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A pockmark field extending over 35 km2 at 74°54N, 27°3E, described by Solheim and Elverhøi (1993), was re-surveyed and found to be covered with more than 30 steep-sided craters between 300 and 700 m in diameter and up to 28 m deep. The craters are thought to have been formed by an explosive gas eruption. Anomalously high concentrations of methane in the shelf waters around the craters suggest that a strong methane source near this area is still active today. Methane enrichment more than 10 km away from the crater field indicates the large dimensions of a plume and the amount of gas released from sources below the seafloor of the Barents Sea shelf. From the characteristic vertical decrease of methane towards the sea surface, it is concluded that biota are extensively using this energy pool and reducing the methane concentration within the water column by about 98% between 300 m depth and the sea surface. Degassing to the atmosphere is minimal based on the shape of the methane concentration gradient. Nevertheless, the net flux of methane from this area of the Barents Sea is about 2.9 × 104 g CH4 km–2 yr–1 and thus in the upper range of the presently estimated global marine methane release. This flux is a minimum estimate and is likely to increase seasonally when rough weather leads to more effective vertical mixing during autumn and winter. The amount of methane consumed in the water column, however, is about 50 times greater and hence should significantly contribute to the marine carbon inventory.  相似文献   

无水滑的水下泥石流运动速度的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
余斌 《水科学进展》2007,18(5):641-647
水下泥石流阻力与陆面中泥石流运动阻力的不同点在于上表面的掺混阻力和剪切阻力。由一系列的室内无水滑的水下泥石流和陆面泥石流实验研究得出:水下泥石流运动速度与相同条件下陆面泥石流运动速度之比随不同性质的泥石流,如粘性和稀性泥石流,由于其屈服应力的巨大差别,有很大的不同。由实验得到的由泥石流体的容重和量纲为一的泥石流屈服应力表达的水下无水滑泥石流运动速度和陆面泥石流运动速度用于无水滑水下泥石流运动速度计算较好。  相似文献   

The Middle and Late Pleistocene succession on the glacier-fed fan at the mouth of Storfjorden trough was studied using high-resolution seismic data. Seven glacial advances to the shelf break during Middle and Late Pleistocene resulted in episodic high sediment input to the fan with real sedimentation rates of up to 172 cm/1000 years, separated by sediment-starved interstadials and interglacials. On the upper fan the high sediment input resulted in frequent slides and slumps, generating debris flows which dominate the mid-fan strata. Compared with the larger neighbouring Bear Island trough mouth fan, the Storfjorden trough mouth fan has a steeper fan gradient, narrower, thinner and shorter debris flow deposits and lower frequency of large scale sliding. Glacier-fed submarine fans receive their main sediment input from a glacier margin at the shelf break, as opposed to river-fed fans where sediment input occurs through a channel-levee complex. As a result, the depocentre of a river-fed fan is found on the mid-fan and the upper slope is mainly an area of sediment bypass, whereas the glacier-fed fan has an elongated depocentre across the uppermost fan. The river-fed fans are dominated by deposition from turbidity currents, whereas glacier-fed fans are dominated by debris flow deposits.  相似文献   

物源条件对震后泥石流发展影响的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强震过后一定时期内,泥石流的活跃性增强,即数量增多、规模增大、频率增加。而随着松散物质储量的减少,泥石流的活跃性会随之衰减。为了具体考察物源条件对震后泥石流活动的影响,使用震后泥石流逐年平均输沙量作为刻画泥石流活跃性的指标,在云南蒋家沟和西藏古乡沟泥石流数据的基础上,定量地分析了震后泥石流活跃性的变化过程。分析表明存在降雨控制型和物源控制型两种泥石流流域。前者的泥石流在震后很长一段时间内都不衰减,其发生主要取决于降雨条件。后者最大规模的泥石流发生于地震过后的短时间内,尔后泥石流活动随时间显著减弱。泥石流规模和频率的关系与暴雨不一致。当物源控制型流域的无量纲化活跃性指标值降为0.12左右时,可以认为泥石流进入了稳定或者衰弱期,不会再有大规模的泥石流事件发生。数据拟合结果表明,整个泥石流活跃性的衰减过程可以用幂函数来描述。其衰减指数与剩余物质储量和总物质储量之比存在密切的关系。这为定量预测震后泥石流发展趋势提供了一个初步的模型。  相似文献   

