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老王寨金矿是我国80年代新发现的特大型金矿田。基于岩矿波谱反射率与TM图像亮度线性相关关系,文章用金矿田内典型金矿床地面波谱的实例数据,经回归分析,建立了典型金矿床地面波谱反射率与矿田内TM图像最佳波段的相关模型,据相关模型将TM图像反演成与典型金矿床有关的地空相关图像。老王寨金矿田的TM相关研究表明,在金成矿远景区预测、最佳靶区筛选的应用方面,彩色编码合成的彩色相关图像优于单波段的相关图像。  相似文献   

研究区位于哀牢山脉的北段,重点解译了其西侧拉练至平掌与金矿床有关的浅变质岩带,老王寨金矿即位于其中。通过图像地质解译,许多北西南东向线性构造的影像特征极为明显,如红河,哀牢山断裂和九甲断裂等,同时,还发现了不少东西向线性构造和环形构造。根据TM图像地质解译标志,结合地质资料和化探异常的综合分析,对拉练平掌地段划分出5个A类和6个B类成矿预.侧区;指出北西向和东西向线性构造交汇处,尤其与密集的环形构造复合处,往往是金矿富集矿化的集中部位。经野外实地验证,不仅表明TM图像地质解译与地面地质情况相吻合,而且还发现多处金异常或矿化体。  相似文献   

老王寨金矿是我国80所代新发现的特大型金矿田。基于岩矿波谱反射率与TM图像亮度线性相关关系,文章用金矿田内典型金矿床地面波谱的实例数据,经回归分析,建立了典型金矿床地面波谱反射率与矿田内TM图像最佳波段的相关模型,据相关模型将TM图像反演成与典型金矿床有关的地空相关图像。  相似文献   

基于地物波谱与TM图像亮度的线性相关关系,文章对蒙阴金伯利岩地面TM波谱特征进行了分析,建立了典型金伯利岩地面波谱模式和地空相关模型。经金伯利岩地面TM波谱地空反演后形成的彩色相关图像识别及图像异常的野外查证表明,金伯利岩地面波谱与TM图像数据的相关分析方法在金刚石找矿预测及靶区定位中有较理想的应用效果。  相似文献   

哀牢山北段金矿带铅同位素特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董方浏 《云南地质》1997,16(3):245-263
以哀牢山北段金矿带中最大金矿田──老王寨金矿田为例,从铅同位素组成,源区特征,单阶段模式年龄,铅源初始年龄及与墨江金厂矿石铅同位素对比等五个方面,结合图表解析,论述了金矿带的铅同位索特征,指出本区铅同位素组成是基本稳定的,且主要属造山带铅。从铅同位素一个侧面证实哀牢山北段金矿带矿化从燕山期到喜马拉雅期,且以喜马拉雅期矿化为主,参加矿化物质显示多期多阶段性的特点。  相似文献   

王海平  孙鲁仁 《矿床地质》1998,17(Z5):830-832
义敦岛弧南段铜矿床地面反射波谱的ρ值与TM图象亮度存有显著的线性相关关系。在对典型铜矿床的野外波谱实测基础上,经与TM遥感数据进行相关分析,建立了典型铜矿地面波谱反射率与TM图象最佳波段数据的相关模型和矿床的波谱识别模型,将TM图象反演成与矿床地面波谱有关的地空相关图象,并据其进行了计算机图象的铜矿床波谱识别。其应用效果表明,铜矿床地面波谱的TM分析方法在义敦岛弧南段的成矿预测及靶区定位中有较理想的效果,是区内铜矿化信息提取值得借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

