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Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is investigated in samples of Peralimala (PM) pluton (ca. 550 Ma) and adjacent gneiss, gabbro, mylonite and amphibolite from the Moyar Shear Zone (MSZ), Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) with an aim to decipher the time-relationship between fabric development in the pluton and regional tectonics. Magnetic foliation recorded in the PM pluton is sub-parallel to the WNW-ESE striking MSZ. Magnetic foliation and lineation trajectories are sigmoidal and curve into the shear zone. A dextral sense of shear is deciphered from the trajectories, which is similar to that reported within the MSZ in some earlier studies. It is inferred that the PM pluton has developed post-emplacement deformation-fabric related to reactivation of the MSZ during Pan-African age. Based on the data and existing information about regional tectonics of the area, the possibility of the (a) PM pluton being a Deformed Alkali Rock and Carbonatite (DARC) and (b) MSZ marking an ancient suture zone, is discussed.  相似文献   

Geological research on the Mediterranean region is presently characterized by the transition from disciplinary to multidisciplinary research, as well as from national to international investigations. In order to synthesize and integrate the vast disciplinary and national datasets which are available, it is necessary to implement maximum interaction among geoscientists of different backgrounds. The creation of project-oriented task forces in universities and other research institutions, as well as the development of large international cooperation programs, is instrumental in pursuing such a multidisciplinary and supranational approach. The TRANSMED Atlas, an official publication of the 32nd International Geological Congress (Florence 2004), is the result of an international scientific cooperation program which brought together for over two years sixtythree structural geologists, geophysicists, marine geologists, petrologists, sedimentologists, stratigraphers, paleogeographers, and petroleum geologists coming from eighteen countries, and working for the petroleum industry, academia, and other institutions, both public and private. The TRANSMED Atlas provides an updated, synthetic, and coherent portrayal of the overall geological-geophysical structure of the Mediterranean domain and the surrounding areas. The initial stimulus for the Atlas came from the realization of the extremely heterogeneous nature of the existing geological-geophysical data about such domain. These data have been gathered by universities, oil companies, geological surveys and other institutions in several countries, often using different procedures and standards. In addition, much of these data are written in languages and published in outlets that are not readily accessible to the general international reader. By synthesizing and integrating a wealth of preexisting and new data derived from surficial geology, seismic sections at various scales, and mantle tomographies, the TRANSMED Atlas provides for the first time a coherent geological overview of the Mediterranean region and represents an ideal springboard for future studies.  相似文献   

Most gold deposits in intrusive rocks were formed as a result of reworking processes. The intrusive rocks containing gold deposits and consisting of ultramafic-mafic, intermediateacid and alkaline rocks of the Archean, Proterozoic, Caledonian, Hercynian and Yenshanian periods occur in cratons, activated zones of cratons and fold belts. Among them, ultramaficmafic rocks, diorite, alkaline rocks, and anorthosite are products of remelting in the mantle or mantle-crust or mantle with crustal contamination. However, auriferous intermediate-acid rocks are products of metasomatic-remelting in auriferous volcanic rocks or auriferous volcanosedimentary rocks in the deep crust.  相似文献   

Presented in this paper are the rypes,salinities,homogenization temperatures and organic components of fluid inclusions formed at the four stages of diagenetic authigenesis in the Eogene of the Biyang Depression.The results of cooling experiments on fluid inclusions were used to determine the fluid system and composition of saline aqueous solution in each of the stages .The homogenization temperatures of saline aqueous solution inclusions and hydrocarbon organic inclu-sions have been corrected by two approaches ,and the trapping temperatures and pressures of fluid inclusions at each of the stages have been obtained.This strdy has shed light on the physicochemistry and evolution of diagenetic fluids.The diagentic fluid system is a system which was transformed from a chloride-bearing to a carbonate-bearing system along with the diagenic evolu-tion.The decrease of diagenetic temperature at Stage III of diagenetic authigenesis suggests that the depression would have experiences uplifting at that time.The fluorescent characteristics of fluid inclusions indicate the varieties of organic components in fluid inclusions both in time and in space.  相似文献   

