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雨海地区月岭分布特征及控制因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
月岭是月球表面上最常见的线性构造之一,大多分布于被玄武岩充填的月海之中。虽对于月岭成因的观点不一,但多数月岭具有明显的挤压变形特征,其展布形式有单列、组或群(常见)、网状或雁列状等。月岭的形成和展布既受到月海盆地构造的控制,又受到区域应力状态的影响。文中以雨海为研究区域,利用美国环月球巡逻者(LRO)的宽视角影像(WAC)数据和激光高度计(LOLA)数据对雨海地区的月岭构造进行解译和提取,对月岭进行分类和统计分析,结合雨海盆地构造特征以及月岭构造的样式解析,并运用沙箱构造物理模拟方法对月岭的形成和分布进行模拟实验,讨论了雨海地区影响月岭形成和分布的主控因素。结果表明,月岭是挤压体制下形成的;盆地构造是控制月岭类型Ⅰ分布的主要因素;月岭类型Ⅱ的分布主要受区域构造应力控制,其走向主要反映区域构造的最大主应力方向。综上推断,雨海地区月岭形成于近东西向最大主应力并受到雨海盆地构造的控制,表现为月岭类型Ⅰ和月岭类型Ⅱ的综合样式。  相似文献   

Chemical data are reported for the first time for lunar soil size fractions smaller then 2 μm. We report chemical data for 30 elements by INAA in eight size fractions (370−200, 200−94, 94−74, 74−40, 40−10, 10−5, 5−2 and <2 μm) and petrology of five size fractions (down to 40−10 μm) in two Luna 24 soils, 24176 and 24214. Consistent with our previous results for lunar soils, the compositions of coarser fractions (>10 μm) are quite similar to each other but quite different from the fine fractions (<10 μm). The finer fractions (10–5, 5–2, <2 μm) become increasingly feldspathic and enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) with decreasing grain size. Chemical data for the finer fractions provide direct evidence in favor of efficient comminution of rock mesostasis and feldspar leading to their preferential incorporation into the finer fractions. High concentrations of meteoritic indicator elements (Ni, Au, Ir) in the finer fractions are consistent with the comminution process by micrometeorite impacts. The chemical data strongly support the F3 (fusion of the finest fraction) model for agglutinate formation.Based on grain size distribution, petrology, and LILE patterns of size fractions, the Luna 24 soils are less reworked than most lunar soils. The Luna 24 regolith appears to have formed as a result of mixing more mature and fine grained material with less mature coarse material in different proportions at different depth intervals.  相似文献   

Analytical data for 40 elements are reported for Apollo 16 soils 60601, 61181, 61501, 64801, 67701, 68501, 65701 and breccias 60015, 60017, 60018, 60315, 61016, 61175, 65015 and 66055. The soils are uniform except for the North Ray Crater rim sample which is richer in Al2O3.The breccia components show great diversity in composition. Low-K Fra Mauro basalt, Highland basalt (anorthositic gabbro) and plagioclase are important constituents. Medium-K Fra Mauro basalt is an important constituent of breccias 65015 and 60315.The breccias contain many meteorite fragments and high nickel contents, evidence of the early highland bombardment.Most of the refractory elements (REE, Th, U, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ba) show strong positive correlations, interpreted as resulting from mixing. The REE patterns of the breccias show extreme variation relative to chondrites. There is a good inverse correlation between REE and the europium anomaly (EuEux). The LaYb ratio is constant at 3.1 except in plagioclase. Eu depletion or enrichment is interpreted as due to addition or removal of plagioclase.The Cayley and Descartes formations cannot be distinguished chemically and the differences in surface expression are not due to chemical distinctions. They are interpreted as structural differences, related to early highland cratering and mare basin formation.The complex soil and breccia compositions are related to mixing of four components. These are Low-K Fra Mauro basalt, Highland basalt (anorthositic gabbro) and subordinate plagioclase and Medium-K Fra Mauro basalt. These compositions have been used in a computer program (PETMIX III) to provide fits for the analytical data in terms of the end-members.An average highland composition is proposed, based on the Apollo 15 and 16 orbital data for Si, Al, Mg and Th. Abundances for most other elements are derived from the interelement relationships and correlations, and checked by the mixing program.The resulting composition consists of 69 per cent Highland basalt (anorthositic gabbro) and 31 per cent Low-K Fra Mauro basalt. There is no significant Eu anomaly. The abundances are: SiO2: 45.2 per cent; TiO2: 0.68 per cent; Al2O3: 24.9 per cent; FeO: 6.3 per cent; MgO: 8.5 per cent; CaO: 13.8 per cent; Na2O: 0.4 per cent; K2O: 0.11 per cent; Cr2O3: 0.11 per cent; Ba: 144 ppm; Th: 1.8 ppm; U: 0.46 ppm; Pb: 1.6 ppm; Zr: 156 ppm; Hf: 3.2 ppm; Nb: 10.8 ppm; Y: 32 ppm; ΣREE: 85 ppm.  相似文献   

