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A. I. Okay  O. Monod  P. Moni 《Lithos》2002,64(3-4):155-178
Triassic eclogite and blueschist facies rocks occur as a thrust sheet, 25-km long and over 2-km thick, in an Eocene fold-and-thrust belt in northwest Turkey along the zmir–Ankara suture. The thrust sheet consists mainly of metabasites with minor marble, phyllite and metachert, and rare lenses of serpentinite. The common blueschist facies mineral assemblage in the metabasites is sodic amphibole+epidote+albite+chlorite+phengite±garnet. Sodic amphibole commonly shows replacement by barroisite, and there is continuous petrographic transition from blueschist–metabasites to barroisite-bearing epidote–amphibolites. Eclogite with the mineral assemblage of garnet+sodic pyroxene+sodic–calcic amphibole+epidote is found only in one locality. PT conditions of the epidote–blueschist facies metamorphism are estimated as 450±50 °C and 11±2 kbar. The blueschist formation was followed by a decrease in pressure and increase in temperature, leading to the development of barroisite-bearing epidote–amphibolites. Phengite, sodic amphibole and barroisite Ar/Ar ages from three metabasic rocks range between 215 and 205 Ma, and indicate Late Triassic high-pressure metamorphism. The Triassic blueschists in northwest Turkey constitute part of a much larger allochthonous tectonic unit of Triassic mafic volcanic rocks. They probably represent the upper layers of a Triassic oceanic plateau, which was accreted to the Laurasian margin during the latest Triassic. The close spatial association of the Triassic and Cretaceous blueschists along the zmir–Ankara suture suggests that the suture represents a long-lived plate boundary of Late Palaeozoic to early Tertiary age.  相似文献   

对西南天山哈布腾苏河一带出露的典型榴辉岩和蓝片岩进行了详细的岩相学、矿物化学和温压条件综合研究。榴辉岩可分为蓝闪石榴辉岩、钠云母榴辉岩、绿帘石榴辉岩和蓝闪石榴角闪岩(退变榴辉岩)4类,蓝片岩可分为含蓝闪石石榴白云母钠长片岩、石榴白云母蓝闪片岩和石榴白云母蓝闪石英片岩3类。新鲜榴辉岩主要矿物组合为石榴石+绿辉石+钠云母+绿帘石,退变榴辉岩则为石榴石+蓝闪石+角闪石;蓝片岩主要矿物组合为石榴石+蓝闪石+多硅白云母+钠云母+钠长石+石英。榴辉岩和蓝片岩中石榴石变斑晶均保存进变质生长环带,从核部到边部XMnXFe降低,XMgXCa升高,指示了升温进变质的演化过程。根据榴辉岩矿物共生组合、石榴石内部包体组合分布特征及传统地质温压计估算结果,确定榴辉岩经历了4阶段的变质演化:早期硬柱石蓝片岩相进变质阶段、峰期榴辉岩相变质阶段(t=543~579℃,p=1.5~1.6 GPa)、峰后绿帘蓝片岩相退变质阶段(t=~450℃,p<1.0 GPa)和晚期蓝闪绿片岩相退变质阶段(t<400℃,p<0.5 GPa)。利用p-T视剖面图计算的榴辉岩、蓝片岩峰期变质温压条件与传统地质温压计估算结果十分相近,其中榴辉岩的峰期变质条件t=520~550℃,p=1.7~1.9 GPa;蓝片岩峰期变质条件t=520~620℃,p=1.7~2.3 GPa。本文估算的榴辉岩峰期变质压力条件与前人根据柯石英的发现而认为研究区部分榴辉岩及其围岩曾经历超高压变质作用的认识明显相悖,原因可能如下:① 后期退变质作用引起研究区榴辉岩全岩成分、矿物化学成分的调整,在采用Grt-Cpx-Phe温压计和以全岩成分为基础的相平衡模拟方法估算峰期温压条件时受到影响,从而使估算峰期压力条件普遍偏低;② 西南天山的榴辉岩可能并非全都经历了超高压变质作用,高压、超高压榴辉岩可能分别代表了不同变基性岩块在不同俯冲深度变质的产物。  相似文献   

