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We performed a quantitative comparison of brittle thrust wedge experiments to evaluate the variability among analogue models and to appraise the reproducibility and limits of model interpretation. Fifteen analogue modeling laboratories participated in this benchmark initiative. Each laboratory received a shipment of the same type of quartz and corundum sand and all laboratories adhered to a stringent model building protocol and used the same type of foil to cover base and sidewalls of the sandbox. Sieve structure, sifting height, filling rate, and details on off-scraping of excess sand followed prescribed procedures.Our analogue benchmark shows that even for simple plane-strain experiments with prescribed stringent model construction techniques, quantitative model results show variability, most notably for surface slope, thrust spacing and number of forward and backthrusts. One of the sources of the variability in model results is related to slight variations in how sand is deposited in the sandbox. Small changes in sifting height, sifting rate, and scraping will result in slightly heterogeneous material bulk densities, which will affect the mechanical properties of the sand, and will result in lateral and vertical differences in peak and boundary friction angles, as well as cohesion values once the model is constructed. Initial variations in basal friction are inferred to play the most important role in causing model variability.Our comparison shows that the human factor plays a decisive role, and even when one modeler repeats the same experiment, quantitative model results still show variability. Our observations highlight the limits of up-scaling quantitative analogue model results to nature or for making comparisons with numerical models. The frictional behavior of sand is highly sensitive to small variations in material state or experimental set-up, and hence, it will remain difficult to scale quantitative results such as number of thrusts, thrust spacing, and pop-up width from model to nature.  相似文献   

We report quantitative results from three brittle thrust wedge experiments, comparing numerical results directly with each other and with corresponding analogue results. We first test whether the participating codes reproduce predictions from analytical critical taper theory. Eleven codes pass the stable wedge test, showing negligible internal deformation and maintaining the initial surface slope upon horizontal translation over a frictional interface. Eight codes participated in the unstable wedge test that examines the evolution of a wedge by thrust formation from a subcritical state to the critical taper geometry. The critical taper is recovered, but the models show two deformation modes characterised by either mainly forward dipping thrusts or a series of thrust pop-ups. We speculate that the two modes are caused by differences in effective basal boundary friction related to different algorithms for modelling boundary friction. The third experiment examines stacking of forward thrusts that are translated upward along a backward thrust. The results of the seven codes that run this experiment show variability in deformation style, number of thrusts, thrust dip angles and surface slope. Overall, our experiments show that numerical models run with different numerical techniques can successfully simulate laboratory brittle thrust wedge models at the cm-scale. In more detail, however, we find that it is challenging to reproduce sandbox-type setups numerically, because of frictional boundary conditions and velocity discontinuities. We recommend that future numerical-analogue comparisons use simple boundary conditions and that the numerical Earth Science community defines a plasticity test to resolve the variability in model shear zones.  相似文献   

The inter-relationships between the exact footwall geometry and the rheology of thrust sheets are investigated. Deviations in the thrust fault surface from an ideal plane will induce a local heterogeneous deformation. The resulting deformation processes depend upon the rate of thrust sheet displacement, the geometry of the feature causing heterogeneous flow, the deformation conditions and the lithologies involved. Two classes of features are particularly important in causing heterogeneous deformation in thrust sheets. The first features are small perturbations on bedding planes which may be inherited sedimentary structures or produced during layer-parallel shortening; the second class of features are ramps, where the thrust sheet climbs up the stratigraphic section. Displacement over these features causes repeated, cyclic straining in the hanging-wall during movement. The strain rates associated with deformation at perturbations, ramps of different geometries and different displacement rates are estimated and used to discuss the influence of footwall geometry on the structural evolution of a thrust sheet. Particular attention is given to the range of fault rocks and deformation microstructures preserved after movement over a footwall with a complex geometry. Perturbations are suggested to be important in the localization of ramps, either because they create ‘sticking points’ near the fault tip during propagation or because they induce eventual failure in the hanging-wall after the movement over a number of these features raises the accumulated damage to a critical level. Analysis of the influence of the exact geometry of ramps on deformation processes during displacement leads to two important conclusions. Firstly, the exact geometry of ramps (i.e. the maximum dip angle and the straining distance from a flat to this maximum angle) may be used to estimate a maximum displacement rate of the thrust sheet. Secondly, the listric geometry of ramps may be an equilibrium shape adjusted to the displacement rate and the rheology of the hanging-wall. Adjustments towards the final geometry may involve the generation of shortcuts on either hanging- or footwall which reduce the imposed deformation rate in the hanging-wall during displacement.  相似文献   

