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A common explanation for intense soil erosion and gullying in SE Australia is the introduction by Europeans of new land use practices following their arrival in Australia in the late 18th century. Eucalyptus woodlands were cleared to introduce farming, and valley bottoms, characterized by chains of ponds with organic‐rich swampy meadow (SM) soils, were subsequently buried by thick deposits of ‘post‐settlement alluvium’ (PSA) generated by erosion in the catchment. In this study, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is used to evaluate the source(s) of the PSA in Grabben Gullen Creek (GGC), Australia. We use a portable OSL reader to measure total photon counts on bulk polymineral and polygrain‐size samples from nine profiles along the Creek. We use these luminescence signals as geotracers of sediment source(s) and transport pathways. We obtained higher luminescence signals in the PSA than in the SM sediments, suggesting different sources and fluvial transport conditions for these two widespread sedimentary units. Portable OSL reader data from soils in the GGC catchment that are potential sources for the SM sediments and PSA show that the high luminescence signals recorded in the PSA are similar to those from subsoil samples in granite soils, suggesting that the PSA was derived by gullying of granite subsoils. In the SM sediments, luminescence signals decrease upwards from the base of the profile, as expected in well‐reset fluvial deposits, but with one or more changes in gradient in the profile of photon counts with depth, most likely indicating changes in sediment deposition rates. To calculate deposition rates in the SM sediments, several samples were dated using OSL. The OSL ages produced low scatter in the equivalent doses, confirming the well‐reset nature of the grains composing the SM and indicating a process of sediment transport in dilute flows, as is interpreted from the portable OSL signals. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is a technique that has been applied from the mid‐1980s, mainly for sediment dating. The OSL technique is based on sample stimulation by light to determine the luminescence signal that is stored in the crystal lattices of sediment grains after deposition, burial by later sediment and subsequent exposure to ionizing radiation from radioactive elements in the surrounding sediment. In such sediment dating, two parameters are required: the equivalent dose (i.e. the luminescence signal stored in the grains), and the dose rate (i.e. the ionizing energy from α, β and γ radiation emitted by naturally occurring radioisotopes in the deposit, plus the effects of cosmic radiation). In this research, the OSL technique is not used for dating. The study goal is to analyse only the luminescence signals (the total photon counts) in polymineral samples obtained after light stimulation in the blue (BLSL) and infrared (IRSL) wavelengths using a portable OSL reader designed and built at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC). Three fluvial case studies – from Cambodia, Australia and Mexico – are used to illustrate the geomorphological interpretations possible with the portable OSL reader data from sediments resulting from a range of different depositional processes. The case studies show that aspects of sediment's transport and depositional processes can be inferred from the portable OSL reader data, providing valuable insights into geomorphological history. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is little geochonological data on sedimentation in dambos (seasonally saturated, channel-less valley floors) found throughout Central and Southern Africa. Radiocarbon dating is problematic for dambos due to (i) oxidation of organic materials during dry seasons; and (ii) the potential for contemporary biological contamination of near-surface sediments. However, for luminescence dating the equatorial site and semi-arid climate facilitate grain bleaching, while the gentle terrain ensures shallow water columns, low turbidity, and relatively long surface exposures for transported grains prior to deposition and burial. For this study, we focused on dating sandy strata (indicative of high-energy fluvial events) at various positions and depths within a second-order dambo in central Uganda. Blue-light quartz optically stimulated luminescences (OSL) ages were compared with infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) ages from finer grains in the same sample. A total of 8 samples were dated, with 6 intervals obtained at 35, 33, 16, 10.4, 8.4, and 5.9 ka. In general, luminescence ages were stratigraphically, geomorphically and ordinally consistent and most blue-light OSL ages could be correlated with well-dated climatic events registered either in Greenland ice cores or Lake Victoria sediments. Based upon OSL age correlations, we theorize that extreme fluvial dambo events occur primarily during relatively wet periods, often preceding humid-to-arid transitions. The optical