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The Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey, is comprised of blueschist and eclogite facies metasedimentary and metabasaltic rocks. Abundant metre‐ to centimetre‐scale eclogite pods occur in blueschist facies metabasalt, marble and quartz‐rich rocks. Sivrihisar eclogite contains omphacite + garnet + phengite + rutile ± glaucophane ± quartz + lawsonite and/or epidote. Blueschists contain sodic amphibole + garnet + phengite + lawsonite and/or epidote ± omphacite ± quartz. Sivrihisar eclogite and blueschist have similar bulk composition, equivalent to NMORB, but record different P–T conditions: ~26 kbar, 500 °C (lawsonite eclogite); 18 kbar, 600 °C (epidote eclogite); 12 kbar, 380 °C (lawsonite blueschist); and 15–16 kbar, 480–500 °C (lawsonite‐epidote blueschist). Pressures for the Sivrihisar lawsonite eclogite are among the highest reported for this rock type, which is rarely exposed at the Earth's surface. The distribution and textures of lawsonite ± epidote define P–T conditions and paths. For example, in some lawsonite‐bearing rocks, epidote inclusions in garnet and partial replacement of matrix epidote by lawsonite suggest an anticlockwise P–T path. Other rocks contain no epidote as inclusions or as a matrix phase, and were metamorphosed entirely within the lawsonite stability field. Results of the P–T study and mapping of the distribution of blueschists and eclogites in the massif suggest that rocks recording different maximum P–T conditions were tectonically juxtaposed as kilometre‐scale slices and associated high‐P pods, although all shared the same exhumation path from ~9–11 kbar, 300–400 °C. Within the tectonic slices, alternating millimetre–centimetre‐scale layers of eclogite and blueschist formed together at the same P–T conditions but represent different extents of prograde reaction controlled by strain partitioning or local variations in fO2 or other chemical factors.  相似文献   

Interlayered quartzite and marble in the southern Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey, record metamorphic conditions ranging from high-pressure/low-temperature through a Barrovian overprint from chlorite- to sillimanite-zone conditions. This sequence was exhumed under transtension, producing macroscopic constrictional fabrics (L-tectonites) during crustal thinning. Quartz microstructures consist of dynamically recrystallized aggregates in the dislocation creep regime dominated by grain boundary migration. Quartz microstructures are relatively constant across the high metamorphic gradient, and crystallographic fabric patterns transition from plane strain to constriction strain. Calcite fabrics are characterized by progressive overprinting of a columnar texture inherited from the high-pressure polymorph aragonite. In the low-temperature Barrovian domain (<400?°C), shearing of calcite rods produced a very strong c-axis point maximum. At moderate temperature, calcite rods were partially to totally recrystallized and the strong preferred orientation maintained. At temperature >500?°C and high constriction strain, marble has no crystallographic fabric, likely reflecting a transition from dislocation creep to diffusion creep. Phengite in high-pressure/low-temperature marble and quartzite yields relatively simple age spectra with Late Cretaceous (88–82 Ma) 40Ar/39Ar ages. Barrovian muscovite records significantly younger ages (63–55 Ma). The transtension system and associated metamorphism may have occurred above a subduction zone in Paleocene–Eocene time as a precursor to intrusion of Eocene (~53 Ma) arc plutons.  相似文献   

Metamorphic terranes comprised of blueschist facies and regional metamorphic (Barrovian) rocks in apparent structural continuity may represent subduction complexes that were partially overprinted during syn‐ to post‐subduction heating or may be comprised of unrelated tectonic slices. An excellent example of a composite blueschist‐to‐Barrovian terrane is the southern Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey. Late Cretaceous blueschist facies rocks are dominated by marble characterized by rod‐shaped calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite and interlayered with blueschist that contains eclogite and quartzite pods. Barrovian rocks, which have 40Ar/39Ar white mica ages that are >20 Myr younger than those of the blueschists, are also dominated by marble, but rod‐shaped calcite has been progressively recrystallized into massive marble within a ~200‐m transition zone. Barrovian marble is interlayered with quartzite and schist in which isograds are closely spaced and metamorphic conditions range from chlorite to sillimanite zone over ~1 km present‐day structural thickness. Andalusite, kyanite and prismatic sillimanite are present in muscovite‐rich quartzite; in one location, all three are in the same rock. Andalusite pre‐dates Barrovian metamorphism, kyanite is both pre‐ and syn‐Barrovian and sillimanite is entirely Barrovian. Muscovite with phengitic cores and relict kyanite in quartzite below the staurolite‐in isograd are evidence for pre‐Barrovian subduction metamorphism preserved at the low‐T end of the Barrovian domain; above the staurolite isograd, all evidence for subduction metamorphism has been erased. Some regional metamorphism may have occurred during exhumation, as indicated by syn‐kinematic high‐T minerals defining the fabric of L‐tectonite. Quartz microstructures in lineated quartzite reveal a strong constrictional fabric that may have formed in a transtensional bend in the plate boundary. Transtension accounts for the closely spaced isograds and development of a strong constrictional fabric during exhumation.  相似文献   

