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Suspended particulate materials and bottom sediments from the Cariaco Trench were analysed for lipid content to investigate the diagenesis of organic matter in an anoxic water column and sediment. Distributions of fatty acids, sterols, and the acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons, lycopane and 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane, support the hypothesis that alteration of organic matter usually attributed to sedimentary diagenesis occurs in the water column. Typical indicators of diagenetic processes, including preferential loss of unsaturated fatty acids, increased abundances of branched fatty acids, stenol-to-stanol conversion, and abundant acyclic isoprenoids, were observed in the water column across the oxic/anoxic interface in the Cariaco Trench. Lipid distributions in the sediment were remarkably uniform with depth. We conclude that organic material delivered to the sediment has been extensively altered in the water column, but that which is buried is preserved without much additional alteration.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is the major volatile reduced organic sulfur compound in the water column of coastal Salt Pond, Cape Cod, MA. DMS concentration and vertical distributions vary seasonally in response to changing biogeochemical processes in the pond. When the pond is thermally stratified in summer, maximum DMS concentrations of up to 60 nmol/1 were found in the oxygen-deficient metalimnion. DMS concentrations in the epilimnion (typically 5–10 nmol/1) were always an order of magnitude higher than in the hypolimnion (<0.2 nmol/1). The most likely precursor for DMS is algal dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), which showed vertical profiles similar to those of DMS. Laboratory experiments show that microorganisms in the pond, especially in the metalimnion, are capable of decomposing DMSP to DMS, while photosynthetic sulfur bacteria in the hypolimnion can consume DMS. Estimates of DMS production and consumption in Salt Pond have been made, considering production of DMS in the epilimnion and metalimnion and removal of DMS via gas exchange to the atmosphere, tidal exchange and microbial consumption in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general, process-based model for suspended particulate matter (SPM) in defined coastal areas (the ecosystem scale). The model is based on ordinary differential equations and the calculation time (dt) is 1 month to reflect seasonal variations. The model has been tested using data from 17 Baltic coastal areas of different character and shown to predict mean monthly SPM-concentrations in water and Secchi depth (a measure of water clarity) very well (generally within the uncertainty bands given by the empirical data). The model is based on processes regulating inflow, outflow and internal fluxes. The separation between the surface-water layer and the deep-water layer is not done in the traditional manner from water temperature data but from sedimentological criteria (from the wave base which regulates where wind/wave-induced resuspension occurs). The model calculates the primary production of SPM (within the coastal areas), resuspension, sedimentation, mixing, mineralization and retention of SPM. The SPM-model is simple to apply in practice since all driving variables may be readily accessed from maps or regular monitoring programs. The model has also been extensively tested by means of sensitivity and uncertainty tests and the most important factor regulating model predictions of SPM-concentrations in coastal water is generally the value used for the SPM-concentration in the sea outside the given coastal area. The obligatory driving variables include four morphometric parameters (coastal area, section area, mean and maximum depth), latitude (to predict surface water and deep water temperatures, stratification and mixing), salinity, chlorophyll and the Secchi depth or SPM-concentration in the sea outside the given coastal area. Many of the structures in the model are general and could potentially be used for coastal areas other than those included in this study, e.g., for open coasts, estuaries or areas influenced by tidal variations.  相似文献   

黄海秋季典型站位沉降颗粒物的垂直通量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年9月,在海州湾外侧(E1站)、黄海冷水团(E2站)和黄、东海毗邻水域(E3站)分别放置沉积物捕获器采集沉降颗粒物,研究其垂直通量.结果显示,E1、E2和E3站底层颗粒物沉降通量分别为215.44 g/(m2·d)、165.51 g/(m2·d)、873.91 g/(m2·d),POC沉降通量分别为3.15 g/(m2·d)、2.22 g/(m2·d)、10.49 g/(m2·d).生源颗粒物是E1站位次表层POC的主要来源.E3站水体底层的大量悬浮颗粒物主要来自沉积物的再悬浮,再悬浮强烈程度及影响深度均高于E1站.通过模型计算出E2站底层颗粒物再悬浮比率平均(±SD)为95.65(±2.14)%,底表沉积物再悬浮通量占总再悬浮通量的百分比(X值)为89.53%,显示秋季底部平流对黄海冷水团区再悬浮通量影响不大,但这种影响在夏季相对较强.E2站POC净沉降通量为192 mg/(m2·d),生源颗粒物是此站位POC通量的主要贡献者.由于温跃层的长期存在,营养盐贫乏,生物生长受到抑制,导致黄海冷水团区秋季POC通量小于夏季.  相似文献   

