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【目的】研究鄂尔多斯盆地南部油砂的时代归属及古气候特征。【方法】基于油砂上下层段的孢粉化石的研究,追溯了孢粉组合的时代,并通过古植被分布特征恢复古气候。【结果】本组合中以裸子植物花粉占绝对优势,其中以古松柏类Paleoconiferae和松科Protopinus、Pseudopicea、Piceites、Pseudopinus为主,蕨类植物孢子较少。同时我们识别出多个具有时代特征的孢粉类型。【结论】推测油砂富集层位可能为下侏罗统延安组。依据孢粉谱和孢粉类群的古生态特征,认为在下侏罗统延安组沉积时期,气候温暖潮湿,大量存在常绿针叶林植被及少量草本和灌木,整体属于温带—亚热带气候。  相似文献   

为完善鄂尔多斯盆地边缘地区油源认识,研究渭北隆起区延安组降解油砂地球化学特征和油源,通过GC-MS(气相色谱—质谱分析)等测试,分析油砂的有机质成熟度、有机质来源、古沉积环境和油源方向。结果表明:渭北隆起区延安组油砂油的成分中以饱和烃为主,非烃和沥青质次之,芳香烃最少,饱芳比和饱和烃质量分数高,油砂油品质较好;油砂油进入成熟阶段,有机质来源于高等植物和藻类,形成于水体盐度低、水体缺氧的湖相沉积环境;延长组7段半深湖—深湖相沉积的泥页岩是油砂的生油岩,油砂油由镇泾地区沿南东东方向运移,水洗和生物降解作用是运移过程中影响油砂油成分变化的主要因素。该结果对鄂尔多斯盆地南缘油气勘探有指导意义。  相似文献   

汶口盆地石膏、岩盐资源量巨大,已探明石膏资源量约为1.5×10~8t,推断矿产量约450×10~8t。随着国民经济的高速发展,石膏矿产品的消费量会有大幅度增加。预测2010年山东省对探明的石膏矿产需求量约为2.5×10~8t,而截止2000年山东省可采储量约为1.5×10~8t,两者相差10~8t,其勘查工作亟待加强。  相似文献   

本文基于地理国情普查数据,结合水利、环境、统计、遥感影像等数据,以青海省乡镇(街道)为基本评价单元进行生态环境状况定量化评价,并在此基础上采用层次分析加权主成分分析(AHP-PCA)模型,以自然-经济-社会区域复合生态系统为框架,以县(市、区)为评价单元对青海省生态环境进行综合评价。评价结果显示青海省生态环境状况整体较好,各年评价结果为优、良的县(市、区)均超过一半,除个别地区外,全省各乡镇(街道)生境质量呈东部优于西部、南部优于北部的特征。  相似文献   

在简述焉耆盆地水资源形成与分布的基础上,论述了平原区水资源开发利用的现状和存在的主要问题,探讨了水资源开发模式,并提出了平原区地表水和地下水联合开发的比例。  相似文献   

海上油田开发初期由于钻井少, 资料录取有限, 且缺少动态资料, 油田储量认识存在较大不确定性, 随着开发程度的提高, 往往会出现储量与产量之间的矛盾, 而储量再评价是解决这种矛盾的重要方式。为提高开发效率, 缩减成本, 海上油田更多以水平井开发, 受井型的影响, 开发阶段资料录取往往受限, 因此新增水平井资料成为油田储量再评价中获得新的地质油藏认识以及提高储量估算精度的关键。为进一步获得可靠的储量评价结果, 解决油田的动静态矛盾, 笔者在分析珠江口盆地储量变化主控参数的基础上, 根据水平井钻井特征, 充分挖掘水平开发井在提高主控参数精度上的作用。分析结果显示含油面积和有效厚度在储量评估中的不确定性最大, 是引起储量变化的两个主控参数, 水平开发井在提升油田产能、确定有效厚度下限、微构造研究、岩性边界以及流体界面识别等方面具有较好的作用, 在资料录取有限的情况下, 利用水平开发井能有效提高主控参数精度, 获得相对合理的地质储量, 解决油田生产动态矛盾的同时, 也为油田后期挖潜指明方向。南海东部多个油田的应用实例也证实这一认识。   相似文献   

