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Saturn's F ring has been the subject of study due to its peculiar structure and the proximity to two satellites, named Prometheus (interior) and Pandora (exterior to the ring), which cause perturbations to the ring particles. Early results from Voyager data have proposed that the ring is populated with centimetre- and micrometre-sized particles. The Cassini spacecraft also detected a less dense part in the ring with width of 700 km. Small particles suffer the effects of solar radiation. Burns et al. showed that due to effects of one component of the solar radiation, the Poynting–Robertson drag, a ring particle will decay in the direction of the planet in a time much shorter than the age of the Solar system. In this work, we have analysed a sample of dust particles (1, 3, 5 and 10 μm) under the effects of solar radiation, the Poynting–Robertson drag and the radiation pressure components and the gravitational effects of the satellites Prometheus and Pandora. In this case, the high increase of the eccentricity of the particles leads almost all of them to collide with the outer edge of the A ring. The inclusion of the oblateness of Saturn in this system significantly changes the outcome, since the large variation of the eccentricity is reduced by the oblateness effect. As a result, there is an increase in the lifetime of the particle in the envelope region. Our results show that even the small dust particles, which are very sensitive to the effects of solar radiation, have an orbital evolution similar to larger particles located in the F ring. The fate of all particles is a collision with Prometheus or Pandora in less than 30 years. On the other hand, collisions of these particles with moonlets/clumps present in the F ring could change this scenario.  相似文献   

We study the interaction of a satellite and a nearby ringlet on eccentric and inclined orbits. Secular torques originate from mean motion resonances and the secular interaction potential which represents the m  = 1 global modes of the ring. The torques act on the relative eccentricity and inclination. The resonances damp the relative eccentricity. The inclination instability owing to the resonances is turned off by a finite differential eccentricity of the order of 0.27 for nearly coplanar systems. The secular potential torque damps the eccentricity and inclination and does not affect the relative semi-major axis; also, it suppresses the inclination instability that persists at small differential eccentricities. The damping of the relative eccentricity and inclination forces an initially circular and planar small mass ringlet to reach the eccentricity and inclination of the satellite. When the planet is oblate, the interaction of the satellite damps the proper precession of a small mass ringlet so that it precesses at the satellite's rate independently of their relative distance. The oblateness of the primary modifies the long-term eccentricity and inclination magnitudes and introduces a constant shift in the apsidal and nodal lines of the ringlet with respect to those of the satellite. These results are applied to Saturn's F-ring, which orbits between the moons Prometheus and Pandora.  相似文献   

Recent HST images of the saturnian satellites Prometheus and Pandora show that their longitudes deviate from predictions of ephemerides based on Voyager images. Currently Prometheus is lagging and Pandora leading these predictions by somewhat more than 20°. We show that these discrepancies are fully accounted for by gravitational interactions between the two satellites. These peak every 24.8 days at conjunctions and excite chaotic perturbations. The Lyapunov exponent for the Prometheus-Pandora system is of order 0.3 year−1 for satellite masses based on a nominal density of 0.63 g cm−3. Interactions are strongest when the orbits come closest together. This happens at intervals of 6.2 years when their apses are antialigned. In this context, we note the sudden changes of opposite signs in the mean motions of Prometheus and Pandora at the end of 2000 occurred around the time their apsidal lines were antialigned.  相似文献   

Topographic models of Saturn's F-Ring shepherd satellites Prometheus and Pandora were derived from the shapes of limbs and terminators in Voyager images, modified locally to accommodate large craters and ridges. The models are presented here in tabular and graphic form, including the first published maps of the satellites. The shape of Prometheus is approximated by a triaxial ellipsoid with axes of 145, 85 and 60 km. The volume is estimated to be 3.9 ± 1.0 × 105 km3, significantly smaller than previous estimates. A system of prominent ridges and valleys cross the north polar region. Prometheus appears to be less heavily cratered than the other small satellites near the edge of the rings, though this may be an artifact of the low resolution of available images. Pandora is approximated by a triaxial ellipsoid with axes of 114, 84 and 62 km. The volume is estimated to be 3.1 ± 1.0 × 105 km3. Its surface appears to be very heavily cratered.  相似文献   