长安金矿位于哀牢山成矿带南段,是该成矿带上新近发现的又一大型金矿床。该区为哀牢山地体边缘地壳增生带,主要由深变质岩系组成,区内构造断裂发育,对岩浆活动和成矿作用有显著影响。本文总结了长安金矿的地质特征,并以该区的控矿断裂F6为主要研究目标,以地层岩性电性特征作为约束条件,分别展开了磁法、激电、瞬变电磁和大地电磁等综合物探手段的试验研究。研究结果表明,磁法对于该矿找矿效果不明显,瞬变电磁和大地电磁测深反演的电阻率低阻体,准确界定了控矿断裂F6的位置、倾向、断距以及深部延伸情况,通过激电异常可大致判断矿体的位置。所以在长安金矿区下一步的深部隐伏矿勘查中,结合瞬变电磁、激电、大地电磁等地球物理方法,辅以土壤化探异常进行约束,可以达到快速有效找矿之目的。  相似文献   

长安大型金矿床位于哀牢山成矿带南段,矿区内出露煌斑岩、辉长岩、辉绿岩、正长花岗岩、正长花岗斑岩等岩株和岩脉,矿体均与脉岩共生或相互切穿。各类岩浆岩和矿石的地质、岩相学、岩石地球化学的系统研究表明,矿区内岩浆岩可能为同源岩浆演化产物,但煌斑岩、辉绿岩与矿化关系更为密切。金成矿物质具有壳幔混源的特点,成矿流体由岩浆水与地层变质水混合而成。在喜山期,强烈的壳幔相互作用过程导致了区内的岩浆和热液活动,大规模富碱岩浆上侵的热驱使岩浆水循环并与矿区地层在造山作用下脱水产生的富CO2的变质水混合,萃取地层及略早形成的脉岩中的Au等成矿元素,在适宜的物理化学条件下和成矿空间内卸载并富集成矿。  相似文献   

道北庄子金矿区是招平成矿带具有寻找蚀变岩型金矿良好前景的区域。采用烃汞综合气体测量集成技术,以该矿床III号矿体为研究对象,通过研究烃类组分和微量元素在矿床纵向上的异常展布特征发现,各烃类组分异常发育,存在明显的圈晕异常,总体上形成两个异常浓集中心,一个位于70中段周围,另一个分布于-90中段附近。依据各烃类组分异常在空间上的分带性,通过计算道北庄子金矿床不同中段轴向分带指数,建立了矿床的地球化学综合找矿异常模型,即:烃类组分、Sb、Hg(前缘晕)→As(矿头晕)→Au、Ag、Cu、Zn、Pb(矿中晕)→Bi、Mo、Mn、Ni、Co(矿尾晕),并且总结了研究区的找矿标志,为本区今后开展深部盲矿找矿预测提供了地球化学依据。  相似文献   

本论文以最新的烃汞综合气体测量集成技术结合部分传统有效的微量元素测量技术,依据已有的地质资料,以该矿床Ⅱ号矿体为研究对象,通过研究烃类组分和微量元素异常在矿床不同部位的展布规律、各指标异常在空间上与金矿体之间的对应关系,建立了矿床的地质地球化学综合找矿模型:烃类组分、As(前缘晕)→Cu、W(矿中晕)→Sb、Hg、Au、Bi、Pb、Zn、Ag、Mo(矿尾晕),并且总结了本研究区的找矿标志,为本区今后开展深部盲矿找矿预测提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   

It has been inferred and proved by the remote sensing equations under rational hypotheses in atmospheric physics that there is a linear correlation between the ground reflective brightness Wij and the total reflective brightness Rij received in different bands with a remote sensor. Nine models delineating the ground-space correlation between the ground spectra and the optimal bands of images of the typical gold deposits have been established based on the ground-space correlativity and field measurements of the ground spectra of the typical gold deposits in the Ailaoshan area. According to the 9 correlation models, TM images were inverted into ground-space correlation images that are related to the typical gold deposits within the area and then recognized by a computer. Research on the ground . spectra and TM data in the Ailaoshan area shows that the correlation analysis of the ground spectra and TM data of gold deposits can be effectively applied to the prediction of gold deposits, location of prospecti  相似文献   

