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变分资料同化中不同的变分求解方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在应用变分资料同化方法时面临着两方面的难题:一是背景场误差协方差矩阵的求逆问题;二是与背景场误差协方差矩阵相关的计算与存储问题。为了解决这两方面的问题,不同的求解方法便被提出来了。对主要的变分求解方法,包括增量法、运用空间滤波算子的变分分析法、预处理化法、物理空间统计分析法、谱统计插值法等进行了系统的回顾,对它们的优缺点进行了分析与讨论,并指出了变分资料同化中各种求解方法的适用条件。  相似文献   

A P - vector method is optimized using the variational data assimilation technique(VDAT). The absolute geostrophic velocity fields in the vicinity of the Luzon Strait (LS) are calculated, the spatial structures and seasonal variations of the absolute geostrophic velocity field are investigated. Our results show that the Kuroshio enters the South China Sea (SCS) in the south and middle of the Luzon Strait and flows out in the north, so the Kuroshio makes a slight clockwise curve in the Luzon Strait, and the curve is strong in winter and weak in summer. During the winter, a westward current appears in the surface, and locates at the west of the Luzon Strait. It is the north part of a cyclonic gyre which exits in the northeast of the SCS; an anti-cyclonic gyre occurs on the intermediate level, and it exits in the northeast of the SCS, and an eastward current exits in the southeast of the anti-cyclonic gyre.  相似文献   

利用区域海洋模式ROMS(Regional Ocean Modelling System)及其四维变分同化模块,建立了具有资料同化能力的东中国海风暴潮数值模式,通过将海洋站水位观测资料同化到风暴潮模式中,提高了模式对风暴潮的模拟精度。四维变分同化技术能够在整个同化时间窗口保持动力协调,使模拟结果在该时间窗口内最大程度的靠近观测,同时,得到了最优预报初始场。利用该模式,对两次温带风暴潮过程进行了数值模拟,结果表明:在同化窗口内,同化对模拟精度有明显的提高;结束同化之后,得到的最优预报初始场对临近预报精度也有一定提高。  相似文献   

The temporal evolution of innovation and residual statistics of the ECMWF 3D‐ and 4D‐Var data assimilation systems have been studied. First, the observational method is applied on an hourly basis to the innovation sequences in order to partition the perceived forecast error covariance into contributions from observation and background errors. The 4D‐Var background turns out to be ignificantly more accurate than the background in the 3D‐Var. The estimated forecast error variance associated with the 4D‐Var background trajectory increases over the assimilation window. There is also a marked broadening of the horizontal error covariance length scale over the assimilation window. Second, the standard deviation of the residuals, i.e., the fit of observations to the analysis is studied on an hourly basis over the assimilation window. This fit should, in theory, reveal the effect of model error in a strong constraint variational problem. A weakly convex curve is found for this fit implying that the perfect model assumption of 4D‐Var may be violated with as short an assimilation window as six hours. For improving the optimality of variational data assimilation systems, a sequence of retunes are needed, until the specified and diagnosed error covariances agree.  相似文献   

研究了TRMM/TMI海表降水率资料的四维变分同化在热带气旋(TC)数值模拟中的作用.使用中尺度气象模式MM5设计了若干数值试验模拟了TC Danas(2001)由热带低压初生到台风生成的发展过程.在满足MM5模式动力约束的前提下,将TRMM海表降水率资料直接同化进入较高分辨率(18 km)的模式初始场.结果表明,使用MM5模式的4D-VAR同化系统直接同化TRMM/TMI海表降水率资料是可行的.这种做法提高了TRMM资料的利用率,不仅在模式初始场中加入了更多实测信息,而且避免了两次同化(1DVAR+4DVAR)可能引起的误差.直接同化TRMM资料通过调整气压、温度、湿度等要素初始场,改善了模式对热带气旋结构(如暖心、涡度、散度)的描述和降水的模拟.在此基础上,同化不仅改进了对Danas强度的模拟,而且成功地模拟了热带气旋环境场的演变过程,因而改进了路径的模拟.  相似文献   

利用基于三维斜压非线性的普林斯顿海洋模型(POM)及其切向线性伴随模式的四维变分数据同化(4DVAR)系统对一个近岸风暴潮个例进行理想同化试验和模拟,着重分析了四维变分数据同化增水改善中的二维平流作用。试验结果表明,同化后的水位结果明显优于同化前的结果,而且同化对预报的影响主要在前5h,尤其是积分到3—4h时同化和无同化的结果差异最大,在5h后同化的影响变得非常小。从平流作用中分析得知,无论是只同化水位还是同化水位和海表流速,同化的结果都增大了沿岸和向岸的平流。与无同化结果相比,同化试验的增水改善主要是来自向岸平流的增大,但只同化水位时由于水位增大使向岸压力梯度减小从而阻碍了向岸流的进一步增大;而同时同化水位和海表流速时,由于流速也被改善,故增水改善更明显和合理。  相似文献   

