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Induction vectors calculated for short-period events such as “bays” and “storm sudden commencements” (SSCs) indicate that the conductor causing the anomaly lies to the south of Sabhawala. The nature of vertical transfer functions obtained from spectral analysis of storm-time variations further confirms the presence of such a conductor. The nature of maximum (Gp) and minimum (G1) response functions suggests that a two-dimensional conductor south of Sabhawala is responsible for anomalies in Z. Invoking a structural model of the Earth's crust beneath the Himalayas, in keeping with accepted orogenic theories, we propose that one structure capable of producing the desired conducting path is a rise of the asthenosphere south of the Himalayan range. Another important factor contributing to the induced variations at Sabhawala is due to a sedimentary trough running parallel to the Himalayas, again to the south. These views are confirmed by a two-dimensional model calculation. It is found that the undulation of the asthenosphere alone does not reproduce the nature of the anomalies in H and Z.  相似文献   

The scale factors to permit a laboratory analogue model study of the problem of magnetic fields induced by ocean waves in the earth's field are derived. An analogue model employing surface fluid waves in mercury to simulate ocean waves is described. In the analogue model, magnetic field measurements were made 1 cm above a 2 cm deep model mercury ocean for a wave period of 0.21 s. This model simulates measurements 38 m above the surface of a shallow ocean 78 m deep for a wave period of 13 s. The validity of the analogue modelling technique is established by the good agreement obtained in comparing the analogue model measurements of the induced magnetic fields with fields using Podney's expression for an ocean of finite depth.  相似文献   

Displayed daygraphs of magnetic observatory hourly mean values and of lunar magnetic variations reconstructed from spherical harmonic coefficients are used to illustrate the difficulties that arise in separating lunar magnetic effects from those associated with the 27 day recurrence tendency in magnetic activity.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal variations of the nondipole (ND) magnetic field over the Chinese mainland and neighboring regions from 10000 BC to 1990 AD were analyzed using the latest global geomagnetic models CALS10K.1b, CALS3K.4, and IGRF11. Moreover, for field sources, we investigated 2 n (n = 2–10) pole ND fields and their energies. The results suggest that the study period can be divided into three. The intensity of the ND field has been mainly positive since 10000 BC and lasted almost 7500 years, then gradually decreased to negative in 2500 BC to 1500 AD, and finally sharply increased to positive. The anomaly areas of the ND field in East Asia took shape for n = 3, when the anomaly areas in East Asia were shaped into closed circles in the mainland. This suggests that the first three harmonic degrees account for most of the ND field. The energy of the ND field rapidly attenuates at the core–mantle boundary and is stable at the surface.  相似文献   

Regional gravity variations in Europe from superconducting gravimeters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent satellite missions (CHAMP, GRACE) are now returning data on the time variation of the gravity field with harmonic coefficients computed every 4 weeks. The promise is to achieve a sub-microgal accuracy that will define continental mass variations involving large-scale hydrology. With this in mind, we examine the time varying gravity field over central Europe using a limited number of high quality ground-based superconducting gravimeter stations within the Global Geodynamics Project (GGP). Our purpose is to see whether there are coherent signals between the individual stations and to compare the regional component with that predicted from models of continental hydrology. The results are encouraging. We have found, using empirical orthogonal eigenfunctions of the gravity data that a clear annual signal is present that is consistent in phase (low amplitudes in summer) and amplitude (1–3 microgal) with that determined from a large-scale model of land water in connection with global climate modeling. More work is required to define how the gravity field is related to large-scale soil moisture and other mass variations, and we have yet to compare our results to the latest satellite-derived data.  相似文献   

A stochastic model of level variations in a drainless water body is considered. The model accounts for the nonstationary character of sea level under stationary climate. It is shown that in the case of the Caspian Sea, the range from ?29 to ?26 m BS corresponds to a relative stability of the level because of the greatest gentleness of the shores and shelf slope in combination with the maximal water outflow into Kara-Bogaz-Gol Gulf.  相似文献   

