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Projections of the impacts of modern Relative Sea Level (RSL) rise on estuarine mangroves should be supported by coastal topographic data and records of mangrove dynamics under past RSL change. This work identified inland and seaward mangrove migrations along the Jucuruçu River (Bahia, Northeastern Brazil), during the Holocene based on sedimentary features, palynological and geochemical (δ13C, δ15N, C/N) data integrated with digital elevation models. During the Middle Holocene, in response to RSL rise, the estuary saw mangrove forest establish up to ~37 km inland. RSL stood between -1.4 (+0.36/-2.2 m) and +1 (2.19/0.2 m) around 7400 cal yr BP, and rose to a highest position of +3.25 (4.22/2.45 m) reached around 5350 cal yr BP. That marine incursion caused the inland replacement of freshwater vegetation by mangroves on tidal flats. Since then, the estuary experienced RSL fall, reducing inland tidal water salinity towards the Late Holocene, making that the mangroves were replaced by freshwater floodplain vegetation. Today, in the seaward part of the estuary near its mouth, mangroves occupy an area of ~10 km2 along tidal channels. Considering a RSL rise of 98 cm up to the end of the 21st century, at a rate significantly higher than that of Middle Holocene RSL rise (1.5 mm/yr) and fall (0.6 mm/yr), the current mangrove substrates are expected to drown and/or eroded near the coast, while new mangroves may establish inland, at topographically higher tidal flats in nowadays freshwater-tidal zones. Mangrove area could expand over 13 km2 of coastal and flood plain. Following the same interaction between RSL/climate changes and Holocene mangrove dynamics, such upstream mangrove migration may be attenuated or intensified by changes in fluvial discharge. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concept and goals of mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation are considered and contrasted with ideas of ecosystem restoration. Three reasons for mangrove rehabilitation: conservation and landscaping; multiple use systems for high sustainable yield and protection of coastal areas, are then examined in detail. In each case, the underlying philosophy and limitations are presented. The practical problems of site selection for mangrove planting and techniques for regenerating mangroves are then considered. Some comments and data are then offered on mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation that is being carried out world-wide. Comment is made on the paucity of information. The practice and importance of monitoring and maintaining rehabilitated mangrove ecosystems is then presented. Finally, there is a discussion on the future management and research needs of mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests dominate many tropical coastlines and are one of the most bio‐diverse and productive environments on Earth. However, little is known of the large‐scale dynamics of mangrove canopies and how they colonize intertidal areas. Here we focus on a fringe mangrove forest located in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam; a fast prograding shoreline where mangroves are encroaching tidal flats. The spatial and temporal evolution of the mangrove canopy is studied using a time series of Landsat images spanning two decades as well as Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data. Our results show that fast mangrove expansion is followed by an increase in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in the newly established canopy. We observe three different dynamics of the mangrove fringe: in the southwest part of the fringe, near a deltaic distributary where the fringe boundary is linear, the canopy expands uniformly on the tidal flats with a high colonization rate and high NDVI values. In the northeast part of the fringe, near another distributary, the canopy expands at a much lower rate with low NDVI values. In the fringe center, far from the river mouths, the fringe boundary is highly irregular and mangroves expansion in characterized by sparse vegetated patches displaying low NDVI values. We ascribe these different dynamics to wave action and southwest longshore transport triggered by energetic northeasterly monsoons during winter. We further link the large‐scale dynamics of the fringe to small‐scale physical disturbances (waves, erosion and deposition) that might prevent the establishment of mangrove seedlings. Based on these results, we include mangrove encroachment in an already published conceptual model of progradation of the Mekong River Delta. We conclude that high NDVI values and a constantly linear vegetation–water interface are indicative of stable mangrove canopies undergoing fast expansion, probably triggered by sediment availability at the shore. Our results can be applied more generally to mangrove forests growing in minerogenic and high tidal range environments with high sediment inputs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is possible that climate changes and sea level fluctuations (allogenic processes) are and will cause major changes in mangrove dynamics. However, other driving forces may be significantly affecting this system. Distinguishing allogenic and autogenic influence on mangroves is a challenging question, because mechanisms related to the natural dynamics of depositional environments (autogenic processes) have strong influences on the establishment and degradation of mangroves. Thus, impacts on mangroves caused by autogenic processes may be erroneously attributed to