The Kuroshio, one of the most energetic western boundary currents in the world, shows variations in its mesoscale features and recirculation gyres, providing an excellent test case of interactions between the mesoscale field and Kuroshio Extension (KE) states. A three-layer quasi-geostrophic model was used to reconstruct flow fields continuous in time and the horizontal plane from the TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data based on the variational method. Compared with the solutions obtained by the nudging method, the present results proved that the variational solution was closer to the real field. In the assimilation period, 1993–1997, the baroclinic instability index (BII) was defined to be the phase shift from the uppermost layer to the lowest layer with mesoscale features. In the first half of the assimilation period, the KE took the transition from the elongated to contracted states, in which BII decreased gradually, as a consequence of the KE state shift. In the second half period, BII increased in the downstream region just west of the Shatsky Rise, in which baroclinic instability contributed to the final stage of the contracted state, and was followed by rapidly weakened instability as a trigger of the opposite transition from the contracted to elongated states. The wind-driven recirculation gyre played an active role on the KE transition in the first half period, although not in the second half.  相似文献   

The option for surface forcing correction, recently developed in the 4D-variational (4DVAR) data assimilation systems of the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS), is presented. Assimilation of remotely-sensed (satellite sea surface height anomaly and sea surface temperature) and in situ (from mechanical and expendable bathythermographs, Argo floats and CTD profiles) oceanic observations has been applied in a realistic, high resolution configuration of the California Current System (CCS) to sequentially correct model initial conditions and surface forcing, using the Incremental Strong constraint version of ROMS-4DVAR (ROMS-IS4DVAR). Results from both twin and real data experiments are presented where it is demonstrated that ROMS-IS4DVAR always reduces the difference between the model and the observations that are assimilated. However, without corrections to the surface forcing, the assimilation of surface data can degrade the temperature structure at depth. When using surface forcing adjustment in ROMS-IS4DVAR the system does not degrade the temperature structure at depth, because differences between the model and surface observations can be reduced through corrections to surface forcing rather than to temperature at depth. However, corrections to surface forcing can generate abnormal spatial and temporal variability in the structure of the wind stress or surface heat flux fields if not properly constrained. This behavior can be partially controlled via the choice of decorrelation length scales that are assumed for the forcing errors. Abnormal forcing corrections may also arise due to the effects of model error which are not accounted for in IS4DVAR. In particular, data assimilation tends to weaken the alongshore wind stress in an attempt to reduce the rate of coastal upwelling, which seems to be too strong due to other sources of error. However, corrections to wind stress and surface heat flux improve systematically the ocean state analyses. Trends in the correction of surface heat fluxes indicate that, given the ocean model used and its potential limitations, the heat flux data from the Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) used to impose surface conditions in the model are generally too low except in spring-summer, in the upwelling region, where they are too high. Comparisons with independent data provide confidence in the resulting forecast ocean circulation on timescales ~14 days, with less than 1.5 °C, 0.3 psu, and 9 cm RMS error in temperature, salinity and sea surface height anomaly, respectively, compared to observations.  相似文献   

[1]Battisti D S. 1988. The dynamics and  相似文献   

Problems of the variational assimilation of satellite observational data on the temperature and level of the ocean surface, as well as data on the temperature and salinity of the ocean from the ARGO system of buoys, are formulated with the use of the global three-dimensional model of ocean thermodynamics developed at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (INM RAS). Algorithms for numerical solutions of the problems are developed and substantiated, and data assimilation blocks are developed and incorporated into the global three-dimensional model. Numerical experiments are performed with the use of the Indian Ocean or the entire World Ocean as examples. These numerical experiments support the theoretical conclusions and demonstrate that the use of a model with an assimilation block of operational observational data is expedient.  相似文献   

在海洋动力系统的数值模拟中,海洋资料同化是一种能够有效融合多源海洋观测资料和数值模式的方法。它不仅可以显著地提高数值模拟的效果,构造海洋再分析资料场,还能有效减少海洋和气候预报时模式初始条件的不确定性。因此,海洋资料同化对于海洋研究和业务化应用具有非常重要的意义。资料同化方法的研究一直是大气、海洋科学的热门课题之一。其中,集合卡尔曼滤波器(EnKF)是一种有效的资料同化方法,自提出以来经过了20多年的发展和改进,已经在海洋资料同化中得到了广泛的研究和应用。近年来,随着动力模式的不断发展和计算能力的提高,粒子滤波器由于不受模型线性和误差高斯分布假设的约束,也逐渐成为了当前资料同化方法研究的热点。本文分析和总结了目前关于集合卡尔曼滤波器和粒子滤波器的一些最新理论研究结果,在贝叶斯滤波理论的框架下讨论了这两类算法的关联和区别,以及各自在资料同化实践中的优势和不足。在此基础上,我们探讨了粒子滤波器应用于海洋模式资料同化的主要困难和目前可行的一些解决方法,展望了集合资料同化方法研究的新趋势,为集合资料同化方法的进一步发展和应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Remote sensing products are significant in the data assimilation of an ocean model. Considering the resolution and space coverage of different remote sensing data, two types of sea surface height(SSH) product are employed in the assimilation, including the gridded products from AVISO and the original along-track observations used in the generation. To explore their impact on the assimilation results, an experiment focus on the South China Sea(SCS) is conducted based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS) and the four-dimensional variational data assimilation(4 DVAR) technology. The comparison with EN4 data set and Argo profile indicates that, the along-track SSH assimilation result presents to be more accurate than the gridded SSH assimilation, because some noises may have been introduced in the merging process. Moreover, the mesoscale eddy detection capability of the assimilation results is analyzed by a vector geometry–based algorithm. It is verified that, the assimilation of the gridded SSH shows superiority in describing the eddy's characteristics, since the complete structure of the ocean surface has been reconstructed by the original data merging.  相似文献   

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