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Full-scale observations from two urban sites in Basel, Switzerland were analysed to identify the magnitude of different processes that create, relocate, and dissipate turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the urban atmosphere. Two towers equipped with a profile of six ultrasonic anemometers each sampled the flow in the urban roughness sublayer, i.e. from street canyon base up to roughly 2.5 times the mean building height. This observational study suggests a conceptual division of the urban roughness sublayer into three layers: (1) the layer above the highest roofs, where local buoyancy production and local shear production of TKE are counterbalanced by local viscous dissipation rate and scaled turbulence statistics are close to to surface-layer values; (2) the layer around mean building height with a distinct inflexional mean wind profile, a strong shear and wake production of TKE, a more efficient turbulent exchange of momentum, and a notable export of TKE by transport processes; (3) the lower street canyon with imported TKE by transport processes and negligible local production. Averaged integral velocity variances vary significantly with height in the urban roughness sublayer and reflect the driving processes that create or relocate TKE at a particular height. The observed profiles of the terms of the TKE budget and the velocity variances show many similarities to observations within and above vegetation canopies.  相似文献   

In summer, water vapor over the eastern China monsoon region(ECMR) comes mainly from low latitudes and is modulated by tropical cyclone(TC) activity in East Asia(EA). This study examines the variability of water vapor transport over the ECMR, especially of the moisture inflow via the southern and eastern boundaries. The results of composite and correlation analyses, using data from 1979 to 2010, reveal significant differences in moisture budgets along the boundaries between TC days and non-TC days. Almost 80% of the water vapor transport via the eastern boundary occurs during TC days, while at the southern boundary most inflow occurs on non-TC days. The ratio of the total water vapor transport between TC and non-TC days is about 4:6. In addition, the El Nio–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) exhibits a remarkable influence on moisture transport over EA and the contributions of moisture inflow on TC days increase(reduce) in El Nio(La Nia) years. Moreover,different types of TCs, based on their tracks, have different effects on the moisture budgets along the southern and eastern boundaries. When TCs enter EA(but not the ECMR), they favor the moisture inflow via the eastern boundary and hinder the moisture inflow via the southern boundary. After TCs enter the ECMR, the inhibition of moisture inflow via the southern boundary will be weakened, and more water vapor can be brought into the ECMR. For some recurving TCs with an increase in TC activity in the midlatitudes, the influence is uncertain in different cases. The results herein suggest that TC activity is an important factor that influences the boundary moisture budgets in the ECMR.  相似文献   

麦莎台风登陆后能量过程与水汽供应的诊断研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对0509号台风"麦莎(Matsa)"登陆后长时间维持并轻度加强的过程进行了诊断研究,此过程涉及到多种因素.位涡分析表明,当中纬度西风槽东移,该槽底部分裂出的一个较小的正位涡中心与"麦莎"合并使"麦莎"的涡旋动能增强,而在9日之后"麦莎"与槽主体合并的阶段,槽区主要的正位涡中心与"麦莎"融合.动能收支分析发现,"麦莎"登陆北移过程中,高层的无辐散风穿越等高线将位能转换为动能这一过程较"麦莎"的整体加强为早,而辐散风是低层动能的主要来源.中低层天气尺度系统为积云对流的发展提供动能,而积云对流释放潜热又为高层动能的维持提供了帮助.将"麦莎"与北美"Agnes"飓风比较后发现,"麦莎"加强程度比"Agnes"较弱的原因之一,是高层的无辐散风把台风环流内的动能向环境输出,而"Agnes"飓风则是环境区有大量动能向台风环流区输送.分析水汽来源可知,在"麦莎"登陆期间及其后副热带和热带的两条水汽通道同时或分别为"麦莎"的积云对流提供了足够的水汽供应.  相似文献   

