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Heterotrophic flagellates (HF) play an essential function in the microbial food loops as it is an agent of biochemical cycling of limiting nutrients and being a useful bio-indicator of environmental changes. However, in spite of its profound role in aquatic ecosystem studies regarding the evaluation of the spatial and seasonal patterns of the flagellate communities are lacking in Bangladeshi water, and therefore, study on community pattern of HF in a tropical river like Padma River could be a best example for other tropical rivers of the world. The present investigation was performed with the primary objectives to evaluate flagellate community structure, their spatial and seasonal distribution patterns, and the role of hydro-biological and physicochemical variables in determining their variability. The study was conducted at selected four study sites in Padma river, Bangladesh for a period of two distinct season (dry and wet season) in 2018. Standard procedures were followed in collecting, analyzing and interpreting of sampled data. The study revealed a total of 18 genera with different degrees of specificity to hydro-biological and physicochemical variables. It further establishes significant seasonal patterns, rather than spatial differences in the distribution of the flagellate communities. We found that the higher precipitation intensity during monsoon was the critical determinant in hydrological, biological, and physicochemical fluctuations which caused a significant decline in the value of the above variables. Likewise, total phytoplankton, zooplankton, and total heterotrophic bacterial abundance was also declined five-folds during the wet season. Similarly, total abundance of HF showed a significant decline in the community during the wet season. Genus wise relative abundance (RA%) of Euglena (23.81 %) was the highest during the dry season. In conclusion, this research and data analysis techniques propose unique insights on the flagellate links to environmental and hydro-biological regime in a tropical river with global implications.  相似文献   

The ecology of phytoplankton reservoir communities plays a pivotal role in their management and in the development of inland fisheries in the water scarce semi-arid regions of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. The hydrological conditions characterizing these reservoirs include infrequent rainfall and high evaporative loses. The phytoplankton assemblages in tropical climate are structured primarily on dry and wet cycles, not the annual temperature and light regime. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the ecological aspects of phytoplankton communities from three reservoirs during the period of July 2003–June 2004, which include atypical summer rainfall and reservoir overflow. The environmental data broadly divided into two categories, stress factors and disturbance factors. The stress factors deals with the impact of high particulate organic matter and low dissolved oxygen concentrations and disturbance factors, linked to water level fluctuation through flushing and reservoir drawdown, and these events are associated with the phytoplankton assemblages. Results indicated that the three distinct hydroperiods determined the structure of phytoplankton and chlorophyll levels and limited the presence and relative abundance of cyanobacterial species. Phytoplankton succession accompanied changes in clear and turbid water phase represented by the alternate dominance between diatoms and chlorophytes. Inundation and complete filling of reservoir stimulated “s” and “r” strategists species (<20 um) of unicellular and some colonial members of chlorophytes and cryptomonads in highly turbid water environment, and “c” strategist species in rest of the wet period following disturbance gradients. Statistical analysis elicited a significant relationship between particulate organic matter and relative abundance of smaller chlorophytes, which was deemed as stress factor. The flushing and reservoir drawdown indicate disturbance gradient and as a consequence high diversity. Furthermore, a substantial reduction in chlorophyll levels was registered in turbid water phase is related to the reduction of light penetration and re-suspension of sediments. Considering these results, it can be suggested that the well-managed reservoir drawdown can possibly maintain an environment free of eutrophication and cyanobacterial dominance.  相似文献   

