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Pockmarks, collapses and blind valleys in the Gulf of Cádiz   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Herein we describe a suite of fluid escape depression features, including pockmarks and collapse structures, discovered in the Gulf of Cádiz (Spain) during several recent cruises. We also establish an evolutionary model for these depressions and discuss the generation of bottom undercurrent furrows from fluid-flow structures, considering the oceanographic and tectonic framework and gas expulsion mechanisms. We describe for the first time blind valleys, which we define as giant, elongated (3 to 10 km long), collapsed and complex fault-strike features comprising mega-collapses and mega-pockmarks, generated in gas-venting areas and not associated to the collapse of mud-volcano complexes. We detected the blind valleys above diapiric structures. The collapse processes associated to blind valleys result from fluid escape through migration pathways which, in turn, are created by distension due to diapiric activity or to later tectonic reactivation of these diapirs. The evolution of these blind valleys, and their present-day morphology as furrows, derives from progressive fluid migration as well as from interaction of Mediterranean Outflow Water with the seafloor.
Mature stage of blind valley formation: collapse of seafloor, blind valley generation and channelling of bottom currents  相似文献   

During the MVSEIS-08 cruise of 2008, ten new mud volcanoes (MVs) were discovered on the offshore Moroccan continental margin (Gulf of Cádiz) at water depths between 750 and 1,600?m, using multibeam bathymetry, backscatter imagery, high-resolution seismic and gravity core data. Mud breccias were recovered in all cases, attesting to the nature of extrusion of these cones. The mud volcanoes are located in two fields: the MVSEIS, Moundforce, Pixie, Las Negras, Madrid, Guadix, Almanzor and El Cid MVs in the western Moroccan field, where mud volcanoes have long been suspected but to date not identified, and the Boabdil and Al Gacel MVs in the middle Moroccan field. Three main morphologies were observed: asymmetric, sub-circular and flat-topped cone-shaped types, this being the first report of asymmetric morphologies in the Gulf of Cádiz. Based on morpho-structural analysis, the features are interpreted to result from (1) repeated constructive (expulsion of fluid mud mixtures) and destructive (gravity-induced collapse and submarine landsliding) episodes and (2) interaction with bottom currents.  相似文献   

A coupled population dynamics and economic model is applied to the purse seine anchovy-fishery in the Gulf of Cádiz. The model simulates the population dynamics, landings and profits on a probabilistic frame. These simulations are used to assess the biological and economic consequences of an individual quota management framework enveloped by a fixed Total Allowable Catch (TAC), the present strategy used to manage this stock in the Spanish fishery. Our results accurately indicate that this strategy magnifies the biological and economic vulnerabilities associated with the exploitation of the stock, thus jeopardizing the sustainability of this fishery. Alternative strategies, such as an adaptive TAC, are explored. The results indicate that even a basic implementation of an adaptive TAC seems more favorable than the present strategy in the necessary equilibrium between profits and sustainability. This paper provides tools and an assessment that may also be useful for other small pelagic fisheries.  相似文献   

