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Centropages typicus was collected at two hour intervals over a diel cycle at a station near the Chesapeake Bay mouth. The species migrated upward at dusk and downward at dawn. Neither light, temperature, salinity, nor density appeared to cue the migration. Attention is drawn to the need for information on the extent and regularity of migration by individual organisms, and how the lack of such information may lead to poor interpretations of migration data.  相似文献   

Salinity is a critical factor in understanding and predicting physical and biogeochemical processes in the coastal ocean where it varies considerably in time and space. In this paper, we introduce a Chesapeake Bay community implementation of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ChesROMS) and use it to investigate the interannual variability of salinity in Chesapeake Bay. The ChesROMS implementation was evaluated by quantitatively comparing the model solutions with the observed variations in the Bay for a 15-year period (1991 to 2005). Temperature fields were most consistently well predicted, with a correlation of 0.99 and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.5°C for the period, with modeled salinity following closely with a correlation of 0.94 and RMSE of 2.5. Variability of salinity anomalies from climatology based on modeled salinity was examined using empirical orthogonal function analysis, which indicates the salinity distribution in the Bay is principally driven by river forcing. Wind forcing and tidal mixing were also important factors in determining the salinity stratification in the water column, especially during low flow conditions. The fairly strong correlation between river discharge anomaly in this region and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation suggests that the long-term salinity variability in the Bay is affected by large-scale climate patterns. The detailed analyses of the role and importance of different forcing, including river runoff, atmospheric fluxes, and open ocean boundary conditions, are discussed in the context of the observed and modeled interannual variability.  相似文献   

As part of the Microbial Exchanges and Coupling in Coastal Atlantic Systems (MECCAS) Project, crab larvae were collected in the shelf waters off Chesapeake Bay in June and August 1985 and April 1986. We conducted hydrographic (temperature, salinity, nutrients) and biological (chlorophyll, copepods) mapping in conjunction with Eulerian and Lagrangian time studies of the vertical distribution of crab larvae in the Chesapeake Bay plume. These abundance estimates are used with current meter records and drifter trajectories to infer mechanisms of larval crab dispersion to the shelf waters and recruitment back into Chesapeake Bay. The highest numbers of crab larvae were usually associated with the Chesapeake Bay plume, suggesting that it was the dominant source of crab larvae to shelf waters. Patches of crab larvae also were found in the higher salinity shelf waters, and possibly were remnants of previous plume discharge events. The distribution of crab larvae in the shelf waters changed on 1–2 d time scales as a consequence of both variations in the discharge rate of the Chesapeake Bay plume and local wind-driven currents. Downwelling-favorable winds (NW) intensified the coastal jet and confined the plume and crab larvae along the coast. In April during a downwelling event (when northwesterly winds predominated), crab zoeae were transported southward along the coast at speeds that at times exceeded 168 km d−1. During June and August the upwelling-favorable winds (S, SW) opposed the anticyclonic turn of the plume and, via Ekman circulation, forced the plume and crab larvae to spread seaward. Plume velocities during these conditions generally were less than 48 km d−1. The recruitment of crab larvae to Chesapeake Bay is facilitated in late summer by the dominance of southerly winds, which can reverse the southward flow of shelf waters. Periodic downwelling-favorable winds can result in surface waters and crab larvae moving toward the entrance of Chesapeake Bay. Approximately 27% of the larval crabs spend at least part of the day in bottom waters, which have a residual drift toward the bay mouth. There appears to be a variety of physical transport mechanisms that can enhance the recruitment of crab larvae into Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Estuaries are productive and ecologically important ecosystems, incorporating environmental drivers from watersheds, rivers, and the coastal ocean. Climate change has potential to modify the physical properties of estuaries, with impacts on resident organisms. However, projections from general circulation models (GCMs) are generally too coarse to resolve important estuarine processes. Here, we statistically downscaled near-surface air temperature and precipitation projections to the scale of the Chesapeake Bay watershed and estuary. These variables were linked to Susquehanna River streamflow using a water balance model and finally to spatially resolved Chesapeake Bay surface temperature and salinity using statistical model trees. The low computational cost of this approach allowed rapid assessment of projected changes from four GCMs spanning a range of potential futures under a high CO2 emission scenario, for four different downscaling methods. Choice of GCM contributed strongly to the spread in projections, but choice of downscaling method was also influential in the warmest models. Models projected a ~2–5.5 °C increase in surface water temperatures in the Chesapeake Bay by the end of the century. Projections of salinity were more uncertain and spatially complex. Models showing increases in winter-spring streamflow generated freshening in the Upper Bay and tributaries, while models with decreased streamflow produced salinity increases. Changes to the Chesapeake Bay environment have implications for fish and invertebrate habitats, as well as migration, spawning phenology, recruitment, and occurrence of pathogens. Our results underline a potentially expanded role of statistical downscaling to complement dynamical approaches in assessing climate change impacts in dynamically challenging estuaries.  相似文献   