A. I. Okay  O. Monod  P. Moni 《Lithos》2002,64(3-4):155-178
Triassic eclogite and blueschist facies rocks occur as a thrust sheet, 25-km long and over 2-km thick, in an Eocene fold-and-thrust belt in northwest Turkey along the zmir–Ankara suture. The thrust sheet consists mainly of metabasites with minor marble, phyllite and metachert, and rare lenses of serpentinite. The common blueschist facies mineral assemblage in the metabasites is sodic amphibole+epidote+albite+chlorite+phengite±garnet. Sodic amphibole commonly shows replacement by barroisite, and there is continuous petrographic transition from blueschist–metabasites to barroisite-bearing epidote–amphibolites. Eclogite with the mineral assemblage of garnet+sodic pyroxene+sodic–calcic amphibole+epidote is found only in one locality. PT conditions of the epidote–blueschist facies metamorphism are estimated as 450±50 °C and 11±2 kbar. The blueschist formation was followed by a decrease in pressure and increase in temperature, leading to the development of barroisite-bearing epidote–amphibolites. Phengite, sodic amphibole and barroisite Ar/Ar ages from three metabasic rocks range between 215 and 205 Ma, and indicate Late Triassic high-pressure metamorphism. The Triassic blueschists in northwest Turkey constitute part of a much larger allochthonous tectonic unit of Triassic mafic volcanic rocks. They probably represent the upper layers of a Triassic oceanic plateau, which was accreted to the Laurasian margin during the latest Triassic. The close spatial association of the Triassic and Cretaceous blueschists along the zmir–Ankara suture suggests that the suture represents a long-lived plate boundary of Late Palaeozoic to early Tertiary age.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous blueschist belt, Tavşanlı Zone, representing the subducted and exhumed northern continental margin of the Anatolide–Tauride platform is exposed in Western Anatolia. The Sivrihisar area east of Tavşanlı is made up of tectonic units consisting of i) metaclastics and conformably overlying massive marbles (coherent blueschist unit), ii) blueschist-eclogite unit, iii) marble–calcschist intercalation and iv) metaperidotite slab. The metaclastics are composed of jadeite–lawsonite–glaucophane and jadeite–glaucophane–chloritoid schists, phengite phyllites, and calcschists with glaucophane–lawsonite metabasite layers. The blueschist-eclogite unit representing strongly sheared, deeply buried and imbricated tectonic slices of accreted uppermost levels of the oceanic crust with minor metamorphosed serpentinite bodies consists of lawsonite-bearing eclogitic metabasites (approximately 90% of the field), lawsonite eclogites, metagabbros, serpentinites, pelagic marbles, omphacite–glaucophane–lawsonite metapelites and metacherts. The mineral assemblage of the lawsonite eclogite (garnet + omphacite > 70%) is omphacite, garnet, lawsonite, glaucophane, phengite and rutile. Lawsonite eclogite lenses are enclosed by garnet–lawsonite blueschist envelopes.Textural evidence from lawsonite eclogites and country rocks reveals that they did not leave the stability field of lawsonite during subduction and exhumation. The widespread preservation of lawsonite in eclogitic metabasites and eclogites can be attributed to rapid subduction and subsequent exhumation in a low geothermal gradient of the oceanic crust material without experiencing a thermal relaxation. Peak PT conditions of lawsonite eclogites are estimated at 24 ± 1 kbar and 460 ± 25 °C. These PT conditions indicate a remarkably low geotherm of 6.2 °C/km corresponding to a burial depth of 74 km.  相似文献   

