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We tested the use of cladoceran remains as a proxy for the presence and life history type of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) from pre-colonial times to present in a group of coastal lakes in southern New England. Alewife are a keystone predator that structure the zooplankton community through strong predation on large-bodied zooplankton species, which releases small zooplankton species, such as Bosmina spp., from competition and predation pressure. In southern New England there are lakes without alewife, lakes with anadromous alewife that only reside in lakes during the summer, and lakes with landlocked alewife that reside in lakes year-round. The entire zooplankton community of these lakes is structured differently based on the presence and type of alewife they contain. We examined differences in the morphology of Bosmina spp. from sediment core samples and contemporary zooplankton samples between lakes with different types of alewife. We found that there were significant differences in the morphology of Bosmina spp. between lakes with and without alewife. We also used discriminant analysis on the morphology of Bosmina spp. to classify lakes in terms of alewife presence and alewife type. We found that the morphology of Bosmina spp. can serve as a useful proxy for detecting the presence, but not the life history type of alewife from paleoecological and contemporary inferences.  相似文献   

地域分异是地理学核心研究方向之一,水生态功能分区是地学分区面向生态环境领域的发展和应用。基于水生态分区的管理是流域水环境管理的趋势,流域水生态功能分区是建立中国新型水环境管理的基础。论文在界定水生态功能分区涉及的主要概念基础上,分析了湖泊型流域水生态系统的尺度,为湖泊型流域水生态功能分区体系的建立奠定了理论基础;根据分区的目的,建立了分区的原则和指标体系,研发了分区技术、结果验证校核方法;以巢湖流域为例,进行了一级至四级水生态功能分区,并对分区结果进行验证。湖泊型流域水生态功能分区有助于丰富地域分异规律研究,对水生态目标管理的理论与方法具有指导作用。  相似文献   

李俊洁  黄晓磊 《地理学报》2022,77(1):133-149
昆虫是地球上多样性最高的生物类群,其物种数量超过所有生物物种数量的一半,在生态系统中具有重要功能,且与人类生活密切相关。理解昆虫多样性及地理分布格局对于科学研究和人类社会发展有重要意义。基于详细的文章资料梳理,本文总结了1950—2020年中国昆虫生物地理学领域文章发表趋势,并从昆虫物种多样性调查、昆虫区系研究、昆虫群落多样性、昆虫遗传多样性格局、昆虫地理分布格局等几个方面论述了中国昆虫生物地理研究的代表性研究进展。中国昆虫生物地理学研究几十年来取得了可喜的发展,但仍需重点加强几方面的思考和工作,包括整合性思维、时空尺度、科学问题的凝练、昆虫性状生物地理学、昆虫多样性和地理分布数据共享。  相似文献   

Paleolimnological and plant physiological literature were reviewed to determine which types of aquatic plant macrofossils are suitable for radiocarbon dating, with a particular focus on the uptake of reservoir-aged dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) by emergent plants. Submerged aquatic plants utilize large amounts of DIC and are clearly not suitable for radiocarbon dating. Under certain environmental conditions, some emergent aquatic plants can metabolize DIC in quantities large enough to introduce old-carbon error to radiocarbon dates acquired from their remains (plant macrofossils). Over 300 plant macrofossil images are included in the online resource Tool for Microscopic Identification; http://tmi.laccore.umn.edu) along with guidance on identification and suitability for radiocarbon dating.  相似文献   

The oribatid mite Maudheimia wilsoni Dalenius was found to be numerous on the underside of stones at Jutulsessen (72°S, 3'E) in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Daily temperature fluctuations of the microhabitat from as high as 19°C and to as low as – 17°C were observed during the austral summer. Optimal activity of the mites occurred at 10°C. Even in January the mean supercooling point of adult mites was as low as -30.8±4.7°C. Haemolymph osmolality ranged from 500 to 800mOsmol and thermal hystersis freezing points from −4.7 to −6.1°C. Adult mites had a mean water content of 43.6% and a water loss rate of 0.12 μgh−1 at 15°C and 10% relative humidity.  相似文献   