The evolution of a front that forms inshore of the main Chesapeake Bay plume, near Cape Henry, Virginia, United States, was observed during a period of downwelling-favorable winds in May 1999. A novel aspect of this study was the use of an underway, horizontally-oriented acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) to map the front and to study its evolving shape. Measurements made during flood tide show the front forming about 2 km from shore and then advancing shoreward (at about 20 cm s−1) over dense, inshore water. Measurements made while anchored 1 km from shore show the surface salinity increasing during ebb tide, then abruptly decreasing during flood tide as the front moves inshore. To account for this cycle of events, a conceptual model is proposed in which dense water upwells to the surface during ebb tide near Cape Henry, helping to set the stage for frontal formation on the flood. The cyclic recurrence of this Cape Henry front so close to the mouth of the bay may provide a mechanism for recirculating estuarine material that would otherwise be transported southward in the coastal buoyancy current.  相似文献   

A long-term (1948–2010) shoreward energy history of upper tidal shorelines in lower Chesapeake Bay was developed using a simple calculation of kinetic energy from corresponding wind and tide data. These data were primarily used to determine the likelihood of shoreline energy increases coincident with local sea level rise. Total annual shoreward energy ranged from 620 kJ/m of shoreline in 1950 to 17,785 kJ/m of shoreline in 2009. No clear linear trends are apparent, but mean annual energy shows an increase from 2,732 kJ/m before 1982 to 6,414 kJ/m since then. This increase in mean energy was accompanied by more numerous spikes of comparatively higher annual energy. Shoreward energy delivered to lower Chesapeake Bay’s upper tidal shorelines was enabled by an increasing amount of time per year that tidal height exceeds mean high water, accompanied by increasing heights of tidal anomalies. An index termed the Hydrologic Burden was developed that incorporates the combination of time and tidal height that demonstrates this increasing trend. Although opportunities for greater shoreward energy increased as the Hydrologic Burden increased, and even though there is evidence that greater energy was delivered to the shorelines during the latter time series, energy per hour delivery was shown not to have increased, and may have decreased, due to a steady reduction in average wind speed in lower Chesapeake Bay since the mid-1980s. Energy delivery in lower Chesapeake Bay was primarily from the northeast, and energy delivery over the time series is shown to organize symmetrically around a point between the northeast and north–northeast directions. This is evidence of a self-organizational phenomenon that transcends changes in local wind and tide dynamics.  相似文献   

A box model based on salinity distributions and freshwater inflow measurements was developed and used to estimate net non-tidal physical circulation and hydraulic residence times for Patuxent River estuary, Maryland, a tributary estuary of Chesapeake Bay. The box model relaxes the usual assumption that salinity is at steady-state, an important improvement over previous box model studies, yet it remains simple enough to have broad appeal. Average monthly 2-dimensional net non-tidal circulation and residence times for 1986–1995 are estimated and related to river flow and salt water inflow as estimated by the box model. An important result is that advective exchange at the estuary mouth was not correlated with Patuxent River flow, most likely due to effects of offshore salinity changes in Chesapeake Bay. The median residence time for freshwater entering at the head of the estuary was 68 d and decreased hyperbolically with increasing river flow to 30 d during high flow. Estimates of residence times for down-estuary points of origin showed that, from the head of the estuary to its mouth, control of flushing changed from primarily river flow to other factors regulating the intensity of gravitational circulation.  相似文献   