ages reported in this study provide the first detailed chronology of dambo sedimentation, and we anticipate that further dambo work could provide a wealth of information on the paleohydrology of Central and Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is becoming a useful technique to yield absolute age of organic-poor sandy deposits. The buried tidal sand body (BTSB) in the coastal zone of northern Jiangsu Province, China, has been suggested to have the same origin as the offshore radial sand ridge in the Yellow Sea. However, chronological constrain of the BSTB is still quite limited. In this study, OSL measurements were conducted using silt-sized multi-grain and coarse-grained single-grain quartz to constrain the depositional history of a 25.6 m core from the BTSB. A low luminescence sensitivity of quartz was observed, and only ∼1.04% of the grains passed the standard rejection criterion for single-grain measurement. Analysis of paired OSL ages from two grain-size fractions using different protocols showed that silt-sized quartz ages were underestimated of 0.14–1.35 ka in comparison to coarse-grained quartz in the depth interval of 5.8–22.4 m. We interpret such an age discrepancy as the effects of lateral infiltration of fine-grained sediment into the sand body due to dynamic feature of channel-ridge system on the shelf. As far as we know, it is the first time that such infiltration is demonstrated through OSL dating. Our OSL data indicated that there is a significant hiatus between the Late Pleistocene stiff clay layer (50–18 ka) and the Holocene sequence. Holocene deposits only occurred in the last 2 ka, with rapid accumulation of ∼17 m-thick sediments at ∼2–1 ka, a slower accumulation between ∼1 and 0.1 ka and rapid land emergence through an accretion of ∼4 m-thick sediment over the past ∼0.1 ka. This study highlights the complexity of OSL dating in highly dynamic sedimentary environments. Therefore, examining different grain size fractions and comparing different measurement protocols are highly deserved in carrying out OSL dating in such environments.  相似文献   

Glacial Lake Benson formed in west-central Minnesota as the Des Moines lobe of the Laurentide ice sheet retreated north of a small moraine in the Minnesota River lowland. Although previous research has constrained the timing of glacial Lake Agassiz immediately to the north, little age control is available for the formation of glacial Lake Benson and ice-marginal positions to the south. In order to constrain the age of glacial Lake Benson and test the application of single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to ice-marginal deposits, seven OSL samples were collected from a variety of depositional settings. These included deltaic deposits linked to specific lake levels, pro-glacial fluvial, ice-contact and supra-glacial deposits. Single-grain OSL results indicate evidence for incomplete resetting (partial bleaching) of the luminescence signal, as expected for glacial environments, and therefore ages were calculated using a minimum age model. OSL results constrain the timing of ice-margin retreat and lake formation to 14.4–14.8 ka. Analysis of single-grain equivalent dose distributions indicates that deposits created by glacial-dominated processes typically had higher over-dispersion (>50%) and greater positive skew (>0.9) than deposits originating from fluvial processes. These results suggest that water-lain deposits should be targeted for OSL sampling over those created by glacial processes when dating ice-proximal settings.  相似文献   

Temporal constraints for the Late Pleistocene deposition of eolian dunes that occur in central and northern Alberta, Canada can be provided by dating sediments from the dune bases using luminescence techniques. In places, however, the postglacial dunes overlie glaciofluvial sands that resemble the eolian deposits in texture such that demarcating the bases of the dunes is often problematic. In this study we address the problem by employing a portable optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) reader to construct luminescence profiles that depict luminescence signal variation with depth. With the portable OSL reader, measurement can be performed on bulk sediments, negating the need for laborious separation procedures to isolate pure mineral fractions, as is required in regular luminescence dating. Measurements can also be carried out in the field, permitting quicker decision making during sample collection. Results from this study, presented as depth variations of feldspar derived infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals and predominantly quartz‐generated post‐IR blue OSL signals, show that luminescence profiling enables one to distinguish between eolian deposits that make up the dunes from the underlying non‐eolian sands. The identification of such cryptostratigraphic interfaces is made possible by differences in the dosimetric histories of the sediments. The delineation of the dune bases allows targeted sampling that yields best luminescence age approximations for the initiation of postglacial eolian deposition in the region. Luminescence profiling of eolian sequences would also, in theory, permit the identification of depositional breaks of extended duration. