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大珠母贝人工养殖过程中,幼贝死亡是一个严重的问题。1993年11月至1995年5月,采用现场调查、实验室研究和数理分析相结合的方法,在海南省临高县新盈珍珠贝养殖场自然海区吊养的A,B,C3批养殖贝和陵水新村珍珠贝养殖场养殖池吊养的D批养殖贝的发病和死亡情况进行了流行病学凋查.结果显示,大珠母贝幼贝群体的死亡是以暴发性方式发生,幼贝群体的大批量死亡高峰一般发生在4~6月龄期,8个月以后随着龄期的延长,死亡率显著降低.幼贝群体死亡率与贝体平均体长的关系是4cm以下的贝体死亡率较高,1~3cm阶段处于死亡高峰期内,5cm以上的贝体死亡率显著降低.大珠母贝幼贝群体的死亡率与类立克次体感染(即RLO平均感染严重度指数SI)之间存在显著的相关性,在RLO感染的高峰之后或当中部相应伴随贝群体死亡率的高峰,随着RLO感染的降低,贝群体的死亡率也明显降低。在4批养殖贝群体中,仅在A批养殖贝群体样本中发现有少量纤毛虫寄生(感染率为87.5%,感染强度为3.56个/10倍物镜).这几批幼贝群体的死亡与海水温度、盐度之间均无相关性。  相似文献   

The onset and sPread of diseases in dricultured Anrnals are resulted frOm the mutule ef-fect of pathogen, hOSt and environrnnt. Epidemology takes the diseased AnInal poPulationsas the study object, rnakes observation and exPeriment on the field as the primp method ofstUdy and stuha the mutule effec Of PathOgen, hOS and environrnen by inVeSigating the na-ttire distribution of diseases and ePidendc mechedsm. To date, succeSSful exarnple of epidend-obo study on lerne shellfish deseases is…  相似文献   

The death which occurred in juvenile population was a severe problem in the course ofPinctada maxima artificial culture. With the methods of field investigation, histological study and statistic analyses, the epidemiological study was carried out on the disease and death in juvenile populations of Pinctada maxima in the Xinying Pearl Oyster Mariculture Farm of Lingao County (for the A, B and C batches of cultured juveniles hanged in the sea) and the Xincun Pearl Oyster Mariculture Farm of Lingshui County (for the D batch of cultured juvenile hanged in the pond), Hainan Province from November 1993 to April 1995.The results show that the deaths which occurred in juvenile populations of Pinctada maxima presented an outbreak pattern. The peak of mortality rates, in general, occurred in 4-to 6-month old pearl oyster juveniles, and the mortality rates gradully declined with the extention of pearl oyster age after cul-turing 8 months. The correlation between the mortality rates of juvenile populations and mean  相似文献   

吴信忠  潘金培 《海洋学报》1999,21(3):113-118
对海水养殖大珠母贝和合浦珠母贝类立克次体(Rickettsia-like organism,RLO)病(简称RLO病)的超微病理学进行了研究.结果显示细胞及亚细胞结构经历由变性发展到坏死的病变过程,如胞核由核浓缩、核碎裂发展为核溶解;线粒体出现肿胀,嵴和基质改变及内质网脱颗粒、扩张和囊泡变等一系列混浊肿胀和水泡变性的基本特征;最终,细胞器完全溶解消失使胞质疏松,呈崩解或溶解状.结合先前组织细胞病理学和本文超微病理学研究的结果认为,RLO导致宿主细胞变性坏死的机制有:(1)直接损伤细胞的质膜;(2)直接干扰或破坏细胞的正常代谢;(3)对肝胰腺的广泛破坏可能通过破坏血管内皮系统间接造成肝胰腺上皮细胞的血供障碍,进而引起营养和呼吸代谢障碍或(和)与菌体释放的内毒素有关.  相似文献   

