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Abstract A study of the seafloor of the Gulf of Cadiz west of the Strait of Gibraltar, using an integrated geophysical and sedimentological data set, gives new insights into sediment deposition from downslope thermohaline bottom currents. In this area, the Mediterranean Outflow (MO) begins to mix with North Atlantic waters and separates into alongslope geostrophic and downslope ageostrophic components. Changes in bedform morphology across the study area indicate a decrease in the peak velocity of the MO from >1 m s?1 to <0·5 m s?1. The associated sediment waves form a continuum from sand waves to muddy sand waves to mud waves. A series of downslope‐oriented channels, formed by the MO, are found where the MO starts to descend the continental slope at a water depth of ≈700 m. These channels are up to 40 km long, have gradients of <0·5°, a fairly constant width of ≈2 km and a depth of ≈75 m. Sand waves move down the channels that have mud wave‐covered levees similar to those seen in turbidite channel–levee systems, although the channel size and levee thickness do not decrease downslope as in typical turbidite channel systems. The channels terminate abruptly where the MO lifts off the seafloor. Gravity flow channels with lobes on the basin floor exist downslope from several of the bottom current channels. Each gravity flow system has a narrow, slightly sinuous channel, up to 20 m deep, feeding a depositional lobe up to 7 km long. Cores from the lobes recovered up to 8·5 m of massive, well‐sorted, fine sand, with occasional mud clasts. This work provides an insight into the complex facies patterns associated with strong bottom currents and highlights key differences between bottom current and gravity flow channel–levee systems. The distribution of sand within these systems is of particular interest, with applications in understanding the architecture of hydrocarbon reservoirs formed in continental slope settings.  相似文献   

Sea‐floor topography of deep‐water folds is widely considered to have a major impact on turbidity currents and their depositional systems, but understanding the flow response to such features was limited mainly to conceptual notions inspired by small‐scale laboratory experiments. High‐resolution three‐dimensional numerical experiments can compensate for the lack of natural‐scale flow observations. The present study combines numerical modelling of thrusts with fault‐propagation folds by Trishear3D software with computational fluid dynamics simulations of a natural‐scale unconfined turbidity current by MassFlow‐3D? software. The study reveals the hydraulic and depositional responses of a turbidity current (ca 50 m thick) to typical topographic features that it might encounter in an orthogonal incidence on a sea‐floor deep‐water fold and thrust belt. The supercritical current (ca 10 m sec?1) decelerated and thickened due to the hydraulic jump on the fold backlimb counter‐slope, where a reverse overflow formed through current self‐reflection and a reverse underflow was issued by backward squeezing of a dense near‐bed sediment load. The reverse flows were re‐feeding sediment to the parental current, reducing its waning rate and extending its runout. The low‐efficiency current, carrying sand and silt, outran a downslope distance of >17 km with only modest deposition (<0·2 m) beyond the fold. Most of the flow volume diverted sideways along the backlimb to surround the fold and spread further downslope, with some overspill across the fold and another hydraulic jump at the forelimb toe. In the case of a segmented fold, a large part of the flow went downslope through the segment boundary. Preferential deposition (0·2 to 1·8 m) occurred on the fold backlimb and directly upslope, and on the forelimb slope in the case of a smaller fold. The spatial patterns of sand entrapment revealed by the study may serve as guidelines for assessing the influence of substrate folds on turbiditic sedimentation in a basin.  相似文献   