We present a new account of the kinetic energy budget within an unstable atmospheric surface layer (ASL) beneath a convective outer layer. It is based on the structural model of turbulence introduced by McNaughton (Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 112: 199–221, 2004). In this model the turbulence is described as a self-organizing system with a highly organized structure that resists change by instability. This system is driven from above, with both the mean motion and the large-scale convective motions of the outer layer creating shear across the surface layer. The outer convective motions thus modulate the turbulence processes in the surface layer, causing variable downwards fluxes of momentum and kinetic energy. The variable components of the momentum flux sum to zero, but the associated energy divergence is cumulative, increasing both the average kinetic energy of the turbulence in the surface layer and the rate at which that energy is dissipated. The tendency of buoyancy to preferentially enhance the vertical motions is opposed by pressure reaction forces, so pressure production, which is the work done against these reaction forces, exactly equals buoyant production of kinetic energy. The pressure potential energy that is produced is then redistributed throughout the layer through many conversions, back and forth, between pressure potential and kinetic energy with zero sums. These exchanges generally increase the kinetic energy of the turbulence, the rate at which turbulence transfers momentum and the rate at which it dissipates energy, but does not alter its overall structure. In this model the velocity scale for turbulent transport processes in the surface layer is (kzɛ)1/3 rather than the friction velocity, u*. Here k is the von Kármán constant, z is observation height, ɛ is the dissipation rate. The model agrees very well with published experimental results, and provides the foundation for the new similarity model of the unstable ASL, replacing the older Monin–Obukhov similarity theory, whose assumptions are no longer tenable.  相似文献   

In this study, kinetic energy budget equations of rotational and divergent flow in pressure coordinates are derived on terrain-following coordinates. The new formulation explicitly shows the terrain effects and can be applied directly to model-simulated dynamic and thermodynamic fields on the model’s original vertical grid. Such application eliminates interpolation error and avoids errors in virtual weather systems in mountainous areas. These advantages and their significance are demonstrated by a numerical study in terrain-following coordinates of a developing vortex after it moves over the Tibetan Plateau in China.  相似文献   

广西大暴雨期间西南低涡涡动动能收支分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Based on the 6-hour-interval reanalysis data with 1°× 1°resolution from the National Center for Environmental Prediction/the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR), the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) budget of a southwest vortex (SWV) that caused heavy rainfall in Guangxi over South China (from 1200 UTC 11 to 0000 UTC 13 June) is calculated. The results are as follows: (a) The SWV is a kind of subtropical vortex, with characteristics of both an extratropical vortex and a tropical vortex. (b) In the case examined, large-scale circulation and other perturbation fields contributed to the formation and development of the SWV. (c) When the SWV moved from weak large-scale circulation EKE areas to strong ones, the EKE of the SWV increased, and vice versa. (d) Sub-grid processes and frictional dissipation were the main sinks of the SWV EKE, which contributed to the decay of the SWV. (e) The residual term (RES) and the Total (composite effect of all right hand side (rhs) terms except the RES in the EKE equation) varied almost in the same tendency, which kept the EKE varying in a moderate way. (f) The EKE between 550 hPa and 850 hPa increased most intensively, corresponding to the vertical stretching of the SWV.  相似文献   

Previous numerical studies have focused on the combined effect of momentum and scalar eddy diffusivity on the intensity and structure of tropical cyclones. The separate impact of eddy diffusivity estimated by planetary boundary layer(PBL) parameterization on the tropical cyclones has not yet been systematically examined. We have examined the impacts of eddy diffusion of moisture on idealized tropical cyclones using the Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting model with the Yonsei University PBL scheme. Our results show nonlinear effects of moisture eddy diffusivity on the simulation of idealized tropical cyclones. Increasing the eddy diffusion of moisture increases the moisture content of the PBL, with three different effects on tropical cyclones:(1) an decrease in the depth of the PBL;(2) an increase in convection in the inner rain band and eyewall; and(3) drying of the lowest region of the PBL and then increasing the surface latent heat flux. These three processes have different effects on the intensity and structure of the tropical cyclone through various physical mechanisms. The increased surface latent heat flux is mainly responsible for the decrease in pressure. Results show that moisture eddy diffusivity has clear effects on the pressure in tropical cyclones, but contributes little to the intensity of wind. This largely influences the wind–pressure relationship, which is crucial in tropical cyclones simulation. These results improve our understanding of moisture eddy diffusivity in the PBL and its influence on tropical cyclones, and provides guidance for interpreting the variation of moisture in the PBL for tropical cyclone simulations.  相似文献   

