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本文从重力异常角度对中国大陆区域地质构造的深部结构进行了研究。基于卫星重力大数据,利用改进后的位场分离方法获取了从地表到上地幔顶部不同深度的重力异常场。分析了各个碰撞-俯冲带、造山带及盆地等地区上地幔顶部(参考深度约为72~76 km)和中地壳(参考深度约为12~16 km)深度的异常特征。结合地质构造、地球化学和地球物理学证据,重点讨论了重力异常产生的原因及其与中国大陆主要构造之间的关系,获得了中国大陆在环太平洋动力学体系和特提斯动力学体系这两大动力作用下不同地区差异性的壳幔响应。  相似文献   

伍卓鹤  伍凯琳 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):370-378
主要介绍了1∶5万高精度重力测量在广东南岭雪山嶂地区地质综合调查中的应用。利用面积性及剖面性重力数据处理和解释所取得的成果,在指导1∶5万地质填图中圈定半隐伏或隐伏岩体、追踪断裂构造、确定地层界线及追索矿(化)体等发挥了重要作用。以成矿地质体、成矿构造和成矿结构面、成矿作用"三位一体"成矿理论指导大宝山矿床外围找矿,圈定了大宝山矿集区含矿建造范围,追踪已知矿段延伸,分析其深部成矿潜力。根据1∶5万重力测量成果,在大宝山矿床外围的北东侧剩余重力正异常部位,成功发现深部厚大铜矿。  相似文献   

刘建生 《江苏地质》2013,37(4):626-634
以江苏南部1:20万重力资料为基础,通过对区内岩石及地层密度特征的归纳与分析,对区内重力场形成的地质因素作了讨论。对区内重力场进行了分类、分区及地质解释。通过进一步对区内重力资料的数据处理,一方面对区内莫霍面及印支一燕山面的埋深、形态特征及其地质意义作了讨论,另一方面对区内断裂构造及变质基底分布格局也作了推断解释。  相似文献   

荣幸 《华北地质》2019,(4):315-320
本次工作基于准格尔旗地区重力异常数据,通过对重力数据进行多种有效处理,分析重力场特征,进行异常分区,并结合已知地质、物性参数及磁法资料,圈定出25个局部异常;划分出区内3个明显密度界面和2个明显磁性界面;探讨了区域构造及断裂构造在重磁场上的表现形式,推断出断裂构造24条;依据重磁场特征,划分出4个三级构造单元和7个四级构造单元,为本区地质构造的研究提供了新的参考资料.  相似文献   

Three gravity traverses across the eastern half of the South Wales Coalfield indicate a local, elongate, negative Bouguer anomaly of a few milligals amplitude bordering the southern rim. The anomaly has a maximum amplitude of 4 mgal near Maesteg and attenuates eastward, dying out in the vicinity of the East Crop. Two possible geological causes of the anomaly are examined, namely a local thick sequence of normal Upper Carboniferous strata and a discrete, low-density body of Carboniferous age with no apparent surface expression. The former, uncontroversial explanation requires rock densities at variance with measured values. In the case of the hypothetical low density body which can explain the anomaly, a variety of possible ages and configurations are discussed.  相似文献   

王凯  刘媛媛 《吉林地质》2021,40(4):80-82
大数据、人工智能、云计算、互联网+等前沿信息技术不断涌现,推动着传统的地质行业在新形势下进行战略转型升级.本文首先介绍了大数据和及地质大数据的基本含义和特征,其次指出了当下吉林省地质信息化建设中的现状和面临的问题,重点分析了吉林省地质大数据中心的建设需求,最后,对吉林省地质大数据中心的建设目标进行了展望.  相似文献   

Detailed gravity and vertical force magnetic surveys in and around the Malvern Hills are described, and the results of determinations of densities and magnetic properties of local rocks are presented. The geophysical surveys indicate that the Malvern axis is a broad anticline involving basement rocks and that the folded basement extends northwards at shallow depth under the Storridge anticline; it cannot be traced further north under the Abberley Hills. Areas of surface Pre-Cambrian rock are interpreted as comprising intensely folded and faulted axial portions of the major fold, which is assumed to be of Armorican age. On the basis of the shallow depth to basement directly north of the Hills, and by analogy with the situation in the southern Malverns where Llandovery strata overstep the Local Cambrian succession, it is concluded that the Cambrian rocks were largely removed from the Storridge area as well as from the Malvern Hills area following a period of pre-Llandovery tectonism. To the west, the basement surface dips at about 30° to a depth of at least 5,000 ft. Cook and Thirlaway's (1955) suggestion that the Eastern Boundary Fault is part of a step-fault complex is accepted, and their interpretation of the configuration of the Worcestershire Triassic basin is not significantly amended in the present account.  相似文献   