新疆阿克苏地区前寒武纪蓝片岩构造—热演化史   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
阿克苏前寒武纪蓝片岩产于塔里木盆地西北缘的柯坪隆起区内。近二十年来,中外科学家对其展开了深入研究,并获得了许多新的同位素年龄资料,但是年龄测定大多偏重于确定蓝片岩的变质年龄,蓝片岩形成后的构造演化方面的研究尚显不足。为了讨论: 1.裂变径迹数据有没有记录到阿克苏蓝片岩形成后快速折返至地表的信息?2.阿克苏蓝片岩剥露以后是否经历过再次埋藏和剥露,再次埋藏的深度和剥露的时间?3.蓝片岩的构造热演化过程对大陆边缘不同构造事件的响应; 采集阿克苏地区前寒武纪蓝片岩带样品进行磷灰石裂变径迹测试,6个样品的年龄值介于107.5~62.5Ma之间,远小于高压变质年龄,径迹长度介于10.46~12.12μm。结合前人研究成果、本区地层序列和裂变径迹热史模拟结果,大致重建了蓝片岩的热史演化: 1.蓝片岩形成(872~862Ma)后快速折返至地表,可能在整个早震旦世一直遭受剥蚀,到晚震旦世才重新开始接受沉积埋藏; 2.晚震旦世地层基本保持连续,整个古生代也仅缺失中、上志留统,中、下石炭统。至古生代末,早震旦世和整个古生代地层厚度已近万米。蓝片岩完全退火,年龄被重置; 3.中生代晚期区内地层普遍开始隆升,裂变径迹时钟重新开始计时; 4.古新世开始有沉积作用发生,样品接受埋藏增温至部分退火带,随后可能由于印度-欧亚板块碰撞的远程效应,中新世地层重新开始隆升剥露。  相似文献   

Zhang Zeming  Xu Zhiqin  Xu Huifen 《Lithos》2000,52(1-4):35-50
The 558-m-deep ZK703 drillhole located near Donghai in the southern part of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, eastern China, penetrates alternating layers of eclogites, gneisses, jadeite quartzites, garnet peridotites, phengite–quartz schists, and kyanite quartzites. The preservation of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic minerals and their relics, together with the contact relationship and protolith types of the various rocks indicates that these are metamorphic supracrustal rocks and mafic-ultramafic rock assemblages that have experienced in-situ ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. The eclogites can be divided into five types based on accessory minerals: rutile eclogite, phengite eclogite, kyanite–phengite eclogite, quartz eclogite, and common eclogite with rare minor minerals. Rutile eclogite forms a thick layer in the drillhole that contains sufficient rutile for potential mining. Two retrograde assemblages are observed in the eclogites: the first stage is characterized by the formation of sodic plagioclase+amphibole symplectite or symplectitic coronas after omphacite and garnet, plagioclase+biotite after garnet or phengite, and plagioclase coronas after kyanite; the second stage involved total replacement of omphacite and garnet by amphibole+albite+epidote+quartz. Peak metamorphic PT conditions of the eclogites were around 32 to 40 kbar and 720°C to 880°C. The retrograde PT path of the eclogites is characterized by rapidly decreasing pressure with slightly decreasing temperature. Micro-textures and compositional variations in symplectitic minerals suggest that the decompression breakdown of ultrahigh-pressure minerals is a domainal equilibrium reaction or disequilibrium reaction. The composition of the original minerals and the diffusion rate of elements involved in these reactions controlled the symplectitic mineral compositions.  相似文献   

魏春景  崔莹 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1067-1074
本文以大别山双河柯石英榴辉岩为基础,在NCKMnFMASHO体系中计算了P-T、T-M(H2O)和P-M(H2O)一系列相图。这些相图表明在地壳冷俯冲(地热梯度约为6℃·km-1)过程中饱和水的变质基性岩通过脱水反应导致矿物组合演化,随着P-T条件增加,约在2.2GPa(80km)处,绿泥石被滑石取代,在2.4GPa处,蓝闪石消失,在2.5GPa处,滑石消失,在2.9GPa(105km)处,硬柱石消失。相应地可出现硬柱石蓝片岩、蓝闪石-硬柱石榴辉岩、硬柱石榴辉岩和多硅白云母榴辉岩等高压-超高压组合。俯冲基性岩中即使含有很少量的水(如0.3%~0.5%),都会在超高压硬柱石榴辉岩相条件下达到饱和。因此硬柱石会广泛出现于经历冷俯冲地壳的变质基性岩中。高压-超高压榴辉岩的折返过程受折返温度及峰期矿物组合的控制。当峰期矿物组合中含有硬柱石(±蓝闪石±滑石,T=540~600℃)时,其早期折返发生在硬柱石稳定域,受脱水反应控制,难以保存峰期矿物组合;晚期折返发生在绿帘石稳定域,岩石处于流体缺失状态,有利于保存硬柱石消失后的高压矿物组合。当峰期矿物组合中含有绿泥石、硬柱石和蓝闪石时(T<540℃),其折返过程中的脱水作用仅发生在硬柱石与绿帘石共生的狭窄区域,在硬柱石稳定域的早期折返与绿帘石稳定域的晚期折返阶段,都不发生脱水作用,岩石处于流体缺失状态,因此,虽然峰期形成的硬柱石难以保存,但峰期形成的其他矿物可能仅受轻微改造。当硬柱石消失 (T>600℃) 后,多硅白云母高压-超高压榴辉岩中含有很少量水,在早期折返过程中的很大压力范围内,岩石保持水含量不变,更容易保留峰期矿物组合。高压-超高压榴辉岩在减压至1.5GPa以下时,由于外来流体注入,发生部分水化,形成含有钠钙质、钙质角闪石榴辉岩, 它们一般不是平衡矿物组合。榴辉岩中名义上的无水矿物在减压过程中释放的水有助于榴辉岩部分水化,但不足以形成水饱和的斜长角闪岩。  相似文献   