GEE  MASSON  WATTS  & ALLEN 《Sedimentology》1999,46(2):317-335
New 3·5 kHz profiles and a series of piston cores from the north-west African margin provide evidence that the Saharan debris flow travelled for more than 400 km on a highly fluid, low-friction layer of poorly sorted sediment. Data suggest that the Saharan debris flow is a two-phase event, consisting of a basal, volcaniclastic debris flow phase overlain by a pelagic debris flow phase. Both phases were emplaced on the lower continental rise by a single large debris flow at around 60 ka. The volcaniclastic flow left a thin deposit less than 5 m thick. This contrasts with the much thicker (over 25 m) deposit left by the pelagic debris flow phase. We suggest that pelagic sediment, sourced and mobilized as debris flow from the African continental margin, loaded and destabilized volcaniclastic material in the vicinity of the western Canaries. When subjected to this loading, the volcaniclastic material appears to have formed a highly fluid sandy debris flow, capable of transporting with it the huge volumes of pelagic debris, and contributing to a runout distance extending over 400 km downslope of the Canary Islands on slopes that decrease to as little as 0·05°. It is likely that the pelagic debris formed a thick impermeable slab above the volcanic debris, thus maintaining high pore pressures generated by loading and giving rise to low apparent friction conditions. The distribution of the two debris phases indicates that the volcaniclastic debris flow stopped within a few tens of kilometres after escaping from beneath the pelagic debris flow, probably because of dissipation of excess pore pressure when the seal of pelagic material was removed.  相似文献   

北极西巴伦支海盆地是全球最具勘探潜力的含油气盆地之一。基于IHS数据库最新资料,分析了该盆地油气地质特征,揭示了盆地油气分布特征,划分了含油气系统和成藏组合,评估了盆地资源潜力,并优选了有利勘探区带。研究表明,区域上西巴伦支海盆地已发现油气藏主要分布于盆地的西南部;层系上油气主要富集于侏罗系和三叠系储层,其已发现控制和探明(2P)可采储量分别占盆地总2P可采储量的72.6%和15.5%。盆地内主要发育2个已知的含油气系统,分别为侏罗系/三叠系复合含油气系统和二叠系/石炭系复合含油气系统。蒙特卡洛模拟评估出西巴伦支海盆地石油、天然气和凝析油待发现可采资源量(均值)分别为487.4×106 t、1375.6×109 m3和84.6×106 t,折合成油当量为1681.9×106 t,其中天然气占66.0%。综合资源评价结果和油气成藏条件地质分析优选出2个有利勘探区带,分别是盆地南部的侏罗系成藏组合有利勘探区带和三叠系成藏组合有利勘探区带。  相似文献   

In recent years it has become clear that many shallow‐marine heterolithic and mudstone‐dominated successions are deposited as mud belts forming part of subaqueous deltas that are related to major fluvial sources either upstream or along shore. Here the Havert Formation is presented as an ancient example of this kind of system. The Havert Formation in the south‐western Barents Sea represents shelf margin clinoforms consisting predominantly of heterolithic deposits. Sediments were mainly derived from the east (Ural Mountains), but a smaller system prograded northward from Fennoscandia. The Havert Formation holds a lot of interest due to: (i) its stratigraphic position, directly above the Permo–Triassic boundary and contemporaneous to the emplacement of the Siberian Traps; (ii) the fact that it represents the first siliciclastic input in the south‐western Barents Sea and it shows interaction between Uralian‐derived and Fennoscandian‐derived sediments; and (iii) its hydrocarbon potential. This study is focused on a detailed sedimentological analysis of cored intervals of the (Ural‐derived) Havert Formation, in combination with seismic interpretation, well‐log correlations and palynological analysis of the Havert and overlying Klappmyss formations. The cored intervals belong to the shelf environment of the Havert shelf‐margin clinoforms (300 to 500 m thick). This sedimentological analysis distinguishes six facies associations, spanning from tidally‐influenced channels at the shoreline to mud‐rich subaqueous platform and foresets of the subaqueous delta. Seismic lines and well‐log correlations show the larger‐scale evolution of the Ural‐derived Havert Formation, characterized by episodes of low‐accommodation and high‐accommodation. The palynological analyses provide the first detailed study of the Havert Formation in the Nordkapp Basin, revising its depositional age in the region as Induan to early Olenekian (Smithian). Furthermore, they strengthen the environmental interpretation; palynofacies present on the shelf record flora of tidally‐influenced coastal plains, whereas the palynofacies in the deep‐water slope contain only amorphous organic matter.  相似文献   

