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Thin Quaternary sediments overlie Neogene bedrock on the shelf off Antibes, southeastern France. Sparker seismic profiles show shelf break progradation at 110 m water depth, immediately below the most recent postglacial transgression. An older progradational event at the same depth correlates with the top of an acoustically, well-stratified sequence on the slope dated at 29.6 ka. Cores show the post-glacial transgressive surface overlain by shelly sands (dated at 12.7 ka at 85m) and several meters of mud. At the present, the seabed consists of an ephemeral cover of fine sand. The data set on sea-level rise complements data recently obtained on land on the Holocene transgression.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, seafloor imagery systems have drastically changed our vision of a mostly regular and depositional marine landscape, evidencing how erosive and mass-wasting processes are widespread in the marine environments, with particular reference to geologically-active areas. Most of the previous studies have focused on the characterization of these features, whereas a very few ones have tried to estimate what is the extent and order of magnitude of erosion rates in these areas. In this paper, we show several examples from some of the most geologically-active margins off Southern Italy aimed to a) quantify the spatial extent of such processes, b) better understand the role of submarine erosion in the morphogenesis of the coastal sector, and c) try to roughly estimate the order of magnitude of erosion rates in these areas. The results are impressive, with mass-wasting features widespread from coast down to −2600, affecting from the 52% up to 97% of the whole continental slope. Because of the narrow or totally lacking shelves in these areas, mass-wasting processes often occur close to the coast and match embayment of the coast, so indicating a key role in the morphogenesis of coastal sector, with significant implication on the related geohazard. Finally, based on a morphological approach integrated by available stratigraphic constraints we have roughly estimated average erosion rates in these areas, ranging from (at least) some mm/year to a few cm/year, i.e., some hundreds of meters up to kilometers eroded in each eustatic cycle. Despite the large uncertainties of these estimates as well as their spatial and temporal variability in response to regional and local factors, the obtained values are very high and they should be considered for future model of margin evolution, source-to-sink computation and marine/coastal geohazard assessment.  相似文献   

The Balearic Basin is a young basin composed of thick Plio–Quaternary sediments, including active gravity sedimentation. During the Quaternary, gravity processes deposited (1) turbidite systems, either as symmetrical fans (Petit-Rhône and Valencia fans) or asymmetrical ridges (Marseille–Planier, Grand-Rhône and Pyreneo-Languedocian ridges) and (2) several mass-transport deposits, indicating recurrent sedimentary failures of the margin. This paper synthesizes previous works and proposes a chronological sedimentary evolution for the basin. Except for the last 20 ka, the chronostratigraphy remains poorly constrained but should soon be established for the last 500 ka, based on the PROMESS1 drillings on the outer shelf of the Gulf of Lions, and hopefully for the last 30 Ma, based on ultra-deep drilling in the deep basin from aboard the Chikyu research vessel (IODP proposal Pre699).  相似文献   

Sedimentological, geochemical, and physical-oceanographic studies of the Brazilian continental shelf near the Amazon River help provide a broad understanding of this major sediment dispersal system. Amazon River sediment accumulates as a subaqueous delta, with the most rapid accumulation (10 cm/yr) occurring near the seaward edge of the topset beds and in the foreset beds. Amazon River sediment is dispersed northwestward along the shelf and is transported beyond the Brazilian border. Radiographic studies of sediment cores delineate three sedimentary environments: interbedded mud and sand, faintly laminated mud, and bioturbated mud. The distribution of these environments is a function of proximity to the river mouth and of sediment accumulation rate.  相似文献   

Current meter data from various depths near the sea bottom collected for 31 days at time intervals of 10 minutes using a subsurface buoy system at a depth at 38 m on the continental shelf off Akita, Japan have been analyzed. The results show the existence of a stationary Ekman layer. The typical range of the characteristic parameters are estimated as follows; friction velocity: 0.38 cm s–1; Ekman layer thickness: 16 m; logarithmic layer thickness: 4 m–6 m; constant flux layer thickness: 0.4–0.6 m; Ekman veering: 28.7°; drag coefficient: 0.24×10–2–0.53×10–2. Veering was also observed in the logarithmic layer.  相似文献   

The sedimentation system of the bottom contour current over the continental slope of Bear Island in the Norwegian Sea is considered. The nepheloid layer that provides the high horizontal flux of sedimentary material represents the main source of matter for the bottom sediments. The vertical particulate matter flux is largely formed in the nepheloid layer; the flux from higher layers of the water column is insignificant. Horizontal and vertical fluxes of sedimentary matter show a positive correlation. The flux of the matter from the bottom sediment into the nepheloid matter and the residence time of particles in the latter are estimated.  相似文献   