柳正 《国土资源》2004,(8):54-55
蒙古是一个矿产资源丰富的国家,现已探明有铜、钼、金、银、铀、铅、锌、稀土、铁、萤石、磷、煤、石油等80多种矿产,3000多个矿点。这些矿产绝大部分探勘程度低、产量小,有待于开发。其中,铜、金、铀是最有资源开发远景的矿产。  相似文献   

关中盆地地下水脆弱性评价指标体系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水脆弱性是近几年来出现的新概念,在分析国内外有关地下水脆弱性研究现状的基础上根据关中盆地的地貌、地质、水文地质以及环境问题,探讨了地下水脆弱性的概念,提出了关中盆地地下水脆弱性评价指标体系。  相似文献   

合浦盆地是中国南方有代表性的盆地,其下第三系发育有酒席坑组和上洋组二段两套生油岩系。西场、常乐两个凹陷既有相似性、又有各自特点。文章在研究其沉积环境、物源及有机质演化特征的基础上,确定该盆地成熟门限深度,表明合浦盆地具有良好的油气勘查前景。  相似文献   

1IntroductionHailar Basin is located in the eastern part of In-ner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, with the area of 44 210 km2 (Fig.1).Fig.1SketchmapshowingthelocationofHailarBasinThe Hailar Basin is neither different from the foreland basin of west pa…  相似文献   

Through petroleum exploration of 20 years, a new petroleum production area has been constructed in Hailar Basin. Their petroleum geological characteristics and hydrocarbon distribution has been known in detail. The Hailar Basin is a basin group consisted of many scattered sub-basins with similar structural developed history. Each sub-basin has unique hydrocarbon distributing rules, including (1) oil/gas reservoir distribution is controlled by the oil/gas sag, and the oil/gas bearing in big sag is rich; (2) underwater fan and turbidity fan are the most favorable reservoirs; structure zone controlled by main fault is favorable zone of forming composite oil/gas accumulation; (3) lower fault-block in higher rise and higher fault-block in lower rise are favorable to oil/gas accumulation; (4) deep fault and granite body are closely related to oil/gas reservoir, its distributing area is favorable area of oil and mantle source non-hydrocarbon gas formation;(5) higher geothermal area is favorable oil/gas bearing area.  相似文献   

An Arctic Ocean eddy in sub-surface layer is analyzed in this paper by use of temperature,salinity and current profiles data obtained at an ice camp in the Canada Basin during the second Chinese Arctic Expedition in summer of 2003.In the vertical temperature section,the eddy shows itself as an isolated cold water block at depth of 60 m with a minimum temperature of-1.5℃,about 0.5℃ colder than the ambient water.Isopycnals in the eddy form a pattern of convex,which indicates the eddy is anticyclonic.Although maximum velocity near 0.4 m s-1 occurs in the current records observed synchronously,the current pattern is far away from a typical eddy.By further analysis,inertial frequency oscillations with amplitudes comparable with the eddy velocity are found in the sub-surface layer currents.After filter the inertial current and mean current,an axisymmetric current pattern of an eddy with maximum velocity radius of 5 km is obtained.The analysis of the T-S characteristics of the eddy core water and its ambient waters supports the conclusion that the eddy was formed on the Chukchi Shelf and migrated northeastward into the northern Canada Basin.  相似文献   

轮南地区石炭系砂泥岩段S3层储层特征与评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从沉积环境入手,依据岩芯、铸体薄片、测井解释、压汞试验、物性分析等资料,并结合区域地质背景对塔里木盆地北部轮南地区石炭统卡拉沙依组砂泥岩段S3砂组进行了研究。结果表明:该区砂泥岩段S3砂组优质储层的岩性为岩屑砂岩、含砾不等粒砂岩、粉砂岩等;储层孔隙类型以粒间孔、粒间溶孔为主,发育少量粒缘缝;碳酸盐岩胶结物在轮南地区砂泥岩段S3砂组储层中较为普遍;钙质体积分数较高。钙质主要以方解石、铁方解石、铁白云石胶结物的形式存在;优质储层的分布受控于沉积环境,集中发育在砂泥岩段S3砂组上部的三角洲前缘相的分流河道与前缘席状砂和砂泥岩段S3砂组下部潮坪相的潮道和砂坪微相里,所以这些区域是油气勘探的重点目标区。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地天环拗陷南段水文地质特征与油藏富集规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从油田水文地质的角度,在鄂尔多斯盆地天环拗陷南段开展了流体运移和油藏保存条件及富集规律的研究。受断层、古河侵蚀等作用影响,地层水从拗陷中心向两侧运移;地层水矿化度和氯离子质量浓度的分析表明:延长组地层封闭性好于延安组地层;油田水高矿化度、低还原系数区地层封闭性好,为石油勘探的有利目标。  相似文献   

