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A bed-length balance technique is presented to calculate listric normal fault trajectories using roll-over geometry and fault displacements. The technique can also be applied to subsidiary listric normal fault fans above a major fault to calculate the major listric fault geometry.  相似文献   

Relict sand wedges are ubiquitous in southern Patagonia. At six sites we conducted detailed investigations of stratigraphy, soils, and wedge frequency and characteristics. Some sections contain four or more buried horizons with casts. The cryogenic features are dominantly relict sand wedges with an average depth, maximum apparent width, minimum apparent width, and H/W of 78, 39, 3.8, and 2.9 cm, respectively. The host materials are fine-textured (silt loam, silty clay loam, clay loam) till and the infillings are aeolian sand. The soils are primarily Calciargidic Argixerolls that bear a legacy of climate change. Whereas the sand wedges formed during very cold (?4 to ?8 °C or colder) and dry (ca. ≤100 mm precipitation/yr) glacial periods, petrocalcic horizons from calcium carbonate contributed by dustfall formed during warmer (7 °C or warmer) and moister (≥250 mm/yr) interglacial periods. The paleo-argillic (Bt) horizons reflect unusually moist interglacial events where the mean annual precipitation may have been 400 mm/yr. Permafrost was nearly continuous in southern Patagonia during the Illinoian glacial stage (ca. 200 ka), the early to mid-Pleistocene (ca. 800–500 ka), and on two occasions during the early Pleistocene (ca. 1.0–1.1 Ma).  相似文献   




In cross-sections containing listric extensional faults, area balancing techniques for depth to décollement are usually based on either bed length conservation or displacement conservation. Listric fault geometry may be constructed from a hangingwall roll-over profile using the ‘Chevron construction’. This construction, based on conservation of heave, necessitates a reduction in fault displacement with decreasing fault dip. A modification of this construction utilizing conservation of fault displacement predicts a listric fault that detaches at a shallower depth. A new construction based on slip lines uses fault-perpendicular displacement segments to generate listric fault shape. Fault propagation strain may be responsible for anomalous hangingwall geometries, and these can be predicted by forward modelling using either a modified Chevron construction or a slip-line construction.  相似文献   

Although reverse drag, the down warping of hanging wall strata toward a normal fault, is widely accepted as an indicator of listric fault geometry, previous studies have shown that similar folding may form in response to slip on faults of finite vertical extent with listric or planar geometry. In this study we therefore seek more general criteria for inferring subsurface fault geometry from observations of near-surface deformation by directly comparing patterns of displacement, stress, and strain around planar and listric faults, as predicted by elastic boundary element models. In agreement with previous work, we find that models with finite planar, planar-detached, and listric-detached faults all develop hanging wall reverse-drag folds. All of these model geometries also predict a region of tension and elevated maximum Coulomb stress in the hanging wall suggesting that the distribution and orientation of near-surface joints and secondary faults may also be of limited utility in predicting subsurface fault geometry. The most notable difference between the three models, however, is the magnitude of footwall uplift. Footwall uplift decreases slightly with introduction of a detachment and more significantly with the addition of a listric fault shape. A parametric investigation of faults with constant slip ranging from nearly planar to strongly listric over depths from 1 to 15 km reveals that footwall fold width is sensitive to fault geometry while hanging wall fold width largely reflects fault depth. Application of a graphical approach based on these results as well as more complete inverse modeling illustrates how patterns of combined hanging wall and footwall deformation may be used to constrain subsurface fault geometry.  相似文献   

We investigate the thermal consequences of rift-related normal faulting and compare the results with a well-studied natural example, the Lugano-Val Grande normal fault (Southern Alps). Only limited heating of the crust is caused by lithospheric thinning. In the simple but realistic situation where heat conduction is substantially faster than heat advection, no major thermal disturbance is associated with the downward movement of the hanging wall.

Radiometric ages and fault rocks associated with the Lugano-Val Grande normal fault demonstrate that cooling rather than heating affected the crust during normal faulting. This pattern is not compatible with such a simple numerical model and is explained by a waning thermal anomaly induced by a magmatic intrusion immediately preceding or overlapping with the first stages of normal faulting. The magmatic body must have been emplaced at depths greater than 15–18 km, and probably started to cool in the Carnian i.e. few million years before the onset of normal faulting along the Lugano-Val Grande fault.  相似文献   

