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国外无机非金属多孔材料的研究应用现状与发展趋势张术根(中南工业大学资源环境与建筑工程学院,长沙410083)关键词无机非金属多孔材料现状发展趋势1研究应用现状特点材料组成:以往无机多孔材料的物质组成主要限于Al2O3、SiC、铝硅酸盐、莫莱石和堇青石...  相似文献   

闫金禹  熊发挥  徐向珍  杨经绥 《地质学报》2023,97(11):3802-3824
向着地球深部进军是未来地质科学研究的战略目标之一,微区则是探寻深部地幔元素迁移和物质循环的关键。分子、原子级矿物的分析研究将在解密深部地幔物理化学条件、物质组成中扮演重要角色。蛇绿岩中豆荚状铬铁矿是微米级矿物的主要载体之一。近年来,随着单晶衍射仪、微区衍射和透射电镜等实验技术的发展和应用,在豆荚状铬铁矿中发现了一系列微米级矿物,为揭示地幔物质组成和演化历史提供重要信息。铬铁矿中发现新矿物的矿床包括中国西藏的罗布莎铬铁矿矿床和希腊中部Othrys矿床。其中,罗布莎铬铁矿矿床中发现包括罗布莎矿、林芝矿、那曲矿、藏布矿、雅鲁矿、曲松矿、自然钛、青松矿、巴登珠矿、志琴矿、经绥矿、康金拉矿及文吉矿在内的13种新矿物;Othrys蛇绿岩的Agios Stefanos矿床发现的新矿物有arsenotu? ekite、eliopoulosite、tsikourasite和grammatikopoulosite。这些新矿物以过渡族元素(Fe、Cr、Ni、Mo、V等)、钛的硅化物、碳化物、镍的磷化物等自然元素及金属化合物为主。它们多以矿物发现地或为地学研究做过卓越贡献的科学家名字命名。微米级矿物的发现拓展...  相似文献   

一种分离富集中国黄土中微米级磁性物质的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
微米级磁性矿物在黄土—古土壤序列中含量不足1%,为了满足多种测试的需要,要尽可能地富集磁性矿物。介绍一种富集方法,即程序地采用浸泡—搅拌(转速为5900r/min)—湿法磁选(磁场梯度范围为0.8—2.5T)—重液分选(d≥2.5)—干法磁选(激磁电流在1—2A之间)的方法,从西峰和段家坡第五层古土壤(分别简称为XS和DS)的上浮物和沉砂中富集出6个不同磁性的矿物组分。经磁化率(MS—2)、磁滞回线(MICROMag2900)测定、高倍显微镜(MPV—3)及扫描电镜(S—3500N)观测,矿物的分散度与磁性分选良好,精选的强磁性组分(XS—4J和DS—4J)中磁性矿物含量约占该组分的30%,富集的磁性矿物种类多,包括含铁粘土、碎屑状磁性矿物和自生磁性矿物,磁选出的矿物代表性强并能满足多项分析测试的需要。湿法磁选(程序3)是流程中操作最复杂的一步,根据XS样的实测结果,这一步磁选的回收率为87.2%。  相似文献   

洛川黄土微米级至纳米级物质颗粒度分布规律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
易惟熙  刘东生 《地球化学》1995,24(4):327-333
以洛川黄土剖面为对象,应用碎形模式和分形理论进行颗粒分布特征研究,获得了S1层位古土壤微米级至纳米级粒子数、单位表面积、质量、表面积、粒子数积分量等与粒径关系的一组关系曲线。S0、L1LL1、L1LL2、S1、L2等层位全岩样品比表面积研究结果表明:各层位全岩样品颗粒比表面积由小到大的递变次序与样品层位所反映的气候由冷至暖的递变次序恰好一致。呈现了一种新的可能的古气候、古环境变化的替代性指标。S1  相似文献   

