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天山奎屯河哈希勒根51号冰川变化监测结果分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
哈希勒根51号冰川位于新疆奎屯市以南的天山依连哈比尔尕山北坡,即奎屯河上游支流哈希勒根河源区。1999年8月,在该冰川上布设了用于冰川变化观测研究的测杆18根;同时,在冰川外围测定了2个基本控制点和3个冰川末端变化观测控制点,运用GPS和全站仪等观测技术及测杆实测等方法,对该冰川进行了末端和运动速度变化的首次观测。嗣后,每年的8月底~9月初进行了重复观测;并在2000年和2006年对该冰川进行了测量制图。通过实测资料分析并对比20世纪60年代冰川状况,结果表明:42年来冰川末端累计退缩了84.51 m,其中,1964-1999年间退缩了49.00 m,年平均退缩量为1.40 m/a;1999-2006年间退缩了35.51 m,年平均退缩量5.07m/a。冰川面积减少了0.123 km~2或8.3%,其中,1964-2000年间减少了0.083 km~2;2000-2006年间减少了0.040 km~2。明显地反映出冰川末端退缩加剧和冰川面积减少增大的趋势。冰川年平均运动速度在1.53~3.05 m/a之间,并有逐年减小的趋势。  相似文献   

细胞周期检测点激酶2(checkpoint kinase 2,CHEK2)是由CHEK2基因编码的DNA双链断裂损伤的重要信号转导蛋白,参与G1期、S期和G2/M期的阻滞。CHEK2基因突变和乳腺癌病理特征与预后相关,是乳腺癌重要的易感基因。CHEK2有1100delC、Y390C以及I157T等多种突变形式,通过多条不同通路,如SDF-1和IL-6、BRCA1/2等影响细胞周期监测点的功能。在化疗方面,寻找CHEK2抑制剂以增强化疗或放疗对肿瘤细胞的杀伤效果也是当前的研究热点之一。本文针对乳腺癌中CHEK2突变的形式、机制以及可能的治疗靶点做一综述。  相似文献   

The Laohugou Glacier No. 12 is the largest valley glacier in Qilian Mountains, which is located in northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Movement is the basic characteristic of glaciers, and is also an important distinction from other terrestrial natural ice. Glacier changes not only reflect climate change, but also play an important role in humanity society. In the arid regions of western China, glaciers are becoming an important water source. We use the GPS receiver (South-Lingrui S82) as data platform with the aid of RTK measurement technology to observe the surface velocity of Laohugou Glacier No. 12. Surface velocity data shows that the maximum value appears at an altitude of 4,750–4,850 m during the period of 2008–2009. During this period, the west branch surface velocity reached 32.6 m per year at an altitude near 4,830 m, the east branch surface velocity reached 32.4 m per year at the altitude near 4,770 m. Comparing the surface velocity data during 2008–2009 with observation results in 1959, the glacier velocity slowed down about 11%.  相似文献   

Retrieval of oxalate from snow and ice provides information on past environmental changes. In recent years, records of organic acids in middle-and low-latitude glaciers have attracted the attention of researchers globally. In this study, we analyzed oxalates in an ice core from Laohugou Glacier No. 12 on the Qilian Mountains at an elevation of 5,040 m a.s.l. in2006. Average oxalate concentration was 18.5±2.4 ng/g over the prior 46 years. Oxalate values showed a significantly increasing trend since 1985. From 1985 to 1995, oxalate concentrations had large fluctuations, peaking in about 1987 and exhibiting a slightly decreasing trend since 1995. The result shows that the abrupt increase of oxalate concentration in the ice core since the mid-1980 s reflects atmospheric environmental pollution by human and industrial activities.  相似文献   

The movement of a glacier can redistribute glacier mass balance and change water and thermal conditions of the glacier.Thus,the glacier can maintain its dynamic balance.Surface velocity of a glacier is a basic feature of glacier movement.With successive monthly observations from 2006 to 2008,we obtained spatial and temporal variations for surface velocity of Glacier No.1 at the headwater of Urumqi River,Tianshan Mountain.Dynamic simulation was used to verify the findings.Results show that altitudinal distribution of glacier velocity was influenced by synthetic effects such as glacier thickness,slope,and bedrock morphology.However,seasonal variation was influenced by changing glacier thickness.  相似文献   