Detailed gravity data were analyzed to constrain two controversial geological models of evaporitic structures within the Triassic diapiric zone (Triassic massifs of Jebel Debadib and Ben Gasseur) of the northern Tunisian Atlas. Based on surface observations, two geological models have been used to explain the origin of the Triassic evaporitic bodies: (1) salt dome/diapiric structure or (2) a “salt glacier”. The gravity analysis included the construction of a complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map, horizontal gravity gradient (HGG) map and two and a half-dimensional (2.5D) forward models. The complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map shows a prominent negative anomaly over the Triassic evaporite outcrops. The HGG map showed the location of the lateral density changes along northeast structural trends caused by Triassic/Cretaceous lithological differences. The modeling of the complete Bouguer gravity anomaly data favored the diapiric structure as the origin of the evaporitic bodies. The final gravity model constructed over Jebel Debadib indicates that the Triassic evaporitic bodies are thick and deeply rooted involving a dome/diapiric structure and that the Triassic material has pulled upward the younger sediment cover by halokinesis. Taking in account kinematic models and the regional tectonic events affecting the northern margin of Africa, the above diapirs formed during the reactive to active to passive stages of continental margin evolution with development of sinks. Otherwise, this study shows that modeling of detailed gravity data adds useful constraints on the evolution of salt structures that may have an important impact on petroleum exploration models.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of China’s economy, air pollution is becoming extremely serious. The spatial–temporal evolution of air pollution is conducive to the management of air pollution. The paper is proceeded into three steps. Firstly, based on the generalization principal component analysis method, the comprehensive air pollution evaluation index is established. Then, the gravity center model is utilized to explore the spatial–temporal evolution of air pollution in Yangtze River Delta from January 2014 to December 2016. Finally, the contribution decomposition method is utilized to explore the contribution to gravity center evolution. The main results are as follows: (1) The air pollution have obvious seasonal and regional differences in Yangtze River Delta. (2) The gravity center of air pollution continues to westward after 2014 with the characteristic of the north–south circular movement. (3) Hefei City and Yangzhou City have huge impact on the gravity center evolution of air pollution. The conclusions could be helpful for Chinese government to control the air pollution in Yangtze River Delta.  相似文献   

南黄海北部重力场信息丰富、梯级带发育、异常特征明显,充分反映了该区隆坳构造格局、断裂展布等地质特征.综合研究认为:NE向断裂构成了南黄海北部主体构造格架,嘉山—响水断裂、南黄海北缘断裂共同构成了苏鲁造山带南部边界;依据航空重磁资料新发现的NW向宫家岛深大断裂对南黄海北部基底构成、岩浆岩分布具有重要的控制作用;通过重磁联合反演,发现在南黄海北部坳陷的东北凹陷存在着前寒武系稳定的结晶基底;航空重力资料表明,胶莱盆地向东延伸进入南黄海,在海域内其最大沉积厚度可达3 km.上述地质认识和发现为南黄海北部海洋区域地质调查、油气资源调查及重大基础地质问题的解决提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

李美蓉  陈媛  张林  杨宝全 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):328-333
武都重力坝坝基地质条件复杂,发育有断层、层间错动带等多种不利地质构造,且结构面相互交错组合形成多条潜在滑移面,坝基深层抗滑稳定问题突出。为了研究多结构面对坝基深层抗滑稳定的影响及加固处理,结合武都重力坝19#坝段,建立了三维数值模型进行有限元分析。首先,对坝基中各软弱结构面的力学参数进行敏感性分析,研究影响坝基稳定的主要因素,揭示了坝踵处倾向下游的10f2、F31断层对坝基抗滑稳定影响较大,应进行重点加固处理。在该基础上,在断层10f2、F31拟定不同深度的混凝土置换,对断层置换混凝土的深度进行敏感性分析,得出不同置换深度下坝基的超载稳定安全系数。结果表明,断层10f2、F31的置换深约19 m时可以达到良好的加固效果,位移和应力值得到良好的改善,坝基塑性区域明显减小,抗滑稳定安全系数得到明显提高,并满足设计规范要求。研究成果对武都重力坝工程的加固处理提供了重要的科学依据,对类似工程的稳定分析与加固处理具有参考价值。  相似文献   