对2016年全年颗粒物监测浓度数据进行统计分析,得到了安徽省颗粒物污染的空间分布、浓度和粒径,以及污染传输特征。结果表明,淮河以北、沿江和江淮之间、长江以南和皖南山区城市颗粒物污染随地理位置不同表现出明显的区域化特征,污染程度由北向南减轻,污染过程明显表现出由北向南逐步扩散传输的规律,污染程度越重,污染深入南方的范围越广,持续时间也越长。冬季污染较重的城市,上午出现明显的高浓度时段,全天变化为"双峰双谷"型。夏、秋季节夜间细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度贡献比增加。PM2.5与PM10(可吸入颗粒物)质量浓度比值冬季最高,春季较低。污染重的城市冬季PM2.5占比高。  相似文献   

长江悬浮颗粒物中磷的赋存形态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
2006年9~10月在长江采集悬浮颗粒物样品,应用改进后的SEDEX法对磷的赋存形态进行了分析.结果表明,自生磷灰石磷是长江悬浮颗粒物中磷的主要赋存形态.涪陵至万州江段,碎屑磷灰石磷的含量较高,弱吸附态磷和有机磷含量较低,磷的赋存形态主要受悬浮颗粒物含量的影响;香溪至葛洲坝下江段,弱吸附态磷和有机磷含量较高,碎屑磷灰石磷含量较低,磷的赋存形态主要受浮游植物生长及泥沙粒径的影响;城陵矶至大通江段,有机磷、碎屑磷灰石磷和铁结合态磷含量较高,弱吸附态磷含量较低,磷的赋存形态主要受泥沙粒径和洞庭湖输入的影响.长江悬浮颗粒物中生物可利用磷占颗粒态磷的45.6%,长江上游水体中生物可利用磷含量较低,下游含量较高.  相似文献   

Amino sugars (AS) are important constituents of organic matter. However, very little is known about their cycling in marine waters. In this research, we assessed the distribution and cycling of these compounds in waters of the Bay of Bengal. For this purpose, samples of suspended particu late matter (SPM) were collected from 8 depths (surface to 1000 m) at 6 locations during the 166th cruise of the ORV Sagar Kanya in the Bay of Bengal in July/August 2001. The SPM samples were analysed for particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate nitrogen (PN) and AS concentrations and composition. The AS varied between 0.4 and 17.5 nmol/l. Concentrations were high in the surface waters and generally decreased with increasing depth. AS concentration decreased from the south to north. AS accounted for 0.01 to 0.71% and 0.05 to 2.37% of POC and PN, respectively. Rapid decrease in AS-C% and AS-N% with depth indicates that these compounds were preferentially degraded relative to bulk POC and PN. The composition of AS suggests that glucosamine (GLU-N) and galactosamine (GAL-N) were present in the surface SPM samples, and their abundance decreased from surface downwards. Relatively, low values of GLU-N/GAL-N ratio indicate that the organic matter was mostly derived from the detritus of micro-organisms. Our data suggest that chitin, a polymer of the glucosamine produced by many marine organisms was not the major source of AS in the Bay. Rapid cycling of these compounds indicates their importance in the cycling of nitrogen in marine waters  相似文献   

The major problems encountered in studying estuarine particulate organic matter (POM) are the characterization and quantitation of different kinds of materials (e.g. detrital and living matter, algal and bacterial matter…) each type contributing a specific role in the ecosystem. The study of the activity of the electron transport system (ETS) is proposed as a tool for resolving these problems. Results obtained in our laboratory with cultures of planktonic algae and bacteria provided us with numerical relationships between ETS activity and various organic components such as chlorophyll, carbon and protein. These relationships were: ETS activity/chlorophyll = 2.6, carbon/ETS activity = 17.3, protein/ETS activity = 9.6 in algae; carbon/ETS activity = 5.9, protein/ETS activity = 7.7 in bacteria (ETS activity expressed in /i2h−1 at 20°C; chlorophyll, carbon and protein in μg). Such data can be applied in field studies to characterize the living algal and bacterial matter and, by difference, the detrital organic matter. We report here a study of the Loire estuary as an example.  相似文献   