The ratio between the thickness of the sedimentary sequences offscraped from the subducting plate ( H c) and the average thickness of the backstop ( H b) is expected to significantly influence vergence partitioning in thrust wedges. A series of simple sandbox experiments was performed to study the role of the H c/ H b ratio in model thrust wedges. The results obtained show that thrust wedges with H c/ H b values lower than 1 are essentially pro-ward verging, with minor retro-ward faulting; H c/ H b values greater than 1 imply an increase of vergence partitioning. When a threshold value is exceeded, fully partitioned, doubly vergent thrust wedges develop. Comparison with natural submarine thrust wedges suggests that these experimental results may provide useful insights on the evolution of structural architecture at convergent margins.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the Montello thrust system in the Eastern Southern Alps as a potential seismogenic source. This system is of particular interest because of its lack of historical seismicity. Nevertheless, the system is undergoing active deformation. We developed a finite‐element model using visco‐elasto‐plastic rheology. The free parameters of the model (essentially, the locking status of the three thrusts included in the study), were constrained by matching the observed horizontal GPS and vertical levelling data. We show that the amount of interseismic fault locking, and thus the seismic potential, is not necessarily associated with the fastest‐slipping faults. More specifically, the locked Bassano thrust has a greater seismic potential than the freely slipping Montello thrust. The findings suggest that faults with subtle evidence of Quaternary activity should be carefully considered when creating seismic hazard maps.  相似文献   

Simulation of geodynamic processes in sandbox experiments requires analogue materials with a deformation behaviour that reproduces the deformation mechanisms of typical crustal rocks. We present data on the frictional strength of different sand types employing static and dynamic shear tests. The sand types analysed are characterised by an elastic/frictional plastic mechanical behaviour with a transient strain-hardening and strain-softening phase prior to transition to stable sliding. This is in conflict with the standard assumption of an ideal cohesionless Coulomb-material with constant frictional properties. The influence of the identified transient material properties on the kinematics, growth mechanisms, and internal deformation patterns of convergent sand wedges results in characteristic wedge segments which vary—depending on material compaction—between wedges with well defined segments (i.e. frontal-deformation zone, frontal-imbrication zone and internal-accumulation zone) with straight slopes and wedges with a continuous convex topographic profile. For most materials, only the frontal part of the wedge is critical during experimental runs. Taper and strength of the wedge segments can be shown to be controlled by the frictional properties of active faults. Wedge segmentation is controlled by a bulk-strength increase toward the rear of the wedge due to fault rotation in mechanically less-favourable orientations and plastic material hardening. The limit between the frontal critical parts of a wedge and internal stable parts is largely controlled by a critical state of stress upon which either renewed failure or fault inactivation occurs. On this basis, we suggest that critical-taper analysis of wedges must be restricted to specific kinematic segments. Comparison of the experimental results with the Nankai accretionary wedge suggests that our interpretation also applies to natural convergent wedges. Moreover, we provide constraints for the selection of adequate granular analogue materials to simulate typical crustal rocks in natural convergent wedges.  相似文献   

