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固井质量对干热岩后期开发利用具有重要意义。针对山西大同盆地干热岩勘查井GR1井温度高、高温固井水泥浆技术体系不完善等问题,通过研究勘查区地质特征,提出了高温固井水泥浆技术体系开发思路。研究表明:干热岩高温固井水泥浆水胶比控制为0.45,优选添加剂高温降失水剂CG82L、高温缓凝剂H40L、高温稳定剂CF40L、消泡剂GX-1、硅粉及HV-PAC,形成一套适用于山西干热岩井的高温固井水泥浆技术体系。该水泥浆体系在GR1井成功应用,现场固井质量良好,研究成果为今后同类型高温固井工作提供了宝贵经验和技术支撑。 相似文献
以丙烯酸(AA)、N,N-二甲基丙烯酰胺(DMAA)、2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)、丙烯酰胺(AM)、对苯乙烯磺酸钠(SSS)等为原料合成油井水泥降失水剂,并对该新型油井水泥降失水剂配置的水泥浆综合性能进行室内试验评价。结果表明水泥浆中加入该降失水剂可以控制API滤失量在50 mL以内,抗温达180 ℃。降失水剂使水泥浆的抗析水能力增强,稠化时间略有延长;抗盐能力达到36%。值得进一步推广应用。 相似文献
大兴安岭原始森林覆盖区化探异常查证方法研究与实践 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
文章综述了原始森林覆盖区勘查技术方法研究历史、现状及意义.通过对区内某1:20万化探异常进行追踪、查证方法的实验性研究,初步确定适合原始森林覆盖区的物探方法和化探方法.对具有成矿远景的1:20万异常的查证方法、过程为:①1:5万网格法水系沉积物或1:5万土壤测量;②配合以适量的1:1万或1:2万剖面土壤测量,最终达到分解异常、缩小找矿靶区的目的;③1:1万~1:2万地质简测,结合地表工程确定是否为矿致异常,初步确定矿化类型;④选用高精度磁测、双频激电测量方法进行1:2.5万或1:1万的面积性物探测量;⑤运用槽探、坑探、浅井及钻探等探矿手段寻找工业矿体.对二根河、洛古河、阿南林场3个1:20万异常查证证明该方法是适宜森林覆盖景观区的快捷且行之有效的异常查证方法. 相似文献
测井资料环境影响因素分析及实用校正方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
头屯河组是准噶尔盆地腹部陆西地区SN大型岩性油气田的主要油层组之一,由于井径垮塌严重,致使声波、密度测井曲线严重失真,制约了储层预测技术的应用.经分析认为,井径垮塌是因水基泥浆浸泡泥岩导致膨胀蚀变所致,泥岩段原状地层电阻率(RT)基本不受泥浆浸泡影响.据此,建立了井径垮塌段原状地层电阻率(RT)和声波速度,以及声波速度和密度之间新的关系式.应用新的关系式分段对声波和密度进行校正,最后采用滤波公式作平滑处理.应用该方法获得了高质量的声波测井曲线和密度测井曲线,提高了合成记录制作质量,保证了层位标定和井约束下的波阻抗反演结果的正确性,能更有效地解决由于头屯河组地层普遍扩径给岩性圈闭识别带来的困难. 相似文献
In this paper, the numerical model of the transverse vibrations of a thin poroelastic plate saturated by a fluid was proposed. Two coupled dynamic equations of equilibrium related to the plate deflection and the equivalent moment were established for an isotropic porous medium with uniform porosity. The fundamental solutions for a porous plate were derived both in the Laplace transform domain and in the time domain. A meshless method was developed and demonstrated in the Laplace transform domain for solving two coupled dynamic equations. Numerical examples demonstrated the accuracy of the method of the fundamental solutions and comparisons were made with analytical solutions. The proposed meshless method was shown to be simple to implement and gave satisfactory results for a poroelastic plate dynamic analysis. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
An experimental study has been carried out to determine the partition coefficients of tungsten between aqueous fluids and
granitic melts at 800 °C and 1.5 kb with natural granite as the starting material. The effects of the solutions on the partition
coefficients of tungsten show a sequence of P > CO
> B > H2O. The effects are limited (generallyK
< 0.3) and the tungsten shows a preferential trend toward the melt over the aqueous fluid. The value ofK
increases with increasing concentration of phosphorus; theK
increases first and then reduces with the concentration of CO
when temperature decreases, theK
between the solution of CO
and the silicate melt increases, and that between the solution of B4O
and the silicate melt decreases. The partition coefficients of phosphorus and sodium between fluids and silicate melts have
been calculated from the concentrations of the elements in the melts. TheK
value for phosphorus is 0.38 and that for sodium is 0.56. Evidence shows that the elements tend to become richer and richer
in the melts. 相似文献
Deyi Wu Bohua Zhang Li Yan Hainan Kong Xinze Wang 《International Journal of Mineral Processing》2006,80(2-4):266-272
