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Structures and textures in till indicating subglacial deposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five structural and textural features are discussed: (1) small lenses of sorted material, (2) smudges, (3) small-scale deformations of till matrix and smudges by clasts, (4) clasts consistently striated, and (5) clasts with stoss-and-lee sides. Analyses suggest that these features may be produced by subglacial processes acting in the ice-bed interface. Long axes of small sand lenses and smudges as well as the striation on the upper surface of scattered clasts in lodgement till have a strong preferred orientation in good agreement with the glacier flow direction as indicated by clast fabrics, bedrock striation, and surface fluting of ground moraine. When in traction against the till bed, clasts may plough up till banks. Clasts with stoss-and-lee sides development were also very distinctly oriented as their stoss sides faced significantly up-glacier.
It is concluded (1) that each of the five features discussed is useful as a criterion for subglacial deposition by lodgement, (2) that they indicate important differential movement along the ice-bed interface and therefore suggest a temperate regime in this part of the glacier during the till deposition, (3) that very few orientation measurements of one or more of these features signify the ice movement direction; i.e. a time-saving method to find the paleoflow direction of Pleistocene glaciers, and (4) that taken together with till preconsolidation, mechanical composition, and clast fabric, they may support each other and give good indications of the genesis of Pleistocene tills.  相似文献   

The rheology and hydro-mechanical interactions at the ice–bed interface form an important component of the glacier system, influencing glacier dynamics and the formation of till. We demonstrate that the sand-rich till at Briksdalsbreen in Norway, undergoes deformation throughout the year. On the bulk rheology scale, till deformation exhibits elastic behaviour during the winter, when water pressures are low; and linear viscous behaviour after a critical yield stress of 35 kPa, when water pressures are high during the spring and summer. On the clast and matrix scale, low water pressures, correspond with high case stress variability and till temperatures. Meltwater driven, stick-slip, glacier velocity increases were transmitted through a relatively strong till grain network, causing brittle deformation. Intermediate water pressures, during late summer were linked to intermediate case stress variability and high till temperatures associated with the heat generated from stick-slip motion. High water pressures in the till were associated with low case stress variability and low, meltwater controlled, till temperatures, and occurred in the spring and autumn. Once the till was saturated, the ductile till absorbed any stick-slip velocity increases. We discuss, with examples, the different till forming processes associated with these changing conditions, demonstrating that the resultant till will represent a complex amalgamation of all of these processes.  相似文献   

The foreland of Breidamerkurjökull, Iceland, is the only locality where tills known to have undergone subglacial deformation are exposed. Till on the foreland has a two-tiered structure, consisting of a dilatant upper horizon c 0.5 m thick and a compact lower till; these horizons correspond to the ductile deforming A horizon and the brittle-ductile B horizon observed below the glacier by G. S. Boulton and co-workers. The relationship between known strain history and a variety of macrofabric elements is examined for these two genetic facies of deformation till. The upper horizon exhibits variable a-axis fabrics and abundant evidence for clast re-alignment, reflecting ductile flow and rapid clast response to transient strains. In contrast, the lower horizon has consistently well organized a-axis fabrics with a narrow range of dip values, recording clast rotation into parallel with strain axes during brittle or brittle-ductile shear. The data indicate that till strain history imparts identifiable macrofabric signatures, providing important analogues to guide the interpretation of Pleistocene tills.  相似文献   

Despite extensive study and debate regarding the significance of turbate (also known as ‘rotational’) microstructures in glacially deformed sediments, characteristics regarding the dimensions of these features remain unresolved. This study presents the first explicitly quantitative measurement and analysis of turbate microstructure dimensions, and their relation to till texture through thin section analysis. Samples were taken from coarse‐resolution horizontal and vertical transects of a macroscopically homogenous subglacial till, with subset areas of each thin section (30 mm2) analysed. The frequency and apparent a‐axes and b‐axes of both coreless and cored turbate structures (and their corestones) were measured, and simple univariate statistical methods used to establish the (in‐)variability of these dimensions through the till profile. Summarizing findings, (i) the dimensions of both cored and coreless turbate populations display log‐normal distributions when all measurements are analysed together, although not all individual sample populations possess these same distributions; (ii) turbate dimension populations are inconsistent within a sample block, precluding evaluation of turbate variability through a profile from single thin sections; (iii) analysis of turbate morphology and variability provisionally indicate that the three‐dimensional structure of turbates are likely to be cylindrical or flared, while weak relationships are also observed amongst till texture, turbate dimensions and frequency.  相似文献   

