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The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous self-gravitating rotating plasma in the presence of a uniform vertical magnetic field has been studied to include the FLR effects. It has been found that the Jeans' criterion of instability remains unaffected even if rotation and FLR effects are included. The effect of rotation is to decrease the Larmor radius by an amount-depending upon the wavenumber of perturbation. The particular cases of the effect of FLR and rotation on the waves propagated along and perpendicular to the magnetic field have been discussed.  相似文献   

The paper models the suprathermal plasma as the concatenation of two different gravitating fluids each having its own separate density and pressure. One of the fluids has isotropic pressure while the other has an anisotropic pressure. The system is subjected to a uniform magnetic field which is frozen with the fluids. The gravitational instability of the model for low frequency plane waves has been investigated in a linear framework for plasma parameters relevant to the spiral arms of the galaxy and the cosmic gas clouds. The analysis shows that the wavelength of the instability is strongly dependent upon the anisotropy of the non-thermal plasma.  相似文献   

Gravitational instability of small perturbations propagating through the central area of a gas cloud is discussed regarding the basic state and taking into account radiative pressure. Instability criterion similar to Jean's one is obtained and it was shown that the inhomogeneity can act in two ways, to stabilize or destabilize the system, depending on the value of the second derivative of the basic state temperature.  相似文献   

The effect of compressive viscosity, thermal conductivity and radiative heat-loss functions on the gravitational instability of infinitely extended homogeneous MHD plasma has been investigated. By taking in account these parameters we developed the six-order dispersion relation for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves propagating in a homogeneous and isotropic plasma. The general dispersion relation has been developed from set of linearized basic equations and solved analytically to analyse the conditions of instability and instability of self-gravitating plasma embedded in a constant magnetic field. Our result shows that the presence of viscosity and thermal conductivity in a strong magnetic field substantially modifies the fundamental Jeans criterion of gravitational instability.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous and infinitely conducting selfgravitating gas particle medium in the presence of suspended particles of a Hall plasma is considered. The particular cases of the effects of Hall currents and suspended particles on the waves propagated along and perpendicular to magnetic field have been discussed. Jeans's criterion determines the gravitational instability.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the gravitational instability theory of galaxy formation. Closed-form expressions for the rate of growth of density perturbations in the regime prior to recombination are presented in special cases in which the cosmological constant is non-zero. After recombination, the fate of perturbations in Lemaître universes is studied with the aid of exact solutions to the density perturbation equation orginally derived by Bonnor.  相似文献   

The problem of instability arising in a composite system consisting of an infinitely conducting hydromagnetic fluid interacting through gravitational forces with one or more than one neutral gas, is investigated, allowing for a possible relative streaming between the component fluids. Instability criteria are derived for special cases of a two-component (static or relatively streaming) system and for a three-component system consisting of two gases contra-streaming in the presence of a stationary background gas. It is found that for a static system only one unstable mode exists for wave numbers less than a critical value given by the square root of the sum of the squares of the Jeans's wave numbers for individual gases. However, for a configuration, where components are endured with characteristic streaming speeds, there are present simultaneously more than one unstable modes.  相似文献   

The effects of Hall currents, finite conductivity, and collision with neutrals have been studied on the gravitational instability of a partially-ionized plasma. It is assumed that plasma is permeated by an oblique magnetic field. The dispersion relation has been obtained and numerical calculations have been performed to obtain the dependence of the growth rate of the gravitationally unstable mode on the various physical parameters involved. It is found that Jeans's criterion remains unchanged in the presence of Hall currents, finite conductivity, and collisions. The Hall currents, finite conductivity, and collisions have destabilizing influence on the unstable mode of wave propagation of a gravitational instability of partially-ionized plasma.  相似文献   

The problem of gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous self-gravitating medium carrying a uniform magnetic field in the presence of Hall effect has been investigated to include the effect due to rotation. The dispersion relation has been obtained. It has been found that the Jeans's criterion for the instability remains unaffected even when the effect due to rotation is considered in the presence of Hall effect carrying a uniform magnetic.  相似文献   

The problem of gravitational instability of an infinite homogenous fluid has been considered in the presence of a non-vertical magnetic field. A non-linear relation between the magnetic field and the magnetic induction proposed by P.H. Roberts (1981) in the context of neutron stars has been used. The dispersion relations have been obtained. It has been found that Jeans's criterion for instability is unaffected by this non-linear relationship even if the effect due to rotation is considered in the presence of a non-vertical magnetic field.  相似文献   

