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Anomalous high frequency PKKPBC signals (displaying a large amount of energy around 2.5 Hz), recorded globally for deep and intermediate depth earthquakes, are compared to PKKPAB signals. The attenuation difference t\textAB* - t\textBC* t_{\text{AB}}^{*} - t_{\text{BC}}^{*} is evaluated from spectral amplitudes in the range 96–111°, being approximately twice the results provided by full-wave theory and PREM (with no low Qμ zone in the lowermost mantle and a nearly infinite QK in the outer core). Most ray paths for such recordings are piercing the D″ region in the proximity of regions where ultra-low velocity zones (ULVZ) have been previously reported beneath the North Atlantic Ocean, the Southwest Pacific and the southwestern part of South America. If BC amplitudes around 2.5 Hz and at low frequencies (0.5–1.5 Hz) are comparable, the observed attenuation difference (in the frequency range 0.2–2.5 Hz) is small (around 0.25 s) and close to the PREM value. The particle motion of the high-frequency PKKPBC at 2.5 Hz is quite similar to that of the raw recording, suggesting a deep source. An explanation for this might be scattering of the BC branch in some very restricted areas of the lowermost mantle. Alternately, the presence of a thin layer with high attenuation in the D″ region would most likely be associated with either the ultra-low velocity zone (ULVZ) or light sediments on the underside of the core-mantle boundary (CMB). Correlated to other methods to investigate the lowermost mantle, the high-frequency PKKPBC can be used to map lateral variations of attenuation above the CMB, possibly associated with the boundary of the superplumes, especially when PKKPAB is observed.  相似文献   

The problem of systematic overestimation (20–50%) of the retrieved ozone concentrations in the altitude range of 60–80 km in the TIMED–SABER satellite experiment in the daytime has been solved. The reason for overestimation is the neglect of the electronic vibrational kinetics of photolysis products of ozone and molecular oxygen O2(b1Σg +, ν) and O2(a1Δg, ν). The IR emission band of O2(a1Δg, ν = 0) at 1.27 μm can be correctly used in remote sensing in order to obtain the ozone altitude profile in the altitude range of 50–88 km only with the use of a complete model of electronic vibrational kinetics of O2 and O3 photolysis products (YM2011) in the Earth’s mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Alternative ozone tracers have been considered, and an optimum tracer in the altitude range of 50–100 km such as O2(b1Σg +, ν = 1) molecule emissions has been proposed.  相似文献   

The ocean takes up approximately 2 GT carbon per year due to the enhanced CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Several options have been suggested in order to reduce the emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, and among these are CO2 storage in the deep ocean. Topographic effects of dissolution and transport from a CO2 lake located at 3,000-m depth have been studied using the z-coordinate model Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm) and the σ-coordinate model Bergen ocean model (BOM). Both models have been coupled with the general ocean turbulence model (GOTM) in order to account for vertical subgrid processes. The chosen vertical turbulence mixing scheme includes the damping effect from stable stratification on the turbulence intensity. Three different topographic scenarios are presented: a flat bottom and the CO2 lake placed within a trench with depths of 10 and 20 m. The flat case scenario gives good correlation with previous numerical studies of dissolution from a CO2 lake. When topography is introduced, it is shown that the z-coordinate model and the σ-coordinate model give different circulation patterns in the trench. This leads to different dissolution rates, 0.1 μmol cm − 2 s − 1 for the scenario of a 20-m-deep trench using BOM and 0.005–0.02 μmol cm − 2 s − 1 for the same scenario using the MITgcm. The study is also relevant for leakages of CO2 stored in geological formations and to the ocean.  相似文献   