allogenic mechanisms. Therefore, it is imperative to identify the ‘fingerprint’ of global changes in modern mangrove dynamics. In order to characterize the influence of these forces on mangroves, this work has used geomorphology and vegetation maps integrated with sedimentological and palynological data, radiocarbon dating, as well as δ13C, δ15N and C/N from sedimentary organic matter. The inter‐proxy analyses reveal an estuarine influence with mangrove development along the Ceará Mirim River, north‐eastern Brazil, since ~6920 cal yr bp , after the post‐glacial sea level rise. Relative sea level (RSL) has been stable during the middle and late Holocene. Mangrove establishment along this fluvial valley begins at about 6920 cal yr bp , caused by the sea‐level stabilization, an allogenic influence. However, after its establishment, wetland dynamics were mainly controlled by autogenic factors, related to channel migrations, instead of allogenic process. Some influence of sea‐level and climate changes on mangrove dynamics in this estuarine channel have been weakened by more intense tidal channels activities. Therefore, the expansion and contraction of mangrove areas along the estuary of the Ceará Mirim River since 6920 cal yr bp has been mainly influenced by channel dynamics that regulate the accretion and erosion of mangrove substrates. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Restoration approaches such as dam removal and channel reconstruction have moved beyond the realm of small streams and are being applied to larger rivers. This development has substantial economic and ecological implications but may test gaps in our understanding of larger river systems and of restoration science. We examine how information about historical ranges of geomorphic variability can inform stream restoration in the context of the Clark Fork River, Montana, focusing on a study reach where one of the largest restoration projects to date was implemented, upstream of the recently removed Milltown Dam. Analysis of historical sources and aerial photographs of the Clark Fork River's pre‐mining, mining, and more recent history suggest that a wandering channel pattern has persisted despite variations in sediment supply and transport capacity. Predictive metrics for channel pattern also suggest a wandering pattern, transitional between braided and meandering, in this geomorphic setting. These analyses suggest that the creation of a single‐thread meandering channel, which incorporates structures to limit erosion and channel movement, is inconsistent with the historical range of variability in this reach. The perils of restoring channels to a condition different than the historical range of variability for their geomorphic setting were illustrated on the Clark Fork by flood‐induced avulsions of the restored channel that occurred soon after project construction. Application of an experimental approach to restoration, founded on the method of multiple working hypotheses, provides a means for embracing uncertainty, can maximize the potential for site‐specific restoration success, and can foster advances in restoration science. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


In this study, water level models are constructed to characterize mangrove flooding across urban gradients in Puerto Rico. The most urban sites exhibited 95% longer hydroperiods, 23% lower flood frequencies, and 110% lower depths than the least urban sites. Rainfall importance was explained more by geomorphology and tidal connectivity than by urbanization, but there was evidence for changes in tidal amplitudes along the urban gradient. Relationships between surface water chemical metrics and land cover contradicted previous studies by suggesting lower nutrients and biochemical oxygen demand with increasing urbanization. However, much of this changed with the exclusion of potential outlier sites, as well as under different statistical comparisons. These results reinforce the understanding that the most important drivers of urban mangrove hydrology and water quality in Puerto Rico are likely geomorphology and tidal connectivity, with some influence from surrounding land cover. Results should be considered alongside the reported errors stemming from digital elevation and rainfall response models.  相似文献   

Coastal blue carbon refers to the carbon taken from atmospheric CO2; fixed by advanced plants(including salt marsh,mangrove, and seagrass), phytoplankton, macroalgae, and marine calcifiers via the interaction of plants and microbes; and stored in nearshore sediments and soils; as well as the carbon transported from the coast to the ocean and ocean floor. The carbon sequestration capacity per unit area of coastal blue carbon is far greater than that of the terrestrial carbon pool. The mechanisms and controls of the carbon sink from salt marshes, mangroves, seagrasses, the aquaculture of shellfish and macroalgae, and the microbial carbon pump need to be further studied. The methods to quantify coastal blue carbon include carbon flux measurements, carbon pool measurements, manipulative experiments, and modeling. Restoring, conserving, and enhancing blue carbon will increase carbon sinks and produce carbon credits, which could be traded on the carbon market. The need to tackle climate change and implement China's commitment to cut carbon emissions requires us to improve studies on coastal blue carbon science and policy. The knowledge learned from coastal blue carbon improves the conservation and restoration of salt marshes,mangroves, and seagrasses; enhances the function of the microbial carbon pump; and promotes sustainable aquaculture, such as ocean ranching.  相似文献   

