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青岛崂山地区环境应力与视应力变化分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用青岛市地震监测中心数字台网的地震波形记录,选取震级下限为ML1.0,计算了2003~2004年崂山地震序列过程中青岛地区地震视应力aσpp和环境剪应力τ0值的变化,结果表明,崂山地震序列的中等地震发生前相近震级小震所反映出来的应力增强变化并不明显,2003年以来青岛地区背景应力场也不存在明显的趋势性变化。对青岛崂山地震序列中261个小震的数字化波形记录计算分析后发现,环境剪应力0τ值和视应力aσpp值与震级明显相关,并且相同震级的地震事件所计算出二者的变化与地震序列的活动状态密切相关。  相似文献   

A coupled continuum-discrete hydromechanical model was utilized to analyze the meso-scale pore fluid flow and micro-scale solid phase deformation of saturated granular soils. The fluid motion was idealized using averaged Navier–Stokes equations and the discrete element method was employed to model the solid particles. Well established semi-empirical relationships were used to quantify the fluid–particle interactions. Numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the mechanisms of granular deposit liquefaction in the presence of a critical upward pore fluid flow as well as when subjected to a dynamic base excitation. The outcome of these simulations was consistent with experimental observations and revealed valuable information on the micro-mechanical characteristics of soil liquefaction and associated loss of stiffness and strength.  相似文献   

复杂应力条件下饱和松砂单调与循环剪切特性的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用大连理工大学新引进与开发的“土工静力-动力液压-三轴扭转多功能剪切仪”,针对福建标准砂,在不排水条件下同时进行了单调剪切试验与循环剪切试验,进而对其进行了对比分析。通过比较表明,应力-应变关系的应变软化和硬化特性与流滑变形和循环流动特性密切相关,当循环剪切应力水平高于单调剪切过程中应变软化阶段最小强度时将会发生流滑变形。无论在单调剪切中,还是在循环剪切中,稳定状态时的有效偏应力比随着大主应力方向与竖向之间夹角的增大而减小,在中主应力系数相同的条件下,循环剪切中呈现显著剪胀时的有效偏应力比和最终稳定状态时的有效偏应力比峰值分别与单调剪切中达到相变状态时的有效偏应力比和最终稳定有效偏应力比基本上一致。然而不排水条件下单调与循环剪切过程中孔隙水压力的增长特性却并不相同,循环剪切中的最大孔隙水压力随着初始主应力方向角的增大而减小,单调剪切中的最大孔隙水压力却随着主应力方向角的增大而增大。  相似文献   

The stability of the pool–rif?e sequence is one of the most fundamental features of alluvial streams. For several decades, the process of velocity, or shear stress, reversal has been proposed as an explanation for an increase in the amplitude of pool–rif?e sequence bars during high ?ows, offsetting gradual scour of rif?es and deposition in pools during low ?ows. Despite several attempts, reversal has rarely been recorded in ?eld measurements. We propose that, instead of being reversed, maxima and minima in shear stress are phase‐shifted with respect to the pool–rif?e sequence bedform pro?le, so that maximum shear stress occurs upstream of rif?e crests at high ?ow, and downstream at low ?ow. Such phase‐shifts produce gradients of shear stress that explain rif?e deposition, and pool scour, at high ?ow, in accord with sediment continuity. The proposal is supported by results of a one‐dimensional hydraulic model applied to the surveyed bathymetry of a pool–rif?e sequence in a straight reach of a gravel‐bed river. In the sequence studied, the upstream phase‐shift in shear stress at high ?ow was associated with variations in channel width, with width minima occurring upstream of rif?e crests, approximately coincident with shear stress maxima, and width maxima occurring downstream of rif?e crests. Assuming that the width variation is itself the result of ?ow de?ection by rif?e crests at low ?ow, and associated bank‐toe scour downstream, low and high ?ow can be seen to have complementary roles in maintaining alluvial pool–rif?e sequences. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes the methods used and some preliminary results of simulated erosion studies on soils with cryptogamic crusts from a semiarid rangeland environment. Two 0·3 m2 shallow monoliths were collected from the upper 20 cm of a Typic Haplargid from the semiarid Australian rangelands and subjected to a range of rainfall intensities and durations representing potentially erosive summer and winter rainfall events. One of the monoliths was cleared of vegetation by a simulated low intensity bushfire. Macro- and micromorphological properties of the surface, as well as runoff and erosion losses, were measured during the experiment. Runoff and erosion losses were, as expected, greater for all conditions on the burned than on the unburned monolith. Intensive rainfall damaged the cryptogamic crust unprotected by vegetation by widening and deepening desiccation cracks around the cryptogams, and breaking away and dispersing larger soil fragments from the crack margins. The burned and eroded surfaces provided a much poorer environment for seed entrapment, germination, and growth than did the unburned surface.  相似文献   