The Hong'an region in the Qinling–Dabie collisional zone in eastern China hosts a series of metamorphic rocks exposing a south-to-north distribution from blueschist/blueschist–greenschist, amphibolite, eclogite (kyanite free) and kyanite–eclogite to coesite–eclogite facies rocks that represent progressively deeper levels of the Mesozoic subduction–collision complex. The Hong'an area is interesting for three reasons: (1) it escaped the thermal and structural overprint imparted on much of the Dabie Mountains during Early Cretaceous intrusion of voluminous granites and granodiorites; (2) the high-pressure (HP) Hong'an eclogites are widely distributed, often preserve prograde crystallization histories and can be directly linked in time and space to the blueschist/blueschist–greenschist rocks exposed to the south; (3) the blueschist/blueschist–greenschist facies rocks are generally better exposed than their equivalents in the southeastern Dabie Mountains and offer some opportunity for simultaneous structural and metamorphic analysis. The Hong'an area HP rocks offer perhaps the closest approximation to a preserved snapshot of Mesozoic pressure–temperature (PT) conditions attending early subduction–exhumation in the region, and are thus essential to generating a coherent picture of the dynamics attending both metamorphism and exposure of the coeval ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) rocks. The purpose of this contribution is twofold: (1) to document previously unpublished metamorphic and structural data characterizing these HP sequences and their relative continuity in Hong'an; (2) to incorporate these data with recent geochronologic, structural and paleomagnetic information in the context of protracted, late Paleozoic through Mesozoic subduction, collision and exhumation. Metamorphism and exhumation of some of the southern Hong'an HP sequences appear to have occurred concomitant with oceanic subduction immediately to the west, and thus may have preceded widespread continental subduction/collision. Moreover, all of the HP–UHP sequences in the region were exhumed before the end of collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons at ca. 160 Ma. Exhumation of HP–UHP rocks both before and during continental plate collision is neither novel for central China nor for other HP–UHP zones, but is important to take into account when reconstructing the evolution of such orogens.  相似文献   

Petrogenesis of collision-related plutonics in Central Anatolia, Turkey   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Central Anatolia exhibits good examples of calc-alkaline and alkaline magmatism of similar age in a collision-related tectonic setting (continent–island arc collision). In the Central Anatolia region, late Cretaceous post-collisional plutonic rocks intrude Palaeozoic–Mesozoic metamorphic rocks overthrust by Upper Cretaceous ophiolitic units to make up the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex.

In the complex, three different intrusive rock types may be recognised based on their geochemical characteristics: (i) calc-alkaline (Behrekdag, Cefalikdag, and Celebi); (ii) subalkaline-transitional (Baranadag); and (ii) alkaline (Hamit). The calc-alkaline and subalkaline plutonic rocks are metaluminous I-type plutons ranging from monzodiorite to granite. The alkaline plutonic rocks are metaluminous to peralkaline plutons, predominantly A-type, ranging from nepheline monzosyenite to quartz syenite.

All intrusive rocks show enrichment in LILE and LREE relative to HFSE, and have high 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd ratios. These characteristics indicate an enriched mantle source region(s) carrying a subduction component inherited from pre-collision subduction events. The tectonic discrimination diagram of Rb vs. (Y+Nb) suggests that the calc-alkaline, subalkaline, and alkaline plutonic rocks have been affected by crustal assimilation combined with fractional crystallisation processes.

The coexistence of calc-alkaline and alkaline magmatism in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex may be attributed to mantle source heterogeneity before collision. The former carries a smaller intraplate component and pre-subduction enrichment compared to the latter. Either thermal perturbation of the metasomatised lithosphere by delamination of the thermal boundary layer (TBL), or removal of a subducted plate (slab breakoff) is the likely mechanism for the initiation of the post-collisional magmatism in the Complex.  相似文献   