Movement within the Earth’s upper crust is commonly accommodated by faults or shear zones, ranging in scale from micro-displacements to regional tectonic lineaments. Since faults are active on different time scales and can be repeatedly reactivated, their displacement chronology is difficult to reconstruct. This study represents a multi-geochronological approach to unravel the evolution of an intracontinental fault zone locality along the Danube Fault, central Europe. At the investigated fault locality, ancient motion has produced a cataclastic deformation zone in which the cataclastic material was subjected to hydrothermal alteration and K-feldspar was almost completely replaced by illite and other phyllosilicates. Five different geochronological techniques (zircon Pb-evaporation, K–Ar and Rb–Sr illite, apatite fission track and fluorite (U-Th)/He) have been applied to explore the temporal fault activity. The upper time limit for initiation of faulting is constrained by the crystallization age of the primary rock type (known as “Kristallgranit”) at 325 ± 7 Ma, whereas the K–Ar and Rb–Sr ages of two illite fractions <2 μm (266–255 Ma) are interpreted to date fluid infiltration events during the final stage of the cataclastic deformation period. During this time, the “Kristallgranit” was already at or near the Earth’s surface as indicated by the sedimentary record and thermal modelling results of apatite fission track data. (U–Th)/He thermochronology of two single fluorite grains from a fluorite–quartz vein within the fault zone yield Cretaceous ages that clearly postdate their Late-Variscan mineralization age. We propose that later reactivation of the fault caused loss of helium in the fluorites. This assertion is supported by geological evidence, i.e. offsets of Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments along the fault and apatite fission track thermal modelling results are consistent with the prevalence of elevated temperatures (50–80°C) in the fault zone during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A strategy to predict strain across geological structures, based on previous techniques, is modified and evaluated, and a practical application is shown. The technique, which employs cross-section restoration combined with kinematic forward modelling, consists of restoring a section, placing circular strain markers on different domains of the restoration, and forward modelling the restored section with strain markers until the present-day stage is reached. The restoration algorithm employed must be also used to forward model the structure. The ellipses in the forward modelled section allow determining the strain state of the structure and may indirectly predict orientation and distribution of minor structures such as small-scale fractures. The forward model may be frozen at different time steps (different growth stages) allowing prediction of both spatial and temporal variation of strain. The method is evaluated through its application to two stages of a clay experiment, that includes strain markers, and its geometry and deformation history are well documented, providing a strong control on the results. To demonstrate the method's potential, it is successfully applied to a depth-converted seismic profile in the Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia. This allowed us to gain insight into the deformation undergone by rollover anticlines over listric normal faults.  相似文献   

充填于永康盆地内的永康群内陆河湖相沉积物 ,可划分为 9种沉积类型 ,不同时期的沉积岩相组合和不同环境下的岩石学特征不尽相同 ,并可划出 8种沉积总体 ,组成盆地沉积的基本构成单位。该盆地的 6个主要地质界面 ,限定了盆地 5个等时性地层单位 ,反映了盆地发展的 5个演化阶段 ,称为 5个沉积幕。沉积幕的叠覆 ,构成了永康盆地成因地层格架的整体样式。  相似文献   

A review of available geochronology and biostratigraphy leads to the conclusion that a considerable thickness of Cambrian sedimentary rocks exposed in the Arrowie and Stansbury Basins, South Australia, was probably deposited in a foreland setting during early phases of the Delamerian Orogeny. In contrast to most previous stratigraphic correlation schemes, we consider that the pre‐tectonic Kanmantoo Group was deposited synchronously with the locally thick upper Hawker Group in essentially en echelon basins during a final phase of extensional sedimentation within the Adelaide ‘Geosyncline’. The base of the locally overlying ‘redbed package’ (base of the Billy Creek and Minlaton Formations) is interpreted as the sedimentological signature of the onset of convergent deformation and associated uplift within the Delamerian Orogen at about 522 Ma. This early ('Kangarooian') phase of the Delamerian Orogeny is interpreted as the progressive development of a coherent sigmoidal fold‐thrust belt within the combined Fleurieu‐Nackara Arcs, with locally developed high‐temperature‐low‐pressure metamorphism and granitoid intrusions dating from about 516 Ma. The ‘redbed package’ is absent from the Fleurieu‐Nackara Arc region and displays isopach, palaeocurrent and facies trends consistent with derivation from this uplifted area or from the associated flexural bulge to the west. From seismic evidence we conclude that thick foreland basin deposits are present beneath Gulf St Vincent. Late phases of the Delamerian Orogeny led to local and relatively mild deformation of the early foreland deposits.  相似文献   