太湖流域水生态功能分区   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
高永年  高俊峰 《地理研究》2010,29(1):111-117
水生态功能分区是进行流域现代水资源管理的必然要求,是面向水质目标管理污染控制单元划分的基础。在发生学原则、区内相似性原则以及共轭性原则等相关原则的指导下,采用因素分析法对太湖流域一级水生态功能区进行划分,通过对流域DEM和气候、土壤等相关分区指标的比较分析,认为地形是太湖流域一级水生态功能分区的主导指标,分区结果主要包括西部丘陵水生态区和东部平原水生态区,并对两个一级水生态功能区的特征进行了阐述;在此基础上,对太湖流域水生态功能分区体系即分区等级体系、方法体系和指标体系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

To evaluate the comparability of neo- and paleo-limnology, we made year-to-year as well as seasonal comparisons of contemporary zooplankton data and cladoceran remains in thick (9–42 mm) annual laminations in sediment of Lake Vesijärvi, southern Finland. We calculated the expected annual exuviae production of nine planktonic taxa in the water column using contemporary zooplankton records, and compared the value to the observed net accumulation of their remains in deep sediment for 7 years. Although all of the species studied occur commonly in the lake pelagic zone, deposition of remains differed significantly among taxa. The observed accumulation of three Bosmina species and Chydorus sphaericus was similar to or exceeded expected values, suggesting good preservation of their remains as well as focusing of sediment into the deepest part of the lake. The accumulation of Limnosida and Leptodora remains exceeded expected values several fold, suggesting under-representation of these species in pelagic plankton samples, as well as efficient transportation and spatial averaging of their remains in the sediment. Daphnia, Diaphanosoma, and Ceriodaphnia were clearly under-represented in the sediment due to poor preservation of their remains and use of a 50-μm sieve in sediment processing. Thus, sieving should be taken into account as a possible source of bias. Correlation between relative abundances of all species in the sediment and in the plankton was weak (r s = 0.54, P < 0.001), but for well-preserved species, the correlation was strong (r s = 0.91, P < 0.001). Inter-annual variation in the deposition of remains suggested that resuspension and sediment focusing may vary between years, thus making it difficult to interpret absolute abundances, even though the deepest part of the basin shows clear varve formation and seasonality is well recorded. Detailed study of the uppermost lamination showed the seasonal succession of a cladoceran community within an annual varve as well as differences in the seasonality and intensity of ephippia production among the species. We recommend that results of cladoceran analyses be expressed in several ways (relative abundances, per unit dry weight, per unit organic matter, and as net accumulation values) before drawing final conclusions, as each approach may reveal a different aspect of the deposition process. In addition, sedimentation differences between epilimnetic and hypolimnetic species should be considered in stratified lakes.  相似文献   