A subglacial till formed from a sandstone bedrock has a variable grain-size distribution which reflects its variable genesis. Glacial comminution processes were simulated by artificial mill experiments with fragments of the sandstone bedrock. Pure crushing caused disintegration along mineral boundaries into separate minerals, most mineral grains retaining their primary size during the crushing process. Abrasion produced cracks across the minerals and resulted in silt-sized rock flour. The experiments indicate that most of the sand-sized till material formed as a result of crushing, while the silt is mainly the result of abrasion. The sand and silt are both regarded as components resistant to further glacial comminution, but are formed by different comminution processes. By considering also the coarser till material, the general principles of glacial breakdown of resistant rocks from boulders to sand or silt can be illustrated. A matrix index and an abrasion index based on the mill experiments distinguish well between genetically different subglacial till types  相似文献   

Structural, stratigraphic, and lithologic data from a section 69 m long of Catfish Creek drift (north shore of Lake Erie) tell a complex story of two competing glacial lobes. Stone surface features and orientations indicate that stones rotated in viscously deforming, fine-medium textured subglacial till prior to final emplacement. Fractures, shears, and attenuated sediment lenses in tills reveal that they experienced some brittle shear superposed on ductile shear during till dewatering and stiffening. The Huron-Georgian Bay lobe advanced first from the northwest, deforming interstadial sediments and depositing subglacial till. Next, southward confluent flow of the Huron, Georgian Bay, and Erie lobes carved subglacial troughs into sediments and deposited (then deformed) bouldery deformation till by squeeze flow. The northwest flowing Erie lobe then prevailed, depositing deformation till, subglacial aquatic sediments, and mudflows. Finally, a pavement-bearing, hybrid deformation-lodgement till covered the section. Till formation was mainly by subglacial viscous flow with minor lodgement superposed as water content decreased and some fines were probably winnowed. This implies that till deformation probably accounted for much of the glacier movement. Therefore, rapid ice flow could have occurred over the section, along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Microstructural modification processes like dynamic recrystallization and grain growth can have a major effect on the transient and (semi-)steady state flow behaviour of deforming materials. Work on metals and ceramics suggests that deformation-enhanced changes in grain topology and the corresponding increase in fraction of non-hexagonal grains, called cellular defect fraction, can promote grain growth during deformation. The present study tests this hypothesis, by investigating the evolution of the cellular defect fraction during deformation, accompanied by grain growth, of aggregates with distributed grain sizes. For this purpose, we made use of the ELLE 2D microstructural modeling package. We simulated and quantified microstructural evolution under conditions where both surface energy driven grain boundary migration (GBM) and homogeneous deformation or grain size sensitive (GSS) straining were allowed to occur. The simulations show that contemporaneous GBM and simple geometrical straining of grain aggregates with distributed grain size and coordination number lead to extra grain neighbor switching, an increase in defect fraction, and enhanced grain growth. An increase in defect fraction was also found in a selected set of natural calcite mylonites that, with increasing temperature, show an increase in grain size and contribution of GSS creep. Analysis of defect fraction thus appears to be a good microstructural tool to establish whether or not a material has experienced normal static (defect fraction  0.7) or dynamic grain growth (defect fraction  0.8).  相似文献   

Abstract The microstructure of quartz in metacherts of the Ryoke metamorphic belt in central Japan develops from polygonal, through duplex to irregular with increasing metamorphic grade. The polygonal microstructure is composed of small (mostly 90–160 μm), equant, equigranular, polygonal quartz grains, whereas the irregular microstructure is characterized by large (>300 μm) grains with irregular grain boundaries. The duplex microstructure is a mixture of small polygonal and large irregular grains. The development of these microstructures is interpreted as being due to secondary recrystallization. The size of polygonal grains is greatly influenced by the presence of second-phase minerals, such as mica, whereas that of large irregular grains is unaffected by second-phase minerals. There seems to be a critical grain size for quartz to occur as polygonal aggregates: no polygonal aggregates occur in rocks with larger than the critical grain size. The size (about 140 μm) decreases slightly with increasing volume fraction of mica. The mean grain sizes of polygonal quartz ( D ) and coexisting mica ( d ) in the duplex microstructure are systematically related to the volume fraction of mica ( f ) by D = 0.728 d (1/ f )0.629.  相似文献   

