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准噶尔盆地西北缘的下二叠统佳木河组是一个油气聚集非常丰富的地区,其沉积岩相十分复杂。佳木河组下亚组为火山火山碎屑岩体系,中、上亚组是由正常碎屑岩体系和火山火山碎屑岩体系构成的复合体系。从下到上随着火山岩的大量喷发堆积及构造活动,环中拐地区不断凸起,沉积岩相不断向东迁移,油气的聚集也随之东移  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地西北缘风城地区白垩系油砂储量丰富,油砂油粘度极高,其分布受多重因素影响,其中沉积微相对油砂分布的影响最为显著。笔者综合利用岩心分析、测井资料、薄片鉴定、分析化验等资料,结合砂、砾岩展布特征,在对清水河组细分层的基础上重新对各层的沉积微相进行划分,并建立测井微相模式,分析白垩系各砂层组的沉积微相类型、分布规律及演化模式。研究表明,白垩系清水河组主要发育砂岩沉积的辫状河三角洲和砾岩沉积的扇三角洲两类沉积体系,三角洲前缘水下分流河道、辫状河心滩、河道砂体是油砂矿的主要储油砂体,也是油砂的有利聚集区。研究结果为进一步指导风城地区白垩系油砂矿藏的勘探与开发奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Six volcanic rocks, reconnaissance samples representing most of the temporal and compositional variation in the Pinacate volcanic field of Sonora and Arizona, are characterized for major element and Nd---Sr isotopic compositions. The samples consist of basanite through trachyte of an early shield volcano, and alkali basalts and a tholeiite from later craters and cinder cones. With the exception of the trachyte sample, which has increased 87Sr/86Sr due to crustal effects, all 87Sr/86Sr values fall between 0.70312 and 0.70342, while εNd values are all between + 5.0 and + 5.7. Clinopyroxene in a rare spinel-lherzolite nodule derived from the uppermost mantle beneath the field has 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70320 but εNd of + 8.8, three εNd units higher than the volcanic rocks. Both the volcanic rocks and the nodule record the presence of asthenospheric, rather than enriched lithospheric mantle beneath Pinacate. This is consistent with one or both of (a) proximity of Pinacate to the Gulf of California spreading center and (b) presence of similar asthenospheric mantle signatures in volcanic rocks over a wide contiguous area of the southwestern USA. We consider the comparison to other southwestern USA magma sources as the more relevant alternative, although a definite conclusion is not possible at this stage.  相似文献   

中国西北部发育有塔里木、准噶尔、柴达木、吐哈等四大含油气沉积盆地和众多的中小型含油气沉积盆地。现今盆地均是周缘造山带隆升后形成的地理型盆地,盆地基底均老于周缘造山带隆升时期,沉积盆地均具有造山型盆地性质。前人的研究表明周缘造山带的造山运动不仅给盆地提供了丰富的沉积物,同时控制了形成、改造和调整盆地的构造。笔者以相邻造山带构造演化对沉积盆地沉积、沉降、构造活动和热活动等特征的影响,特别是盆地边缘的影响研究为基础,在造山型盆地概念的基础上,系统讨论了造山带构造演化对含油气盆地油气生、储、盖、圈闭、运移和保存等方面的影响。  相似文献   

上石炭统黄龙组是渝东北双家坝气田天然气藏的主力产层.依据钻井、岩心、薄片、测井资料,并结合岩石学及古生物等的综合研究,建立了研究区石炭系黄龙组沉积模式.认为双家坝气田黄龙组沉积发育有萨勃哈、海湾陆棚2个沉积相带,具水体逐渐加深和范围向陆上超与扩大的海侵序列.根据沉积相标志又可进一步划分出6个亚相带和8个微相带.依据单井的沉积相研究成果进一步编制了黄龙组一段(C2hl1)、黄龙组二段(C2hl2)、黄龙组三段(C2h23)沉积微相展布图,其中黄龙组二段的复合颗粒滩、砂屑滩、生屑滩微相是本区的有利沉积相带,为双家坝气田石炭系主力产气相带.  相似文献   

Dissolved silica and phosphorous show a highly nonconservative behavior in the Ganges Estuary. In addition, phosphorous also shows seasonal variations, with winter levels higher than the levels in the monsoon. Mineral composition inducates enrichment of coarse quartz grains due to selective removal of finer clays in the estuary, either due to flocculation or due to dredging effects of the Port of Calcutta. Particulate P and Si show strong opposite trends, possibly indicating the presence of P in predominently nondetrial fractions in the sediments. Certain trace contaminants, such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb and Zn, show seasonal variability as well as enrichment in suspended particulate material relative to bed sediments. Levels of all these contaminents are still well below those reported for rivers such as the Rhine and other highly man-influenced systems.  相似文献   

