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对浙江天台中新统下南山组6块叶片压型化石——天台润楠Machilus tiantaiensis Ding S. T. et Sun B. N. sp. nov.,并对其叶结构和表皮构造特征进行了详细的研究.其主要特征为:叶椭圆形,全缘,顶端渐尖,基部楔形,侧脉羽状;表皮细胞垂周壁浅波状,单细胞毛基多集中于脉络区;气孔下生式,气孔器短平列型,副卫细胞1~2个.通过与现生植物进行对比分析,发现当前标本的叶结构和表皮构造特征与樟科润楠属(Machilus)十分一致.利用PAST(palaeontological statistics)软件对我国润楠属68种植物叶片的形态特征进行聚类分析,结果表明当前化石与M. pingii Cheng ex Yang最为接近;角质层分析也表明二者的表皮构造最为相似.利用化石与其现存最近亲缘种M. pingii的气孔比率,恢复了天台晚中新世的古大气CO2体积分数为407.9×10-6.此外,依据现生润楠属主要分布于亚洲东南部和南部的热带、亚热带地区,推断天台地区中新世的古气候较为温暖湿润.   相似文献   

辽宁阜新早白垩世几种松柏类化石微细构造及地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采集了辽宁阜新盆地下白垩统的3种松柏类植物化石,分别为Cephalotaxopsis haizhouensis Shang,Elatocladus cf. dunnii Miller et Lapasha和Elatides harrisii Chow。对三者的表皮微细构造进行了详细研究,其中Cephalotaxopsis haizhouensis和 Elatocladus cf. dunnii的微细构造特征总体反映了一种温暖湿润的环境条件。根据它们的表皮构造和气孔带特征,与现生种 表皮微细构造做了对比分析,结果显示现生植物Cephalotaxus sinensis和Cephalotaxus fortunei可以作为化石植物Cephalotaxopsis haizhouensis和Elatocladus cf. dunnii的最近现存对应种,通过这两种化石植物与其最近现存对应种的气孔比率定量重建了阜 新盆地早白垩世的古大气CO2浓度。  相似文献   

在云南省腾冲县上新统芒棒组发现了保存较好的被子植物化石密脉鹅耳枥Carpinus m io-fangianaHu et Chaney。该种化石曾在我国山东山旺组有过报道,当前化石在叶形及叶脉特征上都和山旺的标本非常相似。进一步分析了化石叶片的角质层微细构造特征,并结合叶结构分析提高了对化石植物分类鉴定的准确性。基于化石Carpinusm iofangiana与现生植物Carpinus fangiana在生态环境及其结构特征上的相似性,将Carpinus fangiana作为化石的现生对应种进行对比,并统计二者的气孔密度和气孔指数,用气孔比率的方法推测上新世的大气CO2浓度为464×10-6,基本上与Berner全球碳平衡模型GEOCARB III中CO2浓度变化曲线上的数值一致,说明C.m iofangiana叶片可以作为古大气CO2浓度变化的生物指标。最后通过化石和现生叶片角质层的对比分析推断滇西地区上新世时气候比现在温暖湿润。  相似文献   

归于壳斗科栎属的一种植物化石黄毛青冈(亲缘种)Quercusaff.delavayi Franch采于浙江天台中新统下南山组。该化石不仅具有与现生黄毛青冈Quercus delavayi Franch相似的叶形态结构,而且两者表皮微细构造亦颇为一致,宏观和微观特征表明,当前材料与现生黄毛青冈具有一定的亲缘关系。通过研究不同时间、不同地点现生黄毛青冈的表皮微细特征,发现黄毛青冈毛基的个体发育重演了青冈亚属毛基的系统演化。进一步比较化石与现生材料的毛基参数及其他表皮特征,推论浙江天台中新世的古气候较现在温暖湿润,根据现生与化石黄毛青冈气孔比率计算出浙江天台中新世古大气CO2体积分数为(395.22±5.61)×10-6。  相似文献   

本文研究了产于滇西腾冲上新世芒棒组一种被子植物叶型化石垂丝紫荆(比较种)Cerciscf.racemosaOliv.,归于豆科紫荆属。揭示了该种叶表皮构造特征:上表皮无气孔器,表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁平直;下表皮具环列型气孔器,表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁平直;上下表皮有相同类型的毛基,毛基的根部由多细胞组成,毛基部的细胞特化成辐射状。该化石表皮微细构造的分析为恢复腾冲上新世古环境提供了古植物证据。  相似文献   