李力    刘少峰    吴志远    韦蔚    焦中虎    奚晓旭   《地质通报》2012,31(06):943-953
综合多源遥感数据识别提取月球正面南北纬50°之间的线性构造,重点分析月岭和月溪的影像特征、分布规律和时空关系,结合月海沉降模型分析两者的成因机制,结合地形和重力场数据预测影响月岭类型的因素。研究表明,在质量瘤盆地,月岭和月溪存在明显的时空关系和构造成因联系,两者主要由月海沉降产生的局部应力引起,前月海时期盆地的均衡状态和月海充填的几何形状可能影响了月岭的分布类型。  相似文献   

综合多源遥感数据识别提取月球正面南北纬50°之间的线性构造,重点分析月岭和月溪的影像特征、分布规律和时空关系,结合月海沉降模型分析两者的成因机制,结合地形和重力场数据预测影响月岭类型的因素。研究表明,在质量瘤盆地,月岭和月溪存在明显的时空关系和构造成因联系,两者主要由月海沉降产生的局部应力引起,前月海时期盆地的均衡状态和月海充填的几何形状可能影响了月岭的分布类型。  相似文献   

The Luna 20 regolith sample contains crystalline lithic fragments of mare basalt, the anorthosite-norite-troctolite group, and feldspathio basalt. Discrete mineral fragments and mineral fragments in regolith breccias can generally be assigned, based on chemical criteria, to one or the other of the first two rock types. A complex history is indicated for the regolith fragments involving repeated metamorphism and melting of the highlands due to impact events. The glass fragments and the feldspathic basalts probably are the result of this melting and their composition may be representative of a large portion of the regolith at this site.  相似文献   

中国南方红壤中稀土元素分布的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
中国南方红壤中稀土元素总量主要集中在150 ̄200μg/g范围内,且土壤剖面层的底土层含量较高;稀土元素分布模式表明,红壤中轻稀土元素间略有分异,而轻,重稀土元素间以及重稀土元素间没有明显分异,稀土元素含量与红壤中有机质,粘粒含量及阳离子交换量间的相关性很弱,而与红壤中铁锰氧化物及磷酸岩呈显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