The variation of Cu and Zn contents with grain size was studied in the size fractions: 2000-500 μm, 500-64 μm, 64-2 μm and minus 2 μm. The fixation to different minerals was investigated in the 500-64 μm and minus 64 μm fractions with microscope, microprobe, electron microscope and X-ray diffraction after heavy-liquid separation.The distribution of Cu and Zn between the four size fractions is very similar in all target areas. The contents tend to be highest in the minus 2 μm fraction, and to decrease with increasing grain size except for an increase in the coarsest material. This feature is typical in mineralized areas with till having anomalously high Cu and Zn contents.The anomalous Cu and Zn in the till of Talvivaara are mainly fixed to chalcopyrite and sphalerite, respectively, which indicates that the main part of the material originates from fresh bedrock and that postglacial alterations are slight. In the till of Outokumpu and Maaselkä sulphides are rare. We assume that in Outokumpu the reason for this is the postglacial weathering of sulphides and that in Maaselkä a great deal of till derives from highly weathered, sulphide-poor, preglacial regolith. In both target areas Cu in till seems to fix to limonite and also to clay minerals, particularly in Maaselkä. Zinc seems mainly to be hosted by limonite in Outokumpu.  相似文献   

Hummocky terrain composed of boulder gravel and a wavy contact between stratified till and sand are described and explained as products of subglacial meltwater activity beneath the Saginaw Lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in south-central Michigan. Exposures and geophysical investigations of hummocky terrain in a tunnel channel reveal that hummocks (˜100m diameter) are glaciofluvial bedforms with a supraglacial melt-out till or till flow veneer. The hummocky terrain is interpreted as a subglacial glaciofluvial landscape rather than one of stagnant ice processes commonly assumed for hummocky landscapes. Sandy bedforms at another site are in-phase with a wavy contact at the base of a stratified till exposed for 50m along the margin of a tunnel channel. The 0.4m thick stratified till is overlain by up to 5m of compact, pebble-rich, sandy subglacial melt-out till. The contact between the till and sand has a wave form with a 0.5m amplitude and 3-5m wavelength. Bedding within the stratified till, sandy bedforms and melt-out till are mostly in-phase with each other. Clasts from the overlying stratified till penetrate and deform the underlying sand recording recoupling of the ice to its bed. Ice ripples cut into the base of river ice have a similar morphology and are considered analogs for cavities cut into the base of the glacier and subsequently filled with sand. Subglacial meltwater activity was not coeval at each study site, indicating that subglacial meltwater played important roles in the evolution of the subglacial environment beneath the Saginaw Lobe at different times.  相似文献   

The average aspect ratio of plagioclase, measured in thin section, varies systematically through dolerite sills, with a symmetrical “M”-shaped profile observed in sills thinner than ~200 m. Thicker sills show the same marginal reversal at the base, but average aspect ratios appear to continue increasing towards the top, creating an “S”-shaped profile. A distorted “M”-shaped profile is visible in the stratigraphic variation of plagioclase average aspect ratios in the prehistoric Makaopuhi lava lake, with the centre of the “M” in the olivine-enriched horizon close to the base of the lake. Higher overall values of average aspect ratio are observed in thin sills compared to thicker sills, demonstrating that the plagioclase in more slowly crystallized bodies is more equant than that in more rapidly crystallized bodies. There is a strong correlation between the plagioclase average aspect ratio in the central parts of the sills and the crystallization time calculated using a simple one-dimensional thermal model assuming conductive cooling. The cause of the marginal reversals in average aspect ratio is not well understood, but may result from early grain impingement in the developing crystal mushy layer.  相似文献   

The mechanical efficiency of the biocementation process is directly related to the microstructural properties of the biocemented sand, such as the volume fraction of calcite, its distribution within the pore space, coordination number, contact surface area, and types of contact. In the present work, some of these microscopic properties are computed, from 3D images obtained by X-ray tomography of biocemented sand. These properties are then used as an input in current analytical models to estimate the elastic properties (Young and shear moduli) and the strength properties (Coulomb cohesion). For the elastic properties, the analytical estimates (contact cement theory model) are compared with classical bounds, self-consistent estimate and numerical results obtained by direct computation (FEM computation) on the same 3D images. Concerning the cohesion, an analytical model initially developed to estimate the cohesion due to suction in unsaturated soils is modified to evaluate the macroscopic cohesion of biocemented sands. Such analytical model is calibrated on experimental data obtained from triaxial tests performed on the same biocemented sand. In overall, the presented results point out the important role of some microstructural parameters, notably those related to the contact, on such effective parameters.  相似文献   