Mani  A.  Sreedharan  C. R. 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1973,106(1):1180-1191
The latitudinal and temporal variations in the vertical profiles of ozone over the Indian subcontinent are discussed. In the equatorial atmosphere represented by Trivandrum (8°N) and Poona (18°N), while tropospheric ozone shows marked seasonal variations, the basic pattern of the vertical distribution of ozone in the stratosphere remains practically unchanged throughout the year, with a maximum at about 28 to 26 km and a minimum just below the tropopause. The maximum total ozone occurs over Trivandrum in the summer monsoon season and the latitudinal anomaly observed over the Indian monsoon area at this time is explained as arising from the horizontal transport of ozone-rich stratospheric air from over the thermal equator to the southern regions.In the higher latitudes represented by New Delhi (28°N), the maximum occurs at 23 km. Delhi, which lies in the temperate regime in winter, shows marked day-to-day variations in association with western disturbances and the strong westerly jet stream that lies over north and central India at this time.Although the basic pattern of the vertical distribution of ozone in the equatorial atmosphere is generally the same in all seasons, significant though small changes occur in the lower stratosphere and in the troposphere. There are small perturbations in the ozone and temperature structures, distinct ozone maxima being always associated with temperature inversions. There are also large perturbances not related to temperature, ozone-depleted regions normally reflecting a stratification of either destructive processes or materials such as dust layers or clouds at these levels. Particularly interesting are the upper tropospheric levels just below the tropopause where the ozone concentration is consistently the smallest, in all seasons and at all places where soundings have been made in India.  相似文献   

The secular variations in the geomagnetic field have been studied based on the satellite vector magnetic survey. A high data accuracy made it possible to estimate the spatial and temporal characteristics of different variation types on the interval 1980–2007. The growth and decomposition of midlatitude foci have been qualitatively estimated, and the structure and velocity of a drifting equatorial anomaly have been determined.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) has been determined for 81 samples from eleven horizontal columnar segments from two Icelandic near-vertical dikes. Near-vertical orientation of short AMS axes and corresponding long-axis horizontal orientations in most columns represents alignments consistent with compactive effects due to vertically directed forces exerted by overlying columns. These data are inconsistent with primary orientations resulting from thermal contractive stresses, but such stresses may be responsible for the secondary orientations observed.  相似文献   

We considered two types of magnetic field time asymmetry related to the inverse influence of the magnetic field on the currents in the dynamo models and observations. The first type includes variations in which the total time that the time derivative is positive is different from the time that this derivative is negative. In a monochromatic wave, this corresponds to a failure of symmetry with respect to the point at which the wave has an extremum. The second class includes the time signals at which another failure of antisymmetry appears relative to the mean value of the signal. None of these types of symmetry can be recorded by the methods of the Fourier or wavelet analysis. We use the Parker’s dynamo model in a thin layer and a threedimensional model in a flat rotating layer when heated from below and present estimates of the failure of the symmetry data. It was shown that in the paleo-variations the model time of field increase is smaller than the time of its decrease.  相似文献   

人工源地电场空间变化区域性特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
认识地震电信号特征对地震短临预报具有重要意义.通过陕甘宁晋地区、川滇地区、山东及其周边地区和上海地区的换流站接地极向地下注入2100—4600 A大电流,研究各地区地电场的变化特征,以深入地认识地电场信号的区域性变化实质.研究显示:① 在陕甘宁晋地区,高沙窝大电流源的附加地电场可被分布于鄂尔多斯地块边缘弧形地带的490 km范围内的10个台站观测到,而距该信号源以西150 km的台站均未观测到该信号;② 在川滇地区,丽江信号源的南部地区观测到的信号强度和距离远大于北部地区.对于西昌大电流源,只有距其10 km处的小庙台和540 km处的仙女山台可观测到信号,而其它十几个台站均未观测到;③ 在山东和上海地区,可被观测到的人工源信号的最远距离及其特征各不相同,亦与陕甘宁晋和川滇地区大为不同;④ 对于本文所研究的地区,信号的波形变化存在着随台站与信号源距离的增加畸变程度增大的现象,一些台站只能记录到大电流开始和结束时的尖峰脉冲信息.针对上述变化特征,本文从机理和地质条件等方面进行了一些有益的探讨,以期加深对地震电信号变化特征的认识.   相似文献   