The essay portrays urban development in Germany at the end of the 20th century in the transition from Industrial Modernity to the New Modernity. The city of the Industrial Modernity is described as a traditionally closed and mixed city. It corresponds to the classical European model of the compact city with a clearly defined centre and a surrounding area which is unambiguously oriented towards this centre. This urban model is disintegrating in Germany. The essay explains this lingering but fundamental process of change. The inner cities are decreasing in importance in favour of the urban fringe, traditional relationships and connections with our cities are lost, new regional activity areas are emerging in the environs of cities. Although the urban impacts of new communication technologies have not been completely clarified, they are changing previous local relationships in the cities. This is not without consequences for urban neighbourhood relationships. The increasing polarisation in German society also affects urban structure. The social mixture in cities disappears on a small scale, public spaces are losing their functions, undesirable population groups are excluded from participation in urban life in new shopping, leisure and transport facilities. The interaction between private and public agents who influence and determine urban development has changed in recent years, and the civic sense of responsibility for the city must be newly defined. Hopes are put into the debates on the Local Agenda and - in spite of its dangers - into a project-oriented planning approach.  相似文献   

Characteristics of deformation in the thrust belt and sequence stratigraphic framework in the foreland basin, structural features of the basin margin, and the episodic thrusting are studied in this paper by combining the eastern Qilian thrust belt and the Late Triassic foreland basin on the southwestern margin of Ordos. On this basis, a geological model and a mechanical model of coupling mechanism were established for the pair of thrust belt and foreland basin, and the subsidence and deposition process of the foreland basin were simulated on given parameters.  相似文献   

The Kristallbrocken are a characteristic centimetre- to decimetre-sized, laminated halite fabric type occurring in the Stassfurt Formation in the Zechstein Basin. Up to now, the nature of the Kristallbrocken, i.e. if they are relics of fine-grained, polycrystalline halite beds or clasts of ‘single crystal-layers’, as well as the deformation mechanisms of this halite type, were not clear from the literature. Drill core material from the salt deposit Teutschenthal at the southern rim of the Zechstein Basin now allowed investigating less intensely deformed samples for the first time. The deformational behaviour of these Kristallbrocken ranges from brittle to ductile, which is evidenced by fractured Kristallbrocken on the one hand and weakly bent or even folded Kristallbrocken on the other hand. Local X-ray texture measurements demonstrated that the Kristallbrocken are definitely single crystals and that they can be regarded as relics of formerly larger ‘single crystal-layers’ of up to several dm2 in size. The folded Kristallbrocken clearly display by their single grain texture characteristics that their crystal lattice is bent, which was most likely enabled by a kind of flexural-shear folding, and did not develop after deformation from a fine-grained aggregate by recrystallisation. Due to their monocrystallinity, their originally large size, and the solid inclusions forming the internal lamination, the Kristallbrocken have clearly stronger rheological properties than the surrounding fine- to coarse-grained polycrystalline rock salt, and thus also deform by fracturing.  相似文献   

《Organic Geochemistry》1987,11(3):193-199
An automatic experimental set-up has been developed for the determination of diffusion parameters of hydrocarbon gases through water-saturated rock samples. Diffusive flow of hydrocarbons through rock slices is monitored by gas chromatography. Experiments are carried out according to the time lag method yielding diffusion coefficients, solubility coefficients, and diffusion permeabilities. Diffusion coefficients down to 10−12 m2 s−1 (10−8 cm−2 s−1) may be determined routinely on rock samples of 2–10 mm thickness. Maximum errors in diffusion coefficients are estimated around 20% and reproducibility was found to range between 10 and 20%. Specific features of this set-up are automatic sampling and data acquistion, high sampling frequency, and maintenance of water-saturation of the rock samples throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

Bridgmanite (Mg,Fe)SiO3 and ferropericlase (Mg,Fe)O are the most abundant phases in the lower mantle and localized regions of the D″ layer just above the core mantle boundary. Seismic anisotropy is observed near subduction zones at the top of the lower mantle and in the D″ region. One source of anisotropy is dislocation glide and associated texture (crystallographic preferred orientation) development. Thus, in order to interpret seismic anisotropy, it is important to understand texture development and slip system activities in bridgmanite and bridgmanite + ferropericlase aggregates. Here we report on in situ texture development in bridgmanite and bridgmanite + ferropericlase aggregates deformed in the diamond anvil cell up to 61 GPa. When bridgmanite is synthesized from enstatite, it exhibits a strong (4.2 m.r.d.) 001 transformation texture due to a structural relationship with the precursor enstatite phase. When bridgmanite + ferropericlase are synthesized from olivine or ringwoodite, bridgmanite exhibits a relatively weak 100 transformation texture (1.2 and 1.6 m.r.d., respectively). This is likely due to minimization of elastic strain energy as a result of Young’s modulus anisotropy. In bridgmanite, 001 deformation textures are observed at pressures <55 GPa. The 001 texture is likely due to slip on (001) planes in the [100], [010] and \(\left\langle {110} \right\rangle\) directions. Stress relaxation by laser annealing to 1500–1600 K does not result in a change in this texture type. However, at pressures >55 GPa a change in texture to a 100 maximum is observed, consistent with slip on the (100) plane. Ferropericlase, when deformed with bridgmanite, does not develop a coherent texture. This is likely due to strain heterogeneity within the softer ferropericlase grains. Thus, it is plausible that ferropericlase is not a significant source of anisotropy in the lower mantle.  相似文献   