Riffle–pool sequences are maintained through the preferential entrainment of sediment grains from pools rather than riffles. This preferential entrainment has been attributed to a reversal in the magnitude of velocity and shear stress under high flows; however the Differential Sediment Entrainment Hypothesis (DSEH) postulates that differential entrainment can instead result from spatial sedimentological contrasts. Here we use a novel suite of in situ grain‐scale field measurements from a riffle–pool sequence to parameterize a physically‐based model of grain entrainment. Field measurements include pivoting angles, lift forces and high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) acquired using terrestrial laser scanning, from which particle exposure, protrusion and surface roughness were derived. The entrainment model results show that grains in pools have a lower critical entrainment shear stress than grains in either pool exits or riffles. This is because pool grains have looser packing, hence greater exposure and lower pivoting angles. Conversely, riffle and pool exit grains have denser packing, lower exposure and higher pivoting angles. A cohesive matrix further stabilizes pool exit grains. The resulting predictions of critical entrainment shear stress for grains in different subunits are compared with spatial patterns of bed shear stress derived from a two‐dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the reach. The CFD model predicts that, under bankfull conditions, pools experience lower shear stresses than riffles and pool exits. However, the difference in sediment entrainment shear stress is sufficiently large that sediment in pools is still more likely to be entrained than sediment in pool exits or riffles, resulting in differential entrainment under bankfull flows. Significantly, this differential entrainment does not require a reversal in flow velocities or shear stress, suggesting that sedimentological contrasts alone may be sufficient for the maintenance of riffle–pool sequences. This finding has implications for the prediction of sediment transport and the morphological evolution of gravel‐bed rivers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Models for water transfer in the crop–soil system are key components of agro-hydrological models for irrigation, fertilizer and pesticide practices. Many of the hydrological models for water transfer in the crop–soil system are either too approximate due to oversimplified algorithms or employ complex numerical schemes. In this paper we developed a simple and sufficiently accurate algorithm which can be easily adopted in agro-hydrological models for the simulation of water dynamics. We used a dual crop coefficient approach proposed by the FAO for estimating potential evaporation and transpiration, and a dynamic model for calculating relative root length distribution on a daily basis. In a small time step of 0.001 d, we implemented algorithms separately for actual evaporation, root water uptake and soil water content redistribution by decoupling these processes. The Richards equation describing soil water movement was solved using an integration strategy over the soil layers instead of complex numerical schemes. This drastically simplified the procedures of modeling soil water and led to much shorter computer codes. The validity of the proposed model was tested against data from field experiments on two contrasting soils cropped with wheat. Good agreement was achieved between measurement and simulation of soil water content in various depths collected at intervals during crop growth. This indicates that the model is satisfactory in simulating water transfer in the crop–soil system, and therefore can reliably be adopted in agro-hydrological models. Finally we demonstrated how the developed model could be used to study the effect of changes in the environment such as lowering the groundwater table caused by the construction of a motorway on crop transpiration.  相似文献   

利用新研制的土工静力-动力液压三轴-扭转多功能剪切仪,在5种初始主应力方向角与5种中主应力系数相组合的初始固结条件下,对饱和松砂进行了不排水循环扭剪试验。讨论了初始固结条件对不排水条件下饱和松砂孔隙水压力变化规律及对剪胀、剪缩、卸荷体缩等体积变化过程的影响。试验研究表明:(1)分别以稳定残余孔隙水压力和破坏时循环次数归一化后的残余孔隙水压力比和循环次数比之间的关系可以用双曲线模式表达。其参数主要依赖于初始主应力方向,中主应力系数对参数的影响并不显著。归一化后的孔隙水压力比与广义剪应变之间的关系也可以用双曲线模式表达,其中的2个待定参数依赖于初始主应力方向,与中主应力系数无关;(2)在三向非均等固结条件下的不排水循环扭剪试验中,饱和松砂表现出卸荷体缩特性,不同初始主应力方向时,饱和松砂剪缩、剪胀、卸荷体缩呈现出不同的交替变化模式。  相似文献   

