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在浙东天台晚中新世嵊县组发现大量菱属果实化石。该化石保存完好,特征丰富。由于其种类多、性状冗杂不明显,菱属植物的鉴定与分类一直存在很大争议。本研究基于菱属果实化石性状特征多、便于测量记录的特点,通过聚类分析和主成分分析等数值统计方法对菱属果实进行鉴别、归类,寻找鉴定分类中的指导性性状。首先,利用上述方法对现生菱属果实进行数量分析,取得了较好结果。然后,采用同样方法对菱属果实化石进行研究,认为聚类分析和主成分分析法能够对化石种进行有效的鉴定分类,可以成功剔除冗余性状。最后,研究得出果体形状、是否有果冠、果冠是否外翻、顶部形态、肩角生长方向、腰角生长方向、腰角长度、瘤状退化腰角数目等特征是菱属果实化石鉴定的关键性状。基于以上性状,嵊县组菱属果实化石可以分为两个类群。  相似文献   

Contributions by bacteria to recent sediments have been recognized as one important source of input for the extractable lipids. It has, however, proved difficult so far to conclusively relate the components identified to the contributing bacteria. This fact is primarily related to the lack of information on both the lipid chemistry of marine bacteria, and of detailed structures of the sedimentary lipids. In this paper a study of the fatty acids from a tropical marine sediment selected because of its high biomass content is reported, and relationships between the sedimentary extracts of the surface layer to fatty acid components of bacteria cultured from the sediment sample are detailed. By selecting specific structural features, a group of fatty acids have been identified as valid markers for bacteria in this environment: these include iso- and anteiso-branched chain acids; 10-methylpalmitic acid; cyclopropyl 17:0 and 19:0 acids of which ▽19:0 (11,12) is unique to bacteria; cis-vaccenic acid; and the 15:1, 17:1 ω6 and ω8 isomers especially when these occur in pairs; iso Δ7–15: 1 and iso Δ9–17:1 are branched unsaturated acids apparently unique to bacteria. Trans-monoene fatty acids are likely to be a direct bacterial input, and the hydroxy acids identified are probably of bacterial cell wall origin. This study, whilst emphasizing the necessity for detailed structural information on fatty acids in order to use them validly as biological markers, considerably extends the range of fatty acids as markers of bacterial input to contemporary sediments.  相似文献   

Fatty acids and hydrocarbons in surficial sediments of Lake Huron   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fatty acid and hydrocarbon distributions in surficial sediments from ten locations in southern Lake Huron indicate both aquatic and terrigenous recent biological sources of these geolipid materials. Normal alkanoic acids appear to be derived primarily from aquatic sources whereas normal alkanes are from multiple origins. Geolipid distributions are determined by the nature of the biogenic source and are modified during transport and deposition. Sediments receiving urban runoff in Saginaw Bay contain large amounts of non-biogenic hydrocarbons of a petroleum or industrial nature.  相似文献   

王兴  肖良  李相传  梁嘉琪  王钦 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):91-92
正中国浙江东部天台和宁海地区嵊县组分布广泛且大面积出露。该组特征为一套多旋回的火山岩与沉积岩互层。沉积岩的岩性主要为泥岩,赋存着众多的植物化石。无论是丰度还是类别都值得古植物学者进行详细的研究。第二沉积层为植物化石埋藏层,发现了众多属种的植物化石,埋藏类型上包括根、茎、叶、果实、花粉等,种类上有松科、柏科、木兰科、藜科、禾本科、葡萄科等不同植物。  相似文献   

Both pyruvic and α-ketobutyric acids are formed during heating experiments with modern Chione shells. These α-keto acids are also present in fossil specimens. These findings provide additional evidence that the dehydration reaction of free serine and threonine or the β-elimination reaction of peptide bound serine and threonine occurred in fossil materials. These experiments suggest that the formation of α-keto acids occurs early in protein diagenesis. A large fraction of the α-keto acids which were formed have been lost either by subsequent reactions or by diffusion out of the shell matrix.  相似文献   

《Organic Geochemistry》1987,11(3):139-149
Molecular Mass (MM) distributions in humic acids from peat and two lignites have been investigated by high performance size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) after methylation and found to be in the range approximately 300 to more than 5000, with number average NM(Mn) near 800. Values of Mn determined by SEC were in good agreement with those from vapour pressure osmotery. High field13C NMR spectra of the methylated humic acids are extremely well resolved, and indicate that the samples are significantly different, despite their similar elemental compositions and MM distributions.  相似文献   

