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在地球岩石和其他地质样品中,记录了许多可以反映出地质历史时期的天文过程的信息,其中最显著、研究最多的有米兰柯维奇旋回、潮汐韵律层和天体陨击事件层等。由于天文事件具有全球等时性和瞬时性,且通常具有明显的地化特征和生物特征,是年代地层对比中最为有效的标志层。本文简要介绍了地层记录中这三类天文事件的确认过程以及它们的研究意义。  相似文献   

关于新灾变论的争论现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文评介了新灾变论(Neocatastrophism)近年来的发展.着重介绍彗星陨击、小行星陨击、超新星爆发三种球外事件的生物绝灭效应,以及绝灭周期性及其与宇宙运动的对应.关于彗星与小行星陨击,讨论了有关陨击证据、陨击频率、陨击效应、特别是绝灭效应等四方面的支持和反对的论证.本文认为应当支持对灾变的研讨,但目前只宜作适当的估价.一方面要注意大规模绝灭的生物内在因素,另一方面,在外因中,常规地内因素与地外灾变因素的相对比重亦尚需研讨.  相似文献   

万天丰 《地学前缘》2018,25(2):320-335
全球板块构造的动力学机制问题是一个热门但至今尚未解决的难题。本文首先回顾了近百年来大地构造学的各种主要假说和近四十年来板块构造学说的许多新进展。在上述研究的基础上, 受Rampino和Stothers关于陨击作用可引起地表重大灾变事件思想的启发,笔者提出了一个新的假说。基于中、新生代(200 Ma以来)每隔33 Ma太阳系就会穿越一次银河系星际物质密集的银道面,诱发太阳系内部引力场的巨变,使部分小行星失稳,从而撞击地球。笔者根据用以描述中生代以来全球板块构造的七种不同的运动模式, 提出了巨大陨星在不同地点、以不同角度撞击地表岩石圈,可能诱发地幔底辟的形成,从而推动板块呈放射状或单向运移的假说,也即在200、170、100、65和0.78 Ma等时期的陨击事件基本上是垂直地表面而撞击的,从而诱发地幔底辟的形成和岩石圈板块的放射状张裂和运移;138 Ma的陨击事件可能是指向印度板块的斜向撞击;而35 Ma时期的微玻璃陨石撞击事件则是陨石以极低角度撞击地球表面的表现。陨石撞击地球,这是太阳系内部各星体之间引力作用变化的表现,因而此假说不是什么外因作用论。  相似文献   