The identification of potential coastal inundation caused by future sea level rise requires not only time series records from tide gauges, but also high-quality digital elevation models (DEMs). This study assesses the importance of DEM vertical accuracy in predicting inundation by sea level rise along the Valdelagrana beach and marshes of the Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain). A present-day (2000) and a projected (2100) high tide have been spatialized over a traditional (aerial photogrammetry) regional DEM of Andalusia with a horizontal spatial resolution of 10 m and a vertical accuracy of 0.68 m RMSE (root mean square error), and a LIDAR-derived DEM of the Valdelagrana study site with the same spatial resolution but a vertical accuracy of 0.205 m RMSE. The simulations are based on a bathtub model, which accounts for the effect of vertical barriers. The results reveal that the presence of infrastructures such as roads and salterns is the key to delimit the extent of water penetration during high tides in an otherwise homogeneously flat area comprising the beach and marshes of Valdelagrana. Moreover, in comparison with the highly accurate LIDAR DEM, the inundation areas derived from the lower-resolution DEM are overestimated by 72 % and 26 % for the present-day and future scenarios respectively. These findings demonstrate that DEM vertical accuracy is a critical variable in meaningfully gauging the impacts of sea level rise.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Bothnia is the only sub-basin with only minor effects of eutrophication mainly due to physical factors. Most evaluations of the state of the Gulf of Bothnia are based on offshore investigations. In the present study the coastal zone of the eastern Gulf of Bothnia is analysed. Long-term data (1980–2007) of total nitrogen and phosphorus, turbidity and oxygen are analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) for spatial and temporal patterns in the trophic situation. The coastal zone is divided into six regions: inner and outer areas of the Bothnian Sea and the Quark, and the outer areas of the southern and northern Bothnian Bay. The results show a degradation of water quality from north to south, and from outer to inner coastal areas. Eutrophication changes from an almost non-existing problem in the Bothnian Bay in the north to clear signs of nutrient over-enrichment in the Bothnian Sea. This shows that even if eutrophication in the Gulf of Bothnia is not serious, the increasing trends in nutrient levels should be seen as warning signals for the future, and remedies to combat eutrophication should be taken rapidly.  相似文献   

The banded murex Hexaplex trunculus and purple dye murex Bolinus brandaris are frequently caught as bycatch by bottom trawlers operating in the Gulf of Gabès, southern Tunisia. Although these muricid gastropods might importantly constitute an additional source of income for fishermen as well as help to diversify local shellfish production, information on their catches is relatively scarce. Hence, the present study aimed to assess the status of local populations of H. trunculus and B. brandaris, including data on their spatial and depth distributions, abundance, biomass, population structure and mortality. Fishing surveys using bottom trawls were performed between May 2006 and June 2007 in offshore areas of the Gulf of Gabès. In total, 198 fishing hauls were analysed, corresponding to a total fishing duration of 333.3 hours and a total prospecting area of 1 534 ha at depths of 20–86 m. Altogether, 3 026 H. trunculus and 3 599 B. brandaris of a broad size range (22.9?91.1 and 22.4?97.0 mm shell length, respectively) were sampled during the study period. GIS-produced maps were employed to determine the species’ spatial and bathymetric distributions by extrapolating their estimated fishing yield (bycatch per unit effort), abundance, biomass and mortality in relation to the total area surveyed in the gulf. The results provide valuable baseline information that may be applied to management proposals for regulating this untargeted resource, ultimately assisting sustainable exploitation and long-term preservation of this alternative fishing resource in the offshore areas of the Gulf of Gabès.  相似文献   

Estuaries are often seen as important filters between land and the sea for inorganic and organic nutrients. This paper aims at estimating the estuarine fluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and dissolved silicate for the major oligothrophic and pristine rivers running into the Bothnian Bay (BB) and the Bothnian Sea (BS), the northern subarctic subbasins of the Baltic Sea. Long-term data sets for these rivers and their estuaries as well as for the BB and BS were analyzed to assess whether these estuaries are sinks for inorganic nutrients. Most studied estuaries can be characterized as salt wedge estuaries with little exchange between the fresh seaward-flowing river water and the inward-flowing seawater. Estimates of water transit times ranged between 1 and 14 days. In most estuaries of the BB, N-depleted river water meets P-depleted seawater during the growth period. These findings were corroborated by mixing diagrams showing that the inner areas of the estuaries were N-depleted in summer. In the BS, on the other hand, both rivers and seawater were mostly N-depleted during summer. Thus, for most estuaries of this region of the Baltic Sea, primary productivity is presumably lower than or equal to that of offshore. The low productivity is also reflected in the sediments. The coastal sediments did not differ from the offshore stations in accumulation rates as well as the content of organic matter and nutrients, indicating that estuarine nutrient burial is not always higher as normally observed in other temperate systems. Finally, the estuaries of the pristine rivers in the northernmost part of the BB import DIN during summer, whereas the estuaries of the rivers in the BS import DIP during winter, from the sea.  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic reflection and multi-beam bathymetry data were used to study the active tectonic and syn-tectonic stratigraphic setting of the Gulf of ?zmit in the Marmara Sea (Turkey). The gulf and its near surroundings are deformed by the northern strand of the dextral North Anatolian Fault. Three connected basins of the gulf, the western (Dar?ca), central (Karamürsel) and eastern (Gölcük) basins are formed by active faults, as observed in the stacked and migrated seismic sections, as well as the bathymetry map. The main branch and its surrounding sedimentary strata are confined by normal faults to the north and south. These normal faults converge at depth towards the main fault, forming a negative flower structure in the gulf. The average maximum sedimentation rate is 0.4 mm/year according to the three most recent seismo-stratigraphic units that are located to the south of the main fault branch within the central basin. A 20° south-dipping major discontinuity along the northern shoreline of the gulf represents the top of Paleozoic basement.  相似文献   