Although the phytoplankton and protozoan assemblages of Lake Winnipeg are quite variable both, spatial and temporally, knowledge of their current distribution and ecology enables them to be used as indicators providing unique information concerning past and recent ecosystem conditions. Many of the main taxa have been similar throughout history although there have been dramatic changes in their abundance. Lake Winnipeg is currently very responsive to the climatic conditions in its drainage basin and it appears, historically, to have been a diatom-bluegreen algal lake with Tintinnids and thecate amoeba forming significant components of the protozoan community. A wide variety of microfossil remains have been used to infer past conditions in this large prairie lake. Microfossils reported from the long core 103 (8 m) taken from the north basin of LakeWinnipeg and short core Namao 7a taken from the south basin of the lake in August 1994 indicate that the lake has experienced several changes over its history. Diatom assemblages, low throughout the core 103 below 50 cm, except for a peak around 300–400 cm are virtually absent below 690–800 cm (Lake Agassiz). Stephanodiscus and Aulacoseira are the two major pelagic diatom genera represented throughout the lake's history. Species changes occur near the top of the core indicate increased anthropogenic eutrophication. Shallow water littoral taxa were never abundant at either coring sites. The presence of planktic cyanoprokaryote (cyanophyte, cyanobacteria, bluegreen algae) remains (akinetes) from 600 cm depth and the progressive increase in abundance from 400 cm to through the top 100 cm of the core indicates increasing phosphorus levels, warming summer temperatures and increasing summer nitrogen limitation in the lake. Nitrogen fixing bluegreens (especially Anabaena and Aphanizomenon akinetes) and the diatoms (Aulacoseira ambigua, A. granulata, A. islandica, S. binderanus, and S. niagarae) were abundant in the upper sediments and changes after 100 cm can be interpreted as the effects of human impact. These taxa indicative of increase eutrophication, in addition to S. agassizensis, Melosira varians and Cyclostephanos dubius, are representative of present day plankton. The short core Namao 7a was dated by Pb210 and the fossil remains also show a rise in the Aulacoseira (particularly A. granulata and A. ambigua) and bluegreen akinetes in the last 40 years as was seen in the upper sediments of the 103 core. There was an interesting peak in chrysophyte cysts during the 1930's which corresponds nicely with climatic conditions during this period. The fires accompaning the hot dry period in the mid 70's can be seen in the dramatic rise in charcoal during this period. Multiple types of micro fossils remains provides several useful tools for interpreting past lacustrine conditions.  相似文献   

In northern China, environmental changes in the transitional zone from the sandy desert to the loess plateau have been regarded as an important issue in the understanding of climate changes and the remains of hominin activities found in this zone provide a solid line of evidence to support the reconstruction of environmental conditions during the late Pleistocene. In 2006, many stone artifacts were collected on the surface in the southeastern Tengger Desert, Northern China. The Tengger lithic assemblage is correlated to the Late Middle to Early Upper Paleolithic stage and with the typical and extensively investigated Shuidonggou site some 140 km north–east of the Tengger localities. In order to evaluate both the age and the environmental conditions prevailing during human occupation despite the lack of associated stratigraphies, we have tried to place the Tengger localities into the Late Pleistocene climatic framework using the available published data provided by Mu Us Desert sand–loess sections and records of Tengger paleolake levels, respectively eastwards and westwards from the newly discovered localities. Additionally, an unpublished sand–loess section was studied by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) near Zhongwei city, around 170 km to the south. All the data suggests that the optimal time for hominin activity in the Tengger Desert would have been from 42 to 22 ka, during a period of relatively humid conditions when the climate of the area was governed by the strengthened summer East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

This paper explores relations between assemblages of carpological remains and vegetation in and around a small, shallow reservoir in southern Poland. The study was conducted from 2006 to 2008. Quantity and distribution of species in the reservoir were recorded annually during the growing season. In October 2008, 40 samples of surface sediment (top 2?cm) were collected along transects at 10?m intervals. Samples of 100?cm3 were prepared for analysis of plant macroremains. Assemblages of carpological remains generally reflect local vegetation well. In some cases, however, even analysis of numerous samples failed to fully capture the species composition or reflect plant ratios in the parent phytocenosis. Reasons for this include factors that affect seed production, transport and fossilization, which differ among species. Among the best-represented macroremains were plants of the rush phytocenosis. In analysed samples, macroremains of 68.8?% of extant rushes were identified. Sixty percent of submerged and floating-leaf taxa were found in carpological samples, whereas 26.7?% of the trees and bushes were represented in sediment deposits. Species composition of phytocenoses in the reservoir and in surrounding areas was best reflected by macroremains from the nearby reed bed. Numbers of diaspores of Mentha aquatica, Hippuris vulgaris and Carex reflected well their relative abundance in phytocenoses. Chara sp., Juncus inflexus and Eupatorium cannabinum were overrepresented, whereas Typha latifolia and Sparganium minimum were poorly represented in relation to contemporary plant cover. There were no diaspores of Phragmites australis, which dominates the contemporary reed bed. Besides the shape of a reservoir, the key factor influencing diaspore numbers is distribution of plant cover. In many cases, single diaspores (Potentilla erecta, Myosotis scorpioides, Lythrum salicaria, Scutellaria galericulata), or higher concentrations (Hippuris vulgaris, Mentha aquatica, Eleocharis palustris, Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, Chara sp.) reflected well the location of parent vegetation. The findings indicate that carpological remains in sediments can be an important source of information about plants in and around lakes. They generally reflect well local vegetation and in some cases may be used to identify taxa that dominated in the past.  相似文献   