根据化石记录可知,大量复杂生物类群迅速出现在早寒武世,这就是所谓的寒武纪生命大爆发.在此之前,有距今6亿年前的前寒武纪末埃迪卡拉生物群化石出现,此后的70~80 Ma里,生命就以上升了一个数量级的速率演化.这些在原始地层中看似迅速出现的化石,最早在19世纪中期就有所记录,达尔文认为,这是对他提出的进化论的自然选择观点的主要反对证据之一.有关新动物群的出现及演化长期困惑着地学界,集中在以下三点:在前寒武纪-寒武纪界线附近或早寒武世这个相对较短的时期内,存在着生命大爆发.是什么引起了这样的快速演化事件?这对于生命的起源与演化将意味着什么?对"寒武纪生命大爆发"的强烈兴趣还启发了20世纪70年代对布尔吉斯页岩化石记录的研究.不久之后,中国的澄江生物群包括对它后续的研究又很好地支持了生命大爆发.在前寒武纪一寒武纪界线附近究竟发生了什么?随着笔者对寒武纪事件越来越多的了解,积累的数据使得很多原先提出的假说都变得不太可能了.通过作者对地球环境的改变和寒武纪生命大爆发详实的研究,发现这种改变是可以由撞击事件引起的.在对寒武纪时期的地球进行了详细的研究之后,笔者提出了新的见解.前寒武纪晚期,存在大型的陨击事件.碰撞的高温结束了大冰期,使生物信息得以交流.同时,撞击启动基因调控机制、释放HSP90变异.一方面,调控基因决定了其他基因的表达,最早的调控基因发现于布尔吉斯页岩中(535 Ma).另一方面,HSP90原本是积累突变的蛋白,一旦环境突然发生变化,所有DNA突变将得以表达,在短时间内新的生命形式得以进化.并且这种变化是可以遗传的.然后,在新生臭氧层保护与有氧呼吸能量供应下,地球另一端幸存地下生命爆发,产生硬壳及复杂的新陈代谢以适应高温高压.现代的银河系天文理论,即密度波理论,在本文中被应用以试图解释这种撞击背后的天文学诱因.5~6亿年前的寒武纪事件使笔者联想起另外两次仍然存在争议的大规模撞击事件,它们引起的大气变化、水圈变化、生物圈变化、碳酸盐岩变化、磷矿变化都惊人的相似.形成于17亿年以前的Sadbury陨击坑直径为200 km,是最大陨击坑之一;23亿年以前(23.3~22.88亿年)地质环境(沉积圈、生物圈、水圈、大气圈)发生了由地外因素引起的灾变.灾变后,火山活动明显减弱,富氧大气圈形成,生物演化出现飞跃,叠层石开始广泛发育,碳酸盐岩在各大陆大量沉积,第一次全球性磷矿期开始发育.根据几处23亿年左右陨落的大量消溶型铁质宇宙尘的发现,推论该灾变的起因是与陨击作用有关的宇宙事件,且地表23亿年前的泛火山运动和月岩年龄分布(23~25亿年)以及月表陨石坑构造等表明:23亿年前,地外物体对地球的冲击作用非常强烈.再考虑到6 500万年前的契科苏博鲁陨击事件,也就是说,在已经得到广泛承认的和存在争议但有事实支持的地外灾变事件中规模最为巨大的三次撞击事件符合5~6亿年这一大周期.5~6亿年正是太阳系扫过银河系四条主旋臂一次所用的时间:太阳绕银河一周的时间大约是290个百万年.而由于在太阳绕银河转的时候,银河系的四条大旋臂同样旋转,并且其螺旋势场的角速度约是太阳系的一半,最终叠加的结果就是这样的一个大周期.密度波理论表明,旋臂处质量密度非常大,并且形成旋臂的螺旋引力场将对太阳系产生影响,诱发撞击事件.本文通过前人定性证据和笔者实地考察表明,上述假说与当时的绝大多数重要天文事件和地质发现相吻合,广泛的铱异常与位于澳大利亚的大型陨击坑均有发现.对澳大利亚的Acraman陨击坑和HAPCIS陨击坑的基底构造实地分析也表明了前寒武纪末曾经存在过陨击事件.最后笔者利用计算机模拟了大气圈变化.模拟分两步进行,首先从岩石热分解得出需要的温度与压强数据,而后将数据作为参数用于模拟.数据结果表明撞击区域的大气温度在4 000 K左右,压强为5 600 Bar.撞击增加了大气中二氧化碳和氧气的含量,并强化了臭氧层.这些含量的变化与地质上的记录一致.  相似文献   

在地球发展过程中存在着35Ma的旋回周期,它不仅表现在全球性海平面变化、生物集群绝灭、构造运动幕、岩浆旋回以及石气候变化方面,而且也反映在古地磁倒转和陨击事件方面,反映了地球演化的自然阶段.重要地质事件明显地集中于特定时期,形成自然临界,其可能主要受天体运动周期的控制,与太阳系穿越银道面有关  相似文献   

基于常规环境演变指标的研究结果显示,大规模陨击事件的确可以造成地球环境的突变,但是对陨击事件期问水生或陆地植被类型变化的研究却并不多见.因此,通过统计南塔斯曼海大洋钻探计划(ODP) 1170站位(47°9.0344′S,146°2.9846′W;水深2705m)B孔16 ~ 15m(mbsf)沉积物中微玻陨石颗粒丰度...  相似文献   

田军 《地球科学进展》2009,24(12):1357-1361
新生代以来,地表气候在大趋势上逐渐变冷,并呈现出冷暖交替的变化节律.影响气候变化的因素主要包括太阳辐射量和地内气候系统的反馈效应.揭示气候变化的最终规律需要更准确的天文计算和更长、更可靠的气候替代性指标的重建.综合大洋钻探计划IODP 320、321航次在东赤道太平洋钻取了一系列保存完好、连续的深海沉积钻孔,为揭示新生代气候演变的规律提供了良好的研究材料.从全球视野的角度研究古海洋学和古气候学问题是揭示气候演变规律的良好方法,值得中国研究者借鉴.  相似文献   

