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本文使用1979—2021年国家气候中心160站(R160)和国家级地面气象观测站2 314站(R2314)逐月降水观测资料,利用EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function)分解和相关分析等方法,研究两类资料夏季降水时空变化特征及其与海气因素之间物理联系的表征水平差异,并分析了差异的可能原因。结果表明,R160在我国西北、青藏高原等地区站点极为稀疏,导致其各EOF模态对上述地区降水的时空变化特征描述失真,中东部地区偏低的空间分辨率会使局地强降水的变化特征信号损失,造成降水的年际变率降低。而R2314主模态能够更为真实地反映我国降水的时空演变特征,特别是在极端降水频发的江淮地区以及降水受局地地形影响较大的山区,其EOF主模态的空间分布和时间系数演变与ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation)、西太平洋副热带高压、青藏高原雪盖等气候强迫信号之间的相关性更为显著。  相似文献   


The changes in normal precipitation amounts from 1931–60 to 1951–80 are examined for stations in Eastern Canada. The area covered comprises the Maritime Provinces and those parts of Ontario and Quebec south of a line approximately 200 km north of Lakes Erie and Ontario and the St Lawrence River. Changes are computed for each of the four seasons and for the entire year. On the whole, precipitation has increased, especially in winter and summer. However, there is considerable variation throughout the area, with precipitation decreasing in some regions. General circulation models that simulate the effect of doubling atmospheric CO2 also show an increase in precipitation.  相似文献   

The influence of increased horizontal resolution on regional climate models simulations of 1961–1990 period was investigated with a focus on precipitation. The main attention was paid to the annual cycle of precipitation described by a special characteristic, precipitation half-time. Two models (RegCM3 and ALADIN-CLIMATE/CZ), both of them in two horizontal resolutions (25 and 10 km), were used. An evaluation of model simulations with 25 km resolution on the European domain is presented as well as a more detailed evaluation of both 25 and 10 km versions on the area of the Czech Republic. Generally, the effects of increased horizontal resolution vary with climate model and evaluated characteristic. For the precipitation amount and the dependence of precipitation amount on altitude, the increase in horizontal resolution decreases the accuracy of results in both models. For the simulation of annual precipitation cycle and the precipitation half-time, RegCM3 results improved with the increased horizontal resolution, whereas ALADIN-CLIMATE/CZ results worsened.  相似文献   

Summary Recent dry years (combined dry winter and summer months) within the UK (2005 and 2006) have enhanced concerns relating to long term water resources and future water provision in large conurbations. This paper examines the mechanisms responsible for precipitation variability for five different areas in Edinburgh (precipitation regions) using composite historic precipitation records for the period 1861–2005. Trend analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were undertaken to examine precipitation variability over time and space. Annual correlation co-efficients were derived for relationships between precipitation areas, atmospheric–oceanographic variations and geographic parameters. Stepwise regression models were constructed to specify annual precipitation, through atmospheric variations, for each of the precipitation areas. Significant downward trends in precipitation (p < 0.05) were noted in two out of the five precipitation areas, with one principal component representing precipitation variability over Edinburgh and the Pentland Hills. Precipitation variability is best explained by fluctuations in pressure, altitude and proximity to coast. Precipitation trends cannot be explained by changes in atmospheric circulation patterns. Authors’ addresses: N. Macdonald, Department of Geography, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZT, United Kingdom; I. D. Phillips, J. Thorpe, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston B15 2TT, United Kingdom.  相似文献   

基于LZU0025高分辨率格点数据集,对1951—2012年中国区域气温和降水量的时空分布特征,以及气候变化趋势进行了初步分析。结果表明:中国的年平均气温自1980年开始显著增暖,年降水量在1960年出现由湿润到干燥的突变。中国的整体降水量变化趋势不如气温的变化趋势具有一致性。中国年平均气温增温趋势为0.26℃/(10a),局部的最大增温趋势超过0.6℃/(10a);中国年降水量减少趋势为6.7 mm/(10a),局部地区的降水减少趋势超过了30 mm/(10a),而有些地区的降水增加趋势却可达30 mm/(10a)。大兴安岭—黄土高原西北缘—黄河长江上游以北—冈底斯山脉东部为大致的平均400 mm等降水量线,可用于划分中国的半干旱与半湿润区。1951—2010年中国400 mm等降水量线位置的年代际变化情况复杂,但总体呈现不断南移的趋势,表明中国干旱、半干旱区面积在不断扩大。  相似文献   