River health can be defined as the degree to which riverine energy source,water quality,flow regime, habitat and biota match the natural conditions.In a healthy river,physical process and form remain actively connected and able to mutually adjust,and biological communities have natural levels of diversity and are resilient to environmental stress.Both physical diversity and biodiversity influence river health.Physical diversity is governed by hydrology,hydraulics,and substrate,as reflected in the geometry of the river channel and adjacent floodplain,which create habitat for aquatic and riparian organisms.Biodiversity is governed by biological processes such as competition and predation,but biodiversity also reflects the diversity,abundance and stability of habitat,as well as connectivity. Connectivity within a river corridor includes longitudinal,lateral,and vertical dimensions.River health declines as any of these interacting components is compromised by human activities.The cumulative effect of dams and other human alterations of rivers has been primarily to directly reduce physical diversity and connectivity,which indirectly reduces biodiversity.Restoration and maintenance of physical diversity and biodiversity on rivers affected by dams requires quantifying relations between the driver variables of flow and sediment supply,and the response variables of habitat,connectivity,and biological communities.These relations can take the form of thresholds(e.g., entrainment of streambed sediment) or response curves(e.g.,fish biomass versus extent and duration of floodplain inundation).I use examples from Wyoming,Colorado,and Arizona in the western United States to illustrate how to quantify relations between driver and response variables on rivers affected by dams.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration of eutrophic lakes using aquatic macrophytes is an important and practical technology. Here, we investigated the response of phytoplankton and zooplankton to a large-scale 2015-built aquatic macrophyte enclosure (AME, 200,000 m2) screened of by a PVC net in Baima Lake, a eutrophic lake, from spring to autumn of 2019. AME significantly improved water quality by increasing water transparency, and reducing total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll-a content during the growing season. AME significantly decreased phytoplankton abundance and biomass and marginally increased zooplankton abundance and biomass. Phytoplankton and zooplankton communities were closely related to environmental factors, such as water temperature, conductivity, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand, and chlorophyll-a inside and outside the AME. The zooplankton:phytoplankton biomass ratio inside was slightly higher than outside the AME. Zooplankton and phytoplankton biomass were significantly positively correlated inside and outside the AME, as were chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus. We found phosphorus to be a key factor limiting primary productivity in Baima Lake, and that bottom-up effects were the main driver to control phytoplankton in the AME. Using aquatic macrophytes to reduce nutrient loads is an effective way to manage eutrophication in Baima Lake.  相似文献   

Measuring ecological change of aquatic macrophytes in Mediterranean rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A metric was developed for assessing anthropogenic impacts on aquatic macrophyte ecology by scoring macrophyte species along the main gradient of community change. A measure of ecological quality was then calculated by Weighted Averaging (WA) of these species scores at a monitoring site, and comparison to a reference condition score. This metric was used to illustrate the difficulties of developing aquatic macrophyte indices based on indicator species in Mediterranean rivers. The response of the metric to a nutrient gradient was examined within two different river typologies: the national typology designed for the Water Framework Directive and a typology that segregates the environmental variables to produce maximum species similarity within a river type. Both typologies showed the strong north-south climatic divide in Portugal, with southern rivers having long periods without rainfall and often without flowing water in the summer. Overall, the metric responded well to nutrient impacts however it performed poorly in some southern lowland river types. This was thought to be due to low numbers of aquatic macrophytes in temporary rivers. Non-aquatic species that establish in the river channel of temporary rivers may have to be included in indices to improve performance. Also, simple Weighted Averaging (WA) metrics may be insensitive to abundance changes and loss of rarer indicators in lowland Mediterranean rivers. More sophisticated methods of using WA are suggested, as well as further research into developing assessment methods specific to the character of Mediterranean rivers.  相似文献   

We compared the distribution and seasonal fluctuations in the aquatic biota in relation to chemical and physical water variables in the Altiplano watersheds of the Ascotán, Carcote and Huasco salars; Chungará and Cotacotani lakes; Isluga and Lauca Rivers and the Parinacota wetland. We sampled during the austral autumn–winter of 2006 and in the spring–summer of 2006–2007, using three sampling stations for each system. We used canonical correspondence analysis to establish relations between frequency of taxa and environmental variables.We demonstrate that the structure and composition of the aquatic biota in humid areas of the Altiplano is determined by physical and chemical variables of the water. The most relevant one is total nitrogen, which is also the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton production in tropical systems.Benthos and zooplankton showed significant associations with the set of environmental variables (Monte Carlo test, p<0.05); however, the association was not significant for phytoplankton. Lake Chungará showed the greatest variation in composition and abundance of zooplankton between autumn-winter and spring-summer, while in the Huasco salar the physical and chemical characteristics were related to the composition and abundance of the benthonic fauna. Thus, changes in the water volume of these systems would have repercussions in chemical and physical variables, altering the species assemblage and possibly the efficiency and stability of ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

Temperature plays an essential role in the ecology and biology of aquatic ecosystems. The use of dams to store and subsequently re-regulate river flows can have a negative impact on the natural thermal regime of rivers, causing thermal pollution of downstream river ecosystems. Autonomous thermal loggers were used to measure temperature changes downstream of a large dam on the Macquarie River, in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin to quantify the effect of release mechanisms and dam storage volume on the downstream thermal regime. The magnitude of thermal pollution in the downstream river was affected by different release mechanisms, including bottom-level outlet releases, a thermal curtain (which draws water from above the hypolimnion), and spill-way release. Dam storage volume was linked to the magnitude of thermal pollution downstream; high storage volumes were related to severe thermal suppressions, with an approximate 10 °C difference occurring when water originated from high and low storage volumes. Downstream temperatures were 8 ̶ 10 °C higher when surface releases were used via a thermal curtain and the spillway to mitigate cold water pollution that frequently occurs in the river. Demonstrating the effectiveness of engineering and operational strategies used to mitigate cold water pollution highlight their potential contribution to fish conservation, threatened species recovery and environmental remediation of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