Depth-specific sampling at a single location was used to examine the vertical distribution of pediveliger larvae of bivalve mollusks in the York River, an estuary of Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. The water column at the sampling site was usually well mixed, lacking consistent temperature or salinity gradients for larvae. Four species showed strong vertical stratification when collected simultaneously at three depths. Pediveliger stage larvae of a clam (Cyrtopleura costata), an oyster (Crassostrea virginica), and a shipworm (Bankia gouldi) were most abundant near the benthos, and least abundant near the surface. A mussel (Geukensia demissa), showed the reverse trend, with most pediveliger larvae near the surface. Tidal stage had a slight effect on two species (C. costata andC. virginica), but only to increase the relative abundance of larvae near the benthos during flood tide. Otherwise, neither tidal phase nor light levels (night versus day) had detectable effects on distribution patterns. Sampling very close to the sediment-water interface provided no evidence that pediveliger larvae spent a significant proportion of their time in this location. While the behavior of precompetent bivalve larvae may tend to retain them within an estuary, that of competent-to-metamorphose pediveliger larvae does not appear to have that function. Pediveliger larvae may regulate their depth to best locate potential settlement substrate. Such an hypothesis is consistent with adult habitat zones of at least some of these species in Chesapeake Bay. Removing competent-to-settle larvae from analyses of larval distributions in estuaries will enhance or clarify depth distribution patterns observed for earlier-stage larvae.  相似文献   

Geochemical (total nitrogen, total organic carbon, total phosphorus, total sulfur, and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes) and selected biotic (diatom, foraminifera, polychaete) indicators preserved in two estuarine sediment cores from the mesohaline Chesapeake Bay provide a history of alterations in the food web associated with land-use change. One core from the mouth of the Chester River (CR) (collected in 2000) represents a 1,000-year record. The second core (collected in 1999), from the Chesapeake Bay’s main stem opposite the Choptank River (MD), represents a 500-year record. As European settlers converted a primarily forested landscape to agriculture, sedimentation rates increased, water clarity decreased, salinity decreased in some areas, and the estuarine food web changed into a predominantly planktonic system. Representatives of the benthic macrofaunal community (foraminifera and the polychaetes Nereis spp.) were affected by local changes before there were widespread landscape alterations. Nitrogen stable isotope records indicated that land-use changes affected nitrogen cycling beginning in the early 1700s. Extreme changes were evident in the mid-nineteenth century following widespread deforestation and since the mid-twentieth century reflecting heightened eutrophication as development increased in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Results also demonstrate how paleoecological records vary due to the degree of terrestrial inputs of freshwater runoff and nutrients at core locations within the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

We measured dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) in samples collected along 13 transects of the salinity gradient of Chesapeake Bay. Riverine DOC and POC end-members averaged 232±19 μM and 151±53 μM, respectively, and coastal DOC and POC end-members averaged 172±19 μM and 43±6 μM, respectively. Within the chlorophyll maximum, POC accumulated to concentrations 50–150 μM above those expected from conservative mixing and it was significantly correlated with chlorophylla, indicating phytoplankton origin. POC accumulated primarily in bottom waters in spring, and primarily in surface waters in summer. Net DOC accumulation (60–120 μM) was observed within and downstream of the chlorophyll maximum, primarily during spring and summer in both surface and bottom waters, and it also appeared to be derived from phytoplankton. In the turbidity maximum, there were also net decreases in chlorophylla (?3 μg l?1 to ?22 μg l?1) and POC concentrations (?2 μM to ?89 μM) and transient DOC increases (9–88 μM), primarily in summer. These occurred as freshwater plankton blooms mixed with turbid, low salinity seawater, and we attribute the observed POC and DOC changes to lysis and sedimentation of freshwater plankton. DOC accumulation in both regions of Chesapeake Bay was estimated to be greater than atmospheric or terrestrial organic carbon inputs and was equivalent to ≈10% of estuarine primary production.  相似文献   