张玉龙  冉勇 《地球化学》2014,(2):114-121
从东江到珠江口采集了悬浮颗粒物,通过测定总有机质的元素(TOC、TN)、同位素(δ13C、δ15N)组成以及生物标志物(氨基酸、木质素)等地球化学性质,来揭示颗粒有机质的来源和组成。结果表明,浮游生物(13%-52%)和土壤(45%-77%)是珠江颗粒有机质的主要来源,植物(0%-11%)对颗粒物的贡献较小。颗粒有机质含有高比例的氨基酸碳(TAAC),说明浮游生物对颗粒物的重要性。氨基酸的降解指数(DI)在-0.51到0.79之间,说明这些水生来源有机质的降解程度比较小。木质素的降解参数(Ad/Al、3,5-BD/V)较大,表明珠江颗粒有机碳的陆源来源主要是土壤。在颗粒物中检测到了少量的二氨基庚二酸(Dapa),说明细菌对颗粒有机碳也有所贡献。不同环境中颗粒物的木质素组成主要与颗粒物丰度和粒径有关:(1)相对于河流,水库颗粒物中的木质素含量显著偏低,降解程度更高;(2)相对于中游,下游颗粒物丰度较高,木质素含量较高。  相似文献   

 The Mfolozi Estuary on the KwaZulu-Natal coast of South Africa is the most turbid estuary in Natal due to poor catchment management, leading to large quantities of suspended particulate matter (SPM) entering the estuary from the Mfolozi River. This paper quantities some of the solute and sediment dynamics in the Mfolozi Estuary where the main documented environmental concern is the periodic input of SPM from the Mfolozi Estuary to the St. Lucia system, causing reduction of light penetration and endangering biological productivity in this important nature reserve. Synoptic water level results have allowed reach mean bed shear stresses and velocities to be calculated for an observed neap tidal cycle. Results indicate that ebb velocities dominate the sediment transport processes in the estuary when fluvial input in the Mfolozi River is of the order of 15–20 m3 s–1. Observed and predicted flood tide velocities are too low (<0.35 m s–1) to suspend and transport significant amounts of SPM. Observed results indicate that although the SPM load entering the estuary is dominantly from the Mfolozi River, the Msunduzi River flow plays a major role in the composition of the estuary's salinity and velocity fields. It is calculated that the Mfolozi Estuary would fill with sediment in 1.3 years if it was cut off from the sea. The major fluvial flood events help maintain the estuary by periodically pushing sediment seawards (spit progrades seawards 5 m yr–1) and scouring and maintaining the main flow channel in the estuary. During low fluvial flow conditions, tidal flow velocities will become the dominant control on sediment transport in the estuary. Interchange of SPM between the St. Lucia and Mfolozi estuaries under present conditions is complicated by the strong transverse velocity shear between the two systems at their combined mouth. This is creating a salinity-maintained axial convergence front that suppresses mixing of solutes and SPM between the systems for up to 10 h of the tidal cycle during observed conditions. Received: 22 May 1995 · Accepted: 31 July 1995  相似文献   

济宁市是位于华北平原大气污染传输通道上的工业城市,为研究其秋、冬季细颗粒物(PM2.5)的污染特征,在市区的3个站点进行了PM2.5的同步滤膜采样。采样期为2018年10月15日至2019年1月31日,涵盖非采暖期和采暖期(自2019年11月15日始),共270个小流量滤膜样品。研究结果表明,济宁市秋、冬季PM2.5平均质量浓度为(98.9±48.8)μg/m3,采暖期PM2.5质量浓度(107.1±52.8)μg/m3显著高于非采暖期(77.4±27.8)μg/m3。PM2.5的化学组成以二次无机气溶胶、有机碳和元素碳为主,占比分别为52.4%、10.9%和7.5%。S、Cl、K、Ca、Fe和Si元素平均质量浓度之和占元素总平均质量浓度的78.8%,是PM2.5中的主要元素。采暖期PM2.5的主要化学组分质量浓度显著高于非采暖期。二次有机碳是有机碳的重要来源,占比78...  相似文献   