The mass transport of nutrients by migratory animals can markedly alter the biogeochemistry and ecology of recipient ecosystems, particularly in nutrient-poor regions such as the Arctic. However, the role of biovectors in the global cycling of nutrients is often overlooked. Here we investigate nitrogen dynamics in two seabird-affected ponds in the Canadian High Arctic. The ponds lie at the base of a large seabird colony and have been greatly enriched in nutrients due to the input of guano and other wastes. Using sediment cores that span the last ~200 years, we measured stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) in bulk sediments as well from the subfossil remains of chironomid (Diptera) head capsules and Daphnia ephippia. The bulk-sediment samples from our seabird-affected ponds had elevated δ15N values relative to seabird-free sites elsewhere in the Arctic. In general, the chironomid δ15N profiles roughly paralleled those of bulk sediments in both study ponds, while the Daphnia profile remained relatively stable in contrast to the considerable variation recorded in the bulk sediments and chironomids. Interestingly, no apparent pattern emerged among δ15N values recorded in the bulk sediments, chironomids, and Daphnia between the two study ponds. The stability recorded in the δ15N profiles from bulk sediments relative to the more variable invertebrate profiles point towards the complexity of nitrogen uptake by chironomids and Daphnia at these sites. These data suggest that the bulk sediments are integrating the different fractions of the overall δ15N pool and thus may be most appropriate for reconstructing overall trends in lake trophic status.  相似文献   

水生态空间分类体系是研究水生态空间变化的重要前提。目前,水生态空间分类体系一般都基于特定的研究或者管理目的,没有相对统一的划定标准。因此,这些水生态空间分类体系间的可比性及可操作性就存在一定的局限。鉴于此,论文结合遥感观测技术,基于系统论提出了适用于遥感影像的水生态空间多功能分类体系。该分类体系具有一定的理论基础,同时也兼具遥感技术的可操作性和可比性,能为研究水生态空间的面积动态变化提供理论基础和技术保障。此外,研究还结合生产管理经验和专家咨询等方法,建立了适用于Landsat卫星遥感数据的各类水生态空间的解译标志。最后,以中国为例,运用2015年的Landsat卫星遥感数据,划定了中国各类水生态空间的分布,并得到了不同水生态空间类型所占的面积比,这为进一步研究中国水生态空间的演化规律奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

We have measured the distribution coefficient (Kd) of210Po and210Pb in laboratory systems and in natural freshwater systems. In the laboratory systems, an inverse relationship was observed between the particle concentration of sand or lake sediment, and the distribution coefficients of210Po and210Pb. The slope of the log-linearK d vs particle concentration relation is consistent with existingK d-particle concentration theories. These laboratory observations are consistent with similar measurements in two lakes. TheK d values of Po and Pb for the bottom sediment-pore water system with a high particle concentration were 10 to 100 times lower than those for dilute concentrations of particles suspended in the lake water. TheK d of210Pb in the sediments was >104 so that the diffusive transport of210Pb has only a small influence on the interpretation of210Pb concentration-depth profiles and the210Pb dating of these sediments.This is the second of a series of papers to be published by this journal following the 20th anniversary of the first application of210Pb dating of lake sediments. Dr P. G. Appleby is guest editing.  相似文献   