化石采自浙江天台嵊县组.该地层含丰富被子植物压型化石及少量裸子植物化石.利用叶结构分析法,依据叶脉、叶尖、叶基等稳定性特征,对一种樟科植物化石的宏观形态进行了详细的研究;结合表皮特征分析,发现该化石与现生Cinnamomum bejolghota(Buch-Ham.)Sweet在叶形、叶脉特征以及表皮脉络细胞特征、气孔器类型和毛基特征等方面均很相似,因而将当前化石定名为Cinnamomum cf.bejolghota(钝叶桂相似种).通过分析化石钝叶桂的角质层微细构造特征,结合现生钝叶桂的分布范围和生存环境恢复了浙东地区中新世的古气候和古环境特征,推测当时的气候比现在更为炎热多雨,同时认为钝叶桂从中新世至今有南迁的趋势.  相似文献   

本文研究了产于滇西腾冲上新世芒棒组一种被子植物叶型化石垂丝紫荆(比较种)Cercis cf.racemosa Oliv.,归于豆科紫荆属。揭示了该种叶表皮构造特征:上表皮无气孔器,表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁平直;下表皮具环列型气孔器,表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁平直;上下表皮有相同类型的毛基,毛基的根部由多细胞组成,毛基部的细胞特化成辐射状。该化石表皮微细构造的分析为恢复腾冲上新世古环境提供了古植物证据。  相似文献   

在云南腾冲上新统芒棒组发现了角质层保存完好的侧柏化石。通过与已知化石种及最近亲缘种的宏观形态和微细构造特征对比,建立一新种Platycladus tengchongensis P.Deng et B.N.Sun sp.nov.。基于当前新种与现生种Platycladus orientalis和化石种Platycladus yunnanensis在宏观形态及角质层特征的相似性,统计了3个种的气孔密度和气孔指数,并用气孔比率法重建了云南腾冲上新世晚期和云南梁河晚中新世的古大气CO_2浓度分别为417.9×10~(-6)(386.5×10~(-6)~471.3×10~(-6))和409.9×10~(-6)(392.2×10~(-6)~433.3×10~(-6)),结果与Berner全球碳平衡模型中CO_2浓度变化曲线上的变化范围基本相符,故表明Platycladus tengchongensis和Platycladus yunnanensis叶片可以作为测量古大气CO_2浓度变化的生物指标。根据文中恢复的云南西部上新世晚期和晚中新世古大气CO_2浓度平均值均高于现在,推测新近纪时期云南西部的气候比现在温暖。综合云南腾冲地区已有的古气候研究与化石和现生叶片角质层特征的对比分析,认为云南腾冲上新世晚期气候较为温暖湿润。此外,文中化石的发现为侧柏属自然分布的研究提供了宝贵的材料。  相似文献   

在甘肃宝积山盆地中侏罗统窑街组发现了保存较为完整的银杏类叶片化石。对当前化石宏观特征与镜下微观构造进行研究,并将其鉴定为阿干镇似银杏(Ginkgoites aganzhenensis)。在此基础上,统计了该种下表皮的气孔参数,并利用气孔指数法和气孔比率法恢复研究区中侏罗世早期的古大气CO2浓度,探讨这两种方法的准确性。分析结果表明,气孔指数法获得的古大气CO2浓度为974×10-6,落在了GEOCARB Ⅲ的可信误差范围之外;气孔比率法重建的古大气CO2浓度为1 823×10-6,处于GEOCARB Ⅲ可信误差范围之内。这说明对于当前化石而言,利用气孔比率法恢复古大气CO2浓度更加合适,数据十分接近GEOCARB Ⅲ的最佳拟合线,表明似银杏也是恢复古大气CO2浓度的一种理想植物。通过计算得出当时的温度比现在高7.2℃,反映了宝积山盆地中侏罗世阿林期到巴柔期为温暖潮湿的温带气候环境。  相似文献   