A direct correlation was shown for the first time between mosaic irisation patterns in synthetic and natural precious opals (from Australia, Ethiopia, Honduras, Slovakia, and Russia) and their frustumational (lump or mosaic–cluster) inner structure by means of photoluminescence, X-ray phase analysis, IR and Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A simulation of the atmospheric state under ice age conditions (18,000 years before present) is presented. The T21 Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM), originally developed at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, was used for the calculation of six annual cycles. Results of the near-surface climatology (2 m-temperature, 10 m-wind, and precipitation), averaged over the last five model years, are presented. The presentation is restricted to January and July means in order to demonstrate the glacial changes in summer and winter. The model's response to ice age boundary conditions was quite consistent with paleogeological data on land and with AGCM experiments of other studies. Although the differences between the mean climate states of the model atmosphere under glacial and modern boundary conditions were statistically significant, the basic structure of the simulated atmospheric circulation was not altered substantially.
Zusammenfassung Eine Simulation des Zustands der eiszeitlichen Atmosphäre (18000 Jahre vor heute) wird vorgestellt. Das T21-Modell (allgemeines Zirkulationsmodell der Atmosphäre), entwickelt am Europäischen Zentrum für Mittelfrist-Wettervorhersage, wurde zur Berechnung von sechs Jahresgängen verwendet. Die Ergebnisse der oberflächennahen Klimatologie (2 m-Temperatur, 10 m-Wind und Niederschlag) werden präsentiert als Mittel über die letzten fünf Modelljahre. Die Darstellung ist eingeschränkt auf Januar- und Julimittel, um die eiszeitlichen Änderungen im Sommer und Winter deutlich zu machen. Die Antwort des Modells auf die eiszeitlichen Randbedingungen stimmt recht gut überein mit paläogeologischen Landdaten und mit anderen Simulationsrechnungen. Obgleich die Klimaunterschiede in der eiszeitlichen und der heutigen Modellatmosphäre statistisch signifikant sind, wurde die Grundstruktur der atmosphärischen Zirkulation vom T21-Modell nur wenig verändert.

Résumé Cette note présente une simulation de l'état de l'atmosphère dans les conditions de l'âge glaciaire, il y a 18.000 ans. Le calcul de 6 cycles annuels a été effectué au moyen du modèle T 21 de la circulation atmosphérique générale développé au Centre Européen de prévision du temps à moyen terme. Les éléments du climat proche de la surface (température à 2 m, vent à 10 m, précipitations) sont présentés en moyenne des cinq dernières années du modèle. Ces éléments sont limités aux moyennes de janvier et de juillet, de manière à mettre en évidence les changements hiver/été. La réponse du modèle aux conditions aux limites de l'âge glaciaire est en bon accord avec les données paléontologiques de terrain ainsi qu'avec d'autres calculs de simulation. Bien qu'il existe d'importantes différences climatiques entre les modèles d'atmosphère de l'âge glaciaire et d'aujourd'hui, la structure de base de la circulation atmosphérique du modèle T 21 est peu modifiée.

, 18000 . 21 = , = , 6 . , — 2 10 , 5 . , , , . . , 21 .