大菱鲆的受精细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙威  尤锋  张培军  许建和 《海洋科学》2005,29(12):75-80
对大菱鲆(Psetta maxima)的受精过程进行细胞学观察发现,大菱鲆从精子入卵、皮层反应、卵母细胞第二次成熟分裂排出第二极体、雌雄原核形成与融合,直到舍子进行第一次有丝分裂,与其他已经报道的硬骨鱼的受精程序基本相同。在受精的整个过程中所有观察过的受精卵都只发现一个精子形成原核,并最终与卵原核结合形成舍子,由此判断大菱鲆的受精方式是单精受精。  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹幼蟹维生素C营养需求研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在每100g等氮、等能纯化饲料中分别添加0,100,200,400,800,1 000mg维生素C(Vc)多聚磷酸酯(LAPP),用这样配制成的试验饲料饲喂已淡化5d的河蟹大眼幼体及后续幼蟹25d,探讨Vc对大眼幼体和幼蟹生长、存活、蜕壳频率及抗逆性的影响,同时探明幼蟹对Vc的适宜需求量,结果表明,饲料Vc添加量为100~400mg/100g时,可以保证幼蟹正常生长、存活和蜕皮,尤其以投喂添加Vc200mg/100g(C2组)和400mg/100g(C3组)饲料的Ⅲ期幼蟹增重率、存活率和平均蜕皮频率较高,其中C2组(上述各指标值)分别为516.18%,62.83%,2.58,C3组分别为458.89%,66.17%,2.61;饲料中缺少Vc时(如C0组),Ⅲ期幼蟹的增重率、存活率和平均蜕皮频率最低,分别为265.31%,26.67%和2.26.饲料中Vc的添加量达到800mg/100g(C4)和1 000mg/100g(C5)时,幼蟹的蜕皮反而受到抑制,平均蜕皮频率降低,蜕皮周期延长,且存活率降低,到Ⅲ期幼蟹的增重率、存活率和平均蜕皮频率在C4组分别为355.7%,31.33%,2.39,在C5组分别为307.53%,28.56%,2.19.此外,各处理组幼蟹对抗逆性影响的试验表明,在一定的范围内,饲料中添加Vc能提高幼蟹的耐低氧能力和耐pH突变能力,而对耐盐度突变能力没有明显的影响.综合上述结果可以得出,为保持幼蟹良好生产性能,饲料中添加的Vc?  相似文献   

Protein and enzyme variation in 2 populations of the mud crab Macrophthalmus hirtipes (Jacquinot, 1853) (Ocypodidae) from 1 marine and 1 estuarine habitat were investigated by poly‐acrylamide gel electrophoresis. A survey of 24 loci revealed that 22 were common to both populations; 20 were monomorphic and 2 were highly polymorphic. Two alleles were detected for each of the polymorphic loci, esterase‐2 (EST‐2) and ester‐ase‐3 (EST‐3). The frequencies of the EST‐3 alleles were similar in the 2 populations. However, the frequencies of the 2 EST‐2 alleles in the estuarine population were significantly different from those for the marine population. Expression of 1 locus, esterase‐4 (EST‐4) was confined to the estuarine population. Two alkaline phosphatase loci (AKPH‐1 and AKPH‐2) were detected in the estuarine population, but only AKPH‐1 was found in the marine population. EST‐4 and AKPH‐2 were neither sex nor age specific. These interpopulational genetic differences may reflect differences in environmental conditions measured between the 2 habitats.  相似文献   

王诺  丁凯 《海洋通报》2019,38(2):202-209
渤海是斑海豹在我国唯一的繁殖地。研究结果表明,半个多世纪以来,渤海的斑海豹数量减少了80%。尽管我国20世纪末已将斑海豹列为国家Ⅱ级保护野生动物,采取了建立自然保护区等一系列措施,但在海洋生态环境持续恶化的情况下,其数量仍不断减少。近年来,随着海洋环境的改善,斑海豹的数量有了明显回升。本文从海冰面积、鱼类资源以及水质污染等方面分析了渤海海洋环境的状况,探讨了斑海豹数量变化的原因。本文研究可为我国有关部门在制定渤海环境保护政策时提供参考。  相似文献   

Eight microsatellite markers were used to analyze genetic diversity, level of inbreeding, and effective population size of spawner and recaptured populations of Chinese shrimp(Fenneropenaeus chinensis) during stock enhancement in the Bohai Bay in 2013. A total of 254 and 238 alleles were identified in the spawner and recaptured populations, respectively, and the numbers of alleles(N_a) were 8–63 and 6–60, respectively. The numbers of effective alleles(N_e) were 2.52–21.60 and 2.67–20.72, respectively. The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.529 to 0.952. The observed heterozygosity(H_o) values(0.638–0.910 and 0.712–0.927) were lower than the expected heterozygosity(H_e) values(0.603–0.954 and 0.625–0.952), which indicated that the two populations possessed a rich genetic diversity. In 16 tests(2 populations×8 loci), 13 tests deviated from the HardyWeinberg equilibrium. F_(is) values were positive at seven loci and the inbreeding coefficients(F) of the two populations estimated by trio ML were 13.234% and 11.603%, suggesting that there was a relatively high degree of inbreeding. A certain level of inbreeding depression had occurred in the Chinese shrimp population. F_(st) values ranged from 0 to 0.059, with a mean of 0.028, displaying a low level of genetic differentiation in the two populations. Effective population sizes(3 060.2 and 3 842.8) were higher than the minimum number suggested for retaining the evolutionary potential to adapt to new environmental conditions. For enhancement activity in 2014,the ideal number of captured shrimp spawners should have ranged from 7 686 to 19 214 to maintain genetic diversity and effective population size. Further strategies to adjust the balance of economic cost, fishing effort and ideal number of shrimp spawners to maintain a satisfactory effective population size for ensuring the sustainability of Chinese shrimp are proposed.  相似文献   

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