The chaotic orbital motion of Prometheus and Pandora, the 16th and 17th satellites of Saturn, is studied. Chaos in their orbital motion, as found by Goldreich & Rappaport and Renner & Sicardy, is due to interaction of resonances in the resonance multiplet corresponding to the 121:118 commensurability of the mean motions of the satellites. It is shown rigorously that the system moves in adiabatic regime. The Lyapunov time (the 'time horizon of predictability' of the motion) is calculated analytically and compared to the available numerical–experimental estimates. For this purpose, a method of analytical estimation of the maximum Lyapunov exponent in the perturbed pendulum model of non-linear resonance is applied. The method is based on the separatrix map theory. An analytical estimate of the width of the chaotic layer is made as well, based on the same theory. The ranges of chaotic diffusion in the mean motion are shown to be almost twice as big compared to previous estimates for both satellites.  相似文献   

We have obtained numerically integrated orbits for Saturn's coorbital satellites, Janus and Epimetheus, together with Saturn's F-ring shepherding satellites, Prometheus and Pandora. The orbits are fit to astrometric observations acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope and from Earth-based observatories and to imaging data acquired from the Voyager spacecraft. The observations cover the 38 year period from the 1966 Saturn ring plane crossing to the spring of 2004. In the process of determining the orbits we have found masses for all four satellites. The densities derived from the masses for Janus, Epimetheus, Prometheus, and Pandora in units of g cm−3 are , , , and , respectively.  相似文献   

The origin of the irregular satellites of the giant planets has been long debated since their discovery. Their dynamical features argue against an in situ formation suggesting that they are captured bodies, yet there is no global consensus on the physical process at the basis of their capture. In this paper, we explore the collisional capture scenario, where the actual satellites originated from impacts occurred within Saturn's influence sphere. By modelling the inverse capture problem, we estimated the families of orbits of the possible parent bodies and the specific impulse needed for their capture. The orbits of these putative parent bodies are compared to those of the minor bodies of the outer Solar system to outline their possible region of formation. Finally, we tested the collisional capture hypothesis on Phoebe by taking advantage of the data supplied by Cassini on its major crater, Jason. Our results presented a realistic range of solutions matching the observational and dynamical data.  相似文献   

Saturn’s narrow F ring is flanked by two nearby small satellites, Prometheus and Pandora, discovered in Voyager images taken in 1980 and 1981 (Synnott et al., 1983, Icarus 53, 156-158). Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during the ring plane crossings (RPX) of 1995 led to the unexpected finding that Prometheus was ∼19° behind its predicted orbital longitude, based on the Synnott et al. (1983) Voyager ephemeris (Bosh and Rivkin, 1996 Science 272, 518-521; Nicholson et al., 1996, Science 272, 509-515). Whereas Pandora was at its predicted location in August 1995, McGhee (2000, Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University) found from the May and November 1995 RPX data that Pandora also deviates from the Synnott et al. (1983) Voyager ephemeris. Using archival HST data from 1994, previously unexamined RPX images, and a large series of targeted WFPC2 observations between 1996 and 2002, we have determined highly accurate sky-plane positions for Prometheus, Pandora, and nine other satellites found in our images. We compare the Prometheus and Pandora measurements to the predictions of substantially revised and improved ephemerides for the two satellites based on an extensive analysis of a large set of Voyager images (Murray et al., 2000, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 32, 1090; Evans, 2001 Ph.D. thesis, Queen Mary College). From December 1994 to December 2000, Prometheus’ orbital longitude lag was changing by −0.71° year−1 relative to the new Voyager ephemeris. In contrast, Pandora is ahead of the revised Voyager prediction. From 1994 to 2000, its longitude offset changed by +0.44° year−1, showing in addition an ∼585 day oscillatory component with amplitude ΔλCR0 = 0.65 ± 0.07° whose phase matches the expected perturbation due to the nearby 3:2 corotation resonance with Mimas, modulated by the 71-year libration in the longitude of Mimas due to its 4:2 resonance with Tethys. We determine orbital elements for freely precessing equatorial orbits from fits to the 1994-2000 HST observations, from which we conclude that Prometheus’ semimajor axis was 0.31 km larger, and Pandora’s was 0.20 km smaller, than during the Voyager epoch. Subsequent observations in 2001-2002 reveal a new twist in the meanderings of these satellites: Prometheus’ mean motion changed suddenly by an additional −0.77° year−1, equivalent to a further increase in semimajor axis of 0.33 km, at the same time that Pandora’s mean motion changed by +0.92° year−1, corresponding to a change of −0.42 km in its semimajor axis. There is an apparent anticorrelation of the motions of these two moons seen in the 2001-2002 observations, as well as over the 20-year interval since the Voyager epoch. This suggests a common origin for their wanderings, perhaps through direct exchange of energy between the satellites as the result of resonances, possibly involving the F ring.  相似文献   

