance, macronutrients throughout an annual cycle for 2001 e.g. nitrate and silicate, and phytoplankton biomass and species composition. The Thames plume region acts as a conduit for fluvial nutrients into the wider southern North Sea with typical winter concentrations of 45 μM nitrate, 17 μM silicate and 2 μM phosphate measured. The spring bloom resulted from water-column integrated irradiance increasing above 60 W h m− 2 d− 1 and was initially dominated by a diatom bloom mainly composed of Nitzschia sp. and Odontella sinesis. The spring bloom then switched after  30 days to become dominated by the flagellate Phaeocystis reaching a maximum chlorophyll concentration of 37.8 μg L− 1. During the spring bloom there were high numbers of the heterotrophic dinoflagellates Gyrodinium spirale and Katodinium glaucum that potentially grazed the phytoplankton bloom. This diatom–flagellate switch was predicted to be due to a combination of further increasing water-column integrated irradiance > 100 W h m− 2 d− 1 and/or silicate reaching potentially limiting concentrations (< 1 μM). Post spring bloom, diatom dominance of the lower continuous summer phytoplankton biomass occurred despite the low silicate concentrations (Av. 0.7 μM from June–August). Summer diatom dominance, generally due to Guinardia delicatula, was expected to be as a result of microzooplankton grazing, dominated by the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans, controlling 0.7–5.0 μm ‘flagellate’ fraction of the phytoplankton community with grazing rates up to 178% of ‘flagellate’ growth rate. The Thames plume region was therefore shown to be an active region of nutrient and phytoplankton processing and transport to the southern North Sea. The use of a combination of moorings and ship-based sampling was essential in understanding the factors influencing nutrient transport, phytoplankton biomass and species composition in this shelf sea plume region.  相似文献   

本研究以野生福建牡蛎(A)为亲本一方, 分别与野生长牡蛎(G)、熊本牡蛎(S)、香港巨牡蛎(H)进行杂交, 除A♀×S♂、A♀×H♂两组杂交不育外, 共得到AG(A♀×G♂)、GA(G♀×A♂)、SA(S♀×A♂)、HA(H♀×A♂)、AA(A♀×A♂)5个不同组合, 并研究不同盐度与温度对其幼虫孵化率、早期生长及成活率的影响。结果表明, 盐度25时AG、GA、SA、HA、AA五组孵化率分别达到最大值78.33%、75.00%、63.33%、55.00%、71.67%; 温度低于25℃时, GA孵化率高于其他组, 温度高于25℃时AG孵化率最大, 其中25℃时达到最大孵化率83.33%; 不同盐度条件下D型幼虫经过7 d培育, HA在盐度20时壳高达到最大值97.8 µm, 成活率46.67%, 在盐度为35时第5天全部死亡。AG、GA、SA、AA四组在盐度为25时壳高有最大值, 分别为124.7 µm、121.2 µm、93.7 µm, 111.8 µm; 不同温度条件下D型幼虫经过7 d培育, 在温度为25℃时各组壳高和成活率均有最大值, 大小排列依次为AG>GA>AA>HA>SA, 各组成活率随温度升高呈现出先增大后减小的趋势, AG在25℃时成活率在所有组中最高, 为88.89%; 孵化后在适宜温度盐度条件下连续培养16 d, 不同组之间壳高表现为: AG > GA> AA > HA > SA, AG壳高、壳高SGR及成活率始终大于其他组, 而SA、HA两组壳高、壳高SGR及成活率始终小于自交组AA。研究表明, 相较于福建牡蛎与熊本牡蛎、香港巨牡蛎的杂交, 以及福建牡蛎的自交, 福建牡蛎与长牡蛎的杂交子代表现出明显的生长及存活优势, 生长潜力较好, 且AG优于GA; AG组在盐度25、水温25℃条件下生长速率最大, 成活率最高。研究结果可为福建牡蛎育苗行业良种选育提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为鲆鲽鱼耐低温标记辅助育种研究和应用提供候选基因,并了解耐寒相关基因在低温下的表达图示,作者通过同源克隆以及5?/3?RACE的方法扩增得到了牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)CIRP和HMGB1基因。组织表达谱分析显示,这两个基因在脑、鳃、心脏、肌肉、肝脏、肠等组织均有表达,但HMGB1基因在鳃中表达较弱。低温胁迫后,两基因随着胁迫时间的延长其表达量在肌肉中都出现先上升后下降的趋势:在0~12 h逐渐上升并达到最大值,然后下降恢复至最初水平。但在肝脏和脑组织中的变化趋势却不同,低温胁迫后0~2 h HMGB1基因在脑中的表达量上升至最高,然后下降至最初水平,在肝脏中变化不大。而CIRP基因在低温胁迫后0~2 h在肝脏中表达量处于上升趋势,然后下降至初始水平,在脑中变化不大。由此推测,这两个基因在低温条件下都参与了机体对外界的抵抗,特别是在抵抗外界寒冷的主要组织—肌肉中发挥作用,可能共同参与了机体的免疫反应,对低温胁迫环境下的鱼体进行保护,可以作为鱼类耐低温标记筛选的候选基因。  相似文献   

The venerid bivalve Callista chione is the most prominent suspension-feeding bivalve inhabiting the soft bottom of coastal areas in the northern Euboikos Gulf (Aegean Sea), where it is exploited by small-scale fishery. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function were estimated and the somatic production-to-biomass ratio was found to be 0.45 y−1. The maximum age of adult individuals was 17 years. The species is gonochoristic, its oocyte diameter ranged from 54.5 to 120 μm with a conspicuous jelly-coat. Microscopical examination of the gonads showed that gonadal production did not start until the second year of life. The observations on the gonadal cycle indicate that this bivalve is capable of year-round reproduction.  相似文献   

沈萍萍  齐雨藻  欧林坚 《海洋科学》2018,42(10):146-162
球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel)是全球海洋广泛分布的有害藻华种类。1997年10月,中国东南沿海首次暴发了此种藻类的大规模藻华,其后陆续在福建、广东、广西、海南、河北及天津等省市沿海暴发多起同种藻华。中国近海的球形棕囊藻藻华呈现两大独有的特点,即藻类囊体较大(可达3厘米),以及藻华可毒害养殖业。历经20多年,球形棕囊藻在中国沿海已从一个"藻华新记录种"变成了"藻华常见种"。值得注意的是, 2014年以来,广西北部湾海域棕囊藻藻华肆虐,威胁核电冷源安全,受到了社会高度关注,也对球形棕囊藻藻华的研究提出了新的挑战与要求。针对这一生态灾害的最新发展趋势,本文总结了20年来中国球形棕囊藻及其藻华灾害的发生与发展状况,分别就棕囊藻的分类、生活史特征、营养特性、藻华形成的环境驱动因素、生态毒理等诸多方面开展简要综述,冀望为棕囊藻藻华的研究及防治提供基础资料及思路。  相似文献   

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