A process-based, forward computer model of turbidity current flow and sedimentation, termed the TCFS model, has been developed to trace the downslope evolution of individual turbidity flows. Details of the model itself have been presented in a preceding paper. We here outline a series of tests of the TGFS model. The sensitivity tests of the TCFS model to general geological controls reveal the quantitative relationship between these controls and the behaviour of turbidity flows and the geometry and textural features of the resulting turbidites. Experimental turbidity currents on relatively steep slopes accelerate more rapidly and reach higher velocities than those on gentle slopes. Flows with larger initial volumes have higher initial velocities, travel further downslope, and form beds of greater thickness and downslope extent than smaller flows. Experimental high-concentration flows with suspended-sediment concentrations of 25% accelerate more rapidly and reach higher downslope velocities than dilute flows with 5% suspended sediment. The higher velocities and enhanced hindered-settling effects of the high-concentration flows lead to much greater transport distances and reduced vertical and lateral sediment size grading in the resulting turbidites. Beds formed by experimental high-concentration flows are massive or show coarse-tail grading whereas beds formed by low-concentration flows show distribution-grading. Experimental flows fed by coarse sediment sources tend to deposit the bulk of their suspended sediment loads on the proximal slope, resulting in more rapid flow deceleration and sedimentation than flows fed by silt-rich, fine-grained sediment sources. Turbidites formed by coarse-sediment flows tend to have a wedge-shaped geometry, with low downslope extent and high surface relief, whereas turbidites formed by fine-sediment flows tend to have a tabular geometry, with greater downslope extent and lower surface relief. A specific geological test of the TCFS model is based on studies of modern turbidity currents in Bute Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. With the input initial and boundary conditions estimated from Bute Inlet, the model predicts the downslope velocity evolution of turbidity currents comparable to those of modern and ancient turbidity flows measured in Bute Inlet. Model-calculated vertical and downslope grain-size properties of turbidites are similar to those exhibited by surface and cored Bute Inlet turbidites. Model flows tend to decelerate more rapidly than some stronger turbidity currents in the Bute Inlet system, and model beds tend to decrease in grain-size downslope more rapidly than observed bottom sediments. This is probably because the TCFS model flows lacked clay, which is abundant in Bute Inlet; they do not fully simulate turbulent mixing of suspended sediments; and they better represent the unsteady, depositional stage of turbidity-currents than the preceding stage of more-or-less steady-flow conditions. These tests demonstrate that the TCFS model provides a semi-quantitative method to study the growth patterns of submarine turbidite systems. It can serve as a predictive tool for analysing the facies architecture of ancient turbidite systems through simulating multi-depositional events by improving its erosion function, and the compatibility between its numerical components.  相似文献   

Detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic analyses were carried out on seven Kullenberg cores collected across the Brazilian continental margin during the French cruises Byblos and Apsara III, in order to highlight the factors controlling the sediment flux distribution in the Southern Brazil Basin during the late Quaternary. On the continental slope and upper continental rise above 3000 m depth, sediment fluxes are important and highly variable (4·2–14·2 g cm?2 10?3 yr). The sediments show a pelagic or turbiditic character, depending on the width of the shelf and proximity of canyons. The material is characterized by high kaolinite contents, and originates from the coastal rivers draining the South American continent north of Rio de Janeiro. On the middle continental rise between 3000 and 4000 m depth, sediment fluxes are the lowest observed in the area (0·9 g cm?2 10?3 yr), because terrigenous input is trapped at shallower depths on the São Paulo Plateau. Pelagic settling is the dominant process. In the deep domains, below 4000 m depth, contouritic accumulations are developed on the path of the northwards moving Antarctic bottom water (AABW) currents. The deposits consist of fine-grained silty-clayey muds with very low carbonate contents. The sediment fluxes (1·45 g cm?2 10?3 yr) are higher than on the middle continental rise, as a consequence of fine-grained terrigenous supply derived from higher latitudes (Argentine Basin and Southern Ocean), and transported in the basin through the Vema Channel by the AABW currents. This material is characterized by high smectite and chlorite contents. These data reveal large sediment flux variations which are linked to distinct depth-related domains. Such a distribution is the consequence of the presence of two available sources of terrigenous sediments: (1) the Brazilian continental areas with a downslope material transport and a sediment distribution controlled by the morphology of the margin, and (2) the Argentine Basin with an alongslope material transport by deep-sea currents which dominate the sedimentation in the abyssal domains.  相似文献   