A series of 707 measurements at Masaya in 2005, 2006, and 2007 reveals that SO2 emissions 15km downwind of the active vent appear to be ~33% to ~50% less than those measured only 5km from the vent. Measurements from this and previous studies indicate that dry deposition of sulfur from the plume and conversion of SO2 to sulfate aerosols within the plume each may amount to a maximum of 10% loss, and are not sufficient to account for the larger apparent loss measured. However, the SO2 measurement site 15km downwind is located on a ridge over which local trade winds, and the entrained plume, accelerate. Greater wind speeds cause localized dilution of the plume along the axis of propagation. The lower concentrations of SO2 measured on the ridge therefore lead to calculations of lower fluxes when calculated at the same plume speed as measurements from only 5km downwind, and is responsible for the apparent loss of SO2. Due to the importance of SO2 emission rates with respect to hazard mitigation, petrologic studies, and sulfur budget calculations, measured fluxes of SO2 must be as accurate as possible. Future campaigns to measure SO2 flux at Masaya and similar volcanoes will require individual plume speed measurements to be taken at each flux measurement site to compensate for dilution and subsequent calculation of lower fluxes. This study highlights the importance of a comprehensive understanding of a volcano’s interaction with its surroundings, especially for low, boundary layer volcanoes.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have presented evidence that significant induced earthquakes occurred in a number of oil-producing regions during the early and mid-twentieth century related to either production or wastewater injection. We consider whether the 21 July 1952 Mw 7.5 Kern County earthquake might have been induced by production in the Wheeler Ridge oil field. The mainshock, which was not preceded by any significant foreshocks, occurred 98 days after the initial production of oil in Eocene strata at depths reaching 3 km, within ~1 km of the White Wolf fault (WWF). Based on this spatial and temporal proximity, we explore a potential causal relationship between the earthquake and oil production. While production would have normally be expected to have reduced pore pressure, inhibiting failure on the WWF, we present an analytical model based on industry stratigraphic data and best estimates of parameters whereby an impermeable splay fault adjacent to the main WWF could plausibly have blocked direct pore pressure effects, allowing the poroelastic stress change associated with production to destabilize the WWF, promoting initial failure. This proof-of-concept model can also account for the 98-day delay between the onset of production and the earthquake. While the earthquake clearly released stored tectonic stress, any initial perturbation on or near a major fault system can trigger a larger rupture. Our proposed mechanism provides an explanation for why significant earthquakes are not commonly induced by production in proximity to major faults.  相似文献   

We report here the first results from an automated, telemetered UV scanning spectrometer system for monitoring SO 2 emission rates at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Two spectrometers receive light by way of a motor-driven stepping prism and telescope in order to make vertical scans of the volcanic plume. Spectral data from these spectrometers, situated 2,800 m apart and 4,500 m from the volcano, are relayed back to the observatory every 4–5 s via radio modems. A full scan of the plume is accomplished every 1–6 min by the (time-synchronised) spectrometers and a SO 2 emission rate is calculated using the SO 2 slant concentrations, scan angles and plume speeds estimated from the wind speed from a telemetered weather station near to the volcano. The plume's position and dimensions are calculated using the angular data from the two spectrometers. The plume height varies significantly diurnally and seasonally and is important in order to minimise the error on SO 2 emission rates. The new scanning system (Scanspec) provides SO 2 emission rates from 08:00 to 16:00 h local time every day. Preliminary results highlight a number of features of the SO 2 time series and plume dynamics and give our first indications of the errors and limits of detection of this system. SO 2 emission rates vary widely on all time scales (minutes, days, months). This new system has already provided the first real and consistent indication that SO 2 emission rates vary on a minutes to hours basis, which can be correlated with volcanic activity (for example, rockfall and pyroclastic flow activity). It is anticipated that this system at Soufrière Hills will yield information on shallow processes occurring on short time scales (periods of minutes to hours) as well as deep processes relating to magma supply rates, which will be associated with longer wavelength SO 2 signals of weeks to months.  相似文献   

In this research, an integrated simulation–optimization modeling approach (ISOMA) was developed for supporting agricultural N2O emission mitigation at the watershed scale. This approach can successfully combine soil N2O emission simulation and the consequential mitigation management within a general modeling framework. Also, uncertainties associated with the key soil parameter can be effectively reflected and addressed through adoption of Monte Carlo analysis for the simulation results. The Monte Carlo simulated results were then used to generate fuzzy membership functions that can be consequentially used for emission mitigation management, reflecting the combined uncertainties for N2O emission simulation and mitigation management. The developed ISOMA was then applied to a reservoir watershed in Miyun county of Beijing municipality. In the studying watershed, the simulation model was calibrated and verified. Then, N2O emission from multiple agricultural land-use patterns were predicted. The amounts of N2O emission of four land use patterns (i.e., cash tree, orchard, cropland, and natural forest) were (536.9, 590.8, 653.1), (237.7, 254.4, 275.9), (79.5, 100.7, 105.1), (33.0, 47.3, 61.1) kg CO2 eq ha?1 year?1, respectively. Two scenarios (i.e., G1 and G2) were set up according to development priorities of local economy and society. Meanwhile, multiple credibility levels were considered according to the risk of N2O emission. The land use patterns could be adjusted according to solutions of ISOMA. The developed methods could help regional manager choose various production patterns with cost-effective agriculture N2O emission management schemes in the Miyun reservoir watershed. The manager also can obtain deeply insights into the tradeoffs between agricultural benefits and system reliabilities.  相似文献   