Back scattered electron and transmission electron imaging of lunar soil grains reveal an abundance of submicrometer-sized pure Fe0 globules that occur in the rinds of many soil grains and in the submillimeter sized vesicular glass-cemented grains called agglutinates. Grain rinds are amorphous silicates that were deposited on grains exposed at the lunar surface from transient vapors produced by hypervelocity micrometeorite impacts. Fe0 may have dissociated from Fe-compounds in a high temperature (>3000°C) vapor phase and then condensed as globules on grain surfaces. The agglutinitic glass is a quenched product of silicate melts, also produced by micrometeorite impacts on lunar soils. Reduction by solar wind hydrogen in agglutinitic melts may have produced immiscible droplets that solidified as globules. The exact mechanism of formation of such Fe0 globules in lunar soils remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Refractory compounds are responsible for the long-term sequestration of organic matter in soil. The aim of this study is to assess the storage of refractory compounds, i.e. compounds with long turnover times, across size separates in arable soils. The contents and distribution of organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) in size fractions were examined for two contrasting treatment types from long-term agroecosystem experiments, i.e. C-depleted and fertilized plots. The soil organic carbon (SOC) pool of the C-depleted plots is considered to be relatively enriched in refractory compounds compared with the SOC in the fertilized counterparts. In two of the three long-term experiments, the relative retention of OC in separates <20 μm was considerably higher than in separates 2000–20 μm (OC contents in depleted plots compared with fertilized plots). Highest residual contents of OC were found in fractions <6 μm. In the third experiment, additionally to the very fine fractions, separates 250–20 μm retained a high proportion of OC. The behavior of N was analogous to that of OC: the highest relative residues in the depleted plots were found in fine separates. These results indicate that in the investigated arable soils, C and N compounds associated with fine separates are most stable. Refractory OC in arable soils may be largely stored in fine particle-size fractions.  相似文献   

Inherent chemical recalcitrance and association of organic matter (OM) with minerals are mechanisms responsible for the long term preservation of OM in soils. The structural characteristics of OM are also believed to control specific interactions between OM and soil minerals. However, the extent of the relationship between recalcitrance and mineral protection and the specificity of these chemically driven interactions are not clearly understood at the molecular level. To measure chemical patterns of OM sequestration in sand-, silt-, clay-size and light fractions, we analyzed three soils, which mainly differed in carbon content and overlying vegetation, but have similar clay mineralogy, using biomarker analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Despite differences in environmental controls, long chain aliphatic compounds generally accumulated in the fine fractions of all soils. This accumulation is likely due to the strong interaction between recalcitrant forms of OM and soil minerals. For example, polymethylene and >C20 organic acids accumulated in fine fractions, while lignin-derived phenols were protected from oxidation in silt-size fractions. Diffusion edited solution state 1H NMR suggested that contributions from microbial-derived OM was greater in finer fractions, which is likely due to the accumulation of microbial-derived compounds or higher microbial activity in clay micro-sites. Our data suggest that, for these Prairie soils, the specific structure of OM and not environmental factors is responsible for long term preservation of OM in mineral fractions. Further research is necessary to understand the interplay between these preservation mechanisms such that the long term fate of OM can be further elucidated.  相似文献   

The total nitrogen contents of a number of lunar samples from Apollo 16 and 17 missions are reported. Solar wind is the main source for the observed excess nitrogen in most fines. Total nitrogen in the soils is found to be proportional to the solar wind rare gases Ar36 and Xe132. Linear correlations are also noted between the agglutinate contents of the soils and their carbon and nitrogen contents. Seventeen soils (Apollo 15, 16 and 17) have been sieved and nitrogen has been measured in various grain size fractions. An inverse correlation between the mean grain diameter and the nitrogen contents is seen, showing that a large fraction of the solar wind nitrogen is surface correlated. An apparent volume component, due to the presence of agglutinates, is found in most soils.  相似文献   