利用高分辨率(10km)数值模拟的结果,以登陆华南并引发特大暴雨的0601号台风为例,对台风中田尺度动能收支平衡进行了诊断分析。结果表明,中-β尺度系统动能收支水平项(水平通量散度项和水平产生项)很小,垂直项(垂直通量散度项和垂直产生项)是动能收支方程的主要部分;动能垂直通量散度在对流层低层是动能的汇,在对流层中高层为动能的源;动能垂直产生项在对流层各层都是动能的汇;浮力产生项在300hPa以下是动能的源,在对流层高层是动能的汇;平均动能的局地变化项,在对流层各层均小于零,暴雨期间对流层动能支大于收,且动能变化在对流层中低层最明显。就整个对流层的垂直总量而言,浮力产生项是主要的动能源,而垂直产生项是主要的动能汇。较强冷空气首先从对流层中层入侵台风环流系统,抑制动能制造和传输,是中田尺度对流系统不能维持、发展的主要原因,也是台风系统及其暴雨不能长久维持的关键。  相似文献   

利用MM5中尺度气象模式嵌套数值模拟的输出结果,计算并分析了一次强沙尘暴天气过程的中尺度动能收支,揭示了沙尘暴过程中的起沙、扬沙和输送的能量来源以及随高度的分布和演变过程。结果表明:(1)沙尘暴天气期间中尺度能量过程活跃;(2)沙尘暴过程因消耗局地动能而启动和发展,能量来源在于高空的动能转化;(3)沙尘暴天气过程中,非地转运动造成的气流穿越等压线运动是沙尘暴能量平衡过程中次重要的能汇项;(4)水平通量散度项为沙尘暴天气过程中主要的中尺度能汇;(5)垂直通量散度项为沙尘暴天气过程中的能源项。随着系统的演变,能源中心从高层向中层转移,直至后期的高层出现能汇;(6)摩擦消耗和次网格尺度效应以及计算误差R在沙尘暴天气过程中总体表现为能源项。  相似文献   

中国东部水分收支的初步分析   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
利用中国160站降水资料、中国气象局提供的探空资料、NCEP/NCAR提供的再分析资料(简称NCEP资料)和ECMWF提供的再分析资料(简称ERA40资料), 根据水汽平衡方程, 估算了1990~1999年中国东部的陆表水分收支, 分析了华北、 长江流域和华南三个典型区域的陆表水分收支, 同时对NCEP、ERA40资料在东亚地区的陆表水分收支进行评估。结果表明, 在中国东部区域, 年平均和夏季是水汽汇区, 冬季降水与蒸发基本平衡;华北在年平均、夏季以及冬季均为水汽源区;长江流域在年平均、夏季及冬季均为水汽汇区;华南在年平均和冬季为弱水汽汇区, 夏季为水汽源区。两套再分析资料基本揭示出了上述特征。就区域平均的蒸发和降水的年际变化而言, 两套再分析资料的结果与观测都存在显著相关, 但估算的蒸发NCEP好于ERA40; 相对于气候态的定量比较而言, 由两套再分析资料得到的陆表水分收支距平(即降水减去蒸发的距平)的年际变化基本与观测一致。  相似文献   