A computer-based numerical model of turbidity current flow and sedimentation is presented that integrates geological observations with basic equations for fluid and sediment motion. The model quantifies those aspects of turbidity currents that make them different from better-understood fluvial processes, including water mixing across the upper flow boundary and the interactions between the suspended-sediment concentration and the flow dynamics and sedimentation. The model includes three numerical components: (1) a layer-averaged three-equation flow model for tracing downslope flow evolution using continuity and momentum equations, (2) a sedimentation/fluidization model for tracing sediment-size fractionation in sedimenting multicomponent suspensions and (3) a concentration-viscosity model for quantifying the changes in resistance of such suspensions toward fluid and sediment motion. The model traces the evolution of a model turbidity current in terms the layer-averaged flow velocity, flow thickness, sediment concentration distribution, and the rate of sedimentation and sediment size fractionation. It generates synthetic turbidites with downslope variations in thickness and grain-size structuring at each point along the flow path. This study represents an effort to evaluate quantitatively the effects of basin geometry, sediment supply and sediment properties on the mechanics of turbidity current flow and sedimentation and on the geometry and grain size characteristics of the resulting deposits.  相似文献   

A laboratory flume experiment was carried out in which the hydrodynamic and sedimentary behaviour of a turbidity current was measured as it passed through an array of vertical rigid cylinders. The cylinders were intended primarily to simulate aquatic vegetation canopies, but could equally be taken to represent other arrays of obstacles, for example forests or offshore wind turbines. The turbidity currents were generated by mixing naturally sourced, poly‐disperse sediment into a reservoir of water at concentrations from 1·0 to 10·0 g l?1, which was then released into the experimental section of the flume by removing a lock gate. For each initial sediment concentration, runs with obstacle arrays with solid plant fractions of 1·0% and 2·5%, and control cases with no obstacles, were carried out. The progress of the current along the flume was characterized by the array drag term, CDaxc (where CD is the array drag coefficient, at the frontal area of cylinders per unit volume, and xc is the position of the leading edge of the current along the flume). The downward depositional flux of sediment out of the current as it proceeded was measured at 13 traps along the flume. Analysis of these deposits divided them into fine (2·2 to 6·2 μm) and coarse (6·2 to 104 μm) fractions. At the beginning of their development, the gravity currents proceeded in an inertia‐dominated regime until CDaxc = 5. For CDax> 5, the current transitioned into a drag‐dominated regime. For both fine and coarse sediment fractions, the rate of sediment deposition tended to decrease gradually with distance from the source in the inertial regime, remained approximately constant at the early drag‐dominated regime, and then rose and peaked at the end of the drag‐dominated stage. This implies that, when passing through arrays of obstacles, the turbidity currents were able to retain sufficient sediment in suspension to maintain their flow until they became significantly influenced by the drag exerted by the obstacles.  相似文献   

Fine sediment deposition in the ocean is complicated by the cohesive nature of muds and their tendency to flocculate. The result is disaggregated inorganic grain size (DIGS) distributions of bottom sediment that are influenced by single‐grain and floc deposition. This study outlines a parametric model that characterizes bottom sediment DIGS distributions. Modelled parameters are then used to infer depositional conditions that account for the regional variation in the grain sizes deposited by turbidity currents on the Laurentian Fan–Sohm Abyssal Plain, offshore south‐eastern Canada. Results indicate that, on the channellized Laurentian Fan, the mass fraction of floc‐deposited mud increases only slightly downslope. The small evolution in this fraction arises because sediment concentration and turbulent energy are associated in turbidity currents. On the Sohm Abyssal Plain, however, the mass fraction of floc‐deposited mud decreases, probably as a result of lower sediment concentration at this source‐distal site. Estimates of the mass fraction of mud deposited as flocs suggest that floc deposition is the dominant mode by which sediment is lost from suspension, although single‐grain deposition contributes more to the depositional flux in proximal areas where high energy breaks flocs and in distal areas where low sediment concentration limits floc formation. It is concluded that, throughout the dispersal system, changes in the fraction of flocculated mud deposited from turbidity currents reflect changes in sediment concentration and energy downslope.  相似文献   

为了探讨陆相湖盆中沿坡流的作用强度及其对三角洲前缘沉积的影响,对内蒙古岱海断陷湖盆的现代沉积进行了调查.通过卫星图像分析、现场湖浪观察与浮球实测、探槽挖掘与详细沉积特征描述、取样与样品分析、以及骨架剖面砂体对比,证明岱海湖盆陡坡带以顺坡流作用为主,分流河道和河口坝发育,砂体垂向连通性好,常形成大套块状砂体;缓坡带的三角洲前缘存在强烈的沿坡流与顺坡流相互作用,浪成成因的岩相最为发育,沙质沉积物席状化严重,垂向序列呈不明显的反韵律,河口砂体不对称分布,沿坡漂流的上游方向砂体连片、多层叠置、侧向连通性好;下游方向泥质夹层发育、砂体孤立、储层非均质性强.   相似文献   