Fecal pellets from the pelagic crab Pleuroncodes planipes were a substantial portion of the particulate organic matter in a sediment trap deployed at the bottom of the mixed layer in the eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean. The lipids of fresh P. planipes feces were compared to lipids of the sediment trap material, of mixed zooplankton which may comprise part of the diet of the crab, and of the crab itself in order to elucidate the source of organic compounds found in the trap. Hydrocarbons, wax esters, triacylglycerols, steroidal alcohols, steroidal ketones, and fatty acids were determined by capillary gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Significant input of lipids via sedimentation of crab fecal material is indicated, and modification of dietary lipid within the gut of the crab is inferred. Labile dietary fatty acids are depleted and sterols enriched in the fecal pellets and trap material relative to the zooplankton and crab. Nuclear saturated and unsaturated 3-ketosteroids and unsaturated steroidal hydrocarbons were detected in the crab, its feces, and in the sediment trap particulate material.  相似文献   

Solid phases, such as surface coatings (SC), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and deposited sediments (DS), contribute to the pool of heavy metals in natural waters. Their existing and forming conditions lead to potential differences in enrichment capacity of pollutants, chemical compositions and crystals. In this study, the contents of heavy metals in SC, SPM and DS were determined by GF-AAS after digestion with a mixture of concentrated HNO3 and HClO4. The selective extraction method was employed to remove Fe, Mn oxides and organic matters and associated heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn). X-ray diffraction analyses were performed to characterize the crystals in the samples. The results showed that no significant difference in the contents of Fe-oxides in DS, SPM and SC was found, but the contents of Mn-oxides and organic matter follow the order of SC〉SPM〉DS. The significant crystal characters were observed in DS, SPM and SC, and the kinds of minerals and crystallization degree follow the order of DS〉SC〉SPM. In addition, quartz was the most important matter of crystals in the solid phases. Enrichment capacity follows the order of SPM〉SC〉DS for Pb, Cu and Zn. Organic matter was the major sorbent for Cu, and Mn oxides and organic matter played an important role in the enrichment of Zn. However, Pb was absorbed mainly by Fe oxides. Moreover, compared with Fe oxides and organic matter, Mn oxides had a great enrichment capacity for these metals. Although DS, SPM and SC were formed in the same water system, contents of chemical components, crystals and enrichment capacities to heavy metals were obviously different.  相似文献   

大气颗粒物是大气质量评价中的一个通用的重要指标,近年来,对于大气颗粒物污染这一热点问题开展了大量的研究。文中选取辽宁省沈阳市、锦州市和葫芦岛市等典型地区研究大气颗粒物(TSP、PM10、PM2.5)中Cd等重金属元素的分布特征。结果表明,辽宁省大气可吸入颗粒物中Pb和Zn的含量最高,其次是Cu、Mn、As、Cr、Cd。燃煤、燃油和工业污染源等方面可能是造成这些元素含量较高的主要原因。此外,文中还对大气颗粒物对土地质量的影响研究进行一些有益尝试。研究表明,大气颗粒物中重金属元素含量对土地质量的影响是显而易见的。政府管理部门应该重视对大气颗粒物中重金属元素含量的监控,努力减少其对土地质量的影响。  相似文献   

Evros River is the most important river flowing into the North Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean) in terms of freshwater discharge, and the second largest one of Eastern Europe after the Danube River. Salinity and temperature measurements, together with suspended particulate matter concentrations were obtained in various depths at 14 stations in the adjacent Alexandroupolis Gulf during four seasons (June 1998, September 1998, February 1999 and March 2000) in order to investigate the particle dynamics and distributions in the northern Aegean Sea. Analysis of the collected data, together with particle observations under the scanning electron microscope and study of satellite images showed that, under certain circumstances driven by the hydrological and wind regime of the area, the Evros River particulate matter, with the associated pollutants, can be transferred far away from the estuary and implicitly comprise a hazardous factor for the environmental status of the northern Aegean Sea. This fact, combined with the future construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline, may cause a negative impact on the studied natural ecosystem.  相似文献   