除传统的基本化工原料之外,许多非金属矿物由于其独特的晶体结构及其它物理、化学特性,使其在化工领域显示出日益广泛的应用前景,应予重视。  相似文献   

近年来,随着科学技术的迅猛发展和不断更新,地质学家利用现代微束技术(如:透射电镜(TEM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、激光拉曼(Raman)和电子探针(EPMA))等,陆续在曾经遭受过强烈冲击变质作用的陨石和超高压变质作用的大陆岩石中,发现多种微米-纳米级超高压矿物,为推测岩石形成的机制和地质构造环境提供了大量的信息和确凿的证据,并因此引起了地质科学界的广泛兴趣和高度关注,随即很快成为地学研究的前沿及热点。同时,地质学家已意识到纳米科学和技术发展将导致未来地质科学的一场革命犤1犦。随着岩石矿物学研究工作的不断深入,其研究的手段已从光…  相似文献   

30年来,中国非金属矿工业的发展速度很快,主要矿种的发展速度年均递增率为17%~19%,1988年主要产品产量如石棉、石墨、滑石、石膏等分别比1985年增长3.4、5.1、11、34倍。目前,全国共有县办以上非金属矿和加工厂600多个,从业人员20万,采掘和加工业产值近百亿元。  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequence of the Lower Cambrian is a key interval to reveal the early evolution history of the Earth and there occur widespread cherts worldwide. These cherts possibly carry important information to decipher the breakup process of the Rodinia Continent. Black rock series at the bottom of the Lower Cambrian in the Northern Tarim Basin, China, is composed of black shales interbedded with thin-bedded cherts. Ten chert samples were systematically collected from two outcrops at Xiaoerbulak and Sogatbulak, 8.8 and 7.5 m thick respectively. The cherts were crushed, and were analyzed for trace element and rare earth concentrations. Trace elements such as V, Cu, Zn, U, Pb, Ba, Cd, Ag, Mo,As and Sb are highly enriched, and others such as Rb, Zr, Cs, Hf, Ta, W, T1, Bi and Th are highly depleted in the cherts.These trace element patterns suggest that the cherts may be of deep crustal origin. The low ratios of Th/U and Rb/Sr further suggest that the cherts are of earth interior sources or received hydrothermal input during their deposition. Chondritenormalized Eu/Eu* value markedly decreases upward in the section from 5.54 at the lowermost to 0.73 at the top, and NASC-normalized Eu/Eu* value decreases from 8.05 to 1.03. The relatively high Eu/Eu* ratio for the cherts from the northern Tarim Basin is most likely due to a hydrothermal input (e.g., Eu/Eu*-10). The systematic decrease of Eu/Eu* ratio from the bottom to the top of the section reflects that the hydrothermal input is the largest in the lowermost portion of the section and gradually decreases upward. The chondrite-normalized Ce/Ce* ratio ranges from 0.42 to 0.83, with an average of 0.60. North American Shale Composite (NASC)-normalized Ce/Ce* ratio ranges from 0.42 to 0.79, with an average of 0.57. Negative Ce anomalies are distinct. EREEs in the cherts generally increase from 10.50 ppm at the bottom to 35.97 ppm at the top of the sampled section. NASC-normalized (La/Lu)N ratio decreases from 2.72 at the bottom to 0.67 at the top. NASC-normalized (La/Ce)N ratio increases from 1.36 at the bottom to 3.13 at the top. These REE patterns are very similar to those for the cherts deposited in the pelagic ocean-basin floor in the Franciscan Complex exposed at Marin Headlands, California (F-MH chert) (Murray et al., 1991). These geochemical signatures are inconsistent with our previous sedimentological data, which suggests a continental shelf setting. Based on multiple lines of evidence including high TOC content in the concomitant black shales, phosphorite at the bottom of black rock series, regional rise of sea level,and beginning of the southern Tianshan Ocean geotectonic cycle, the authors infer that the hydrothermal fluid was carried to the continental shelf by upwelling from a divergent pelagic ocean floor setting.  相似文献   

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