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中国数字地震台网的数据在中国地震学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国大陆邻近印度、欧亚和太平洋板块的边缘,其特点在于具有复杂的地壳构造和高地震活动性。中美合中国数字地震台网(CDSN)运行10年来,在中国地震学研究中发挥了有效的作用。CDSN作为IRIS全球地震台网的参与伙伴,为全球地震学研究作出了贡献。本文概述了CDSN数据在中国地震学研究中的应用。  相似文献   

印度洋9.0级大地震激发的基频地球球型振荡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了中国数字地震台网(CDSN)改造后的余山台(SSE)甚长周期地震仪(STS-1,瑞士生产)观测到的大地震后3天的VHZ波形资料,利用功率谱密度估计方法,在没有对资料进行去固体潮处理的情况下,准确获得了2004年12月26日印度洋地震激发的基频球型振荡,并与地球初步参考模型(PREM)的理论自由振荡周期进行了对比,发现实测振荡周期与PREM预测的振荡周期其本符合。其细微差异可以用来研究和解释地球介质的横向不均匀性和各向异性等现象。  相似文献   

由于数字地震记录仪具有记录频带宽,分辨率高,动态范围大以及易于用计算机处理等优点,所以数字地震台网产出的数字地震资料成为地震活动性,震源机制,地球内部研究,地震监测及预报等的最基本数据源。  相似文献   

Long period body waves data recorded by the China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN) are inverted for the seismic moment tensors of the April 26, 1990, Gonghe, QinghaiM S=6.9 earthquake and itsM S=5.0 after-shock occurred on May 7, 1990. In the inversion, the generalized reflection-transmission coefficient matrix method is used to generate Green’s function. From the inversion it is obtained that the rupture process of theM S=5.0 aftershock is relatively simple, and that of the main shock is rather complex. There are at least two events during main shock rupture process with an interval about 35 seconds. The focal mechanisms of two events are roughly the same as that of the aftershock, all of them were mainly reverse dip-slipping faulting with minor left-lateral strike-slip motion. These results indicate that the Gonghe earthquake was the result of the farther extension of one NWW-SEE striking buried fault on the southern margin of Gonghe basin from shallower depth to deeper depth and from NW to SE under the action of a nearly horizontal NE direction compressive stress. Contribution No. 95A0111, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China.  相似文献   

印度洋9.0级大地震激发的地球球型振荡和环型振荡   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综合分析了中国数字地震台网(CDSN)改造后的5个长周期地震仪台站观测的3天的VHZ、VHE和VHN波形资料,利用功率谱密度估计方法,在没有对资料进行去固体潮处理的情况下,准确获得了2004年12月26日印度洋地震激发的0S3~0S78的基频球型振荡和部分谐频球型振荡和0T3~0T67的基频环型振荡,并与地球初步参考模型(PREM)的理论自由振荡周期进行了对比,发现实测振荡周期与PREM预测的振荡周期符合的很好.频率与PREM模型略微不一致的球型或环型振荡可以解释为地球介质的横向不均匀性和各向异性所致.因此地球自由振荡信息可用于揭示地球的三维不均匀结构信息或各向异性信息,并可能对区分地幔对流模式有所帮助.  相似文献   

利用云南水管仪观测资料检测地球自由振荡   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用云南省数字化水管仪的观测资料,采用功率谱密度估计方法,在没有对资料进行去固体潮处理的情况下,准确获得了2004年12月26日苏门答腊大地震激发的0S4~0S30基频球型自由振荡,并与前人的观测结果进行比较,同时对照了PREM模型的理论计算周期,发现水管仪观测与这三者符合得非常好,除0S4振型的观测周期和周期1、周期2、周期3的相对误差均大于0.3%外,其余的差别在3‰以下。研究表明,利用数字化水管仪观测资料的确可以提取到苏门答腊大地震激发的地球球型振荡,这就为地球自由振荡的研究提供了一种新的观测手段。  相似文献   

在迎来中国数字地震台网运行10周年之际,9个台站设备的二期技术改造工作业已胜利完成。目前,这些台站配置了先进的计算机系统——SUN公司的SPARC系列台式工作站。其上安装了相应的地震分析软件,使得应用高质量的数字化数据进行地震分析成为可能,并弥补了模拟记录的许多不足。这无疑为台站工作人员及其它科研人员在台站现场进行地震分析工作,提供了十分便利的条件。但波形数据在SUN工作站上的驻留是一个动态的过程,一般只能保存3~4天,这给研究人员进行从容细致的应用分析造成了巨大的困难。本文着重介绍对这一问题的研究和解决方法。  相似文献   