A multiproxy paleolimnological study of Douglas Lake, Michigan, was undertaken to elucidate the history of productivity and oxygen depletion in three basins of this multi-depression lake. Indicators investigated in three dated cores included chlorophyll a, Fe and Mn stratigraphy, and fossil chironomid assemblages. The coring sites were chosen to correspond to modern studies of oxygen depletion rates, and to determine if conclusions reached in these studies were supported by paleolimnological evidence. Stratigraphies of chlorophyll a, Fe and Mn indicate that two of the basins, South Fishtail Bay and Fairy Island, have been eutrophic and anoxic for a long period of time, predating European settlement. The third basin, Grapevine Point, has been consistently less productive, and had less severe oxygen depletion. Results of the chironomid analysis agree with these conclusions, including a change from mesotrophic to eutrophic indicator taxa in the Grapevine Point basin. All three cores show evidence of increasing trophic state in the most recent sediments, supporting some of the conclusions reached in the modern studies. It is also demonstrated that deforestation of the watershed had profound effects on littoral chironomid assemblages. Paleolimnological investigations also demonstrated the individual nature of the separate basins in Douglas Lake.  相似文献   

白雪  陈旭 《地理科学进展》2022,41(2):351-360
金藻孢囊是金藻生殖过程的特有产物,在淡水环境中广泛存在,其硅质外壳易在沉积物中保存。金藻孢囊的孔、领、环带以及表面纹饰特征是其鉴定分类的主要依据。金藻孢囊对水环境变化响应敏感,因而被广泛应用于水环境变化研究中,包括古温度和古水文重建、水体富营养化和酸化评估等领域。已有的研究主要集中在北美和欧洲地区,其他区域研究相对较少。相比于其他生物指标,金藻孢囊鉴定相对复杂,不利于其广泛应用。因此,未来应优化金藻孢囊鉴定分类方法,提高鉴定统计效率。其次,加强金藻孢囊的现代过程调查,尤其在欧洲和北美以外的地区,以揭示全球不同地区金藻孢囊多样性及其生态属性。在此基础上,加强金藻孢囊在泥炭地环境演变、生物地理学等研究领域的应用。  相似文献   

Random distributions for a wide range (1–100,000) of chironomid head capsules (HC) were simulated on a 1-m2 surface. The number of HC found in circular surfaces equivalent to standard core diameters (90 and 63 mm) was estimated 1000 times, over the range of tested densities. For each number of HC found in the samples, the range of simulated densities was estimated using a threshold probability (p > 0.95). This enabled us to develop equations to infer HC density from sample counts. Because of the threshold probability for comparable sample counts, the equations yield higher estimated densities under a random distribution than for a regular distribution. The probability of sampling at least one HC was >0.95 for densities of 900 HC m?2 for the 90-mm core and 1400 HC m?2 for the 63-mm core. For a specific sample count, the range of actual densities was ~10 times higher for the 63-mm core than the 90-mm core. Comparison with field larval densities revealed that most densities were too low to be suitable for annually resolved reconstruction of a quantitative signal, using current corer sizes, although a large number of populations can support sub-decadal analyses. Nonetheless, some lakes exhibit population sizes large enough to reconstruct robust quantitative estimates of past chironomid abundances. This work provides guidance to reconstruct species dynamics and fine-scale time series analyses in paleoecology.  相似文献   