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The development of functional portable optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) readers over the last decade has provided practitioners with the capability to acquire luminescence signals from geological materials relatively rapidly, which allows for expedient preliminary chronostratigraphic insight when working with complex depositional systems of late Quaternary age. Typically, when using the portable OSL reader, infrared (IR) or blue post-IR OSL signals are acquired from bulk unprocessed materials, in contrast to regular luminescence dating, which is usually based on measurements on pure quartz or feldspar mineral separates, or on select silt-sized polymineralic portions. To demonstrate the utility of portable OSL measurements, this paper outlines the basic features of portable OSL readers and their constraints. Subsequently, case studies in which the instrument has been used to elucidate cryptostratigraphic variations in sedimentary sequences for geomorphological applications are reviewed. The studies can generally be grouped into three main categories. The first includes studies where the variation of portable OSL reader luminescence signal intensities with depth are plotted to generate profiles that contextualize sediment stratigraphy. In the second group, portable OSL reader luminescence signal intensities are used to interpret sediment processes that shed light on depositional histories. In the last category, luminescence signals from the portable OSL reader are calibrated to approximate numerical burial ages of depositional units. The paper concludes with a discussion of possible future directions. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ability to position landscapes in a context of time and space is a particular goal of Quaternary science research. The lack of context for dating samples published previously for MacCauley's Beach, an important site for the reconstruction of Australian sea levels, warranted a re‐evaluation of both the site stratigraphy and chronology. In this study, we combined optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sedimentary quartz grains and soil micromorphology of the same samples to improve our understanding of the depositional history and chronology of the sediments. This combination allowed the contextualization of samples not only in time and space, but also in terms of their depositional histories. The latter is important in OSL dating, where pre‐, syn‐ and post‐depositional processes can all influence the accuracy and precision of the final age estimates. The sediment profile at MacCauley's Beach is made up of three major units. The basal mottled mud layer has undergone extensive pedogenesis since deposition, and only a minimum age of 14.7 ± 2.7 ka could be calculated. The overlying grey mud, with OSL ages from the bottom and top of the unit of 10.0 ± 0.7 and 7.7 ± 0.5 ka, respectively, shows evidence of soil structure collapse. This unit correspond to the onset of the mid‐Holocene sea‐level high stand for this region. The overlying sand layer was first deposited at 7.5 ± 0.4 ka, with deposition continuing beyond 6.6 ± 0.4 ka. Not only does the chronology presented constrain the timing of deposition (and the extent of post‐depositional processes) at MacCauley's Beach, but the methodological approach used here can be applied to any site to aid in the interpretation of formation processes and assess their influence on OSL age determination. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is now commonly used to estimate the depositional age of Quaternary landforms along the southern Cape coast of South Africa. Due to the early onset of dose saturation in the quartz-rich sediments from this region, determining the age of deposits much older than the last three glacio-eustatic sea-level high stands has been a challenge. In this study, we explored the feasibility of using the thermally-transferred OSL (TT-OSL) dating method to obtain ages for aeolian and shallow marine deposits at three different localities that hold promise to further illuminate the long and complex Late Quaternary sea-level history of this region. The bleachability and behaviour of both the recuperated OSL (ReOSL) and the basic-transferred OSL (BT-OSL) signals were investigated, and used as independent chronometers to infer (a) the degree of bleaching of the sediments and (b) the stability of the ReOSL signal for dating of older samples. We examined the sensitivity of both signals to varying preheat temperatures and further developed the single-aliquot regenerative-dose procedure for TT-OSL dating of our samples. To verify our procedures, and to understand some of the underlying mechanisms responsible for the problems we observed, modern analogues and known-age Marine