Climate Dynamics - The West Africa rainfall regime constitutes a considerable challenge for Regional Climate Models (RCMs) due to the complexity of dynamical and physical processes that...  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes initial effort in the development of a four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var) in the tropics using precipitation data derived from remote sensing. The method of 4D-Var using precipitation data is formulated, and modifications to the parameterization schemes of moist processes to remove zeroth-order discontinuities are described. Variational data assimilation experiments are carried out using a column model to investigate the problems caused by discontinuities in parameterization schemes and assess the impact of assimilating precipitation data in the tropics.It is found that variational data assimilation with discontinuous parameterization schemes exhibits large fluctuations during the minimization process, slow convergence rates, and large analysis errors. The fluctuations become much more serious when precipitation data is assimilated. Precipitation data is very useful to estimate divergence in the tropics, provided that the temporal resolution of the data is sufficiently high. However, its impact on the analysis of temperature and moisture is not clear in the column model assimilation experiments, possibly due to the absence of horizontal advection.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns and temporal trends of precipitation in Iran   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Spatial patterns of monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation over Iran and the corresponding long-term trends for the period 1951–2009 are investigated using the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre gridded dataset. Results suggest that the spatial patterns of annual, winter and spring precipitation and the associated coefficients of variation reflect the role of orography and latitudinal extent between central-southern arid and semi-arid regions and northern and western mountainous areas. It is also shown that precipitation occurrence is almost regularly distributed within the year in northern areas while it is more concentrated in a few months in southern Iran. The spatial distribution of Mann–Kendal trend test (Z statistics) for annual precipitation showed downward trend in north-western and south-eastern Iran, whereas western, central and north-eastern exhibited upward trend, though not statistically significant in most regions. Results for winter and autumn revealed upward trend in most parts of the country, with the exception of north-western and south-eastern where a downward trend is observed; in spring and summer, a downward trend seems to prevail in most of Iran. However, for all seasons the areas where the detected trend is statistically significant are limited to a few spot regions. The overall results suggest that the precipitation is decreasing in spring and summer and increasing in autumn and winter in most of Iran, i.e. less precipitation during the warm season with a consequent intensification of seasonality and dryness of the country. However, since the detected trends are often not statistically significant, any stringent conclusion cannot be done on the future tendencies.  相似文献   


利用2019年5-6月江西省气象站、水文站降水数据与江西省雷达估测降水产品(QPE),采用多重网格变分分析方法(STMAS),开展1 km×1 km逐小时气象、水文、雷达雨量信息融合试验,并对试验结果进行了分析评估。结果表明:三种来源的观测降水具有相似的空间分布特征,其强降水落区、降水分布形态高度一致;与观测降水相比,不同融合试验结果具有一致的变化趋势,但均存在一定程度的低估,而融合了水文站降水的试验结果,其低估程度明显改善;独立检验结果显示,融合了水文站降水的试验结果在各降水量级的准确性均有明显改进,其相关系数提高了9.2%,均方根误差和平均绝对误差分别降低了14.3%和12.1%;进一步融合水文站降水后,对不同地形条件下的降水融合效果均有显著改善,海拔高度在800 m以上的地区,其相关系数提高8.8%,均方根误差降低14.1%。


利用柴达木盆地11个国家气象站(2017年3月—2018年2月)及28个区域气象站(2017年6—8月)月降水量资料,运用线性回归订正法和比值订正法推算柴达木盆地的年降水量,进一步分析柴达木盆地降水量季节变化及空间分布特征。结果表明:(1)柴达木盆地降水量年内分配极不均匀,呈单峰性,峰值出现在7月,5—9月(汛期)降水量占全年的87.4%。季节差异非常明显,降水主要集中在夏季;(2)年降水量空间分布特征:柴达木盆地年降水量各地差异极为显著,降水量整体表现为从东向西逐渐减少。最大值出现在天峻,最小值出现在冷湖。用2种方法推算的年降水量最大值出现在柴达木盆地东北部祁连山南麓的木里镇,其次在格尔木市南部出现了两个相对的大值中心,中间区域(93°~97°E)由四周山区向盆地中心逐渐减少的形势表现得更加清晰。夏季降水量的空间分布与年降水量的空间分布完全一致。(3)国家气象站模型中降水量分布只受经度和海拔高度的影响,而线性回归法和比值订正法模型中降水量的分布不仅受经度和海拔高度的影响,还受纬度的影响,三者的贡献率由大到小的排序是经度海拔高度纬度。  相似文献   

采用1979—2013年的NCEP/NCAR、GPCP和GODAS月平均再分析资料,通过回归分析等方法,研究了海洋性大陆(Maritime Continent,MC)地区偏印度洋一侧降水的区域性特征及其与热带、东亚地区环流变化的联系。结果表明:MC西部,爪洼岛以西洋面(A区)与苏门答腊海以西赤道洋面(B区)降水存在一定程度相关的同时,还存在较大差异。两个区域夏季降水正异常时,来自赤道印度洋、赤道太平洋、南海及孟加拉湾地区的水汽输送偏强。A区降水与IOD(Indian Ocean Diapole)现象密切相关,B区降水则与季风活动的变化联系密切。A区降水异常偏多时,混合层的暖海水向A区汇合,A区的海温异常偏高得以维持,对流层低层在A区及其西南部出现气旋性环流,产生气流辐合,有利于上升运动的发生,降水增多。当B区降水正异常时,对流层低层环流与A区降水正异常时较为相似,但气旋性环流范围偏小、偏西。B区暖海温的维持主要与海洋中的垂直运动有关。这些研究结果有利于深刻认识MC区域气候变动特征及亚洲夏季风环流异常的成因。  相似文献   


Trends in Canadian temperature and precipitation during the 20th century are analyzed using recently updated and adjusted station data. Six elements, maximum, minimum and mean temperatures along with diurnal temperature range (DTR), precipitation totals and ratio of snowfall to total precipitation are investigated. Anomalies from the 1961–1990 reference period were first obtained at individual stations, and were then used to generate gridded datasets for subsequent trend analyses. Trends were computed for 1900–1998 for southern Canada (south of 60°N), and separately for 1950–1998 for the entire country, due to insufficient data in the high arctic prior to the 1950s.

