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The paper presents a method for separating the small metallic nonferrous particles from two component metallic nonferrous mixtures using a new type of dynamic eddy-current separator with permanent magnets. The so-called two successive steps eddy-current separator (TSECS) consists of a horizontal rotary drum covered with permanent magnets, alternately N–S and S–N oriented. The separation process takes place in two stages, first the strongly conducting particles are separated on the upper part of the drum, and then the remaining undecided and poorly conducting particles are separated at the lower part of the magnetic drum. The experimental results and comments regarding the values obtained for separation efficiency, grade and recovery for wastes consisting in Cu–Pb and Cu–Al mixtures are given. The obtained results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

The paper presents a method for separating the small metallic nonferrous particles from two component nonferrous mixtures using a new type of dynamic eddy-current separator with permanent magnets. The so called Angular Drum Eddy-Current Separator (ADECS) consists of a horizontal rotary drum covered with permanent magnets, alternately N–S and S–N oriented. The rotor is placed oblique, under the superior part of a horizontal conveyor belt, coplanar with its surface. The axis of the drum and the direction of displacement of the belt make a certain angle, depending on the physical properties of the particles subjected to the separation process. The separator functions on the basis of the jump effect of the strongly conducting particles which assume different trajectories in the active zone of the field, namely, upper part of the drum. The experimental results and comments regarding the values obtained for grade and recovery for wastes consisting in Cu–Pb and Cu–Al mixtures are given.  相似文献   

采集煤矿区城市义马、平顶山、永城夏季大气PM10样品,采用带能谱的扫描电镜(SEM-EDX)研究了PM10中的矿物颗粒组成、成因及来源。结果表明,矿区矿物颗粒按化学成分共有5种主要类型,分别为"富Si"、"富Ca"、"富S"、"富K"、"富Cl"型。其中平顶山地区"富Si"颗粒占百分比最高(78%),矿物颗粒硫酸盐化程度小;永城地区硫酸盐化程度中等,几乎所有的"富Ca"碱性碳酸盐颗粒都硫酸盐化成石膏;义马地区矿物硫酸盐化程度最大,除石膏以外,还有一定量硫酸铵形成。永城和义马地区还出现了一定量的"富K"(12.7%)和"富Cl"(10.6%)颗粒,与秸秆焚烧活动有关。通过对3个矿区城市PM10硫酸盐化程度对比可以发现,偏碱性的碳酸盐矿物、煤炭燃烧和秸秆焚烧燃烧释放出大量的酸性SO2以及较高的空气湿度,均有利于硫酸盐化的进行,硫酸盐颗粒的形成对煤矿区城市的区域性气候具有一定影响。  相似文献   


环境磁学指标已被用来区分中国近海沉积物中长江和黄河物质来源,但是该方法会受到潜在的成岩作用影响。硅酸盐中的磁性矿物包裹体不受成岩作用影响,具有可靠区分物源的潜力。本研究将盐酸(10 mol/L)处理后样品的磁性特征视作硅酸盐中磁性矿物包裹体的贡献,以提供区分长江和黄河沉积物的新指标。结果表明,盐酸处理后样品中与磁性矿物含量有关的参数(χ、SIRM、χARM、HIRM)不到处理前样品参数值的10%;硅酸盐中的磁性矿物包裹体以低矫顽力的亚铁磁性矿物为主,相比原样中的亚铁磁性颗粒更细;盐酸处理后长江沉积物相比黄河,具有更高的SIRM、χARM、HIRM值,表明前者包裹体中亚铁磁性矿物和不完整反铁磁性矿物含量更高。分粒级的磁学参数显示,两个河流沉积物磁性矿物包裹体SIRM与HIRM值随着粒级的增大而增大。由于长江支流众多,岩石类型复杂,包裹体磁性参数变化较大,而黄河物质主要来自于黄土高原的黄土,黄土由源区至高原的风力搬运过程中的分选和混合,使得包裹体磁性矿物含量较低,但磁性参数相对均一。本研究表明,利用硅酸盐中磁性矿物包裹体SIRM和S-100散点图、磁性参数主成分分析和热磁曲线,可有效区分长江和黄河沉积物。