Sequence stratigraphy in marine foredeep and thrust-top basins is controlled by the conventional variations in eustatic sea-level and sedimentation rate together with tectonics. Vertical motions reflect combinations of subsidence due to regional flexure and uplift on local thrust anticlines which act to modify the volume and shape of accommodation space together with syn-depositional slopes. Plio-Pleistocene successions on Sicily were deposited in thrust-top and foredeep basins, above and ahead of evolving structures of the Maghrebian fold and thrust belt. Collectively the sediments represent a single megasequence defined at its base by a maximum flooding surface of earliest Pliocene age following reconnection with global sea-level at the end of the Messinian. The internal stratigraphy of this megasequence consists of Trubi chalks, blue marls and a coastal calcarenite package with subordinate silciclastic sand. Plankton biostratigraphy allows these facies to be placed in a chronostratigraphic framework. Regionally the upper assemblage progrades away from the orogenic hinterland, recording a tectonically forced regression in response to regional uplift from late Pliocene times. This uplift may be associated with isostatic unloading in the orogenic hinterland due to tectonic collapse of the more internal thrust sheets. Prior to this, flexure from orogenic loading is inferred to have been sufficient for regional subsidence locally to outstrip uplift associated with the growth of some thrust structures. For shallow-water facies the competition between thrust-related uplift and flexural subsidence can be investigated from the stacking patterns of parasequence sets. For structures developed at greater palaeobathymetries receiving fine-grained pelagic sediment, active tectonics may be recognized from depositional hiatuses.  相似文献   

川东与大巴山褶皱冲断带交汇区构造几何学和运动学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文凯  李传新 《地质学报》2020,94(2):426-438
川东与大巴山褶皱冲断带交汇区位于四川盆地东北缘,由温泉井—马槽坝背斜带、云安场背斜带和方斗山背斜带组成,其形成过程受川东构造带和大巴山构造带的双重控制,开展川东与大巴山褶皱冲断带交汇区构造几何学和运动学特征研究,对认识华南板块和华北板块之间的拼贴碰撞及演化具有重要意义。本文基于野外调查、钻测井资料和二维地震资料,以断层相关褶皱理论为指导,通过对四条二维地震剖面的精细解析,揭示了交汇区构造几何学特征,并应用2Dmove软件恢复了研究区构造运动学过程。研究认为:①交汇区在南北方向上显示为大型的复向斜结构,垂向上被区内下三叠统嘉陵江组膏盐层、志留系泥页岩层和下寒武统泥页岩层三套滑脱层分为上、中、下三大构造层,上构造层主要发生滑脱褶皱变形,中、下构造层发育断层较多,主要发育双冲构造、冲起构造以及断层转折褶皱;②研究区中构造层构造变形最为强烈,构造缩短率达10%,上、下构造层构造缩短率较小,均为6%左右,且各构造层缩短率由西到东呈现出逐渐增大的趋势;③中生代以来,研究区的构造演化过程分为三个阶段:晚三叠世到晚侏罗世稳定沉积阶段、早白垩世到古近纪早期对冲变形阶段、古近纪晚期至今定型阶段。  相似文献   


The structure of la Garrotxa area within the Cadi unit (south-eastern Pyrenees) consists of a set of duplexes at different scales which repeat the different carbonatic litho-units of the Lower and Middle Eocene. These duplexes are folded by antiformal stacks structures with basement rocks in their cores. The north boundary of these antiformal stacks represents an inversion of pre-existent extensional faults which formed half-graben geometries. The basement rocks involved in the structure represent short-cuts formed in the footwall of the extensional faults. All thrusts of La Garrotxa area branch with the upper Garrotxa thrust. The more complex structure of La Garrotxa area than the adjacent areas within the Cadí unit, is due to the initial complex synsedimentary geometry of the sedimentary pile.

