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We discuss the infrared (IR) (1.25–5 µm) photometry of eight planetary nebulae performed in 1999–2006. For all of the nebulae under study, we have firmly established IR brightness and color variations on time scales shorter than one year and up to 6–8 years. The greatest IR brightness variations were observed in IC 2149, IC 4997, and NGC 7662. Their J magnitudes varied within 0 . m 2–0 . m 25. In the remaining objects, the J magnitude variations did not exceed 0 . m 15. All of the planetary nebulae under study exhibited IR color variations. Based on the IR photometry, we have classified the central regions of the planetary nebula NGC 1514 and of the northern part of NGC 7635 seen through a 12″ aperture as a B(3–7) main-sequence star (NGC 1514) and a ~O9.5 upper-main-sequence star (NGC 7635). The nebulae IC 4997 and NGC 7027 exhibited an excess emission (with respect to the emission from a hot source) at λ > 2.5 µm.  相似文献   

We present and discuss the results of our long-term JHKLM photometry for two RV Tau stars (R Sge and RV Tau) and the yellow supergiant V1027 Cyg, a candidate for protoplanetary nebulae. The amplitude of the infrared brightness variations in R Sge and RV Tau over fourteen years of observations was 0 . m 9?1 m ; the infrared brightness variations in V1027 Cyg over eighteen years did not exceed 0 . m 25. The infrared brightness and color of R Sge fluctuated about their gradually changing mean values; the infrared brightness variations agree with a period of 70.77 days. The periodic J brightness and J-H color variations in R Sge can be explained by temperature pulsations with ΔT ≤ 200 K and radial pulsations with [ΔR/R] ≤ 0.2. From 1995 to 2008, the mean J brightness of RV Tau increased, while its mean J-H color index decreased; the variations in the mean J brightness can be associated mainly with stellar temperature variations; a periodic component with P = 78.73 days is observed in the infrared brightness and color fluctuations. The variations in the mean J brightness and J-H color index of the supergiant V1027 Cyg over eighteen years of observations did not exceed a few hundredths of a magnitude; both temperature and radial pulsations may be present in the observed J brightness variations. The most probable period of the infrared brightness fluctuations in V1027 Cyg is 237 ± 2 days. The dust shell of R Sge may consist of two layers with grain temperatures of ~1000 and ~700 K; the optical depth at 1.25 µm is ~0.02 and ~0.24, respectively. The grain temperatures in the circumstellar dust shells of the supergiants RV Tau and V1027 Cyg are ~600 K (RV Tau) and ~700 K (V1027 Cyg). Their optical depths at 1.25 µm are ~0.24 (RV Tau) and ~0.008 (V1027 Cyg).  相似文献   

Synthetic brightness profiles resulting from consistent dynamical models for circumstellar dust shells around long-period variables are presented and discussed with respect to a corresponding observation of IRC +10216.  相似文献   

We present JHKL ' photometry of a complete sample of steep-spectrum radio-loud quasars from the revised 3CR catalogue in the redshift range 0.65 z <1.20. After correcting for contributions from emission lines and the host galaxies, we investigate their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) around 1 μm. About 75 per cent of the quasars are tightly grouped in the plane of optical spectral index, α opt, versus near-infrared spectral index, α IR, with the median value of α opt close to the canonical value, and the median α IR slightly flatter. We conclude that the fraction of moderately obscured, red quasars decreases with increasing radio power, in accordance with the 'receding torus' model which can also explain the relatively flat median near-infrared spectra of the 3CR quasars. Two of the red quasars have inverted infrared spectral indices, and we suggest that their unusual SEDs might result from a combination of dust-scattered and transmitted quasar light.  相似文献   

利用R(红)-I(近红外)两色照相测光方法,搜寻银道带天区的红外超天体,并证认IRAS点源的红外超对应体。本文是一组系列文章的第四篇。在矩尺天区发现了195个红外超天体,并证认出其中22个是IRAS点源的对应体。  相似文献   

Near-infrared photometry of 35 SiO maser stars (v = 1, J = 1 - 0) of various types is presented in this paper. Combining the JHK flux densities from IRAS, the distributions of the stars on two color-color diagrams are obtained. The spectral slopes, equivalent black-body temperatures, maser luminosities and mass-loss rates of the central stars are calculated from the infrared or radio data. These parameters are then analysed together with the integrated SiO fluxes. The results show that SiO masers are common in AGB stages. The integrated SiO maser flux is only weakly correlated with the mass-loss rate, and increase slowly along the sequence from Mira stars to OH/IR stars. It is more closely correlated with the near-infrared colors and the equivalent black-body temperatures. Also, its upper limit is correlated with 12μm and 25μm fluxes. We also briefly discusses the general function and specific role of SiO maser in the evolution of AGB stars.  相似文献   