A symposium on the genesis of till entitled Till/Sweden-76 was held in Stockholm 16–18 August 1976. This issue of Boreas contains most of the papers presented at the symposium.  相似文献   

Deposition of till by melt-out was described as early as a hundred years ago, and today the criteria which provide evidence to support an interpretation of melt-out till are available. The most important criteria are (P1) the presence of unlithified, sorted and stratified sediments within or interstratified with the till(s). (P2) the presence of a statistically preferred orientation of stone axes closely related to ice-flow condition, and (P3) a configuration of till with a recognizable textural or lithological property closely related to the configruation of englacial debris with regard to P1. Based on P1 and P2 and on regional aspects, tills composing ridges transverse to the dircetion of ice flow are interpreted as mult-out till and flow till. The interpretation of till genesis must be based on the balnce of probability, as absolute proof is unrealistic in most cases.  相似文献   

Profiles with till and stratified meltwater sediments have been examined. Structural and morphological conditions indicate a deposition of till in the same environment as the stratified sediments. The till is interpreted as flow till which originated from considerable amounts of supraglacial material.  相似文献   

Subglacial meltwater plays a significant yet poorly understood role in the dynamics of the Antarctic ice sheets. Here we present new swath bathymetry from the western Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, showing meltwater channels eroded into acoustic basement. Their morphological characteristics and size are consistent with incision by subglacial meltwater. To understand how and when these channels formed we have investigated the infill of three channels. Diamictons deposited beneath or proximal to an expanded grounded West Antarctic Ice Sheet are present in two of the channels and these are overlain by glaciomarine sediments deposited after deglaciation. The sediment core from the third channel recovered a turbidite sequence also deposited after the last deglaciation. The presence of deformation till at one core site and the absence of typical meltwater deposits (e.g., sorted sands and gravels) in all three cores suggest that channel incision pre-dates overriding by fast flowing grounded ice during the last glacial period. Given the overall scale of the channels and their incision into bedrock, it is likely that the channels formed over multiple glaciations, possibly since the Miocene, and have been reoccupied on several occasions. This also implies that the channels have survived numerous advances and retreats of grounded ice.  相似文献   

The Kugarchi folded complex is located on the western slope of the Southern Urals; it is a region of complex disharmonic folding in the Lower Carboniferous limestones. We revealed and studied two systems of mineral veins and accompanying veinlets in limestones. The microstructural analysis was used to recognize several deformation stages and orientations of the principal strain directions. This folded complex is interpreted to have formed under conditions close to uniaxial compression accompanied by a progressive change in the extensional strain direction from vertical to horizontal.  相似文献   

The hydraulic behaviour of meltwater during subglacial basaltic eruptions in temperate ice is of paramount importance in understanding the eruptive processes, lithofacies and architecture of the edifices formed. Hydraulics also determines the timing, location and volume of meltwater discharge, which may be sudden and catastrophic and via subglacial and/or supraglacial routes. Increasing our knowledge of meltwater hydraulics is therefore important for understanding, predicting and mitigating the impact of meltwater release on vulnerable human communities. New observations about eruption-related meltwater hydraulics are presented for well-exposed glaciovolcanic lava-fed deltas on James Ross Island, Antarctica, and accounts of historical eruptions are also re-examined to identify the major meltwater discharge routes. The study provides the first conceptual model for how meltwater escapes supraglacially. In the absence of a crevassed layer (which will dominate any meltwater flow), overflowing may be initiated by enhanced rates of seepage, despite the intrinsically low hydraulic conductivities of snow and firn. Once overflowing is established, the rate of spillway incision is a likely overriding control on the evolution of the system and whether the discharge is unstable (fast) or stable (slower). The James Ross Island sequences demonstrate that meltwater discharge is highly dynamic and may have involved both subglacial and supraglacial escape. Subglacial discharge probably occurs throughout basaltic tuya eruptions but some periods may be dominated by concurrent overflowing. It is still unclear if overflowing systems are sufficiently stable to enable the growth of laterally extensive glaciovolcanic lava-fed deltas.  相似文献   

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