The further development of Peyve’s concept of deep faults in the Earth’s crust and brittle part of the lithosphere is discussed. Three aspects are accentuated in this paper: (1) the modern definition of the term deep fault; (2) the parameters of deep faults as ruptures of the geological medium and three-dimensional, often boundary, geological bodies; and (3) reactivation of deep faults, including the development of this process in real time. Peyve’s idea of deep faults readily fitted into the concept of new global tectonics (plate tectonics). This was facilitated, first of all, by the extensive efforts made to elaborate Peyve’s ideas by a large group of researchers at the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GIN RAS) and other scientists. At present, the term deep fault has been extended and transformed to cover three-dimensional geological bodies; the geological and geophysical properties and parameters of these bodies, as well as their reactivation (recurrent activation) in real time, have been studied.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic properties of fluids are essential for the understanding of the geochemical behavior of various processes,The paper introduces the most updated computer modeling and simulation methods in the study of thermodynamics of geofluids,inclduing semiempirical models(such as equation of state)and molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation.A well-established semi-empirical model can interpolate and extrapolate experimental data and yield much physicochemical information.Computer modeling may produce“experimental data“ yield much physicochemical information.Computer modeling may produce“experimental data“even under experimentally difficult conditions.They provide important methods for the study of geological fluid systems on the quantitative basis.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of testing currently used models proposed to describe Cr-spinel–melt equilibrium: models of the MELTS family by M.S. Ghiorso with colleagues, the SPINMELT program by A.A. Ariskin and G.S. Nikolaev, and the “MELT–CHROMITE spinel calculator” by А.А. Pustovetov and R.L. Roeder. The new calibration of the SPINMELT model presented in this publication enables calculating a sixcomponent (Mg, Fe2+, Cr, Al, Fe3+, and Ti) composition of Cr-spinel and the \(T - {f_{{o_2}}}\) parameters of its stability on the liquidus of basaltic melts under pressures up to 15 kbar. The model is based on results of 392 runs from 43 experimental studies, including systems of normal alkalinity at \({f_{{o_2}}}\) ≤ QFM + 2. The experimental dataset (which was extended compared to that used for the previous calibration) allowed us not only to estimate the pressure effect, but also apply the model to aluminous and hydrous systems. Tests of the SPINMELT-2.0 model show that the errors of the calculated temperature of the spinel–melt equilibrium increase with pressure from 16°C at 1 atm to 50°C at 15 kbar. Experimental spinel compositions are reproduced by the model accurate to < 3 at % Al and Cr, and no worse 1 at % for the other cations.  相似文献   

The validity of the thermodynamic cBΩ model is tested in terms of the experimentally determined diffusion coefficients of He in a natural Fe-bearing olivine (Fo90) and a synthetic end-member forsterite (Mg2SiO4) over a broad temperature range (250–950 °C), as reported recently by Cherniak and Watson (Geochem Cosmochim Acta 84:269–279, 2012). The calculated activation enthalpies for each of the three crystallographic axes were found to be (134 ± 5), (137 ± 13) and (158 ± 4) kJ mol?1 for the [100], [010] and [001] directions in forsterite, and (141 ± 9) kJ mol?1 for the [010] direction in olivine, exhibiting a deviation of <1 % with the corresponding reported experimental values. Additional point defect parameters such as activation volume, activation entropy and activation Gibbs free energy were calculated as a function of temperature. The estimated activation volumes (3.2–3.9 ± 0.3 cm3 mol?1) of He diffusion in olivine are comparable with other reported results for hydrogen and tracer diffusion of Mg cations in olivine. The pressure dependence of He diffusion coefficients was also determined, based on single experimental diffusion measurements at 2.6 and 2.7 GPa along the [001] direction in forsterite at 400 and 650 °C.  相似文献   

Radio astronomy at decameter wavelengths is currently undergoing very active development. Large-scale, new generation low-frequency radio telescopes are being constructed and already used in many countries around the world. As before, the largest, most sensitive, and most versatile telescope at decameter wavelengths is the Ukrainian UTR-2 radio telescope operating at 8–32 MHz, which has an effective area of more than 105 m2 and an angular resolution of about 0.5?, as well as the URAN interferometric system based on the UTF-2. Many studies that have been carried out on these facilities have been based on important results and far-sighted predictions of Shklovskii. These include, in particular, studies of dynamical spectra and the brightness distributions of the sporadic and quiescent decameter radio emission of the hot solar corona, complex, broadband radio spectroscopy of the interstellar medium, and multi-frequency monitoring of secular decreases in the flux densities of supernova remnants. The coordinated use of highly effective existing and newly constructed radio telescopes joined into ground networks, as well as specialized space missions, are opening new prospects for low-frequency radio astronomy.  相似文献   

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