张蕾  李海兵  孙知明  葛成隆  叶小舟  曹勇  郑勇 《岩石学报》2023,39(12):3817-3832

汶川-茂县断裂带是龙门山后山断裂,是松潘-甘孜褶皱带与龙门山断裂带之间的边界断层,然而,在2008年MW 7.9级汶川大地震中并没有发生破裂。同时,汶川-茂县断裂带在汶川地震之前是否发生过历史大地震仍缺少确切的证据。这不仅制约着汶川地震发生机制的认识,而且还影响对龙门山形成演化过程的理解。因此,确定汶川-茂县断裂带的断裂作用环境对于认识龙门山断裂带的地震发生机制至关重要。断裂岩的岩石磁学可以有效地揭示断裂带的物理和化学环境。本文以汶川-茂县断裂带北部地表露头的断裂岩为研究对象,通过岩石磁学研究,并结合显微结构观察和地球化学分析,探讨汶川-茂县断裂带的断裂作用环境。断层泥和断层角砾岩最大磁化率值分别约为围岩的30倍和15倍,具有高磁化率值特征。断层泥的主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿、磁黄铁矿、针铁矿;断层角砾岩的主要载磁矿物为磁黄铁矿、针铁矿。断层泥的高磁化率值异常的主要原因是围岩中的含铁矿物在地震摩擦热和流体作用下新生成磁铁矿和磁黄铁矿。断层角砾岩的高磁化率值异常是围岩在含有大量硫元素的低温热液流体作用下生成了磁黄铁矿。大量针铁矿指示了震后期还原性的低温热液流体作用。断裂岩的高磁化率值异常和新生磁铁矿指示了汶川-茂县断裂带曾经发生了摩擦热温度>500℃的大地震活动,发震和震后期均为还原性的硫元素含量较高的低温热液流体环境。


Fault affecting silicoclastic sediments are commonly enriched in clay minerals. Clays are sensitive to fluid–rock interactions and deformation mechanisms; in this paper, they are used as proxy for fault activity and behavior. The present study focuses on clay mineral assemblages from the Point Vert normal fault zone located in the Annot sandstones, a Priabonian-Rupelian turbidite succession of the Alpine foredeep in SE France. In this area, the Annot sandstones were buried around 6–8 km below the front of Alpine nappes soon after their deposition and exhumed during the middle-late Miocene. The fault affects arkosic sandstone beds alternating with pelitic layers, and displays throw of about thirty meters. The fault core zone comprises intensely foliated sandstones bounding a corridor of gouge about 20 cm thick. The foliated sandstones display clay concentration along S–C structures characterized by dissolution of K-feldspar and their replacement by mica, associated with quartz pressure solution, intense microfracturation and quartz vein precipitation. The gouge is formed by a clayey matrix containing fragments of foliated sandstones and pelites. However, a detailed petrographical investigation suggests complex polyphase deformation processes. Optical and SEM observations show that the clay minerals fraction of all studied rocks (pelites and sandstones from the damage and core zones of the fault) is dominated by white micas and chlorite. These minerals have two different origins: detrital and newly-formed. Detrital micas are identified by their larger shape and their chemical composition with a lower Fe–Mg content than the newly-formed white micas. In the foliated sandstones, newly-formed white micas are concentrated along S–C structures or replace K-feldspar. Both types of newly formed micas display the same chemical composition confirmed microstructural observations suggesting that they formed in the same conditions. They have the following structural formulas: Na0.05 K0.86 (Al 1.77 Fe0.08 Mg0.15) (Si3.22 Al0.78) O10 (OH)2. They are enriched in Fe and Mg compared to the detrital micas. Newly-formed chlorites are associated with micas along the shear planes. According to microprobe analyses, they present the following structural formula: (Al1,48 Fe2,50 Mg1,84) (Si2,82 Al1,18) O10 (OH)8. All these data suggest that these clay minerals are synkinematic and registered the fault activity. In the gouge samples, illite and chlorite are the major clay minerals; smectite is locally present in some samples.In the foliated sandstones, Kubler Index (KI) ((001) XRD peak width at half height) data and thermodynamic calculations from synkinematic chlorite chemistry suggest that the main fault deformation occurred under temperatures around 220 °C (diagenesis to anchizone boundary). KI measured on pelites and sandstones from the hanging and footwall, display similar values coherent with the maximal burial temperature of the Annot sandstones in this area. The gouge samples have a higher KI index, which could be explained by a reactivation of the fault at lower temperatures during the exhumation of the Annot sandstones formation.  相似文献   