对福建永安市下白垩统坂头组保存较好的真蕨类营养叶化石枝脉蕨Cladophlebis进行了叶片形态及角质层微细构造特征的分析, 该化石至少二次羽状分裂, 末二次羽轴粗, 小羽片小, 全缘, 排列紧密, 中脉明显, 侧脉密集, 多数一次分叉; 上表皮无气孔器, 细胞轮廓不清晰, 偶见表皮毛; 下表皮具气孔器, 呈纵向带状排列; 表皮细胞长方形或呈条带状; 垂周壁加厚, 较直; 平周壁波状突起; 气孔器近圆形, 具明显拱盖, 保卫细胞弱角质化, 副卫细胞分化不明显.对当前化石小羽片解剖学特征的分析填补了该属植物化石叶片角质层微细构造特征的空白, 进一步将其与现生紫萁Osmunda joponsica以及部分真蕨类化石的表皮特征进行对比, 结合宏观形态和角质层特征的分析及其与相似种类的比较, 将永安的标本命名为一新种, 永安枝脉蕨Cladophlebis yonganensis Dai et B. N. Sun, sp. nov., 并且推断当前化石代表了某一类已经灭绝的真蕨类植物.   相似文献   

Lindera is a large genus of graceful, pleasantly scented and common native trees and shrubs of southern China and neighboring regions of SE Asia. There is a well-documented Cenozoic fossil record not only in these regions but also from elsewhere. A new fossil leaf record has been found in diatomite beds from the Upper Pliocene Mangbang Formation of Tuantian, Tengchong County, Yunnan. The leaves are identified and assigned to Lindera acuminatissima K. Q. Dao et B. N. Sun sp. nov., by comparing their leaf architecture and epidermal characteristics with those of 51 extant Lauraceae species and with 15 known fossil Lindera taxa. The specimens have well-preserved cuticles, with typical leaf architecture and epidermal characteristics of the Lauraceae, including entire leaf margin, intramarginal veins, basal ternate acrodromous primary veins, one-cell trichome base, paracytic stomatal apparatus, sunken guard cells, subsidiary hardly staining cells and presence of oil cells. These characteristics are consistent with Lindera sect. Daphnidium but are different from reported fossil and extant species of Lindera. The cuticles of Lindera are fragile and delicate with only three Lindera fossils reported based on this tissue. In terms of paleobiogeography, the fossil record indicates that Lindera is distributed in high- to mid-latitude regions of the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene northern hemisphere. Coincidentally, the records of Lindera located on both sides of the Bering Land Bridge possibly support the hypothesis that ancient plants extended via transcontinental exchanges through the Bering Corridor. In the Eocene, ancient Lindera spread to Europe through the Northern Degeer Route and the Southern Thulian Route. At the same time, ancient Lindera spread into Central Asia. Climatic changes and tectonization since the Neogene prevented the propagation of Lindera throughout Asia, North America and Europe, and hence the distribution areas have just regressed to the low-latitude regions in Asia and North America. From the Paleogene to the Neogene, Lindera has changed its distribution by surviving extreme climate changes. Quaternary glaciations ultimately led to Lindera becoming extinct in Europe. The new record from Tengchong, Yunnan, with its lower latitude located in tropical and subtropical regions, indicates that Lindera has lived in those regions since the late Pliocene.  相似文献   

A new Quercus (Fagaceae) morphospecies is described based on well-preserved fossil leaves.The fossils were collected from Yangyi Formation of the Upper Pliocene at the Yangyi coalmine,Baoshan,western Yunnan,China.Details of the microstructure of mesophyll tissue are preserved because lithification of the fossils was not complete.The fossil laminas possess typical characteristics of Quercus sect.Heterobalanus:quite thick and coriaceous cuticle; secondary veins bifurcating near the margin in the middle and top of the leaf; and upper epidermis with adaxial hypodermis.Based on a detailed morphological and anatomical comparison with all living and fossil species of Quercus sect.Heterobalanus,the fossil leaves prove to be different in their sparse and garland-shaped multicellular trichomes on the lower epidermis,and so it is described as a new species Quercus yangyiensis He,Li et Sun sp.nov.The much sparser trichomes of our fossils compare well with those of living Quercus sect.Heterobalanus and indicate a more humid climate during the deposition of the Yangyi Formation in the Late Pliocene.  相似文献   

In Europe, fossil fruits and seeds of Rhodoleia (Hamamelidaceae) have been described from the Upper Cretaceous to the Miocene, whereas no fossil record of Rhodoleia has been reported in Asia, where the modern species occur. Herein, 21 fossil leaves identified as Rhodoleia tengchongensis sp. nov. are described from the Upper Pliocene of Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. The fossils exhibit elliptic lamina with entire margins, simple brochidodromous major secondary veins, mixed percurrent intercostal tertiary veins, and looped exterior tertiaries. The leaf cuticle is characterized by pentagonal or hexagonal cells, stellate multicellular trichomes, and paracytic stomata. The combination of leaf architecture and cuticular characteristics suggests that the fossil leaves should be classified into the genus Rhodoleia. The fossil distributions indicate that the genus Rhodoleia might originate from Central Europe, and that migrated to Asia prior to the Late Pliocene. Additionally, insect damage is investigated, and different types of damage, such as hole feeding, margin feeding, surface feeding, and galling, are observed on the thirteen fossil leaves. Based on the damage frequencies for the fossil and extant leaves, the specific feeding behavior of insects on Rhodoleia trees appears to have been established as early as the Late Pliocene. The high occurrence of Rhodoleia insect herbivory may attract the insect-foraging birds, thereby increasing the probability of pollination.  相似文献   