Possible rotation states of two satellites of Saturn, Prometheus (S16) and Pandora (S17), are studied by means of numerical experiments. The attitude stability of all possible modes of synchronous rotation and the motion close to these modes is analyzed by means of computation of the Lyapunov spectra of the motion. The stability analysis confirms that the rotation of Prometheus and Pandora might be chaotic, though the possibility of regular behaviour is not excluded. For the both satellites, the attitude instability zones form series of concentric belts enclosing the main synchronous resonance center in the phase space sections. A hypothesis is put forward that these belts might form “barriers” for capturing the satellites in synchronous rotation. The satellites in chaotic rotation can mimic ordinary regular synchronous behaviour: they preserve preferred orientation for long periods of time, the largest axis of satellite’s figure being directed approximately towards Saturn.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the chaotic orbits of Prometheus and Pandora are due to interactions associated with the 121:118 mean motion resonance. Differential precession splits this resonance into a quartet of components equally spaced in frequency. Libration widths of the individual components exceed the splitting, resulting in resonance overlap which causes the chaos. Mean motions of Prometheus and Pandora wander chaotically in zones of width 1.8 and 3.1 deg yr−1, respectively. A model with 1.5 degrees of freedom captures the essential features of the chaotic dynamics. We use it to show that the Lyapunov exponent of 0.3 yr−1 arises because the critical argument of the dominant member of the resonant quartet makes approximately two separatrix crossings every 6.2 year precessional cycle.  相似文献   

Utilizing topographic models of Saturn's F-ring shepherd satellites Prometheus (S16 1980S27) and Pandora (S15 1980S26), derived by Stooke (1994), and supposing that their mass density is constant, we derived basic geometrical and dynamical characteristics of the moons. They include the volume and mass, the mean radii, the tensor of inertia, and Stokes coefficients of the harmonic expansions of external gravitational potential. The best fitting ellipsoid approximations of the topography were calculated. A simple method of determining the gravitational potential on the surface of an irregular satellite is presented. Examples of equipotential surfaces of the satellites are shown  相似文献   

Jiang & Yeh proposed gas-drag-induced resonant capture as a mechanism able to explain the dominant 3:2 resonance observed in the trans-Neptunian belt. Using a model of a disc–star–planet system they concluded that gaseous drag in a protoplanetary disc can trap trans-Neptunian object (TNO) embryos into the 3:2 resonance rather easily although it could not trap objects into the 2:1 resonance. Here we further investigate this scenario using numerical simulations within the context of the planar restricted four-body problem by including both present-day Uranus and Neptune. Our results show that mean motion and corotation resonances are possible and trapping into both the 3:2 and 2:1 resonances as well as other resonances is observed. The associated corotation centres may easily form larger planetesimals from smaller ones. Corotation resonances evolve into pure Lindblad resonances in a time-scale of 0.5 Myr. The non-linear corotation and mean motion resonances produced are very size selective. The 3:2 resonance is dominant for submetric particles but for larger particles the 2:1 resonance is stronger. In summary, our calculations show that confined chaotic motion around the resonances not only increases trapping efficiency but also the orbital eccentricities of the trapped material, modifying the relative abundance of trapped particles in different resonances. If we assume a more compact planetary system, instead of using the present-day values of the orbital elements of Uranus and Neptune, our results remain largely unchanged.  相似文献   