In northwest Turkey, high-pressure metamorphic rocks occur as exotic blocks within the Çetmi mélange located on the south of the Biga Peninsula. Rutile chemistry and rutile thermometry obtained from the eclogite and associated garnet-mica schist in the Çetmi mélange indicate significant trace element behaviour of subducted oceanic crust and source-rock lithology of detrital rutiles. Cr and Nb contents in detrital rutile from garnet-mica schist vary from 355 to 1026 μg/g and 323 and 3319 μg/g, respectively. According to the Cr-Nb discrimination diagram, the results show that 85% of the detrital rutiles derived from metapelitic and 15% from metamafic rocks. Temperatures calculated for detrital rutiles and rutiles in eclogite range from 540 °C to 624 °C with an average of 586 °C and 611 °C to 659 °C with an average of 630 °C at P = 2.3 GPa, respectively. The calculated formation temperatures suggest that detrital rutiles are derived from amphibolite- and eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks. Amphibolite-facies rocks of the Kazdağ Massif could be the primary source rocks for the rutiles in the garnet-mica schist from the Çetmi mélange. Nb/Ta ratios of metapelitic and metamafic rutiles fall between 7–24 and 11–25, respectively. Nb/Ta characteristics in detrital rutiles may reflect a change in source-rock lithology. However, Nb/Ta ratios of rutiles in eclogite vary from 9 to 22. The rutile grains from eclogites are dominated by subchondritic Nb/Ta ratios. It can be noted that subchondritic Nb/Ta may record rutile growth from local sinks of aqueous fluids from metamorphic dehydration.  相似文献   

Kilometer-scale lenses of quartz-rich metasedimentary rocks crop out in a discontinuous belt along the southern margin of the Menderes Massif, Turkey, and preserve evidence for high-pressure–low-temperature (HP–LT) metamorphism related to subduction of a continental margin during Alpine orogeny. Kyanite schist, quartzite, and quartz veins contain kyanite + phengite + Mg-chlorite, and the veins also contain magnesiocarpholite. A deformed carbonate metaconglomerate juxtaposed with the quartzite-dominated unit does not contain HP index minerals, and likely represents the tectonized boundary of the siliceous rocks with adjacent marble. The HP–LT rocks (10–12 kbar, 470–570 °C) record different pressure conditions than the adjacent, apparently lower pressure Menderes metasedimentary sequence. Despite this difference there is disagreement as to whether these HP–LT rocks are part of the Menderes sequence or are related to the tectonically overlying Cycladic blueschist unit. If the former, the entire southern Menderes Massif experienced HP–LT metamorphism but the evidence has been obliterated from most rocks; if the latter, rocks recording different metamorphic-kinematic conditions experienced different tectonic histories and were tectonically juxtaposed during thrusting. Based on observations and data in this study, the second model better accounts for the differences in PT-deformation histories of the southern Menderes Massif rocks, and suggests that the HP–LT rocks are not part of the Menderes cover sequence.  相似文献   

The north-west Turkish blueschists represent a subducted passive continental margin sequence dominated by metaclastic rocks and marble. The depositional age of the blueschist protoliths are probably Palaeozoic to Mesozoic, while the age of the high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism is Late Cretaceous. Blueschists are tectonically overlain by a volcanosedimentary sequence made up of accreted oceanic crustal material that locally shows incipient blueschist metamorphism and by spinel peridotite slices. The metaclastic rocks with regional jadeite and glaucophane, which comprise the lower part of the blueschist unit, make up an over 1000-m-thick coherent sequence in the Kocasu region of north-west Turkey. Rare metabasic horizons in the upper parts of the metaclastic sequence with sodic amphibole + Iawsonite but no garnet indicate lawsonite blueschist facies metamorphism. The blueschist metaclastics in the Kocasu region are practically free of calcium and ferric iron and closely approximate the NFMASH system in bulk composition. Two low-variance mineral assemblages (with quartz and phengite) are jadeite + glaucophane + chlorite + paragonite and chloritoid + glaucophane + paragonite. The metaclastics comprise up to several-metres-thick layers of jadeite schist with quartz, phengite and nearly 100 mol% jadeite. Phase relations in the metaclastics show that the chloritoid + glaucophane assemblage, even in Fe2+-rich compositions, is stable in the jadeite stability field. In the NFASH system the above assemblage without the accompanying garnet has a narrow thermal stability field. Mineral equilibria in the metaclastics involving chloritoid, glaucophane, jadeite, paragonite and chlorite indicate metamorphic P-T conditions of 20 ± 2 kbar and 430 ± 30 d? C, yielding geothermal gradients close to 5d? C km-1, one of the lowest geotherms recorded. Blueschists in the Kocasu region, which have been buried to 70 km depth, are tectonically overlain by the volcanosedimentary sequence and by peridotite buried not deeper than 30 km. Phengites from two jadeite schists were dated by Ar/Ar laser probe; they give an age of 88.5 ± 0.5 Ma, interpreted as the age of metamorphism. Blueschists and the overlying peridotite bodies are intruded by 48-53-Ma-old granodiorite bodies that were emplaced at 10 km depth. This suggests that the exhumation of blueschists by underplating of cold continental crust, and normal faulting at the blueschist-peridotite, interface occurred during the Late Cretaceous to Palaeocene (88-53 Ma).  相似文献   