From 1900–1998, the annual mean temperature has increased between 0.5 and 1.5°C in the south. The warming is greater in minimum temperature than in maximum temperature in the first half of the century, resulting in a decrease of DTR. The greatest warming occurred in the west, with statistically significant increases mostly seen during spring and summer periods. Annual precipitation has also increased from 5% to 35% in southern Canada over the same period. In general, the ratio of snowfall to total precipitation has been increasing due mostly to the increase in winter precipitation which generally falls as snow and an increase of ratio in autumn. Negative trends were identified in some southern regions during spring. From 1950–1998, the pattern of temperature change is distinct: warming in the south and west and cooling in the northeast, with similar magnitudes in both maximum and minimum temperatures. This pattern is mostly evident in winter and spring. Across Canada, precipitation has increased by 5% to 35%, with significant negative trends found in southern regions during winter. Overall, the ratio of snowfall to total precipitation has increased, with significant negative trends occurring mostly in southern Canada during spring.

Indices of abnormal climate conditions are also examined. These indices were defined as areas of Canada for 1950–1998, or southern Canada for 1900–1998, with temperature or precipitation anomalies above the 66th or below the 34th percentiles in their relevant time series. These confirmed the above findings and showed that climate has been becoming gradually wetter and warmer in southern Canada throughout the entire century, and in all of Canada during the latter half of the century.  相似文献   

吴泓  袁成松  钱玮  王博妮 《气象科学》2012,32(6):659-664
自动气象站监测资料中,降水资料的质量控制方法较温度、气压等资料更为复杂。本文分析自动气象站每分钟、逐小时及累计降水资料异常的成因,提出了质量控制的具体方法和判别流程。流程对实时数据进行界限值检查,经空间一致性、时间一致性和要素匹配一致性作精细化正误判别,最后由人机结合综合决策、判别和处理后录入二级数据库。通过统计分析,结合交通气象能见度要素与降水量间的相关性,拟定了降水资料质量控制的判别算法及相关阈值。上述质量控制不仅使预报人员避免错误数据的应用,而且为形成准确、完整的降水历史资料提供了切实可行的方法,也为装备的维护和及时维修提供了依据。  相似文献   

R.G. Barry 《大气与海洋》2013,51(4):771-807

The current status and history of observing systems for snow cover, sea and freshwater ice, glaciers, ice caps, ground ice and permafrost in Canada are reviewed as part of a contribution to the WMO's Global Climate Observing System program. The data requirements that have been identified by previous discussion groups for different research, change detection and monitoring purposes are summarized. Problem areas in data collection and processing, as well as gaps in the observing/data systems, are illustrated and the status of cryospheric data archives relating to Canada, and data distribution, are discussed. The present status is considered to be unsatisfactory in a number of respects for the different cryospheric variables important for global change research.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, we investigate the role that horizontal resolution plays in the simulation of East Asia precipitation. Two sets of numerical experiments are performed using the Regional Climate Model (RegCM2) nested in one-way mode within the CSIRO global coupled atmosphere-ocean model. In the first set we use the actual RegCM2 topography at the selected model resolutions, which are 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and 360 km. In the second set of the experiments, the same coarse CSIRO model topography is used in all simulations using the different resolutions of the first set. The results demonstrate that the simulation of East Asian precipitation improves as the horizontal resolution is increased. Moreover, it is shown that the simulations using a higher resolution along with the coarse CSIRO topography perform better than the simulations using a coarser model resolution with corresponding model topography. This suggests that over East Asia adequate spatial resolution to resolve the physical and dynamical processes is more important than topography. Lastly, the results indicate that model resolutions of 60 km or higher are needed to accurately simulate the distribution of precipitation over China and East Asia.  相似文献   


利用安徽省81站逐日降水量资料、NCEP 500 hPa再分析资料、ECMWF(以下简称EC)降水和500 hPa高度预报,基于暴雨中心和天气类型的客观判定,分类统计2012—2018年23个强降水过程降水中心的预报偏差。结果表明在西路强冷空气和东路冷空气天气类型下,当EC预报降水中心位于115°—120°E 584 dagpm线以北时,降水中心预报往往偏北,依据两者的纬度差和降水中心预报偏差建立了基于天气分类的主雨带位置订正方法;同时依据23个强降水过程最大降水区域降水量预报的日平均偏差,建立了暴雨的强度订正方法。将偏差订正方法应用于2020年安徽省梅汛期预报,结果发现无论位置还是强度订正都能使暴雨预报TS评分明显提高。同时进行位置和强度订正后,暴雨TS评分提高更加明显,尤其是对2020年两次最强降水过程订正效果显著。


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