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A theory for the long-term variations in the orbit of a spherically symmetric satellite due to direct solar radiation pressure is tested using two satellite orbit analyses. The first of these analyses is in terms of mean elements for the balloon satellite Explorer 19. The results are compared with the expected theoretical variations with short-period terms omitted. The second analysis utilises satellite laser ranging observations of the geodetic satellite, Lageos. A novel long-term analysis technique is developed primarily for laser ranging studies. The technique is tested along with the solar radiation pressure perturbation theory by comparing the results from the theory and the analysis.  相似文献   

On the basis of expressions derived by Kozai, and new ones developed here, a detailed, semianalytic algorithm is presented for calculating radiation-pressure perturbations in the Keplerian elements. Through some simple modifications, the algorithm is also made to hold whene=0 and/ori=0. The perturbations are obtained by summing over the sunlit segment of the satellite's orbit during each revolution or part thereof. The end points of this segment are evaluated numerically once per revolution. The effect of the inherent uncertainties in the boundaries of the Earth's shadow is discussed. The algorithm is tested by means of numerical integration of the equations of motion and through comparisons with observations of the balloon satellite 1963 30D during a 200-day interval.  相似文献   

The orbital accelerations of certain balloon satellites exhibit marked oscillations caused by solar radiation impinging on the surface of the satellites, which, once spherical, have assumed a spheroidal shape producing a component of force at right-angles to the Sun-satellite direction. Given the characteristics and orientation of the satellite, the equations of force are determined by the formulae of Lucas. Otherwise the phase-angle and magnitude of the right-angle force are determined by trial and error, or best-fit techniques. Using a variation of the approach developed by Aksnes, a semi-analytical algorithm is presented for evaluating the perturbations of the Keplerian elements by direct solar radiation pressure on a spheroidal satellite. The perturbations are obtained by summing over the sunlit part of each orbit and allow for a linear variation in the phase-angle. The algorithm is used to determine the orbital accelerations of 1963-30D due to direct solar radiation pressure, and these results are compared to the observed values over two separate periods of the satellite's lifetime.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a model for the radiation pressure acceleration of a spherical satellite, due to the radiation reflected by a planet with a uniform albedo. A particular choice of variables allows one to reduce the surface integrals over the lit portion of the planet visible to the satellite to one-dimensional integrals. Exact analytical expressions are found for the integrals corresponding to the case where the spacecraft does not "see" the terminator. The other integrals can be computed either numerically, or analytically in an approximate form. The results are compared with those of Lochry (1966). The model is applied to Magellan, a spacecraft orbiting Venus.  相似文献   

The effect of solar radiation pressure on the orbits of cylindrical satellites is considered. The cylinder is assumed to reflect radiation both specularly and diffusely. The resultant forces on a stationary cylindrical satellite are given. The evolution of the satellite's orbit is described for two particular modes of rotation. In both cases the satellites are assumed to be in circular Sun-synchronous orbits.  相似文献   

The form of the solar radiation pressure on a heliocentric orbiting solar sail is obtained for a finite angular sized and limb darkened solar disk by the use of the radiation pressure tensor. It is found that the usual inverse square variation of the solar radiation pressure is modified by the finite angular size, and to a lesser extent by the solar limb darkening. The actual magnitude of the modification is in itself small, except at close heliocentric distances. However, its existence has implications for the dynamical stability of solar sails both in parked and circular orbital configurations and for the accuracy of trajectory calculations, particularly for sails in the inner solar system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a general model for the acceleration exerted on a spacecraft by the radiation coming from a planet. Both the solar radiation reflected by the planet and the thermal emission associated with its temperature are considered. The planet albedo and the planet emissive power are expanded in spherical harmonics with respect to an equatorial reference frame attached to the planet. The satellite external surface is assumed to consist of a juxtaposition of planar surfaces. A particular choice of variables allows to reduce the surface integrals over the lit portion of the planet visible to the satellite to one-dimension integrals.  相似文献   

The orbit of the balloon satellite, Explorer 19, is analysed to determine the effects of direct solar radiation pressure over one revolution of the satellite (111 min) for MJD 42822 and MJD 42966. At the earlier date, the satellite entered the Earth's shadow, presenting an opportunity to examine the effectiveness of two different shadow models. The reflectivity of the surface of the satellite was estimated from analysis of the variations in orbital eccentricity over a period of 236 days.Although many of the parameters associated with the shape and orientation of the satellite are unknown, the theory for a non-spherical satellite is applied using trial and error methods to determine the parameters of best fit. The paper concludes with an examination of the perturbations in orbital eccentricity and inclination due to incident, specularly reflected, and diffusely reflected radiation.  相似文献   

We analyze the perturbations due to solar radiation pressure on the orbit of a high artificial satellite. The latter is modelled in a simplified way (axisymmetric body plus despun antenna emitting a radio beam), which seems suitable to describe the main effects for existing telecommunication satellites. We use the regularized general perturbation equations, by expressing the force in the moving Gauss' reference frame and by expanding the results in terms of some small parameters, referring both to the orbit (small eccentricity and inclination) and to the spacecraft's attitude. Some interesting results are derived, which assess the relative importance of different physical effects and of different parts of the spacecraft in determining the long-term evolution of the orbital elements.  相似文献   

