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熊飞  万琳 《岩石矿物学杂志》2011,30(6):1059-1062
贫镁和富镁坡缕石受热时表现出不同的热变化规律。物相分析表明,将提纯样品加热到设定温度并保温2h后,贫镁坡缕石经历了失水和玻璃相阶段:300℃以下晶体结构基本没变,350℃开始发生"折叠作用",400℃以上晶体结构被完全破坏,生成玻璃相;富镁坡缕石经历了失水、玻璃相和新晶相(顽火辉石)阶段:300℃以下晶体结构基本没变,350~500℃发生"折叠作用",600~950℃生成玻璃相,950℃以上生成顽火辉石雏晶。富镁坡缕石保持热稳定性的温度低于600℃,贫镁坡缕石的低于400℃。  相似文献   

研究了安徽明光富镁坡缕石和江苏盱眙贫镁坡缕石热处理后的结构变化,结果表明:富镁坡缕石八面体片对称性好,晶体结构稳定性高,结晶度高,热稳定性好;贫镁坡缕石八面体片中存在连续八面体空位,对称性差,晶体结构稳定性低,结晶度差,热稳定性差。在脱除结晶水和羟基过程中,富镁坡缕石由正交晶系转变为单斜晶系,层间距变小,孔道变形、塌陷但一直保持链层结构,显示晶质特性;而贫镁坡缕石的晶体结构发生折叠,链层结构逐步破坏,700℃煅烧后部分四面体片遭到破坏,虽然显示多晶特性为主,但开始出现非晶化现象。  相似文献   

坡缕石[理想结构式Si8O20(Al2Mg2)(OH)2(OH2)4.4H2O],工业上常称为凹凸棒石,是一种含水的2∶1型链层状镁铝硅酸盐矿物。当坡缕石八面体中Mg2+/R3+(Al3++Fe3+)>1时,称为富镁坡缕石;反之,则称为贫镁坡缕石。坡缕石具有纳  相似文献   

坡缕石的红外光谱研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
宋功保  刘福生 《岩石学报》1999,15(3):469-474
在仔细分析坡缕石结构特点的基础上,对坡缕石结构的组成离子进行了详细划分。利用晶体化学和分子轨道理论,深入研究了热液型和沉积型坡缕石的红外光谱谱图特点, 对坡缕石结构中的水以及 Si— O 区红外吸收带进行了归属研究。其中, 约 3694 cm - 1 、3611cm - 1 吸收带分别归属为 ν M g— O H 、ν Al— O H , 约 3540 cm - 1 吸收带归属为 ν O H 2 , 约 3394 cm - 1 、3294cm - 1 吸收带归属为ν H2 O , 约 1655 cm - 1、1400 cm - 1 吸收带归属为δ O H 2 、δ H 2 O ; Si— O 振动区,连接坡缕石倒转结构单元间的直线型 Si— O桥倒— Si的红外振动吸收频率最高, 与活性氧结合的 Si— O活红外振动吸收频率居次, 其中 Si— O活边 高于 Si— O活内, 而连接辉石式单链的 Si— O桥非— Si较低, 且 Si— O桥非间— Si比 Si— O桥非内 — Si低。  相似文献   

用红外吸收光谱法研究海泡石的热相变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用红外吸收光谱分析方法,对湖北广济海泡石的热相变过程进行了研究。研究 300℃以下,海泡石的结构保持稳定:300-800℃,海泡的结构发生畸变,形成海泡石酐相;800℃以上,海泡石的结构被破坏,形成新的矿物相斜顽辉石和方英石。  相似文献   

中国坡缕石晶体化学研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
郑自立  田煦 《矿物学报》1997,17(2):107-114
本研究通过对坡缕石化学成分分析数据的系统数理统计分析及结合透射电镜研究提出了Al2O3、Fe2O3、Mgo同SiO2一样为坡缕石的自身氧化物组分,而CaO、K2O、Na2O、TiO2等为主要以吸附态存在的非自身氧化物成分。相应的坡缕石晶体化学式为(Mg、Al、Fe、)5SiO20。(OH)2:·4(H2O)·nH2O(□—空位)。Ala3 、Fe3 、Mg2 异价类质同象置换的线性方程为Mg2 =4.978-1.519(Al3 +Fe3 )。穆斯堡尔谱、红外光谱及(020)面网晶格条纹象的分裂研究表明了阳离子占位形式:MIM2M3M3M1,其中边缘M1=(Fex3+)(Mg),中间M3=(A13 +Fe3+),M2=Al3 (缺Fe3 )或M2=(Fe3 +Al3 )或等于(Fe3 )和(□)。坡缕石的Mg2 -Al3 -Fe3 组分三角形图解揭示了:富Fe外生沉积成因为主的土状坡缕石和贫Fe富Al的热液交代蚀变充填作用为主的纤维状坡缕石的成分成因分类。  相似文献   