A recent (100 yr old) turbidite is described from Hueneme Fan, California Continental Borderland. Dense sampling over the fan surface has allowed excellent delineation of the characteristics of this deposit. It exhibits Bouna DE sequences and has a distinctly bimodal, sandy silt grain size distribution. Through the use of generalized fluid dynamics equations, it is possible to reconstruct original flow properties of the current which deposited this material. The calculated velocities ranged from 10–90 cm s-1 and excess density (above ambient seawater) from 0·001–0·005 g cm-3 in the lower midfan and upper fan channel regions, respectively. Height of the current ranged from 5–15 m, on slopes from 1·5 to 0·15°. A total of 107 m3 of sediment was deposited during 10 days. The turbidity current is conjectured to have originated from direct river input during the floods of 1884. An older event is also described, which has distinctly different properties and origins. The grain sizes of this older deposit are much coarser, and sedimentary structures suggest higher flow regimes. This turbidite is conjectured to have been deposited from a higher density, faster current thought to have been generated by slumping. The need for a better understanding of the controls on the characteristics of turbidity currents and their effect on fan morphology is emphasized.  相似文献   

Turbidity currents are turbulent, sediment‐laden gravity currents which can be generated in relatively shallow shelf settings and travel downslope before spreading out across deep‐water abyssal plains. Because of the natural stratification of the oceans and/or fresh water river inputs to the source area, the interstitial fluid within which the particles are suspended will often be less dense than the deep‐water ambient fluid. Consequently, a turbidity current may initially be denser than the ambient sea water and propagate as a ground‐hugging flow, but later reverse in buoyancy as its bulk density decreases through sedimentation to become lower than that of the ambient sea water. When this occurs, all or part of the turbidity current lofts to form a buoyant sediment‐laden cloud from which further deposition occurs. Deposition from such lofting turbidity currents, containing a mixture of fine and coarse sediment suspended in light interstitial fluid, is explored through analogue laboratory experiments complemented by theoretical analysis using a ‘box and cloud’ model. Particular attention is paid to the overall deposit geometry and to the distributions of fine and coarse material within the deposit. A range of beds can be deposited by bimodal lofting turbidity currents. Lofting may encourage the formation of tabular beds with a rapid pinch‐out rather than the gradually tapering beds more typical of waning turbidity currents. Lofting may also decouple the fates of the finer and coarser sediment: depending on the initial flow composition, the coarse fraction can be deposited prior to or during buoyancy reversal, while the fine fraction can be swept upwards and away by the lofting cloud. An important feature of the results is the non‐uniqueness of the deposit architecture: different initial current compositions can generate deposits with very similar bed profiles and grading characteristics, highlighting the difficulty of reconstructing the nature of the parent flow from field data. It is proposed that deposit emplacement by lofting turbidity currents is common in the geological record and may explain a range of features observed in deep‐water massive sands, thinly bedded turbidite sequences and linked debrites, depending on the parent flow and its subsequent development. For example, a lofting flow may lead to a well sorted, largely ungraded or weakly graded bed if the fines are transported away by the cloud. However, a poorly sorted, largely ungraded region may form if, during buoyancy reversal, high local concentrations and associated hindered settling effects develop at the base of the cloud.  相似文献   