The Cadi unit overlies the Serrat unit with a hangingwall ramp geometry. This unit was deduced from the Serrat-1 well, drilled in 1987. The Serrat unit is made up of a Middle Eocene evaporitic sequence, with alternating shales and anhydrites and a 100 meters thick salt layer close to the top. The total thickness of this evaporitic Beuda sequence is 1 000 meters. The Beuda sequence clearly controlled the thrust geometry of the younger thrusts.  相似文献   

The leading edge of the ENE-trending Himalayan thrust front in Pakistan exhibits along-strike changes in deformational style, ranging from fault-bend to fault-propagation folds. Although the structural geometry is very gently deformed throughout the Salt Range, it becomes progressively more complex to the east as the leading edge of the emergent Salt Range Thrust becomes blind. Surface geology, seismic reflection, petroleum well, and chronostratigraphic data are synthesized to produce a 3-D kinematic model that reconciles the contrasting structural geometries along this part of the Himalayan thrust front. We propose a model whereby displacement was transferred, across a newly-identified lateral ramp, from a fault-bend fold in the west to fault-propagation folds in the east and comparable shortening was synchronously accommodated by two fundamentally different mechanisms: translation vs. telescoping. However, substantially different shortening distribution patterns within these structurally contrasting segments require a tear fault, which later is reactivated as a thrust fault. The present geometry of this S-shaped displacement transfer zone is a combined result of the NW–SE compression of the lateral culmination wall and associated tear fault, and their subsequent modification due to mobilization of underlying ductile salt.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a mechanical model that intends to captures the kinematical aspects of thrust fault related folds induced by regional-scale far-field contraction. Fold shapes may be the only surface evidence of the geometry of underlying faults, so complex fault interactions are assessed in terms of how they influence fold geometry. We use the finite element method to model the fold and finite deformation frictional contact to model the activation and evolution of slip throughout preexisting faults. From several simulated 2D fault patterns we infer how one may form an anticline similar to that observed at Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming.  相似文献   

In many cases, thrust wedges accreted at shallow crustal levels show an across‐strike rheological variability along the basal décollement, notably from brittle to ductile behaviour. In this paper, we illustrate the results of sandbox analogue modelling research devoted to studying the influence of convergence velocity on wedge architecture when laterally juxtaposed frictional and viscous materials occur along the basal décollement of accreting thrust wedges. Our results show that slow convergence favours a near symmetrical distribution of thrust vergence within wedge sectors accreted above viscous décollement material, whereas fast convergence favours vergence asymmetry. In particular, at fast convergence rates the hinterlandward extrusion of viscous décollement material at the toe of the frictional wedge is favoured and contributed to accommodate a significant amount of the total contraction. Terra Nova, 18, 241–247, 2006  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Reverse movement on the Harz Northern Boundary Fault was responsible for the Late Cretaceous uplift of the Harz Mountains in northern Germany. Using the...  相似文献   

A small thrust sheet, named Pedda Gutta thrust sheet, consisting of calcareous to cherty argillites and cherts, and juxtaposed against tidal-intertidal cross-bedded quartzites and stromatolitic and sileceous limestone in the eastern Proterozoic belt, Godavari Valley, exhibits structures comparable in style to those of the external zone of a fold-thrust mountain belt. A wide spectrum of periodic and aperiodic mesoscopic folds varying from upright ones with rounded hinges and attenuated limbs, through noncylindrical kinks to whalebacks and sheath-like forms have developed within the small volume of the thrust sheet, the preserved thickness of which is of the order of 50 metres (comparable in scale to cleavage duplexes). Cleavage development is also heterogeneous across the width of the sheet. Displacement transfer from faults to folds and vice-versa is a common feature. On the basis of the distribution of the mesoscopic structures of varying style within the sheet and localization of fault rocks, three slices (wedges) have been recognized, each bounded on the east by a thrust which is steep at the current erosion level but interpreted to be of listric form making the thrust network comparable in architecture, though not in scale, to a hinterland (west) dipping imbricate fan.  相似文献   