Hydrothermal conversion of fly ash into zeolites was conducted and the effects of the addition of sodium halide and waste solutions produced after zeolitization of fly ash, as well as the adjustment of the Si/Al ratio prior to synthesis process on the formation and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of zeolite product were evaluated. Both the addition of NaCl and NaF ameliorated the crystallinity and CEC of synthesized zeolite, but NaF had a better improvement effect. Na+ was considered to enhance the crystallization of zeolite, while F− favored the dissolution of fly ash. The type of zeolite formed depended on the Si/Al ratio of the starting material prior to the nucleation and crystallization of zeolite. The adjustment of the Si/Al ratio of fly ash by addition of Na2SiO4 and Al(OH)3 changed the type and CEC of zeolite. Waste solutions contained large amount of Si and little Al due to the formation of a zeolite named NaP1 in zeolite terminology with the Joint Committee of Powder Diffraction Standard (JCPDS) code of 39-0219. The alkalinity decreased largely. As a result, the CEC value of zeolite products synthesized with waste solution as alkali source decreased. The supplementation of new alkali to adjust the alkalinity of waste solution could enhance the CEC of synthesized product. It was concluded that: (1) addition of sodium halide and adjustment of the Si/Al ratio prior to synthesis can improve the quality of zeolite; (2) waste solutions produced following the zeolitization of fly ash can be reused as an alkali source in the activation of fly ash; zero-emission of waste solution in the synthesis of zeolite from fly ash is possible. 相似文献
通过分析单桩成桩后桩周土体固结的边界条件和初始条件,建立了饱和黏土中单桩桩周横观各向同性土体的空间轴对称固结问题的定解条件,应用数学物理方法求得该问题的级数解答。通过土体固结与桩承载力的时效性之间的关系,利用承载力的实测资料换算得到的等效固结度,验证了解答的合理性和适用性。同样,应用级数解答求得的桩周土体的固结度可用于桩的承载力的时效分析。 相似文献
群桩桩间横观各向同性土体固结问题级数解 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过分析群桩成桩后桩间土体固结的边界条件和初始条件,建立了饱和黏土中群桩桩间横观各向同性土体的空间轴对称固结问题的定解条件,应用数学物理方法求得该问题的级数解。通过土体固结与桩承载力的时效性之间的关系,利用承载力的实测资料换算得到的等效固结度,验证了解的合理性和适用性。同样,应用级数解求得的桩间土体的固结度可用于群桩基础的承载力的时效分析。 相似文献
Unsaturated soils are considered as porous continua, composed of porous skeleton with its pores filled by water and air. The governing partial differential equations (PDE) are derived based on the mechanics for isothermal and infinitesimal evolution of unsaturated porous media in terms of skeleton displacement vector, liquid, and gas scalar pressures. Meanwhile, isotropic linear elastic behavior and liquid retention curve are presented in terms of net stress and capillary pressure as constitutive relations. Later, an explicit 3D Laplace transform domain fundamental solution is obtained for governing PDE and then closed‐form analytical transient 3D fundamental solution is presented by means of analytical inverse Laplace transform technique. Finally, a numerical example is presented to validate the assumptions used to derive the analytical solution by comparing them with the numerically inverted ones. The transient fundamental solutions represent important features of the elastic wave propagation theory in the unsaturated soils. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
在既有公路下进行浅埋隧道开挖会引起地层产生位移,导致地表沉降。为了保证施工安全,快速精确地计算地层位移及应力,有效地控制地表沉降,对浅埋隧道的设计与施工均十分重要。在镜像法原理的基础上,引入等效模量当层法,推导出了在有上覆不同材料下浅埋圆形隧道开挖引起地层位移、应力及地表沉降的解析分布规律。计算结果表明,既有路基下开挖隧道引起地层产生的位移和应力解析解能够很好地体现上层高弹性模量路基对沉降及应力的扩散作用,可以求得隧道开挖后洞周地层包括上覆路基及下卧层中任意位置处的位移、应力以及地表沉降,为在双层地基材料中开挖浅埋隧道引起地层位移及地表沉降的计算提供了一种新的解析方法。 相似文献