CHARACTERISTICS AND METALLOGENIC EVOLUTION OF AILAOSHAN GOLD METALLOGENIC BELTS IN YUNNAN, CHINANNSFC(973Hi techProjects)andProjectofYunnanProvince ChineseAcademyofSciencescorporation(YK980 0 8 3)  相似文献   

黔东南剪切带金矿的分布规律与成矿模式   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
杨光忠 《贵州地质》2005,22(4):236-241
根据地质勘查资料对黔东南地区金矿的成矿地质背景条件进行了综合研究,认为该区金矿的成矿作用过程与剪切构造作用有关;指出隐伏东西向构造控制着矿田成矿田级矿化区的分布,北东-北北东向等构造与东西向构造的交汇控制着矿床的分布,褶皱加断裂组合的脆性构造变形主要控制脉型金矿的产出,中深部过渡型剪切变形则控制着细脉、网脉状金矿;探讨了金成矿作用的时空演化,进而建立了该区剪切带金矿的成矿模式。  相似文献   

脉状金矿深部预测的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌恩  刘志宏 《世界地质》1997,16(2):39-44
根据大量国内外研究资料,讨论了脉状金矿床金伴生元素的垂向地球化学分带、影响分带的因素、使用地球化学方法进行深部矿体预测的前提,及成矿理论研究和矿床成因模型在矿床深部预测过程中的作用。并指出,以成矿理论和矿床成因模型为指导,能有效扩大已建立的地区性地球化学垂向分带模型的使用范围,提高脉状金矿的深部预测水平。  相似文献   

The Ailaoshan Orogen in the southeastern Tibet Plateau, situated between the Yangtze and Simao blocks, underwent a complex structural, magmatic, and metamorphic evolution resulting in different tectonic subzones with varying structural lineaments and elemental concentrations. These elements can conceal or reduce anomalies due to the mutual effect between different anomaly areas. Dividing the whole zone into subzones based on tectonic settings, ore cluster areas, or sample catchment basins (Scb), geochemical and structural anomalies associated with gold (Au) mineralization have been identified utilizing mean plus twice standard deviations (Mean + 2STD), factor analysis (FA), concentration-area (C-A) modeling of stream sediment geochemical data, and lineament density in both the Ailaoshan Orogen and the individual subzones. The FA in the divided 98 Scbs with 6 Scbs containing Au deposits can roughly ascertain unknown rock types, identify specific element associations of known rocks and discern the porphyry or skarn-type Au mineralization. Compared with methods of Mean + 2STD and C-A model of data in the whole orogen, which mistake the anomalies as background or act the background as anomalies, the combined methods of FA and C-A in the separate subzones or Scbs works well in regional metallogenic potential analysis. Mapping of lineament densities with a 10-km circle diameter is not suitable to locate Au deposits because of the delineated large areas of medium-high lineament density. In contrast, the use of circle diameters of 1.3 km or 1.7 km in the ore cluster scale delineates areas with a higher concentration of lineament density, consistent with the locations of known Au deposits. By analyzing the map of faults and Au anomalies, two potential prospecting targets, Scbs 1 and 63 with a sandstone as a potential host rock for Au, have been identified in the Ailaoshan Orogen. The use of combined methods in the divided subzones proved to be more effective in improving geological understanding and identifying mineralization anomalies associated with Au, rather than analyzing the entire large area.  相似文献   

新疆北部中——大型金、铜矿床的基本成矿特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对新疆北部10多个中-大型金、铜矿床的对比研究,探讨了其含矿建造及其岩石化学成分,将这些中-大型金、铜矿床概括为块状硫化物型铜-多金属-金矿系列、浅成低温热液型金矿系列、铜镍硫化物型矿床系列、与韧性剪切带有关的构造蚀变岩型金矿系列、与夕卡岩有关的铜(钼)矿床系列等5个成矿系列类型、并指出本区金、铜矿床存在“一代,双峰”和“集中成矿,分片富集”的时空分布特点;在探讨有关典型矿床的硫同位素、铅同位素、稀土元素地球化学特征的基础上,阐述了本区中-大型金、铜矿床具有明显的多成矿物质来源和多成矿阶段等基本特性;最后建立了本区中-大型金、铜矿床的区域成矿模式。  相似文献   