在南苏鲁东海地区,部分超高压榴辉岩中的变斑晶石榴石具有复杂的生长成分环带和多期矿物包体组合,它们记录了超高压变质岩的多阶段变质演化过程,即绿帘角闪岩相进变质、柯石英榴辉岩相峰期变质、石英榴辉岩相和角闪岩相退变质作用。运用相关的地质温、压计,使用代表最高变质温度的变斑晶石榴石慢部(具最低的Fe/Mg比值)和与其平衡的绿辉石包体成分,获得了〉900℃和4.1~4.5GPa的超高压变质务件。联合其他变质阶段的温、压条件,一个顺时针的变质作用P—T轨迹得以建立。它的特征是进变质与退变质路径近于平行,早期退变质作用为降温、降压过程.榴辉岩石榴石生长成分环带的保存说明超高压变质岩在峰期变质阶段有非常短暂的停留时间,并以很快的折返速率抬升到地壳浅部,超高压变质岩折返过程中的明显降温是石榴石生长环带得以保存的另一个有利条件,  相似文献   

田野  黄建  回迎军  肖益林 《岩石学报》2015,31(7):1818-1840
高压-超高压变质岩中的变质脉能够反映俯冲带变质流体的组成和演化。为了探究大陆俯冲带超临界流体活动及伴随的元素迁移,本文系统地研究了苏鲁造山带南部江苏东海池庄地区的超高压榴辉岩及变质脉。变质脉主要是由石英、石榴石、绿辉石、多硅白云母、蓝晶石、黝帘石、金红石和锆石等矿物组成,与寄主榴辉岩的矿物组成类似。相比于榴辉岩,脉体中的石榴石更加富集重稀土元素(HREE);黝帘石强烈富集轻稀土元素(LREE)。变质脉和榴辉岩中各主要矿物的氧同位素组成在误差范围内一致(石英的δ18O分别为2.42‰和2.79‰;石榴石为-0.30‰和0.010‰;绿辉石为0.25‰和0.071‰),说明变质脉的形成与榴辉岩释放的内部流体有关。综合已有的研究,发现大别-苏鲁造山带不同地区的变质脉和榴辉岩具有极不均一的氧同位素组成,说明在陆壳深俯冲和折返过程中,流体活动有限。利用矿物温压计得到变质脉的峰期变质温压条件为692±65℃和3.6±0.3GPa,脉体中锆石U-Pb定年结果表明锆石的形成时代为218±2.4Ma,指示变质脉形成于深俯冲陆壳折返初期的超高压变质阶段。变质脉中矿物组合和矿物的主微量元素特征说明成脉流体富集Si、Al、Ca、K、LILE、REE和HFSE等元素,表明成脉流体可能是溶解能力极强的超临界流体。  相似文献   

本总结了榴辉岩的高温高压弹性波速测量结果,并将其应用于苏鲁超高压变质带地震资料的解释。由于榴辉岩具有高密度和高波速,它们和长英质片麻岩、大理岩、石英岩、角闪岩、麻粒岩、蛇纹石化橄榄岩的界面可以产生强反射。如果俯冲的陆壳物质以榴辉岩与围岩互层的形式在上地幔保留下来,就可能在造山带的上地幔产生地震反射。根据CCSD孔区地震剖面所建立的地壳成分模型表明:苏鲁超高压带地壳浅部的高速层可归因于夹在花岗质片麻岩、副片麻岩、角闪岩等岩石中的榴辉岩和超基性岩;中地壳主要由中酸性片麻岩、斜长角闪岩和副片麻岩组成;下地壳以中基性麻粒岩为主。在该超高压变质带现今的深部地壳,榴辉岩含量很少或几乎没有。因此,折返的超高压变质岩是以构造岩片的形式沿一系列剪切带逆冲并覆盖在正常的中下地壳之上,深部榴辉岩的缺乏可能与下地壳拆沉作用无关。  相似文献   