In June 2006,a 20.12 m shallow ice core was recovered from an elevation of 5,040 m in the northern branch firn basin of No.12 Glacier,Great Snow Mountain,in the western part of Qilian Mountain,China.Isotopes(δ 18 O),major soluble ions,and radionuclide(β-activity) measurements from the ice core revealed a 46-year record(1960-2006).In this paper,the method of sea-salt ion tracer,correlation analysis and trend analysis were used in this research to confirm the source of the chemical composition.The correlation analysis and HYSPLIT backward trajectory analysis suggests that atmospheric soluble dust species dominate the chemical signature.  相似文献   

Worldwide examination of glacier change is based on detailed observations from only a small number of glaciers. The ground-based detailed individual glacier monitoring is of strong need and extremely important in both regional and global scales. A long-term integrated multi-level monitoring has been carried out on Urumqi Glacier No. 1 (UG1) at the headwaters of the Urumqi River in the eastern Tianshan Mountains of Central Asia since 1959 by the Tianshan Glaciological Station, Chinese Acamedey of Sciences (CAS), and the glaciological datasets promise to be the best in China. The boundaries of all glacier zones moved up, resulting in a shrunk accumulation area. The stratigraphy features of the snowpack on the glacier were found to be significantly altered by climate warming. Mass balances of UG1 show accelerated mass loss since 1960, which were attributed to three mechanisms. The glacier has been contracting at an accelerated rate since 1962, resulting in a total reduction of 0.37 km2 or 19.3% from 1962 to 2018. Glacier runoff measured at the UG1 hydrometeorological station demonstrates a significant increase from 1959 to 2018 with a large interannual fluctuation, which is inversely correlated with the glacier's mass balance. This study analyzes on the changes in glacier zones, mass balance, area and length, and streamflow in the nival glacial catchment over the past 60 years. It provides critical insight into the processes and mechanisms of glacier recession in response to climate change. The results are not only representative of those glaciers in the Tianshan mountains, but also for the continental-type throughout the world. The direct observation data form an essential basis for evaluating mountain glacier changes and the impact of glacier shrinkage on water resources in the interior drainage rivers within the vast arid and semi-arid land in northwestern China as well as Central Asia.  相似文献   

为认识全球变暖背景下中国西部大陆性冰川与海洋性冰川物质平衡变化及其对气候响应,本研究以天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川和藏东南帕隆94号冰川为例,结合大西沟与察隅站气象资料,对1980 — 2015年两条冰川的物质平衡变化特征及差异进行了分析。结果表明:36 a来乌源1号冰川与帕隆94号冰川物质平衡总体上均呈下降趋势,累积物质平衡达-17102与-8159 mm w.e.,相当于冰川厚度减薄19与9.01 m,且分别于1996、2004年左右发生突变。同期两条冰川所处区域年均温呈显著上升趋势,而降水量却表现出不同的变化态势;二者年内气温分配相仿,但降水分配差异较大。初步分析认为气温上升是导致乌源1号冰川与帕隆94号冰川物质亏损的主要原因,冰川区气温和降水变化幅度的差异和地性因子(坡度、冰川面积)的不同使得乌源1号冰川对气候变化响应的敏感性高于帕隆94号冰川,由于目前海洋性冰川物质平衡监测时段相对较短,为深入研究中国西部冰川物质平衡变化及过程仍需加强对冰川的持续观测。  相似文献   

Glacier shape factors (area, length, and thickness), climatic factors (annual temperature and precipitation), mass balance, and other influence factors, of the Qiyi glacier velocity and their intensity were analyzed with the application of the path analysis method during 1958–2007. Results indicate that glacier velocity was mainly influenced by glacier shape, followed by mass balance and climatic conditions. Among the influence factors, glacier area and thickness are most significant, and direct and indirect path coefficients are respectively 6.56, 4.71, 19.29 and 13.57. This research provides information for further understanding glacier velocity and its influencing factors.  相似文献   

在2007年4月、8月和10月三个时段内,分昼夜采集了23个气溶胶样品和7个新降雪样品,对样品中的可溶性离子进行了分析。结果表明,乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川(以下简称1号冰川)春、夏、秋三个季节气溶胶平均载量为86.22 neq/m3,分析显示1号冰川存在NH4HSO4和(NH4)2SO4气溶胶,并有少量NH4NO3气溶胶存在。气溶胶和新雪样品中可溶性离子成分变化趋势相似,气溶胶浓度升高,新雪样品的浓度也会有所升高,反之亦然。气溶胶和新雪中Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、Cl-、K+的相关性很好,说明雪中这些离子的浓度基本能反映大气中的状况;对气相和颗粒相并存的NH4+和NO3-来说,雪中的离子浓度和大气中的离子浓度不相关。  相似文献   