为探究不同浓度H2SO4溶液活化的坡缕石对土壤中Cd的钝化效果,使用浓度分别为5%、7.5%、10%、12.5%、15%的H2SO4溶液对坡缕石进行活化,加入Cd污染土壤进行钝化实验和盆栽实验.结果表明:施加不同浓度H2SO4溶液活化的坡缕石均能显著降低土壤有效态Cd含量,10%的H2SO4活化的坡缕石钝化效果最显著,...  相似文献   

安徽官山两种坡缕石粘土的成分与红外吸收谱   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
蔡元峰  薛纪越 《矿物学报》2001,21(3):323-329
本文采用多种成分分析手段对官山两种不同颜色坡缕石全粘土进行了研究。全粘土湿化学分析扣除SiO2含量计算得到的坡缕石阳离子数与电子探针获得的阳离子数一致。配位八面体阳离子计算表明,粉红色坡缕石为三八面体矿物,灰白色坡缕石是介于三八面体矿物和二八面体矿物间的中间类型。X射线粉末衍射的K值法对全粘土矿物定量分析有着较高的精度,同时用电子探针波谱可准确测定坡缕石粘土的成分。官山两种不同颜色含坡缕石的全粘土红外吸收谱能反映其中坡缕石的吸收谱特征。对X射线光电子能谱研究表明两种不同颜色的坡缕石中的铁主要是Fe^3 ,这与全岩湿化学分析的结果是一致的,同时也还可以作为电子探针成分分析的补充。  相似文献   

采用Fourier变换红外吸收光谱和X射线粉晶衍射技术对四川石棉县蛇纹石猫眼进行了研究。红外吸收光谱结果表明:四川蛇纹石猫眼可分为纤蛇纹石和叶蛇纹石两种类型,两者在(960-1100)cm-1和(3600-3690)cm-1的范围内由Si-O伸缩振动的E1类振动和OH伸缩振动表现出的红外谱带分裂强度及谱带特征存在明显的差异。在(960- 1100)cm-1间:纤蛇蚊石的红外光谱分裂成三个明显的谱带,而叶蛇纹石在此区间只有两条谱带。在570cm-1附近的红外谱带以肩状出现;OH伸缩振动区:纤蛇蚊石出现两条红外谱带,而叶蛇蚊石只出现一条红外谱带。X射线粉晶衍射结果表明:叶蛇蚊石具有d202=0.2522nm(I/I0=19)和d203=0.2430nm(I/I0=18)的特征谱线,而纤蛇纹石则具有d202、006=0.2446nm(I/I0=29)的特征谱线,d020>0.245nm近0.249 nm的特征谱线缺失。  相似文献   

层状硅酸盐样品用于红外二色性研究,当射线的电场矢量与振动的偶极矩方向成一角度时,这吸收与角度成比例,当某振动的偶极矩与电场矢量平行时,产生最大吸收,而这两矢量彼此垂直时将不产生吸收。在云母和有关晶体中可看到,在二八面体组成中,在改变电场矢量时倾斜OH团的OH振动强度保持不变,而与在三八面体组成中垂直于解理面方向的八面体OH团相比,当层状定向颗粒方向改变时显示强度大大增加,由此能获得层状硅酸盐OH键的方向,在晶体结构分析中能提供有价值的信息。  相似文献   

坡缕石粘土的酸化机理及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
酸化生产活性坡缕石粘土,对于提高其品位和高效利用有重要意义。坡缕石粘土酸化机理及影响因素研究对其高效利用具有重要理论意义和实践价值。本文综述了酸化坡缕石粘土矿物组分、矿物学、比表面和孔道变化的特征以及酸化的主要影响因素等,并就坡缕石粘土酸化过程中存在的问题及研究方向做了简要论述。  相似文献   