2009年7月至2010年6月,以每月一次的频率对百花湖(水库)麦西河河口浮游植物群落结构和环境因子进行调查.监测到浮游植物66种(属),浮游植物主要由绿藻、硅藻和蓝藻组成,夏秋季湖泊假鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena limnetica)为优势浮游植物,而冬春季梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghinia...  相似文献   

During the high water season, the flooding reduces environmental heterogeneity in aquatic ecosystems of the Pantanal wetland. When the water level recedes, lakes and channels are formed as individual systems. Therefore, we expected the spatial heterogeneity during the low water phase resulting in changes on biological communities leading to high phytoplankton abundance, biomass and diversity within and between habitats. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed eight freshwater systems (five oxbow lakes, two channels, and the river) during the low water period. Phytoplankton biomass, abundance, diversity (alpha, beta, gamma) and diversity metrics as richness (species per sample), Shannon diversity (H′) and evenness were measured in all systems along with nutrient concentrations, zooplankton and bacteria abundances. We found 97 species as gamma diversity. The alpha diversity was unexpectedly low in comparison to most other South American floodplain systems (38 species in river, 24 in channels and 29 in lakes). Also, the systems are relatively similar in composition (beta diversity, 28%). Connectivity differences between systems highlighted differences in phytoplankton abundance and biomass (fresh weight) ranging from 1428 ind mL−1 (river) to 3710 ind mL−1 (lakes) and from 0.71 mg L−1 (river) to 2.9 mg L−1 (lakes), respectively. However, our results did not indicate significant differences in phytoplankton species richness between the systems during the low water. Our main conclusions are that local factors may be responsible for changes on phytoplankton community and the time of isolation during the low water phase was not sufficient to promote changes in phytoplankton diversity between the habitats.  相似文献   

The influence of extreme floods from the River Danube in 2006 on the species composition and vertical distributions of phytoplankton was studied in a shallow floodplain lake, Lake Sakadaš (Kopa?ki Rit Nature Park, Croatia) which in the last few decades was in a turbid state characterised by high phytoplankton concentrations. As a consequence of extremely high floods, the whole floodplain area (approximately 16 km2) became one lentic habitat with well developed macrophyte vegetation. Seasonal dynamics of chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration in the lake had a characteristic pattern for the shallow lakes with dense macrophyte vegetation. Extremely low mean phytoplankton abundance and biomass were found in the conditions of very high nutrient concentrations. Dominant phytoplankton species were diatoms and chlorococcal green algae from the functional groups characteristic for a mixed environment. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) demonstrated that nutrients and temperature were significant environmental variables for their development. The sequence of phytoplankton seasonality, vertical distribution of phytoplankton, as well as the domination of rapidly acclimating phytoplankton forms (R-strategists) indicated clear, well-mixed conditions and a highly disturbed environment. Our results suggest that the occurrence of extreme flooding can be a stressor high enough for the transition from a turbid to a clear state of the floodplain lake. Possibly, cyclic shifts between alternative stable states in floodplain ecosystems can be expected as a consequence of the impact of extreme hydrological events induced by a climate change.  相似文献   

河流中浮游植物的动态变化能够较好的指示河流水质状况.为探索水文气象过程对筑坝河流浮游植物群落结构的影响,2020年夏季,以钱塘江干流为例,对包括富春江水库在内的11个河段开展了浮游植物群落结构及相关环境因子的调查分析.结果 表明:夏季在钱塘江干流共鉴定出浮游植物6门59属95种,优势属为沟链藻(Aulacoseir、菱...  相似文献   

筑坝改变河流生源要素迁移转化过程及浮游植物群落分布特征,影响河流生态系统结构与功能。为探究梯级筑坝河流浮游植物群落结构特征及其关键驱动因子,2016年丰水期、2018和2021年丰、枯水期在澜沧江开展了浮游植物群落及相关环境要素的调研。本文重点对比分析了丰水期自然河道段和水库浮游植物间的差异,基于广义相加模型(GAM)建立浮游植物与环境要素间的关系,研究发现:丰水期浮游植物生物量显著高于枯水期,丰、枯水期浮游植物群落结构均呈现上游以硅藻门为主,中下游以绿藻门、蓝藻门为主的变化特征。营养盐和水库的水力停留时间(HRT)是导致上、下游浮游植物生物量差异的关键环境要素;总磷、水温和HRT是影响浮游植物群落多样性指数的主要环境要素;总磷、氨氮是影响丰富度指数的关键环境要素。本研究结果有助于深化理解梯级筑坝河流生态环境效应。  相似文献   