The structural styles can be used to analyses and predict developments and distributions of sand bodies in a rift basin. The dynamic process of faulting and sedimentation can be expressed as follow: the basin topography controlled by fault activity can control water dynamics; which in turn affect the transport and sedimentation of sediments. The corresponding analysis between structural styles and sand depositional types includes the following aspects: (1) in section, the corresponding between development of fault terraces and sand depositional types; (2) in plane, the relationship between faults' association and distributions of sand bodies. There are four types of terrace styles to be identified. They are Steep Slope Single Fault Terrace (SSSFT), Steep Slope Multiple Fault Terrace (SSMFT), Gentle Slope (GS) and Gentle Slope Multiple Fault Terrace (GSMFT), which also can be divided into six subtypes by the timing of the faults activities and the directions of their activity migrations (basinward and landward or marginward). They correspond to the following sand depositions such as alluvial fan, fan delta and turbidite fan etc.. The analysis of structure-sedimentation is a discussion on the rank Ⅲ sequence evolution under the condition of pulsing or episodic fault activities. It has been recognized four plane fault associations such as the comb, the broom, the fork and the fault-fold association as well as the corresponding sand distributions. Structural-sedimentary models above mentioned are significant for the deep oil and gas exploration when lacking of the drill data. It may reduce multiple resolutions in the interpretation of seismic-sedimentary facies and promote sand predictions through the constraints of the structural styles of the basin units. The structural-sedimentary pattern can be used as a geological model in oil and gas exploration in the rift basins.  相似文献   

The present paper is based on materials collected in Chukchi Sea and adjacent southern edge waters of Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean during the period from July to August 1999 on the icebreaker, the R/V “Xuelong”, by the Chinese First Arctic Scientific Expedition. Totally, 8 species of pelagic Hydromedusae were identified, of which 4 species belonged to Anthomedusae, 2 species to Leptomedusae, 1 species to Trachymedusae and 1 species to Narcomedusae, the Neoturris breviconis is recorded for the first time in Chukchi Sea. Their principal morphological characteristics are described and illustrated. The 8 species of Hydromedusae occurring in the Chukchi Sea were all cold water species, of which 6 species belong to neritic species and 2 species to ocean species. According to the geographic distribution of species, they may be divided into three groups: Arctic species, Arctic-boreal species and Boreal-temperate species. From the view-point of zoogeography, species from these waters belong to the Arctic fauna.The abundance of Hydromedusae in Chukchi Sea was generally low, with a mean value of 108 ind.*10-2*m-3. Rathkea octopunctata and Aglantha digitale were dominant species. From the view-point of vertical distribution Aglantha digitale is inhabiting in the depth of 0 300 m and with the maximum in the depth of 50 m to 100 m.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in sea ice brine samples which collected from four stations located at the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean was analyzed by PCR-DGGE. Twenty-three 16S rDNA sequences of bacteria obtained from DGGE bands were cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis clustered these sequences within γ-proteobacteria, Cytophaga-Flexlbacter-Bacteroides (CFB) group, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. The phylotype of Pseudoalteromonas in the γ-proteobacteria was predominant and members of the CFB group and γ-proteobacteria were highly abundant in studied sea ice brine samples.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长6期湖盆中部砂体发育特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长6期湖盆中部地区物源分析、沉积相特征等研究,分析了厚层砂体的形成机理和砂体类型.认为长6期物源主要来自东北、西南方向,发育三角洲前缘水下分流河道、河口坝、远端砂坝和浊流等砂体类型,湖盆演化从鼎盛转向萎缩的长6早期厚层砂体比较发育.白豹、合水地区砂层厚度大,储层条件良好,是石油勘探的有利地区.  相似文献   

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