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We have investigated the variability of smoke aerosol absorbing ability with variations in the content of brown carbon (BrC) and black carbon (BC). Using monitoring data on radiative characteristics of smoke aerosol at AERONET stations and the spatial distribution of aerosol optical depth (AOD) obtained by the MODIS spectrometer (Terra satellite), we have detected large-scale smokes during boreal forest fires in Russia and Canada (1995–2012). The spatial distribution (50°–70° N, 95°–125° W) and temporal variability (at AERONET station Fort McMurray) of AOD during the smoking of a part of Canada in July 2012 have been analyzed. AOD probability distributions for July 14–18, 2012, and an estimate of aerosol radiative forcing of smoke aerosol at the upper boundary of the atmosphere have been obtained. We have proposed a technique for the diagnostics of BrC and BC in smoke aerosol particles from the spectral dependence of the imaginary part of the refractive index. At a wavelength of 440 nm, the contributions of BrC and BC to the smokeaerosol absorbing abitity can be comparable in magnitude. In many cases, the absorption spectra of smoke aerosol can be adequately approximated by either power or exponential functions. The presence of BrC in smoke-aerosol particles highly extends the variety of observed absorption spectra in a smoky atmosphere and spectral dependences of single scattering albedo. In the spectral range of 440–1020 nm, the radiative characteristics of smoke aerosol are largely contributed by its fine mode.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - In a number of studies, including our studies performed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, stable correlations have...  相似文献   

2017 年中国近海海温和气温气候特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2017 年,全球平均海表温度较常年值偏高0.29~0.43 ℃,是自1960 年以来第三热的年份,仅次于2015 和2016 年,同时是没有厄尔尼诺事件影响的全球海洋最热年。1960-2017 年,中国近海年平均海表温度呈显著波动上升趋势,每十年升高0.16 ℃。2017 年中国近海年平均海表温度较常年值偏高0.64 ℃,是自1960 年以来的中国近海第二最热年份,仅次于1998 年。基于国家海洋局沿海海洋观测台站资料分析,1960-2017 年,中国沿海年平均海表温度以每十年0.15 ℃的速率上升(高于全球平均海表温度的升温速率每十年0.11 ℃)。2017 年中国沿海海表温度较常年值偏高0.8 ℃,是1960 年有记录以来的最高值,比2015 年所创的最高纪录高0.2 ℃。1965-2017 年,中国沿海年平均气温以每十年0.30 ℃的速率上升。2017年中国沿海气温较常年值偏高1.1 ℃,也是1965 年有记录以来的最高值,比2016 年高0.2 ℃。  相似文献   

Composites of warm and cold temperature anomalies were constructed, and the distribution of the recurrence frequency of days with temperature anomalies in the four seasons of the year was evaluated based on satellite measurements data on sea surface temperature. Regions of the formation of cold anomalies in the northwestern part of the sea and warm anomalies in the northern and northeastern parts of sea were distinguished, related to advection by the Black Sea Rim Current. The distribution functions of temperature anomalies and the lifetime of the cold and warm anomalies were estimated. A plausible physical mechanism of the generation of cold anomaly in the southeastern marginal part of the sea related to Ekman pumping of cold water from the thermocline was considered.  相似文献   

Pankratova  N. V.  Belikov  I. B.  Belousov  V. A.  Kopeikin  V. M.  Skorokhod  A. I.  Shtabkin  Yu. A.  Malafeev  G. V.  Flint  M. V. 《Oceanology》2020,60(5):593-602
Oceanology - In Russian Arctic seas, observations of surface methane concentrations (CH4), ozone, nitrogen and carbon oxides, as well as the content of $${{\delta...  相似文献   