Offset of prograde hydrothermal alterations by retrograde reactions is evident in sediments from a piston core (PC6, 8 m long) from the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California. Geochemical and mineralogical analyses of sediments and pore fluids show superimposed geochemical signals that indicate currently active reactions are modifying previously formed secondary solids. Hydrothermal barite was formed in a previously active flow channel between 150 and 250 cm depth. Hydrothermal gypsum is presently dissolving at depths > 780 cm, below which hydrothermal fluid flow is channeled by a secondary dolomite layer. Thermal stress of organic matter generates hydrothermal gas and petroleum having wide ranges of compositions and maturities. A significant amount of hydrothermally generated oil has been transported laterally through a porous debris flow (approx. 240 cm subbottom), overwhelming the indigenous bituminous matter. Water soluble petroleum constituents have disseminated throughout the cored sediments. From 400 to 700 cm depth the immature organic matter continues to experience thermally-enhanced diagenesis, and an even higher thermal stress has occurred at the bottom of the core. Enhanced bacterial degradation of organic matter has led to depletion of pore water sulfate and enrichment of ammonium (NH4+) in both pore fluid and sediment, resulting in formation of NH4+ bearing secondary clay minerals at depths below 780 cm.  相似文献   

为明确巴布亚盆地主要的含油气系统发育层段——侏罗系的沉积特征及其与油气勘探的关系,在分析前人研究成果、沉积背景与古物源的基础上,通过地震相、测井相、岩心相"三相"联合分析及与周边的布劳斯盆地的类比,识别了沉积微相类型,刻画了沉积体系的纵横向展布特征;通过不同沉积相带生烃指标、储层物性参数对比,明确了有利的烃源岩与储层发...  相似文献   

For a typical offshore petroleum well, 500–1000 t (dry weight excluding cuttings) of drilling fluid solids are discharged into the sea. In this study, concentrations of selected trace elements present in drilling fluids (Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, V), were determined in surface sediments and macroepifauna around a Gulf of Mexico exploratory drilling site before, during, and after drilling operations. Observed significant increases in the levels of Fe in organisms and Ba and Cr in sediments were attributable to drilling discharges. Shrimp, which constitute the largest commercial fishery in the region, were intensively studied. Shrimp collected during the last few days of drilling had abdominal muscle Fe concentrations more than twice those in shrimp sampled before or after drilling. Enhanced Fe solubility (bioavailability) in sea-water, caused by soluble organic chelating agents in the drilling fluids, is the most likely explanation for the observed increases. Significant increases in sediment Ba were observed at all sampling radii but large increases (up to 7.5 fold) were only observed within a few hundred meters of the drilling site. An accurate mass balance of total discharged (excess) Ba present in sediments within 1000 m of the drilling site was determined. Only 9.3% of the total Ba used, and presumably other similar drilling mud components traced by Ba, was present within 1000 m at the conclusion of drilling. After 2.6 mo, only 6.6% was present. Significant sediment resuspension and transport occurring in the high current nearshore study site (24 m water depth) was responsible for the low retention and rapid loss of discharged Ba in the sediment. The largest mean increase in sediment Cr (26%) occurred at the 1000 m sampling radii. This report has been reviewed by the Minerals Management Service and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the service, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2006,183(1-2):51-69
The Chicxulub Sedimentary Basin of the northwestern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, which was formed because of the largest identified Phanerozoic bolide impact on Earth, became a site of deposition of dominantly marine carbonate sediments during most of the Cenozoic Era. This is a study of the filling and diagenetic history of this basin and surrounding areas. The study makes use of lithologic, biostratigraphic, petrographic, and geochemical data obtained on core samples from boreholes drilled throughout the northwestern Yucatan Peninsula.The core sample data indicate that: 1) The Chicxulub Sedimentary Basin concentrated the deposition of pelagic and outer-platform sediments during the Paleocene and Eocene, and, in places, during the Early Oligocene, as well, and filled during the Middle Miocene, 2) deeper-water limestone also is present within the Paleocene and Lower Eocene of the proposed Santa Elena Depression, which is located immediately south of the Basin, 3) shallow-water deposits are relatively more abundant outside the Basin and Depression than inside, 4) the autigenic and allogenic silicates from the Paleogene formations are the most abundant inside the Depression, 5) sediment deposition and diagenesis within the Basin also were controlled by impact crater topography, 6) the abundance of the possible features of subaerial exposure increases upward and outward from the center of the Basin, and 7) the formation of replacive low-magnesium calcite and dolomite, dedolomitization, dissolution, and precipitation of vug-filling calcite and dolomite cement have been more common outside the Basin than inside.δ18O in whole-rock (excluding vug-filling) calcite from core samples ranges from − 7.14‰ to + 0.85‰ PDB. δ13C varies from − 6.92‰ to + 3.30‰ PDB. Both stable isotopes correlate inversely with the abundance of subaerial exposure features indicating that freshwater diagenesis has been extensive especially outside and at the edge of the Chicxulub Sedimentary Basin.δ18O and δ13C in whole-rock (excluding vug-filling) dolomite ranges from − 5.54‰ to + 0.87‰ PDB and − 4.63‰ to + 3.38‰ PDB, respectively. Most dolomite samples have negative δ18O and positive δ13C suggesting that replacive dolomitization involved the presence of a fluid dominated by freshwater and/or an anomalously high geothermal gradient.Most dolomite XRD-determined mole percent CaCO3 varies between 51 and 56. Replacive dolomite is larger, more euhedral, and less stoichiometric inside the Chicxulub Sedimentary Basin than outside.  相似文献   