Isotope Sub-stage (MIS) 5e samples from the same localities were also measured. The Middle Pleistocene deposits investigated in this study produced statistically consistent ReOSL and BT-OSL ages compatible with sea-level high stands during Marine Isotope Stage 11. This result is of considerable significance, as it may yield new insights into maximum sea-level heights during this period, which is widely considered an appropriate analogue for future environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The properties of the quartz luminescence signal have been shown to be a useful tool for sediment provenance analysis. These provenance studies are based on the sensitivity of the fast optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) component, which is also used for sediment dating. Besides the widespread occurrence of quartz in terrigenous sediments, OSL sensitivity can be acquired using relatively fast and low-cost measurements compared to sediment provenance analysis methods based on accessory minerals or isotopes. Additionally, laboratories worldwide already have an extensive database of recorded quartz OSL signals primarily measured for dating studies, and these data could potentially be repurposed for provenance analysis of Quaternary sedimentary systems through OSL sensitivity calculation. Here, we investigate the use of OSL quartz signals measured in sediment dating surveys for OSL sensitivity calculation and evaluation of changes in sediment sources. The OSL sensitivity was calculated and expressed as %BOSLF, which corresponds to the percentage of the fast OSL component signal (blue stimulation) to the total OSL curve; such approach is advantageous as it does not require any normalisation of the measured signal intensity to dose or aliquot size (weight). Three sets of samples from Amazonian fluvial sediments are investigated: two sets of Holocene floodplain sediments representing different sediment sources to the Amazonian fluvial system, i.e. the Amazon craton and the Andes Mountain belt, and a set of samples from the Içá Formation, a paleo-fluvial system active during the Pleistocene whose provenance is not fully known. Results show that the quartz OSL signal derived from the first test doses (Tn) applied in dating protocols had the best performance for %BOSLF calculation when compared to results from a measurement protocol designed specifically for sediment provenance analysis. There is significant correlation (R2 = 88) between sensitivities derived from Tn and a specific OSL provenance analysis protocol. The proposed approach indicates to be appropriate for sediment provenance analysis since it is able to discriminate signal differences among samples from known sources: Brazilian cratonic quartz yield high sensitivity values (mean %BOSLF >70), in contrast to the relatively lower values from Andean quartz (mean %BOSLF <50). In general, quartz OSL sensitivities from the Içá Formation samples fall into the same range of modern sediments transported by the Içá and Japurá rivers draining the Andean Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and Ecuador. We also observe a decrease in quartz OSL sensitivity during the Holocene, notably after 4 ka, with younger deposits showing lower sensitivity. Sediment provenance variations are discussed in terms of watershed rearrangement and/or precipitation-driven changes during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene across Amazonia.  相似文献   

We evaluate the paraglacial activity in Nexpayantla, a subtropical mountainous gorge in Popocatépetl volcano (Central Mexico), fully deglaciated in the 20th century. Glacial advances are evidenced by the presence of moraines. Fluvio-glacial terraces and an alluvial megafan resulted from the gorge deglaciation. Current reworking of the glacigenic material is done by landslides and debris flows produced on the moraines and terraces. To study the different phases of mobilization of glacigenic sediment, we used an approach based on the study of the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals obtained from a portable OSL (POSL) reader in samples extracted from both glacigenic and paraglacial deposits. The luminescence (POSL) results obtained at moraines increase as altitude decreases, which is expected for deglaciated valleys where the oldest moraines are located at lower elevations. We evaluate the grade of luminescence signal reset of the glacigenic sediments during the proglacial stage, and the subsequent deglaciation phases. Our results indicate that there is a marked transition between glacial and fluvially dominated processes at Nexpayantla Gorge. We find that the grade of luminescence signal resetting in the paraglacial deposits is a good indicator to trace paraglacial stages and the beginning of exhaustion of the paraglacial activity in mountain areas. OSL ages confirm that the oldest fluvio-glacial terraces found at the middle sector of Nexpayantla Gorge are ~2 ka, which is also supported by an AMS 14C age. OSL dating was found challenging, since quartz grains have low sensitivity because of their volcanic origin; POSL signals, however, are in good agreement with the location and distribution of geomorphic markers. We propose that luminescence data obtained from the POSL unit can be useful to provide information about sediment mobilization in paraglacial environments during different climatic pulses – even for the case where mineral grains have low sensitivity, such as in volcanic sediments. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To reconstruct the evolution of Late-Quaternary river network in the southeastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain, we have used optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and heavy mineral analysis of 25 sand samples from the upper 2–8 m of the fluvial units, complemented by four radiocarbon ages. The estimated OSL depositional ages vary between 10 and 47 ka. The heavy mineral composition of the OSL samples was compared to the compositional data of recent river sediments using cluster analysis. The new OSL and heavy mineral data show that from 47 to 10 ka ago the sediments were transported mainly from the northeast direction into the southeastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain by the ancestor of the Tisza river and its northern tributaries, and probably by another large river which also flowed northeast–southwest, parallel to the modern Tisza. Between 23 and 14 ka sediments periodically came from the east and reached the eastern part of our study area. Between 15 and 12 ka ago, sands transported from the southeast also occur in the southeastern and central part of the study area. These data suggest that the modern rivers occupied their present courses only in the last 10 ka.  相似文献   

Sediments of river deltas provide valuable records of past coastal environments. Optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating has become an alternative to radiocarbon dating for constraining the sediment chronology in large deltas that allow for sufficient sunlight bleaching of sediments during the fluvial transport. However, its applicability to smaller deltas with mountainous riverine systems has not been confirmed yet. To check this, we examine multiple signals from two Holocene sediment cores in the wave-dominated Thu Bon River delta in central Vietnam. Two cores were collected, respectively, 3.9 km and 1.2 km inland from the present shoreline and both show a >-25-m thick succession of coarsening-upward mud to sand deposits. Coarse grains (180–250 μm in diameter) of quartz and K-feldspar, and fine grains (4–11 μm in diameter) of quartz and polymineral were extracted from the upper and lower parts of the cores for multi-grain measurements of quartz OSL, and of feldspar infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) at 50 °C (IR50) and post-IR IRSL at 175 °C (pIRIR175) to determine burial ages. In addition, facies analysis and radiocarbon dating were conducted. The landward core consists of transgressive to early regressive estuarine and prodelta facies, which is overlain by a sandy beach-shoreface facies. The seaward core consists of a relatively simple shallowing-upward succession from muddy prodelta facies to sandy beach-shoreface facies. All luminescence ages except for pIRIR175 of fine grains are mostly consistent with the radiocarbon ages. Instead, pIRIR175 ages of fine grains are significantly overestimated with variable offsets. OSL and IR50 of fine grains provide reasonable age estimates, as these grains were likely well bleached during the transport even along a short and steep mountainous river. Consistent age estimates of all signals from sand indicate that sand was well-bleached in the beach and shoreface owing to the frequent sediment reworking by waves and currents. These results support the hypothesis that luminescence dating is applicable to Holocene wave-dominated deltas and reiterate that comparing different luminescence signals is an effective way to check reliability of the age estimates in environments where the sunlight bleaching is not ensured.  相似文献   

We test the applicability of quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating on clastic lake sediments to investigate whether this dating method can be applied to study the timing and rate of deposition in Holocene fluvio-deltaic lakes. Our study concerns the filling of a lake by the Angstel-Vecht system, part of the Rhine delta in the western Netherlands. Age constraints are provided by radiocarbon dates on the development and abandonment of the fluvial channels debouching into the lake. Results indicate that light exposure prior to deposition and burial was sufficient to reset the OSL signal of the vast majority of the quartz grains. Special attention was given to accurate estimation of the dose rate in the laminated and bedded deposits. The OSL ages obtained are in good agreement with the age constraints, especially for the relatively coarse sediments. OSL results indicate that the filling of the lake took about 700 years, with a sedimentation rate of ~3 mm per year. This study is a demonstration of the use of OSL dating of sand-sized quartz to determine the timing and rate of sedimentation in a Holocene fluvio-deltaic environment.  相似文献   