Thirty small-scale structures in the solar atmosphere, i.e., facula nodes at ±(20°–46°) latitudes, have been studied in order to analyze quasi-periodic variations in the magnetic field. SDO/HMI magnetograms have been used for this purpose. Long-period variations in the magnetic field strength of the considered objects in the 60–280 min range have been revealed as a result of data processing. It has been shown that there are no dependences between the magnetic field and period, nor between the magnetic field and object area. It has been assumed that the discovered variations are not natural oscillations of the magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Based on fracture mechanics, large amount of practically observed data is analyzed in this paper, and it is disclosed that seismically-anomalous earthquake resistivity sudden change sequence can be observed at the earth resistivity stations around the epicenter of a strong event. The maximum sudden change in the sequence tends to shift backward with the increase of epicentral distance, while it shifts forward with the increase of the magnitude of the earthquake. The maximum sudden change also expands from the epicenter to the peripheral areas. Therefore, the authors propose that it might be possible to predict the 3 key elements of a forthcoming earthquake by using the sudden change sequence, the frequency of the sudden change, the expansion velocity of the maximum sudden change and the time-distance product. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 176–185, 1993.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic solar and lunar daily variationsS andL, at Alibag, India are derived, by the well-known Chapman-Miller method, from the series of homogeneous mean hourly magnetic data of the years 1932 to 1972. The data for all the three elements — declinationD and horizontal and vertical intensitiesH andZ — are analysed, by dividing the data suitably for a study of the seasonal variations, the effect of the changes in the solar and magnetic activities onS andL, the oceanic dynamo contribution toL, and their interactions with each other. The main results are as follows.
  1. ForS the daily pattern and its seasonal progression conform to the type expected from a northern-hemisphere station. On the other hand, the amplitudes of all the four harmonics ofL systematically have higher values in winter, and inD andZ the harmonics show large phase differences between summer and winter. The pattern ofL in winter suggests that the lunar current system consists of a single set of vortices in the summer hemisphere rather than the conventional vortices, one set in each of the hemispheres.
  2. Solar-cycle modulation on the solar ranges as well as on the amplitudes of the first three harmonics ofS is greater than that expected solely from the increase in E-region conductivity, whereas the corresponding modulation onL is comparable to that on the E-region conductivity.
  3. With increasing magnetic activity the first harmonic ofS shows an increase, and the first three harmonics ofL indicate a general decrease, in amplitude.
  4. Of the variability inS 96%, but inL only 32%, is found to be accounted for by the combined effect of the variations in the solar and magnetic activities.

Measurements of the anosotropy of magnetic susceptibility in 34 specimens drilled from a single Icelandic columnar basalt segment reveal a preferred, long-axis alignment of magnetic minerals normal to the long axis of the column and well grouped. Maximum elongation of these minerals occurs in regions which crystallized late, as independently indicated by relative samarium concentrations. We propose that the variations in magnetic mineral elongation are controlled by variations in thermal stress in the cooling column, before complete solidification. An upper limit of 75–100 bars is suggested for these stresses.  相似文献   