在一些典型碰撞造山带中,高压麻粒岩与榴辉岩在空间和时间上密切相关,它们之间的关系对揭示碰撞造山带的造山过程和造山机制具有重要意义.本文以中国西部的南阿尔金、柴北缘及中部的北秦岭造山带为例,详细陈述了这3个地区榴辉岩和相关的高压麻粒岩的野外关系、变质演化和形成时代,目的是要建立大陆碰撞造山带中榴辉岩和相关高压麻粒岩形成的地球动力学背景模式.南阿尔金榴辉岩呈近东西向分布在江尕勒萨依,玉石矿沟一带,与含夕线石副片麻岩、花岗质片麻岩和少量大理岩构成榴辉岩一片麻岩单元,榴辉岩中含有柯石英假象,其峰期变质条件为P=2.8~3.0GPa,T=730~850℃,并在抬升过程中经历了角闪岩-麻粒岩相的叠加;大量年代学研究显示其峰期变质时代为485~500Ma.南阿尔金高压麻粒岩分布在巴什瓦克地区,包括高压基性麻粒岩和高压长英质麻粒岩,它们与超基性岩构成了一个大约5km宽的构造岩石单元,与周围角闪岩相的片麻岩为韧性剪切带接触.长英质麻粒岩和基性麻粒岩的峰期组合均具有蓝晶石和三元长石(已变成条纹长石),形成的温压条件为T=930~1020℃,P=1.8~2.5GPa,并在退变质过程中经历了中压麻粒岩相变质作用叠加.锆石SHRIMP测定显示巴什瓦克高压麻粒岩的峰期变质时代为493~497Ma.都兰地区的榴辉岩分布柴北缘HP-UHP变质带的东端,在榴辉岩和围岩副片麻岩中均发现有柯石英保存,形成的峰期温压条件为T=670~730℃和P=2.7~3.25GPa,退变质阶段经过了角闪岩相的叠加;榴辉岩相变质时代为420~450Mao都兰地区的高压麻粒岩分布在阿尔茨托山西部,高压麻粒岩包括基性麻粒岩长英质麻粒岩,基性麻粒岩的峰期矿物组合为Grt+Cpx+Pl±Ky±Zo+Rt±Qtz,长英质麻粒岩的峰期矿物组合为:Grt+Kf+Ky+Pl+Qtz.峰期变质条件为T=800~925℃,P=1.4~1.85GPa,退变质阶段经历了角闪岩-绿片岩的改造,高压麻粒岩的变质时代为420~450Ma.北秦岭榴辉岩分布在官坡-双槐树一带,榴辉岩的峰期变质组合为Grt+Omp±Phe+Qtz+Rt,所计算的峰期温压条件为T=680~770℃和P=2.25~2.65GPa,年代学数据显示榴辉岩的变质时代为500Ma左右.北秦岭高压麻粒岩分布在含榴辉岩单元的南侧松树沟一带,包括高压基性麻粒岩和高压长英质麻粒岩,与超基性岩在空间上密切伴生,高压麻粒岩的峰期温压条件为T=850~925℃,P=1.45~1.80GPa,锆石U-Pb年代学研究显示其峰期变质时代为485~507Ma.以上三个实例显示,出现在同一造山带、在空间上伴生的高压麻粒岩和榴辉岩有各自不同的变质演化历史,但榴辉岩中的榴辉岩相变质时代和相邻的高压麻粒岩中的高压麻粒岩相变质作用时代相同或相近,这种成对出现的榴辉岩和高压麻粒岩代表了它们同时形成在造山带中不同的构造环境中,即榴辉岩的形成于大陆俯冲带中,而高压麻粒岩可能形成在俯冲带之上增厚的大陆地壳根部.  相似文献   

