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Enhanced observational meteorological elements,energy fluxes,and the concentration of dust aerosols collected from the Semi-Arid Climate Observatory and Laboratory(SACOL) during a typical dust storm period in March 2010 at Lanzhou were used in this paper to investigate the impact of dust aerosols on near surface atmospheric variables and energy budgets.The results show that the entire dust storm event was associated with high wind velocities and decreasing air pressure,and the air changed from cold and wet to warm and dry and then recovered to its initial state.The response of energy fluxes occurred behind meteorological elements.At high dust concentration periods,the net radiation was significantly less in the daytime and higher at night,while the heat fluxes displayed the same trend,indicating the weakening of the land-atmosphere energy exchange.The results can be used to provide verification for numerical model results in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

采用基于相对湿润度的干旱指数分析方法和黄土高原1961 2010年气候要素资料,研究了黄土高原春季干旱时空变化、异常分布和次区域演变特征。结果表明:1961 2010年黄土高原春季干旱强度变化呈现明显中心区域强、周边区域弱的分布特征,其中中部腹地干旱强度增加趋势倾向率最大,中部周边干旱强度增加次之,东北部和西部边缘呈减弱趋势。研究区不同区域春季干旱强度呈同位相变化是干旱变化的首要空间分布模态,异常中心区域在陕北、陇东及宁夏西南部。东西部反相位分布模态反映了黄土高原东西部所受大气系统影响差异性的特征。根据载荷向量不同模态空间异常分布型,可将春季干旱划分为西北部型、东北部型和南部型等3个次区域异常型,南部春季干旱强度时间序列呈显著增强趋势,其由弱变强的突变点出现在1977年,西北部和东北部干旱强度也呈波动增强趋势,但未通过显著性检验,没有突变。西北部和南部春季干旱指数存在显著的3~4年振荡周期,东北部存在显著的5~6年振荡周期。  相似文献   

PM2.5 aerosols were sampled in urban Chengdu from April 2009 to January 2010, and their chemical compositions were characterized in detail for elements, water soluble inorganic ions, and carbonaceous matter. The annual average of PM2.5 was 165g m-3, which is generally higher than measurements in other Chinese cities, suggesting serious particulate pollution issues in the city. Water soluble ions contributed 43.5% to the annual total PM2.5 mass, carbonaceous aerosols including elemental carbon and organic carbon contributed 32.0%, and trace elements contributed 13.8%. Distinct daily and seasonal variations were observed in the mass concentrations of PM2.5 and its components, reflecting the seasonal variations of different anthropogenic and natural sources. Weakly acidic to neutral particles were found for PM2.5. Major sources of PM2.5 identified from source apportionment analysis included coal combustion, traffic exhaust, biomass burning, soil dust, and construction dust emissions. The low nitrate: sulfate ratio suggested that stationary emissions were more important than vehicle emissions. The reconstructed masses of ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, particulate carbonaceous matter, and fine soil accounted for 79% of the total measured PM2.5 mass; they also accounted for 92% of the total measured particle scattering.  相似文献   

利用甘肃省定西干旱气象与生态环境试验基地2003年夏季加强观测期间的资料,计算动量粗燥长度、热量粗糙长度和热量输送附加阻抗,结合卫星反演的差值植被指数Indv和表面温度Ts将其推广到中国西北区东部,可用于计算非均匀地表能量通量。  相似文献   