A long-range side-scan sonar (GLORIA) survey of the entire West Iberian slope and rise has provided the first overview of the interrelationship between structure and sedimentation patterns on a continental margin. The results emphasize the importance of slope-following contour currents as a depositional mechanism in fashioning this continental rise. Terrigenous sediments transported down-canyon by-pass the rise which does not consist of a series of coalescing fans. The sedimentation patterns identified on the sonographs can be interpreted in terms of facies models and caution must be exercised against over-emphasis of downslope processes in models for the construction of lower slopes and rises.  相似文献   

Sediment and porewater data of two sediment cores from offshore southeastern Taiwan show important effects of the complex sea floor topography upon carbonate and organic carbon deposition. The variations in carbonate and organic carbon contents are attributed to the effects of carbonate compensation depths, glacial-interglacial history, and condition of anoxia. The study is of significance for environmental reconstruction and petroleum source bed evaluation of ancient analogues.  相似文献   

High-resolution multi-channel seismic data from continental slopes with minor sediment input off southwest Mallorca Island, the Bay of Oran (Algeria) and the Alboran Ridge reveal evidence that the Messinian erosional surface is terraced at an almost constant depth interval between 320 and 380 m below present-day sea level. It is proposed that these several hundred- to 2,000-m-wide terraces were eroded contemporaneously and essentially at the same depth. Present-day differences in these depths result from subsidence or uplift in the individual realms. The terraces are thought to have evolved during one or multiple periods of sea-level stagnancy in the Western Mediterranean Basin. According to several published scenarios, a single or multiple periods of relative sea-level stillstand occurred during the Messinian desiccation event, generally known as the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Some authors suggest that the stagnancy started during the refilling phase of the Mediterranean basins. When the rising sea level reached the height of the Sicily Sill, the water spilled over this swell into the eastern basin. The stagnancy persisted until sea level in the eastern basin caught up with the western Mediterranean water level. Other authors assigned periods of sea-level stagnancy to drawdown phases, when inflowing waters from the Atlantic kept the western sea level constant at the depth of the Sicily Sill. Our findings corroborate all those Messinian sea-level reconstructions, forwarding that a single or multiple sea-level stagnancies at the depth of the Sicily Sill lasted long enough to significantly erode the upper slope. Our data also have implications for the ongoing debate of the palaeo-depth of the Sicily Sill. Since the Mallorcan plateau experienced the least vertical movement, the observed terrace depth of 380 m there is inferred to be close to the Messinian depth of this swell.  相似文献   

O. N. Zezina 《Oceanology》2008,48(6):832-836
Of particular interest in the vertical biological zoning of the continental slope in seas and oceans are the substantial differences in the composition, diversity, and abundance (biomass and production) of benthic faunal communities populating the upper and lower subzones of the bathyal zone. The upper bathyal subzone (down to depths of 1500 ± 500 m) resembles the neritic (shelf) one, while its lower subzone is characterized by both reduced diversity and biomass, being similar in its biological parameters to the near-slope abyssal zone (>3000 m). The study of the bottom contour currents and related sediments (contourites) made the geological prerequisites for such differences understandable. Based on a comparative analysis of the bionomical boundaries and core depths of the contour currents in the North Atlantic and Gulf of Alaska, a changing of trophic zones, as well as quantitative and production characteristics of benthic communities, are established. It is shown that the differences between the biological parameters of the upper and lower bathyal subzones (the benthic biomass, the feeding mode of invertebrates, the growth rate, and the maximal sizes of adult specimens) are related to geological agents such as roiling and redeposition of the sediments.  相似文献   

对长江三角洲北翼CSJA3孔的粒度数据及粒度参数、频率分布曲线和概率累积曲线等沉积物粒度特征进行了详细分析,并结合岩性、沉积构造、孢粉和有孔虫组合等数据,探讨了研究区晚第四纪以来的沉积环境演化及海侵记录。分析表明,粒度数据可以很好地反映沉积环境的变化,间冰期黏土含量降低,砂含量增加,平均粒径较大;冰期正好相反。根据岩性、测年、孢粉、有孔虫等建立的年代框架确定CSJA3孔底部为MIS6期。CSJA3孔自下而上可分为6个沉积单元:U6(泛滥平原—河漫滩)、U5(河口—潮坪)、U4(河漫滩)、U3(潮坪—滨浅海)、U2(河漫滩)、U1(澙湖—潮坪)。CSJA3孔共记录三次海侵,U5、U3和U1地层分别对应MIS5期太湖海侵、MIS3期滆湖海侵和MIS1期镇江海侵。其中,MIS3期海侵强度比MIS5期更大,与全球海平面变化不符。造成这种差异的原因可能是在全球气候变化的大背景下,构造作用控制的古地势变化造成的。  相似文献   