基于GIS技术,利用GPS测量数据和1962年地形图分别建立两期DEM,通过对比重点研究了四工河4号冰川1962-2009年冰舌区的表面高程变化特征。结果表明:1962-2009年间,冰舌区平均减薄15±10 m,年均减薄约0.32±0.2 m,冰储量亏损达(14.3±9.5)×10-3km3,折合水当量(12.9±8.6)×10-3km3。不同海拔、坡度区间冰面高程变化差异显著,海拔较低、坡度较缓区域的变化最为强烈。在气候变暖的趋势下,四工河4号冰川发生强烈消融,标志着博格达峰地区的冰川正处于物质严重亏损的状态,直接影响到流域水资源状况。  相似文献   

Based on the glacier mass balance and meteorological data of air temperature and precipitation on the Qiyi Glacier from June 30 to September 5, 2010, we used a degree-day mass balance model to simulate the change of mass balance during this period. Our results indicate that the current value of the mass balance is ?856.2 mm w.e. Subjected to the strong influences of air temperature and precipitation, the mass balance process can be divided into three stages: accumulating exiguously → melting intensively → melting exiguously. The variation trends of the mass balance according to the degree-day mass balance model and the observed values are similar and wholly reflect the spatial distribution characteristics of the glacier mass balance, which increases with the increase of altitude. Our experiment on climate sensitivity of the mass balance showed that mass balance was very sensitive to the change of temperature; air temperature is the key factor which influences mass balance; and a slight increase in precipitation will have a negligible effect on mass balance when the air temperature increases continuously.  相似文献   

高山冰川以其下垫面的致冷效应形成独特的冰川小气候.为研究冰川小气候特征,2007年7月在天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川表面及末端冰碛上架设5台自动气象站,并进行了为期一个月的基本气象要素的观测.以观测数据为基础,描述和分析了与冰川致冷效应有关的冰川区温度与湿度变化特征、冰面逆温、温跃现象、冰川风现象,并就冰川致冷效应对局地对...  相似文献   

天山乌一号冰川物质平衡特征的统计分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用天山乌鲁木齐河源一号冰川物质平衡的多年观测资料,通过数学统计方法提取主成分,获得影响该冰川物质平衡的主要因素,通过成分矩阵的旋转获得表示冰川物质平衡特征的两个主因子,其中第一主因子为影响冰川物质平衡的常年因子,代表该冰川的多年持续变化方向与趋势,第二主因子为影响冰川物质平衡的年际因子,代表该冰川在平衡年内的物质平衡变化特征。常年因子的持续下降反映了冰川持续后退的现实,年际因子在上世纪80年代中期以后突然强劲上升,实际上是冰川物质平衡水平提高,平衡年内积累量和消融量都增加的表现,清晰地指示了西北地区气候由暖干向暖湿的转型。常年因子是冰川物质平衡变化的主导因子,控制了冰川变化的方向。常年因子具有较好的周期性,以6年周期最为明显,但其形成原因尚不明。年际因子周期性不明显,但可以看出其周期与太阳黑子变化具有相关性,同时受到常年因子的影响。  相似文献   

The net accumulation record of ice core is one of the most reliable indicators for reconstructing precipitation changes in high mountains. A 20.12 m ice core was drilled in 2006 from the accumulation zone of Laohugou Glacier No.12 in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. We obtained the precipitation from the ice core net accumulation during 1960-2006, and found out the relationship between Laohugou ice core record and other data from surrounding sites of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Results showed that during 1960-2006, the precipitation in the high mountains showed firstly an increasing trend, while during 1980 to 2006 it showed an obvious decreasing trend. Reconstructed precipitation change in the Laohugou glacier basin was consistent with the measured data from the nearby weather stations in the lower mountain of Subei, and the correlation coefficient was 0.619 (P<0.001). However, the precipitation in the high mountain was about 3 times more than that of the lower mountain. The precipitation in Laohugou Glacier No.12 of the western Qilian Mountains corresponded well to the net accumulation of Dunde ice core during the same period, tree-ring reconstructed precipitation, the measured data of multiple meteorological stations in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, and also the changes of adjacent PDSI drought index. Precipitation changes of the Laohugou glacier basin and other sites of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau had significantly positive correlation with ENSO, which implied that the regional alpine precipitation change was very likely to be influenced by ENSO.  相似文献   