Volcanism along the northwest boundary of the Arabian Plate found in the Gaziantep Basin, southeast Turkey, is of Miocene age and is of alkaline and calc-alkaline basic composition. The rare earth element data for both compositional series indicates spinel–peridotite source areas. The rare earth and trace elements of the alkaline lavas originate from a highly primitive and slightly contaminated asthenospheric mantle; those of the calc-alkaline lavas originate from a highly heterogeneous, asthenospheric, and lithospheric mantle source. Partial melting and magmatic differentiation processes played a role in the formation of the petrological features of these volcanics. These rocks form two groups on the basis of their ~(87) Sr/~(86) Sr and ~(143) Nd/~(144) Nd isotopic compositions in addition to their classifications based on their chemical compositions(alkaline and calc-alkaline). These isotopic differences indicate a dissimilar parental magma. Therefore, high Nd isotope samples imply a previously formed and highly primitive mantle whereas low Nd isotope samples may indicate comparable partial melting of an enriched heterogeneous shallow mantle. Other isotopic changes that do not conform to the chemical features of these lavas are partly related to the various tectonic events of the region, such as the Dead Sea Fault System and the Bitlis Suture Zone.  相似文献   

Alkaline lavas were erupted as phonolites and trachytes around Karaburhan (Sivrihisar–Eskisehir, NW Anatolia) within the Izmir–Ankara–Erzincan suture zone. These volcanic rocks were emplaced as domes, close and parallel to the ophiolite thrust line. According to 40Ar/39Ar geochronological analyses of sanidine crystals from the phonolites, the age of the alkaline volcanics is 25 Ma (Late Oligocene–Early Miocene).The flow-textured phonolites are porphyritic and consist mainly of sanidine, clinopyroxene, and feldspathoid crystals. The clinopyroxenes show compositional zoning, with aegirine (Na0.82–0.96Fe+30.68–0.83) rims and aegirine–augite cores (containing calcium, magnesium, and Fe+2). Some aegirine–augites are replaced with sodium-, calcium-, and magnesium-rich amphibole (hastingsite). Feldspathoid (hauyne) crystals enriched with elemental Na and Ca have been almost completely altered to zeolite and carbonate minerals. The fine-grained trachytes with a trachytic texture consist of feldspar (oligoclase and sanidine) phenocrystals and clinopyroxene microphenocrystals within a groundmass made up largely of alkali feldspar microlites.Although there are some differences in their element patterns, the phonolites and trachytes exhibit enrichment in LILEs (Sr, K, Rb, Ba, Th) and LREEs (La, Ce, Pr, Nd) and negative anomalies in Nb and Ta. These geochemical characteristics indicate a lithospheric mantle enriched by fluids extracted from the subduction component. In addition, the high 87Sr/86Sr (0.706358–0.708052) and low 143Nd/144Nd (0.512546–0.512646) isotope concentrations of the alkaline lavas reflect a mantle source that has undergone metasomatism by subduction-derived fluids. Petrogenetic modeling indicates that the alkaline lavas generated from the subduction-modified lithospheric mantle have undergone assimilation, fractional crystallization, and crustal contamination, acquiring high Pb, Ba, Rb, and Sr contents and Pb isotopic compositions during their ascent through the thickened crust in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

张修政  董永胜  李才  解超明  王明  邓明荣  张乐 《岩石学报》2014,30(10):2821-2834
羌塘中部晚三叠世低温/高压变质带是目前青藏高原内部延伸规模最大的高压变质带,但大量关键高压变质岩石出露地区地球化学资料匮乏,严重制约了对高压变质带原岩建造以及构造演化的全面认识。本文以羌塘中西部地区尚无地球化学资料的果干加年山榴辉岩和红脊山蓝片岩为研究对象,进行了系统的地球化学以及原岩恢复工作。研究表明,果干加年山榴辉岩呈透镜状产于围岩石榴石多硅白云母片岩和少量大理岩中,其原岩为亚碱性玄武岩,具有较低的稀土总量(∑REE=51.19×10-6~59.43×10-6)和轻稀土亏损的特征[(La/Yb)N=0.59~0.70],不具有Nb、Ta、Ti的亏损,与典型的N-MORB特征一致,暗示其原岩可能来源于亏损的地幔源区,形成于洋中脊环境。红脊山地区基性蓝片岩的原岩为碱性玄武岩-亚碱性玄武岩,具有高的TiO2(2.97%~4.14%)和P2O5(0.29%~0.48%)含量,富集轻稀土元素[(La/Yb)N=6.10~11.6]和高场强元素,地球化学特征类似于OIB。但是这些基性蓝片岩与大量的陆源碎屑岩伴生产出,且具有明显的硅铝质上地壳物质混染的特征,与南羌塘地区二叠纪大陆板内基性岩墙的产出特征以及地壳混染特征一致,可能是其俯冲消减的产物。通过本文研究结果并结合区域内已识别出的E-MORB型洋壳和洋岛/海山物质深俯冲的证据,我们认为羌塘中部晚三叠世高压变质带以洋壳物质深俯冲为主,同时亦保留了部分陆壳物质俯冲的证据,暗示大洋向北俯冲消减结束之后,又牵引至少一部分南羌塘北缘陆壳物质经历了随后的俯冲过程。  相似文献   