PCA (Pecora Escarpment) 02007 and Dhofar 489 are both meteorites from the feldspathic highlands of the Moon. PCA 02007 is a feldspathic breccia consisting of lithified regolith from the lunar surface. It has concentrations of both incompatible and siderophile elements that are at the high end of the ranges for feldspathic lunar meteorites. Dhofar 489 is a feldspathic breccia composed mainly of impact-melted material from an unknown depth beneath the regolith. Concentrations of incompatible and siderophile elements are the lowest among brecciated lunar meteorites. Among 19 known feldspathic lunar meteorites, all of which presumably originate from random locations in the highlands, concentrations of incompatible elements like Sm and Th tend to increase with those of siderophile elements like Ir. Feldspathic meteorites with high concentrations of both suites of elements are usually regolith breccias. Iridium derives mainly from micrometeorites that accumulate in the regolith with duration of surface exposure. Micrometeorites have low concentrations of incompatible elements, however, so the correlation must reflect a three-component system. We postulate that the correlation between Sm and Ir occurs because the surface of the Feldspathic Highlands Terrane has become increasingly contaminated with time in Sm-rich material from the Procellarum KREEP Terrane that has been redistributed across the lunar surface by impacts of moderate-sized, post-basin impacts. The most Sm-rich regolith breccias among feldspathic lunar meteorites are about 3× enriched compared to the most Sm-poor breccias, but this level of enrichment requires only a few percent Sm-rich material typical of the Procellarum KREEP Terrane. The meteorite data suggest that nowhere in the feldspathic highlands are the concentrations of K, rare earths, and Th measured by the Lunar Prospector mission at the surface representative of the underlying “bedrock;” all surfaces covered by old regolith (as opposed to fresh ejecta) are at least slightly contaminated. Dhofar 489 is one of 15 paired lunar-meteorite stones from Oman (total mass of meteorite: 1037 g). On the basis of its unusually high Mg/Fe ratio, the meteorite is likely to have originated from northern feldspathic highlands.  相似文献   

Metallic spherules selected from the Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16 sites were studied by optical techniques as well as the electron probe and scanning electron microscope. In addition, metallic spherules of similar composition were produced experimentally. The structure of the metallic lunar spherules indicates an origin by solidification of molten globules of metal. The experimentally produced spherules have external morphologies, metallographic structures and solidification rates (7 × 102 to 106 ° C/sec) similar to the lunar spherules which have rapidly solidified. The majority of the lunar spherules are, however, either more slowly cooled or have been reheated in place with the lunar fragmental rocks, glass or soil. The heavy meteorite bombardment of the highlands is strongly reflected by the evidence of reheating and/or slow cooling of a majority of Apollo 14 and 16 spherules.The metallic spherules are probably produced from both lunar and meteoritic sources. Impact processes cause localized shock melting of metallic (and non-metallic) constituents at metal-sulfide phase interfaces in surface rocks and in the meteoritic projectile. The major source of metallic spherules is the metal phase present in the lunar rocks and soil. The large variation in spherule bulk compositions is attributed to the different meteoritic projectiles bombarding the Moon, metal phases of differing compositions in the lunar soils and rocks and to the experimental results which indicate that high S, high P alloys form two immiscible liquids when melted.  相似文献   

Luna 20 soil 22003,1 (250–500 μ) is similar to Apollo 16 soil 61501,47 (250–500 μ) in terms of the percentage of different types of particles. However, among the lithic fragments, the Apollo 16 sample contains a greater percentage of fragments with more than 70 wt. % modal plagioclase and a significantly greater proportion of KREEP-rich particles. Modal analyses of non-mare lithic fragments in Luna 20 and Apollo 11, 14, 15 and 16 indicate that the KREEP-poor highland regions (the bulk of the lunar terrae), though relatively feldspathic, are compositionally inhomogeneous, ranging in plagioclase content from approximately 35 to 100 wt. %. The average plagioclase content lies in the range 45–70 wt.%. Luna 20 pyroxene analyses cluster in two groups, one more magnesian than the other. The groups persist when pyroxene analyses from KREEP-poor noritic, troctolitic and anorthositic lithic fragments from Apollo 11, 14, 15 and 16 and Luna 20 are included. Olivine compositions mimic these pyroxene groups.Within each pyroxene group Cr2O3 and TiO2 decrease as Fe(Fe + Mg) increases, suggesting a relationship by fractional crystallization. The two groups suggest that at least two magma compositions were involved. To account for these observations we envisage a Moon-wide magma system in which initial accretionary heterogeneities were imperfectly erased by diffusion and convection. During the cooling of this magma system fractional crystallization was effected by the flotation of plagioclase and sinking of pyroxene, olivine and perhaps ilmenite. The endproduct was an upper layer enriched in plagioclase and a lower layer enriched in mafic silicates. KREEP-rich rocks, which are predominantly noritic in major element composition, may be mechanical mixtures of KREEP-poor norite and material residual after fractional crystallization of the surface magma system.  相似文献   