Some of the most widely used slab model formulations for applications in the convective boundary layer are analysed and discussed. Three main classes are identified based on different approximations of the turbulent kinetic energy equation. The models appear to be quite insensitive to the initial values for boundary-layer height, and temperature discontinuity at the boundary-layer top. The slab models are applied to a case of sea-land transition from the literature, and a case of convective boundary layer time evolution over a homogeneous terrain at San Pietro Capofiume (Bologna, Italy). The different parameterisations turn out to be almost equivalent for the cases studied. The models generally underpredict the value for the height, while all give very good estimates for the mean mixed-layer temperature.  相似文献   

There are very strong thermal gradients between the Antarctic continent and the sea-ice zone, and between that zone and the ocean to the north. As a result of these contrasts the sea-ice domain is one of strong cyclogenesis and high cyclone frequency. In this study we explore many aspects of that cyclonic behaviour and investigate the manner in which these systems influence, and are influenced by, the sea ice. Using the NCEP-DOE re-analyses (1979–2002) we have determined variables that are proportional to the mean of the wind stress and the mean rate at which mechanical energy is imparted to the surface. Using two decompositions of the wind field we have obtained estimates of how much of these fluxes are contributed to by the transient eddies. We find these to be significant over the sea ice and the ocean to the north, particularly when a new decomposition is used. The presence of frequent and vigorous cyclones is a central factor that determines the positive mean freshwater flux over the sea-ice zone in all seasons. This transfer to the ocean is smallest in summer (0.49 mm day−1) and assumes a maximum of 1.27 mm day−1 in winter.  相似文献   

东北冷涡加强减弱过程的涡度收支和动能诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对东北冷涡加强和减弱阶段的涡度和动能的收支进行诊断分析。结果表明:无论在加强还是减弱阶段,冷涡区域范围整层的涡度变化均很明显;涡度平衡方程中,散度项、水平平流项及余项均是主要项,正涡度的增长和减弱对冷涡加强和减弱有重要贡献;动能收支方程中的各项也有明显差异,且在对流层中上层均有较强的能量交换过程。  相似文献   

1998年南海、孟加拉湾夏季风期间动能收支特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
该文采用1998年加密观测资料经同化处理后得到的客观分析格点资料, 对南海地区和孟加拉湾地区的动能收支进行了诊断分析和对比, 得出: B区夏季风爆发, 其850 hPa区域平均总动能表现为爆发性增长, C区则表现为一个逐步增长的过程.越赤道气流通过南边界的动能输送对B区夏季风建立贡献很大, 西边界动能输入对C区夏季风建立也起了十分显著的作用.季风盛行期, B区夏季风动能的发展维持主要是动能水平通量散度的贡献, 其中西边界动能的流入贡献最大, 孟加拉湾夏季风的变化主要为印度季风影响所致; C区夏季风动能主要是依靠其区域内动能制造来维持.对于850 hPa层, B区主要通过斜压过程制造动能, 正压过程破坏更多的动能, C区主要是正压过程制造动能.两区对流层高层都为动能主要流出区, 而对流层低层, B区为动能流入区, C区为动能流出区.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR每日4次全球再分析1°×1°网格资料,计算了2007年7月18日河北南部暴雨过程的水汽通量、视热源(Q1)和视水汽汇(Q2),分析了降水区热量和水汽收支的变化,并探讨了其垂直分布特征.结果表明:本次暴雨过程是由沿低涡切变线相继生成并强烈发展的中尺度对流云团造成的;当有强对流发生并伴有强降水时,就会有强的视热源Q1和视水汽汇Q2出现,且与强降水区基本对应,对流层上半部的相对冷层为暴雨区上空积云对流提供了极为有利的热力不稳定条件.  相似文献   