The morphology of the Gulf of Oman Basin, a 3,400 m deep oceanic basin between Oman and southern Pakistan and southern Iran, ranges from a convergent margin (Makran margin) along the north side, a passive type (Oman margin) along the south side, translation types along the basin's west (Zendan Fault-Oman Line) and east (Murray Ridge) sides and a narrow continental rise and a wide abyssal plain in the centre of the basin. Sediment input into the basin during the Late Quaternary has been mainly from the north as a result of the uplift of the Coast Makran Mountains in the Late Miocene-Pliocene. Today most of this detritrus is deposited on the shelf and upper continental slope and perched basins behind the fold/fault ridges on the lower slope. The presence of fans and channels on the continental rise on the north side of the basin indicate, however, that continental derived debris was, and possibly is, being transported to the deep-sea by turbidity currents via gaps in the ridges on the lower slope. In addition to land derived terrigenous sediments, the basin deposits also contain biogenic (organic matter and calcium carbonate), eolian detritus and hydrates and authigenic carbonates from the tectonic dewatering of the Makran accretionary wedge. The eolian sediment is carried into the Gulf of Oman Basin from Arabia and the Mesopotamia Valley by the northwesterly Shamal winds. This type of detritus was particularly abundant during the glacial arid periods 21,000–20,000 and 11,000 (Younger Dryas) years ago when exposure of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf increased the area of dust entrainment and shifted the position of the source of the eolian sediments closer to the basin.  相似文献   

Analysis of high-resolution (<1 m) GeoPulse seismic reflection and Chirp sonar data from the continental margin of the East China Sea reveals the presence of a thin (1- to 5-m-thick) sediment veneer over a highly reflective transgressive surface. Due to reverberation of the output signal and the effect of the bubble pulse, this veneer may erroneously be interpreted as a laterally continuous feature. Sonar data, which does not suffer from these ghosting effects, reveals that the sea bottom is often an erosional surface that exposes older, relict sediments, which were deposited under a radically different hydrodynamic regime than exists in these locations today.  相似文献   

The continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico is diapirically controlled and is comprised of coalescing salt sheets, salt withdrawal basins, salt ridges, salt tongues and sills, and submarine canyons. Bathymetric information from single-beam data has resulted in several published maps. Many of the map areas have been remapped, using multibeam surveys, by the US National Ocean Service, and names have been given to the major physiographic features. The multibeam program was discontinued before complete coverage of the slope was accomplished. We provide charts of the remaining areas with names of features that have been accepted by the US Board of Geographic Names.  相似文献   


Numerous large sediment slides and slumps have been discovered and surveyed on the continental margins of Northwest Africa, Southwest Africa, Brazil (Amazon Cone), the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Mexico, and North America over the past 10 years. The mass movements are of two primary types: (1) translational slides, and (2) rotational slumps. Translational slides are characterized by a slide scar and a downslope zone of debris flows, after traveling in some areas for several hundreds of kilometers on slopes of less than 0.5°. Rotational slumps are bounded by steep scarps, but they do not involve large‐scale translation of sediments, although seismic records indicate disturbance in the down‐dropped block. Many of the slides and slumps have occurred in water depths greater than 2000 m on initial slopes of less than 1.5°. The largest slide so far discovered is off Spanish Sahara; in this case, the slide scar is 18,000 km2 in area, at least 600 km3 in volume of translated sediments. No apparent consistent relationship has yet been observed between the presence of the slides and the sedimentary environment in which they occurred. The slides off Southwest Africa and Spanish Sahara occurred in pelagic sediments rich in planktonic organic matter. In contrast, the slides off North America, Senegal‐Mauritania, and Brazil (Amazon Cone) occurred in sediments containing a high percentage of terrigenous material from nearby landmasses. Large sediment slides have also occurred in pelagic sediments on isolated oceanic rises such as the Madeira Rise (East‐Central Atlantic) and the Ontong‐Java Plateau (Pacific), where sedimentation rates are less than 2 cm/1000 years. The failure mechanism of the slides initiated near the shelf edge can probably be explained by sediment overloading during low glacio‐eustatic sea level, which allowed rivers to debouch sediments directly onto the outer shelf or upper slope. Possible mechanisms of failure of the deepwater slides and slumps include earthquakes, undercutting of the slope by bottom currents, and changes in porewater pressures induced as a direct or indirect result of glacio‐eustatic changes in sea level.  相似文献   