对2012年5月至2013年5月香港空气污染期间89个污染日的天气环流形势通过模糊聚类的方法进行统计分类,得到大陆冷高压型、入海高压型、东北部热带气旋型和南部热带气旋型4种天气类型。结合细颗粒物(PM2.5)及其主要组分、气态污染物的日变化特征以及气象参数的相关性分析不同天气型影响下的污染事件在不同季节的污染特征。入海高压型污染事件发生时PM2.5主成分中二次水溶性无机离子(SIA)的占比明显比其他类型高,尤其是硝酸铵,可能与该天气型造成的高相对湿度、低温度的大气环境有关,进一步研究发现,春季污染事件中二次水溶性无机离子的增长与其前体物的非均相氧化反应有关;秋季硫酸盐的增长与均相氧化反应相关;冬季受季风影响,污染物的跨界输送贡献较大。大陆冷高压天气型造成大范围的下沉运动,静稳大气易导致污染物的积累,在PM2.5主成分中二次水溶性无机离子和有机物(OM)占比均有增高,秋、冬季二次水溶性无机离子前体物的非均相氧化反应与有机物的光化学氧化反应是造成该污染特征的主要原因之一。在东北部热带气旋型污染事件中有机碳与元素碳质量浓度的比...  相似文献   

Total suspended particulate samples (TSP) were collected and concentrations measured during seventeen months in the vicinity of a ceramic industrial area. A method of fractionating was applied to the samples in order to obtain two fractions corresponding to mineral particulate coming from dust emissions (Upper-F fraction) and to amorphous matter (carbon plus small amounts of S, Ca, Fe, etc) coming mainly from traffic and other combustion processes. Also for TSP samples several element concentrations were measured following two previous treatments: extraction of elements mainly associated with the soluble fraction of the samples (B, Fe, P, As, NO2–, NH4+, Cl, F) and acid digestion for trace metals and elements mainly associated with the non-soluble fractions of the samples (Fe, As, Cd, Ni, Pb, Zn Ca). Seasonal differences and the influence of meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity, pressure and wind conditions) on the air pollution levels, particles as well as ions, were studied.Results show different seasonal and weekly evolution for mineral and amorphous carbonaceous particles because of the different origins in dust emissions or combustion processes respectively, and the different physical properties such as size grain. Of the ions analyzed Fe, Ca and Zn were clearly associated to mineral phases and consequently related to dust emissions, and NO2–, NH4+, P, Cl were related to amorphous matter coming from combustion. Ni and Cd show lower levels than those reported as guideline values and the source is mainly related to the enrichment of these elements in clay materials. B and As content result in elevated concentrations, with the tendency to increase during cold months. The emission of these elements was associated with vaporization or volatilization during high temperature ceramic processes. The original gaseous state is influenced by temperature. In the winter the content for B and As is higher due to enhanced condensation of gas-phase boron onto particles, while in the summer the increase of air temperature results in elevated evaporation.  相似文献   