We present the JHKLM photometry for five close (W Ser) binary systems obtained in the period 1996–2004. Positive phase shifts (with respect of the adopted ephemerides) have been found in the orbital infrared light curves for three binaries, RX Cas, KX And, and β Lyr; the rates of increase in their periods are ~3.5 × 10?4, ~1.6 × 10?3, and ~1.4 × 10?4 days yr?1, respectively. We have performed the spectral classification of the components of the binaries under study and estimated their parameters.  相似文献   

Near infrared measurements in the J, H and K bands have been carried out for a number of symbiotic stars with the 1.5 m telescope at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory (RAO). A comparison with the earlier observations shows that the S-type symbiotic stars do not have any significant variation in the infrared flux over the past five years. However a small variation ∼ 0.3 magnitude in the infrared flux has been detected for CH Cygni. The observations of HM Sagittae show large decreases in the infrared flux compared to the previous measurements. The variability in the infrared fluxes of both these objects could be attributed to a variation in the temperature due to the cooling of the dust shell. The variability observed for V1016 Cygni is found consistent with the previous measurements.  相似文献   

The synthetic magnitudes and color indices of 46 speckle interferometric stars have been computed depending on their observational spectral energy distributions. The Strömgren vby and Tycho BV passbands have been used to calculate magnitudes of the systems. These data when combined with the magnitude differences of the sub-components from speckle interferometry observations will allow the finding of the parameters of the individual components. These parameters will improve our knowledge about binary system formation and evolution.  相似文献   

We present follow-up infrared photometry for a sample of low-mass and very low-mass stars in the Praesepe open cluster. Our sample is selected from two sources: (i) 90 stars selected from the Hambly et al. photometric and proper-motion survey of Praesepe; (ii) 17 stars selected from the CCD imaging survey presented by Pinfield et al. We investigate cluster membership using infrared colour–magnitude and colour–colour diagrams. We find 81 likely and two possible members in the Hambly et al. sample, in line with predictions. Contamination in the Pinfield et al. sample is higher, and we find nine probable cluster members. We investigate the non-grey models of Baraffe et al., which are found to be in good agreement with the data. Multiplicity in Praesepe is also examined, and we find the multiple star fraction to be 0.51 from analysis of the I , I − K diagram. We investigate individual object masses, and find that the faintest candidate cluster members have masses close to the substellar limit.  相似文献   

For this paper, we collected almost all of the type II quasars so far discovered. Among them, 485 sources have photometric data at JHK bands, mainly from Two-Micron All-Sky Survey observations, 65 sources have IRAS photometric data in at least one of the three IRAS bands at 25, 60 and 100 μm and 15 sources have IRAS photometric data in all three IRAS bands. We find that in nearly half of all type II quasars, both the near- and far-infrared radiations are dominated by starlight or thermal reprocessing of starlight by dust in the underlying galaxy. The infrared radiation of the other group (slightly over half) is dominated by a non-thermal radiation in the near-infrared, and mostly in the far-infrared also (although there is a mixture particularly for the longer wavelengths). It is proposed that for the later group, hidden broad lines may exist in the infrared. On the basis of our and previous results, we also discuss the possibility that there are two distinct classes of type II quasars: 'true' type II quasars without a broad-line region and heavily obscured type I quasars, in full analogy with the case for type II Seyfert galaxies. No relationships can be found for either the near-infrared or the far-infrared colours and the redshift. Correlations between absolute magnitude in the near- and far-infrared with redshift are found, but could be due to a flux limit (Malmquist bias).  相似文献   