豫某铝土矿勘查中重力异常显示,区域重力异常反映深部奥陶系顶面呈自西向东缓斜坡状起伏分布;对浅表干扰异常,通过上延过滤后,可以发现奥陶系顶界面的隆、凹起伏分布特征;虽铝土矿密度大于奥陶系灰岩密度,有较大密度差,但由于评价区似层状铝土矿厚度薄,斗状铝土矿虽厚度大,但体积小,重力异常不能直接反映铝土矿。含铝岩系厚度与铝土矿厚度总体上成正比,因此寻找厚大含铝岩系分布区可间接起到找矿的作用。比较含铝岩系密度值与奥陶系灰岩密度值可知,含铝岩系与奥陶系地层有一定的密度差,奥陶系灰岩密度相对较大,因此,局部重力高异常对应奥陶系隆起;对比己知见铝土矿钻井资料和上延后重力异常分布关系,发现铝土矿床大多分布在局部重力高异常以外的区域;通过上述分析,圈定了2个铝土矿找矿靶区,从而对铝土矿的调查评价有重要指导作用。  相似文献   

Seismic wide angle and receiver function results together with geological data have been used as constraints to build a gravity-based crustal model of the central High Atlas of Morocco. Integration of a newly acquired set of gravity values with public data allowed us to undertake 2–2.5D gravity modelling along two profiles that cross the entire mountain chain. Modelling suggests moderate crustal thickening, and a general state of Airy isostatic undercompensation. Localized thickening appears restricted to the vicinity of a north-dipping crustal-scale thrust fault, that offsets the Moho discontinuity and defines a small crustal root which accounts for the minimum Bouguer gravity anomaly values. Gravity modelling indicates that this root has a northeasterly strike, slightly oblique to the ENE general orientation of the High Atlas belt. A consequence of the obliquity between the High Atlas borders and its internal and deep structure is the lack of correlation between Bouguer gravity anomaly values and topography. Active buckling affecting the crust, a highly elevated asthenosphere, or a combination of both are addressed as side mechanisms that help to maintain the high elevations of the Atlas mountains.  相似文献   

近年来,随着茶亭铜金矿床等多处新矿床被相继发现,南陵—宣城地区有望成为长江中下游成矿带的新矿集区。其南部的麻姑山地区发育有麻姑山铜矿床,但由于本区第四系地层覆盖面积大、地质勘探程度浅,其深部地质结构尚不清晰,影响了本区隐伏矿床地质找矿工作的深入开展。本文基于地球物理重、磁数据,以已知地质填图和勘探数据为约束,对麻姑山地区深部地质结构进行了2.5D联合反演和深入解析;同时,结合三维地质建模技术和三维地球物理正演方法对解译结果进行了修正和厘定。研究结果表明,三维地质建模技术和三维地球物理正演方法可为2.5D重磁联合反演结果提供修正依据和手段;解析结果能够较好的阐明麻姑山地区的深部地质结构,结合找矿预测条件,能够圈定隐伏找矿预测靶区,可进一步为找矿工作提供更多参考信息。  相似文献   

鲁西金刚石原生矿床成矿背景复杂,由于缺乏地壳结构、岩浆侵入体位置、断裂规模等信息作为参考依据,深部构造特征及其在成矿过程中的作用尚不明确。本文基于重磁数据和地震剖面资料,采用Parker-Oldenburg界面法、功率谱法和2.5D重磁震联合反演等方法,获得了鲁西地区地壳结构、断裂规模、岩浆侵入体位置等信息,在此基础上,探讨了金刚石原生矿床的深部构造背景。结果表明:鲁西金刚石原生矿床分布于区域布格重力异常低值区、磁异常中-低值区,布格重力异常平均值低于-100×10-5 m/s2,磁异常变化范围较大,介于-160~60 nT之间;矿床位于莫霍面、居里面等值线密集的梯度带,即稳定区域与活化区域的过渡带,莫霍面深度约为31.2~32.2 km,居里面深度约27.5~30 km;矿床分布区NW向断裂构造切割深度均超过20 km,其中蒙山断裂切割深度为35 km,深达上地幔,新泰-垛庄断裂切割深度为28.5 km,深达居里面,泰山-铜冶店断裂切割深度为20.5 km;金伯利岩于古生代形成后,受中生代伸展构造影响,被NW向断裂逐级抬升、剥蚀,直至出露地...  相似文献   

Gravity measurements across the southern margin of the Galway granite, on the Islands of Gorumna and Lettermullen, reveal small positive Bouguer anomalies of amplitudes less than 40 g.u. associated with the denser country rock. These anomalies suggest that the ‘country rock’ is no more than a thin wedge, thickening southwards. Such a structure may form part of a large roof pendant or roof section with the true granite margin lying further south. Magnetic anomaly profiles across the granite contact reveal that the rock groups, making up the country rock, have distinct magnetic character which may provide a means of mapping their southern extent beneath Galway Bay.  相似文献   

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