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张立凤  张永垂  张铭 《气象学报》2008,66(5):747-755
利用1958—1997年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,以南海季风爆发日为临界日期,计算了40年合成的季风爆发前月平均带状基流;在该基流上,计算了球面正压涡度方程中Rossby波的稳定性;并用谱函数展开法定义和计算了发展型波包的演变。结果显示:南海夏季风爆发前气候平均场上有球面Rossby波的正压不稳定,该不稳定主要由南半球的西风急流所激发,且不稳定扰动的最大振幅均出现在南半球西风急流以南。球面Rossby波发展型波包的最大振幅随时间会由两个半球的中高纬度向低纬扩展,虽然不能越过赤道,却激发了热带地区的积云对流,积云对流的爆发并向季风区传播,加速了大气环流的调整,其结果造成了南海夏季风的爆发。可见,南海夏季风的爆发虽是局地现象,但其爆发原因却是全球性的。  相似文献   

南亚夏季风爆发的统计动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者对南亚(印度)夏季风爆发作了统计动力分析,即将南亚夏季风爆发前后的高低层风场看作一个整体,并以南亚夏季风爆发日为基准,作了经验正交函数(矢量)分析,得到了以下结论:偏差风场的第一模态反映了季风爆发前后大规模的风系变化,其时间系数直接体现了南亚夏季风的爆发,在爆发日前后该模态反映的偏差风系有剧烈变化,这表明季风爆发时大气环流有突变发生;第二模态反映了具有5~7天振荡周期的中纬天气尺度波系及其对低纬季风区的影响;第三模态反映了热带、副热带地区呈准双周振荡的低频扰动.  相似文献   

南亚夏季风爆发前后降水量时空变化特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
朱敏  张铭 《热带气象学报》2006,22(2):155-160
用南亚夏季风爆发前后的降水量资料作了经验正交函数分解(EOF),分析表明,南亚夏季风的爆发主要体现在降水的突然增加和季风雨带的快速推进上,雨带的时空分布有突变的特点。第1模态反映了南亚夏季风爆发前后季风区降水量的突然增加。第2模态反映了南亚夏季风爆发前后季风降水从南向北的快速推进过程。第3模态反映了季风爆发期间南亚季风区降水量的东西分布型态,及在季风爆发后印度半岛降水快速增加的过程。第4模态反映了印度次大陆东海岸降水的准双周振荡型态。  相似文献   

强迫和耗散作用下大气运动的非线性正压不稳定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆维松 《热带气象》1989,5(2):116-126

南亚夏季风典型强弱年与阿拉伯海海温   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用NCEP/NCAR 1958~1997年全球SST、850hPa与200hPa风场再分析资料,以及1958-1997年全印度降水指数资料,从环流与降水两方面定义出南亚夏季风典型强年为1961、1970年,典型弱年为1965、1979、1987年。并针对所定义的强弱年采用合成分析与相关分析方法,分析了南亚夏季风强弱年前期与同期的阿拉伯海海温变化特征,发现:4月阿拉伯海海温越高(低),南亚夏季风越强(弱),而7月相反,海温越高(低),季风越弱(强);在南亚夏季风典型强年,阿拉伯海海温年变幅较大;沿赤道的Yoshida-Wyrtki Jet较强,并且在南亚夏季风强年的前期4月,南北半球哈德莱环流较弱,而弱年较强。7月,不论强弱年,热带印度洋上空的经圈环流以南亚夏季风经圈环流为主。  相似文献   

1994年南海夏季风爆发的数值模拟和分析研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
1994年南海夏季风建立于5月第一候,利用MM5成功地模拟了这一过程,并通过敏感性试验,讨论了中纬度系统和中南半岛及其附近地区的积云对流对夏季风环流建立的影响,结果表明:(1)南下接近副热带一定强度的中纬度槽-锋系统的强迫,可引起南海地区副热带高压脊的减弱东撤,因而有利于南海夏季风的建立;(2)东移的中纬度高压脊与南亚高压的同相叠加是触发夏季风建立的重要因子之一,它引起南亚高压中心迅速北移至中南半岛的北部;(3)中南半岛及其附近地区的积云对流加热,对南海地区夏季风环流的建立也有重要的影响.  相似文献   