The paper presents a mathematical model for the deformation of soil under irregular cyclic loading in the simple-shear conditions. The model includes the possible change in the effective pressure in saturated soil due to the cyclic shearing, the reciprocal influence of the effective pressure on the response of the soil to the shear loading, and the pore pressure dissipation due to the seepage of the pore fluid. The hysteresis curves for the strain–stress relationship are constructed in such a way that they produce both the required backbone curve and the required damping ratio as functions of the strain amplitude. At the same time, the approach enables the constitutive functions involved in the model to be specified in various ways depending on the soil under study. The constitutive functions can be calibrated independently of each other from the conventional cyclic shear tests. The constitutive model is incorporated in the boundary value problem for the dynamic site response analysis of level ground. A numerical solution is presented for the dynamic deformation and liquefaction of soil at the Port Island site during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake.  相似文献   

Triaxial compressive experiments of porous rock samples were carried out under various confining pressures and initial pore pressures without drainage; axial strain and pore pressure were observed versus differential stress. The results of such experiments show that pore pressure increases with increase of differential stress at low differential stress; pore pressure decreases with increase of differential stress at medium and high differential stress. Pore pressure also increases with large amplitude decrease of differential stress at high differential stress. Based on such experiments, it is suggested that water table anomaly before an earthquake reflects the change of differential stress in crustal rocks. The anomalous behavior of water tables in the epicentral and peripheral areas before the great Tangshan earthquake of July 28, 1976 are explained by such suggestion. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 88–95, 1991. This study is supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation. Professor Yongtai Che gave us much help in applying fund support and supplying earthquake case histories.  相似文献   

缪淼  朱守彪 《地震学报》2013,35(5):619-631
2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震发生在龙门山断裂带的西南段,距2008年汶川MS8.0地震仅约85km,时间上仅相隔5年.首先计算了汶川地震的静态库仑应力变化对本次芦山地震的影响,得出芦山地震是由汶川地震触发造成的(库仑应力上升了0.012 MPa);进一步计算了芦山地震与汶川地震这两次大地震共同产生的静态库仑应力变化.结果表明,芦山地震的余震受前面两次大地震的共同影响,而不仅仅是芦山地震单独作用的结果,超过85%的余震发生在两次地震共同产生的静态库仑应力变化增大的地方,而芦山地震本身触发不了本次的余震序列(仅48.7%的余震位于主震所产生的应力加载区).此外,计算结果表明芦山地震本身对周边断层影响较小,仅龙门山断裂带的东北段受到一定的加载作用;而由于汶川地震的作用,安宁河断裂、大凉山断裂、马尔康断裂、岷江断裂和虎牙断裂呈卸载趋势,仅鲜水河断裂东南段和龙门山断裂中段受到加载作用,这均会加速断层上新地震的发生.  相似文献   

Boundary shear stress and flow variability due to its interaction with main flow and secondary currents were investigated under conditions that extend previous research on trapezoidal channels. Secondary currents that scale with the flow depth were found over the entire width in all experiments. These findings contradict the widespread perception that secondary currents die out at a distance of 2.5 times the flow depth from the bank, a perception which is largely based on experiments with smooth boundaries. The reported results indicate that a stable pattern of secondary currents over the entire channel width can only be sustained over a fixed horizontal bed if the bed's roughness is sufficient to provide the required transverse oscillations in the turbulent shear stresses. Contrary to laboratory flumes, alluvial river bed always provide sufficient roughness. The required external forcing of this hydrodynamic instability mechanism is provided by the turbulence-generated near-bank secondary currents. The pattern of near-bank secondary currents depends on the inclination and the roughness of the bank. In all configurations, secondary currents result in a reduction of the bed shear stress in the vicinity of the bank and a heterogeneous bank shear stress that reaches a maximum close to the toe of the bank. Moreover, these currents cause transverse variability of 10–15% for the streamwise velocities and 0.2u*2–0.3u*?2 for the bed shear stress. These variations are insufficient to provide the flow variability required in river restoration projects, but nevertheless must be accounted for in the design of stable channels.  相似文献   