We compare two methods of distance determination to spiral galaxies using optical/near-infrared (NIR) observations, the ( I − K ) versus M K colour–absolute magnitude (CM) relation and the I - and K -band Tully–Fisher relation (TFR).
Dust-free colours and NIR absolute magnitudes greatly enhance the usefulness of the NIR CM relation as a distance indicator for moderately to highly inclined spiral galaxies in the field (inclinations between ∼80° and 90°); by avoiding contamination by dust the scatter in the CM relation is significantly reduced, compared with similar galaxy samples published previously. The CM relation can be used to determine distances to field spiral galaxies with M K >−25.5, to at least M K ≈−20.
Our results, supplemented with previously published observations for which we can – to some degree – control the effects of extinction, are consistent with a universal nature of the CM relation for field spiral galaxies.
High-resolution observations made with the Hubble Space Telescope can provide a powerful tool to calibrate the relation and extend the useful distance range by more than a factor of 2 compared with ground-based observations.
The intrinsic scatter in the NIR CM relation in the absolute K -band magnitudes is ∼0.5 mag, yielding a lower limit to the accuracy of distance determinations of the order of 25 per cent.
Although we find an unusually low scatter in the TFR (probably a statistical accident), a typical scatter in the TFR would yield distances to our sample galaxies with uncertainties of only ∼15 per cent. However, one of the main advantages of the use of the NIR CM relation is that we need only photometric data to obtain distance estimates; use of the TFR requires additional kinematic data, although it can be used to significantly greater distances.  相似文献   

Based on the SIMBAD database, we collected necessary information on the comparison stars used by E. Schenfeld in observations of variable stars in the 19th century.  相似文献   

We describe the results of visual photometry of 111 variable stars observed by Schoenfeld in the 19th century. The entire body of data contains brightness curves in tabulated form, as well as certain additional useful information: graphs of changes in brightness of variable stars and identification tables of comparison stars and stars suspected of variation in brightness.  相似文献   

A review is given of the development of systems of photometric standard stars at the South African Astronomical Observatory. A brief historical perspective indicates how the Harvard E-regions were chosen as standard sequences and developed into a very precise Southern hemisphere system for UBV(RI) c photometry. Subsequent additions of Strömgrenuvby - H and DDO photometry to samples of E-region stars and UBV(RI) c extensions to the F-regions and the Magellanic Clouds are also described. Current programmes to extend and improve these standard stars are briefly discussed, as well as the long-standing problem of linking the Northern and Southern systems.  相似文献   

Mid-ultraviolet and optical photometric analysis of helium stars are presented. A linear relation exists between the effective temperature derived from model atmospheres and (1965-V)0 index. The effective temperatures derived from (1965-V)0 index are somewhat higher than that of MK spectral type estimates especially for late B-type helium objects.  相似文献   

We present the IR photometry of the X-ray binary XTE J1118+480 performed during seven nights in April and two nights in May–June 2000. A significant IR excess has been detected in the object, which may be due to the thermal radiation from a dust envelope/cloud. The observed energy distribution in the range 1.25–3.5 μm can be interpreted in terms of the sum of the fluxes from an accretion disk with a temperature of ~20 000 K and a dust envelope with grains heated to ~900 K. The distance to the X-ray binary estimated from the total flux from the dust envelope is no less than 0.6–3 kpc. The mean optical depth of the dust envelope for the accretion-disk radiation is about 0.06.  相似文献   

Für insgesamt 40 Stern im Gebiet des verfärbten offenen Haufens NGC 6871 erhieken wir eine uvby Photometric. 21 dieser Sterne klassifizierten definitely as members. From the photometric results we derived 1.2 × 107 years as the cluster age, 2440 pc as its distance, and E(b - y)) = 0.348 mag as mean reddening of the cluster. From the scatter around this mean colour excess and the deviation of a subgroup of stars by more than twice the standard deviation a varible intracluster reddening in order of 0.1 mag is indicated. The value of the colour excess ratio E(b - y)/E(B - V) = 0.705 for the cluster stars leads us to the conclusion that the very broadband structure (VBS) in the spectra of the cluster stars must be very weak. Für insgesamt 40 Stern im Gebiet des verfärbten offenen Haufens NGC 6871 erhielten wir eine uvby Photometrie. 21 dieser Sterne klassifizieren wir definitiv als Haufenmitglieder. Aus den photometrischen Ergebnissen leiteten wir ein Haufenalter von 1.2 × 107 Jahren, eine Entfernung von 2440 pc und eine Verfärbung E (b - y) = 0.348 mag ab. Aus der Streuung um diesen mittleren Farbexzeß und der Tatsache, daß eine Gruppe von Sternen um mehr als die doppelte Standardabweichung von diesem Wert differiert, läßt sich eine Verfärbung innerhalb des Haufens in der Größenordnung von 0.1 mag vermuten. Aus der Größe des Farbexzeßverhältnisses E(b - y )/E(B - V) = 0.705 schließen wir, daß die Breitbandstruktur (VBS) in den Spektren der Haufensterne nur sehr schwach ausgeprägt sein kann.  相似文献   

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