The clam Scrobicularia plana and the polychaete worm Nereis diversicolor were collected in several sites from a littoral enclosure in SW Spain. The aim of our study was to relate various biomarker responses in these species to a pollution gradient caused by untreated domestic discharges and to verify the adequacy of the selected species as sentinels in this habitat. The biomarkers selected were the antioxidant enzymes catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and DT-diaphorase (DT-D). In addition, the activities of cytochrome P450-dependent ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity, the phase II detoxifying enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST) and the neurotoxicity marker acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were measured. Metallothionein levels were selected as biomarkers of heavy metals exposure in both species. The results suggest a different response in the water filtering organism (clam) and the sediment eater (polychaete), probably as a consequent of different pollution exposure and that samples from the "Ca?o Sancti-Petri" were exposed to biologically active compounds that altered some of their biochemical responses. AChE was the most sensitive biomarker in both species and N. diversicolor proved to be a more robust sentinel in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Based on high-resolution Chirp seismic, multibeam bathymetry and side scan sonar data collected in the ?zmir Gulf, Aegean Sea in 2008 and 2010, gas-related structures have been identified, which can be classified into three categories: (1) shallow gas accumulations and gas chimneys, (2) mud diapirs, and (3) active and inactive pockmarks. On the Chirp profiles, shallow gas accumulations were observed along the northern coastline of the outer ?zmir Gulf at 3-20 m below the seabed. They appear as acoustic turbidity zones and are interpreted as biogenic gas accumulations produced in organic-rich highstand fan sediments from the Gediz River. The diapiric structures are interpreted as shale or mud diapirs formed under lateral compression due to regional counter-clockwise rotation of Anatolian microplate. Furthermore, the sedimentary structure at the flanks suggests a continuous upward movement of the diapirs. Several pockmarks exist close to fault traces to the east of Hekim Island; most of them were associated with acoustic plumes indicating active degassing during the survey period in 2008. Another Chirp survey was carried out just over these plumes in 2010 to demonstrate if the gas seeps were still active. The surveys indicate that the gas seep is an ongoing process in the gulf. Based on the Chirp data, we proposed that the pockmark formation in the area can be explained by protracted seep model, whereby sediment erosion and re-distribution along pockmark walls result from ongoing (or long lasting) seepage of fluids over long periods of time. The existence of inactive pockmarks in the vicinity, however, implies that gas seepage may eventually cease or that it is periodic. Most of the active pockmarks are located over the fault planes, likely indicating that the gas seepage is controlled by active faulting.  相似文献   

The results of three snapper tagging cruises in the Hauraki Gulf area to estimate population size and annual exploition rate are presented. Eight hundred and thirty‐two snapper were tagged around Great Barrier Island in August 1975; in the inner Hauraki Gulf 1743 were tagged in June 1976 and 2685 in October 1976. Estimates of tag loss due to the combined effect of shedding of tags and tagging mortality were made, and the crude tag return rates were adjusted accordingly. The combined returns from commercial and amateur fishermen for the first year after tagging, adjusted for tag loss, were: Great Barrier Island, 19 (2.3%); inner Hauraki Gulf, June tagging, 98 (5.7%), October tagging, 179 (6.8%). Tag return rates from different parts of the study area varied considerably.