刘贻灿  古晓锋  李曙光 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2149-2156
岩石学研究表明,北大别超高压榴辉岩经过了超高压和高压榴辉岩相变质作用以及麻粒岩相叠加和角闪岩相退变质作用.其中,高压麻粒岩相和角闪岩相变质阶段形成的后成合晶以及石榴子石和单斜辉石等矿物中成分分带的存在,证明该区榴辉岩经历了一个快速折返过程;而不同变质阶段的温度、压力和形成时代,却反映该区榴辉岩在峰期超高压变质作用之后又经历了一个缓慢冷却过程.超高压岩石折返期间的缓慢冷却过程也许正是北大别长期难以发现柯石英和有关超高压证据的重要原因.因此,本文为大别山不同超高压岩片的差异折返模型的建立提供了新的证据.  相似文献   

石超  张泽明 《岩石学报》2007,23(12):3180-3200
中国大陆科学钻探主孔位于江苏东海县,苏鲁超高压变质带的南部.该钻孔的0~2050m深度获取了六种不同类型的榴辉岩和少量石榴石辉石岩岩心,它们是典型的基性超高压变质岩,为研究大陆深俯冲过程中的元素地球化学行为提供了非常好的样品.本文对各种超高压变质矿物的微量元素成分进行了系统的原位微区分析,结合全岩化学成分和矿物主量元素成分,深入地研究了超高压变质岩的微量元素赋存特征、分配规律、控制因素,及其对变质条件和流体.岩石相互作用的限定意义.结果表明,超高压榴辉岩中的LREE和Sr主要赋存在磷灰石、帘石和单斜辉石中,HREE赋存在石榴石中,Ba、Rb和Cs等LILE赋存在多硅白云母中,Ti、Nb和Ta等HFSE主要赋存在金红石、钛铁矿中,V、Sc、Co和Ni等元素大多赋存在石榴石和单斜辉石中.研究表明,全岩化学成分和矿物组成、及其含量的变化明显控制着超高压矿物的微量元素含量和分布形式.本研究也获得了如下重要的认识超高压变质矿物之间的微量元素分配达到了化学平衡,并具有与地幔榴辉岩矿物之间类似的分配系数,表明榴辉岩的峰期变质温度很可能达到900℃~1000℃.部分高Ti和高Fe-Ti榴辉岩中的石榴石和绿辉石有明显的稀土元素成分环带,表明超高压变质岩经历了快速折返过程.金红石的Zr含量明显受到全岩成分和退变质作用影响,并不仅仅与形成温度有关,不是可靠的温度计.在超临界流体的作用下,榴辉岩中金红石的Nb、Ta发生了明显的分异,导致其Nb/Ta比值增大,由此推测俯冲到地幔深处的大量榴辉岩是地球内部高Nb/Ta比值的物质源区.在榴辉岩的不同程度退变质阶段,参与变质反应的流体具有不同的来源、成分和流体活动规模.  相似文献   

Eclogite and garnet glaucophanite lenses from the Punta Balandra unit of the Samaná basement complex (northern Hispaniola) preserve information of the early metamorphic and tectonic history of subduction in the Caribbean island-arc and its collision with the North America plate. For this reason, PT paths were reconstructed from the interpretation of meso- and microfabrics, mineral assemblages and chemistry, with the aid of equilibrium phase diagrams calculated for specific bulk compositions in the CKNFMASH system and isopleths for selected solution end-members. The obtained results suggest that the subduction-related prograde path evolved from garnet-free and garnet-bearing lawsonite-blueschist facies, to phengite eclogite facies conditions at P=22–24 kbar and T=610–625°C, with a probable intermediate stage of low-P lawsonite eclogite facies. The subsequent retrograde PT path entered the epidote-blueschist (garnet-free) facies and ended within the greenschist facies field, similar to the prograde evolution at low-P. Eclogites and garnet glaucophanites formed in a subduction zone in which oceanic lithosphere was subducted WSW/W beneath the Caribbean plate.  相似文献   

The Himalayan range is one of the best documented continent-collisional belts and provides a natural laboratory for studying subduction processes. High-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure rocks with origins in a variety of protoliths occur in various settings: accretionary wedge, oceanic subduction zone, subducted continental margin and continental collisional zone. Ages and locations of these high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure rocks along the Himalayan belt allow us to evaluate the evolution of this major convergent zone.

(1) Cretaceous (80–100 Ma) blueschists and possibly amphibolites in the Indus Tsangpo Suture zone represent an accretionary wedge developed during the northward subduction of the Tethys Ocean beneath the Asian margin. Their exhumation occurred during the subduction of the Tethys prior to the collision between the Indian and Asian continents.