A detailed derivation of the effect of solar radiation pressure on the orbit of a body about a primary orbiting the Sun is given. The result is a set of secular equations that can be used for long-term predictions of changes in the orbit. Solar radiation pressure is modeled as a Fourier series in the body’s rotation state, where the coefficients are based on the shape and radiation properties of the body as parameters. In this work, the assumption is made that the body is in a synchronous orbit about the primary and rotates at a constant rate. This model is used to write explicit variational equations of the energy, eccentricity vector, and angular momentum vector for an orbiting body. Given that the effect of the solar radiation pressure and the orbit are periodic functions, they are readily averaged over an orbit. Furthermore, the equations can be averaged again over the orbit of the primary about the Sun to give secular equations for long-term prediction. This methodology is applied to both circular and elliptical orbits, and the full equations for secular changes to the orbit in both cases are presented. These results can be applied to natural systems, such as the binary asteroid system 1999 KW4, to predict their evolution due to the Binary YORP effect, or to artificial Earth orbiting, nadir-pointing satellites to enable more precise models for their orbital evolution.  相似文献   

The lunar disturbing function for a close-Earth satellite is expressed as a sum of products of harmonics of the satellite's position and harmonics of the Moon's position, and the latter are expanded about a rotating and precessing elliptic orbit inclined to the ecliptic. The deviations of the Moon from this approximate orbit are computed from Brown's lunar theory andthe perturbations in satellite orbital elements due to these inequalities are derived. Numerical calculations indicate that several perturbations in the position of the satellite's node and perigee have magnitudes on the order of one meter.The author is supported in part by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.  相似文献   

The orbit of the Pageos 1 balloon satellite has been investigated in detail over the early part of the balloon's lifetime. The analysis herein focuses on how Pageos's orbit was affected by direct solar and albedo radiation pressure. Near the end of the second year of the satellite's lifetime, anomalous behavior was found in the orbital acceleration. This behavior may be the result of a change in the shape of the satellite: Pageos's original spherical shape had become slightly oblate, spinning about a minor axis and precessing about the direction to the sun. In fact, we have been able to represent this effect quite well by accounting for a small component of force in the plane perpendicular to the sun and allowing this component to rotate about the solar direction. By analyzing the balloon-inflation process, attained with sublimating compounds, and the consequent variation of the satellite's mass due to leakage through the holes caused by micrometeoroid bombardment, we have evaluated the near-earth micrometeoroid-particle flux, which turns out to be 5×10–8 cm–2 sec–1. With the assumptions we made for the satellite's area-to-mass ratio and reflection coefficient, we would need a solar constant of 1.95 cal cm–2 min–1 to give a best-fit to our data.  相似文献   

The disturbing function of the Moon (Sun) is expanded as a sum of products of two harmonic functions, one depending on the position of the satellite and the other on the position of the Moon (Sun). The harmonic functions depending on the position of the perturbing body are developed into trigonometric series with the ecliptic elementsl, l′, F, D and Γ of the lunar theory which are nearly linear with respect to time. Perturbation of elements are in the form of trigonometric series with the ecliptic lunar elements and the equatorial elements ω and Ω of the satellite so that analytic integration is simple and the results accurate over a long period of time.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(6):490-496
To explore the dynamics of a test particle in the near-Mercury’s environment, the orbital motion of an orbiter around Mercury is considered. Different perturbing forces, namely the Mercurian gravity field, the solar radiation pressure, the solar wind and the coronal mass ejections, are taken into account. The order of magnitude of each perturbing term is assessed. The equations of motion in canonical representation are obtained. The Hamiltonian in terms of Hansen coefficients is expressed. A procedure for solution is presented. The short and long periodic terms are removed from the Hamiltonian and the solution is obtained. Long periodic perturbations on the orbital dynamics of an orbiter around Mercury due to the solar events are found as revealed by Eq. (26) in the text. Resonance cases are discussed and the different resonant inclinations are obtained. A procedure for the computation of the position and velocity is presented.  相似文献   

Perturbations in the position of a satellite due to the Earth's gravitational effects are presented. The perturbations are given in the radial, transverse (or alongtrack) and normal (or cross-track) components. The solution is obtained by projecting the Kepler element perturbations obtained by Kaula [Kaula, 1966] into each of the three components. The resulting perturbations are presented in a form analogous to the form of Kaula's solution which facilitates implementation and interpretation.  相似文献   

A planar, fixed-orbit model of the rotation of the planet Mercury is analyzed. The model includes only the solar torques on the planet's permanent asymmetry and its solar tidal bulge. For this model, it is shown that the zero of the averaged tidal torque corresponds to an asymptotically stable periodic solution of the second kind which, for two tidal torque representations, is close to the asymptotically stable equilibrium point corresponding to an exact 32 spin-orbit resonance. A conjecture that the current rotation state of Mercury is due to transfer from capture by the zero of the averaged tidal torque to 32 resonance capture with changes in the eccentricity of the planet's orbit is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

We constructed an analytical theory of satellite motion up to the third order relative to the oblateness parameter of the Earth (J 2). Equations of secular variations was developed for the first three orbital elements (a, e, i) of an artificial satellite. The secular variations are solved in a closed form.  相似文献   

The motion has been studied of a particle in a gravitational field perturbed by radiation pressure. By combining the formulation in the physical space variables with the KS variables we obtained explicit evidence for the existence of a surface of stable circular orbits with centers on an axis through the primary body. Furthermore, the effects of a sharp shadow on the two-dimensional unstable parabolic orbits were investigated. It was found that they do not survive the introduction of a shadow.  相似文献   

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