Biogeomorphic ecosystems (e.g. rivers, salt marshes, mangroves and coastal dunes) are shaped by feedbacks between geomorphology and engineer plants that occur at various spatiotemporal scales. The classical bivariate and multivariate statistical methods currently used in biogeomorphology do not permit clear identification of reciprocal causality between geomorphic and biological variables. The aim of this article is to present the potential of the cross-lagged panel model (CLPM) to estimate reciprocal associations (causality) between one geomorphic and one biological variable over time. This tool, which originates from behavioural, social, medical and educational sciences, has clear potential as a novel approach to causal analysis in the context of biogeomorphic ecosystems. We provide a case study of the application of CLPM for analysing biogeomorphic feedbacks between topography and Populus nigra L. physiognomy on a wooded point bar of the Garonne River, France. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effects of region and three regional dominated mangrove species(Avicennia marina, Aegiceras corniculatum and Kandelia candel) on the distribution of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus. Measurement of the inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus and enzymatic activities was carried out in soils covered by three mangrove species in the Quanzhou Bay estuarine wetlands, a typical coastal wetland in China.Species with a higher biomass in upstream and midstream absorb more nitrogen from soils, and the retention of the available phosphorus in the soils of different regions causes the regional variation of phosphorus. In areas dominated by A. marina, nitrate nitrogen is lower while available phosphorus is higher. Meanwhile, nitrate nitrogen and available phosphorus are higher in the soils covered by K. candel.Moreover, all three species affect the elemental and enzymic stoichiometry. The mangrove species influences the diversity of the elemental and enzymic stoichiometric relationship through differential microenvironments, which induce the biodiversity of wetland ecosystems. Thus, this study may facilitate a better understanding of the transformation ability of mangroves to nitrogen and phosphorus and will therefore be beneficial for providing a basis for the ecological restoration of estuarine wetlands.  相似文献   

Historically, management of coastal dune systems has often involved artificial stabilization of active sand surfaces in order for coastal areas to be more easily controlled and modified for human benefit. In North America, the introduction of invasive grasses, namely European and American beach (marram) grasses (Ammophila spp.) has been one of the most successful strategies used for stabilizing active coastal dune sands. Recent research has demonstrated, however, that stabilization of coastal dunes often leads to reduced landform complexity and resilience, as well as declines in species diversity. More ‘dynamic’ restoration efforts have emerged over the past 20 years that encourage dune mobility and aeolian activity in order to provide a more resilient biogeomorphic system. In North America, there is generally little research relating restoration methods and outcomes to geomorphic responses despite the fundamental importance of sedimentary processes and dune morphodynamics in broader ecosystem function. This paper aims to better situate dynamic dune restoration within current geomorphic understanding. A brief review of key terms and concepts used in the emerging field of dynamic dune restoration is provided and expanded upon with respect to geomorphologic considerations. A case study of a recent dynamic restoration effort in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, British Columbia, Canada is provide to demonstrate how these concepts are applied. Introduction of European marram at this site, coupled with a warming climate and increased precipitation in recent decades at this site, is thought to be associated with a rapid decline in aeolian activity, system stabilization and accelerated ecological succession. Preliminary results on the response of the dune system to mechanical removal of Ammophila are presented to provide the foundation for a research framework to guide the broader restoration project. Recommendations for improving treatment methodologies and monitoring protocols are provided to aid future restoration projects of this nature. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A correlation between petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in sediments and chlorophyll-deficient mutations in mangroves may occur also in Australian mangroves. Earlier reports of such mutations in the Caribbean area were evident in viviparous propagules of the common mangrove genera, Rhizophora, borne on otherwise normal trees. These mutant propagules were termed albinos' since they lacked chlorophyll and normal green coloration, leaving them white, yellow or red. The mutation was considered lethal since newly established albino seedlings appeared unable to survive more than a few months. Our preliminary investigation of mangroves in SE Queensland found a similar mutation in another common mangrove genus, Avicennia, and this was apparently also correlated with oil concentrations in sediments. Although, more evidence is required, an apparently similar relationship shows that whatever caused the mutations may act commonly across a diverse range of plant types in quite separate locations. How widespread might this mutation be in mangroves? How many genera and species are affected? Are all occurrences correlated with oil in sediments? Does oil cause the mutation? We discuss these important questions and the potentially serious implications to coastal management where high mutant densities may be indicative of longer term genetic deterioration of mangrove habitat in oil-polluted wetland environments.  相似文献   