Computation of the seismic stability of rock wedges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Newmark's concept of computing the permanent displacement under seismic loads has been combined with the conventional limit equilibrium analysis to compute the displacements of a rock wedge. The rock wedge formed by the intersecting planes may or may not have a tension crack in the upper slope surface. As the static analysis of a rock wedge is available from the literature, only the seismic problem is treated theoretically in more details.A computer program has been developed to compute the displacements from the digitised input data of the acceleration-time-history. The program can take into account the water pressure on the intersecting planes and on the planes of the tension crack. The effect of rock anchors if present is also taken care of in addition to static surcharge loads. The program calculates the conventional static factor of safety, remaining resistance against sliding, the critical acceleration, exciting force, relative velocity with time and the cumulative displacements.Two model examples are presented: one with simple sinusoidal acceleration and the other one with actual earthquake data considering the different systems of forces acting on the wedge. The results are critically discussed with respect to the different parameters e. g. anchor forces, water pressure and cohesion influencing the magnitude of displacements under seismic loads. It is shown that the critical acceleration is a better index for the seismic stability than the conventional factor of safety.The critical acceleration presented in this paper serves as a very handy tool for a site engineer to get the first hand information about the stability of the wedge for a given acceleration-time-history without going into the details of dynamic analysis.Notations A, B Inclined intersecting planes - C, D Geometric points on the intersection ofA andB - a cr Critical acceleration - a h Horizontal acceleration - a v Vertical acceleration - a r Relative acceleration of the wedge - DF Driving force - DF dyn Dynamic driving force - DF st Static driving force - FS Factor of safety - g Acceleration due to gravity - m Mass of the wedge - RF Resisting force - RF dyn Dynamic resisting force - RF st Static resisting force - RS Remaining resisting force against sliding - RS dyn Total seismic induced force - RS st Remaining static resisting force against sliding - s r Cumulative relative displacement of the wedge - TRS Total remaining resisting force against sliding - v r Relative velocity of the wedge - W Weight of the wedge - W A ,W B Weight of the wedge in the planeA andB - Dip of line of intersection of the planesA andB - Average friction angle - A , B Friction angle of planeA andB - I, II, III, IV Points in the curve shown in Fig. 6  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2002,146(1-2):91-104
Steep thrusts are usually interpreted as oblique-slip thrusts or inverted normal faults. However, recent analogical and numerical models have emphasised the influence of surface mass-transfer phenomena on the structural evolution of compressive systems. This research points to sedimentation and erosion during deformation as an additional explanation for the origin of steeply dipping thrusts. The present study uses both field observations and analogue modelling to attempt to isolate critical parameters of syntectonic sedimentation that might control the geometry of the upper part of thrust systems.A field study of thrust systems bounding two compressive intermountain Tertiary basins of the Iberian Chain is first briefly presented. We describe the surface geometry of thrusts surrounding the Montalbán Basin and the Alto Tajo Syncline at the vicinity of deposits of Oligocene–Early Miocene alluvial fans at the footwall of faults. Field observations suggest that synthrusting sedimentation should influence the structure of thrusts. Indeed, the faults are steeper and splitted at the edge of the syntectonic deposits.Effects of sedimentation rate on footwall of thrusts, and of its change along fault strike are further investigated on two-layer brittle-ductile analogue models submitted to compression and syntectonic sediment supply. Two series of experiments were made corresponding to two end-members of depositional geometries. In the first series, the sedimentation was homogeneously distributed on both sides of the relief developed above the thrust front. In the second series, deposits were localised on a particular area of the footwall of thrust front. In all experiments, the sedimentation rate controls the number and the dip of faults. For low sedimentation rates, a single low-angle thrust develops; whereas for high sedimentation rates, a series of steeper dipping thrust is observed. In experiments with changing sedimentation rate along fault strike, the thrust geometry varies behind the areas with the thickest sediment pile.  相似文献   

前陆冲断带冲断层的冲断方向一直没有得到理论解释。文中基于库伦断裂理论和造山带前陆冲断带变形的非对称性,分析了前冲断层和反冲断层的成因。变形初期将会出现两组共轭势断裂面,随后在变形非对称引起的准静力平衡条件下,两组势断裂面中所需作用力小的那组断裂面将更容易发育成冲断层,断层滑动所需作用力包括克服滑脱面摩擦力和断层面摩擦力两部分。大部分条件下,前陆区前冲断层将优先发育,但当最大主应力轴向前陆倾斜时或共轭断层交叉点在滑脱面上时,反冲断层将有可能优先发育。后缘推动力、滑脱面摩擦力和滑体形状都会决定着主应力轴的方位。上述认识能够解释包括收缩变形区、伸展变形区等断层发育的选择性。  相似文献   