晚新生代C4植物扩张是地球环境-生态系统演化的霞要事件,重建C4植物地质演化历史是认识新生代地球气候变化、全球植被演化和大气CO2演化历史及区域陆地生态系统转变模式的关键环节.通过最近20多年来对全球不同区域地质剖面中的植物化石、动物牙釉质及成土碳酸盐碳同位素等的分析,研究者认识到晚新生代C4植物在全球成规模出现和扩张...  相似文献   

青藏高原隆升动力学与阿尔金断裂   总被引:43,自引:13,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原最晚一期也是最强烈的一期隆升发生在1-0.8Ma,与印度洋中脊三联点附近的“亚澳”陨击事件有关,陨击事件引起印度洋的快速扩张并导致印度板块在锡瓦利克带的强烈(A型)俯冲,正是这次俯冲引起了青藏高原及其外围山脉的快速隆升,中国西北的盆-山地貌因此而形成,其中东昆仑山推覆隆升近3000m,向北推挤近400km,是柴达木盆地,河西走廊新生界构造变形的主因,因此,“亚澳”陨击事件的影响,提供了青藏高原最晚一期隆升和中亚与中国西部大陆构造形成的大陆动力学背景;根据近年对阿尔金断裂带内同变形期新生矿(102-85Ma)近于同步,其累积错距达350-400km,晚白垩世一新生代同步错移了两侧原有的构造带和原型盆地。这为中国西部找矿,找油气的战略评估提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

广东湛江陨击混杂堆积层的发现及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹延鸿  孙嘉诗 《地学前缘》2006,13(4):267-273
通过野外地质调查和取样分析,首次在广东湛江地区中更新统早期的北海组地层中发现了一层罕见的陨击混杂堆积层,它是陨击作用下的特殊产物,是北海组含砾砂、粘土质砂在陨击高温作用下烧结、抛射堆积而形成的。陨击混杂堆积层主要分布在湛江坡头的部分地区,有的出露地表,有的为第四系所覆盖,厚度大约为0·1~4m。陨击混杂堆积层中共生玻璃陨石(雷公墨)。陨击混杂堆积层中的击变岩砾石与原岩相比较,Si O2的含量明显减少,Fe2O3的含量明显增加,其他化学成分及含量与原岩近于一致。陨击混杂堆积层的发现可能对澳大利亚—东南亚微玻璃陨石场陨击源坑的寻找和探讨该期玻璃陨石和微玻璃陨石与靶岩之间的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

The evolution of the Northern Hemisphere oceanic gateways has facilitated ocean circulation changes and may have influenced climatic variations in the Cenozoic time (66 Ma–0 Ma). However, the timing of these oceanic gateway events is poorly constrained and is often neglected in global paleobathymetric reconstructions. We have therefore re-evaluated the evolution of the Northern hemisphere oceanic gateways (i.e. the Fram Strait, Greenland–Scotland Ridge, the Central American Seaway, and the Tethys Seaway) and embedded their tectonic histories in a new global paleobathymetry and topography model for the Cenozoic time. Our new paleobathymetry model incorporates Northeast Atlantic paleobathymetric variations due to Iceland mantle plume activity, updated regional plate kinematics, and models for the oceanic lithospheric age, sediment thickness, and reconstructed oceanic plateaus and microcontinents. We also provide a global paleotopography model based on new and previously published regional models. In particular, the new model documents important bathymetric changes in the Northeast Atlantic and in the Tethys Seaway near the Eocene–Oligocene transition (~34 Ma), the time of the first glaciations of Antarctica, believed to be triggered by the opening of the Southern Ocean gateways (i.e. the Drake Passage and the Tasman Gateway) and subsequent Antarctic Circumpolar Current initiation. Our new model can be used to test whether the Northern Hemisphere gateways could have also played an important role modulating ocean circulation and climate at that time. In addition, we provide a set of realistic global bathymetric and topographic reconstructions for the Cenozoic time at one million-year interval for further use in paleo-ocean circulation and climate models.  相似文献   