黄土高原土壤湿度变化规律研究   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
利用黄土高原59个气象站1961—2002年月降水量和29个农业气象观测站从建站到2002年逐年4~10月旬土壤重量含水率资料,分析了黄土高原土壤湿度的地域和时间分布特征以及土壤湿度的变化规律。结果表明:(1)黄土高原4~10月土壤湿度与降水量的地理分布有较好的一致性,两者都从东南向西北减少。由于六盘山和太行山对东南季风的阻挡影响,在陇中和晋中黄土高原出现一条南北向的干舌;(2)采用年降水量和变异系数,结合植被地带,把黄土高原土壤湿度划分为5个气候区域:草原化荒漠带土壤严重失墒区、荒漠草原带土壤严重失墒区、草原带土壤失墒区、森林草原带土壤湿度周期亏缺区、森林带土壤湿度周期亏缺区。前3个气候区位于黄土高原中北部,经雨季之后,土壤水分不能得到有效恢复,土壤经常处于重旱或轻旱状态。后2个气候区位于黄土高原南部,土壤有季节性缺水现象。(3)土壤湿度具有动态变化规律。一般从7月份开始土壤湿度增加,但各区的增湿幅度有差异。(4)土壤湿度与降水呈极显著的正相关,与气温呈不显著的负相关。  相似文献   

中国黄土高原地区春季气温时空特征分析   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:11  
张定全  王毅荣 《高原气象》2005,24(6):898-904
利用黄土高原40年的气温资料,采用小波分析方法,分析了该区域的春季气温变化特征。结果表明:黄土高原春季气温变化存在3个特征区域;在1991/1992年发生突变,突变后气温突然转暖,突变之前气温以负距平为主,突变后以正距平为主;1980年代中期最冷,1990年代后期最暖;且存在2年、3年和5~6年周期振荡,3年周期振荡最显著。春季逐月气温空间变化的主要特征是全区一致,各月气温以升温为主,1990年代最为明显,升温速度最大区和年际变化幅度最大区主要在黄土高原中部,准5年为主的年际振荡和10~12年年代际振荡在月气温变化中显著。  相似文献   

黄土高原半干旱区非均一下垫面粗糙度分析   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用2007年4月17日-2008年4月16日兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站边界层气象塔的风速、 风向、 温度、 气压、 湿度等观测资料, 采用经典的廓线法和风速、 风向标准差法, 分别计算了中性大气层结下观测站下垫面粗糙度长度, 并得到了具有黄土高原地理特征的地表粗糙度及其时空变化特征。计算结果表明, 季节变化对粗糙度的影响幅度可达0.159 m, 空间非均一性对粗糙度的影响幅度可达0.155 m。测站附近粗糙度春季为0.017 m, 夏季为0.062 m, 秋季为0.065 m, 冬季为0.018 m。测站西北方向上游粗糙度春季为0.17 m, 夏季为0.22 m, 秋季为0.34 m, 冬季为0.05 m。测站东南方向上游粗糙度春季为0.11 m, 夏季为0.17 m, 秋季为0.19 m, 冬季为0.05 m。该站下垫面粗糙度计算宜选用风速为6±1.5 m·s-1, 风向变化30°范围内的数据。  相似文献   