Upgrading of the electrical resistance variometer GEOMES-R6 of the Institute of Geophysics of the Poland Academy of Sciences, with enhancement of functional capabilities of the GEOMES assemblage for its application in laboratory measurements on rock samples, has been carried out. The assemblage operation principle, specifications, and theory of operation are given. Results of the assemblage test at measurements on marble sample and concrete model are presented. It is shown that the installation allows long-duration registration of variations of the value ρ k on high-ohmic samples.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from the lower channel of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River and the contents of rare earth elements (REEs) were measured. In addition, some historical REEs data were collected from published literatures. Based on the δ EuN-ΣREEs plot, a clear boundary was found between the sediments from the two rivers. The boundary can be described as an orthogonal polynomial equation by ordinary linear regression with sediments from the Yangtze River located above the curve and sediments from the Yellow River located below the curve. To validate this method, the REEs contents of sediments collected from the estuaries of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River were measured. In addition, the REEs data of sediment Core 255 from the Yangtze River and Core YA01 from the Yellow River were collected. Results show that the samples from the Yangtze River estuary and Core 255 almost are above the curve and most samples from the Yellow River estuary and Core YA01 are below the curve in the δEuN-ΣREEs plot. The plot and the regression equation can be used to distinguish sediments from the Yangtze River and the Yellow River intuitively and quantitatively, and to trace the sediment provenance of the eastern seas of China. The difference between the sediments from two rivers in the δEuN-ΣREEs plot is caused by different mineral compositions and regional climate patterns of the source areas. The relationship between δEuN and ΣREEs is changed little during the transport from the source area to the river, and from river to the sea. Thus the original information on mineral compositions and climate of the source area was preserved. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40506016, 40576032, and 90411014)  相似文献   

Selecting three half orbits near the epicenter of Pu’er earthquake, we analyzed the Ne data recorded in their revisited orbits during a year before this earthquake, and extracted Ne precursors. The results show that: ① There are significant seasonal variations of ionospheric Ne in night time, which exhibit different shapes respectively in four seasons; ② There are three main shapes of Ne: single-peak, saddle-shaped and even-shaped, all of which may occur in four seasons, but each season with its typical shape relatively; ③ Spatial images of Ne showed high values near the epicenter in 30 days before the earthquake, and there is a good correlation between anomaly and distribution of earthquake in space and time, which reflects that these spatial anomalies were indeed concerned with the earthquake; ④ There shows a certain similarity of the Ne curves among revisited orbits, which can provide background information for distinguishing and identification of seismic anomaly.  相似文献   

A moderate shallow earthquake occurred on 5 December 2014 (M W = 4.9) in the north of Lake Hovsgol (northern Mongolia). The infrasonic signal with duration 140 s was recorded for this earthquake by the “Tory” infrasound array (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia). Source parameters of the earthquake (seismic moment, geometrical sizes, displacement amplitudes in the focus) were determined using spectral analysis of direct body P and S waves. The spectral analysis of seismograms and amplitude variations of the surface waves allows to determine the effect of the propagation of the rupture in the earthquake focus, the azimuth of the rupture propagation direction and the velocity of displacement in the earthquake focus. The results of modelling of the surface displacements caused by the Hovsgol earthquake and high effective velocity of propagation of infrasound signal (~ 625 m/s) indicate that its occurrence is not caused by the downward movement of the Earth’s surface in the epicentral region but by the effect of the secondary source. The position of the secondary source of infrasound signal is defined on the northern slopes of the Khamar-Daban ridge according to the data on the azimuth and time of arrival of acoustic wave at the Tory station. The interaction of surface waves with the regional topography is proposed as the most probable mechanism of formation of the infrasound signal.  相似文献   