Sparry calcite fracture fills and concretion body cements in concretions from the Flodigarry Shale Member of the Staffin Shale Formation, Isle of Skye, Scotland, entrap and preserve mineral and organic materials of sedimentary and diagenetic origin. Fatty acids are a major component of the lipids recovered by decarbonation and comprise mainly n-alkanoic and α-ω dicarboxylic acids. Two generations of fracture-fill calcite (early brown and later yellow) and the concretion body microspar yield significantly different fatty acid profiles. Early brown calcites yield mainly medium-chain n-alkanoic acids with strong even predominance; later yellow calcites are dominated by α-ω dicarboxylic acids with no even predominance. Both fracture fills lack the long-chain n-alkanoic and α-ω dicarboxylic acids additionally recovered from the concretion bodies. The absence of longer chain acids in the calcite spar fracture fills is inferred to result from the transport of fatty acids by septarian mineralising fluids whereby low-aqueous solubility of longer chain acids or their salts accounts for their relative immobility.Comparative experiments have been carried out using conventional solvent extraction on the concretion body and associated shales, both decarbonated and untreated. Extracted lipid yields are higher, but the fatty acids probably derive from mixed locations in the rock including both kerogen- and carbonate-associated lipid pools. Only experiments involving decarbonation yielded α-ω dicarboxylic acids in molecular distributions probably controlled mainly by fluid transport. Alkane biomarker ratios indicate very low thermal maturity has been experienced by the concretions and their host sediments. Septarian cracks lined by brown calcite formed during early burial. Microbial CO2 from sulphate-reducing bacteria was probably the main source of mineralising carbonate. Emplacement of the later septarian fills probably involved at least one episode of fluid invasion.  相似文献   

A detailed study has been made of the solvent extractable monocarboxylic, dicarboxylic and hydroxylated fatty acids and n-alkanes in a surface intertidal sediment, and the distributions compared to microorganisms cultured from the sediment. Diatoms are shown to contribute most of the monocarboxylic acids, particularly the significant amounts of polyunsaturated acids present, and a small proportion of the n-alkanes. Bacteria contribute between 11 and 14% of the monocarboxylic acids and markers for this, including trans-monounsaturated acids, are proposed. Detritus from the sea-grass Zostera muelleri is a major source of the α-hydroxy-, ω-hydroxy and α,ω-dicarboxylic acids in the sediment and a minor contributor of n-alkanes and long-chain fatty acids.  相似文献   

The mounting of a fossil skeleton is a special and generally rare event for the museum preparator. The fossil must first be found then excavated, transported and carefully prepared, before consideration can be given to mounting it. Whilst the basic techniques of mounting are well known to specialists, the author emphasises innovations in the methods he has used during his 30 years as a preparator.  相似文献   

Forests of Carboniferous age, first described in detail in the nineteenth century, are often illustrated in textbooks, but their ecological and evolutionary significance has been largely overlooked or, worse, misrepresented. It has often been thought that the standing fossil forests found rooted in coals represent relicts of the peat-forming vegetation. Recent research has suggested that this is not always the case and that many of the standing trees represent an essentially non-peat-forming wetland ('clastic swamp') vegetation comprising a distinctive set of genera and species of plants. Recent investigation of several famous examples - Weaklaw, Arran and Joggins as well as new examples such as Mary Lee and Table Head - is throwing new light on the ecological and evolutionary significance of these fossil forests.  相似文献   

Polar fossil forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Arctic and Antarctic there are spectacular fossil forests. They are true 'polar forests' because not only are they found as fossils in high latitudes today-they actually grew in the polar regions. They provide important evidence that the climate of the Earth was once much warmer, and that the trees must have been adapted to the strange polar light-regime of winter darkness and continuous summer sunlight.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight fossil coral samples of known age from late Pleistocene uplifted reef terraces have been analyzed for amino acid composition and for the degree of racemization of selected amino acids. Particular attention has been given to the epimerization (racemization about the α-carbon) of isoleucine. The DL ratios observed in many of these samples do not conform to the concept of increasing racemization being associated with increasing fossil age. It is shown that sixteen of the samples demonstrate concordance between their known age and the age estimated from racemization data. Racemization ages are based upon a kinetic model derived from the kinetics observed in foraminifera in marine sediments and published estimates of the temperature dependence of the isoleucine epimerization reaction. Lack of concordance for the remaining samples is explained by either of two separate diagenetic phenomena: extensive leaching of free amino acids from the fossil, or contamination by ‘young’ amino acids. Ambiguities observed in many of the results may be due to the fact that coralline organic matter can have a complex history because of variations in its source and in its relation to the mineral phase. Neither of these factors has been observed to exert such a significant effect on racemization kinetics observed in fossil foraminifera or molluscs. Fossil corals are of only modest value as specimens for amino acid geochronological studies.  相似文献   