A 4·7 km2 field of sediment waves occurs in front of the Slims River delta in Kluane Lake, the largest lake in the Yukon Territory. Slims River heads in the Kaskawulsh Glacier, part of the St Elias Ice Field and discharges up to 400 m3 s?1 of water with suspended sediment concentrations of up to 7 g l?1. The 19 km long sandur of Slims River was created in the past 400 years since Kaskawulsh Glacier advanced and dammed the lake and the sandur has advanced into Kluane Lake at an average rate of 48 m a?1. However, this rate is decreasing as flow is diverted from Slims River because of the retreat of the Kaskawulsh Glacier. The sandur and a road constructed on the delta remove coarse‐grained sediment, so the river delivers dominantly mud to the lake. Inflow during summer generates quasi‐continuous turbidity currents with velocities up to 0·6 m s?1. The front of the delta consists of a plane surface sloping lakeward at 0·0188 (1·08°). A field of sediment waves averaging 130 m in length and 2·3 m in amplitude has developed on this surface. Slopes on the waves vary from ?0·067 (?3·83°, i.e. sloping in the opposite direction to the regional slope) to 0·135 (7·69°). The internal structure of the sediment waves, as documented by seismic profiling, shows that sedimentation on the stoss portion of the wave averages 2·7 times that on the lee portion. Rates of sediment accumulation in the wave field are about 0·3 m a?1, so these lacustrine waves have formed in a much shorter period of time (less than 200 years) and are advancing upslope towards the delta much more quickly (1 to 2 m a?1) than typical marine sediment waves. These waves formed on the flat surface of the lake floor, apparently in the absence of pre‐existing forms, and they are altered and destroyed as the wave field advances and the characteristics of the turbidity currents change.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2007,193(1-4):105-129
The blocking of major river valleys in the Leinebergland area by the Early Saalian Scandinavian ice sheet led to the formation of a large glacial lake, referred to as “glacial Lake Leine”, where most of the sediment was deposited by meltwater. At the initial stage, the level of glacial Lake Leine was approx. 110 m a.s.l. The lake level then rose by as much as 100 m to a highstand of approx. 200 m a.s.l.Two genetically distinct ice-margin depositional systems are described that formed on the northern margin of glacial Lake Leine in front of the retreating Scandinavian ice sheet. The Bornhausen delta is up to 15 m thick and characterized by a large-scale tangential geometry with dip angles from 10°–28°, reflecting high-angle foreset deposition on a steep delta slope. Foreset beds consist of massive clast-supported gravel and pebbly sand, alternating with planar-parallel stratified pebbly sand, deposited from cohesionless debris flows, sandy debris flows and high-density turbidity flows. The finer-grained sandy material moved further downslope where it was deposited from low-density turbidity currents to form massive or ripple-cross-laminated sand in the toeset area.The Freden ice-margin depositional system shows a more complex architecture, characterized by two laterally stacked sediment bodies. The lower part of the section records deposition on a subaqueous ice-contact fan. The upper part of the Freden section is interpreted to represent delta-slope deposits. Beds display low- to high-angle bedding (3°–30°) and consist of planar and trough cross-stratified pebbly sand and climbing-ripple cross-laminated sand. The supply of meltwater-transported sediment to the delta slope was from steady seasonal flows. During higher energy conditions, 2-D and 3-D dunes formed, migrating downslope and passing into ripples. During lower-energy flow conditions thick climbing-ripple cross-laminated sand beds accumulated also on higher parts of the delta slope.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene and Holocene stratigraphy of Navy Fan is mapped in detail from more than 100 cores. Thirteen 14C dates of plant detritus and of organic-rich mud beds show that a marked change in sediment supply from sandy to muddy turbidites occurred between 9000 and 12,000 years ago. They also confirm the correlation of several individual depositional units. The sediment dispersal pattern is primarily controlled by basin configuration and fan morphology, particularly the geometry of distributary channels, which show abrupt 60° bends related to the Pleistocene history of lobe progradation. The Holocene turbidity currents are depositing on, and modifying only slightly, a relict Pleistocene morphology. The uppermost turbidite is a thin sand to mud bed on the upper-fan valley levées and on parts of the mid-fan. Most of its sediment volume is in a mud bed on the lower fan and basin plain downslope from a sharp bend in the mid-fan distributary system. Little sediment occurs farther downstream within this distributary system. It appears that most of the turbidity current overtopped the levée at the channel bend, a process referred to as flow stripping. The muddy upper part of the flow continued straight down to the basin plain. The residual more sandy base of the flow in the distributary channel was not thick enough to maintain itself as gradient decreased and the channel opened out on to the mid-fan lobe. Flow stripping may occur in any turbidity current that is thick relative to channel depth and that flows in a channel with sharp bends. Where thick sandy currents are stripped, levée and mid-fan erosion may occur, but the residual current in the channel will lose much of its power and deposit rapidly. In thick muddy currents, progressive overflow of mud will cause less declaration of the residual channelised current. Thus both size and sand-to-mud ratio of turbidity currents feeding a fan are important factors controlling morphologic features and depositional areas on fans. The size-frequency variation for different types of turbidity currents is estimated from the literature and related to the evolution of fan morphology.  相似文献   