基于EOS/MODIS资料的中国黄土高原西部土地覆盖分类   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李耀辉  韩涛 《高原气象》2008,27(3):538-543
土地利用和覆盖信息不仅是全球及区域气候模式中所需的重要信息,也是描述生态系统的重要基础数据;获取其现状和变化信息,对于揭示土地覆盖的特征和变化规律,探讨变化的驱动因子,分析评价区域生态环境具有重要现实意义。采用多时相和多光谱遥感资料进行土地覆盖分类已成为一种行之有效的方法。植被类型的差异除了可表现为光谱差异外,还可表现为植被生长规律的差异;植被生长以年为周期,在这个周期内不同植被类型有着各自的生繁衰枯的物候节律,表现出不同的生长规律,其规律性极强,这种规律性也可以作为植被分类的一个出发点。于是,NDVI的时间序列分析成为基于生物气候特征的地表覆盖分类的一种手段。基于MODIS资料,首先对2003年植被生长季内共9个月的NDVI时间序列数据进行离散傅立叶变换,取得该时间序列的均值和前4个频率分量的振幅和相位后;采用ISODATA算法对中国黄土高原西部及其周边地区进行了分层土地覆盖分类,并采用现有的土地覆盖数据集,进行了类别归并和精度评估,分类结果的总体精度达到了81.3%,Kappa系数达到了75.4%,结果证明了这种方法的可行性。  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau, located in northern China, has a significant impact on the climate and ecosystem evolvement over the East Asian continent. In this paper, the preliminary autumn daily characteristics of land surface energy and water exchange over the Chinese Loess Plateau mesa region are evaluated by using data collected during the Loess Plateau land-atmosphere interaction pilot experiment (LOPEX04), which was conducted from 25 August to 12 September 2004 near Pingliang city, Gansu Province of China. The experiment was carried out in a region with a typical landscape of the Chinese Loess Plateau, known as "loess mesa". The experiment's field land utilizations were cornfield and fallow farmland, with the fallow field later used for rotating winter wheat. The autumn daily characteristics of heat and water exchange evidently differed between the mesa cornfield and fallow, and the imbalance term of the surface energy was large. This is discussed in terms of sampling errors in the flux observations-footprint; energy storage terms of soil and vegetation layers; contribution from air advections; and low and high frequency loss of turbulent fluxes and instruments bias. Comparison of energy components between the mesa cornfield and the lowland cornfield did not reveal any obvious difference. Inadequacies of the field observation equipment and experimental design emerged during the study, and some new research topics have emerged from this pilot experiment for future investigation.  相似文献   

The pH variation and chemical characteristics of rainwater were investigated from January 2006 to December 2006 at an urban site of Guangzhou, South China. The rainwater was typically acidic with a volume-weighted mean pH value of 4.49, which ranged from 3.52 to 6.28. The volume-weighted mean equivalent concentration of components followed the order: SO42− > Ca2+ > Cl > NH4+ > Na+ > NO3 > K+ > Mg2+ > F, indicating that SO42−, Cl and NO3 were the main anions, while Ca2+ and NH4+, were the main cations. Ca2+ and NH4+ were major neutralization constituents of the precipitation. Furthermore, correlation analysis and principal component analysis method were performed to identify possible common sources of major ions. Sources of the major ions were assessed based on enrichment factor method.  相似文献   

黄土高原陆-气相互作用预试验及其晴天地表能量特征分析   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:15  
详细介绍了在2004年8月24日~9月11日在甘肃平凉进行的陆-气相互作用野外预试验,对观测仪器进行了对比和标定,并利用观测资料,初步分析了黄土高原塬上裸地、塬上和塬下玉米地的地表净辐射各分量、感热、潜热和地热流的特征。由于作物(玉米)的存在,降低了地表反射率,使白天地面向上短波减少,同时向上长波也减少,增大了地表净辐射,地表潜热明显增大,玉米地白天向下的地热流和夜晚向上的地热流都比裸地小。与塬上相比,塬下玉米地的向下短波略小,向上短波明显偏小,向上长波基本一致;净辐射只在中午附近略小,地热流上午偏小,下午偏大,夜晚基本一致;感热和潜热在白天基本一致;塬下玉米地在凌晨明显存在负感热通量。  相似文献   

黄土高原中心地区水资源现状与可持续利用对策   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
处于黄土高原中心地区的庆阳市水资源十分缺乏,水资源总量严重不足,现有的水资源在开采方面又存在很大的难度,可利用水资源极其缺乏,严重阻碍了社会经济的可持续发展。本文主要通过对该水资源总量、利用现状的调查、分析研究,结合当地的地理和经济特点,分析水资源在利用方面存在的问题,提出水资源可持续利用的根本对策。  相似文献   