The experiment on phase measurements of three components of a ULF magnetic field generated by a high-power controlled source in the region dominated by fault tectonics is described. The measurements were carried out along two orthogonal directions. It is established that the phase sharply varies by about 180° between some measurement points. The phase jumps are found to be confined to the conductive geological faults, which opens the possibility of locating the faults using the phases of ELF magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Rayleigh and Love wave group velocities in the Arctic islands and adjacent mainland of northern Canada exhibit large regional variations which can be attributed to variations in crustal structure. The shield and platform regions, the eastern Sverdrup basin, and the western Sverdrup basin are characterized by progressively slower velocities. Inversions of the regionalized group velocity data lead to three distinct shear-velocity models. The shield and platform model is similar to earlier models obtained for the Canadian shield. The Sverdrup basin models have low near-surface velocities which may correspond to thick accumulations of sediment. A sediment thickness of about 12 km obtained for the eastern basin corresponds to the maximum thickness inferred from earlier geological studies. An even thicker zone of low velocities occurs in the upper crust of the western basin. This zone may represent the true thickness of a very deep basin or slow velocities in basement rock may underlie the shallower sediments. A third alternative is that low apparent velocities for the western Sverdrup basin result from systematic errors in group velocity determinations produced by epicentral mislocations or origin time errors of the earthquakes used, but such mislocation or errors would have to be quite large to explain the observations. It is not possible to explain the group velocities across the basin areas by simply adding sediments to the shield and platform model. The resulting discrepancies with the data suggest an altogether different crustal structure beneath the basin than that beneath the shield and platform areas.  相似文献   

The STARE system (Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment) provides estimates of electron drift velocities, and hence also of the electric field in the high-latitude E-region ionosphere between 65 and 70 degrees latitude. The occurrence of drift velocities larger than about 400 m/s (equivalent to an electric field of 20 mV/m) have been correlated with the magnitude of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) components Bz and By at all local times. Observation days have been considered during which both southward (Bz<0) and northward (Bz>0) IMF occurred. The occurrence of electric fields larger than 20 mV/m increases with increases in Bz magnitudes when Bz<0. It is found that the effects of southward IMF continue for some time following the northward turnings of the IMF. In order to eliminate such residual effects for Bz<0, we have, in the second part of the study, considered those days which were characterized by a pure northward IMF. The occurrence is considerably lower during times when Bz>0, than during those when Bz is negative. These results are related to the expansion and contraction of the auroral oval. The different percentage occurrences of large electric field for By>0 and By<0 components of the IMF during times when Bz>0, clearly display a dawn-dusk asymmetry of plasma flow in the ionosphere. The effects of the time-varying solar-wind speed, density, IMF fluctuations, and magnetospheric substorms on the occurrence of auroral-backscatter observations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of the changes in phase path of F-region reflections at normal incidence at Kodaikanal (77° 28′E, 10° 14′N, dip 3°N) from February 1991 to February 1993 are used to determine the variation of the equatorial evening F-region vertical drifts (Vz) with season, solar and magnetic activity. It is found that on average, at Kodaikanal, the post-sunset peak in Vz(Vzp) is higher in equinox and local winter months than in local summer. The day-to-day variability in Vzp is highest in summer and lowest in winter. This seasonal trend persists even on magnetically quiet days (Ap\leq14). Vzp is found to increase with 10.7 cm solar flux in all three seasons but tends to saturate for large flux values (>230 units) during local summer and winter months. Magnetic activity [represented by Ap as well as the time-weighted accumulations of ap and ap ()] does not seem to have any statistically significant effect on Vzp, except during equinoctial months of moderate solar activity, when Vzp decreases as magnetic activity increases.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to assess the importance of electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability variations in ground penetrating radar (GPR) reflections commonly interpreted only in terms of permittivity variations. We use the matrix propagator approach to obtain the surface electric field associated with a horizontally layered model whose three electromagnetic properties vary from layer to layer. The solution is based on the plane wave boundary value problem using inverse Fourier transformation to accommodate particular GPR pulses. Our results indicate that while magnetic permeability is unimportant, reflections from electrical conductivity variations can be of the same order as those associated with electrical permittivity boundaries. In particular, we show that a realistic ground model composed of thin conductive layers can produce radargrams similar to those caused by a lossless permittivity contrast.  相似文献   

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