Particulate matter and interfacial sediment from a seasonally anoxic coastal salt pond were analyzed for fatty acids and sterols to examine variations in organic sources, and compositional changes across the oxic-anoxic interface in the water column and at the sediment-water interface. Fatty acid distributions in suspended particles varied seasonally and as a function of depth. Fatty acids of algal origin (e.g. 16:3, 16:4, 18:3, 18:4) were abundant in particles in oxic surface waters, but these labile components were depleted in particles from the anoxic zone which instead were enriched in bacterial fatty acids (e.g. 16:1Δ9, 18:1Δ11, anteiso-C15). Sterol distributionsvaried less than fatty acid distributions and particles throughout the water column reflected an upper water algal source with little in situ alteration. There was evidence for an in situ conversion of Δ5-stenols to 5(α)H-stanols in suspended particles in the anoxic zone. Sinking particles and the interfacial sediment were compositionally similar to each other, but different from suspended particles. These data reflect differences in particle source, transport and transformation processes occuring in the water column.  相似文献   

The Eocene Green River Formation fishes of southwestern Wyoming are among the best preserved and best known fossil fishes yet discovered. Collecting them is hard work and a very technical and time-consuming process, but is made worthwhile by the fantastic setting in which the fossils occur. This is an account of a collecting trip under the leadership ofDr Lance Grande to expand the already spectacular collection of Green River fishes in the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.  相似文献   

An examination of Palaeozoic sections west of Cochabamba, and west of Lake Poopó, in western Bolivia, was conducted during a field expedition in 1991. The Río Iglesiani valley, west of Cochabamba, surprisingly yielded a Middle Devonian age to all the visited sites, originally supposed to be Ordovician. This result is based on spores, shelly faunas (brachiopods and bivalves), and trilobites. The Copacabana de Andamarca section, west of Lake Poopó, is also dated as Middle Devonian on account of its rather rich fauna (bryozoans, corals, brachiopods, conulariids, hyolithids, tentaculitids, ostracodes, trilobites, crinoids, vertebrates). Both localities correlate to the Icla and/or Huamampampa Formation of the Tarabuco area and Subandean belt, and to the Belén and/or Sica Sica Formation of the northern Altiplano.  相似文献   

The unique KMnO4 degradation products of β-carotene, previously identified as 2,2-dimethyl succinic acid (C6) and 2,2-dimethyl glutaric acid (C7) have been found in the oxidation products of Green River shale (Eocene, 52 × 106yr) and Tasmanian Tasmanite (Permian, 220−274 × 106yr) kerogens. These two compounds were also detected in KMnO4 degradation products of young kerogens from lacustrine and marine sediments. The results indicate that kerogens incorporated carotenoids (possibly β-carotene) at the time of kerogen formation in surface sediments. Both acids are useful markers to obtain information on biological precursors contributing to the formation of fossil kerogens.  相似文献   

Adolf (Dolf) Seilacher, who died earlier this year at the age of 89, was a major figure in palaeontology on both sides of the Atlantic. His interests were diverse, including trace fossils, the processes involved in exceptional preservation, and the evolution of invertebrate morphology. But it is for his views on the nature of the extraordinary fossils of the Ediacaran that he is perhaps best known. His ideas—compelling and provocative—will continue to stimulate research for years to come, not least through the wide use of his terminology (e.g. Lagerstätten, morphodynamics, constructional morphology, vendobiont).  相似文献   

恐龙蛋化石研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱迈平 《江苏地质》2006,30(3):161-171
20世纪90年代以来,随着中国和阿根廷等地大量的恐龙蛋化石(特别是包含有胚胎化石的标本)被发掘出来,恐龙蛋的研究取得了长足进展。获得的信息说明,恐龙是高度分异的庞大多样化种群,不仅它们的体形差异巨大,而且其蛋的形态、尺寸及产卵习性也有很大差别。在形态和尺寸上,有大小如鸡蛋、柚子、篮球、铁饼及橄榄球等;产卵习性上,有一次产多枚,杂乱堆积掩埋;也有一次产两枚,精心排列成圈等。  相似文献   

Four sections of a Pb-210 dated core of 62 cm length from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, were analyzed for fatty acids. A comparison of fatty acids extracted by Soxhlet extraction (unbound fatty acids) with fatty acids extracted by subsequent saponification extraction of the same sample (bound fatty acids) showed the former did not undergo diagenetic loss any faster than the latter. However, compositional differences between bound and unbound fatty acids were apparent in the top section of 1–2 cm and were less apparent in the 54–58 cm section. At least 14% of the bound fatty acids are esterified to non-solvent extractable material. The net conversion of fatty acids to other compounds is 32 μ/g dry weight sediment over the first 30 yr after deposition.  相似文献   

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