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We present an analysis of the relative bias between early- and late-type galaxies in the Two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) – as defined by the η parameter of Madgwick et al., which quantifies the spectral type of galaxies in the survey. We calculate counts in cells for flux-limited samples of early- and late-type galaxies, using approximately cubical cells with sides ranging from 7 to  42 h −1 Mpc  . We measure the variance of the counts in cells using the method of Efstathiou et al., which we find requires a correction for a finite volume effect equivalent to the integral constraint bias of the autocorrelation function. Using a maximum-likelihood technique we fit lognormal models to the one-point density distribution, and develop methods of dealing with biases in the recovered variances resulting from this technique. We then examine the joint density distribution function,   f (δE, δL)  , and directly fit deterministic bias models to the joint counts in cells. We measure a linear relative bias of ≈1.3, which does not vary significantly with ℓ. A deterministic linear bias model is, however, a poor approximation to the data, especially on small scales  (ℓ≤ 28  h −1 Mpc)  where deterministic linear bias is excluded at high significance. A power-law bias model with index   b 1≈ 0.75  is a significantly better fit to the data on all scales, although linear bias becomes consistent with the data for  ℓ≳ 40  h −1 Mpc  .  相似文献   

The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey has now measured in excess of 160 000 galaxy redshifts. This paper presents the power spectrum of the galaxy distribution, calculated using a direct Fourier transform based technique. We argue that, within the k -space region     , the shape of this spectrum should be close to that of the linear density perturbations convolved with the window function of the survey. This window function and its convolving effect on the power spectrum estimate are analysed in detail. By convolving model spectra, we are able to fit the power-spectrum data and provide a measure of the matter content of the Universe. Our results show that models containing baryon oscillations are mildly preferred over featureless power spectra. Analysis of the data yields 68 per cent confidence limits on the total matter density times the Hubble parameter     , and the baryon fraction     , assuming scale-invariant primordial fluctuations.  相似文献   

We use the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey to measure the dependence of the b J-band galaxy luminosity function on large-scale environment, defined by density contrast in spheres of radius  8  h −1 Mpc  , and on spectral type, determined from principal component analysis. We find that the galaxy populations at both extremes of density differ significantly from that at the mean density. The population in voids is dominated by late types and shows, relative to the mean, a deficit of galaxies that becomes increasingly pronounced at magnitudes brighter than   M b J−5log10 h ≲−18.5  . In contrast, cluster regions have a relative excess of very bright early-type galaxies with   M b J−5log10 h ≲−21  . Differences in the mid- to faint-end population between environments are significant: at   M b J−5log10 h =−18  early- and late-type cluster galaxies show comparable abundances, whereas in voids the late types dominate by almost an order of magnitude. We find that the luminosity functions measured in all density environments, from voids to clusters, can be approximated by Schechter functions with parameters that vary smoothly with local density, but in a fashion that differs strikingly for early- and late-type galaxies. These observed variations, combined with our finding that the faint-end slope of the overall luminosity function depends at most weakly on density environment, may prove to be a significant challenge for models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

The real-space power spectrum of L * galaxies measured from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) is presented. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling was used to fit radial and angular modes resulting from a spherical harmonics decomposition of the 2dFGRS overdensity field (described in a previous paper) with 16 real-space power spectrum values and linear redshift-space distortion parameter  β( L *, 0)  . The recovered marginalized band powers are compared to previous estimates of galaxy power spectra. Additionally, we provide a simple model for the 17-dimensional likelihood hypersurface in order to allow the likelihood to be quickly estimated given a set of model band powers and β( L *, 0). The likelihood surface is not well approximated by a multivariate Gaussian distribution with model-independent covariances. Instead, a model is presented in which the distribution of each band power has a Gaussian distribution in a combination of the band power and its logarithm. The relative contribution of each component was determined by fitting the MCMC output. Using these distributions, we demonstrate how the likelihood of a given cosmological model can be quickly and accurately estimated, and we use a simple set of models to compare estimated likelihoods with likelihoods calculated using the full spherical harmonics procedure. All of the data are made publicly available (from http://www.roe.ac.uk/~wjp/ ), enabling the spherical harmonics decomposition of the 2dFGRS of Percival et al. to be easily used as a cosmological constraint.  相似文献   

We report the final redshift release of the 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS), a combined redshift and peculiar velocity survey over the southern sky  (| b | > 10°)  . Its 136 304 spectra have yielded 110 256 new extragalactic redshifts and a new catalogue of 125 071 galaxies making near-complete samples with  ( K , H , J , r F, b J) ≤ (12.65, 12.95, 13.75, 15.60, 16.75)  . The median redshift of the survey is 0.053. Survey data, including images, spectra, photometry and redshifts, are available through an online data base. We describe changes to the information in the data base since earlier interim data releases. Future releases will include velocity dispersions, distances and peculiar velocities for the brightest early-type galaxies, comprising about 10 per cent of the sample. Here we provide redshift maps of the southern local Universe with   z ≤ 0.1  , showing nearby large-scale structures in hitherto unseen detail. A number of regions known previously to have a paucity of galaxies are confirmed as significantly underdense regions. The URL of the 6dFGS data base is http://www-wfau.roe.ac.uk/6dFGS .  相似文献   

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