矿业活动固体废弃物中重金属元素释放机理 的浸出实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿业活动中产生的固体废弃物包括废石、尾矿和冶炼废渣。这些固体废弃物堆放于露天环境,经过长期的自然风化作用,会对周围环境产生重要的影响。以攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿矿业活动为例,采集了废石、尾矿和冶炼废渣3种类型的固体废弃物,通过浸出实验,研究了不同粒度、不同pH值条件下这些废弃物中重金属元素的释放机理及其对环境产生的影响。结果表明,大多数元素在pH值条件偏小的环境中浸出率更大,在碱性环境中浸出率更小,但废石中的V、Cr和废渣中的Ti在碱性条件下浸出率更高;细粒样品在相同pH值条件下浸出率较粗粒大,但在pH=12的条件下Ti 、V、Ni、Cr和pH=1条件下Ti、Cr的浸出量出现反常,即在粗粒样品中高于细粒样品。固体废弃物释放的重金属元素会对周围环境产生一定的影响,需要加强监测。  相似文献   

矿业活动中产生的固体废弃物包括废石、尾矿和冶炼废渣。这些固体废弃物堆放于露天环境,经过长期的自然风化作用,会对周围环境产生重要的影响。以攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿矿业活动为例,采集了废石、尾矿和冶炼废渣3种类型的固体废弃物,通过浸出实验,研究了不同粒度、不同pH值条件下这些废弃物中重金属元素的释放机理及其对环境产生的影响。结果表明,大多数元素在pH值条件偏小的环境中浸出率更大,在碱性环境中浸出率更小,但废石中的V、Cr和废渣中的Ti在碱性条件下浸出率更高;细粒样品在相同pH值条件下浸出率较粗粒大,但在pH=12的条件下Ti 、V、Ni、Cr和pH=1条件下Ti、Cr的浸出量出现反常,即在粗粒样品中高于细粒样品。固体废弃物释放的重金属元素会对周围环境产生一定的影响,需要加强监测。  相似文献   

Environmental impact resulting from mining activities is serious and ubiquitous all over the world, and it has become one of the important aspects in environmental geochemistry. The environment was seriously damaged by wastes from historical zinc smelting in Northwest Guizhou. The geochemical distributions of Pb and Zn in the different grain-size fractions of wastes indicate that the coarser particles show similar or even higher heavy metal concentrations than finer ones in the samples, although the concentrations of heavy metals tend generally to increase as the size fractions get finer. The heavy metal contents are very high, with maximum values of 31631, 57178, 2367 and 311.5 mg/kg for Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd, respectively. It is also shown that the residual fraction of Pb is less than that of Zn, accounting for 0.39%-15.75% and 14.3%-46.2%, respectively, of the total, and this is likely relative to Zn-silicate minerals formed from smelting. Although the relative partitioning of Pb and Zn is very low (0.03%- 1.3.% for Pb; 0.03% -3.3% for Zn), the exchangeable fraction of the waste contains large amounts of heavy metals (1.5%-385 μg/g for Pb; 3-590 μg/g for Zn). Heavy metals in exchangeable forms have the highest solubility to give the highest potential bioavailability in contrast to other chemical forms. Mineralogical study indicates that the wastes were found to be highly heterogeneous materials, dominated by quartz, feldspar, carbonatite, iron or/and aluminum vitric compounds and a few secondary mineral phases, and their contents vary with the type of smelting wastes. The secondary minerals formed from smelting and sequentially weathering are the major chemical phase for heavy metals. Complex composition of many phases and substitution of elements suggested that many of the phases were found to be non-stoichiometric compounds. Pb was found to be the main Pb phase in the wastes by precipitation or/and adsorption.  相似文献   

借助稀释通道采样系统,采集了5种民用煤(3种块煤、1种蜂窝煤和1种煤球)燃烧排放的PM2.5和单颗粒样品.利用ICP-MS分析了PM2.5中16种金属元素(Mg、Al和K 3种轻金属;V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、As、Rb、Sr、Cd、Ba和Bi共13种重金属)的含量,并运用TEM和SEM-EDX研究了燃煤...  相似文献   


铷-锶(Rb-Sr)同位素体系的放射性同位素衰变规律可以用于分析成矿物质来源和确定成矿时代,对于理解矿床的形成过程、确定矿床的成因以及对进一步找矿都具有十分重要的作用。多接收表面热电离质谱(MC-TIMS)是当前地质样品高精度锶同位素组成分析的首选技术,但法拉第杯之间的杯系数差异严重制约了仪器测量的精确度和准确度。本文采用动态多接收校正方法开展了TIMS的高精度锶同位素分析,通过蒙特卡洛模拟和实际测量论证了这一方法在提高锶同位素分析精确度和准确度方面的有效性。结果表明,采用动态多接收校正方法能够有效地消除杯系数的影响,不仅能确保测量的准确度,还能提高2~3倍的测量精确度,实现优于8ppm的仪器长期测试精度。地质样品的化学前处理采用AG 50W-X8树脂和Sr特效树脂两柱可以实现分离。淋洗曲线实验表明该分离流程具有很好的普适性,全流程空白小于150pg,锶回收率≥95%。采用本方法对13种具有不同岩性和锶含量的国家标准物质进行了高精度锶同位素分析测定,其中9种为首次报道,丰富了该系列标样的锶同位素数据库,为更广泛的地质应用提供有力支撑。