We revisit the dynamics of Prometheus and Pandora, two small moons flanking Saturn's F ring. Departures of their orbits from freely precessing ellipses result from mutual interactions via their 121:118 mean motion resonance. Motions are chaotic because the resonance is split into four overlapping components. Orbital longitudes were observed to drift away from predictions based on Voyager ephemerides. A sudden jump in mean motions took place close to the time at which the orbits' apses were antialigned in 2000. Numerical integrations reproduce both the longitude drifts and the jumps. The latter have been attributed to the greater strength of interactions near apse antialignment (every 6.2 yr), and it has been assumed that this drift-jump behavior will continue indefinitely. We re-examine the dynamics of the Prometheus-Pandora system by analogy with that of a nearly adiabatic, parametric pendulum. In terms of this analogy, the current value of the action of the satellite system is close to its maximum in the chaotic zone. Consequently, at present, the two separatrix crossings per precessional cycle occur close to apse antialignment. In this state libration only occurs when the potential's amplitude is nearly maximal, and the “jumps” in mean motion arise during the short intervals of libration that separate long stretches of circulation. Because chaotic systems explore the entire region of phase space available to them, we expect that at other times the Prometheus-Pandora system would be found in states of medium or low action. In a low action state it would spend most of the time in libration, and separatrix crossings would occur near apse alignment. We predict that transitions between these different states can happen in as little as a decade. Therefore, it is incorrect to assume that sudden changes in the orbits only happen near apse antialignment.  相似文献   

Stéfan Renner  Bruno Sicardy 《Icarus》2005,174(1):230-240
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images of Prometheus and Pandora show longitude discrepancies of about 20° with respect to the Voyager ephemerides, with an abrupt change in mean motion at the end of 2000 (French et al., 2003, Icarus 162, 143-170; French and McGhee, 2003, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 34, 06.07). These discrepancies are anti-correlated and arise from chaotic interactions between the two moons, occurring at interval of 6.2 yr, when their apses are anti-aligned (Goldreich and Rappaport, 2003a, Icarus 162, 391-399). This behavior is attributed to the overlap of four 121:118 apse-type mean motion resonances (Goldreich and Rappaport, 2003b, Icarus 166, 320-327). We study the Prometheus-Pandora system using a Radau-type integrator taking into account Saturn's oblateness up to and including terms in J6, plus the effects of the major satellites. We first confirm the chaotic behavior of Prometheus and Pandora. By fitting the numerical integrations to the HST data (French et al., 2003, Icarus 162, 143-170; French and McGhee, 2003, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 34, 06.07), we derive the satellite masses. The resulting GM values (with their standard 3-σ errors) for Prometheus and Pandora are respectively and . Using the nominal shape of the two moons (Thomas, 1989, Icarus 77, 248-274), we derive Prometheus and Pandora's densities, 0.40+0.03−0.07 and 0.49+0.05−0.09 g cm−3, respectively. Our numerical fits also enable us to constrain the time of the latest apse anti-alignment in 2000. Finally, using our fit, we predict the orbital positions of the two satellites during the Cassini tour, and provide a lower limit of the uncertainties due to chaos. These uncertainties amount to about 0.2° in mean longitude at the arrival of the Cassini spacecraft in July 2004, and to about 3° in 2008, at the end of the nominal tour.  相似文献   

In the present work, we study the stability of hypothetical satellites that are coorbital with Enceladus and Mimas. We performed numerical simulations of 50 particles around the triangular Lagrangian equilibrium points of Enceladus and Mimas taking into account the perturbation of Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Titan and the oblateness of Saturn. All particles remain on tadpole orbits after 10 000 yr of integration. Since in the past the orbit of Enceladus and Mimas expanded due to the tidal perturbation, we also simulated the system with Enceladus and Mimas at several different values of semimajor axes. The results show that in general the particles remain on tadpole orbits. The exceptions occur when Enceladus is at semimajor axes that correspond to 6:7, 5:6 and 4:5 resonances with Mimas. Therefore, if Enceladus and Mimas had satellites librating around their Lagrangian triangular points in the past, they would have been removed if Enceladus crossed one of these first-order resonances with Mimas.  相似文献   