Long records of monthly salinity observations along the axis of Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, and Long Island Sound are used to test a simple advection–dispersion model of the salt distribution in linearly tapered estuaries developed in a previous paper. We subdivide each estuary into three to five segments, each with linear taper allowing a distributed input of fresh water, and evaluate the dispersion in each segment. While Delaware Bay has weak dispersion and a classical sigmoidal salinity structure, Long Island Sound and Chesapeake Bay are more dispersive and have relatively small gradients in the central stretches. Long Island Sound is distinguished by having a net volume and salt flux out of its low-salinity end resulting in a smaller range of salinity and increasing axial gradients at its head rather than the usual asymptotic approach to zero salinity. Estimates of residence times based on model transport coefficients show that Long Island Sound has the most rapid response to fresh-water flux variations. It also has the largest amplitude cycle in river discharge fluctuation. In combination, these cause the large seasonal variation in the salinity structure relative to interannual variability in Long Island Sound as compared with Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay.  相似文献   

The buoyant discharge from Delaware Bay forms two separate branches of residual outflow near the bay mouth, one along each shore. Upon exiting the bay, the branch along the Delaware shore turns right to form the southward flowing Delaware coastal current along the inner continental shelf off the Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia coasts. CTD and thermosalinograph, data collected at the mouth of Delaware Bay over two semidiurnal tidal cycles are used to examine the hydrographic distribution at the source region of the Delaware coastal current. In this region the buoyant source water of the coastal current, is largely detached from the shoreline and confined to the top 15 m of the water column over much of the tidal cycles. The core of the coastal current's source water, as defined by the point of salinity minimum, is located over the deep channel well offshore of the Delaware coast. The separation between this buoyant water and the more saline waters right along the Delaware coast and that in the central part of the bay mouth are marked by regions of high horizontal salinity gradients. The horizontal salinity gradients around the inshore and offshore boundaries of the source water of the coastal current are intensified during the flood tide, and clearly defined fronts (with a change of 3‰ over a distance of 150 m) are present at the offshore boundary near the end of the flood tide. The structure of the mean flow and the distribution of the brackish coastal current on the inner continental shelf contribute to the persistence of stratification in the source region off the Delaware shore throughout the ebb and flood tides. In contrast, the ebb-induced stratification in the region off the New Jersey shore is quickly destroyed with the onset of the flood current.  相似文献   

Accelerating eutrophication manifest as increasing frequency and magnitude of phytoplankton blooms threatens living resources in many estuaries. Effects of large blooms can be difficult to document because blooms are often unexpected and do not always coincide with scheduled sampling programs. Here we use continuously monitored salinity distributions and optical properties to study the spring bloom of the red tide dinoflagellate,Prorocentrumminimum, in the Rhode River, Maryland, a tributary embayment of upper Chesapeake Bay. Salinity distributions, together with weekly cruise measurements of nutrient concentrations, indicate that the bloom commenced with an influx of nitrate at the mouth due to the arrival of a freshet from the Susquehanna River. Arrival of this freshet at the mouth set up an unstable, inverse salinity gradient within the Rhode River. Continuously monitored absorption and scattering spectra indicated that increases in chlorophyll within the Rhode River initially were due to the influx of chlorophyll that had developed in the main stem of the bay. After the influx, much higher concentrations and steep spatial gradients developed within the Rhode River, subsequent to reduced mixing that accompanied re-establishment of a normal estuarine salinity gradient. We used the monitored absorption and scattering coefficients to determine the effect of the bloom on light attenuation coefficients in the Rhode River. The bloom resulted in a nearly three-fold increase in attenuation coefficient. Attenuation was dominated by chlorophyll in the early stages of the bloom and by detritus after the termination of the bloom. Although the bloom lasted only 20 d, the elevated attenuation coefficients due to the bloom exceeded values that would permit growth of submersed vascular plants for a period of about 45 d.  相似文献   