The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) predicts highest species diversity in environments experiencing intermediate intensity disturbance, after an intermediate timespan. Because many landscapes comprise mosaics with complex disturbance histories, the theory implies that each patch in those mosaics should have a distinct level of diversity reflecting the magnitude of disturbance and the time since it occurred. We model changing patterns of species richness across a landscape experiencing varied scenarios of simulated disturbance in order to predict first the variation of richness through time in individual patches, based on their disturbance histories, and then the changing patterns of richness across the landscape through time, representing the cumulative impact of changing richness within the individual patches. Model outputs show that individual landscape patches have highly variable species richness through time, with the trajectory reflecting the timing, intensity and sequence of disturbances. When the results are mapped across the landscape, the resulting temporal and spatial complexity reveals a distribution of biodiversity that is strikingly contingent on the details of disturbance history. These results illustrate the danger of generalization (in either data interpretation or management decisions), as IDH actually imposes a highly variable pattern of diversity.  相似文献   

Little is known about the relationships between fossil oribatid mite assemblages in lake and mire sediments and the composition, abundance, and richness of their living communities. Because oribatid mites are a relatively new area of palaeolimnological study, there is a great lack of knowledge about the taphonomic processes that might affect fossil mite assemblages. The DOORMAT (Direct Observation Of Recent Macrofossils Across Tree-line) project was designed to study the transport and deposition of oribatid mites and plant remains in the tree-line area of western Norway. The present study also compares modern oribatid assemblages with fossil oribatid assemblages in a Holocene lake-sediment sequence from the nearby Trettetj?rn, and considers the optimal location for studying fossil oribatid mites within a lake basin. Seven novel terrestrial traps (50 × 80 cm Astroturf doormats) were placed at major vegetational transitions along an altitudinal transect crossing the tree-line ecotone from 633 to 1,120 m a.s.l. at Upsete, west Norway. Three sediment traps were placed in Trettetj?rn (810 m a.sl.) at the inlet, the middle, and near the outlet. In each terrestrial trap, the oribatid assemblage was found to be characteristic of the surrounding habitat. The lake-trap analyses showed that aquatic or moist-habitat species had the highest chance of being incorporated into the lake sediments; the number of terrestrial species decreased considerably from both outlet and inlet traps to the central trap in the deepest water. The area adjacent to the inlet of Trettetj?rn would therefore be the optimal location for a sediment core for oribatid analysis. However, this conclusion is not supported when the modern trap results are compared with the Trettetj?rn sequence from the lake centre.  相似文献   

We investigated whether techniques developed to evaluate qualitative lake-level changes in the temperate zone can be used in sub-arctic and arctic Alaska. We focused on aquatic pollen records and sediment properties (loss-on-ignition and magnetic susceptibility) from centrally-located sediment-surface samples and cores, as these are the most commonly reported data in the literature. Modern aquatic pollen values are generally low (< 5%) and may be zero, even in lakes with abundant aquatic macrophytes. Greater diversity and higher values of aquatic pollen are likely at depths < 5 m, but pollen is found in depths up to 15 m. It is absent at depths > 20 m. Spores of Isoetes and Equisetum and Pediastrum cell-nets, when present, tend to be widely distributed, even in deep water. At Birch Lake, interior Alaska, trends in aquatic taxa and sediment characteristics for the last ca. 12,000 14C yrs recorded in a single, deep-water core reflect the same water-level changes as do transect-based lake-level reconstructions - if modern distributional characteristics of pollen and spores are taken into account. The lake rose from extremely low levels at ca. 12,000 14C yr B.P. After a period of fluctuation, it rose to a relatively high level by ca. 8000 14C yr B.P. and then stabilized. A preliminary survey of aquatic pollen trends from other lake-sediment records suggests that the period ca. 11,000-8000 14C yr B.P. may have seen relatively low lake levels in north-western and interior Alaska and high levels thereafter. Changes in aquatic pollen and sediments are evident in north-eastern interior lakes at the same time, but they are more difficult to interpret. Aquatic pollen productivity in Alaskan lakes may partly depend on factors other than water depth (e.g. temperature, pH, nutrient status, or length of the ice-free season). An Alaska-wide reconstruction of late-Quaternary lake levels based on extant single-core data would be best done after further study of contributing factors that may control sediment properties and aquatic pollen distribution.  相似文献   

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