Towards Closing the Surface Energy Budget of a Mid-latitude Grassland   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Observations for May and August, 2005, from a long-term grassland meteorological station situated in central Netherlands were used to evaluate the closure of the surface energy budget. We compute all possible enthalpy changes, such as the grass cover heat storage, dew water heat storage, air mass heat storage and the photosynthesis energy flux, over an averaging time interval. In addition, the soil heat flux was estimated using a harmonic analysis technique to obtain a more accurate assessment of the surface soil heat flux. By doing so, a closure of 96% was obtained. The harmonic analysis technique appears to improve closure by 9%, the photosynthesis for 3% and the rest of the storage terms for a 3% improvement of the energy budget closure. For calm nights (friction velocity u * < 0.1 m s−1) when the eddy covariance technique is unreliable for measurement of the vertical turbulent fluxes, the inclusion of a scheme that calculates dew fluxes improves the energy budget closure significantly.  相似文献   

一次引发暴雨的东北低涡的涡度和水汽收支分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对2005年7月25~29日引发较大范围持续性暴雨的东北低涡的结构、涡度和水汽收支进行了分析研究,结果表明:1)东北低涡是一个较深厚的冷性涡旋.初期,气旋性涡度出现在对流层中层,然后向中低层及高层伸展.而低涡加强阶段,气旋性涡度在对流层高层增加得最快,并逐渐向中低层传播,诱发地面气旋的发展;由于高低空锋生的相互作用,在低涡南部形成了深厚的近乎垂直的低层略前倾的"弓形"锋区.2)对涡度收支的计算表明,水平涡度平流项和水平辐散项对低涡的发展、加强起到最主要的作用.但在不同阶段,这两项的作用和大小各不相同.3) 对流层高层位涡大值区在低涡东部向下传播,有利于低涡的发展加强,与低涡暴雨的落区位置较为接近.此外对卫星云顶亮度温度(TBB)的分析,发现低涡暴雨典型的涡旋云带中对流活动旺盛的地区与局地暴雨的位置对应.4) 低涡暴雨的水汽初期主要来自北部,随着低纬地区西南季风的增强,沿副高西侧从低纬到中高纬建立起一条较强的水汽输送带,东北地区水汽收支以南北向的辐合为主.5)将2005年和1998年夏季6~8月的东北低涡暴雨个例的天气形势配置进行逐月比较,发现持续的较大范围的低涡暴雨过程与亚洲中高纬的阻塞形势、低涡的维持、西太平洋副热带高压的位置及夏季风和低纬系统的水汽输送有密切的关系.  相似文献   

耿慧  沈树勤 《气象》1996,22(5):30-34
热带气旋属于热带天气系统,由于其生成地及生命史的大部分时间基本都在洋面或海面上,所以就其自身来说,有着充分的水汽资源,但在它的移动路径中,随着环境场的不断变化,其影响地区也并不是都有很强的降水产生,针对这一问题,引入了干湿热带气旋概念,并选取了3个较为典型的个例,对它们的天气形势及物理量场作了对比分析,得到了些有有益的结果。  相似文献   

大量的观测资料表明在对流层高层和平流层低层,大气动能谱在大尺度范围(800 km以上)与波数呈现出-3的斜率关系,而过渡到中尺度范围(400 km以下)二者呈现出-5/3的斜率关系。模式预报结果能否展现大气动能谱的这种斜率转折特征已经成为模式评估的有效方法。本文采用GRAPES全球中期数值预报模式2013年5月的预报结果,计算了模式一维和二维动能谱,并分析了二维谱的旋转分量与辐散分量、平均分量与扰动分量的关系。结果表明,GRAPES模式的一维谱和二维谱结果均能较好地表现出动能谱的斜率转折特征,但该模式动能谱在中尺度范围的斜率绝对值明显比观测结果和其它模式结果偏大;二维谱的旋转分量和辐散分量、平均分量和扰动分量在总动能谱中的比重关系及其随高度的变化均与文献结果较为一致。总之,GRAPES模式整体上较好地再现了大气动能谱的各种特征,但是可能由于模式分辨率和耗散作用的影响,模式对大气中尺度波动的描述还不够充分。  相似文献   

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