The post-earthquake rapid accurate assessment of macro influence of seismic ground motion is of significance for earthquake emergency relief, post-earthquake reconstruction and scientific research. The seismic intensity distribution map released by the Lushan earthquake field team of the China Earthquake Administration (CEA) five days after the strong earthquake (M7.0) occurred in Lushan County of Sichuan Ya’an City at 8:02 on April 20, 2013 provides a scientific basis for emergency relief, economic loss assessment and post-earthquake reconstruction. In this paper, the means for blind estimation of macroscopic intensity, field estimation of macro intensity, and review of intensity, as well as corresponding problems are discussed in detail, and the intensity distribution characteristics of the Lushan “4.20” M7.0 earthquake and its influential factors are analyzed, providing a reference for future seismic intensity assessments.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the Tolud earthquake sequence; the sequence was a burst of shallow seismicity between November 28 and December 7, 2012; it accompanied the initial phase in the Tolbachik Fissure Eruption of 2012?2013. The largest earthquake (the Tolud earthquake of November 30, 2012, to be referred to as the Tolud Earthquake in what follows, with KS = 11.3, ML = 4.9, MC = 5.4, and MW = 4.8) is one of the five larger seismic events that have been recorded at depths shallower than 10 km beneath the entire Klyuchevskoi Volcanic Cluster in 1961?2015. It was found that the Tolud earthquake sequence was the foreshock–aftershock process of the Tolud Earthquake. This is one of the larger seismicity episodes ever to have occurred in the volcanic areas of Kamchatka. Data of the Kamchatka seismic stations were used to compute some parameters for the Tolud Earthquake and its largest (ML = 4.3) aftershock; the parameters include the source parameters and mechanisms, and the moment magnitudes, since no information on these is available at the world seismological data centers. The focal mechanisms for the Tolud Earthquake and for its aftershock are consistent with seismic ruptures at a tension fault in the rift zone. Instrumental data were used to estimate the intensity of shaking due to the Tolud Earthquake. We discuss the sequence of events that was a signature of the time-dependent seismic and volcanic activity that took place in the Tolbachik zone in late November 2012 and terminated in the Tolud burst of seismicity. Based on the current ideas of the tectonics and magma sources for the Tolbachik volcanic zone, we discuss possible causes of these earthquakes.  相似文献   

It is often assumed in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis that the magnitude distribution has an upper limit M max, which indicates a limitation on event size in specific seismogeneic conditions. Accurate estimation of M max from an earthquake catalog is a matter of utmost importance. We compare bias, dispersion and computational properties of four popular M max estimators, introduced by Kijko and others (e.g., Kijko and Sellevoll 1989, Kijko and Graham 1998, Kijko 2004) and we recommend the ones which can be the most fruitful in practical applications. We provide nomograms for evaluation of bias and standard deviation of the recommended estimators for combinations of sample sizes and distribution parameters. We suggest to use the bias nomograms to correct the M max estimates. The nomograms of standard deviation can be used to determine minimum sample size for a required accuracy of M max.  相似文献   

Knowledge of seasonal variation of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and its biotic and abiotic controllers will further our understanding of carbon cycling process, mechanism and large-scale modelling. Eddy covariance technique was used to measure NEE, biotic and abiotic factors for nearly 3 years in the hinterland alpine steppe—Korbresia meadow grassland on the Tibetan Plateau, the present highest fluxnet station in the world. The main objectives are to investigate dynamics of NEE and its components and to determine the major controlling factors. Maximum carbon assimilation took place in August and maximum carbon loss occurred in November. In June, rainfall amount due to monsoon climate played a great role in grass greening and consequently influenced interannual variation of ecosystem carbon gain. From July through September, monthly NEE presented net carbon assimilation. In other months, ecosystem exhibited carbon loss. In growing season, daytime NEE was mainly controlled by photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). In addition, leaf area index (LAI) interacted with PAR and together modulated NEE rates. Ecosystem respiration was controlled mainly by soil temperature and simultaneously by soil moisture. Q 10 was negatively correlated with soil temperature but positively correlated with soil moisture. Large daily range of air temperature is not necessary to enhance carbon gain. Standard respiration rate at referenced 10°C (R 10) was positively correlated with soil moisture, soil temperature, LAI and aboveground biomass. Rainfall patterns in growing season markedly influenced soil moisture and therefore soil moisture controlled seasonal change of ecosystem respiration. Pulse rainfall in the beginning and at the end of growing season induced great ecosystem respiration and consequently a great amount of carbon was lost. Short growing season and relative low temperature restrained alpine grass vegetation development. The results suggested that LAI be usually in a low level and carbon uptake be relatively low. Rainfall patterns in the growing season and pulse rainfall in the beginning and at end of growing season control ecosystem respiration and consequently influence carbon balance of ecosystem.  相似文献   