Structure‐from‐Motion (SfM) photogrammetry is now used widely to study a range of earth surface processes and landforms, and is fast becoming a core tool in fluvial geomorphology. SfM photogrammetry allows extraction of topographic information and orthophotos from aerial imagery. However, one field where it is not yet widely used is that of river restoration. The characterisation of physical habitat conditions pre‐ and post‐restoration is critical for assessing project success, and SfM can be used easily and effectively for this purpose. In this paper we outline a workflow model for the application of SfM photogrammetry to collect topographic data, develop surface models and assess geomorphic change resulting from river restoration actions. We illustrate the application of the model to a river restoration project in the NW of England, to show how SfM techniques have been used to assess whether the project is achieving its geomorphic objectives. We outline the details of each stage of the workflow, which extend from preliminary decision‐making related to the establishment of a ground control network, through fish‐eye lens camera testing and calibration, to final image analysis for the creation of facies maps, the extraction of point clouds, and the development of digital elevation models (DEMs) and channel roughness maps. The workflow enabled us to confidently identify geomorphic changes occurring in the river channel over time, as well as assess spatial variation in erosion and aggradation. Critical to the assessment of change was the high number of ground control points and the application of a minimum level of detection threshold used to assess uncertainties in the topographic models. We suggest that these two things are especially important for river restoration applications. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Holocene evolution of the Canning Coast of Western Australia has largely been overlooked so far mainly due to its remoteness and low population density. We report on new data from a sequence of foredunes inside the macro‐tidal Admiral Bay, 110 km southwest of Broome. Based on sediment cores, differential global positioning system (dGPS)‐based elevation transects, and stratigraphical analyses on outcrops of the relict foredunes, we aim at reconstructing Holocene coastal changes and relative sea levels (RSLs), as well as identifying and dating imprints of extreme‐wave events. Sedimentary analyses comprise the documentation of bedding structures, foraminiferal content and macrofaunal remains, grain size distribution, and organic matter. The chronological framework is based on 26 carbon‐14 accelerator mass spectrometry (14C‐AMS) datings. Marine flooding of the pre‐Holocene surface landward of the 2.5 km‐wide foredune barriers occurred 7400–7200 cal bp , when mangroves colonized the area. After only 200–400 years, a high‐energy inter‐tidal environment established and prevailed until c. 4000 cal bp , before turning into the present supralittoral mudflat. During that time, coastal regression led to beach progradation and the formation of aligned foredunes. Drivers of progradation were a stable RSL or gradual RSL fall after the mid‐Holocene and a positive sand budget. The foredunes overlie upper beach deposits located up to >2 m above the present upper beach level and provide evidence for a higher mid‐Holocene RSL. Discontinuous layers of coarse shells and sand are intercalated in the foredunes, indicating massive coastal flooding events. One such layer was traced over three dune ridges and dated to c. 1700–1550 cal bp . However, it seems that most tropical cyclones induce net erosion rather than deposition at aligned foredunes and thus, they are only suitable for reconstructing temporal variability if erosional features or sedimentation reliably tied to these events can be identified and dated accurately. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results of a long-term program to determine the effects of oil and dispersant on red mangroves and black mangroves are presented. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects of three oils and dispersant on juvenile red mangroves and black mangroves. A field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of a crude oil and dispersant on a mature mangrove forest in Panama. Our studies indicate that exposure of mangrove seedlings to oil and dispersant in the laboratory resulted in changes of growth, respiration, and transpiration, and led to uptake of petroleum hydrocarbons. Exposure of a mature red mangrove forest to oil and dispersant resulted in many of the same effects observed in the laboratory and at other oil spill sites. These effects were greatly reduced at the site treated with oil and dispersant when compared to the site treated with whole oil.  相似文献   