Controlled laboratory experiments reveal that the lower part of turbidity currents has the ability to enter fluid mud substrates, if the bed shear stress is higher than the yield stress of the fluid mud and the density of the turbidity current is higher than the density of the substrate. Upon entering the substrate, the turbidity current either induces mixing between flow‐derived sediment and substrate sediment, or it forms a stable horizontal flow front inside the fluid mud. Such ‘intrabed’ flow is surrounded by plastically deformed mud; otherwise it resembles the front of a ‘bottom‐hugging’ turbidity current. The ‘suprabed’ portion of the turbidity current, i.e. the upper part of the flow that does not enter the substrate, is typically separated from the intrabed flow by a long horizontal layer of mud which originates from the mud that is swept over the top of the intrabed flow and then incorporated into the flow. The intrabed flow and the mixing mechanism are specific types of interaction between turbidity currents and muddy substrates that are part of a larger group of interactions, which also include bypass, deposition, erosion and soft sediment deformation. A classification scheme for these types of interactions is proposed, based on an excess bed shear stress parameter, which includes the difference in the bed shear stress imposed by the flow and the yield stress of the substrate and an excess density parameter, which relies on the density difference between the flow and the substrate. Based on this classification scheme, as well as on the sedimentological properties of the laboratory deposits, an existing facies model for intrabed turbidites is extended to the other types of interaction involving soft muddy substrates. The physical threshold of flow‐substrate mixing versus stable intrabed flow is defined using the gradient Richardson number, and this method is validated successfully with the laboratory data. The gradient Richardson number is also used to verify that stable intrabed flow is possible in natural turbidity currents, and to determine under which conditions intrabed flow is likely to be unstable. It appears that intrabed flow is likely only in natural turbidity currents with flow velocities well below ca 3·5 m s?1, although a wider range of flows is capable of entering fluid muds. Below this threshold velocity, intrabed flow is stable only at high‐density gradients and low‐velocity gradients across the upper boundary of the turbidity current. Finally, the gradient Richardson number is used as a scaling parameter to set the flow velocity limits of a natural turbidity current that formed an inferred intrabed turbidite in the deep‐marine Aberystwyth Grits Group, West Wales, United Kingdom.  相似文献   