南海夏季风爆发与海温和大气对流的低频变化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
根据云顶黑体温度(TBB)相位变化并参考西沙站海面温度(SST)状况确定了南海夏季风爆发时间,分析研究了与夏季风爆发时间和强度有关的TBB和SST变化过程,结果表明:南海夏季风爆发平均时间是5月第4候,爆发的时间和强度有显著的年际变化,爆发期间的海气状况与大气的低频振荡密切相关。夏季风爆发早年(5月第2候),大气对流活动较强,西南风较强,海温下降我年(6月第1候)情况则相反;它爆发的强度还与爆发期  相似文献   

纬向基流的非线性正压不稳定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆维松 《气象科学》1989,9(1):16-26
本文从含Ekman摩擦的非线性正压涡度方程出发,应用Serrin—Joseph的能量方法,按变分原理,分别用总能量、总涡度拟能和两者的线性组合导得纬向基流的非线性正压不稳定判据。由于采用了对Euler方程作新的变换,使本征值的估计更为精确,较好地改善了作者以前的部分结果。  相似文献   

黎伟标  纪立人 《大气科学》1999,23(4):477-486
造成大气环流异常的原因可以有两个方面, 一是大气内部的物理过程,另一方面则可能由大气外强迫引起。在线性框架内,该文的第I部分利用正规模(normal mode)以及有限时间不稳定奇异矢量(singular vectors)理论,对亚洲夏季风(ASM)活动激发北半球夏季遥相关型的大气内部物理机制进行了探讨。结果表明,亚洲季风区的扰动最有效地激发了它下游地区不稳定模态的发展,从而导致了从亚洲到北美洲一带的大气环流异常。关于从大气外强迫角度对这一问题的探讨,将在本文的第II部分发表。  相似文献   

By using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1958 to 1997, we first looked into the atmospheric flow conditions in the one month immediately prior to the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) each year. A monthly-averaged zonal basic flow of 40-yr composite was then calculated. The stability of Rossby wave in the basic flow was studied based on the spherical barotropic vorticity equation. Furthermore, the spectral function expansion method was adopted to define and compute the evolvement of a developing wave packet. The results indicate that there exists barotropic instability of spherical Rossby wave in the climatically-averaged flow field before the SCSSM onset. The instability is triggered by the westerly jet stream in the Southern Hemisphere, and the strongest instable perturbation lies to the south of the westerly jet stream. The peak of the developing spherical Rossby wave packet propagates from mid and high latitudes to low latitudes, though not crossing the equator, spurring the cumulus convection in the tropical zones. The eruption of the cumulus convection and its spread to monsoon regions help to speed up the adjustment of the general circulation and the SCSSM onset. It is concluded that elements that contribute to the SCSSM onset are on global scale, albeit the onset itself looks like a local phenomenon.  相似文献   

利用多年南亚夏季风建立前后的降水量资料计算和分析了全球和印度次大陆的气候降水变差度.在4~6月份全球该变差度先增加再减少,5月份达到峰值,这具体反映了由冬到夏的季节转换过程,5月份处于明显的季节转换之中.印度次大陆东岸和孟加拉国该变差度增幅剧烈是南亚夏季风建立的预兆.南亚夏季风与索马里急流和80~90°E的越赤道气流密不可分,该夏季风的建立与一周左右南半球高纬流场的失稳也有密切关系.该变差度可客观定量的诊断季节变化和夏季风建立的时间,是一个好用的气候诊断工具.  相似文献   