(2) Eclogitic rocks with unknown age are reported at one location in the Indus Tsangpo Suture zone, east of the Nanga Parbat syntaxis. They may represent subducted Tethyan oceanic lithosphere.

(3) Ultrahigh-pressure rocks on both sides of the western syntaxis (Kaghan and Tso Morari massifs) formed during the early stage of subduction/exhumation of the Indian northern margin at the time of the Paleocene–Eocene boundary.

(4) Granulitized eclogites in the Lesser Himalaya Sequence in southern Tibet formed during the Paleogene underthrusting of the Indian margin beneath southern Tibet, and were exhumed in the Miocene.

These metamorphic rocks provide important constraints on the geometry and evolution of the India–Asia convergent zone during the closure of the Tethys Ocean. The timing of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Tso Morari massif indicates that the initial contact between the Indian and Asian continents likely occurred in the western syntaxis at 57 ± 1 Ma. West of the western syntaxis, the Higher Himalayan Crystallines were thinned. Rocks equivalent to the Lesser Himalayan Sequence are present north of the Main Central Thrust. Moreover, the pressure metamorphism in the Kaghan massif in the western part of the syntaxis took place later, 7 m.y. after the metamorphism in the eastern part, suggesting that the geometry of the initial contact between the Indian and Asian continents was not linear. The northern edge of the Indian continent in the western part was 300 to 350 km farther south than the area east of the Nanga Parbat syntaxis. Such “en baionnette” geometry is probably produced by north-trending transform faults that initially formed during the Late Paleozoic to Cretaceous Gondwana rifting. Farther east in the southern Tibet, the collision occurred before 50.6 ± 0.2 Ma. Finally, high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure rocks in the western Himalaya formed and exhumed in steep subduction compared to what is now shown in tomographic images and seismologic data.  相似文献   

High-grade exotic blocks in the Franciscan Complex at Jenner, California, show evidence for polydeformation/metamorphism, with eight distinct stages. Two parallel sets of mineral assemblages [(E) eclogite, and (BS) laminated blueschist] representing different bulk chemistry were identified. Stage 1, recorded by parallel aligned inclusions (S1) of crossite + omphacite + epidote + ilmenite + titanite + quartz (E), and glaucophane + actinolite + epidote + titanite (BS) in the central parts of zoned garnets, represents the epidote blueschist facies. The onset of a second stage (stage 2) is represented by a weak crenulation of S1 and growth of garnet. This stage develops a well-defined S2 foliation of orientated barroisite + epidote + titanite (E), or subcalcic actinolite + epidote + titanite (BS) at c. 90d? to S1, with syntectonic growth of garnet, defining the (albite-)epidote-amphibolite facies. A third stage, with aligned inclusions of glaucophane + (subcalcic) actinolite + phengite parallel to S2 in the outermost rims of large garnet grains, is assigned to the transitional (albite-)epidote-amphibolite/(garnet-bearing) epidote blueschist facies. The fourth stage represents the peak metamorphism, and was identified by unorientated matrix minerals in the least retrograded samples. In this stage the mineral assemblages garnet + omphacite + glaucophane + phengite (E) and garnet + winchite + phengite + epidote (BS) both represent the eclogite facies. Stage 5 is represented by the retrogression of eclogite facies assemblages to the epidote blueschist facies assemblages crossite/glaucophane + garnet + omphacite + epidote + phengite (E), and glaucophane + actinolite + epidote + phengite (BS), with the development of an S5 foliation subparallel to S2. Stage 6 represents a crenulation of S5, with the development of a well-defined S6 crenulation cleavage wrapping around relics of the eclogite facies assemblages. This crenulation cleavage is further weakly crenulated during a D7 event. Post-D7 (stage 8) is recorded by the growth of lawsonite + chlorite ± actinolite replacing garnet, and by veins of lawsonite + pumpellyite + aragonite and phengite + apatite. The different, yet coeval, mineral parageneses observed in rock types (E) and (BS) are probably due to differences in bulk chemistry. The metamorphic evolution from stage 1 to stage 8 seems to have been broadly continuous, following an anticlockwise P-Tpath: (1) epidote blueschist (garnet-free) to (2) (albite-)epidote-amphibolite to (3) transitional epidote blueschist (garnet-bearing)/(albite-)epidote-amphibolite to (4) eclogite to (5) epidote blueschist (garnet-bearing) to (6-7) epidote blueschist (garnet-free) facies to (8) lawsonite + pumpellyite + aragonite-bearing assemblages. This anticlockwise P-T path may have resulted from a decreasing geothermal gradient with time in the Mesozoic subduction zone of California at early or pre-Franciscan metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract In the Su-Lu ultrahigh- P terrane, eastern China, many coesite-bearing eclogite pods and layers within biotite gneiss occur together with interlayered metasediments now represented by garnet-quartz-jadeite rock and kyanite quartzite. In addition to garnet + omphacite + rutile + coesite, other peak-stage minerals in some eclogites include kyanite, phengite, epidote, zoisite, talc, nyböite and high-Al titanite. The garnet-quartz-jadeite rock and kyanite quartzite contain jadeite + quartz + garnet + rutile ± zoisite ± apatite and quartz + kyanite + garnet + epidote + phengite + rutile ± omphacite assemblages, respectively. Coesite and quartz pseudomorphs after coesite occur as inclusions in garnet, omphacite, jadeite, kyanite and epidote from both eclogites and metasediments. Study of major elements indicates that the protolith of the garnet-quartz jadeite rock and the kyanite quartzite was supracrustal sediments. Most eclogites have basaltic composition; some have experienced variable 'crustal'contamination or metasomatism, and others may have had a basaltic tuff or pyroclastic rock protolith.
The Su-Lu ultrahigh- P rocks have been subjected to multi-stage recrystallization and exhibit a clockwise P-T path. Inclusion assemblages within garnet record a pre-eclogite epidote amphibolite facies metamorphic event. Ultrahigh- P peak metamorphism took place at 700–890° C and P >28 kbar at c . 210–230 Ma. The symplectitic assemblage plagioclase + hornblende ± epidote ± biotite + titanite implies amphibolite facies retrogressive metamorphism during exhumation at c . 180–200 Ma. Metasedimentary and metamafic lithologies have similar P-T paths. Several lines of evidence indicate that the supracrustal rocks were subducted to mantle depths and experienced in-situ ultrahigh- P metamorphism during the Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