Calculations of the population size for the inner Hauraki Gulf (fishery statistical areas 006 and 007) were made from tag returns of longline and set net fishermen and their catch statistics taken from the monthly fishing returns; Petersen's method gave population sizes of 43 million (returns from June tagging) and 36 million (October). The catch statistics are thought to considerably under‐record the real landings, and better estimates of the population size may be 71 million and 60 million respectively.  相似文献   

To establish the relative importance of terrigenous and marine organic matter in the southern Beaufort Sea, we measured the concentrations and the stable isotopic compositions of organic carbon and total nitrogen in sediments and in settling particles intercepted by sediment traps. The organic carbon content of surface sediment in the Chukchi and southern Beaufort Seas ranged from 0.6 to 1.6% dry wt., without a clear geographical pattern. The CORG:NTOT ratio ranged from 7.0 to 10.4 and did not vary significantly downcore at any one station. Values of δ13CORG and δ15NTOT in the sediment samples were strongly correlated, with the highest values, indicative of a more marine contribution, in the Amundsen Gulf. In contrast, the organic matter content, elemental (CORG:NTOT ratio) and isotopic (δ13CORG and δ15NTOT) composition of the settling particles was different from and much more variable than in the bottom sediments. The isotopic signature of organic matter in the Beaufort Sea is well constrained by three distinct end-members: a labile marine component produced in situ by planktonic organisms, a refractory marine component, the end product of respiration and diagenesis, and a refractory terrigenous component. A three-component mixing model explains the scatter observed in the stable isotope signatures of the sediment trap samples and accommodates an apparent two-component mixing model of the organic matter in sediments. The suspended matter in the water column contains organic matter varying from essentially labile and marine to mostly refractory and terrigenous. As it settles through the water column, the labile marine organic matter is degraded, and its original stable isotope signature changes towards the signature of the marine refractory component. This process continues in the bottom sediment with the result that the sedimentary organic matter becomes dominated by the refractory terrigenous and marine components.  相似文献   

Offshore exploration and production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico is supported by a large number of service vessels characterized by complex logistical patterns and demand points distributed across an expansive geographic area. No quantitative data on the spatial and temporal distributions of service vessel activity in the region is available due to the size, complexity and dynamics of the network. The purpose of this paper is to apply Automatic Identification System position data to quantify service vessel activity in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico from 2009 to 2010. A total of 1.1 million vessel arrivals and departures were recorded in 2009–2010, and in 2010, the number of vessel events increased by 40% due in part to the Macondo oil spill and cleanup response. Port-to-port movements comprise the majority of events and about 30% of activity relates to movements offshore. Port Fourchon, Venice, New Orleans, Sabine-Neches, and Lake Charles were the most active ports during the period. A detailed breakdown of vessel counts and the limitations of the analysis are outlined.  相似文献   

Recently acquired (2005) multi-beam bathymetric and high-resolution seismic reflection data from the E–W-oriented Gulf of Gökova off SW Anatolia were evaluated in order to assess the uneven seafloor morphology and its evolution in terms of present-day active regional tectonics. Stratigraphically, the three identified seismic units, i.e., the basement, deltaic sediments deposited during Quaternary glacial periods, and modern gulf deposits, are consistent with those observed in previous studies. Structurally, the folds and faults with strike-slip and reverse components have been regionally mapped for the first time. Of these, NE–SW-oriented left-lateral strike-slip faults with compressional components forming the so-called Gökova Fault Zone intersect and displace two WNW–ESE-oriented submarine ridges and deep submarine plains. Thus, strike-slip faults are the youngest major structures in the gulf, and control present-day active tectonism. E–W-oriented folds on the inner and outer shelf, which are generally accompanied by reverse faults, delimit the margins of these submarine ridges, and deform the young basin deposits. These features also reveal the concomitant existence of a compressional tectonic regime. The compressional structures probably represent pressure ridges along left-lateral strike-slip fault segments. However, some E–W-oriented normal faults occur on the northwestern and partly also southern shelf, and along the borders of the adjacent deep submarine plains. They are intersected and displaced by the strike-slip faults. The lower seismicity along the normal faults relative to the NE–SW-oriented strike-slip faults suggests that the former are at present inactive or at least less active.  相似文献   