The Earliest Onset Areas and Mechanism of the Tropical Asian Summer Monsoon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The multi-yearly averaged pentad meteorological fields at 850 hPa of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dada and the TBB fields of the Japan Meteorological Agency during 1980-1994 are analyzed. It is found that if the pentad is taken as the time unit of the monsoon onset, then the tropical Asian summer monsoon (TASM) onsets earliest, simultaneously and abruptly over the whole area in the Bay of Bengal (BOB), the Indo-China Peninsula (ICP), and the South China Sea (SCS), east of 90°E, in the 27th to 28th pentads of a year (Pentads 3 to 4 in May), while it onsets later in the India Peninsula (IP) and the Arabian Sea (AS), west of 90°E. The TASM bursts first at the south end of the IP in the 30th to 31st pentads near 10°N, and advances gradually northward to the whole area, by the end of June. Analysis of the possible mechanism depicts that the rapid changes of the surface sensible heat flux, air temperature, and pressure in spring and early summer in the middle to high latitudes of the East Asian continent between 100°E and 120癊are crucially responsible for the earliest onset of the TASM in the BOB to the SCS areas. It is their rapid changes that induce a continental depression to form and break through the high system of pressure originally located in the above continental areas. The low depression in turn introduces the southwesterly to come into the BOB to the SCS areas, east of 90°E, and thus makes the SCS summer monsoon (SCSSM) burst out earliest in Asia. In the IP to the AS areas, west of 90°E, the surface sensible heat flux almost does not experience obvious change during April and May, which makes the tropical Indian summer monsoon (TISM) onset later than the SCSSM by about a month. Therefore, it is concluded that the meridian of 90°E is the demarcation line between the South Asian summer monsoon (SASM, i.e., the TISM) and the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM, including the SCSSM). Besides, the temporal relations between the TASM onset and the seasonal variation of the South Asian high (SAH) are discussed, too, and it is found that there are good relations between the monsoon onset time and the SAH center positions. When the SAH center advances to north of 20°N, the SCSSM onsets, and to north of 25°N, the TISM onsets at its south end. Comparison between the onset time such determined and that with other methodologies shows fair consistency in the SCS area and some differences in the IP area.  相似文献   

中南半岛对流对南海夏季风建立过程的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
温敏  何金海  肖子牛 《大气科学》2004,28(6):864-875
利用RegCM2模式进行数值试验,得到中南半岛对流对北半球副高带断裂、进而对孟加拉湾对流建立具有重要影响,而孟加拉湾对流建立后激发的Rossby波列又是南海夏季风建立的主要因子之一.进一步分析中南半岛对流、副高带断裂及南海夏季风建立的年际变化,得到中南半岛对流的强弱(活跃的早晚)与副高带在孟加拉湾北部断裂及南海夏季风爆发的早晚有密切关系.它们还与海温异常及纬圈环流的变化相联系:当赤道中东太平洋海温偏暖(冷)时,Walker环流偏弱(强),中南半岛对流偏弱(强),副高带断裂偏晚(早),南海夏季风建立偏迟(早).  相似文献   

亚洲夏季风环流结构与热带印度洋偶极型海温异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用T42L28大气环流模式就夏季风时期大气对印度洋海温偶极子型异常的响应进行了数值试验研究,结果表明,印度洋偶极子型海温异常可以引起感热和潜热加热异常并进而形成异常辐合辐散,导致热带印度洋及其邻近地区夏季降水异常。同时此热带扰动可激发或造成中纬度异常波列。通过改变季风区温度场分布,偶极子型海温强迫可以影响大气的正/斜压环流结构和斜压性强弱。强的纬向风垂直切变趋向于靠近海洋异常偏暖的地区。不论是正偶极子型强迫或负偶极子型强迫,西太平洋暖池和东亚地区的大气环流均出现异常并激发出中纬度的异常波列,但异常类型并未显著反相。  相似文献   

Traditionally,a delayed(early)onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon(SCSSM)has been observed to follow a warm(cold)El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO)event in winter,supporting high seasonal predictability of SCSSM onset.However,the empirical seasonal forecasting skill of the SCSSM onset,solely based on ENSO,has deteriorated since 2010.Meanwhile,unexpected delayed onsets of the SCSSM have also occurred in the past decade.We attribute these changes to the Northwest Indian Ocean(NWIO)warming of the sea surface.The NWIO warming has teleconnections related to(1)suppressing the seasonal convection over the South China Sea,which weakens the impacts of ENSO on SCSSM onset and delays the start of SCSSM,and(2)favoring more high-frequency,propagating moist convective activities,which enhances the uncertainty of the seasonal prediction of SCSSM onset date.Our results yield insight into the predictability of the SCSSM onset under the context of uneven ocean warming operating within the larger-scale background state of global climate change.  相似文献   

Predicting monsoon onset is crucial for agriculture and socioeconomic planning in countries where millions rely on the timely arrival of monsoon rains for their livelihoods. In this study we demonstrate useful skill in predicting year-to-year variations in South China Sea summer monsoon onset at up to a three-month lead time using the GloSea5 seasonal forecasting system. The main source of predictability comes from skillful prediction of Pacific sea surface temperatures associated with El NiÑo and La NiÑa. The South China Sea summer monsoon onset is a known indicator of the broadscale seasonal transition that represents the first stage of the onset of the Asian summer monsoon as a whole. Subsequent development of rainfall across East Asia is influenced by subseasonal variability and synoptic events that reduce predictability, but interannual variability in the broadscale monsoon onset for East Asian summer monsoon still provides potentially useful information for users about possible delays or early occurrence of the onset of rainfall over East Asia.  相似文献   

Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation(BSISO) of lower tropospheric ozone is observed in the Indian summer monsoon(ISM) region on the basis of ERA-Interim reanalysis data and ozonesonde data from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre. The 30–60-day intraseasonal variation of lower-tropospheric ozone shows a northwest–southeast pattern with northeastward propagation in the ISM region. The most significant ozone variations are observed in the Maritime Continent and western North Pacific. In the tropics, ozone anomalies extend from the surface to 300 hPa; however, in extratropical areas, it is mainly observed under 500 hPa. Precipitation caused by BSISO plays a dominant role in modulating the BSISO of lower-tropospheric ozone in the tropics, causing negative/positive ozone anomalies in phases 1–3/5–6. As the BSISO propagates northeastward to the western North Pacific, horizontal transport becomes relatively more important, increasing/reducing tropospheric ozone via anticyclonic/cyclonic anomalies over the western North Pacific in phases 3–4/7–8.As two extreme conditions of the ISM, most of its active/break events occur in BSISO phases 4–7/1–8 when suppressed/enhanced convection appears over the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean and enhanced/suppressed convection appears over India, the Bay of Bengal, and the South China Sea. As a result, the BSISO of tropospheric ozone shows significant positive/negative anomalies over the Maritime Continent, as well as negative/positive anomalies over India, the Bay of Bengal,and the South China Sea in active/break spells of the ISM. This BSISO of tropospheric ozone is more remarkable in break spells than in active spells of the ISM, due to the stronger amplitude of BSISO in the former.  相似文献   

南海夏季风爆发与大气对流低频振荡的年际变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据1980~1991年云顶黑体温度(TBB)相位和强度的变化确定了南海夏季风爆发的时间,分析研究了夏季风爆发期间TBB场和850hPa风场的变化过程及其与海温的关系。结果表明:南海夏季风爆发平均时间是5月第4候,它爆发的时间和强度有显著的年际变化,并与大气的低频振荡及前期海洋的热力状况有密切关系。南海夏季风爆发早年(4月第6候),副热带高压较弱,撤离南海较快,从赤道东印度洋到赤道西太平洋,大气对流活动较强,夏季风爆发南海早于孟加拉湾,季风爆发时90~100°E区域过赤道气流显著加强。夏季风爆发晚年(6月第1候)情况相反。南海夏季风爆发早晚与大气30~60天振荡到达南海的位相有关,前冬和早春南海海温的高低和4月中旬至5月中南半岛强对流区的出现时间,是南海夏季风爆发年际变化的前期征兆。根据前冬南海海温预测1998年南海夏季风爆发的时间和强度与实际相符。  相似文献   

印度季风的年际变化与高原夏季旱涝   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
周顺武  假拉 《高原气象》2003,22(4):410-415
根据NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和海表面温度距平资料,分析了西藏高原夏季降水5个多、少雨年春、夏季印度洋850hPa、200hPa合成风场和合成海温场,发现多、少雨年前期与同期印度洋高、低空风场和海温场均存在明显差异,主要表现为高原夏季降水偏多(少)年印度夏季风偏强(弱),在850hPa合成风场上印度半岛维持西(东)风距平,西印度洋—东非沿岸为南(北)风距平,夏季阿拉伯海区和孟加拉湾出现反气旋(气旋)距平环流;200hPa合成风场上印度半岛维持东(西)风距平,南亚高压偏强(弱),索马里沿岸为南(北)风距平。印度夏季风异常与夏季印度洋海温距平的纬向分布型有密切联系。当夏季海温场出现西冷(暖)东暖(冷)的分布型时,季风偏强(弱),高原降水普遍偏多(少)。相关分析指出,索马里赤道海区的风场异常与高原夏季降水的关系最为密切,在此基础上我们定义了一个索马里急流越赤道气流指数,用它识别高原夏季旱涝的能力较之目前普遍使用的印度季风指数有了明显的提高。  相似文献   

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