利用GLDAS资料分析了1948~2010年黄土高原半干旱区气温、降水和土壤湿度的变化趋势,并重点讨论了气温和降水对土壤湿度的影响和相对贡献。结果表明:近60 a来黄土高原半干旱区整体呈现暖干化趋势,增温速率明显高于全球平均增温速率;不同深度的土壤湿度的长期变化均呈减小趋势,且年际间变化明显。不同深度的土壤湿度和气温呈负相关关系,并随着土壤加深,两者的相关性加强;土壤湿度和降水则呈正相关关系,相关关系最大出现在表层土壤。通过分析气温和降水在不同季节对土壤湿度的相对贡献发现,春季和冬季气温对土壤湿度的相对贡献较降水显著,秋季恰好相反,夏季气温和降水对土壤湿度的相对贡献大小相当。对比不同深度层降水、气温对土壤湿度的相对贡献得出,降水对浅层土壤湿度有显著作用,而气温对深层土壤湿度的作用更明显。  相似文献   

利用黄土高原半干旱区"定西陆面过程综合观测试验站"2004年11月至2005年10月的各种陆面物理量综合资料,比较系统地研究了黄土高原半干旱区土壤温度、降水量、地表反照率、地表辐射分量和能量平衡分量的年变化和日变化特征及其影响机制。结果显示,黄土高原陆面过程特征与其他地区有很大不同。土壤温度变化向下传播速度约为2.5~3.5 h/10cm;地表反照率随土壤湿度的增大而减小,两者的相关系数达到了0.5338;而地表反照率随降雪量增大而增大,与降雪量的相关系数为0.6645;长波辐射年最大值出现的时间比总辐射迟1个月左右,年平均日变化中地表和大气对太阳辐射加热大约需要1个小时的响应时间;潜热通量夏季是冬季的5倍多,感热通量有了两个比较明显的峰值,潜热通量、感热通量和土壤热通量的日峰值比净辐射滞后30 min~1 h。  相似文献   

近50年陕西黄土高原云量和气温年际变化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用陕西黄土高原24个气象站1957年以来的气温、总云量和低云量观测资料,分析了它们的年际及年代际演变趋势及相关关系。结果表明:近50年区域年平均气温波动升高,尤其是1987年以后;北部风沙区气温的年际变化较大,增温幅度由北向南递减;1957年以来区域年平均总云量呈逐渐减少趋势,低云量下降趋势较总云量更为明显,2000年以后总云量有所增加。相关分析表明:陕西黄土高原年平均气温与年均总云量及低云量呈明显的负相关,均通过了0.001显著性水平检验,且低云量的相关更为显著;总云量和低云量与降水量呈显著正相关;不同区域和不同季节总云量和低云量与气温的相关系数有明显差异,但与降水量的相关非常显著。  相似文献   

中国西北黄土地区地震崩滑的分布与宏观影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在中国黄土高原划分了9个震害区,分析研究了中国西北黄土地区地震崩滑的分布与宏观影响因素。研究结果认为,位于六盘山西侧、会宁以东的第4区地震崩滑最发育;可以产生黄土地震崩滑的最大震中距或区域最大面积都与震级有关;影响黄土地区地震崩滑敏感性的宏观因素包括活动地质构造、地震断层、地层、地形、水文条件、地震强度等。坡度>2°的黄土斜坡就有可能发生地震滑坡,高烈度可以削弱或消除微地形对地震滑坡的影响。与现代地形具有相似性的埋藏地形、高达黏土层或砂层的地下水位、新黄土地层等,可加重地震滑坡的发育;而一定位置的下更新统砾岩层、老黄土等则可起到抗滑作用。中国西北黄土地区产生地震崩落、滑移的最低震级分别为4、5级,或地震烈度5度。在第4震害区,烈度6~7度就可能产生明显的地震崩滑;10度以上可形成较大面积的崩滑群;7(1/2)、8级以上的地震可分别产生滑陷、流滑。多因素组合对滑坡的影响可能不同于单因素,但比单因素更重要。  相似文献   