Gold Grade and Tonnage Models of the Gold Deposits, China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: The gold grade and tonnage modelling is applied to some types of the gold deposits in China, including placer, Archaean lode, slate belt, Carlin, volcanogenic, skarn and Shandong Peninsula, among others. The Shandong Peninsula type denotes the gold deposit, which was formed in an intensely reshaped Archaean greenstone belt. The modelling results show: (1) the Archaean lode gold deposits of China are similar to the Homestake type in gold grades. (2) The Chinese slate belt type gold deposits are marked by moderately lower gold grades but considerably larger ore volumes than the similar type elsewhere. (3) The Carlin style gold deposits of China are identified by higher Au grades but evidently smaller sizes in comparison with their counterparts in western North America. (4) The volcanogenic (continental) style is similar to Sado epithermal veins in gold grade‐tonnage models and general characteristics while volcanogenic gold deposits of the oceanic subgroup contrast with Kuroko‐type deposits in the gold grade model. But the Chinese volcanogenic (oceanic) subtype (Palaeozoic age) shows similar higher gold grades to those of the Palaeozoic Kuroko‐type deposits elsewhere. (5) Porphyry and skarn gold deposits tend to have a large size but low grade. (6) Less than half of the Shandong Peninsula gold deposits are of ore volumes exceeding the 50th intercept of the relevant gold tonnage model, implying possible undiscovered gold deposits with a larger size in the peninsula. (7) In general, Chinese gold deposits of larger sizes tend to have lower gold grades in relation to gold grade models. (8) Gold grade‐tonnage models can be effectively influenced by how to include or exclude non‐economic gold resources in the modelling. Ore volumes of gold deposits actually to some extent depend on gold grades. Consequently, the way of including or excluding low‐grade values may effect a gold grade‐tonnage model and cause different interpretation of the modelling results. This is particularly true to the gold deposits, which generally show an inverse correlation between gold grade and tonnage.  相似文献   

根据长期的工作和研究成果,本文归纳总结了赣西卡林型金矿的成矿特征和找矿标志.赣西卡林型金矿产于扬子板块东南缘萍乡-高安坳陷带内,赋矿围岩为二叠系下统茅口组和三叠系下统大冶组等层位的细碎屑岩和不纯碳酸盐岩,金矿体产于断裂破碎带、层间破碎带、不整合面、密集裂隙带等构造部位,呈似层状、透镜状产出.金成矿受地层岩性、构造等因素的控制,在金矿床上均有化探金异常.找矿标志:1/5万化探分散流Au、AS、Sb、Hg组合异常;地层标志为大冶组和长兴组地层的细屑岩和不纯碳酸盐岩;构造上应在不整合面、断裂破碎带、密集裂隙带中.重点找矿远景区是坳陷带内两大推(滑)覆构造对冲带南侧的化探金异常区.  相似文献   

小秦岭金(钼)矿田北矿带推覆构造演化与成矿作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在小秦岭北矿带桥上寨、灵湖、大湖和秦南-太阳沟等地,对金矿床的控矿构造进行了野外调查。工作结果表明,小秦岭北矿带近东西向控矿断裂从北向南的F1、F8、F7、F35、F5以及F6断裂是由长英质糜棱岩、构造碎裂岩组成的。其中糜棱岩中S-C组构以及构造劈理与断裂面所夹的锐角,反映了这些断裂具有逆断裂特征,它们在平面上又具有分支复合现象。因此,这些断裂为一套向南推覆的叠瓦状断裂构造体系。这些近东西向叠瓦状断裂构造控制了北矿带金矿床的形成,部分含金石英脉发生了变形,呈条带状构造,反映了断裂发生时间为123 Ma之前。晚期与小秦岭山前有关的断裂构造为正断裂,破坏矿体。  相似文献   

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