滇西新近纪植物气孔、碳同位素组成与古环境分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对滇西腾冲新近纪两种被子植物叶片及其现存对应种的气孔参数和碳同位素组成的综合分析表明:当时的大气CO2浓度略高于现在水平;化石种的碳同位素分馏值高于现存对应种,但水分利用效率低于现存对应种;这证明当时的气候条件比当前更为温暖湿润。受新生代全球气候变冷和喜马拉雅运动的影响,该盆地一方面受印度洋季风的影响增强,干湿季节交替明显;另一方面受地形地貌影响,沿袭了温暖湿润的气候条件。   相似文献   

Machilus maomingensis Jin et Tang, sp. nov. from the Eocene Youganwo Formation of the Maoming Basin, South China, is studied in detail from the perspective of the leaf architecture and the excellently preserved cuticle. The leaf margin is entire, the primary venation is pinnate; 6 to 8 secondary veins are present and the major secondary venation is eucamptodromous. Stomata are paracytic and occur on the lower epidermis. Trichome bases are unicellular. Oil cells are present in the upper epidermis. The new fossil species described has features of the Lauraceae, particularly of the extant genus Machilus Rumphius ex Nees, and it is most similar to Machilus chinensis (Bentham) Hemsley, an extant species distributed in southern China and Vietnam. Hence, Machilus maomingensis sp. nov. is inferred to live in a warm and humid climate. The discovery of the present fossil indicates that Machilus has existed in South China from at least the Eocene.  相似文献   

Conifers are common in the Lower Cretaceous Zhonggou Formation of Jiuquan Basin, Gansu Province, NW China. The excellent preservation of plant fossils allows detailed investigations of the leaf epidermis by light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Based on the leaf morphology and epidermal features, two Brachyphyllum species, B. ningshiaense and B. obtusum are described. They closely resemble one another in foliar morphology and epidermal features, but have different leaf apices, cuticle features, stomatal shape and the number of subsidiary cells. The specimens consist of leafy axes with imbricate, spirally arranged, scale-like leaves. Epidermal analysis shows rectangular, pentagonal or rhomboidal unspecialized epidermal cells and abaxially longitudinally arranged stomatal rows except for the marginal areas, as well as well-developed papillae, sunken stomata and Florin rings of subsidiary cells with papillae on the inner surfaces. The imbricate and spirally arranged leaves with rather thick cuticle in both species indicate an Araucariaceae (Araucaria) or Cheirolepidiaceae affinity. However, epidermal features and the presence of Classopollis pollen in the sediments indicate a cheirolepidiaceous affinity. The morphological and anatomical characters of both taxa are interpreted as adaptations to a warm seasonally and temporarily dry palaeoclimate.  相似文献   

苗雨雁 《世界地质》2017,36(1):15-21
通过对新疆准噶尔盆地白杨河地区中侏罗世奥勃鲁契夫银杏(Ginkgo obrutschewii Seward)模式产地及其邻区该种叶化石表皮构造的研究,笔者认为应以采自白杨河模式产地的化石材料作为认定该种主要特征的依据。尽管G.obrutschewii的外部形态和叶表皮构造可能具有一些变异特征,但综合而言,该种叶表皮构造主要特征似应为:表皮气孔器特征通常为下气孔式,上下表皮细胞均普遍发育强度不同的角质化丘状或低缓的乳状突起,垂周壁略直或微弯;气孔器单唇式,保卫细胞近孔缝处唇状加厚强烈,副卫细胞通常强烈角质化,表面常发育瘤状或团块状角质化加厚。目前对该种叶化石的采集及其表皮构造的研究尚不充分,相关研究有待进一步深入。近年来,俄罗斯学者归于本种的产于新疆福海的银杏叶片化石,及其对本种叶表皮构造特征的补充等,尚值得商榷。  相似文献   

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