The monitoring of turbidity currents enables accurate internal structure and timing of these flows to be understood. Without monitoring, triggers of turbidity currents often remain hypothetical and are inferred from sedimentary structures of deposits and their age. In this study, the bottom currents within 20 m of the seabed in one of the Pointe-des-Monts (Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada) submarine canyons were monitored for two consecutive years using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers. In addition, multibeam bathymetric surveys were carried out during deployment of the Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and recovery operations. These new surveys, along with previous multibeam surveys carried out over the last decade, revealed that crescentic bedforms have migrated upslope by about 20 to 40 m since 2007, despite the limited supply of sediment on the shelf or river inflow in the region. During the winter of 2017, two turbidity currents with velocities reaching 0·5 m sec−1 and 2·0 m sec−1, respectively, were recorded and were responsible for the rapid (<1 min) upstream migration of crescentic bedforms measured between the autumn surveys of 2016 and 2017. The 200 kg (in water) mooring was also displaced 10 m down-canyon, up the stoss side of a bedform, suggesting that a dense basal layer could be driving the flow during the first minute of the event. Two other weaker turbidity currents with speeds <0·5 m sec−1 occurred, but did not lead to any significant change on the seabed. These four turbidity currents coincided with strong and sustained wind speed >60 km h−1 and higher than normal wave heights. Repeat seabed mapping suggests that the turbidity currents cannot be attributed to a canyon-wall slope failure. Rather, sustained windstorms triggered turbidity currents either by remobilizing limited volumes of sediment on the shelf or by resuspending sediment in the canyon head. Turbidity currents can thus be triggered when the sediment volume available is limited, likely by eroding and incorporating canyon thalweg sediment in the flow, thereby igniting the flow. This process appears to be particularly important for the generation of turbidity currents capable of eroding the lee side of upslope migrating bedforms in sediment-starved environments and might have wider implications for the activity of submarine canyons worldwide. In addition, this study suggests that a large external trigger (in this case storms) is required to initiate turbidity currents in sediment-starved environments, which contrasts with supply-dominated environments where turbidity currents are sometimes recorded without a clear triggering mechanism.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic boomer profiles, with a vertical resolution of less than 1 m, together with piston cores and previous side-scan sonar data, are used to describe late Quaternary sedimentation on the Var deep-sea fan. Chronological control is provided by foram biostratigraphy and radiocarbon dating in cores, and is extended over the fan by seismic correlation. Regional erosional events correspond to the oxygen isotopic stage 2 and 6 glacial maxima. Cores and seismic data define a widespread surface sand layer that is correlated with prodelta failure in 1979 and subsequent submarine cable breaks. Numerical modelling constrains the character of this 1979 turbidity current. It originated from a relatively small slide on the upper prodelta that put sufficient material in suspension to form an accelerating turbidity current which eroded sand from the Var Canyon. The turbidity current was only 30 m thick on the Upper Valley, but experienced significant flow expansion in the Middle Valley to thicknesses of more than 120 m, where it spilled over the eastern Var Sedimentary Ridge at a velocity of about 2·5 m s?1. Other Holocene turbidity currents (with a recurrence interval of 1000 years) were somewhat muddier and thicker, but also deposited sand on the levees of the Middle Valley, and are inferred to have had a similar slide-related origin. Late Pleistocene turbidity currents deposited thick mud beds on the Var Sedimentary Ridge. The presence of sediment waves and the mean cross-flow slope inferred from levee asymmetry indicates that some of these flows were many hundreds of metres thick and flowed at velocities of about 0·35 m s?1. This contrast with Holocene turbidites suggests that a slide origin is unlikely. Estimated times for deposition of thick mud beds on the levees are many days to weeks. The Late Pleistocene flows may therefore result from hyperpycnal flow of glacial outwash in the Var River. The variation in the Late Pleistocene to Holocene turbidite sedimentation is controlled more by variations in sediment supply than by sea-level change.  相似文献   

Shingled Quaternary debris flow lenses on the north-east Newfoundland Slope   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Debris flow deposits are the principal component of Quaternary continental slope sediments between the north-east Newfoundland Shelf and central Orphan Basin. In seismic profiles, these deposits occur as shingled, elongate, acoustically transparent lenses with their long axes orientated downslope. Deposits of individual flows form positive mounds on the sea floor; subsequent flows were diverted by the pre-existing topography into bathymetric lows between older debris flow deposits. These deposits show a large variation in the area of sea floor covered by individual flows (about 60–1000 km2), average thickness of deposits (9–37 m) and volume of sediment displaced (1–27 km3). The ratio of average thickness to a measure of deposit diameter, termed the aspect ratio, has a threefold variation from 0·0006 to 0·0021. Very low depositional slopes and low aspect ratios suggest relatively low viscosities, probably due to inmixing of water during downslope transport. Stratified sediments form three distinct horizons and are locally interbedded with the debris flow deposits. These are mainly hemipelagic deposits. The slope and rise to the west of the Orphan Basin are constructional in character. The apparent absence of upper slope erosional features and the abundance of debris flow deposits on the slope suggest that the supply of sediment to the continental slope occurred predominantly during times of maximum extent of Quaternary glacial ice. The ice sheet grounding line during several glacial maxima must have been situated at or near the present shelf break, supplying vast amounts of sediment directly to the upper slope. Oversteepening and subsequent slope failures fed material into deeper water.  相似文献   