Magnetogravitational instability of a thermally-conducting, rotating plasma flowing through a porous medium with finite conductivity and finite Larmor radius in the presence of suspended particles has been investigated. The wave propagation has been considered for both parallel and perpendicular axes of rotation. Magnetic field is being taken in the vertical direction. A general dispersion relation has been derived through relevant linearized perturbation equations. It has been observed that the condition of instability is determined by the Jeans's criterion in its modifed form. Thermal conductivity replaces the adiabatic velocity of sound by the isothermal one. Rotation decreases the Larmor radius. Porosity decreases the Alfvén velocity. In case of a viscous medium the effects of FLR, rotation, and suspended particles are not observed in the Jeans's condition, for transverse propagation for rotational axis parallel to the magnetic field. The effects of rotation and FLR are decreased by the porosity and the suspended particles. Finite conductivity removes the Alfvén velocity from Jeans's condition.  相似文献   

Prominences can be unstable to a gravitational ballooning instability of the Rayleigh-Taylor type. A two-dimensional generalized Kippenhahn-Schlüter prominence equilibrium is constructed. Its stability to ideal, three-dimensional, short-wavelength line-tied perturbations is analyzed. The instability requires a critical vertical density gradient. For a given magnetic field strength, the instability is sensitive to the angle at which the magnetic field lines cross the prominence. An approximate, sufficient, threshold condition is consistent with typical prominence parameters.  相似文献   

The problem of the gravitational instability of an inviscid plasma cloud is investigated by taking into account radiative effects. It is shown that, on given conditions, the radiation stabilizes the system.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of a nonrotating isothermal gaseous disk permeated by a uniform frozen-in magnetic field is investigated using a fourth-order perturbation technique. From the results it is found that the disk is stable whenn/B 0 < (4/33 G)–1/2, wheren andB are the column density of the disk and unperturbed magnetic field, respectively, andG is the gravitational constant. The disk is gravitationally unstable only whenn/B 0 > (4/33 G)–1/2.  相似文献   

An instability criterion for perturbations of the gravitational potential in an inhomogeneous, large gas cloud is derived. We assume that perturbations propagate through the central area of the cloud, along the basic state density gradients. The instability criterion obtained in this way represents generalization of the Jeans's criterion to the case when the system is inhomogeneous in the basic state.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous self-gravitating plasma through porous medium is considered to include, separately, the effects due to rotation and collisions between ionized and neutral components. The dispersion relations are obtained in both cases. It is found that the gravitational instability of a composite and rotating plasma in the presence of a variable horizontal magnetic field through porous medium is determined by the Jeans's criterion.  相似文献   

We investigate the conditions under which a self-gravitating system of particles of different masses may be gravitationally unstable if there is a systematic correlation between the random velocity of a particle and its mass. For an isotropic uniform medium without rotation but with mass spectrum and velocity depending on the particle mass, a situation arises where the Jeans length for such a system may be significantly smaller than for the case when some mean values are used instead of mass and velocity spectra. For a differentially rotating medium, representing a spiral galaxy, we obtain the analogue of the Toomre parameter for a heterogeneous (multi-component) system. We demonstrate that the gas system in spirals represented by an ensemble of giant molecular clouds may be considerably less stable in the case of random velocity–mass correlation than for a system with unique velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous self-gravitating mixture through porous medium in the presence of a variable horizontal magnetic field varying in vertical directions has been considered to include, separately, the effects due to suspended particles and collisions between ionized and neutral components. The dispersion relations in both cases have been obtained. It has been found that Jeans's criterion of instability holds good even if the effects due to suspended particles, collisions, porosity, and variable magnetic field are considered.  相似文献   

The thermosolutal instability of a partially-ionized plasma in the presence of a horizontal magnetic field is considered to include the frictional effect of collisions of ionized with neutrals. The sufficient conditions for non-existence of overstability are derived. The solute gradient and magnetic field introduce oscillatory modes in thermosolutal convection which were non-existent in their absence. The magnetic field and stable solute gradient are found to have stabilizing effects whereas collisional effect of ionized with neutrals is found to have destabilizing effect on thermosolutal instability of a partially ionized plasma.  相似文献   

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