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Raul Primicerio   《Limnologica》2000,30(4):301-310
Zooplankton vertical distribution was studied in Lake Takvatn (69°07′ N) by discrete sampling of the water column during the open water season. Attention was focused on predation risk and competition to understand when, where and to what degree a given species should aggregate along the water column. Temperature profiles and phytoplankton abundance and composition were recorded to assess degree of heterogeneity and food availability in the pelagic zone. Vertical segregation was evident during thermal stratification. Rotifers partitioned the water column, with species less susceptible to predation (e.g. Conochilus unicornis) in the epilimnion, where they overlapped with the predators Asplanchna priodonta and Polyphemus pediculus, and species more vulnerable to these predators (e.g. Keratella cochlearis) in the hypolimnion. Cladocerans remained in the epilimnion, in a year when predation by fish was limited. The copepodites of Eudiaptomus graciloides and Cyclops scutifer maintained different depths staying respectively near surface and in the meta-hypolimnion. A broader distribution with increasing density was evident among rotifers and C. scutifer nauplii. Density-dependent habitat selection behaviour is considered as a mechanism explaining the observed distribution of predators and competing prey and promoting species coexistence.  相似文献   

The horizontal distribution of bloom-forming Microcystis in a specific lake area and the transport of Microcystis by wind-driven lake currents between Meiliang Bay and the open water of Taihu Lake were measured during continuous field observations from August 21 to 25, 2006. During the observations, the horizontal distributions of Microcystis, represented by Chlorophyll a, showed a clear concentration toward downwind lake areas. According to the lake currents and the Chl a concentrations on the boundary line between the Meiliang Bay and the open water, the transported Chl a was less than 2% of the total weight of Chl a in Meiliang Bay on August 22, 24 and 25. The results suggest that the horizontal distribution of the bloom-forming Microcystis was strongly affected by the wind conditions, and the wind-driven Microcystis accumulation was mainly determined by surface drift; the transport of Microcystis by lake currents was much less important in this large, shallow lake.  相似文献   

The freshwater microalgal species, Gonyostomum semen, has increased in abundance and distribution in boreal lakes during the past few decades, concerning ecologists and water managers. Due to its rapid spread, G. semen has often been referred to as an invasive species, although it was first described in the 1800s. We hypothesized that G. semen is not an invasive species in Norwegian lakes, and that the increasing success is due to beneficial changes in environmental conditions for this species during the past century. We tested these hypotheses by performing a paleolimnological study of a Norwegian Lake, Skjeklesjøen, with known mass occurrence of G. semen. A specific G. semen pigment biomarker, heteroxanthin, was used to detect this species in layers of a sediment core with known age determinations. Environmental factors in both lake and catchment were further investigated and the relationships with the amounts of G. semen was tested. Our results suggested that G. semen was in fact not an invasive species in this lake the past decades. Several factors were identified as plausible drivers for G. semen in this boreal lake. Between 1874–2016, the increasing levels of G. semen in Lake Skjeklesjøen was most closely correlated with Carbon (C), lake color (measured as absorbance of sediment extracts), Nitrogen (N) and spring temperature. Our results suggest that the rapid increase in G. semen population in this boreal lake over the past 70 years was probably due to a combination of climate change and local anthropogenic activities in the catchment, causing increased browning and increased inputs of organic matter and nutrients.  相似文献   

The life history of the amphipod Orchestia sp. cf. cavimana (Heller, 1865) was studied throughout the course of a year with monthly samplings and the use of pitfall traps along the shores of Lake Albano in central Italy. The data thus obtained showed two peaks in abundance (the first in June and the second in October) and a minimum capture frequency in February. Egg-bearing females were recorded in spring and late summer, whilst recruitment occurred from spring to autumn, with maximum in June and October. The data collected also indicated the presence of a positive correlation between the abundance of talitrids and both temperature and sediment moisture. Morphological analysis enabled the identification of four different cohorts (with a lifespan of the species of approximately 12–15 months) all four of which remained distinguishable throughout the course of the year. It, moreover, enabled sex determination in individuals of 5 or more millimetres. The subsequent distribution indicated that, when significant, the sex ratio was female biased and that maximum size was greater in males. In particular, maximum sizes were recorded in spring for both males and females and were of 17.5 and 13.0 mm, respectively. Furthermore, the total body length recorded for egg-bearing females was positively correlated with the number of eggs in their brood pouch.  相似文献   

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