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The results of measurements of hydrophysical parameters in the upper layer of the sea at an observation site located south-west of the Crimea are reported. The current pattern, the distribution of the upwelling and downwelling zones at the observation site, and the location of the mesoscale fronts are discussed.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

Data on the fine vertical structure of currents and hydrological elements in the Black Sea, obtained through the use of a hydrophysical OLT profiler, are examined. Vertical exchange coefficients are evaluated, whose distribution is characterized by the occurrence of minima in the seasonal pycnocline and main halocline, a maximum in the core of the cold intermediate layer (CIL), and relatively steady values within the 300–500 m layer. The vertical exchange coefficient values, are consistent with the data acquired through other techniques, and the profiles of this parameter vertically are more detailed.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Periods and amplitudes of long-term temperature fluctuations were obtained using the methods of spectral analysis and filtration of secular time series of the air temperature at 13 hydrometeorological stations in the Black Sea region. The prognostic calculations of the long-term air temperature variability are based on the results of processing of time series. The calculations of the air temperature agree with the data of observations. The possibility of the long-term air temperature variability prediction is shown.  相似文献   

The data of meteorological and oceanographic observations on the northwest shelf of the Black Sea for 1973–2000 are used to compute the characteristics of the entire area in the presence of hypoxia of waters under the pycnocline in the summer–autumn period and the area of surface waters with a level of salinity lower than 17.5‰ in May. The time of onset of the spring warming of air (stable transition through a temperature of 5°) is determined. A statistically significant positive trend of the air temperature (0.8° per 100 yr) is revealed in Odessa. The process of warming was observed mainly for the winter (1.5° per 100 yr) and spring (0.8° per 100 yr) periods and became especially intense since the beginning of the 1990s. On the basis of the data of correlation analyses, we establish a statistically significant relationship between the large-scale atmospheric processes [the index of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the wind conditions], the area of surface waters whose salinity is lower than 17.5‰, and the total area with hypoxia in the summer–autumn periods. For positive mean values of the NAO index (in January–March), we most often observe early spring with elevated repetition of the south and west winds with subsequent development of hypoxia in large areas of the northwest shelf. We propose an empirical regression model for the prediction of the total area of summer–autumn hypoxia of waters with predictors: the onset of the spring warming of air and the area of propagation of waters whose salinity is lower than 17.5‰ in May. The maximum error of prediction of the area with hypoxia does not exceed 5.5 ⋅ 103 km2, i.e., less than 2% of the total area of the northwest shelf in the Black Sea (to the north of 45°N).  相似文献   

The paper considers the thermohaline structure of Black Sea abyssal and near-bottom waters on the basis of exact measurements recorded in recent years under the HYDROBLACK and COMSBLACK international projects. The surface water mass (along with the cold mixed layer), the intermediate, abyssal, and near-bottom masses are identified. The upper boundary of deep waters is defined as a depth level where the density ratio decreases down to 0.1 This depth roughly corresponds to the 900–1100 m depth levels. Furthermore, the paper provides potential temperature and salinily values in the near-bottom layer, with an error of, respectively, 0.002°C and 0.002‰, at most. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of the climatic circulation in the upper 10 m layer of the Black Sea has been carried out. The current field was calculated from a three-dimensional baroclinic non-linear model. The mode composition of the circulation was derived. It is shown that the surface climatic circulation can be represented as the superposition of a finite number of elementary currents of two types:n- andm-modes. Only 4n-modes are shown to be energy-dominant throughout the year. A relation is established between the different sources of energy supply of currents and the modes which assimilate this energy. Problems concerning the nature of the classical Black Sea currents such as the main Black Sea current (MBSC) and the Knipovich spectacles are discussed. A scenario of the field large-scale experiment is suggested which allows the reconstruction of the amplitudes of the first 10n- and the first 10m-modes from mooring data.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The concentrations of137Cs and134Cs were measured using the sorption method in the waters of the Black Sea during 1986–1987. An inhomogeneous character of the contamination of the surface waters in the Black Sea due to the Chernobyl disaster is shown. The subsequent migration and redistribution of caesium radionuclides in the various seasons of the year were studied. The amount of137Cs and134Cs in the upper 50 m layer was estimated. The results of measuring the concentration of caesium radionuclides in the near-water atmospheric layer over the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea in 1986–1987 are also reported.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