Based on Center of Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) global ionospheric map (GIM) data, a statistical analysis of local total electron content (TEC) anomalies before 121 low-depth (D ≤ 100 km) strong (M w ≥ 7.0) earthquakes has been made using the sliding median differential calculation method combining with a new approach of image processing technique. The results show that significant local TEC anomalies could be observed 0–6 days before 80 earthquakes, about 66.1% out of the total. The positive anomalies occur more often than negative ones. For 26 cases, both positive and negative anomalies are observed before the shock. The pre-earthquake TEC anomalies show local time recurrence for 38 earthquakes, which occur around the same local time on different days. The local time distribution of the pre-earthquake TEC anomalies mainly concentrates between 19 and 06 LT, roughly from the sunset to sunrise. Most of the pre-earthquake TEC anomalies do not locate above the epicenter but shift to the south. The pre-earthquake TEC anomalies could be extracted near the magnetic conjugate point of the epicenter for 40 events, which is 50% out of the total 80 cases with significant local TEC anomalies. In general, the signs of the anomalies around epicenter and its conjugate point are the same, but the abnormal magnitude and lasting time are not.  相似文献   

A key issue in the design of pile-supported structures on sloping ground is soil–pile interaction, which becomes more complicated in case of dynamic loading. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of slope on the dynamic behavior of pile-supported structures by performing a series of centrifuge tests. Three models were prepared by varying the slope and soil density of dry sand grounds. The mass supported on 3 by 3 group piles was shaken applying sinusoidal wave with various amplitudes. Test results showed that the location of maximum values and distribution shape of the bending moment below the ground surface varied noticeably with the pile position in the slope case. The relationship between the soil resistance and pile deflection (pyp loops) was carefully evaluated by applying the piecewise cubic spline method to fit the measured bending moment curves along piles. It was found that the shape of the pyp loops was irregular due to the effect of slope, and immensely influenced by the movement of the unstable zone. In addition, the effect of the pile group in the horizontal case was evaluated by comparing with the previously suggested curves that represent the relationship between the soil resistance and pile–soil relative displacement (py curves) to propose the multiplier coefficients.  相似文献   

To understand physical mechanisms of generation of abnormally high peak ground acceleration (PGA; >1g) during the Tohoku earthquake, models of nonlinear soil behavior in the strong motion were constructed for 27 KiK-net stations located in the near-fault zones to the south of FKSH17. The method of data processing used was developed by Pavlenko and Irikura, Pure Appl Geophys 160:2365–2379, 2003 and previously applied for studying soil behavior at vertical array sites during the 1995 Kobe (М w ?=?6.8) and 2000 Tottori (М w ?=?6.7) earthquakes. During the Tohoku earthquake, we did not observe a widespread nonlinearity of soft soils and reduction at the beginning of strong motion and recovery at the end of strong motion of shear moduli in soil layers, as usually observed during strong earthquakes. Manifestations of soil nonlinearity and reduction of shear moduli during strong motion were observed at sites located close to the source, in coastal areas. At remote sites, where abnormally high PGAs were recorded, shear moduli in soil layers increased and reached their maxima at the moments of the highest intensity of the strong motion, indicating soil hardening. Then, shear moduli reduced with decreasing the intensity of the strong motion. At soft-soil sites, the reduction of shear moduli was accompanied by a step-like decrease of the predominant frequencies of motion. Evidently, the observed soil hardening at the moments of the highest intensity of the strong motion contributed to the occurrence of abnormally high PGA, recorded during the Tohoku earthquake.  相似文献   

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