大别山超高压变质岩的冷却史及折返机制   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:17  
大别山超高压变质岩及其围岩 T-t 冷却曲线显示了超高压变质岩的冷却史从800℃到300℃经历了三个阶段:两次快速冷却(226±3Ma 到219±7Ma 期间从800℃到500℃的第一次快速冷却,180~170Ma 期间从450℃到300℃的第二次快速冷却)和介于二者之间的等温过程。这一具有两次快速冷却的 T-t 曲线已被近年来获得的高精度金红石 U-Pb 年龄(218±1.2Ma)(Li et al.,2003),高压变质和退变质独居石 Th-Pb 年龄(Ayers et al.,2002),和强面理化榴辉岩二次多硅白云母的Rh-Sr 年龄(182.7±3.6Ma)(Li et al.,2001)所证实。超高压变质岩的二次快速冷却事件反映了二次快速抬升过程。在东秦岭及苏鲁地体东端发育的同碰撞花岗岩 U-Ph 年龄为225~205Ma,与超高压变质岩第一次快速冷却时代吻合。考虑到同碰撞花岗岩与俯冲板片断离的成因联系,这种时代耦合关系表明俯冲板片断离可能是超高压变质岩第一次快速抬升和冷却的重要机制之一。大别山 Pb 同位素填图揭示出南大别带超高压变质岩具有高放射成因 Pb 特征,因而源于俯冲的上地壳;而北大别带超高压变质岩具有低放射成因 Pb 特征,源于俯冲长英质下地壳。这表明在陆壳俯冲过程中上、下地壳之间可发生挤离(detachment)或脱耦(decoupling)。已有实验证明脱耦的上地壳在俯冲过程中可沿挤离面逆冲抬升(Chemenda et al.,1995)。同理,由于俯冲镁铁质下地壳在大别山没有出露,可以推测俯冲长英质下地壳和镁铁质下地壳之间也最终发生了挤离或脱耦。大陆岩石圈在不同深度存在若干低粘度带(Meissner and Mooney,1998)是上述俯冲陆壳分层脱耦现象发生的依据。因此,俯冲上地壳及部分长英质下地壳的第一次快速抬升折返是俯冲过程中大陆地壳内部分层脱耦和俯冲板片断离的综合结果。上述过程只能使已脱耦的上地壳及部分长英质下地壳抬升折返,而未与俯冲岩石圈脱耦的下地壳在板片断离后仍可继续俯冲。俯冲板片断离后,两大陆块在晚三叠世和早-中侏罗世继续汇聚,导致华南陆块下地壳继续俯冲,及已经脱耦并折返至中上地壳的超高压岩片向北仰冲。这一仰冲可能是导致超高压变质岩第二次快速抬升的重要机制。强面理化榴辉岩二次多硅白云母的 Rb-Sr 年龄(182.7±3.6Ma)可能记录了这一超高压岩片仰冲事件发生的时代。惠兰山基性麻粒岩年代学研究揭示了罗田穹隆在早白垩世的快速抬升,与此同时大别山发生了大规模岩浆事件。山体快速抬升与大规模岩浆事件的耦合关系指示了大别造山带早白垩世的去根作用,或岩石圈拆离事件。伴随这一山体快速抬升,大别山超高压变质岩开始大面积出露地表。  相似文献   