洼陷中浊积岩沉积特征及油气富集规律研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
随着油气勘探的不断深入,我国东部地区主要含油气盆地勘探的主要目标逐渐转为一些较复杂的隐蔽油气藏,尤其是盆内的次级洼陷,已成为勘探的重要地区。多年的勘探实践表明,对于我国东部的陆相箕状盆地,洼陷中含油气是必然规律。在洼陷内最重要的油藏类型是砂体岩性与构造-岩性油藏,并且绝大多数为浊流成因。本文以山东济阳坳陷与昌潍坳陷的德南、牛庄、利津、博兴等几个洼陷为例,介绍洼陷生油条件的地震研究方法与三角洲-浊积扇体系中浊积岩发育区的沉积特征、油气富集规律及地震综合研究方法。  相似文献   

冀西北尚义盆地中生代沉积特征及古地理*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
尚义盆地形成于早侏罗世-早白垩世,盆地内沉积了一套以紫红色、灰绿色陆源碎屑岩为主的地层,仅在晚侏罗世-早白垩世地层局部夹薄层玄武安山质火山岩。通过系统分析尚义盆地的沉积岩、沉积相带展布特征及古水流、砾石成分等,分析了早侏罗世-早白垩世盆地的物源区、汇水中心及古气候的演化,恢复了早侏罗世-早白垩世盆地古地理格局。同时,在前人研究基础上,结合尚义盆地的沉积-充填样式,重点总结和综合分析了盆地内熔积岩、辉绿岩、边界断层等的发育特征,初步推断晚侏罗世-早白垩世尚义盆地为伸展断陷盆地。  相似文献   

If observed oil and gas field size distributions are obtained by random samplings, the fitted distributions should approximate that of the parent population of oil and gas fields. However, empirical evidence strongly suggests that larger fields tend to be discovered earlier in the discovery process than they would be by random sampling. Economic factors also can limit the number of small fields that are developed and reported. This paper examines observed size distributions in state and federal waters of offshore Texas. Results of the analysis demonstrate how the shape of the observable size distributions change with significant hydrocarbon price changes. Comparison of state and federal observed size distributions in the offshore area shows how production cost differences also affect the shape of the observed size distribution. Methods for modifying the discovery rate estimation procedures when economic factors significantly affect the discovery sequence are presented. A primary conclusion of the analysis is that, because hydrocarbon price changes can significantly affect the observed discovery size distribution, one should not be confident about inferring the form and specific parameters of the parent field size distribution from the observed distributions.This paper was presented at Emerging Concepts, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.  相似文献   

Exmouth Gulf is a major U‐shaped embayment on the northwestern coast of Western Australia, at a latitude of 22°S. Water temperatures are 18–31°C and normal oceanic salinity is maintained by strong tidal currents despite the hot, arid climate. A series of sediment grab samples were collected and analysed for particle‐size and foraminiferal diversity. Samples contained mud, quartzose fine sand and coarse carbonate sand fractions. The muddiest facies are located in the most sheltered areas of the gulf: mangrove channels, tidal flats, southwestern flanks and the deeper axial region. Quartzose fine sands probably have mixed origins which might include: southern aeolian dunes; cyclone‐related reworking of beach and near‐shore deposits; and reworked relict shelf alluvium. The shallow‐water fair‐weather wave climate may play a significant role in localised sediment dispersal and sorting along the eastern margin of the gulf. Sediment distributions within the gulf are complicated by low sedimentation rates through much of the central and western areas of the gulf, significant mixing, and possible inheritance of pre‐Holocene alluvium. The Holocene foraminiferal assemblage recorded from Exmouth Gulf is overwhelmingly dominated by benthic species: agglutinated, calcitic‐porcellaneous, and calcitic‐hyaline groups. The distribution of individual foraminiferal species shows relatively simple patterns, governed by environmental parameters. Live individuals are rare.  相似文献   