生物成因与无机成因文石的FTIR光谱区别   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对16种贝壳交叉页片层中生物成因文石的FT IR谱进行测量,并与无机成因文石进行对比和统计分析后,首次发现生物成因与无机成因文石的FT IR光谱有明显可区分的特征,生物成因文石2ν带(面外弯曲振动)频率平均值为863.4 cm-1,而无机成因文石该带的平均值为855.5 cm-1,两者频率位移达7.9 cm-1。因此文石的2ν带可作为指纹带鉴别生物和无机成因文石。  相似文献   

The leaching of coal and coal/asphaltite/wood-ashes in sulfuric acid (pH 1.0, 25 °C, S/L, 1:10) was studied as a function of time; acid consumption and extracted metal concentrations are presented. Whole coals consumed acid rapidly during the first few minutes, followed by slow acid consumption. Wood-, lignite-, and asphaltite-ashes consumed acid in two stages, the rapid phase extending < 30 min and the slow phase extended up to 10 days. The rapid phase was dominated by the dissolution of Ca, K and Mg ions for wood-ash, by Ca, Al and Mg ions for lignite-ash and Ca and Mg ions for asphaltite-ash. The sulfur concentration in solution and the concentrations of Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Al and Mn in the aqueous phase verified the neutralizing capacity of the untreated ashes as well as the formation of insoluble sulfates in the residues. The slow phase kinetics differed for different fuels and exhibited leaching of several abundant elements—Fe, Al, K, Na and Mn. Trace elements (Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Th, U, V, Zn) sometimes required up to 32 h for maximal extraction from ashes. Suggestions are presented regarding the chemical nature of trace elements in the untreated coals and ashes and suitable residence times for economical industrial processes. We think it possible to combine bacteriological oxidation of sulfidic concentrates of acid leaching from ash of various qualities or even whole coals.  相似文献   

四川平武雪宝顶绿柱石的振动光谱   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自然界中绿柱石晶体多为柱状,具板状晶形的绿柱石非常少见。对产 于四川雪宝顶 云英岩晶洞中的无色透明板状绿柱石及产于雪宝顶蒲口坡石英脉中的绿柱石进行了红外和拉 曼光谱分析,并与产于阿尔泰三号伟晶岩脉中的柱状绿柱石进行了比较。雪宝顶两个绿柱 石的结构通道中的水以II型水为主,而阿尔泰绿柱石结构通道中的水以I型水为主。雪宝顶 绿柱石中Li对Be的替换也对它的红外及拉曼光谱造成了影响。  相似文献   

Cordaites principalis and Cordaites borassifolius, gymnosperm trees of the Carboniferous, are distinguished based on compression and cuticular morphology. A new distinction between them is suggested on the basis of differences in functional groups. Cuticular and compression spectra of C. borassifolius have lower CH2/CH3 ratios, suggesting more branched aliphatic chains in comparison with cuticles and compressions of C. principalis. Other differences are observed with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) technique, but they vary from sample to sample of the two species to suggest other than chemotaxonomic-based sources of variations.  相似文献   

Ambient-temperature environments in which dissolved silica and U(VI) are present may lack the conditions necessary to readily form crystalline uranyl-silicate phases; however amorphous phases, as defined by the absence of well-defined Bragg reflections in powder X-ray diffraction patterns, are kinetically favored when solution saturation levels are appropriate. Such amorphous uranyl-silicates may be related to the crystalline phases predicted to be thermodynamically stable and influence the mobility of U in the environment. To investigate amorphous uranyl-silicates and their relation to crystalline phases we precipitated solids from solutions containing 0.05 M UO2(ClO4)2 and 0.1 M Na2SiO3 adjusted to pH values from 2.2 to 9 and allowed the precipitates to age in their mother liquors for approximately 6 weeks at 22 °C. We compared the chemical composition, X-ray diffraction patterns, and Fourier transform infrared spectra of the precipitates to those of the crystalline phases predicted by thermodynamic modeling. The precipitates were amorphous with U:Si ratios of 0.8 ± 0.1. Their FTIR spectra revealed changes in the UO22+ and SiO44− vibrations as a function of pH that are consistent with a shift in mid-range structural linkages from those similar to soddyite to those more like Na-boltwoodite. Structural H2O, OH, and SiO3OH3− vibrations do not change as a function of pH and are consistent with a mixture of soddyite-like and Na-boltwoodite-like features. Six weeks of aging at ambient temperature is enough time for the precipitate structures to rearrange and adopt mid-range structural linkages characteristic of crystalline phases predicted by thermodynamic modeling.  相似文献   