The continental material of the Saih Hatat window has been affected by a Late Cretaceous, obduction-related, HP-LT metamorphism below the Oman ophiolite. A high-rate exhumation process is witnessed by the Maastrichtian-Palaeocene onlap onto the blueschist-facies rocks. Drastic metamorphic omissions are documented between the lowest, eclogitic units and the overlying, blueschist-facies ones. Widespread late-metamorphic shear structures point to a top-to-the-NNE detachment, in opposition to the sense of the Late Cretaceous obduction. The inversion of the shearing sense occurred under similar, low temperature conditions in both the blueschist and eclogite-facies units. Admitting that these HP-LT metamorphic rocks formed progressively at various depth in the subducting Arabian margin, a two-stage extensional mechanism of exhumation is suggested: (i) early uplift of the eclogitic rocks up to the blueschists depth by ductile thinning or squeezing of a 'blind extensional allochthon'; (ii) exhumation of the whole HP-LT metamorphic core complex by inversion of the obduction sole-thrust and isostatic rebound of the lower plate.  相似文献   

柴北缘锡铁山榴辉岩的地球化学特征   总被引:12,自引:16,他引:12  
柴北缘锡铁山的榴辉岩呈透镜状分布在片麻岩中,榴辉岩的SiO2为45.0%~49.83%,,Al2O3=11.31~16.52,与火成岩中的拉斑玄武质岩石类似。其稀土配分模式有3种类型:(1)轻稀土富集型,(La/Yb)N=1.74~2.81,δEu=0.86~1.07,与E-MORB类似;(2)平坦型,(La/Yb)N=0.80~1.22,δEu=0.96~1.20,与T-MORB相似;(3)轻稀土亏损型,(La/Yb)N=0.66。δEu=1.03,与N-MORB类似。微量元素中Rb、Ba、Th略富集,可能与地壳物质的混染有关。δEd(0)=2.52~10.98,δEd(800Ma)=3.05~9.20,显示大洋亏损地幔的特征。初步认为榴辉岩是洋壳俯冲的产物,与大别-苏鲁地区榴辉岩的成因明显不同。  相似文献   

曹毅  宋述光 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2235-2246
北祁连造山带是早古生代大洋板块"冷"俯冲的典型地区,形成了一系列高压低温变质的岩石组合.基性榴辉岩是俯冲洋壳变质的产物,根据其结构构造特征可以划分为(1)粒状榴辉岩,峰期变质矿物组合为Grt+Omp+Phn+Rut±Lws,硬柱石呈包裹体和假象分布于石榴石内,变质温压条件T=465~508℃,P=2.30~2.60GPa.(2)片状榴辉岩,岩石具片状构造,其共生矿物组合Omp+Czo/Ep+Phn+Gln构成透入性面理S1和线理L1,以及宏观和显微同斜褶皱F1.其峰期变质温压条件为T=466~510℃,P=1.9~2.2GPa.(3)蓝片岩相退化变质榴辉岩,蓝片岩相变质矿物Gln+Ep+Phn±Ab强烈交代榴辉岩相矿物,并发生强烈D2期变形作用,岩石形成明显的透入性面理S2和线理L2,以及同斜剪切褶皱F2.蓝闪石和多硅白云母线理的统计揭示D2期变形以斜向走滑剪切为主,与D1期变形的榴辉岩的运动学特征大体相似.D2同变质的温压条件为T=422~487℃,P=1.15~1.37GPa.高压变质带晚期的绿片岩相叠加和D3期变形,形成透入性面理S3和线理L3,其运动特征为近于垂直构造线的逆冲剪切.结合榴辉岩变形特征,变质温压条件和同位素年代学资料,我们认为退变质的强弱与变形程度有密切关系.峰期变质后的榴辉岩经过早期绿帘石榴辉岩相到蓝片岩相斜向走滑剪切,和晚期绿片岩相逆冲,在泥盆纪早期快速折返的出露地表.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):83-103
As the important component of the eastern Tethys tectonic region, the Jinsha River-Ailao Mountain suture zone is often considered to be an ophiolitic mélange belt. However, the P-T-t path and chronological framework of the metamorphic evolution in the collisional orogenetic process of this zone are still poorly understood owing to the lack of metamorphism research of symbolic high-pressure rocks. During a regional geological survey on a scale of 1 : 50000 in Gonjo County, Tibet Autonomous Region involved in this paper, (retrograde) eclogites lenses of different scales were found in Jinsha River suture zone, eastern Tibet for the first time. The (retrograde) eclogites can be divided into garnet-albite-chlorite-actinolite schists and eclogites according to retrograde degrees. The mainly mineral components of eclogites include garnet (45%–50%), clinopyroxene (about 25%), and hornblende (5%–10%) primarily, and biotite, quartz, rutile, and muscovite secondarily. According to the data of electron probe micro analysis (EPMA), clinopyroxenes feature high content of Na2O (5.6%–6%) and corresponding jadeite (Jd) molecules of 37%–44%, and they fall within the omphacite region in Quad-Jd-Ae diagram. The temperature and pressure of the metamorphism at peak are P≈2.2–2.34 GPa and T≈622–688 °C respectively as measured with geobarometry Grt-Omp-Phe and geothermometer Grt-Omp. This will provide a new reference for the understanding of Paleo-Tethyan evolution. In this paper, two samples of eclogites were chosen for LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and their 206Pb/238U ages obtained are 240 ± 3 Ma and 244 ± 1 Ma respectively. Furthermore, the zircons feature extremely low Th/U ratio (<0.01), extremely low content of Nb, Ta, and HREE, and invisible negative Eu anomaly. Therefore, the genesis of the zircons shall be eclogites-facies metamorphism, indicating that the 240–245 Ma determined in this paper shall be the age of eclogites-facies metamorphism and may represent the westward subduction-collision epoch of Paleo-Tethys Ocean located between Zhongza Block and Qamdo Block.  相似文献   