Eclogites occur as a tectonic slice within a metabasite-phyllite-marble unit of the Karakaya Complex in northwest Turkey. The high-pressure mineral assemblage in eclogite is mainly composed of garnet + omphacite + glaucophane + epidote + quartz. Trace element characteristics of rutile and Zr-in-rutile temperatures were determined for eclogites from the Karakaya Complex. Core-rim analyses of rutile grains yield remarkable trace element zoning with lower contents of Zr, Nb and Ta in the core than in the rim. The variations in Zr, Nb and Ta can be ascribed to growth zoning rather than diffusion effects. The Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios increase with a decrease in Ta and Hf contents, which could be ascribed to the effect of metamorphic dehydration in subduction zones on rutile Nb/Ta differentiation. The rutile grains from eclogites in the Karakaya Complex are dominated by subchondritic Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios. It can be noted that subchondritic Nb/Ta may record rutile growth from local sinks of aqueous fluids from metamorphic dehydration.The Zr contents of all rutile grains range between 81 and 160 ppm with an average of 123 ppm. The Zr-in-rutile thermometry yields temperatures of 559–604 °C with an average temperature of 585 °C for eclogites from the Karakaya Complex. This average temperature suggests growth temperature of rutile before peak pressure during the subduction. However, some rutile grains have higher Zr contents in the outermost rims compared to the core. Zr-in-rutile temperatures of the rims are about 20 °C higher than those of the cores. This suggests that the outermost rims would have grown from a distinct fluid at higher temperatures than that of the cores. Moreover, Zr contents and calculated temperatures in both inclusion rutile and matrix rutile from eclogites are identical, which suggests that eclogites within the Karakaya Complex belong to the same tectonic slice and underwent similar metamorphic evolution.  相似文献   

玛克苏托夫 (Maksyutov)榴辉岩是乌拉尔—昆仑—祁连—秦岭—大别山元古代褶皱带之一部分。榴辉岩呈团块或布丁夹于片麻岩内 ,由于显生宙与花岗岩侵入有关的退变质叠加影响 ,时代变化自元古代至下古生代。榴辉岩矿物组分恒定但不同程度受绿帘蓝片岩相退变质叠加 ,榴辉岩中石榴石以富铁为主 (f=50 %~ 75% ) ;单斜辉石为绿辉石 Jd40 .3~ 52 .2。据 Krogh石榴子石—单斜辉石温度计 ,榴辉岩形成温度为 1 0 60~ 686℃ ,压力为 2 2 .3× 1 0 5~ 1 4.1 6× 1 0 5k Pa;PT轨迹具岩浆 (榴辉岩浆 )自上地幔向下地壳上侵的特点。  相似文献   

曹毅  宋述光 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2235-2246
北祁连造山带是早古生代大洋板块"冷"俯冲的典型地区,形成了一系列高压低温变质的岩石组合.基性榴辉岩是俯冲洋壳变质的产物,根据其结构构造特征可以划分为(1)粒状榴辉岩,峰期变质矿物组合为Grt+Omp+Phn+Rut±Lws,硬柱石呈包裹体和假象分布于石榴石内,变质温压条件T=465~508℃,P=2.30~2.60GPa.(2)片状榴辉岩,岩石具片状构造,其共生矿物组合Omp+Czo/Ep+Phn+Gln构成透入性面理S1和线理L1,以及宏观和显微同斜褶皱F1.其峰期变质温压条件为T=466~510℃,P=1.9~2.2GPa.(3)蓝片岩相退化变质榴辉岩,蓝片岩相变质矿物Gln+Ep+Phn±Ab强烈交代榴辉岩相矿物,并发生强烈D2期变形作用,岩石形成明显的透入性面理S2和线理L2,以及同斜剪切褶皱F2.蓝闪石和多硅白云母线理的统计揭示D2期变形以斜向走滑剪切为主,与D1期变形的榴辉岩的运动学特征大体相似.D2同变质的温压条件为T=422~487℃,P=1.15~1.37GPa.高压变质带晚期的绿片岩相叠加和D3期变形,形成透入性面理S3和线理L3,其运动特征为近于垂直构造线的逆冲剪切.结合榴辉岩变形特征,变质温压条件和同位素年代学资料,我们认为退变质的强弱与变形程度有密切关系.峰期变质后的榴辉岩经过早期绿帘石榴辉岩相到蓝片岩相斜向走滑剪切,和晚期绿片岩相逆冲,在泥盆纪早期快速折返的出露地表.  相似文献   