黑河流域浮游植物群落特征与环境因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
分别于2009年夏季和2010年夏、秋季对黑河流域进行了2次全面调查,共选取76个采样断面进行水样采集,鉴定出浮游植物242种,隶属于8门11纲25目45科94属.其中硅藻门为优势类群,占物种总数的38.43%,绿藻门和蓝藻门次之;黑河流域优势种为尺骨针杆藻(Synedra ulna)、无常蓝纤维藻(Dactylococcopsis irregularis)和尖针杆藻(S.acus),优势度分别为0.060、0.031和0.021,出现频度分别为43.42%、43.42%和46.05%.生物多样性指数及相关指数分析表明,黑河流域中、下游浮游植物群落结构的复杂程度和稳定性均高于上游;同时,综合生物多样性指数及相关指数以及水质理化指标表明,黑河上游水质为无污染或轻度污染,中、下游水质为轻中度污染.浮游植物丰度与环境因子的相关性分析表明,上游浮游植物丰度与水体硬度呈显著正相关;中游浮游植物丰度则与各环境因子无显著相关性;下游浮游植物丰度与水体硬度呈显著负相关,而与总氮×总磷呈显著正相关;总溶解性固体、pH值和水体硬度与全流域浮游植物丰度呈显著正相关.黑河流域浮游植物的空间分布具有与河水水文分带相对应的垂直地带性和水平地带性分异特征.  相似文献   

As with many rivers of the Pyrenees Mountains, reservoirs on the River Ariège (SW Francc) are used for hydroelectricity generation, irrigation and to maintain summer flows in the River Garonne. Two river reservoirs on the River Ariège were simultaneously emptied in April 1991 to remove accumulated sediment. Fish and ten environmental variables were sampled using Point Abundance Sampling by electrofishing before (February 1991) and one year later (February 1992) at three study sites downstream of the dams. We examined the short-term impact of reservoir cleaning on the relative abundance, habitat availability and habitat use of three species of small fish: minnow Phoxinus phoxinus (L.), gudgeon Gobio gobio (L.) and stone loach Barbatula barbatula (L.).¶After the reservoir cleaning, areas covered by gravel, sand and mud increased significantly as the result of the sediment release. The three species did not react in the same manner to these environmental changes. Stone loach appeared to be the most sensitive species, with its relative abundance decreasing at all sites. Conversely, minnow seemed to be the most resistant species and as such is a leading pioneer species for colonizing new or impacted stretches of rivers channels. Finally, the number of gudgeon decreased particularly at the most downstream site where large deposits of mud were recorded.  相似文献   


A modelling study was undertaken to quantify effects that the climate likely to prevail in the 2050s might have on water quality in two contrasting UK rivers. In so doing, it pinpointed the extent to which time series of climate model output, for some variables derived following bias correction, are fit for purpose when used as a basis for projecting future water quality. Working at daily time step, the method involved linking regional climate model (HadRM3-PPE) projections, Future Flows Hydrology (rainfall–runoff modelling) and the QUESTOR river network water quality model. In the River Thames, the number of days when temperature, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and phytoplankton exceeded undesirable values (>25°C, <6 mg L?1, >4 mg L?1 and >0.03 mg L?1, respectively) was estimated to increase by 4.1–26.7 days per year. The changes do not reflect impacts of any possible change in land use or land management. In the River Ure, smaller increases in occurrence of undesirable water quality are likely to occur in the future (by 1.0–11.5 days per year) and some scenarios suggested no change. Results from 11 scenarios of the hydroclimatic inputs revealed considerable uncertainty around the levels of change, which prompted analysis of the sensitivity of the QUESTOR model to simulations of current climate and hydrology. Hydrological model errors were deemed of less significance than those associated with the derivation and downscaling of driving climatic variables (rainfall, air temperature and solar radiation). Errors associated with incomplete understanding of river water quality interactions with the aquatic ecosystem were found likely to be more substantial than those associated with hydrology, but less than those related to climate model inputs. These errors are largely a manifestation of uncertainty concerning the extent to which phytoplankton biomass is controlled by invertebrate grazers, particularly in mid-summer; and the degree to which this varies from year to year. The quality of data from climate models for generating flows and defining driving variables at the extremes of their distributions has been highlighted as the major source of uncertainty in water quality model outputs.
EDITOR A. Castellarin; ASSOCIATE EDITOR X. Fang  相似文献   