厄尔尼诺的三个调控器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在地球系统中,气候和构造活动是相互影响的.气候变化引起地表大规模的物质运动,是长期被忽视的构造运动的动力之一.构造运动改变了陆海分布的类型,又会引起全球气候类型的强烈变化.德雷克通道和环南极海冰的全球气候冷暖开关作用是最典型的事例.环南极海冰的扩大压迫南大洋的西风漂流和赤道辐合带北移,加强三大寒流,引发拉尼娜冷事件.  相似文献   

Paleoclimate reconstruction of continental environments has been hampered by the limited evidence. A thick sequence of Jurassic continental deposits in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China yields abundant paleosols that may offer valuable insights regarding Jurassic climate scenarios. A succession of 169 paleosols belonging to Protosols, Calcisols, and Argillisols from 23 detailed stratigraphic sections was recognized and characterized macro- and micromorphologically and assessed for mineral and geochemical compositions. Quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions using bulk geochemical proxies, the depth to and the stable oxygen isotopic composition of paleosol carbonates indicated a predominant alternation of semiarid and arid cool/warm-temperate climatic conditions punctuated by several episodes of subhumid and humid climates that generally prevailed in the Sichuan Basin during the Jurassic. The estimated paleoatmospheric CO2 concentrations (pCO2) from calcic paleosols yielded a low range of ~104 ± 58 to ~610 ± 152 ppmv during the Middle Jurassic. The terrestrial paleotemperature changes in the Sichuan Basin coincided with the pCO2 variations, which probably resulted from global geological events (e.g., volcanic activities, magmatic and oceanic events, and the ephemeral caps development) in the Middle Jurassic. Jurassic climatic fluctuations in the basin were likely attributed to true polar wander due to global plate motion, megamonsoon effect linked to global and regional paleogeography, and regional paleotopography.  相似文献   

2.50MaB.P.的地质事件与全球变化的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
王强 《第四纪研究》1991,11(2):149-157
本文初步总结了2.50MaB.P.青藏高原隆升等构造运动、黄土的出现、哺乳动物群不连续、微玻璃陨石的出现、植被的演变、某些陆相介形虫绝灭等中国的地质事件,并归纳了此时全球范围内地质事件的报道。海、陆环境中这些地质事件的发生不仅与地球的内动力过程,亦与其外动力过程有关。影响大气环流的各种因子在当时可能皆发生程度不同的变化。2.50MaB.P.的地质事件,可以说是整个日-地系统急剧变化的表现。  相似文献   

地球构造变动对土壤分带格局和古气候事件的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文初步综编了新生代地质事件序列表(以中国为主),其中有一些对应较好的事件群,启发了我们对一些事件时间链的机理思考,并展示了探索气候事件应予涉及的研究范畴。本文通过对全球土壤带分布和全球构造板条分布的对比研究,认为土壤带的分布有两点突出表现:一是与全球构造板条分带格局基本相似,二是喜马拉雅一阿尔卑斯高原山带和美洲科迪勒拉高山高原带决定了两条平行于它们的土壤带,说明构造活动所造成的地形起伏对气候局域变化的重要影响。通过对青藏高原第四纪抬升史及中国黄土-古气候的研究,可以认为,第四纪时期的几次重要的气候转型事件都是由当时的地球构造活动所引发的。  相似文献   

Assembly and Breakup of Rodinia (Some results of IGCP project 440)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The principal results of project 440 “Assembly and Breakup of Rodinia” of the International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) are reviewed in this work. A map of that supercontinent compiled using geological and paleomagnetic data describes global paleogeography 900 Ma ago. The assembly of Rodinia, which comprised most of Precambrian continental blocks, lasted ca. 400 m.y. (from 1300 to 900 Ma). Its breakup presumably triggered by mantle superplume took place between 830 and 650 Ma. The correlation between tectonic events in different continental blocks is considered. Some problems concerning the Rodinia reconstruction and history, e.g., the slow growth of juvenile crust and effects of mantle-plume events during the amalgamation period and of glaciations at the breakup time, are discussed. The latter caused changes in the biosphere and climate, whereas postglacial periods stimulated progress in biota evolution.  相似文献   