In September 1979, rain-induced complex landslides occurred in two separate localities along the slopes of the Akovolwo Mountains near Jato-Aka in the Kwande Local Government area of Benue State, Nigeria.The two movements developed on bedrock slopes covered by a veneer of colluvium and (or) residuum no more than 1.5 to 2m deep. Each started as a slump and graduated into a debris flow. The slump, extending downhill a short distance away from the head scarp, had been reconstituted into a debris flow as the initial movement (sliding movement) of the soil mass caused remoulding of the saturated moving mass into viscous debris-laden mud. The resulting mass moved partly along a pre-existing mountain stream channel and partly along a fresh channel it cleared in the savanna forest. At the break of slope, the mass of boulders was dumped and a trail of smaller fragments littered the channels towards the Katsina-Ala River.  相似文献   

四川泸定县冷碛镇黑沟泥石流发育特征与危害初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
泸定冷碛镇黑沟流域内发育土层滑坡及土体蠕动变形体20处,为黑沟泥石流的主要松散物源;土层滑坡和土体蠕动变形体规模小,滑速慢,滑体结构松散,滑入溪沟易被洪流卷走,不会形成滑坡堰塞湖和溃决型泥石流。近60年来黑沟发生的最大一次泥石流,经计算泥石流流速为3.47m/s,峰值流量为122.79 m3/s,为大型泥石流,对沟谷两侧财产造成了巨大危害。  相似文献   

以东川泥石流为研究对象,选取高程、坡度、坡向、起伏度、曲率、工程岩组、距断层距离、距水系距离、土地利用类型9个影响因子,以研究区144条泥石流为样本数据,建立了东川泥石流易发性评价体系。基于GIS平台,采用信息量模型计算各个评价指标状态分级的信息量值,以小流域为评价单元使用自然间断法将研究区泥石流易发程度分为极高、高、中和低4个易发区等级。结果表明:研究区极高易发区和高易发区发生泥石流灾害数量占比94.44%,AUC值为0.876,表明选取评价指标合理,信息量模型适用于东川泥石流易发性评价研究。  相似文献   

在川西地区龙泉山西坡首次发现了第四纪泥石流沉积。泥石流沉积相组合为AA1B、AA1C、AA1,反映泥石流为洪积扇扇中沉积组合,具有粘性泥石流的沉积特征。ESR测年及孢粉化石组合特征表明泥石流沉积于早-中更新世温暖湿润的气候环境下。龙泉山泥石流的形成反映了龙泉山早-中更新世之交的构造隆升,以及四川盆地盆地期夷平面的解体,是对早-中更新世之交青藏高原的隆起、季风的加强、暴雨式降水出现的沉积响应,对于研究四川盆地西部及青藏高原东缘第四纪构造运动及古气候特征具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

余斌 《水科学进展》2008,19(1):27-35
潜入点的水流泥沙条件是异重流的发生条件和持续条件,受到了国内外学者的广泛关注。初期潜入点Fr代表异重流的发生条件,而稳定潜入点Fr则代表异重流的持续条件。通过一系列的低浓度浊流和高浓度浊流及泥石流的异重流潜入点的实验研究,分析对比低浓度浊流和高浓度浊流及泥石流的异重流的关系,得到在均匀顺直水槽中的异重流初期的潜入点Fr规律。提出在一定的水槽宽度、泥沙浓度条件下,异重流的初期潜入点Fr与头部流速成正比。与其它文献不同研究条件的实验结果对比有很好的一致性,说明该研究结论有很好的可靠性。该研究结论的适用范围为初期潜入点,不适用于稳定潜入点和初期潜入点与稳定潜入点之间的过渡阶段。但高浓度浊流和泥石流的异重流初期潜入点Fr与其稳定潜入点Fr很接近,粘性泥石流的异重流更接近。  相似文献   

浅层滑坡诱发沟谷泥石流的地形和降雨条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
余斌  王涛  朱渊 《水科学进展》2016,27(4):542-550
2011年贵州省望谟县打易镇的大范围浅层滑坡诱发的沟谷泥石流提供了研究这类泥石流地形和降雨条件的机会。在地质条件一致和小区域内的降雨条件基本一致的情况下,地形条件就是这些泥石流暴发与否的唯一决定因素。对比一些重要的地形因素与泥石流暴发的关系,得出了由流域面积、沟床纵比降和25°~45°山坡坡度面积比组成的泥石流综合地形因子T。在地形因子T的基础上,研究获得了由前期降雨量、1 h降雨强度、年平均降雨量等组成的降雨因子R。由地形因子T和降雨因子R获得的临界条件P可以判断该区域的泥石流暴发。由于研究工作部分基于泥石流的形成机理,研究成果还可用于其他区域的泥石流形成预测,为泥石流的预测预报提供了一个较好的方法。  相似文献   