笔者从冲断活动的产物———各种成因扇体(冲积扇、水下扇、扇三角洲)出发,由160口单井剖面、15条联井剖面、8个层位平面渐次展开了准噶尔西北缘前陆冲断带三叠—侏罗纪逆冲断裂活动的沉积响应研究。三叠纪扇体在乌尔禾—夏子街地区发育叠置程度最好,T1b到T3b,其由盆内向盆缘老山方向退缩迁移明显,并具T1b到T2k1由盆缘向盆内、T2k2到T3b由盆内向盆缘迁移的2个进退波动变化。侏罗纪扇体在八道湾组最为发育,总体叠置关系较差,J1b到J2t,均呈由盆内向盆缘老山退缩沉积的退覆式迁移特征。三叠纪到侏罗纪,总体为由强到弱的退覆式冲断活动及扇体迁移模式,即随主要同生控扇断裂分布由盆缘向老山方向退缩迁移,冲断活动强度由盆缘向盆地方向逐渐减弱直至停息;相应地,各期扇体平面上分布规模渐小,总体呈由盆内向盆缘老山退缩迁移的沉积响应,两者耦合性良好。各类扇体的沉积分布受不同时期同生断裂活动的严格控制,其时空叠置及迁移规律的差异是红山嘴—车排子、克拉玛依—百口泉及乌尔禾—夏子街各构造带冲断作用地域性及作用强度差异性的沉积响应。进而引入“活动性指数”的概念与方法,对前陆冲断带同生断裂的冲断活动强度进行了定量化统计分析,并根据冲断推覆事件的地层、沉积标识划分出T1b-T3b、J1b-J2x、J2t三套构造层序,识别出三叠—侏罗纪的3个逆冲推覆幕、6次逆冲推覆事件。  相似文献   

准南逆冲褶皱带超压与逆冲断层持续活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
天山北缘准南地区的褶皱带为自新生代以来一直持续活动的逆冲构造带,由于逆冲断层的持续活动,形成了现今断层和相关褶皱。钻井资料显示,准南逆冲褶皱带内的超压层主要发育在古近纪安集海河组泥岩和紫泥泉子组泥岩之中,而该泥岩同时又成为逆冲断层发育的主滑脱面。通过多年来对准南地区地面地质调查、二维地震和三维地震资料的解释以及钻井证实,我们统计出准南逆冲褶皱带现存的逆冲断层倾角分别集中在两个区间: 30±5°和50±5°区间。应力分析表明,在持续挤压应力作用下,超压层(泥岩、页岩和煤系地层)中和超压层之下地层中发育的早期逆冲断层与晚期最大主压应力之间的夹角处在30±5°之间时,作用在断层面上的最大主应力与最小主应力比达到最小值,因此该断层最容易再次活动,形成最大的流体压力,因而断层周围的流体就会沿着最大主应力方向发生流动,断层本身就会成为流体运移的主要通道; 而早期逆冲断层与晚期最大主压应力之间的夹角处在50±5°之间时,作用在断层面上的最大主应力与最小主应力比较大,断层重新活动所需要的流体压力较高,导致断层作为流体运移的通道因被挤压而闭合。应力分析和钻井实测应力均指出,准南逆冲褶皱带发育的超压为挤压构造应力形成的超压。这些研究表明,准南逆冲褶皱带的逆冲断层持续活动,导致早期发育的断层在晚期应力作用下,断层倾角聚集在两个优势区间,油气沿最大主压应力方向运移,聚集油气则沿断层滑动面发育形成构造超压,导致该区域油气长期处于运移与聚集的动平衡状态。  相似文献   

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