Surface snow samples of different altitudes and snow pit samples were collected from Glacier No.1 at the Urumqi River Head, Tianshan. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to examine the diversity and temporal-spatial characteristics of eukaryotic microorganisms with different altitudes and depths. Results show that the eukaryotic microorganisms belong to four kingdoms—Viridiplantae, Fungi, Amoebozoa, and Alveolata. Among them, algae (especially Chlamydomonadales) were the dominant group. The diversity of eukaryotic microorganisms was negatively correlated with altitude and accumulation time, but positively correlated with δ18O values. These results indicate that temperature is the main factor for the temporal- spatial change of eukaryotic microorganisms, and the diversity of eukaryotic microorganisms could be an index for climate and environmental change.  相似文献   

自1997年以来,乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川消融极为强烈,物质平衡呈大幅度亏损,连续12 a都处于强负平衡状态,平均物质平衡达-708 mm,且在2008年物质平衡达到历史最低值-999 mm,然而2009年出现了物质正平衡,物质平衡63 mm,年际变化量达1 062 mm。以2008-2009年物质平衡实测资料为基础,根据该地区的气温和降水资料分析,结果表明,造成这种现象的主要原因是夏季气温(5~8月)的降低,较2008年低1.8℃,致使冰川消融期的开始时间推迟至了7月份,结束时间提前到8月份,大大削弱了冰川的消融强度,其次是2005年以来逐渐增多的连续性降水,增加了冰川的积累量。  相似文献   

This paper is based on observed mass balance between East and West Branch of Urumqi Glacier No. 1, meteorological data during 1988-2010, comparative studies the mass balance variations, and analyses the mass balance sensitivity to climate change. Results show that average mass balance of East and West Branch was 532 mm/a and 435 mm/a, cumulative mass balance was 12,227 mm (ice thinned by 13.6 m) and 10,001 mm (ice thinned by 11.1 m), respectively, and mass loss of East Branch was 97 mm/a larger than West Branch. The East and West Branch ELA (equilibrium line altitude) ascended about 176 m and 154 m, analysis shows the steady-state ELA0 was 3,942 m a.s.l. and 4,011 m a.s.l., and when East and West Branch mass balance decreased by 100 mm, ELA ascended 20 m and 23 m, respectively. The AAR (accumulation area ratio) of East and West Branch presented an obviously decreasing trend of 34.5% and 23%, equilibrium-state AAR0 was 65% and 66%, when East and West Branch mass balance increased by 100 mm, AAR ascended 4.6% and 4.2%, respectively. Glacier mass balance was sensitive to change of net ablation, net ablation of East and West Branch increased 10×104 m3 , and mass balance decreased 110 mm and 214 mm, respectively. By analyzing mass balance sensitivity to climate change, results suggest that East and West Branch mass balance decreased (increased) 463 mm and 388 mm when ablation period temperature increased (decreased) by 1°C, East and West Branch mass balance increased (decreased) 140 mm and 158 mm when annual precipitation increased (decreased) by 100 mm, and sensitivity of East Branch mass balance to climate change was more intense than that of West Branch.  相似文献   

天山1号冰川旅游资源可持续利用初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章在分析1号冰川旅游资源禀赋,客源市场特征和发展旅游业优,劣势的基础上,着重考虑旅游基础设施建设,旅游活动以及其它生产,生活行为可能对冰川地的自然环境,生态环境,景观美学质量等产生的负面效应,并进行相应的旅游环境影响评价,由此提出1号冰川旅游资源可持续利用策略。  相似文献   

天山奎屯河哈希勒根51号冰川雪坑化学特征及环境意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004~2007年在天山奎屯河哈希勒根51号冰川采集3个雪坑样品。运用相关分析、海盐示踪法等方法,对化学要素的季节变化特征及主要阴阳离子来源进行分析研究。结果表明,雪坑中不溶粉尘和主要化学离子具有明显的季节变化特征;春季期间降雪中粉尘浓度明显高于其他季节。主要离子的浓度在沙尘季节也明显高于非沙尘季节。雪坑中Ca2+是主要阳离子,SO42-是主要阴离子。除NO3-外,雪坑中其他离子浓度之间均存在较好正相关。表明冰川区主要受中亚地区沙尘活动影响;同时雪坑中的离子(尤其是Na+)除陆源矿物粉尘之外,一定程度源于海洋源。  相似文献   

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