Cosmic ray track densities in Apollo 17 soil samples are used to infer surface exposure times of soils from a trench at Van Serg Crater, from on and near a boulder at Camelot Crater, and from the position of the heat flow and neutron flux experiments (the ALSEP site). The topmost 2 cm of soil at Van Serg was exposed for 11 m.y., the top cm at Camelot for 36 m.y. A layering chronology and average deposition rate are proposed for the trench. For all soils the median track densities imply predispositional irradiation in the top 15 cm of the lunar surface for times that were long compared with the actual residence in the stratigraphic positions from which the soils were collected. Van Serg crater is inferred to have been formed approximately 24 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

Urban roadside soils are the “recipients” of large amounts of heavy metals from a variety of sources including vehicle emissions, coal burning waste and other activities. The behavior of heavy metals in urban roadside soils depends on the occurrence as well as the total amount. Accordingly, knowledge of the interactions between heavy metals and other constituents in the soil is required to judge their environmental impact. In this study, correlations of heavy metal concentrations (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag, Se, Ni, Cr and Ba) to iron extracted using dithionite–citrate–bicarbonate (DCB) buffer (FeDCB), fulvic acids and particle size fractions were examined from the Xuzhou urban roadside soils. Heavy metals except for Cr and fulvic acids had a positive significant correlation with FeDCB, indicating these metals and fulvic acids are principally associated with the surfaces of iron oxides of the soils. Significant positive correlations were also found between the contents of fulvic acids and heavy metals, showing these heavy metals (especially for Cu, Ni and Cr) form stable complexes with fulvic acids. Such finding is of importance with regard to the increased mobilization of heavy metals, e.g., into freshwater ecosystems. Ag, Se and Cr are independent of particle size fractions because of their low concentrations of Ag and Se in the studied soils. Pb, Zn, Cu, Ba and Ag are mainly enriched in the finer soil particles (especially <16 μm).  相似文献   

We have analyzed by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) the isotopic composition of Cr in five progressive etches of size-sorted plagioclase grains separated from lunar soils 60601 and 62281. Aliquots of the etch solutions were spiked for isotopic dilution (ID) analysis of Cr and Ca. The Ca ID data indicate that the initial etch steps represent dissolution of an average 0.1 to 0.2 μm depth from the grain surfaces, the approximate depth expected for implanted solar wind. The Cr/Ca ratio in the initial etches is several fold higher than that expected for bulk plagioclase composition, but in subsequent etches decreases to approach the bulk value. This indicates a source of Cr extrinsic to the plagioclase grains, surface-correlated and resident in the outermost fraction of a μm, which we provisionally identify as solar wind Cr. The surface-correlated Cr is isotopically anomalous and by conventional TIMS data reduction has approximately 1 permil excess 54Cr and half as great excess 53Cr. In successive etches, as the Cr/Ca ratio decreases and approaches the bulk plagioclase value, the magnitude of the apparent anomalies decreases approaching normal composition. If these results do indeed characterize the solar wind, then either the solar wind is enriched in Cr due to spallation in the solar atmosphere, or the Earth and the various parent bodies of the meteorites are isotopically distinct from the Sun and must have formed from slightly different mixes of presolar materials. Alternative interpretations include the possibility that the anomalous Cr is meteoritic rather than solar or that the observed (solar) Cr is normal except for a small admixture of spallation Cr generated on the Moon. We consider these latter possibilities less likely than the solar wind interpretation. However, they cannot be eliminated and remain working hypotheses.  相似文献   