Far-from-equilibrium batch dissolution experiments were carried out on the 2000–500, 500–250, 250–53 and 53–2 μm size fractions of the mineral component of the B horizon of a granitic iron humus podzol after removal of organic matter and secondary precipitates. The different size fractions were mineralogically and chemically similar, the main minerals present being quartz, alkali and plagioclase feldspar, biotite and chlorite. Specific surface area increased with decreasing grain size. The measured element release rates decreased in the order 53–2>>>2000–500>500–250>250–53 μm. Surface area normalised element release rates from the 2000–500, 500–250 and 250–53 μm size fractions (0.6–77×10−14 mol/m2/s) were intermediate between literature reported surface area normalised dissolution rates for monomineralic powders of feldspar (0.1–0.01×10−14 mol/m2/s) and sheet silicates (100×10−14 mol/m2/s) dissolving under similar conditions. Element release rates from the 53–2 μm fraction (400–3000×10−14 mol/m2/s) were a factor of 4–30 larger than literature reported values for sheet silicates. The large element release rate of the 53–2 μm fraction means that, despite the small mass fraction of 53–2 μm sized particles present in the soil, dissolution of this fraction is the most important for element release into the soil. A theoretical model predicted similar (within a factor of <2) bulk element release rates for all the mineral powders if observed thicknesses of sheet silicate grains were used as input parameters. Decreasing element release rates with decreasing grain size were only predicted if the thickness of sheet silicates in the powders was held constant. A significantly larger release rate for the 53–2 μm fraction relative to the other size fractions was only predicted if either surface roughness was set several orders of magnitude higher for sheet silicates and several orders of magnitude lower for quartz and feldspars in the 53–2 μm fraction compared to the other size fractions or if the sheet silicate thickness input in the 53–2 μm fraction was set unrealistically low. It is therefore hypothesised that the reason for the unpredicted large release rate from the 52–3 μm size fraction is due to one or more of the following reasons: (1) the greater reactivity of the smaller particles due to surface free energy effects, (2) the lack of proportionality between the BET surface area used to normalise the release rates and the actual reactive surface area of the grains and, (3) the presence of traces quantities of reactive minerals which were undetected in the 53–2 μm fraction but were entirely absent in the coarser fractions.  相似文献   

用于同位素测年的自生伊利石分离纯化流程探索   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
张彦  陈文  杨慧宁 《地球学报》2003,24(6):622-626
沉积岩中自生矿物与碎屑矿物的分离问题是制约沉积岩定年的主要问题之一.本文以浙江和川西地区的粘土矿物为例,介绍了沉积岩中自生伊利石与碎屑矿物的一般分离过程,具体包括悬浮液的制备过程、高速离心机的条件实验和8个样品的分级实验,确定了较佳的分级参数,并对分级后的各级别进行了X-射线衍射(XRD)分析.X-射线衍射结果表明,随着粒度的减小,各种杂质的含量都在逐渐减少,在小于0.2 μm的粒级中,已检测不出石英、钾长石、钠长石、方解石、白云石等杂质的存在,其中有3个产品的成岩混层含量达到100%,,说明本次实验的分离纯化流程是比较成功的.综合考虑粒度和自生伊利石的纯度,一般情况下,以0.1~0.2 μm粒级的产品用于Ar-Ar和K-Ar测年较合适.但在实际进行年龄分析时,一定要先进行XRD和透射电镜分析,只有确定其成岩混层I/S的含量近100%(至少在95%以上)及混层中S的含量小于25%时,才可用于Ar-Ar和K-Ar年龄测定.  相似文献   

为探讨硫化物熔离对含矿岩体中橄榄石Ni含量的影响,在前人橄榄石结晶硫化物熔离模型的基础上,定量模似计算了分离结晶过程中橄榄石Ni含量,并将其应用于金川橄榄石成园研究。研究表明,部分橄榄石落于无硫化物熔离橄榄石结晶趋势线下方,暗示其母岩浆为S饱和。根据模拟计算S饱和母岩浆橄榄石分离结晶趋势线,指出金川深部岩浆房中母岩浆橄榄石的分离结晶程度小于或等于3%,而由橄榄石结晶所导致熔离的硫化物熔体与橄榄石之间质量比约为40。  相似文献   