Probably the largest regular shoreline fluctuations on Earth occur along the 1500 km-long wave-exposed Guianas coast of South America between the mouths of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers, the world's longest muddy coast. The Guianas coast is influenced by a succession of mud banks migrating northwestward from the Amazon. Migrating mud banks dissipate waves, partially weld onshore, and lead to coastal progradation, aided by large-scale colonization by mangroves, whereas mangrove-colonized areas between banks (inter-bank areas) are exposed to strong wave action and undergo erosion. On large tracts of this coast, urbanization and farming have led to fragmentation and removal of mangroves, resulting in aggravated shoreline retreat. To highlight this situation, we determined, in a setting where mangroves and backshore freshwater marshes have been converted into rice polders in French Guiana, shoreline change over 38 years (1976-2014) from satellite images and aerial orthophotographs. We also conducted four field experiments between October 2013 and October 2014, comprising topographic and hydrodynamic measurements, to determine mechanisms of retreat. The polder showed persistent retreat, at peak rates of up to -200 m/yr, and no recovery over the 38-year period of monitored change. Notwithstanding high erosion rates, mangrove shorelines show strong resilience, with recovery characterized by massive accretion. Retreat of the polder results in a steep wave-reworked shoreface with a lowered capacity for bank welding onshore and mangrove establishment. Persistent polder erosion is accompanied by the formation of a sandy chenier that retreats landwards at rates largely exceeding those in inter-bank situations. These results show that anthropogenic mangrove removal can durably modify the morphodynamics of muddy shorefaces. This limits the capacity for shoreline recovery and mangrove re-establishment even when there is no sustained long-term deficit in mud supply, as in the case of the Amazon-influenced Guianas coast. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

How does river hydrology and morphology change due to tidal influence? We contend that this is a question of particular consequence to many earth surface disciplines, but one that has not been adequately addressed. Previous studies have relied on gradients in channel morphology and stratigraphy to infer energy regime of channels. However, in tidal rivers geomorphology influences the energy regime while the energy regime influences morphology; thus, geomorphic and stratigraphic patterns do not fully resolve the mechanisms which lead to change. We addressed this problem by comparing measurements of hydraulic energy and channel morphology along a tidal gradient to predictions of these characteristics in the absence of tides, and attributed the differences to tidal processes. Measurements of discharge, channel area, and energy dissipation (in kJ day–1) were made over a 24·8 hour period at four sites spanning the non‐tidal to tidal freshwater Newport River, NC. We then predicted those characteristics under non‐tidal conditions using hydraulic geometry relationships and literature values from coastal plain rivers. Discharge was enhanced more than 10‐fold by tide, and this tidal effect increased from upstream to downstream along the tidal gradient. Cross‐sectional area increased three‐fold due to tide. Energy dissipation measured in the upper tidal river was four‐fold lower than predicted to occur in the absence of tide because tides decreased average velocity and discharge. Energy dissipation measured downstream was similar to that predicted to occur without tides, although there was large uncertainty in predicted values downstream. While this limited dataset does not permit us to make broad generalizations for definitive models, it does provide a proof‐of‐concept for a new approach to addressing a critical problem at the interface of fluvial and coastal morphology. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We used an ecological model to simulate the trajectories of mangrove attributes according to different restoration criteria at geographically specific conditions and at decadal time scales. This model can contribute to the design and implementation of restoration projects, and also be used to verify key mechanisms controlling ecosystem attributes during the recovery period. An existing gap model of mangrove wetlands, FORMAN, was used to simulate restoration trajectories in one of the largest estuary rehabilitation projects (128 000 ha) in South America, Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia (CGSM). Recovery of a disturbed mangrove forest based on simulations of basal area following reductions of salinity to 40 g/kg within 2 yr or 10 yr time periods suggests that in both cases dominance would reach about 75% of that in the reference site (80 m2/ha) in 40 yr. Both forests are >80% dominated by Avicennia, and Laguncularia has greater basal area than Rhizophora in the remaining structure. Simulations of forest recovery with a 25 yr target for salinity reduction show that only about 50% of the basal area in the reference site is recovered after 40 yr. After 40 yr of recovery, both the 2 and 10 yr salinity targets produce higher basal area and different patterns of community composition (Laguncularia becomes the dominant species) under enhanced recruitment (planting program) than observed under more natural recruitment. Ecological models can be used to establish trajectories of mangrove response to a variety of initial site conditions at spatially explicit locations that can improve engineering designs, project operation, and more clearly define monitoring programs and natural resource valuation. Modelling techniques can be used to identify the appropriate spatial and temporal scales of problems associated with mangrove restoration projects that could improve our ability to conserve and manage one of the most valuable forested wetlands in the tropical coastal zone.  相似文献   