为了深入了解陇东黄土高原气象干旱时空分布特征,以提高干旱灾害的监测、预报、预警及防治能力,减少经济损失,利用庆阳市8个县(区)30a(1989~2018年)降水资料,计算了各县(区)月、季、年降水距平百分率,按降水距平百分率干旱指标选取干旱事件,从月、季、年不同时间尺度统计分析了陇东黄土高原气象干旱时空特征,并对该地区2011~2018年的灾情进行了分析。结果表明:30a来气象干旱发生的频次存在自西北向东南逐渐减少的特点。气象干旱发生的月频次呈波动状,其中12月最多,7月份最少;气象干旱主要发生在春季,以轻旱为主,中旱次之,重旱及特旱发生概率较小。从19世纪90年代到现在气象干旱事件发生的年频次逐渐减少,其造成的农作物成灾面积有逐年减少的趋势,这是因为我国提出了建设社会主义生态文明的思想,人们保护环境的意识增强,合理的利用了空间水资源,调整产业结构,种植防旱植被,加强水利工程建设,改善生态环境所致。  相似文献   

中国黄土高原区域性暴雨时空变化及碎形特征   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
王毅荣  林纾  张存杰 《高原气象》2007,26(2):373-379
利用黄土高原51个测站40年日降水资料,采用REOF分析、小波分析和分维分析等方法,研究了该地区区域性暴雨的时空特征。结果表明:黄土高原区域性暴雨事件趋于减少,过程雨量加大;区域性暴雨频数演变存在4年和7~8年的振荡,以4年周期为主;在1977年区域性暴雨事件出现突变性减少,相应的短周期减弱、长周期加强。分析表明,区域性暴雨事件骤减与500 hPa高度、副热带高压和青藏高压位置关系密切;与区域性暴雨事件伴随的全区降水量存在6个空间型,各型暴雨雨量异常具有客观碎形(分形)特点,其中黄土高原西北部和东南部暴雨雨量异常偏多的分维数值较小,在黄土高原中部分维数值较大,反映出黄土高原中部暴雨异常偏多的非线性机制最为复杂,而西北部和东南部地区相对简单。  相似文献   

NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and a 47-year precipitation dataset are utilized to analyze the relationship between an atmospheric heat source (hereafter called < Q1 >) over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (QXP) and its surrounding area and precipitation in northwest China. Our main conclusions are as follows: (1) The horizontal distribution of < Q1 > and its changing trend are dramatic over QXP in the summer. There are three strong centers of < Q1 > over the south side of QXP with obvious differences in the amount o...  相似文献   

Observational study of surface ozone at an urban site in East China   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
In this study, we present the observational data of near surface ozone and some meteorological parameters during 2004, at an urban site (36°42′ N, 117°08′ E, 34.5 m a.s.l.) of Jinan, China. Hourly ozone concentrations exceeding the standard value of China, 100 ppbv, were observed for 65 h (in 23 days) from April to October, and values exceeding US NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standard) for 1 h ozone, 120 ppbv, were observed for 15 h (in 7 days) from late May to early July. Ozone formation presented the phenomenon of “weekend effect”, especially in summer. Monthly variation of ozone coincided with temperature except for July and August. The low ozone levels in July and August may be due to the short sunshine duration and much rainfall during this period. Among these meteorological parameters, daily averaged ozone shows a significant correlation with temperature (r = 0.66) in the year and with relative humidity (r = − 0.75) in summer. Throughout the year, high ozone concentrations were mainly associated with the wind from 180 to 247.5°, while high ozone concentration seemed to have no obvious correlation with a given wind direction in summer. An anomalous nocturnal high ozone episode during 23–25 May 2004 was investigated. Growth fractions of ozone during the nighttime episode were 62.2% and 71.1% for 23 and 24 May, respectively. Synoptic analysis shows that favorable synoptic condition had presumably elevated the background ozone level in this region. Backward trajectory analysis shows that the increase of ozone concentration and the relatively constant high ozone concentrations during the night of May 23 might originate from the transport of ozone rich air mass above boundary layer. Transport of ozone from Yangtze Delta and East Central China might be a significant process for the high ozone level during night May 24 at Jinan.  相似文献   

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