白洋淀浮游植物群落的时空变化及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浮游植物和环境因子是水生态中重要的组成部分,研究浮游植物与环境因子的相关关系可为白洋淀水资源管理及水生态保护提供理论基础.本研究于2018年非汛期(5月)和汛期(8月)分别对白洋淀淀区8个采样点的浮游植物及环境因子进行调查分析.采用Pearson相关性分析法筛选主要环境因子,分析白洋淀浮游植物群落结构变化和主要环境因子的分布特征,以及两者间的相互关系.结果表明,汛期主要环境因子为溶解氧(DO)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP),非汛期主要环境因子为DO、CODMn、氨氮(NH3-N)和TP.汛期和非汛期检出浮游植物分别为5门38种和6门43种,浮游植物丰度分别为415.30×105~1018.14×105cells/L和249.62×105~454.21×105cells/L,优势种分别为6种和10种,且基本为蓝藻和绿藻.浮游植物群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H’)、Margalef物种丰富度指数(d M)、Pielou均匀度指数(J)和物种...  相似文献   

Water temperature dynamics in High Arctic river basins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite the high sensitivity of polar regions to climate change and the strong influence of temperature upon ecosystem processes, contemporary understanding of water temperature dynamics in Arctic river systems is limited. This research gap was addressed by exploring high‐resolution water column thermal regimes for glacier‐fed and non‐glacial rivers at eight sites across Svalbard during the 2010 melt season. Mean water column temperatures in glacier‐fed rivers (0.3–3.2 °C) were lowest and least variable near the glacier terminus but increased downstream (0.7–2.3 °C km–1). Non‐glacial rivers, where discharge was sourced primarily from snowmelt runoff, were warmer (mean: 2.9–5.7 °C) and more variable, indicating increased water residence times in shallow alluvial zones and increased potential for atmospheric influence. Mean summer water temperature and the magnitude of daily thermal variation were similar to those of some Alaskan Arctic rivers but low at all sites when compared with alpine glacierized environments at lower latitudes. Thermal regimes were correlated strongly (p < 0.01) with incoming short‐wave radiation, air temperature, and river discharge. Principal drivers of thermal variability were inferred to be (i) water source (i.e. glacier melt, snowmelt, groundwater); (ii) exposure time to the atmosphere; (iii) prevailing meteorological conditions; (iv) river discharge; (v) runoff interaction with permafrost and buried ice; and (vi) basin‐specific geomorphological features (e.g. channel morphology). These results provide insight into the potential changes in high‐latitude river systems in the context of projected warming in polar regions. We hypothesize that warmer and more variable temperature regimes may prevail in the future as the proportion of bulk discharge sourced from glacial meltwater declines and rivers undergo a progressive shift towards snow water and groundwater sources. Importantly, such changes could have implications for aquatic species diversity and abundance and influence rates of ecosystem functioning in high‐latitude river systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浮游植物是水生生态系统中重要的初级生产者,对维持水生态系统的平衡起着十分重要的作用.根据2008年云贵高原湖泊丰水期浮游植物调查数据,系统地分析了云贵高原13个湖泊中浮游植物的种群密度、生物量、组成及其多样性.云贵高原13个湖泊中共鉴定出浮游植物7门109种(绿藻52种、蓝藻23种、硅藻20种、其他14种).13个湖泊浮游植物Shannon-Wiener指数在0.5-2.2之间,其值大小与单个环境因子无显著相关.相关分析发现浮游植物总量与总氮、总磷、CODMn、硝态氮含量显著正相关,物种丰富度与总氮、总磷(0.1mg/L范围内)、CODMn含量亦显著正相关.另外,研究也发现各湖泊间浮游植物组成的相似性与各湖泊间营养状态差异显著负相关.由此可见,湖泊的营养状态不仅影响浮游植物的总量、组成以及物种丰富度,而且也影响各湖泊物种组成的相似性.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton community structure in coastal areas is a result of various environmental factors such as nutrients, light, grazing, temperature, and salinity. The Yucatan Peninsula is a karstic tropical region that is strongly influenced by submerged groundwater discharge (SGD) into the coastal zone. Phytoplankton community structure and its relationship with regional and local water quality variables were studied in four ports of the northwestern Yucatan Peninsula. Water quality was strongly related to SGD, and variations in phytoplankton community structure were related to local nutrient loading and hydrographic conditions, turbulence, and human impacts. Our study provides an ecological baseline for the Yucatan Peninsula and serves as a basis for establishing monitoring programs to predict changes at sites with high hydrological variation and in developing an early alert system for harmful toxic algal blooms.  相似文献   

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