Chesapeake Bay supports a diverse assemblage of marine and freshwater species of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) whose broad distributions are generally constrained by salinity. An annual aerial SAV monitoring program and a bi-monthly to monthly water quality monitoring program have been conducted throughout Chesapeake Bay since 1984. We performed an analysis of SAV abundance and up to 22 environmental variables potentially influencing SAV growth and abundance (1984–2006). Historically, SAV abundance has changed dramatically in Chesapeake Bay, and since 1984, when SAV abundance was at historic low levels, SAV has exhibited complex changes including long-term (decadal) increases and decreases, as well as some large, single-year changes. Chesapeake Bay SAV was grouped into three broad-scale community-types based on salinity regime, each with their own distinct group of species, and detailed analyses were conducted on these three community-types as well as on seven distinct case-study areas spanning the three salinity regimes. Different trends in SAV abundance were evident in the different salinity regimes. SAV abundance has (a) continually increased in the low-salinity region; (b) increased initially in the medium-salinity region, followed by fluctuating abundances; and (c) increased initially in the high-salinity region, followed by a subsequent decline. In all areas, consistent negative correlations between measures of SAV abundance and nitrogen loads or concentrations suggest that meadows are responsive to changes in inputs of nitrogen. For smaller case-study areas, different trends in SAV abundance were also noted including correlations to water clarity in high-salinity case-study areas, but nitrogen was highly correlated in all areas. Current maximum SAV coverage for almost all areas remain below restoration targets, indicating that SAV abundance and associated ecosystem services are currently limited by continued poor water quality, and specifically high nutrient concentrations, within Chesapeake Bay. The nutrient reductions noted in some tributaries, which were highly correlated to increases in SAV abundance, suggest management activities have already contributed to SAV increases in some areas, but the strong negative correlation throughout the Chesapeake Bay between nitrogen and SAV abundance also suggests that further nutrient reductions will be necessary for SAV to attain or exceed restoration targets throughout the bay.  相似文献   

Tidally-forced flow beneath the existing trestle of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel causes significant distortion of the ambient density field in the immediate vicinity of the trestle due to flow over the scour zone around the pilings. Effects are minimal a short distance away from the trestle. Contrary to previous studies, stratification was not appreciably stronger during neap as compared to spring tide periods at the time of these observations, but a tendency toward such a state was detected. Estimates of piling-induced destratification based on direct observations of temperature, salinity, and currents near the pilings indicate that piling effects are substantially less than naturally occurring destratification due to bottom and wind stresses.  相似文献   

The distribution ofVibrio parahaemolyticus in Chesapeake Bay during the warmer weather of the summer months was examined. This species was found throughout the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, even in areas of very low salinity. Counts of this species ranged from 0.04 per 100 ml to 46 per 100 ml in the water column and 2.03 to ≥2.4×103 per 100 cc of sediment. A variety of physical, chemical and bacteriological properties associated with the incidence and distribution ofV. parahaemolyticus were examined and salinity was found to be the major influence among the factors examined. Correlation and regression analysis showed that the population size of this species increased with increasing salinity in the estuary.  相似文献   

The role of the microzooplankton community in regulating phytoplankton biomass was examined across a gradient from a river-dominated estuary to an oceanic-influenced coastal zone. Three stations located along a salinity gradient from the central region of Mobile Bay to 10 km off the coast were sampled from May 1994 to August 1995. Microzooplankton herbivory rates on phytoplankton and microzooplankton excretion of nitrogen derived from phytoplankton were estimated using the dilution technique. Microzooplankton grazing rates (range of station means=0.57–1.10 d−1) and phytoplankton growth rates (0.70–1.62 d−1) both increased across the salinity gradient from the bay station to the offshore station. However, the percent of primary production grazed per day was highest at the bay station (mean=83%) and decreased to a low at the offshore station (mean=64%). Excretion of phytoplankton-derived nitrogen by the microzooplankton was greatest at the bay and bay mouth stations. Excreted nitrogen could potentially supply 39%, 29%, and 20% of phytoplankton nitrogen demand at the bay, bay mouth, and offshore stations, respectively. These results support the idea that herbivorous microzooplankton are important in mediating nitrogen flow to both lower and higher trophic levels. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY085 00012  相似文献   