In order to study the first steps of incorporation of lipids in recent organic-rich sediments into free and bound fractions, we have selected the Santa Barbara Basin, off California. This basin with a maximum of 590 m water depth is characterized by high phytoplankton production in surface waters and a low oxygen content in bottom waters. Sediments show the following features: high sedimentation rate ≈ 4 mm/yr, no bioturbation, and development of a bacterial mat community at the surface with predominance of sulphur-oxidizing bacteria trapping particles, thus preventing re-distribution of sediment, which permit a unique observations of organic sedimentation on a new few years basis.A sediment core has been divided into 2 cm thick slices corresponding to a time resolution of ≈5 years, from 1835 up to 1987. Samples have been analyzed using a multi-parameter approach, such as for plankton species identification, carbon stable isotope ratios and, as reported here, for lipid organic tracers. Organic tracers have been analyzed in the sterol and fatty series for both free and bound compounds by gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.The incorporation processes of sterols with depth appear different for free and bound compounds. Total free sterol concentrations show high values in surface sediments (≈ 100 μg/g dry sediment), rapidly decrease up to ≈ 10 cm depth and remain at a constant value of 30–40 μg/g. Total bound sterol concentrations show low values in surface sediment (13.6 μg/g), and vary irregularly with depth up to a value of 55 μg/g at 7.3 m, and then remain constant at 25–26 μg/g.Profiles of evolution with depth of free C27, C28 sterols show a regular decrease, whereas C29 sterols show an irregular decrease with anomalies at 7.3 cm (approximately age: 1977–1978) and at 14.1 cm (1962–1964). Profiles of bound compounds are rather different, very regular for C28 sterols, irregular with oscillations for C27 and C29 sterols at 7.3, 12.2 and 18.0 cm (1954–1956), suggesting a different mode of incorporation and probably different inputs for C27, C29 and C28 sterols.The study of the kinetics of degradation of sterols between surface (1987) and 10.5 cm (1968–1972) shows that C27 compounds are degraded at a slight higher rate (0.53 μg/μg of initial C27 concentration/ year) than are C28 and C29 compounds (0.047 μg/μg of initial concentration/year). An intermediate value is found for brassicasterol: 0.049 μg/μg/year.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of metals associated to airborne particulate matter (PM) has usually been based on the analysis of their total concentrations, which is a poor indicator of metal mobility. Chemical fractionation processes may provide an additional level of information, however, chemical complexity and small sample sizes do not allow to combine several extraction methods. Additionally, analysing the metal concentrations during the extractions exceptionally provides restricted information about metals’ speciation. To overcome these limitations we collected total suspended particulate matter (TSP) samples from the air filters placed in the air supply channel of methane-heated turbines of thermal power stations which allows collecting large amounts of TSP materials. Additionally, we combined single and sequential chemical extractions in which not only the concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTE) (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) but also that of the major chemical components (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Ti) were analysed. Our aims were to study these metals’ mobility and speciation through the study of their association to major chemical components.Accumulation of the studied PTEs in the TSP material suggests moderate contamination for Ni, Cd and Cr whereas a heavy one for Cu, Zn and Pb. Three groups of these PTEs could be distinguished based on their mobility. The highly mobile Zn and Cd (large ratios of water and weak acid soluble fractions) can be considered as especially harmful elements to environment. The moderately mobile Pb and Cu (large ratios of reducible and oxidizable fractions, respectively) may potentially have a negative effect on the environment, whereas the immobile Cr and Ni cannot be expected to pose a serious risk. Based on the statistical evaluation of extraction data, the potential phases for Zn and Cu are presented by metal-sulphates, -nitrates, -chlorides, -carbonates and -hydroxides, as well as sorbed forms. Lead primarily hosted by metal-carbonates and sorbed forms, as well as by -hydroxides, whereas Cu by organic matter. Finally, Cr and Ni are mostly incorporated into very resistant phases, most probably by magnetite or other resistant metal-oxides.Combination of single and sequential extractions, as well as that of the analysis of not only the target elements but also the major chemical components were found to be a very effective tool to study the host phases of PTEs in the TSP material. The necessity for relatively large sample amounts for such analyses could be fulfilled using special sampling methodology; however, obvious disadvantages of this kind of sampling must be taken into account when resulted data are evaluated.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the lipid composition of thirteen bacterial species and three Recent sediments (methanogenic sediment, cyanobacterial mat and evaporative gypsum crust) was undertaken in an attempt to recognize bacterial organic matter in sediments. A sequential method, which distinguishes between three different modes of occurrence of lipid moieties (free, OH- and H+-labile), was applied. The acid-labile fractions are discussed.The three main groups of bacteria, archaebacteria, gram-positive eubacteria and gram-negative eubacteria, are easily distinguished. Methanogenic and extremely halophilic archaebacteria are characterized by the presence of diphytanyl glyceryl ether and the absence of fatty acids. The gram-positive eubacteria contain primarily iso- and anteiso-branched fatty acids whereas the gram-negative bacteria and sediments are dominated by β- and α-hydroxy fatty acids. A wide variety of H+-labile hydroxy fatty acids was observed which included several, as yet unknown, structures.β-Hydroxy fatty acids in this H+-labile mode of occurrence are exclusively present in bacteria. Their distribution patterns in sediments are considered “fingerprints” of past and present bacterial populations. The specific differences in β -hydroxy fatty acid compositions observed in the different bacteria and the three sediments investigated, suggest that amide-linked β-hydroxy fatty acid patterns are useful as markers of bacterial populations and therefore of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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