Sumatra-Andaman Large Earthquake on Dec. 26, 2004 generated not only the Indian Ocean Tsunami but also the Earth’s free oscillations (EFO). The signals of Earth’s free oscillations were perfectly recorded by the superconducting gravimeter C0-32 at Wuhan station in China. After the pre-treatment and spectral analysis on the observational data from Wuhan station, we obtained more than ninety EFO modes including 42 fundamental modes, 2 radial modes and 49 harmonic modes. On the basis of the discussions on some observed harmonic modes and abnormal splitting phenomena, we considered that the real rigidity might be lower than the theoretical prediction of PREM model in the inner core and however the anisotropy of compressive wave was brightly higher than the present estimations in the inner core. This suggested that the anisotropy of the inner core could be much more complicated than our present understanding, and there might be some new geophysical phenomena in the formation process of the inner core. Supported jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40404005 and 40374029) and the Excellent Prize of President Scholarship and Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

徐晓枫  万永革  王惠琳 《地震》2010,30(1):36-49
2008年5月12日汶川发生M8.0特大地震, 这次特大地震使得地球自身产生了整体的连续振动。 本文采用地震发生之后中国数字地震台网(CDSN)所记录到的5天地震波形, 对VHZ频段进行了功率谱密度分析。 由于CDSN台网的地震仪对低频信号具有压制特点, 所以没有对资料进行固体潮处理, 从而获得了大地震激发的73个(0S40S76)基频球型自由振荡和6个谐频球型自由振荡(1S2, 3S2, 1S4, 1S0, 1S7, 4S2), 并与PREM模型的理论自由振荡周期进行了对比, 结果表明观测振荡周期与PREM预测的振荡周期吻合很好。 所得结果可以进一步用来研究地震震源机制和地球内部结构, 并对大地震的震源破裂分布给出一定的约束。  相似文献   

介绍印度尼西亚苏门答腊-安达曼Ms8.7地震在全球地震台网(GSN)及所含“新一代中国数字地震台网”(NCDSN)记录的地幔面波。主要讨论本次大地震地幔瑞利波Ri,j(环球瑞利面波)无频散的3种可能原因,同时提出地幔妹泽波Mi,j的问题。  相似文献   

利用体应变观测智利8.8级大地震激发的地球球型自由振荡   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用河北省体应变的数字化观测资料,利用功率谱密度估计方法,在没有对资料进行处理的情况下,准确获得了2010年2月27日智利8.8级大地震激发的0S5-0S35摹频球型自由振荡,并与地球初步参考模型(PREM)的理论自由振荡频率进行对比,发现实测振荡频率与PREM预测的振荡频率基本符合.河北省体应变的数字化观测资料的确可以...  相似文献   

曹欢  万永革 《华南地震》2019,39(1):50-58
智利M7.6的地震激发了地球自由振荡,利用中国数字台网(CDSN)的10个台站记录到7 d的VHZ波形数据,采用功率谱密度估计方法,在没有滤波的情况下,提取了2016年12月25日智利地震激发的地球球型自由振荡基频振型_0S_4~_0S53和一系列的谐频振型,并与PREM模型的理论自由振荡频率峰值进行对比,发现2.5~4.5×1013Hz的频率值与PREM模型预测的球型自由振荡周期符合得很好,说明本次地震确实激发了全球范围内的自由振荡,而4.5~6×1013 Hz的频率值稍微有偏离,这是由于地壳的横向不均匀所致,可以用来研究地球内部的构造。  相似文献   

The studies on the structure and physical properties of the Earth‘s interior done by Chinese geophysicists from 1999 to 2002 were reviewed in this paper. It includes several research areas: the structure of the Earth‘s interiors using seismic tomography, anisotropy of the upper mantle in China and its adjacent areas, quality factor Qβ for S waves, subduction zone, mantle discontinuities, physical properties of Earth‘s materials and others. The review concerns mainly the contents, the methods and the results of the studies. It can be seen that new progress in the study on the structure and physical properties of the Earth‘s interior has been made in the last 4 years in China. It is shown on three aspects: advancement made on some preexistent areas; pioneering on some new fields and new methods adopted.  相似文献   