通过谐波分析的方法,对东亚31个冬季(1980—2010年)的气温提取年际变化分量(周期小于8a部分)进行EOF分析。结果发现:在年际变化的时间尺度上,东亚冬季气温表现为高纬模态和低纬模态2个主要模态,它们一起可以解释总方差73%的变化。进一步分析表明,在年际变化尺度上,与气温变化的高纬模态相联系的大气环流表现为显著的北极涛动(AO)负位相分布,海平面气压场上西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压北移,对流层中层东亚大槽西移,高层西风急流向西北方向移动;副热带北太平洋和阿拉斯加湾的海表面温度(SST)变化呈偶极子振荡分布,这种准两年的周期振荡对这一模态的出现有一定的预示意义。而与气温变化的低纬模态相联系的大气环流表现为类AO正位相分布,与之相关的西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压南移,对流层中层东亚大槽东移,高层的西风急流则是向东南方向移动;赤道东太平洋的SST异常可能对这一模态的形成有一定的作用,而东亚近海的SST则更多是被动地改变。此外,海冰异常变化与东亚冬季气温变化的联系主要体现在:在前夏和前秋,东西伯利亚海-波弗特海海冰异常减少(增加)对应着随后东亚冬季气温变化的高纬模态(低纬模态),而冬季东亚气温变化的高纬模态(低纬模态)又与后期春季北极东半球的海冰异常增加(减少)具有较好的相关性,此外白令海和鄂霍次克海的海冰异常变化是伴随东亚冬季气温变化产生的。  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The variability of surface methane (СН4) concentration in Moscow at different time scales is analyzed using long-term regular measurements...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - This paper considers a typical case of winter cold air invasion into the Black Sea region in January 2010. Using the WRF numerical model, the intensive...  相似文献   

The solar radiation coming to the Earth’s ellipsoid is considered without taking into account the atmosphere on the basis of the astronomical ephemerides for the time interval from 3000 BC to 3000 AD. Using the regression equations between the Earth’s insolation and near-surface air temperature, the insolation annual and semiannual climatic norms of near-surface air temperature for the Earth as a whole and the hemispheres are calculated in intervals of 30 years for the period from 2930 BC to 2930 AD with 100 and 900- to 1000-year time steps. The analysis shows that the annual insolation rates of the near-surface air temperature of the Earth and the hemispheres decrease at all intervals. The semiannual insolation rates of the near-surface air temperature increase in winter and decrease in summer. This means that the seasonal difference decreases. The annual and semiannual rates of insolation near-surface air temperature of the Earth increase in the equatorial and decrease in the polar regions; the latitudinal contrast increases. The interlatitudinal gradient is higher in the Southern Hemisphere. It practically does not change in winter and increases in summer, most strongly in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The frequency properties of the spectra of sea surface temperature (SST) and land surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies are analyzed based on a simple...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - This paper presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of measurements of CO total content (CO TC) at stations of the Obukhov Institute of...  相似文献   

鲐鱼(Scomber japonicus)是西北太平洋的重要捕捞对象,其分布易受环境变化的影响。为定量分析海表温度和叶绿素浓度等影响因子对渔场分布的作用,文章采用产量重心、地统计插值和广义加性模型等方法,结合2017年西北太平洋2艘灯光敷网渔船的渔捞日志和海洋环境数据,探究该海域的渔场分布变化。研究结果表明:鲐鱼产量和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)呈先上升后下降的趋势,其中7月的产量最高,9月的CPUE最高;产量重心于4-9月由SW方向向NE方向移动,并于9-12月返回SW方向;鲐鱼渔场的最适海表温度为14℃~16℃,最适叶绿素a浓度为0.4~1.0 mg/m3;叶绿素a浓度对渔场分布无显著影响,可能与鲐鱼摄食对象的特性有关。  相似文献   

