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城市固体废弃物好氧填埋的可行性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在我国,城市固体废弃物(MSW)多用厌氧填埋法处理,该方法有降解速度慢、气体不易控制等缺点。通过好氧填埋法与厌氧填埋法处理MSW的对比实验,得出利用好氧填埋处理MSW,使有机物降解率明显高于厌氧法。同时,根据垃圾场内部含氧量及湿度等因素将会影响好氧填埋效果,并在借鉴半好氧填埋技术的基础上,最终提出用分层通风来提高供氧效率,并与污水回灌等方法结合,不但解决垃圾场内部含水量不足问题,还能加快场内有机物的降解,使其迅速稳定。  相似文献   

戴惠新  王春秀 《矿物学报》2001,21(3):467-469
KN系列污水处理剂对不同污水采用多孔、层状非金属矿经活化复配而成,不仅对难降解有机废水具有良好的处理效果,也可用于易生物降解废水,并且价格低,相关工艺具有占地少、投资省、运转费用低的特点。所产生的污泥脱水性能好,并可无害化最终处理,不产生二次污染。  相似文献   

选择不同填料对生物接触氧化法处理生活污水进行了进一步的研究与应用,探讨了温度、接触氧化停留时间等因素对其处理效果的影响。实验研究结果表明,在水温为18℃~20℃,水力负荷为70m l/m in时,采用鹅卵石和沸石的复合填料挂膜,进行生物接触氧化法处理生活污水,在降解NH3-N和氨氮等方面取得良好效果,COD、NH3-N去除率都高达80%以上。  相似文献   

用固化方法处理废沁浆既能保证使环境污染程度降至最小,又能极大地降低处理成本,把固化物加以利用,变废为宝,则更是有显著的经济经益和社会效益,本文简述了废泥浆的固化处理方法及将固化物用于地基加固,回填和旋喷桩,搅拌桩等软地基处理。  相似文献   

该系统工程的关键技术是生态学工程。“多级”是为充分发挥不同环境条件下生态优势群体的条件工程:如多组水动生物转盘,多级氧化渠道。其特点是在处理污水中水质逐步净化,生态类群也随之演变,采取活性污泥单池处理易受高浓度原污水的冲击、抑制,发挥不了生态群体的最大降解、氧化、沉淀的效益,而多级系统具有此优点,并有明显的经济,社会和环境效益。它的创造点如下:  相似文献   

人工快渗系统处理洗浴污水的试验研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
用人工快渗系统模拟地下环境,进行了5个月处理洗浴污水的室内试验研究,重点探讨了渗滤介质、滤层厚度、布水方式及进水浓度对系统去污效果的影响,为人工快渗系统处理洗浴污水的工艺设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

<正>太湖是我国第三大淡水湖泊,一直是无锡和苏州两市主要的饮用水水源地以及上海和浙东地区重要的水源补给地。然而近年来,随着湖盆周围地区城市群的发展以及各种乡镇企业的迅速发展,未经处理而排入太湖流域内的生活污水、农业废水和工业废水持续增多,其中化工、印染、食品、电镀、纺织、制革、造纸等行业的污水排放量占到工业污水总排放量的90%以上,这导致了太湖水生环境日益严重的重金属污染。由于来源广泛,且具有稳定性、隐蔽性、不可降解性等特点,重金属污染已成为世界范围内最严重的  相似文献   

人工微生物净化含氮污水的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
污水的生物处理实质是一个生物的生命活动和工程技术相结合的过程。本文将微生物生长、污水净化以及环境条件结合起来,通过污水的静态和动态、有微生物和无微生物对比实验,连续监测微生物的生长情况、污水中NH3、NO2^-、NO3^-等去除率以及环境条件(pH、Eh、T等),从而发现污水量、生物量、去除率、时间、环境条件之间的定性和定量关系。探索出对于含有一定浓度废物的污水,微生物量与污水量以何种配比才能在指定的时间内取得最佳处理效果。  相似文献   

目前关于城市固废的降解固结理论研究均沿用太沙基传统排水边界,但是这样不能完全描述垃圾填埋场中复杂的排水边界条件。因此,在已有的简化降解固结模型基础上引入连续排水边界条件,建立了新鲜面为连续排水边界的饱和城市固废一维降解固结模型。在此基础上,借助特征函数解偏微分方程得到了级数形式的解析解答,解的退化检验和收敛性判断初步验证了其合理性。解析解与已有解答的对比分析显示,引入连续排水边界条件后,超静孔压分布有显著的变化;且解析解可解决初始条件和边界条件的矛盾,能反映边界上孔压消散的时间效应。进一步的参数敏感性分析显示,通过调整界面参数可以模拟各种排水条件,获得从完全不排水到完全排水的连续解答。此外,从排水能力差异会改变降解固结发展速度出发,提出了一种保证填埋场稳定的可行策略。  相似文献   