Finite element analysis of lithosphere deformation, incorporating failure criteria based on the Modified Griffith Theory for an elastic upper crust and a visco-elastic rheology for the lower crust and lithospheric mantle, demonstrates that normal faulting as a result of comparatively small, horizontal tensile stresses acting throughout the lithosphere can occur by the phenomenon of stress amplification. The use of a simple, Newtonian viscosity or of power law creep for the visco-elastic material does not significantly change the results. The time to failure is dependent upon the magnitude of the applied stress and the effective viscosity of the underlying material. For an applied stress of 20 MPa and a constant viscosity of 1023 Pa s failure is predicted after 1.19 Ma, with a fault plane hade of about 30°. A decrease of one order of magnitude in the viscosity of the lower crust results in a slightly shorter time to failure whereas an increase of one order of magnitude results in a very much greater failure time.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组石油年产量超3500×104t,然而该主力产层现行的“标志层约束、油层组等厚劈分”划分方案,在油气勘探开发实践中受到挑战。作者利用不同沉积体系长7油层组内凝灰岩定年数据和盆地庆城北地区新采集的高品质三维地震数据体,开展同位素年代学研究和钻井资料约束下的高精度地震地层解释。锆石定年结果表明盆地东南部长7油层组属于中三叠世,锆石ID-TIMS定年可实现不同沉积体系高精度地层对比。同时,在庆城北三维工区延长组长2油层组底至长73油层组顶解释识别出11个前积地质体,刻画出长7油层组中6个前积体进积演化规律。针对延长组陆相地层等时划分难点,提出建立不同物源体系长7油层组高精度地层定年“锚点”,利用提频地震数据与测井小层对比“穿线”,重新划分高频层序“格架”,建立延长组地层“等时”对比方案。该研究有助于延长组油藏分布规律的认识,也为其他陆相湖盆沉积演化和地层等时对比提供了可资借鉴的范例。  相似文献   

In order to understand the fault zone architecture and mechanisms that caused the Chi-Chi earthquake, the Chelungpu drilling project was conducted during April 2000 through a collaborative project between Japan and Taiwan. In this study, chemical and mineralogical variations within the overall Chelungpu fault zone, including variations between less damaged host rocks, damaged zones, and fault cores caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake were examined. Slopes of TiO2 immobile isocons were consistently > 1 for analyses comparing host rocks with rocks from damaged zones or with gouges from fault cores, indicating that volume loss occurred in damaged zones and the fault cores. These results strongly imply that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zone. Volume loss within the damaged zone and fault core is interpreted to result from a two-stage process involving: (i) coseismic mechanical wearing and/or dissolution in the fault core, and (ii) fluid infiltration within the fault zone during postseismic and interseismic periods along cracks caused by seismic failure. Semi-quantitative XRD analysis indicates that the kaolinite content consistently increases from the less damaged host rocks to the damaged zone and gouges in each fault core. Mineralogic changes indicate that pervasive acidic fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zones and reacted with the feldspars or muscovite to form kaolinite. Enrichment of kaolinite and illite found in the fault zones of southern drilling site could play some role on the slipping behavior of the southern part of the Chelungpu fault. Greater volume loss in the fault core may have resulted from moderate permeability, combined with the very fine grain nature of pulverized material in the fault core, which enhanced chemical reactions including transformation of feldspars and muscovite to clay minerals. The study results indicate that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred and changed the mineralogical and chemical architecture of fault zones caused by the cyclic earthquakes.  相似文献   

Tectono-stratigraphic analysis of the East Tanka fault zone (ETFZ), Suez Rift, indicates that the evolution of normal fault segments was an important control on syn-rift depositional patterns and sequence stratigraphy. Sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis of the Nukhul Formation indicates that it was deposited in a narrow (ca 1–2 km), elongate (ca 5 km), fault-bounded, tidally influenced embayment during the low subsidence rift-initiation phase. The Nukhul Formation is composed of transgressive (TST) and highstand (HST) systems tract couplets interpreted as reflecting fault-driven subsidence and the continuous creation of accommodation in the hangingwall to the ETFZ. The overlying Lower Rudeis Formation was deposited during the high subsidence rift-climax phase, and is composed of forced regressive systems tract (FRST) shallow marine sandbodies, and TST to HST offshore mudstones. Activity on the ETFZ led to marked spatial variability in stratal stacking patterns, systems tracts and key stratal surfaces, as footwall uplift, coupled with regressive marine erosion during deposition of FRST sandbodies, led to the removal of intervening TST–HST mudstone-dominated units, and the amalgamation of FRST sandbodies and the stratal surfaces bounding these units in the footwall. This study indicates that the evolution of normal fault segments over relatively short (i.e. <1 km) length-scales has the potential to enhance or suppress a eustatic sea-level signal, leading to marked spatial variations in stratal stacking patterns, systems tracts and key stratal surfaces. Crucially, these variations in sequence stratigraphic evolution may occur within time-equivalent stratal units, thus caution must be exercised when attempting to correlate syn-rift depositional units based solely on stratal stacking patterns. Furthermore, local, tectonically controlled variations in relative sea level can give rise to syn-rift stacking patterns which are counterintuitive in the context of the structural setting and perceived regional subsidence rates.  相似文献   