Middle to late Holocene alluvium, identified as Quaternary alluvial unit 4 (Qa4), along Kanab Creek in southern Utah, USA was dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) on quartz sand, and by radiocarbon dating of detrital charcoal. Entrenchment beginning in 1882 AD created arroyo walls that expose up to 35 m of the Qa4 alluvium. The stratigraphy and sedimentology suggest that fluvial aggradation along the study reach occurred rapidly. Due to the high sediment supply, short transport distances and semi-arid climate with flashy discharge, partial bleaching (zeroing) of the luminescence signal was expected to be a problem for OSL dating. We approached this problem by first using small-aliquot (∼20 grains) and single-grain dating of quartz sand to reduce the number of grains contributing to the OSL signal. Second, we used statistical parameters based on single-grain and small-aliquot equivalent dose (De) distributions of bleached sediment to help identify partial bleaching and to inform if a minimum age model (MAM) should be used for age calculation. Comparison of results with radiocarbon ages demonstrates the success of OSL dating on Kanab Creek arroyo-fill deposits, although careful attention should be paid to the sedimentary facies and stratigraphy of the targeted sample horizon to minimize the effects of partial bleaching. Thin, decimeter-scale plane-bedded and ripple cross-bedded sandy lithofacies were found to be the best target for OSL dating, as these sediments showed minimal evidence for incomplete solar resetting. Additionally, results generally indicate that better-bleached sediments are found in downstream reaches. Age control from these arroyo-fill deposits was acquired in order to fulfill larger research goals of understanding regional arroyo incision and aggradation cycles.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is increasingly used to estimate the age of fluvial deposits. A significant limitation, however, has been that conventional techniques of sampling and dose rate estimation are suitable only for thick (>60 cm) layers consisting of sand size or finer grains. Application of OSL dating to deposits lacking such layers remains a significant challenge. Alluvial fans along the western front of the Lost River Range in east-central Idaho, USA are one example. Deposits are typically pebble to cobble sheetflood gravels with a sandy matrix but thin to absent sand lenses. As a result, the majority of samples for this project were collected by excavating matrix material from gravelly deposits under light-safe tarps or at night. To examine the contributions of different grain-size fractions to calculated dose-rates, multiple grain-size fractions were analyzed using ICP–MS, high resolution gamma spectrometry and XRF. Dose rates from bulk sediment samples were 0.4–40% (mean of 18%) lower than dose-rate estimates from the sand-size fractions alone, illustrating the importance of representative sampling for dose rate determination. We attribute the difference to the low dose-rate contribution from radio-nuclide poor carbonate pebbles and cobbles that occur disproportionately in clast sizes larger than sand. Where possible, dose rates were based on bulk sediment samples since they integrate the dose-rate contribution from all grain sizes. Equivalent dose distributions showed little evidence for partial bleaching. However, many samples had significant kurtosis and/or overdispersion, possibly due to grain-size related microdosimetry effects, accumulation of pedogenic carbonate or post-depositional sediment mixing. Our OSL age estimates range from 4 to 120 ka, preserve stratigraphic and geomorphic order, and show good agreement with independent ages from tephra correlation and U-series dating of pedogenic carbonate. Furthermore, multiple samples from the same deposit produced ages in good agreement. This study demonstrates that with modified sampling methods and careful consideration of the dose rate, OSL dating can be successfully applied to coarse-grained deposits of climatic and tectonic significance that may be difficult to date by other methods.  相似文献   

Loess and fluvial sand are important materials for dating river terraces and alluvial fans. This study focuses on the methodological aspects of dating loess and fluvial deposits from the northern flank of the Tian Shan range, China, using sand-sized quartz and potassium (K) feldspar. Luminescence characteristics of quartz and K-feldspar were studied for searching suitable dating procedures. Our results indicate that 1) most quartz aliquots were contaminated by feldspar, and were dated using a post-infrared optically stimulated luminescence (post-IR OSL) procedure. A Fast ratio acceptance threshold of 15 can be applied to select these aliquots with post-IR OSL signals dominated by quartz OSL; 2) the multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IR stimulated luminescence (MET-pIRIR) procedures are applicable for K-feldspar. A test dose of ∼30% of the natural dose is appropriate for dating of older (>10 ka) samples. An Age (T, t) plateau test can be used to evaluate the dating results; 3) for the loess samples, both quartz and K-feldspar were well bleached and are suitable for dating. Dating using K-feldspar is preferred for its higher efficiency; 4) for the fluvial sand samples, only the quartz grains were fully bleached. Single-aliquot dating of quartz gives reliable ages.  相似文献   