The recent numerical simulations of Tittemore and Wisdom (1988, 1989, 1990) and Dermottet al. (1988), Malhotra and Dermott (1990) concerning the tidal evolution through resonances of some pairs of Uranian satellites have revealed interesting dynamical phenomena related to the interactions between close-by resonances. These interactions produce chaotic layers and strong secondary resonances. The slow evolution of the satellite orbits in this dynamical landscape is responsible for temporary capture into resonance, enhancement of eccentricity or inclination and subsequent escape from resonance. The present contribution aims at developing analytical tools for predicting the location and size of chaotic layers and secondary resonances. The problem of the 3:1 inclination resonance between Miranda and Umbriel is analysed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the character of the possible dynamics of all hitherto known planetary satellites shows two satellites—Amalthea (J5) and Prometheus (S16)—to have the most unusual structure of the phase space of possible rotational motion. These are the only satellites whose phase space of planar rotation may host synchronous resonances of three different kinds: the α resonance, the β resonance, and a mode corresponding to the period doubling bifurcation of the α resonance. We analyze the stability of these states against the tilt of the rotational axis.  相似文献   

The Medium Earth Orbit region is the home of the navigation constellations. It is shown how the orbits of these constellations of satellites are strongly affected by the so-called inclination dependent luni-solar resonances. The analytical theory of these resonances is recalled and a large set of numerical integrations is used to investigate the stability of the orbits of the constellations over very long time spans. The stability issue is important in the definition of possible disposal strategies for the constellation spacecraft, after their end-of-life. Two possible disposal strategies are envisaged involving either stable or unstable orbits (from the eccentricity growth point of view). In particular it is shown how, to have disposal orbits with moderately short lifetime (of the orders of 40–50 years), a very large disposal maneuver would be required to rise the inital eccentricity to values above ~ 0.3.  相似文献   

V.V. Kouprianov 《Icarus》2005,176(1):224-234
The problem of observability of chaotic regimes in the rotation of planetary satellites is studied. The analysis is based on the inertial and orbital data available for all satellites discovered up to now. The Lyapunov spectra of the spatial chaotic rotation and the full range of variation of the spin rate are computed numerically by integrating the equations of the rotational motion; the initial data are taken inside the main chaotic layer near the separatrices of synchronous resonance in phase space. The model of a triaxial satellite in a fixed elliptic orbit is adopted. A short Lyapunov time along with a large range of variation of the spin rate are used as criteria for observability of the chaotic motion. Independently, analysis of stability of the synchronous state with respect to tilting the axis of rotation provides a test for the physical opportunity for a satellite to rotate chaotically. Finally, a calculation of the times of despinning due to tidal evolution shows whether a satellite's spin could evolve close to the synchronous state. Apart from Hyperion, already known to rotate chaotically, only Prometheus and Pandora, the 16th and 17th satellites of Saturn, pass all these four tests.  相似文献   

On the basis of the strong mathematical and physical parallels between orbit-orbit and spin-orbit resonances, the dynamics of mutual orbit perturbations between two satellites about a massive planet are examined, exploiting an approach previously adopted in the study of spin-orbit coupling. The satellites are assumed to have arbitrary mass ratio and to move in non-intersecting orbits of arbitrary size and eccentricity. Resonances are found to exist when the mean orbital periods are commensurable with respect to some rotating axis, which condition also involves the apsidal and nodal motions of both satellites. In any resonant state the satellites are effectively trapped in separate potential wells, and a single variable is found to describe the simultaneous librations of both satellites. The librations in longitude are 180° out-of-phase, with fixed amplitude ratio that depends only on their relative masses and semimajor axes. At the same time the stroboscopic longitude of conjunction also librates about the commensurate axis with the same period. The theory is applicable to Saturn's resonant pairs Titan-Hyperion and Mimas-Tethys, and in these cases our calculated libration periods are in reasonably good agreement with the observed periods.This research supported under a grant from the California Institute of Technology President's Fund and NASA Contract NAS 7-100.  相似文献   

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