We examined the contrasting, effects of floods and droughts produced by large changes in local climatology on vegetation patterns in Nueces marsh, a semi-arid subtropical salt marsh in south Texas from 1995 to 2005. Climate variations during the study included an initial 4-yr period of moderate conditions, followed by a 2-yr interval of drought, and a recent 4-yr wet period that included large-scale floods. Variation in freshwater inflow, rainfall, and potential evapotranspiration were used in conjunction with field measurements of salinity, inorganic nitrogen, and vegetation structure collected at sites located at varying distances from Nueces Bay. Tidal creek salinities varied with Nueces Bay salinity, with strength of effect inversely related to distance from the bay. Mean (±standard deviation) pore water salinities ranged from 59±54‰ at two high, marsh stations farthest from the bay (10.1 km distant) to 30±21‰ in soil at a low marsh site closest to the bay (0.5 km distant). Mean pore water ammonium was also higher at stations most distant from the bay; nitrate + nitrite did not exhibit a high marsh to low marsh gradient. Nueces Bay salinity decreased substantially when the 10-d cumulative mean daily Nueces River flows exceeded 10 m3 s−1. During periods of low and moderate flood frequency (flows mostly below 10 m3 s−1), vegetation assemblages were dominated by stress-tolerant clonal plants. A catastrophic flood, which immersed vegetation for several weeks between July and September 2002, resulted in extensive plant mortality, but within months, unvegetated areas were rapidly colonized by the obligate annualSalicornia bigelovii. With the end of major flooding by late 2004, plant community structure began a return to pre-drought assemblages at high and middle marsh stations by summer 2005. At the low marsh station, new conditions favored clonal dominants (Spartina alterniflora andBorrichia frutescens), with the latter replacingSalicornia virginica as the dominant species. Our results support the theory that the importance of competition and abiotic stress in determining community composition are inversely related.  相似文献   

Representation of the subsurface light field is a crucial component of pelagic ecosystem and water quality models. Modeling the light field in estuaries is a particularly complicated problem due to the significant influence of high concentrations of dissolved and particulate matter that are derived from both terrestrial and estuarine sources. The goal of this study was to develop a relatively simple but effective way to model light attenuation variability in a turbuid estuary (Chesapeake Bay, United States) in a coupled physical-biological model. We adopted a simple, nonspectral empirical approach. Surface water quality data (salinity was used as a proxy of chromophoric dissolved organic matter [CDOM]) and light measurements from the Chesapeake Bay Program were used to determine the absorption coefficients in a linear attenuation model using regression methods. This model predicts Kc (specific attenuation due to phytoplankton/chlorophylla [chla]), Kt (specific attenuation due to total suspended solids), and Ks (a function of specific attenuation coefficients of CDOM in relation to salinity). The Bay-wide fitted relation between the light attenuation coefficient and water quality concentrations gives generally good estimates of total light attenuation, Kd. The direct inclusion of salinity in the relationship has one disadvantage: it can yield negative values for Kd at high salinities. We developed two separate models for two different salinity regimes. This approach, in addition to solving the negative Kd problem, also accounts for some changes in specific light absorption by chla, seston (nonphytoplankton particulate matter), and CDOM that apparently occur in different salinity regimes in Chesapeake Bay. The resulting model predicts the statistical characteristics (i.e., the mean and variance) of Kd quite accurately in most regions of Chesapeake Bay. We also discuss in this paper the feasibility and caveats of using Kd converted from Secchi depth in the empirical method.  相似文献   

The influence of atmospheric forcing on the flow and heat transports in the lower Chesapeake Bay and the adjacent coastal ocean were studied by comparing nontidal sea level and sea surface temperature variations in this region with meteorological data for 1992. Northeasterly and southwesterly winds caused the greatest changes in mean sea level (greater than 0.25 m) throughout the year. Northeastely winds caused a more rapid response than southwesterly winds, causing sea-level rises in less than 6 h. Barometric pressure changes typically contributed approximately 10% to extreme sea-level variations and were less influential than wind stress in most cases. Wind forcing was also responsible for summer events in which the horizontal water temperature gradient between two near-surface locations in the vicinity of the bay mouth vanished. These zero-gradient events corresponded to inflows and outflows at the bay's entrance caused by northeasterly and southwesterly winds, respectively. Wind-induced advection outside the lower Chesapeake Bay was additionally responsible for extreme heat flux variations. Heat gains and losses during the spring and fall occurred in pulsating events related to wind direction but were probably not connected to lower bay processes.  相似文献   

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