小秦岭大湖峪矿渣型泥石流的物源特征及其危险度评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
河南省灵宝市大湖峪峪道金矿开采活动强烈,采矿废渣成为当地泥石流主要的物源隐患。在2007年对峪道内采矿废渣堆进行实地调查的基础上,依据矿渣型泥石流的特点,选择渣堆规模、河道堵塞程度、渣堆稳定性、沟谷纵坡降比、河流弯曲度和沟谷汇水面积6个因子,利用层次分析法确定各因子的权重,进而对大湖峪主峪道及其支沟进行了泥石流危险度评价。结果表明,13条沟谷中有10条为高危险度区,其中东峪黑峪子沟、东峪主峪道、西峪东槽桐沟和槽桐沟均为泥石流极高危险区。大湖峪泥石流危险度评价结果为泥石流的防治和预警提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

工布江达县位于藏东地区,雨季区内泥石流频发,对人民基本生活和区域经济建设与发展造成了严重影响。为研究藏东地区中—小型泥石流灾害对城镇居民聚集区的危害特征和潜在危险性,运用FLO-2D软件,以西藏自治区工布江达县县城周边居民分布较为集中的5条泥石流沟为研究对象,通过模拟泥石流泥深和流速等方面的冲淤特征,以县城典型泥石流沟模拟冲出结果为基础,确定泥石流强度并划定危险性分区,分析泥石流危险分区与居民聚集区之间的拓扑关系,评估县城周边泥石流危险性,为工布江达县城的城镇规划和防灾减灾提供技术参考。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of combined studies in the areas of the occurrence of gas-fluid emanations in the water column, on the seafloor, and in the upper part of the sedimentary section on the northeastern slope of Sakhalin Island (Sea of Okhotsk). The phenomena typical of methane seeps were characterized in detail: the presence of acoustic anomalies, high concentrations of methane in the water and sediments, and the specific features of the sedimentary section (the textural and structural features, the character of the mineral inclusions and gas hydrates, and the chemical composition). The component composition of the gases (including the accompanying gas hydrates), which is almost free of heavy hydrocarbon homologues of methane; the light carbon isotopic compositions of the methane and carbonate concretions; and the low temperatures of the near-bottom water and sediments suggest that the occurrence of numerous methane emanations is related to gas generation in the upper part of the sedimentary sequence. No evidence was found for the existence of a deep center of gas formation within the seafloor area considered. Typical submarine mud volcanic edifices were also not found.  相似文献   

气候变化影响下高山区泥石流形成机制研究及展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
全球范围内高海拔或高纬度山区(以下简称高山区),尤其高山冰川冻土急剧消退地区,广泛发育泥石流灾害。在全球气候变暖的大背景下,高山区泥石流的现实危害和潜在风险日渐凸显。与其他环境条件下泥石流过程主要由降雨激发不同,高山区泥石流的暴发多受降雨和温度条件的共同影响,其形成机制更为复杂,预测预警十分困难,因此加强高山区泥石流研究具有重要的科学价值和实践意义。通过述评近期高山区泥石流起动研究的主要进展,包括泥石流暴发与气象条件的关系,典型高山区泥石流事件成因,冰川冻土体消融破坏机制,以及冰碛土泥石流起动特征,认为未来高山区泥石流研究应加强高时空分辨率气象数据获取和物源动态变化分析研判,并从动力学机制层面进一步明晰高山区泥石流起动条件和发育过程。  相似文献   

南水北调西线工程泥石流灾害及危险区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘希林  苏鹏程 《地学前缘》2007,14(6):188-196
南水北调西线工程是拟议中的国家重大建设工程,通过"五坝七洞一渠"共计260km的引水线路,引长江上游雅砻江和大渡河水入黄河。泥石流在工程区多有分布,现已查明,工程区共有不同危险度等级的泥石流沟103条。泥石流危险区划结果表明,研究区内没有泥石流极高危险区;泥石流高度危险区总面积为73km2,主要集中分布在杜柯河流域,达曲和泥曲流域有零星分布;泥石流中度危险区总面积114·75km2,各流域均有分布,其中杜柯河和达曲流域分布较多;泥石流低度危险区是分布最广的区域,总面积156·75km2,各流域均有分布,以杜柯河流域分布略多。研究表明,用单沟泥石流危险度值作为综合指标,以具有不同泥石流危险度等级的泥石流沟流域面积作为权重的加权平均方法,采用网格作为泥石流危险区划的基本单元,能够直接而真实地获得泥石流危险区划的成果。用本文提出的方法进行地质灾害的危险区划,无疑比用间接方法和替代指标得出的危险区划结果具有更高的可靠性。  相似文献   

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