本文认为白马庙气田上侏罗统蓬莱镇组的主要沉积相类型为湖成三角洲和湖泊沉积。通常有2~3条主分流河道自北西方向进入研究区,三角洲属河控型鸟足状三角洲;滨、浅湖相构成了湖泊相的主要亚相类型。三角洲前缘为该区的优势亚相,砂体展布明显受控于水下分流河道、河口坝和远砂坝等微相,指状砂坝、复合式砂坝是该区蓬莱镇组Ⅲ、Ⅳ段(主力产气层段)的有利储集体。今后,基于沉积微相研究的砂体展布精细研究始终是该气田地质研究的重要课题之一。  相似文献   

油气田地质灾害是地质灾害的一种特殊类型。是指在特定的地质背景下因勘探、开发和利用油气资源的工程活动而诱发形成的灾害性地质事件。油气田地质灾害具有诱发性、突发性、成因多样性、可预防性和日趋显著性等特征。对油气田地质灾害分类尚未形成一致的认识,可按灾害的载体和外在表现、空间分布状况、分布范围及动力作用等多种因素进行分类。油气田地质灾害的形成机制是复杂的、多种多样的,主要有构造动力形成机制及非构造动力形成机制两大类。油气田地质灾害受地应力、油气地质环境及工程活动等多方面因素的控制和制约。对其防治应遵循油气田勘探开发与灾害防治并重等原则,深化地质研究,采取适当监测手段,并制定合理的油气资源勘探开发方案,将油气田地质灾害防患于未然。同时还应对油气田地质灾害进行有效预测预报以及恰当评估。  相似文献   

天然气中金属微量元素的发现及其生态环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了开展天然气田生态地球化学评价和天然气藏的非常规地球化学勘查研究,首次引进地气测量的抽气采集法采集天然气中的微量元素并获得成功。利用等离子光谱分析法进行检测,发现川西天然气中含有51种微量元素,其属性有碱金属、碱土金属、稀有金属、过渡金属、主族元素、卤素和非金属,以元素周期表上的第四、五、六周期的元素为主。Zn、Ca、K、Na、P、Cu、Mg、Ba、Pb、Fe含量占总量的95%以上,其中以Zn和Ca含量最高,占总量的56.7%,K、Na、P、Cu含量次之。该发现不仅对天然气的成因、烃源、成藏过程的研究以及天然气的利用有重要作用,而且对天然气田上方生态环境的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李威  李友川  兰蕾  傅宁  王柯 《地质学报》2021,95(3):913-923
2018年中国东部最大整装凝析气田——渤中19-6气田的发现,一举打开了渤海湾盆地深层天然气勘探的新领域,展现了油型盆地天然气勘探的巨大潜力.渤中凹陷发育多套不同成熟度的烃源岩,位于渤中凹陷西南部的渤中19-6气田凝析油与天然气并存,近年来于该地区的天然气成因及形成条件多有研究,但是对于凝析油的形成则少有研究.本文以渤...  相似文献   

冀西北尚义盆地对晚侏罗世构造活动的沉积响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
尚义盆地位于走向近东西的中生代燕山冲断带前缘盆地群的西段,在晚侏罗世土城子时期堆积了大量的粗碎屑。盆地中土城子组沉积相变明显,自北向南从粗砾质变为粉砂质沉积,具比较典型的非对称相带分布特征。土城子早一中期,从北向南总体上形成砾质冲积扇(包括泥石流)-辫状河流-洪泛平原或干化湖泊等古环境布局。晚期则以砂砾质辫状河流沉积为主,可能夹有发育大型风成交错层理的砂质沙丘沉积。土城子组碎屑成分以变质岩和花岗质岩石为主.物源主要来自盆地北侧的"内蒙地轴",沉积充填具有同构造砾岩的性质。尚义盆地北缘发育一系列呈叠瓦状排列的逆冲断裂。断裂与盆地耦合关系的初步分析显示.北缘逆冲断裂的构造载荷是控制尚义盆地形成和演化的主要因素。靠近北部冲断带一侧沉积相序的中—下部具有向上变粗的特点.可能指示了土城子组沉积受前进式的冲断载荷和岩石圈挠曲控制的过程。根据尚义盆地与其北侧相关断裂的空间配置、沉积碎屑北粗南细的变化、盆地横断面北厚南薄的楔状体特征等分析.盆地属于陆内的前陆式盆地,推测是在自北向南的近水平挤压构造背景下形成的.  相似文献   

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