Sorted patterned ground is ubiquitous where gravelly fine soil experiences freeze–thaw cycles, but experimental studies have rarely been successful in reproducing such patterns. This article reports an attempt to reproduce miniature sorted patterns by repeating needle‐ice formation, which simulates frost sorting in regions dominated by diurnal freeze–thaw cycles. Six full‐scale laboratory models were tested. They consisted of near‐saturated volcanic fine soil topped by small stones of uniform size; the models explored a range of stone size (~6, ~12, ~17 and ~22 mm) and surface abundance (20, 40 and 60% cover). The stones were placed in a grid on the surface. These models were subjected to 20–30 temperature excursions between 10 °C and ?5 °C in 12 hours. The evolution of surface patterns were visually traced by photogrammetry. A data logging system continuously monitored vertical soil displacements, soil temperatures and moistures at different depths. All experimental runs displayed needle‐ice formation (2–3 cm in height) and resulting displacement of stones. The soil domains tended to heave faster and higher than the stones, leading to outward movement of the former and concentration of the stones. In plan view, smaller stones showed relatively fast and long‐lasting movements, while larger stones stabilized after the first five cycles. The 20% stone cover produced stone islands, whereas the 40% cover resulted in sorted labyrinths (a circle‐island complex) that may represent incipient sorted circles. The average diameter or spacing of these forms are 12–13 cm, being comparable to those in the field. The experiments imply that needle‐ice activity promotes rapid formation of sorted patterns, although the formation of well‐defined sorted circles may require hundreds of diurnal frost heave cycles. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Particles eroded from hillslopes and exported to rivers are recognized to be composite particles of high internal complexity. Their architecture and composition are known to influence their transport behaviour within the water column relative to discrete particles. To‐date, hillslope erosion studies consider aggregates to be stable once they are detached from the soil matrix. However, lowland rivers and estuaries studies often suggest that particle structure and dynamics are controlled by flocculation within the water column. In order to improve the understanding of particle dynamics along the continuum from hillslopes to the lowland river environment, soil particle behaviour was tested under controlled laboratory conditions. Seven flume erosion and deposition experiments, designed to simulate a natural erosive event, and five shear cell experiments were performed using three contrasting materials: two of them were poorly developed and as such can not be considered as soils, whilst the third one was a calcareous brown soil. These experiments revealed that soil aggregates were prone to disaggregation within the water column and that flocculation may affect their size distribution during transport. Large differences in effective particle size were found between soil types during the rising limb of the bed shear stress sequence. Indeed, at the maximum applied bed shear stress, the aggregated particles median diameter was found to be three times larger for the well‐developed soil than for the two others. Differences were smaller in the falling limb, suggesting that soil aggregates underwent structural changes. However, characterization of particles strength parameters showed that these changes did not fully turn soil aggregates into flocs, but rather into hybrid soil aggregate–floc particles. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes, 2Hwater, 18Owater as well as 18Osulphate and 34Ssulphate, were used to study the flow system of shallow groundwater and soil water at the base area of a former leaching heap at the uranium mining area of Ronneburg, Germany. The flow paths and water‐retention times were estimated by comparison of δ2H and δ18O values in groundwater and soil water to the δ2H and δ18O signature of precipitation, giving distinctive inputs of summer or winter precipitation. The points of measuring the groundwater were divided into three categories with different flow conditions: rapid flow, stagnant conditions and a transition zone by hierarchical cluster analysis of δ2H and δ18O values of groundwater. The transit time of groundwater in the rapid flow area is less than 6 months, whereas water in the stagnant zone is stored for at least 1 year. In soil water, a clear response to different input signals is detectable only in the 30‐cm horizon (retention time is about 6 months), whereas at deeper levels a mixing with older water is taking place. The isotopic composition of the dissolved sulphate was used to identify oxidation of sulphides as the source of sulphate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

熊维  谭凯  刘刚  乔学军  聂兆生 《地球物理学报》2015,58(11):4305-4316
2015年尼泊尔MW7.9地震重烈度区从震中向东延伸,致灾范围包括尼泊尔、印度北部、巴基斯坦、孟加拉和中国藏南地区,其应力调整对邻区和周边活动断裂可能产生重要影响.本文基于地震应力触发理论,采用岩石圈地壳分层黏弹性位错模型,计算了尼泊尔MW7.9地震引起的周边断裂,特别是青藏高原活动断裂的同震和震后库仑应力变化.结果显示,尼泊尔地震同震效应引起大部分震区库仑应力升高,余震主要分布在最大同震滑动等值线外部库仑应力升高区域;少量余震靠近最大滑动量区域,可能该区域积累的地震能量在主震期间没有完全释放.尼泊尔地震同震库仑应力对青藏高原,特别是中尼边境区域活动断裂有一定影响.亚东—谷露地堑南段、北喜马拉雅断裂西段、当惹雍错—定日断裂和甲岗—定结断裂同震库仑应力升高,其中当惹雍错—定日断裂南端,北喜马拉雅断裂西段同震库仑应力变化峰值超过0.01 MPa;帕龙错断裂、班公错断裂、改则—洞措断裂库仑应力降低,其地震发生概率有所降低.震后应力影响方面,未来40年内黏弹性松弛作用导致北喜马拉雅断裂、改则—洞措断裂和喀喇昆仑断裂整体应力卸载;藏南一系列正断层震后应力持续上升,其中帕龙错断裂南段受到震后黏弹性库仑应力影响,由应力阴影区逐渐转化为应力增强区,当惹雍错—定日断裂南段应力进一步加强,震后40年其南端应力变化峰值达到0.1345 MPa,亚东—谷露断裂南段应力亦持续增强.藏南正断层的地震活动性值得进一步关注.  相似文献   