“十五”期间中国地震观测系统得到了迅速的发展, 中国地震局地球物理研究所于2007年底完成“中国数字地震观测网络”项目“国家数字测震台网数据备份中心”技术系统的建设.该数据备份中心可以准实时地接收并存储全国1000多个固定地震台站的信号,具备海量数据校验、数据格式转换、以用户定制方式截取地震事件波形数据和数据网络下载的功能.到目前为止,已累计为国内10多个科研单位开展的70多项研究提供了近70TB海量波形数据的服务,特别在快速开展的汶川特大地震震后相关研究中提供了重要的数据支撑和保障作用.本文介绍了“国家数字测震台网数据备份中心”技术系统建设、汶川特大地震数据服务快速响应、大地震快速响应波形数据自动截取系统建设,以及对地震学及相关科学研究的数据支持情况.  相似文献   

Large earthquakes cause observable changes in the Earth's gravity field, which have been detected by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). Since most previous studies focus on the detection of near-field gravity effects, this study provides the results from the medium- to far-field gravity changes caused by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake that are recorded within GRACE monthly solutions. Utilizing a spherical-earth dislocation model we documented that large-scale signals predominate in the global field of the coseismic gravity changes caused by the earthquake. After removing the near-field effects, the coseismic gravity changes show a negative anomaly feature with an average magnitude of -0.18×10-8 m·s-2 in the region ranging ~40° from the epicenter, which is considered as the "medium field" in this study. From the GRACE data released by Center for Space Research from August 2002 to December 2008, we retrieved the large-scale gravity changes smoothed with 3 000 km Gaussian filter. The results show that the coseismic gravity changes detected by GRACE in the medium field have an average of (-0.20€±0.06)×10-8 m·s-2, which agrees with the model prediction. The detection confirms that GRACE is sensitive to large-scale medium-field coseismic gravitational effects of mega earthquakes, and also validates the spherical-earth dislocation model in the medium field from the perspective of satellite gravimetry.  相似文献   

Incorrect results including false low frequency components may appear during the recovery of ground motion in the frequency domain. In order to check the quality of restoration in the frequency domain of CDSN broad-band seismograms, a digital model of the seismograph systems, based on modern control engineering, is presented and improvement of the method of restoration in the frequency domain is described. Examples shown in this paper demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in improving the restoration of true ground motion. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 90–99, 1992. The work is supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

我们率先用钻孔应变仪观测资料研究了地球自由振荡. 泰安地震台有差应变和体应变两种钻孔应变观测仪器,都观测到2004年12月26日苏门答腊大地震激发的地球自由振荡. 体应变仪观测到地球的球型振荡,而差应变仪观测到地球的环型振荡. 两种观测还记录到环型振荡与球型振荡相互的耦合作用. 观测也记录到明显的一些振型的谱线分裂现象. 用直接观测到的高质量的环型振荡资料求解了0T8~0T19等主要振型的Q值. 根据两个方向的剪应变观测数据,求解了环型振荡的最大剪应变方向,发现这个方向是相当稳定的. 这种研究表明,高精度钻孔应变观测仪是一种理想的地壳形变观测仪器,可以为地球自由振荡研究提供更丰富的信息.  相似文献   

江苏省数字地震前兆观测资料的初步分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在对江苏数字前兆观测资料分类的基础上,对其中的干扰及其特征和机理进行了初步描述,发现地电阻率观测值在远大震前的前驱波变化、自流热水井水位与地热同震效应的同步变化值得今后进一步深入研究;FHD磁力仪分量观测转向差的长期漂移,可避免今后应用该仪器观测资料时出现缪误。另外,苏16井井口脱气装置的改造对今后数字水化学观测改造有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Linear magnetoconvection in a model of a non-uniformly stratified horizontal rotating fluid layer with a toroidal magnetic field is investigated for no-slip and finitely electrically conductive boundaries and with very thin stably stratified upper sublayer. The basic parabolic temperature profile is determined by the temperature difference between the boundaries and by the homogeneous heat source distribution in the layer. This results in a density pattern, in which a stably stratified upper sublayer is present. The developed diffusive perturbations (modes) are strongly affected by the complicated coupling of viscous, thermal and magnetic diffusive processes. The calculations were performed for various values of Roberts number (q ≪ 1 and q = O(1)). The mean electromotive force produced by the developed hydromagnetic instabilities is investigated to find the modes, which can be appropriate for creating the α-effect. It was found that the azimuthal part of the EMF is dominant for westward modes when the Elsasser number Λ ≲ O(1).  相似文献   

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