泡沫钻进中,聚集在孔口的废泡沫严重污染了周围环境,影响工人操作。为此研制了属有机硅类型的DX型消泡沫剂。采用该消泡剂可对废泡沫进行迅速、简便、无新污染的消泡处理。还介绍了消泡剂的种类、选择原则及现场试验。  相似文献   

污水土地处理技术与污水资源化   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
土地处理作为一种生态处理技术以其设备简单、投资少、操作管理方便、能耗低 ,以及净化效果良好而具有广阔的发展前景。文中系统总结了污水土地处理系统国内外研究现状 ,结合当前中国城市供、排水以及用水的特点 ,提出了在城市水循环中应用土地处理技术 ,实现污水资源化的三个方向 :城镇居民区生活污水资源化、城市污水土地处理资源化、微污染原水给水预处理。其中 ,城镇居民区生活污水资源化所采用的砂滤系统及湿地系统 ,存在的主要问题是水力负荷低、处理能力低。如何解决这一问题是一个具有实用意义的研究方向。城市污水集中土地处理所采用的技术目前已经比较成熟 ,存在的问题是占地面积太大。因此必须根据各地区的实际情况 ,因地制宜地选用。应用土地处理技术进行微污染给水预处理是一个新的研究方向 ,它为解决生物预处理技术所不能解决的Ames试验阳性提供了可能 ,同时也不失为一种廉价有效的方法。  相似文献   

The area studied is located in the basin of the River Guadiana. This work establishes the effectiveness of the treatment of wastewater by land application and compares the results of discharging urban and industrial effluents. We found that all the contaminants analyzed in the discharged wastewater in both land applications undergo considerable reduction as they pass through the soil, which acts as a filter, eliminating organic compounds, nutrients, and microorganisms. As regards the sodium and potassium cations, the soil acts in a different way than might be expected (fixing of K+ and washing of Na+), by releasing potassium and fixing sodium in the first few centimeters of soil. This occurs, apparently, because irrigation with wastewater modifies the chemical conditions.  相似文献   

煤炭开发引起水土环境演化及其调控技术   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
在分析矿业开发引起水土环境演化基础上,探讨了产生水土环境演化的形成机制,进而对调控水土环境的技术途径,工艺流程和技术关键进行了研究,尤其阐述了近年来研制和开发的一些有效的新技术,如两段接触生物氧化净化技术,地学-生态工程学技术和沙地净化技术处理矿山废水,利用矸石无复土生物快速复垦技术,生态农业复垦技术和泥浆泵复垦技术,通过研究认为,今后应继续加强和完善已有新技术,进一步找到经济,可靠的技术集成,以有效地保护矿山水土环境,实现煤炭工业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

地埋式砂滤系统及其环境意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
地埋式砂滤系统是一种新的生活污水处理技术 ,主要由预处理单元、布水系统和砂滤3部分组成。其原理主要是通过包气带中的生物降解、吸附、沉淀、过滤等机理净化污水。大量资料表明 ,地埋式砂滤系统不仅具有简单、可靠、低能耗、低建设费用、易操作等特点 ,而且其处理效果好、水力负荷高、占地面积小、对地表环境影响小等 ,是处理小流量生活污水的有效途径。加强地埋式砂滤系统的研究和应用 ,对环境保护和污水资源化均有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

用焦化废水作补水的循环冷却水系统腐蚀控制实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张焕祯  董常青  边雷  赵茜 《地学前缘》2008,15(4):186-189
焦化废水的排放会带来严重的水污染问题,迫切需要将其资源化,用作循环冷却水的补水是其资源化的重要途径。为了防止给循环冷却水系统带来腐蚀,根据水质稳定理论,采用静态和动态实验相结合的方法,研究了焦化废水作补水的循环冷却水系统腐蚀特性及控制技术。结果表明,焦化废水中的污染物造成的系统腐蚀以点蚀为主,应优先使用磷系沉淀膜型缓蚀技术。通过实验优选出的HEDP+Zn2+复合配方,可在传热面上形成牢固的缓蚀膜,缓蚀率达到85.6%,普通碳钢的腐蚀速率为0.105mm/a,满足《工业循环冷却水处理设计规范》(GB50050-95)的要求。实际循环冷却水系统应用证明,使用该复合配方能在循环水浓缩倍数为2~2.2时,经济有效地解决系统的腐蚀问题,为焦化废水的资源化开辟了一条可行的途径。  相似文献   

表面流人工湿地处理糠醛生产废水的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据糠醛生产废水的特点,利用生产企业所处低洼盐碱地改造成表面流人工湿地,废水在湿地内以自然消耗的方式处理,无外排,处理的废水量等于湿地内废水的自然蒸发量、植物的蒸腾量与植物的贮存量。研究表明,经湿地处理后的废水COD去除率平均为94%,TN去除率平均为65%,TOC去除率平均为94.9%。处理后的废水pH值为6.22。  相似文献   