The applicability of both quartz and feldspar luminescence dating was tested on twenty-five samples from a marine succession now forming a coastal cliff at Oga Peninsula, Honshu Island, Japan. The quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal shows thermal instability and linear modulated (LM)-OSL analysis revealed the dominance of a slow component. When compared with independent age control provided by two marker tephras, the quartz OSL ages grossly underestimate the depositional age. In contrast, potassium (K)-rich feldspar is a suitable dosimeter when measured using post-IR infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) at 225 °C (pIRIR225). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses on the feldspar extracts revealed that the grains are amorphous with small crystalline inclusions; using standard internal dose rate parameters, this would result in a too large dose rate. Dose rates were calculated using the observed grain size of 40 ± 20 μm with an assumed K concentration of 12.5 ± 0.5%. The fading corrected pIRIR225 ages agree well with independent age control, and the sediments of the Katanishi Formation were deposited between 82 ± 6 and 170 ± 16 ka. This study demonstrates that pIRIR dating of feldspar is a powerful chronological tool for the dating of sediments of volcanic origin.  相似文献   

Using the concept of bleaching in optical dating, a new index of sediment sample bleaching percentage (BLP‐2) was developed and applied to evaluate sand grain transport from riverine to deep‐marine environments. As bleached grains in modern sediments have no optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)/infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signal, bleached and unbleached feldspar grains are distinguished by IRSL intensity. The BLP‐2 distribution of present deposits around the Kumano area, on the Pacific coast of central Japan, suggests that sand grains in surface turbidites obtained from the bottom of the Kumano Trough are of flood/storm origin rather than seismogenic origin. The distribution of BLP‐2 tentatively suggests sand grain erosion–transport–depositional processes; for example, origin and transport agencies of shelf sand, and influence of coastal erosion on the beach deposit. Although the present BLP analysis is not yet supported by a rigorous statistical test, it is useful to distinguish recent deposition and remobilization of sand grains. Furthermore, if the depositional age and the luminescence age of sand grains are accurately estimated, sand grain transport processes of old (late Quaternary) sediments may be estimated by the methodology similar to that of the present study.  相似文献   

The paleogeography of Amazonia lowlands during the Pleistocene remains hampered by the lack of reliable absolute ages to constrain sediment deposition in the hundred thousand to few million years timescales. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating applied to quartz has provided important chronological control for late Quaternary sediments, but the method is limited to the last ∼150 ka. In order to extend the age range of luminescence dating, new signals from quartz have been investigated. This study tested the application of isothermal thermoluminescence (ITL) and thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence (TT-OSL) signals of quartz for dating of fluvial terraces from eastern Amazonia. ITL and TT-OSL signals measured in a modern fluvial sediment sample have shown small residual doses (4 and 16 Gy), suggesting adequate bleached sediments for the target dose range (>150 Gy). This sample responded well to dose recovery test, which showed that the ITL and TT-OSL signals grow to higher doses compared to the doses estimated by the conventional OSL signal. The ITL signal saturated for doses significantly lower than doses reported in the literature. Most dating samples were beyond the ITL saturation doses and only TT-OSL signals were suitable to estimate equivalent doses. Burial ages ranging from 107 to 340 ka were estimated for the fluvial terraces in the lower Xingu River. The main ages uncertainties are related to dose rate changes through time. Despite the uncertainties, these ages should indicate a higher channel base level during the Middle Pleistocene followed by channel incision, possibly due to episodes of increased precipitation in the Xingu watershed.  相似文献   

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