A numerical experiment with assimilation of hydrological observational data from a survey in October 2007 on the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea was carried out using the hydrodynamic model with nonlinear equations of motion, equations of heat and salt advection, and data assimilation. The results of this calculation are compared with thermohydrodynamic fields obtained without taking into account temperature and salinity measurements. It is shown that allowance for the observation data leads to qualitative and quantitative differences in the structure of the hydrophysical fields. Mesoscale eddies and intense jet streams that agree with satellite observations were found in the field of currents and were investigated. These eddies are not resolved in low-resolution field experiments.  相似文献   

We construct a one-dimensional nonstationary isopycnic model of vertical exchange in the Black Sea with regard for the processes of draining and transformation of waters of the Sea of Marmara (or “plume”), vertical diffusion, and the action of winter convection in the upper layer. It is assumed that mixing in the basin is local in space and time and that the winter wind action remains constant from year to year in the analyzed version of the model. The temperature of the upper mixed layer introduced to simulate the winter conditions is regarded as the principal external variable factor. Within the framework of the accepted restrictions, the model enables us to study the annual and interannual variability of the thermohaline characteristics and hydrochemical parameters in the water column of the sea. As an example, we perform the numerical analysis of the periodic action of external thermal conditions on the characteristics of the system with a period of six years. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 5, pp. 3–21, September–October, 2006.  相似文献   

The results of research into the seasonal variability of hydrothermodynamic characteristics of the Black Sea are presented. These have been obtained using field data on the fields of temperature, salinity, and wind, and by mathematical modelling. The seasonal variability of the current and heat content fields and of the cold intermediate layer and other hydrophysical characteristics is discussed.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

On the basis of an analysis of the results of modeling and a forecast of the basic hydrophysical fields in the easternmost part of the Black Sea for 2010–2012, the features of annual variability of regional circulating processes in this part of the sea basin are investigated. A forecast of a hydrological mode is made on the basis of the regional forecasting system developed at the Institute of Geophysics at Javakhishvili State University in cooperation with the oceanographic centers of the Black Sea riparian countries within the frame-work of the ARENA and ECOOP EU international scientific and technical projects. The regional system is one of the components of the Black Sea basin-scale Nowcasting/Forecasting System. The analysis of the material cumulated for the registered period shows that the easternmost water area of the Black Sea is a dynamically active zone where there is a continuous formation of different circulating processes considerably distinguished from each other.  相似文献   

The first data on the creation of the subsatellite polygon on the Black Sea shelf and continental slope in the Gelendzhik area (designed in order to permanently monitor the state of the aquatic environment and biota) and the plans for maintaining and developing this polygon are presented. The autonomous measuring systems of the polygon in the composition of bottom stations with acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP), Aqualog robotic profilers, and thermo-chains on moored buoy stations should make it possible to regularly obtain hydrophysical, hydrochemical, and bio-optical data with a high spatial-time resolution and transmit these data to the coastal center on a real-time basis. These field data should be used to study the characteristics and formation mechanisms of the marine environment and biota variability, as well as the water-exchange processes in the shelf-deep basin system, ocean-atmosphere coupling, and many other processes. These data are used to calibrate the satellite measurements and verify the water circulation numerical simulation. It is assumed to use these data in order to warn about the hazardous natural phenomena and control the marine environment state and its variation under the action of anthropogenic and natural factors, including climatic trends. It is planned to use the polygon subsatellite monitoring methods and equipment in other coastal areas, including other Black Sea sectors, in order to create a unified system for monitoring the Black Sea shelf-slope zone.  相似文献   

As part of the Russian-Ukrainian program “The Black Sea as a Simulation Model of the Ocean,” the monitoring of the marine environment is considered using modern measuring systems. On the basis of historical and contemporary observation data, we estimate the spatial and temporal scales of dominant processes in the Black Sea. We describe the main measuring systems used to monitor the structure and variability of the hydrophysical fields. Examples characterizing the specific features of the Black Sea processes are presented.  相似文献   

The automatic system of operational forecasting of the Black Sea state which functions at the Marine Hydrophysical Institute is presented. Principles of the system construction are considered; the marine environment models used for forecasting, the data streams required for the system functioning, and tools for validating and visualizing the results of sea-state calculations are described. Some examples of investigating a number of processes and phenomena in the Black Sea are given.  相似文献   