Megacities worldwide face various challenging tasks associated with expanding populations and land exploitations; these include securing water supplies, appropriate operating of wastewater treatment/disposal, and the mitigation of natural hazards triggered by anthropogenic activities. Seoul megacity, Korea, where over ten million people populate, is not an exception to the issues. In this study, we examine water resources, their uses, and issues associated with them, specifically climate change, urban flooding, underground water seepage, and land subsidence in Seoul. The changing climate of this city manifests itself in a sharp escalation in air temperature. Increased torrential rainfall causes repeated human casualties from urban floodings, which are exacerbated by expanding impervious surface. The increasingly large interannual variability in precipitation makes it more difficult to take proper actions to secure water supplies. Despite a large annual budget being devoted to producing tap water from the Han River, only about 5% of the population drinks the tap water. Underground transport routes (subway lines) and high storied buildings with deep foundations produce high volumes of underground water seepage, and most of the valuable water resources are dumped without being reused. Underground water seepage also triggers a decline in groundwater levels and elevates the possibility of land subsidence. Recent increases in land subsidence and road sinks in the city are mostly related to old sewer lines and heavy underground work. In this study, we discuss options toward supporting sustainable urban water management in Seoul.  相似文献   

水环境污染的修复技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
朱宛华 《地学前缘》2001,8(1):143-150
由于人口增加 ,经济建设发展 ,人民生活水平提高 ,需水量也日益增长。中国水资源紧缺 ,而水污染又加重了水资源危机。水资源及水污染的修复技术的探讨有利于改善人类的生存环境。文中叙述了中国水资源紧缺、地下水超采引起的环境地质灾害 ,提倡节约用水 ,降低万元产值耗水量 ,提高单位水资源的投入产出率 ,开发节水型农业体系。建议以流域为单位 ,实行统一管理调配 ,利用地下水开采所腾出库容 ,拦蓄洪水及将处理后的污水回灌地下 ,以减少灾害 ,增加水资源量。文中还综述了地面水污染、水质富营养化、海水古咸水入侵 ,酸雨影响地下水水质及垃圾堆放场下淋滤液对地下水的污染 ;探讨了用絮凝沉淀、好氧厌氧生物处理工艺、脱氮除磷工艺、膜分离技术及高浓度有机有毒废水等在水污染治理方面的修复技术 ;探讨了对地下水中病原微生物、重金属离子、溶解有机物、硬度、三氮的截、坝、投、抽、排等的修重技术。  相似文献   

This work evaluates the changes of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), total phosphorus (P) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations in stream waters as related to the land use/land cover (LULC) alterations within eight small (5–39 km2) tile-drained catchments in the southern part of The Czech Republic in the period 1993–2010, when massive grassing of arable land took place. The robust tools of seasonal Mann–Kendall trend test and LOcally WEighted Scatterplot Smoothing methods were employed to reveal trends of the monitored parameters with adjustment to hydrology. Using principal component analysis and multiple regressions, statistically significant factors with highest impacts on the assessed water quality parameters were identified. Besides indicators of LULC changes in the catchments and their various zones, information of built tile drainage systems were used along with factors reflecting point pollution sources such as the population number, sewerage type and proximity to a watercourse, effectiveness of wastewater treatment, and number of livestock units. The change in LULC was essential only for NO3-N concentrations, when grassing of arable land, presence of water ponds, areas of permanent cultures and also areas of drained land explained up to 90.6 % NO3-N variability and nitrate-nitrogen concentrations showed a significantly decreasing trend in all monitored catchments during the evaluated period. LULC changes within infiltration vulnerable zones were discovered as less important for the assessed water quality parameters compared to LULC changes in the whole catchment area. However, for NH4-N, P and COD, the results did not enable a definite quantification of the effects of LULC changes. The influence of non-point pollution sources on these parameters was revealed as uncertain and was heavily overshadowed by point sources, in particular by wastewater management, and livestock numbers, although the proportion of arable land in tile drainage subcatchments was discovered fundamental in case of the COD. The increasing numbers of livestock, population, and changes in sewage treatment led in some catchments to significant worsening of water quality. Achieved findings may be critical for supporting water quality policy and management decisions.  相似文献   

The potential to supplement potable water supplies with highly treated municipal wastewater, or sewage, is of increasing interest to water planners in many parts of the world. Most of the current social science focuses on public acceptance, however there is a relative lack of research that explores the subjectivity of people who are involved with water recycling or water planning. This study draws on Gramscian theories of governance and Q Methodology to analyze common sense principles that are held by water stewards who currently govern potable water reuse in the southwestern United States. Two competing perspectives emerged from the analyses, which I label neosanitarian and ecosanitarian. Drawing upon tenets established in the Progressive Era, neosanitarians believe that use of recycled water is an appropriate way to expand urban drinking water supplies. Drawing upon tenets established in ecology, ecosanitarians are not opposed to potable water recycling, however they are also interested in radical alternatives to the sanitary status quo. For example, neosanitarians favor advanced wastewater treatment, while ecosanitarians prefer composting toilets and preventative actions. Differences between the common sense views pivot on ideas about the most appropriate technology but also reflect contested visions of ideal society.  相似文献   

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