Data on the kinetics of some chemical reactions occurring in lunar samples are used to estimate cooling rates over limited temperature ranges. These results, together with data on thermal conductivity and specific heats of lunar samples, have been applied to estimate the thicknesses of the cooling units.Estimates for mare basalts indicate that they were derived from cooling units no thicker than 10 m. Breccias are derived from cooling units up to a few meters in thickness. This suggests that most lunar breccias are the product of a series of relatively local events rather than large basin-forming events. If this conclusion is correct, the significance of the radiometric ages of lunar breccias needs to be re-evaluated, as does the assignment of breccias to individual basin-forming events on the basis of their trace element contents. If the breccias are a product of the major basin-forming events, it is unlikely that so many would show an age of about 4.0 b.y. It is likely that a large proportion of materials sampled would have escaped resetting by these major events, and a wider spread of ages would be observed. Attempts to link a given breccia to a specific basin-forming event on the basis of its crystallization age therefore appear to be unfounded.  相似文献   


为研究太阳风成因水在月表低纬度地区的分布特征,本文对中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所博物馆珍藏的一份Apollo 11月壤样品开展了单颗粒原位纳米离子探针H同位素和水含量深度剖面分析。结果表明月壤颗粒表层(< 200nm)具有较高的水含量(剖面最大水含量变化范围为0.35%~1.59%,平均值为0.82%),该结果与前人对Apollo样品的报导类似。除一颗斜长石的H同位素组成(δD=-262‰)落在月幔范围内,其余颗粒表层均非常贫D(δD变化范围为-987‰~-642‰)。该强烈贫D的同位素组成与太阳风一致,完全不同于地球大气水,不仅证明这些样品的月球来源,并且主要是太阳风注入的贡献。矿物颗粒之间的水含量和δD值变化,很可能与太阳风注入后的扩散丢失程度不同有关。另外,我们观察到橄榄石、单斜辉石和长石的水含量剖面比较类似,整体呈现随深度逐渐递减的趋势。相比之下,玻璃质颗粒的水含量剖面呈现随深度先上升再降低的峰形特征,峰位在25~43nm深度。这两者之间的差异很可能跟H在矿物和玻璃中的扩散速率、辐射损伤层等的差异有关。本项研究也证明,即使对于H这样易于受地球污染的元素,在普通条件下(北京、瓶中密封)经过长达50多年的时间,仍能很好地保存注入月壤颗粒中的太阳风信息。但是低温、干燥和真空/惰性气体环境仍是长期保存的有利条件。


We provide new estimates for the abundance of heat-producing elements in the lunar mantle by using SIMS techniques to measure the concentrations of thorium and samarium in lunar pyroclastic glasses. Lunar pyroclastic glasses are utilized in this study because they represent quenched products of near-primary melts from the lunar mantle and as such, they provide compositional information about the mantle itself. Thorium and samarium were measured because: (1) Th is not significantly fractionated from Sm during partial melting of the pyroclastic glass source regions, which are dominated by olivine and pyroxene. Therefore, the Th/Sm ratios that we measure in the pyroclastic glasses reflect the Th/Sm ratio of the pyroclastic glass source regions. (2) Strong correlations between Th, U, and K on the Moon allow us to use measured Th concentrations to estimate the concentrations of U and K in the pyroclastic glasses. (3) Th, Sm, U, and K are radioactive elements and as such, their concentrations can be used to investigate heat production in the lunar mantle.The results from this study show that the lunar mantle is heterogeneous with respect to heat-producing elements and that there is evidence for mixing of a KREEP component into the source regions of some of the pyroclastic glasses. Because the source regions for many of the glasses are deep (?400 km), we propose that a KREEP component was transported to the deep lunar mantle. KREEP enriched sources produce 138% more heat than sources that do not contain KREEP and therefore, could have provided a source of heat for extended periods of nearside basaltic magmatism. Data from this study, in conjunction with models for the fractional crystallization of a lunar magma ocean, are used to show that the average lunar mantle contains 0.15 ppm Th, 0.54 ppm Sm, 0.039 ppm U, and 212 ppm K. This is a greater enrichment in radiogenic elements than some earlier estimates, suggesting a more prolonged impact of radiogenic heat on nearside basaltic volcanism.  相似文献   

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