Submarine faults and slides or slumps of Quaternary age are potential environmental hazards on the outer continental shelf (OCS) of the northern Gulf of Alaska. Most faults that approach or reach the seafloor cut strata that may be equivalent in age to the upper Yakataga Formation (Pliocene‐Pleistocene). Along several faults, the seafloor is vertically offset from 5 to 20 m. A few faults appear to cut Holocene sediments, but none of these shows displacement at the seafloor. Submarine slides or slumps have been found in two places in the OCS region: (1) seaward of the Malaspina Glacier and Icy Bay, an area of 1200 km2 with a slope of less than 0.5°, and (2) across the entire span of the Copper river prodelta, an area of 1730 km2, having a slope of about 0.5°. Seismic profiles across these areas show disrupted reflectors and irregular topography commonly associated with submarine slides or slumps. Potential slide or slump areas have been delineated in areas of thick sediment accumulation and relatively steep slopes. These areas include (1) Kayak Trough, (2) parts of Hinchinbrook Entrance and Sea Valley, (3) parts of the outer shelf and upper slope between Kayak Island and Yakutat Bay, and (4) Bering Trough.  相似文献   

Seventeen piston cores were collected at 25-km intervals following the 3500-m isobath along a 400-km portion of the continental rise off the southeastern United States. The area extends between the Hatteras Canyon System and the tip of the Blake Outer Ridge. This study evaluates the mechanisms of rise formation over a large continental-rise area.From north to south, the calcium-carbonate content increases, minerals indicative of a northerly source are partially replaced by minerals more representative of the southern U.S. and Caribbean, and the sedimentation rate decreases. No identifiable turbidites were noted in any of the cores. Coarse-grained layers are infrequent; most are less than 2 cm in thickness and none showed grading. Radiography of several cores revealed mottling throughout. Bottom photographs show that present bottom-current movement closely parallels contours and flow is in a general southerly direction.The results indicate that contour-following bottom currents are primarily responsible for shaping this part of the U.S. Atlantic rise. Turbidity currents may be important only as a source of sediment, via overflows, to be transported south by bottom currents.  相似文献   

As part of a larger project on the deep benthos of the Gulf of Mexico, an extensive data set on benthic bacterial abundance (n>750), supplemented with cell-size and rate measurements, was acquired from 51 sites across a depth range of 212–3732 m on the northern continental slope and deep basin during the years 2000, 2001, and 2002. Bacterial abundance, determined by epifluorescence microscopy, was examined region-wide as a function of spatial and temporal variables, while subsets of the data were examined for sediment-based chemical or mineralogical correlates according to the availability of collaborative data sets. In the latter case, depth of oxygen penetration helped to explain bacterial depth profiles into the sediment, but only porewater DOC correlated significantly (inversely) with bacterial abundance (p<0.05, n=24). Other (positive) correlations were detected with TOC, C/N ratios, and % sand when the analysis was restricted to data from the easternmost stations (p<0.05, n=9–12). Region-wide, neither surface bacterial abundance (3.30–16.8×108 bacteria cm−3 in 0–1 cm and 4–5 cm strata) nor depth-integrated abundance (4.84–17.5×1013 bacteria m−2, 0–15 cm) could be explained by water depth, station location, sampling year, or vertical POC flux. In contrast, depth-integrated bacterial biomass, derived from measured cell sizes of 0.027–0.072 μm3, declined significantly with station depth (p<0.001, n=56). Steeper declines in biomass were observed for the cross-slope transects (when unusual topographic sites and abyssal stations were excluded). The importance of resource changes with depth was supported by the positive relationship observed between bacterial biomass and vertical POC flux, derived from measures of overlying productivity, a relationship that remained significant when depth was held constant (partial correlation analysis, p<0.05, df=50). Whole-sediment incubation experiments under simulated in situ conditions, using 3H-thymidine or 14C-amino acids, yielded low production rates (5–75 μg C m−2 d−1) and higher respiration rates (76–242 μg C m−2 d−1), with kinetics suggestive of resource limitation at abyssal depths. Compared to similarly examined deep regions of the open ocean, the semi-enclosed Gulf of Mexico (like the Arabian Sea) harbors in its abyssal sediments a greater biomass of bacteria per unit of vertically delivered POC, likely reflecting the greater input of laterally advected, often unreactive, material from its margins.  相似文献   

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