铜在坡缕石中的吸附位置和吸附机理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔡元峰  薛纪越 《地质论评》2006,52(1):107-112
对四个吸附铜的坡缕石的解吸附实验研究表明,被解吸附的铜来自于坡缕石的表面和纤维状晶体的网状空隙。吸附铜的坡缕石的X射线光电子能谱(XPS)上出现了932.5eV和933.7eV的光电子峰,表明坡缕石表面的铜以Cu^+和Cu^2+的形式存在;傅立叶变换红外吸收光谱(FTIR)上八面体离子的吸收峰出现规律性偏移,其中Mg3OH和Al2□OH吸收峰向高频方向移动了3~5cm^-1,部分铜离子进入到坡缕石的晶体结构的通道中;电子顺磁共振谱上(ESR)出现了g=2.34、2.12、2.08和2.05等4个信号:表明铜离子位于H^+难以到达的位置。吸附铜的坡缕石的矿物学研究及其解吸附实验的结果均表明铜在坡缕石中以3种形式存在:①以Cu^+和Cu^2+的形式吸附在坡缕石纤维的表面,与坡缕石表面的悬空氧成键;②以ECu(H2O)4]^2+的形式存在于坡缕石的晶体结构的微空腔中(通道);③以Cu^2+的形式存在于坡缕石晶体结构中的硅氧四面体六元环的底部或八面体位。  相似文献   

介绍了酸法地浸采铀工艺信息技术的显示,在长期生产和科研实践的基础上,总结归纳了酸法地浸采铀工艺的基本信息技术,以及如何利用这些信息对地浸开采实现有效的判断和调控,这些内容是地浸工作者必备和需要掌握的重要开采技术和手段。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the influences of pH, acidity and ionic intensity of the solutions on the resonance Rayleigh scattering spectra and fluorescence spectra of humic acid. When the pH value is low and the acidity and ionic intensity are high, the resonance Rayleigh spectra and fluorescence spectra both show a tendency of increasing, though the former’s intensity is much higher. In combination with the transmission electron microscope data, the factors leading to the occurrence and enhancement of the resonance Rayleigh scattering spectra of humic acid were explored. It is considered that particle enlargement caused by aggregation, the increase of heterogeneity, the increase of hydrophobility, the formation of interface, etc., are the factors leading to the occurrence and enhancement of the resonance Rayleigh scattering spectra of humic acid. As the intensity of the resonance Rayleigh scattering spectra of humic acid is much higher, resonance Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy can be used as a newly developed spectrum technology, which is more sensitive and simpler, to study humic acid and its complicated behaviors.  相似文献   

We report here a single-crystal polarized-light study of stoppaniite, ideally (Fe,Al,Mg)4(Be6Si12O36)(H2O)2(Na,□), from Capranica (Viterbo). Polarized-light FTIR spectra were collected on an oriented (hk0) section, doubly polished to 15 μm. The spectrum shows two main bands at 3,660 and 3,595 cm−1; the former is strongly polarized for E c, while the latter is polarized for E //c. A sharp and very intense band at 1,620 cm−1, plus minor features at 4,000 and 3,228 cm−1 are also polarized for E //c. On the basis of literature data and considering the pleochroic behavior of the absorptions, the 3,660 cm−1 band is assigned to the ν3 stretching mode and the 1,620 cm−1 (associated with an overtone 2*ν2 at 3,230 cm−1) band to the ν2 bending mode of “type II” water molecules within the structural channels of the studied beryl. The sharp band at 3,595 cm−1 is not associated with a corresponding ν2 bending mode; thus it is assigned to the stretching vibration of O–H groups in the sample. The minor 4,000 cm−1 feature can be assigned to the combination of the O–H bond parallel to c with a low-frequency metal-oxygen mode such as the Na–O stretching mode. The present results suggest that the interpretation of the FTIR spectrum of Na-rich beryl needs to be carefully reconsidered.  相似文献   

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