The Kazhdumi Formation of the Bangestan Group is a well-known source rock that has produced abundant oil in most petroleum fields in the Zagros Basin, which stretches from northwest to southwest Iran over hundreds of kilometres. The formation reaches a thickness of 230 m at the type section in northwest Zagros but thins out to 40–50 m in wells studied from the South Pars giant petroleum field, where it comprises mainly grey shales with occasional intercalations of marls and sandstones. South Pars, best known as the Iranian part of the world's largest non-associated gas field, contains small quantities of oil above and below the Kazhdumi Formation.  相似文献   

Ecosystem dynamics driven by top-down controls have been well documented in rocky intertidal communities, while the effects of bottom-up influences are comparatively poorly understood. We hypothesized that large-scale signatures of the physical environment may be identifiable along the South African coastline as it is subject to two very different current systems (Benguela and Agulhas Currents) that profoundly influence primary production and thus both food type and availability. Through stable isotope analysis, we examined biogeographic patterns in multiple trophic levels at four sites along a 1400-km stretch of South African coastline and investigated the dietary role of macroalgal-derived organic carbon in rocky intertidal communities. The general positioning of trophic groups was comparable across all sites, with animals from the same trophic levels grouping together and with a δ15N fractionation of 1–2‰ between levels. The species found at all sites demonstrated east–west δ15N enrichment, presumably reflecting a biogeographic shift in nitrogen sources linked to upwelling on the west coast. Filter-feeders gave particularly clear results. Using discriminant analysis, mussels could be categorized into four geographic groups based on carbon and nitrogen signatures: east coast, southeast coast, south-west coast and west coast. Barnacles and polychaetes showed similar geographic groupings to mussels, but with shifts in actual values (1‰ depletion in δ13C and 3‰ enrichment in δ15N relative to mussels). This suggests that fractionation varies between species within a trophic level.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The morphostructures and paleoseismicity of the southern slope of the Kungei Ala-Too Range (Northern Tien Shan) have been studied. It has been found...  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a simulation of climate changes in the 19th–21st centuries with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics Climate Model Version 4 (INMCM4) in the framework of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, phase 5 (CMIP5). Like the previous INMCM3 version, this model has a low sensitivity of 4.0 K to a quadrupling of CO2 concentration. Global warming in the model by the end of the 21st century is 1.9 K for the RCP4.5 scenario and 3.4 K for RCP8.5. The spatial distribution of temperature and precipitation changes driven by the enhanced greenhouse effect is similar to that derived from the INMCM3 model data. In the INMCM4 model, however, the heat flux to the ocean and sea-level rise caused by thermal expansion are roughly 1.5 times as large as those in the INMCM3 model under the same scenario. A decrease in sea-ice extent and a change in heat fluxes and meridional circulation in the ocean under global warming, as well as some aspects of natural climate variability in the model, are considered.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(9-10):859-874
In the area of a coastal fishing village on the mangrove peninsula of Bragança, State of Pará, North Brazil, coastal changes were observed by a beach profile monitoring programme between 1997 and 2001. The assessment allowed a subdivision of the region into four small coastal cells (1–3 km), partly exhibiting heavy erosion. A number of related socio-economic problems, such as loss of alternative income sources caused by the locally unpredictable erosion patterns were identified in three separate village sections. This results in a year-round dependence on seasonally low fishery incomes and increases the risk of poverty. Since limited options for action are available to the local population, different social groups have evolved different land use patterns, which in turn influence local coastal morphodynamics. Not only the hydrodynamic signature, but also the socio-economic organisation of a coastal community and the co-evolutionary path between these two variables thus indicate the state of a coastal system and the most promising policy actions towards sustainable coastal management.  相似文献   

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