Three series of density-current experiments were performed in a 5.76 m flume. In the first series, the flume was horizontal, and in the second and third, it was inclined with a positive slope and negative slope, respectively. Energy relations during successive stages of density-current movement were computed from observed data, which showed an appreciable frictional energy dissipation. The computed friction factors of our experimental density-flows were compared to the friction factors for pipe flows (Moody diagram), and while the calculated friction factor increases with increasing Reynold's number within the range of our experiments (Re 2 × 103?2 × 104), it is concluded that with increasing Reynold's number above about 5 × 104 the friction factor decreases. For natural turbidity currents, the Moody diagram gives a reasonable estimate of the friction factor between the current and sediment bed. The value of the friction factor for the interface between the current and overlying water was found to be about 0.2 times the friction factor for the current and flume. However, due to errors inherent in measuring the depth of the current, a value of 0.4 would be more reasonable for density-currents in our range of Reynold's number. Friction tends to decrease the value of the dimensionless coefficient in Keulegan's law of saline front and to decrease the thickness of the flow. In contrast, the presence of a slope in the direction of flow tends to compensate the effect of friction. The angle θc that provides the potential energy to exactly offset the energy losses incurred during movement by the density-currents in our experiments has a calculated value of 31′. An empirical formula φ= 0.935θ—0·57 relating friction, in terms of the hydraulic gradient φ, to the slope angle θ was obtained. Since the thickness of the current can be computed from the relationship between φ and θ, we estimated the thickness of naturally occurring density-currents in Swiss lakes. The results suggest the applicability of our experimental results to small turbidity currents in nature. Our analysis further indicates that large turbidity currents have a small φ and can be expected to flow very long distances on a flat abyssal plain.  相似文献   

The Canary Debris Flow: source area morphology and failure mechanisms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The morphology of the source area of the Canary Debris Flow has been mapped using both GLORIA reconnaissance and TOBI high-resolution sidescan sonar systems. West of ≈19°W, the seafloor is characterized by a strongly lineated downslope-trending fabric. This fabric can be interpreted as being caused by streams of debris separated by longitudinal shears. Multiple flow pulses are indicated by a series of asymmetrical lateral ridges which mark the northern boundary of the flow. East of ≈19°W, GLORIA data show only a weak fabric of irregular patches and alongslope lineaments. The TOBI data show the patches to be coherent sediment blocks up to 10 km across, surrounded by debris flow material. These are interpreted as in situ areas of seafloor sediment which have survived the slope failure and debris flow event rather than transported fragments of a failed sediment slab. TOBI data from the best developed area of alongslope lineaments show a series of small faults downstepping to the west. This area of seafloor is interpreted as one of partial sediment failure, where the failure process became ‘frozen’ before total mobilization of the seafloor sediments could occur. The overall morphology of the failure area indicates removal of a slab-like body of sediment, although we cannot distinguish between retrogressive and slab-slide failure mechanisms. If the latter mechanism is applicable, fragmentation of the failing ‘slab’ must have commenced concurrently with the onset of downslope transport. Immediately upslope from the debris flow source area, a seafloor of characteristic rough blocky texture is interpreted as the surface of a debris avalanche derived from the slopes of the island of El Hierro. The debris flow and avalanche appear to be simultaneous events, with failure of the slope sediments occurring while the avalanche deposits were still mobile enough to fill and disguise the topographic expression of the debris flow headwall. Loading of the slope sediments by the debris avalanche most probably triggered the Canary Debris Flow.  相似文献   

Daihai Lake, a modern lacustrine rift basin, located in Inner Mongolia, North China, serves as an important modern analog for understanding deltaic depositional processes in an active rift setting. Two of the deltas (Yuanzigou delta and Bulianghe delta) on the margins of Daihai Lake were surveyed to compare and contrast stacking patterns using aerial photographs, field trenching and sediment sampling. Shallow cores and trench data collected from the margins of Daihai Lake indicate that a variety of depositional processes have been active since Daihai Lake formed. Two 3-D sedimentation models which employ chronostratigraphic correlation technique were generated. The chronostratigraphic sedimentation models predict and represent the architectures and sand-body continuity of sediments. Stratigraphical coincidence of the broad sheeted drifts and channel erosion suggests a coupling between downslope and alongslope processes. Distributary mouth bars are prevalent in the front of deltas on steeper slopes due to the dominance of down-slope flows. On the contrary, the along-slope currents favor the development of distal bar deposits with sheeted sandbodies on gentle depositional slopes. This study provides an insight into the architecture of complex sedimentary facies associated with highlighting key differences between downslope flows and alongslope currents. The distribution of sand within these deltas is of particular interests, with applications in understanding the architecture of hydrocarbon reservoirs formed in lacustrine rift basin.  相似文献   

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