Ultramafic blocks that themselves contain eclogite lenses in the Triassic Su-Lu ultrahigh-P terrane of eastern China range in size from hundreds of metres to kilometres. The ultramafic blocks are enclosed in quartzofeldspathic gneiss of early Proterozoic age. Ultramafic rocks include garnetiferous lherzolite, wehrlite, pyroxenite, and hornblende peridotite. Garnet lherzolites are relatively depleted in Al2O3 (<3.8wt%), CaO (<3.2%) and TiO2 (<0.11 wt%), and are low in total REE contents (several p.p.m.), suggesting that the rocks are residual mantle material that was subjected to low degrees of partial melting. The eclogite lenses or layers within the ultramafic rocks are characterized by higher MgO and CaO, lower Al2O3 and TiO2 contents, and a higher CaO/Al2O3 ratio compared to eclogites enclosed in the quartzofeldspathic gneiss. Scatter in the plots of major and trace elements vs. MgO, REE patterns and La, Sm and Lu contents suggest that some eclogites were derived from melts formed by various degrees (0.05–0.20) of partial melting of peridotite, and that other eclogites formed by accumulation of garnet and clinopyroxene ± trapped melt in the upper mantle. Both ultramafic and eclogitic rocks have experienced a complex metamorphic history. At least six stages of recrystallization occurred in the ultramafic rocks based on an analysis of reaction textures and mineral compositions. Stage I is a high temperature protolith assemblage of Ol + Opx + Cpx + Spl. Stage II consists of the ultrahigh-pressure assemblage Ol + Cpx + Opx + Grt. Stage III is manifested by the appearance of fine-grained garnet after coarse-grained garnet. Stage IV is characterized by formation of kelyphitic rims of fibrous Opx and Cpx around garnet, and replacement of garnet by spinel and pargasitic-hornblende. Stage V is represented by the assemblage Ol + Opx + Prg-Hbl + Spl. The mineral assemblages of stages VIA and VIB are Ol + Tr-Amp + Chl and Serp + Chl ± talc, respectively. Garnet and orthopyroxene all show a decrease in MgO with retrogressive recrystallization and Na2O in clinopyroxene also decreases throughout this history. Eclogites enclosed within ultramafic blocks consist of Grt + Omp + Rt ± Qtz ± Phn. A few quartz-bearing eclogites contain rounded and oval inclusion of polycrystalline quartz aggregates after coesite in garnet and omphacite. Minor retrograde features include thin symplectic rims or secondary amphiboles after Cpx, and ilmenite after rutile. P-T estimates indicate that the ultrahigh-metamorphism (stage II) of ultramafic rocks occurred at 820-900d? C and 36-41 kbar and that peak metamorphism of eclogites occurred at 730-900d? C and >28 kbar. Consonant with earlier plate tectonic models, we suggest that these rocks were underplated at the base of the continental crust. The rocks then underwent ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and were tectonically emplaced into thickened continental crust during the Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

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