高瓦斯低透气性煤体定向聚能爆破增透机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统煤层预裂爆破增透存在的问题,对定向聚能爆破控制裂纹演化方向的理论和方法进行研究,即通过聚能射流的初始导向裂纹与后续高压气体形成的气楔联合作用,达到控制裂纹演化方向和长度的目的。基于模型试验和数值模拟,探讨了定向聚能爆破聚能方向和非聚能方向裂纹演化的机制。在潘三矿掘进工作面现场运用定向聚能爆破技术,达到增加煤体裂纹与保护围岩稳定性有机的统一。试验结果表明:爆破后3 h内抽采瓦斯量变化最为明显,其中最大抽采量是原始抽采量的470倍。有效抽采半径为7 m以内,爆破后顶板振幅约为0.23 cm。  相似文献   

文章详述了恐龙骨骼化石矿物组分的化学分离方法,同时对开江恐龙骨骼化石样品进行了分离和中子活化分析,通过对测试结果进行生物地球化学的对比研究.发现恐龙骨骼化石中某些微量元素异常明显,并推断其中的砷(As)、铬(Cr)、铷(Rb)的高异常含量和锌(Zn)的低异常含量极有可能是导致开江恐龙动物群集群死亡的原因之一。  相似文献   

针对武汉地区不同地层、不同工艺产生的建筑工程废弃泥浆,通过光谱仪分析了其主要化学成分,并通过过滤、真空抽滤、离心以及不同絮凝剂的正交试验,以上清液浊度和清液率为主要指标对废弃泥浆泥水分离效果进行评价。试验发现:废弃泥浆固相颗粒以有机质为主;采用过滤方式取得的清液浊度较低,但清液率较少;采用真空抽滤方式处理废弃泥浆可以获得较多的上清液;采用离心方式能处理除含特细颗粒外的多数废弃泥浆;正交试验表明阳离子絮凝剂(PAM)处理废弃泥浆效果较好。  相似文献   


对香港白沙洲(连岛沙坝)采集两个现代样品,其年代范围为小于14年,并利用钾长石碎屑粗颗粒对这两个现代样品开展低温多步升温红外激发法(MET-pIRIR)测年研究,以进一步扩宽钾长石MET-pIRIR法的应用范围。经测试后(激发温度分别为50 ℃、80 ℃、110 ℃、140 ℃和170 ℃),发现两个样品110 ℃、140 ℃和170 ℃的等效剂量(De)数据在平均年龄模型下均有明显的年龄-温度坪。第1个钾长石样品(BSZ-A)在110 ℃、140 ℃和170 ℃对应年代结果分别为-26±30 a、-22±30 a和6±49 a,这些年代结果在误差范围内与年龄期望值一致;第2个钾长石样品(BSZ-B)在110 ℃、140 ℃和170 ℃的对应年代结果分别为357±168 a、289±138 a和391±158 a,这些年代结果比年龄期望值偏老约300年。以上数据表明对于香港白沙洲海岸带的年轻水成沉积物,在利用钾长石低温MET-pIRIR法测试时,如果采用平均年龄模型,即使出现很好的年龄-温度坪,但结果仍可能偏老数百年。通过分析发现造成第2个样品偏老的主要原因是在De分析中,先假定了平均年龄模型对De数据进行分析;这种假设对晒退较好的风成沉积物成立,但是对于晒退不充分的水成沉积物不一定成立,其应该采用最小年龄模型。在平均年龄模型中,由于平均效应可能造成一些晒退不好的De数据混入最终年代计算之中,造成年龄偏老。针对以上不足,本次研究对低温MET-pIRIR法的De分析流程进行了改进:首先对样品建立钾长石低温MET-pIRIR标准生长曲线,利用该曲线可以快速、大量获取不同测片的De数据;然后对每个测片逐片分析等效剂量-温度坪,并挑选有坪的De数据参与最终年代计算,以筛除pIRIR信号晒退很差的测片;最后根据筛选后De数据的统计分布特征和离散度(over-dispersion)来决定统计年龄模型。利用低温MET-pIRIR法新的De分析流程对香港白沙洲采集的两个现代样品进行重新测年,发现这两个样品的测年结果均比较理想,例如BSZ-A样品基于79个测片的年龄结果为-10±10 a,而BSZ-B样品基于73个测片的年龄结果为27±27 a。低温MET-pIRIR法改进的De分析流程为今后测试有晒退问题的钾长石光释光样品提供一种新的数据分析思路,尤其是钾长石MET-pIRIR法在平均年龄模型中没有年龄-温度坪的样品。


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