Estimates of vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient (K t ) in the Black Sea pycnohalocline have been obtained from data of simultaneous observations of seawater temperature, salinity, density, and horizontal current velocity, obtained in the northeastern part of the Black Sea during 2013–2014 with a moored Aqualog profiler. A Munk and Andersson (1948) type parameterization, adapted for the Black Sea environment, is proposed for calculating K t . Strong short-period (several days) variability of turbulent exchange is revealed, induced by vertical shear variations of the current velocity.  相似文献   

This study was focused on analysis of the horizontal and vertical current components with correspondence to tide variation, heat flux, seiches and relative backscatter intensity in coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Aqaba during the summers of 2001–2004. Spectrum analysis has shown eight distinguishable peaks of the tide measurements. In addition to semidiurnal and diurnal barotropic tides, signal periods of 8.13, 5.89–6.32 and 4.06 h were related to shallow water compound and overtides of the principal solar and lunar constituent and to seiches (second and third mode) generated in the Red Sea, whereas seiches of the first mode might enhance the semidiurnal tide signal. The shortest periods of 1.02–1.05, 0.50 and 0.36 h were related to seiches (first, second and third mode, respectively) generated in the Gulf of Aqaba. The spectrum analysis and cross-correlation tests of the horizontal and vertical current components and relative backscatter intensity suggested that the vertical motion at the diurnal period was either due to migration of zooplankton or to water convection. Both of which were of the same order as vertical motion induced by horizontal motions of water particles projected parallel on the bottom gradient line. On the other hand, semidiurnal and diurnal periods detected in the vertical currents were caused by the strong signal in the cross-shore current component, first mode seiches generated from the Red Sea and tide. This could be considered as an indicator of the dominant force influencing the currents, such as winds, thermocline depth, seiches and tidal forcing. A permanent convection during summer is likely to occur in the shallow coastal waters due to relatively high inclined bottom, high evaporation and blowing of dry air, as well as the observed dominance of the downward vertical currents in coastal waters.  相似文献   

By treating observations involving long-term buoy moorings, numerical characteristics of the periods, amplitudes, phases and orbits of inertial currents in some Black Sea areas have been obtained. The inertial component's contribution to the total velocity field and turbulent exchange has been determined. As a result, the maximal heights of the internal waves generated by the inertial currents have been estimated. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

The upwelling of deep water associated with the influence of cyclonic wind curl and the difference in the buoyancy of the inflows in the lower and upper water layers is observed in the central part of the Black Sea. The resulting vertical water motions contribute to the transport of ammonium to the upper boundary of the anaerobic zone. In the suboxic zone, ammonium is converted to nitrate via nitrite as a result of the nitrification, and thus it can supply the nitrocline in the water basin. Within the framework of this paper we discuss the effectiveness of this mechanism on the basis of the numerical simulation. The calculations were performed using a one-dimensional physical-biogeochemical model for the upper 600-m sea water layer, which takes into account seasonal variations in atmospheric parameters and vertical motions. The model describes the biological and redox processes in the suboxic zone. We have estimated the contribution of different constituents into the balance of nitrogen compounds in the euphotic water layer. It is shown that ammonium nitrogen coming from the deep water due to vertical water motion plays a significant role in maintaining the balance of nitrates in the central part of the Black Sea.  相似文献   

Studies of mesoscaleT, S characteristics of deep waters in the Black Sea carried out during 1978–1988 are generalized. Transformed lower Bosphorus waters are spread in the layer from 400 m to the bottom following density isosurfaces corresponding to this water. This is the way that interlayers ofT, S inversions are formed; their vertical thickness reaches 100–200 m in the Anatolian flow. The streamwise decrease of theT, S maxima and the location of isotherms in the cross-sections of these tongues permit the estimation of the order of the values of the coefficients of the vertical and horizontal turbulent diffusion.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The influence of high vertical velocity gradients in the Black Sea Rim Current on the intensity of the vertical turbulent exchange is demonstrated on the basis of numerical modeling based on CTD data. The vertical turbulent exchange is confirmed by the anomalous distribution of the hydrochemical parameters in the redox layer. A system of equations for the kinetic energy of the turbulence and dissipation rate (k-? model) is used for the calculation of the coefficient of the vertical turbulent viscosity (diffusivity).  相似文献   

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