We present a narrative of the eruptive events culminating in the cataclysmic January 15, 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano by synthesizing diverse preliminary seismic, volcanological, sound wave, and lightning data available within the first few weeks after the eruption occurred. The first hour of eruptive activity produced fast-propagating tsunami waves, long-period seismic waves, loud audible sound waves, infrasonic waves, exceptionally intense volcanic lightning and an unsteady volcanic plume that transiently reached—at 58 ?km—the Earth's mesosphere. Energetic seismic signals were recorded worldwide and the globally stacked seismogram showed episodic seismic events within the most intense periods of phreatoplinian activity, and they correlated well with the infrasound pressure waveform recorded in Fiji. Gravity wave signals were strong enough to be observed over the entire planet in just the first few hours, with some circling the Earth multiple times subsequently. These large-amplitude, long-wavelength atmospheric disturbances come from the Earth's atmosphere being forced by the magmatic mixture of tephra, melt and gasses emitted by the unsteady but quasi-continuous eruption from 0402±1–1800 UTC on January 15, 2022. Atmospheric forcing lasted much longer than rupturing from large earthquakes recorded on modern instruments, producing a type of shock wave that originated from the interaction between compressed air and ambient (wavy) sea surface. This scenario differs from conventional ideas of earthquake slip, landslides, or caldera collapse-generated tsunami waves because of the enormous (~1000x) volumetric change due to the supercritical nature of volatiles associated with the hot, volatile-rich phreatoplinian plume. The time series of plume altitude can be translated to volumetric discharge and mass flow rate. For an eruption duration of ~12 ?h, the eruptive volume and mass are estimated at 1.9 ?km3 and ~2 900 ?Tg, respectively, corresponding to a VEI of 5–6 for this event. The high frequency and intensity of lightning was enhanced by the production of fine ash due to magma—seawater interaction with concomitant high charge per unit mass and the high pre-eruptive concentration of dissolved volatiles. Analysis of lightning flash frequencies provides a rapid metric for plume activity and eruption magnitude. Many aspects of this eruption await further investigation by multidisciplinary teams. It represents a unique opportunity for fundamental research regarding the complex, non-linear behavior of high energetic volcanic eruptions and attendant phenomena, with critical implications for hazard mitigation, volcano forecasting, and first-response efforts in future disasters.  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川九寨沟发生了MS7.0地震,距离汶川地震震中约为140km.地震的发生会调整区域应力分布和影响区域地震活动性变化.那么,汶川地震的发生对此次九寨沟地震有何影响?区域应力如何演化?为回答这些问题,本研究基于高性能并行有限元方法和网格自适应加密技术,采用含地形起伏的黏弹非均匀椭球型地球模型,分别计算了汶川地震引起的同震-震后应力时空动态演化及其对此次九寨沟地震的影响.同时,考虑同震静态应力和震后黏弹性应力调整,计算了汶川、芦山和九寨沟地震的发生对周边断层应力积累的影响.计算结果显示汶川地震对九寨沟发震断层的同震库仑应力加载约为0.008 MPa,震后9年的黏弹性应力加载约为0.012~0.016 MPa,可能会使九寨沟地震提前发生.此外,汶川、芦山和九寨沟地震的发生引起龙门山断裂映秀以南段、东昆仑断裂、龙日坝断裂东段和岷江断裂北段及鲜水河断裂康定段应力加载大于0.01 MPa,增加了这些断裂带发生地震的危险性.  相似文献   

Significant advances were made in the last century in the investigations of the Neogene stress history of the NE Japan arc. However, previous studies have failed to fully resolve middle Miocene post‐rift stress conditions owing to their assumption of Andersonian faulting and an inability to determine maximum and intermediate stress axes from dike orientations. We applied the latest methods of paleostress analysis in this study to igneous dikes and mesoscale faults in the Kakunodate area of the NE Japan arc to elucidate post‐rift stress conditions. Stratigraphic constraints and U–Pb dating indicate that the doleritic and dacitic dikes were formed at 16–12 Ma and 15–12 Ma, respectively. Dolerite and dacite dikes yielded NW–SE extensional stresses with intermediate and low stress ratios, respectively. Mesoscale faults in the middle Miocene formations of the studied area indicated similar stresses. We suggest the sluggish deformations resulting in the dike intrusion and faulting in the normal‐faulting stress regime after the termination of intra‐arc rifting at ca. 15 Ma.  相似文献   

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