Josep Poblet  Mayte Bulnes   《Tectonophysics》2005,396(1-2):97-117
To check the behaviour of physical experiments of simple rollover anticlines over listric normal faults, several fault-slip, bed-length and area parameters are measured for different beds in two stages of evolution of two physical experiments. Given a certain amount of extension, the heave and dip of the displacement vary for different beds, whereas the throw is approximately constant for small amounts of extension and the displacement remains constant for high amounts of extension. Neither bed lengths nor areas beneath beds remain constant with increasing extension. A number of techniques allow amounts of extension and detachment depth to be estimated given one or more marker horizons, the portion of the fault between hanging-wall and footwall cut off points, the depth to detachment and/or the shear angle. These techniques are applied to the physical experiments of listric normal faults analysed. Since many of these techniques rely on parameters measured on the physical experiments such as fault slip, bed length and area, the influence of these parameters on the different magnitudes of extension and detachment depths estimated using different techniques is discussed and the accuracy of the results is compared.  相似文献   

Seismicity and faulting attributable to fluid extraction   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The association between fluid injection and seismicity has been well documented and widely publicized. Less well known, but probably equally widespread are faulting and shallow seismicity attributable solely to fluid extraction, particularly in association with petroleum production.

Two unequivocable examples of seismicity and faulting associated with fluid extraction in the United States are: The Goose Creek, Texas oil field event of 1925 (involving surface rupture); and the Wilmington, California oil field events (involving subsurface rupture) of 1947, 1949, 1951 (2), 1955, and 1961. Six additional cases of intensity I–VII earthquakes (M < 4.6) without reported faulting may be attributable to shallow production from other large oil and gas fields. In addition to these examples are thirteen cases of apparently aseismic surface rupture associated with production from California and Texas oil fields. Small earthquakes in the Eloy—Picacho area of Arizona may be attributable to withdrawal of groundwater, but their relation to widespread fissuring is enigmatic. The clearest example of extraction-induced seismicity outside of North America is the 1951 series of earthquakes associated with gas production from the Po River delta near Caviga, Italy.

Faulting and seismicity associated with fluid extraction are attributed to differential compaction at depth caused by reduction of reservoir fluid pressure and attendant increase in effective stress. Surface and subsurface measurements and theoretical and model studies show that differential compaction leads not only to differential subsidence and centripetally-directed horizontal displacements, but to changes in both vertical- and horizontal-strain regimes. Study of well-documented examples indicates that the occurrence and nature of faulting and seismicity associated with compaction are functions chiefly of: (1) the pre-exploitation strain regime, and (2) the magnitude of contractional horizontal strain centered over the compacting materials relative to that of the surrounding annulus of extensional horizontal strain.

The examples cited include natural systems strained only by extraction of fluids, as well as some subsequently subjected to injection. Faulting and seismicity have accompanied both decrease and subsequent increase of fluid pressures; reversal of fluid-pressure decline by injection may enhance the likelihood of subsurface faulting and seismicity due chiefly to earlier fluid pressure reduction. A consistent common denominator appears to be continuing compaction at depth; the relative effects of fluid extraction followed by injection are not easily separated.  相似文献   

满深1断裂带位于塔里木盆地中部的阿满过渡带,走向NNE-SSW,是三维地震解释发现的一条断裂带。精细的三维地震解释识别出6期断裂,从老到新包括:南华—震旦纪正断层、晚奥陶世—早志留世逆冲断层、中志留世—石炭纪正断层、二叠纪正断层、三叠纪逆冲断层和侏罗纪正断层。中志留世—石炭纪的正断层可以进一步划分为中志留世—中泥盆世正断层和晚泥盆世—石炭纪正断层两期。前者为主,是昆仑—阿尔金早古生代碰撞造山带的造山后构造;后者是前者的复活。中志留世—石炭纪正断层作用形成一系列近南北走向的正断层,组合成一条NNE-SSW走向的右列左旋张扭性断层带,形成满深1断裂带。二叠纪裂谷作用成因的正断层和岩浆活动显著改造断裂带,使之基本定型。三叠纪的冲断构造叠加于依合2构造之上。侏罗纪伸展作用对构造带有一定的调整影响。南华—震旦纪正断层和晚奥陶世—早志留世的冲断构造与满深1断裂带相交,对构造带的形成影响不大。侏罗纪正断层的发现,是塔里木盆地当时处于区域性伸展构造背景的重要证据。  相似文献   

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