The large organic matter flow in tropical coastal areas is recognized as an important process in the global carbon(C)cycle.However,the nature of organic matter flow in semi-enclosed tropical estuaries remains unclear due to the various environmental processes(tidal change,river flow,waves from the sea,and internal circulation)and organic matter sources therein.Thus,sediment organic matter(SOM)sources,and their distribution pattern,are key to understanding ecosystem material flow.Our research in the Batan Bay Estuary,Philippines,a semi-enclosed estuary under large mangrove deforestation,was conducted to determine ecosystem properties through analysis of C and nitrogen stable isotope ratios and environmental factors.First,we determined that mangrove litter,microphytobenthos,and phytoplankton are the main SOM sources in the Batan Bay Estuary.Second,the estuary was classified into three ecological zones(the Bay zone,Back-barrier zone,and River zone).In addition,we estimated SOM source ratios using the Stable Isotope Analysis in R package and determined different organic matter sources in different zone.The high ratios of mangrove litter as SOM indicate that a large amount of terrestrial plant organic matter remains despite the heavy mangrove deforestation that has occurred since the 1980s,and that the Back-barrier zone consists of a different type of ecosystem that promotes accumulation of C from mangrove litter and microphytobenthos.  相似文献   

The archetypal badass is individualistic, non‐conformist, and able to produce disproportionate results. The badass concept is applied here to geomorphology. The individualistic concept of landscape evolution (ICLE) is introduced, based on three propositions: excess evolution space, capacity of all landforms to change, and variable selection pressure from environmental factors within and encompassing landscapes. ICLE indicates that geomorphic systems are idiosyncratic to some extent, and that even where two systems are similar, this is a happenstance of similar environmental selection, not an attractor state. As geomorphic systems are all individualistic, those that are also non‐conformist with respect to conventional wisdoms and have amplifier effects are considered badass. Development of meander bends on a section of the Kentucky River illustrates these ideas. The divergence of karst and fluvial forms on the inner and outer bends represents unstable amplifying effects. The divergence is also individualistic, as it can be explained only by combining general laws governing surface and subsurface flow partitioning with a specific geographical and environmental setting and the history of Quaternary downcutting of the Kentucky River. Landscape evolution there does not conform to any conventional theories or conceptual frameworks of geomorphology. The badass traits of many geomorphic systems have implications for the systems themselves, attitudes toward geomorphic practice, and appreciation of landforms. Badass geomorphology and the ICLE reflect a view, and approach to the study of, landforms as the outcome of the interplay of general laws, place‐specific controls, and history. Badass geomorphology also implies a research style receptive to contraventional wisdoms. Aesthetically, amplifier effects and individualism guarantee an essentially infinite variety of landforms and landscapes that geoscientists can appreciate both artistically and scientifically. Non‐conformity makes the interpretation and understanding of this variety more challenging – and while that increases the degree of difficulty, it also makes for more interesting and compelling professional challenges. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The potential for rapid coastline modification in the face of sea-level rise or other stressors is alarming, since coasts are often densely populated and support valuable infrastructure. In addition to coastal submergence, nutrient-related water pollution is a growing concern for coastal wetlands. Previous studies found that the Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) of coastal wetlands acts as a first-order control of their sustainability, but SSC dynamics are poorly understood. Our study focuses on the Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR) Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site, a shallow multiple tidal inlet system in the USA. We apply numerical modelling (Delft3D-SWAN) and subsequent analyses to determine SSC dynamics within the VCR. In particular, we consider two important controls on SSC in the system: vegetation (seagrass and salt marsh) and offshore waves. Our results show that vegetation colonies and increased wave energy lengthen water residence time. The reduction in the tidal prism decreases SSC export from the bay via tidal inlets, leading to increased sediment retention in the bay. We found that alongshore currents can enhance lagoon SSC by importing fine sediments from an adjacent inlet along the coastline. Our numerical experiments on vegetation seasonality can improve the understanding of wave climate impact on coastal bay sediment budget. Offshore waves increase sediment export from coastal bays, particularly during winter seasons with low vegetation density. Therefore, our study can help managers and stakeholders to understand how to implement restoration strategies for the VCR. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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