哀牢山构造带泥质高压麻粒岩主要由石榴石、夕线石、钾长石和斜长石变斑晶及尖晶石、铁假蓝宝石、蓝晶石、石英、金红石和钛铁矿包裹体组成,为确定印支地块和华南地块的边界提供了关键性标志。石榴石-黑云母-斜长石-石英地质温压计(GBPQ)计算结果及标志性高温矿物组合(Spl+Qz)表明泥质高压麻粒岩的形成和演化经历了高压/高温进变质到中温/低压退变质的顺时针P-T演化过程。其中:1)高压/高温进变质阶段的矿物组合为Ky+Sil+Grt1+Kf1+Pl1+Spr+Ter(Kf+Pl)+Bt1+Spl+Qtz+Ilm1+Rut1,形成于850~919℃,≥10.4kbar;2)中温/低压退变质阶段的矿物组合为Grt2+Bt2+Pl2+Ms+Qtz+Ilm2+Rut2,早期和晚期的温压条件分别为664~754℃,4.9~6.5kbar和572~576℃,3.5~3.9kbar。反映陆壳物质在碰撞过程中俯冲到地下深处(≥30km)经高压高温变质后快速折返到中上地壳的动力学演变轨迹。  相似文献   

对扬子地块西缘康滇裂谷北段的丹巴变质玄武岩进行了系统的岩石学、元素-Nd同位素地球化学研究,结果表明该岩石为碱性玄武岩,样品相对富MgO、富TiO2,Mg#值介于0.51~0.59之间.稀土总量较高,轻重稀土分馏较明显,Th、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf和LREE等不相容元素富集,Y和HREE明显亏损,地球化学特征与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)类似.岩浆形成于板内裂谷环境,起源于类似OIB的地幔源区,并在上升过程中受到了大陆岩石圈地幔(SCLM)物质不同程度的混染,同时还可能有少量下地壳物质的混染.样品在岩石化学上表现出地幔柱岩浆作用的痕迹,很可能与导致Rodinia超级大陆裂解的新元古代地幔柱事件有关.  相似文献   

New evidence for high-pressure, eclogite facies metamorphism in the crystalline basement of the Tisza Megaunit (southern Hungary) is reported. The retrogressed mafic eclogite forms a small lens in the orthogneiss and it was found in the borehole near Jánoshalma. The carbonated eclogite contains the peak metamorphic assemblage omphacite + garnet + phengite + kyanite + clinozoizite + rutile + K-feldspar + quartz. Omphacite (Xjd0.40–0.41Xdio0.52–0.53Xhd0.05Xaug1.55–2.85) occurs in the matrix and as inclusions in garnet (Xpy0.37–0.38Xgrs0.21–0.22Xalm0.39–0.40Xsps0–0.01Xadr0–0.01) and kyanite. Thermobarometry based on net-transfer reactions between garnet, omphacite, kyanite and phengite yields PT conditions of 710 ± 10 °C and 2.6 ± 0.75 GPa. Retrogression during decompression is manifested by formation of symplectites; the most typical are diopside + plagioclase after omphacite, corundum + spinel + plagioclase after kyanite and biotite + plagioclase after phengite. Carbonatization along the veins of the retrogressed eclogite was probably coeval with formation of these symplectites. At places where carbonate is absent the rock was completely hydrated and retrogressed down to the greenschist facies with the development of actinolite. Similar eclogites together with abundant orthogneisses occur mainly in the eastern parts of the Tisza Megaunit, suggesting the existence of an ancient (possibly Variscan) subduction/accretionary complex.  相似文献   

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