利用1870~2004年的HadiSST的月平均海表面温度(SST)资料,对去除了全球增暖趋势的印度洋-太平洋海表温度异常(SSTA)作季节经验正交函数(Season-reliant Empirical Orthogonal Function, S-EOF)分解,得到了印度洋-太平洋海表温度年际变化的2个联合模态,并且分析了与之相对应的大气环流特征.结果表明:低频的厄尔尼诺/南方涛动(ENSO)是控制印度洋-太平洋的主导模态,能使赤道印度洋维持一异常反气旋性环流,削弱印度洋夏季风的作用并且将东印度洋暖池的暖水输送到西印度洋,印度洋SSTA在一年四季中都出现全海盆同号变化,因此,第一主模态是ENSO的低频模与印度洋海盆一致模的联合模态;第二模态表现为太平洋上准2 a的ENSO位相转换模与印度洋偶极子模的联合模态,ENSO的位相转换发生于春季,与季风的异常转换有关,印度洋上出现异常的气旋性环流,叠加在印度洋夏季风上,增大东西印度洋的温差,在秋季出现西低东高的偶极子型海温分布,印度洋夏季风和这个模态的产生发展有很大的联系.  相似文献   

海洋水温是海洋研究的重要参数之一.本文介绍了"表皮温度"和"表层温度"的不同概念,分析了表皮和表层温度不同的产生机理,初步建立了两个温度之间的关系式,分析了回归方程产生的误差.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - By the 1950s, it was revealed that assumptions of the semiempirical statistical theory of the surface layer created by A.S. Monin and A.M. Obukhov,...  相似文献   

江锦花 《海洋通报》2007,26(4):85-90
研究了台州湾海域海水和表层沉积物中15种多环芳烃(PAHs) 的浓度水平,评价了表层沉积物对多环芳烃的富集规律,探讨其可能来源.结果表明,表层沉积物中 PAHs 的浓度范围为85.4~167.6 ng / g,平均值为138.62 ng/g,总多环芳烃的最大值是椒江码头.表层沉积物中二环、三环、四环、五环和六环多环芳烃占总多环芳烃的百分含量平均值分别为7.8 %,42.1 %,33.3 %,9.6 % 和 7.2 %,三环多环芳烃的含量最高;表层沉积物对多环芳烃的富集系数为 532.7~1 068.9,平均值为 807.5,单组分菲的富集系数最高为 122.7,最小的是苯并(a) 芘为 2.7;台州湾表层沉积物中的多环芳烃主要来源于燃煤污染,部分来源于石油烃类物质的直接污染.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The results of multipoint measurements of wind-direction pulsations and air temperature in the surface layer on the basis of the Tsymljansk Scientific...  相似文献   

对热带17层气温纬向偏差垂直剖面和气温异常垂直剖面进行了分析,发现热带太平洋大尺度准定常热源温度波和下垫面温度异常温度波都能激发温度偶极振子,使温度波波及对流层和平流层高空,不仅改变了高空大气的热力状态,也使大气热力状态随高度的分布呈现出明显的波状结构。  相似文献   

The distributional features of sea surface temperature and salinity(SST and SSS) in the Taiwan Straits have been analyzed using the SST and SSS underway measurements in August,1999.The characteristics of SST and SSS are summarized as foloows:There are several upwellings and diluted water in the Taiwan Straits.The upwellings are divided into two kinds:those along the western coast of the Taiwan Straits and those around the Taiwan Shoal.There are three sources of diluted water:diluted water of the Jiulongjiang River,diluted water of the Zhujiang River and diluted water of the Minjiang River.  相似文献   

台湾海峡1999年8月表层温盐的走航式观测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1999年8月台湾海峡的调查资料中走航式温盐仪的资料,对该海区的表层温盐分布进行分析。分析结果表明:调查期间在该海区存在多处上升流和冲淡水。台湾海峡调查海区的上升流区大致可分为两类:(1)海峡西部沿岸上升流区:平潭上升流区、东山上升流区和南澳上升流区;92)台湾浅滩附近的上升流区。冲淡水主要有九龙江冲淡水、珠江冲淡水和闽江冲淡水,此外还有粤东沿岸水。  相似文献   

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