Clay mineral, sedimentological and geochemical data show that the northern Antarctic Peninsula (Seymour Island, La Meseta Formation) experienced a climatic deterioration from very warm, non-seasonally wet conditions at the end of the Palaeogene global optimum (early Middle Eocene ∼47 Ma) to a latest Eocene (post ∼34 Ma) regime that was cold, frost-prone and relatively dry. During the middle Middle Eocene there was an episode of strongly seasonal wet conditions, after which the climate was generally cool and humid. Overall, Eocene climatic trends in the Antarctic Peninsula mirror those recorded at ODP sites in the Southern Ocean. There is no evidence for glacial deposition on Seymour Island during either the latest Eocene (Submeseta) or the short Early Palaeocene (Sobral) cold episodes. Local Eocene climatic changes were registered by alterations in depositional and sedimentary characters of the La Meseta Formation, and reflect regional southern high latitude Palaeogene climatic mileu modulated by local tectonic events.  相似文献   

Recently, new theories on underground geophysical and geochemical interactions which had been reported to occur during the preparation stages of earthquakes and the remotely measurable variations have been put to test and some warning factors were suggested as earthquake precursors. Data vendors are providing daily basis information from the earth's surface by combining remote sensing data and in situ observations. In this paper, we analyze atmospheric, oceanic, and surface changes in the ocean, coast, and land lying near the epicenters of two recent major earthquakes. The changes are studied in terms of the regional fault locations which have been reported by the U.S. Geological Survey as the shake triggering geological structures. Our detailed analyses showed anomalous increases of surface latent heat flux (SLHF) for both the earthquakes. Meaningfully limited to the geographical extents of the regional active faults, the SLHF variation patterns suggest pre-seismic activity 2–3 weeks before the main events. The agreement of these variations with abnormalities in other climatic and surface factors like relative humidity and temperature represents an unusual situation during the same period as well. Spatiotemporal variations of chlorophyll-a was also studied as another earthquake indicator. Abnormal rises in these factors are possibly caused by the formation of micro-cracks, heat production, evaporation, ionization, and upwelling of nutrient-rich water produced by pre-seismic activity prior to the main events.  相似文献   

Sedimentological, cyclic-stratigraphic, paleomagnetic, and clay-mineralogical studies on the early Oligocene Yaxicuo Group in the Hoh Xil Basin, the largest Cenozoic sedimentary basin in the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau, provide abundant information of paleoclimate changes. A 350-m thick section in the middle-lower Yaxicuo Group was analyzed to reveal the climatic history that occurred in the Hoh Xil region during the early Oligocene interval 31.30-30.35 Ma, dated with the paleomagnetic chronostratigraphy. The results indicate that arid and cold climate dominated the Hoh Xil region during the early Oligocene in general, being related to the global cooling and drying events that occurred in the earliest Oligocene. Within this period, relatively warm and wet climate accompanied by strong tectonic activity occurred in the 31.05-30.75 Ma interval; while arid and cold climate and relatively inactive tectonics occurred in the 31.30-31.05 and 30.75-30.35 Ma intervals. Furthermore, spectral analyses of hig  相似文献   

黄土高原和南海陆架古季风演变的生物记录与Heinrich事件   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
宝鸡黄土中0.15Ma以来植物硅酸体研究表明,年均温度、1月份和年均降水量的变化与深海氧同位素变化有很好的一致性,而7月份降水量的变化与印度洋反映季风强弱的粒度变化相类似。南海陆架孢粉研究发现,14700—13900aB.P.和22900一20600aB.P.气候变冷期与北大西洋沉积物中H1、H2变冷事件存在成因上的联系。全球冰量通过冬季风等因素在“轨道尺度”上可能影响了夏季风对特定地区的控制时间,从而控制了黄土区气候的年均状况,但没有影响夏季风固有的变化周期和振幅。由低纬夏季太阳辐射控制的夏季风以其准20000a周期叠加在冬季风所具有的准0.1Ma周期上。冬、夏季风的演化行为具有较强的相对独立性,冬、夏季风同时减弱或增强的情况是存在的。Heinrich事件在东亚地区不仅影响了冬季风而且影响了夏季风。  相似文献   

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