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Commonly, geological studies compare mean values of two or more compositional data suites in order to determine if, how, and by how much they differ. Simple approaches for evaluating and statistically testing differences in mean values for open data fail for compositional (closed) data. A new parameter, an f-value, therefore has been developed, which correctly quantifies the differences among compositional mean values and allows testing those differences for statistical significance. In general, this parameter quantifies only therelative factor by which compositional variables differ across data suites; however for situations where, arguably, at least one component has neither increased nor decreased, anabsolute f-value can be computed. In situations where the compositional variables have undergone many perturbations, arguments based upon thef-values and the central limit theorem indicate that logratios of compositional variables should be normally distributed. 相似文献
Alex Woronow 《Mathematical Geology》1995,27(2):229-238
Genetic algorithms can solve least-squares problems where local minima may trap more traditional methods. Although genetic algorithms are applicable to compositional as well as noncompositional data, the standard implementation treats compositional data awkwardly. A need to decode, renormalize, then reincode the fitted parameters to regain a composition is not only computationally costly, but may thwart convergence. A modification to the genetic algorithm, described here, adapts the tools of reproduction, crossover, and mutation to compositional data. The modification consists of replacing crossover with a linear mixture of two parents and replacing mutation with a linear mixture of one of the members of the breeding population and a randomly generated individual. By using continuously evolving populations, rather than discrete generations, reproduction is no longer required. As a test of this new approach, a mixture of four Gaussian functions with given means and variances are deconvolved to recover their mixing proportions. 相似文献
Compositional data, consisting of vectors of proportions summing to unity such as the geochemical compositions of rocks, have proved difficult to analyze. Recently, the introduction of logistic and logratio transformations between the d-dimensional simplex and Euclidean space has allowed the use of familiar multivariate methods. The problem of how to model and analyze measurement errors in such data is approached through the concept of a perturbation of a composition. Such modeling allows investigation of the role of rescaling, quantification of measurement error, analysis of observor error, and assessment of the effect of measurement error on inferences. 相似文献
The statistical analysis of compositional data is based on determining an appropriate transformation from the simplex to real space. Possible transfonnations and outliers strongly interact: parameters of transformations may be influenced particularly by outliers, and the result of goodness-of-fit tests will reflect their presence. Thus, the identification of outliers in compositional datasets and the selection of an appropriate transformation of the same data, are problems that cannot be separated. A robust method for outlier detection together with the likelihood of transformed data is presented as a first approach to solve those problems when the additive-logratio and multivariate Box-Cox transformations are used. Three examples illustrate the proposed methodology. 相似文献
A number of experiments have been carried out to study in the laboratory the effects of waterwashing on light ends composition. The experimental data were then compared with the results of a simple numerical model. Both approaches confirm the fast removal of the light aromatics by the flushing water and the very slow alteration of the C10+ compounds. The experimental results also indicate that the normal paraffins are removed faster than the cycloalkanes which is not in agreement with their respective solubility data. the simulations show that, over geological time, compounds such as benzene and toluene should be completely absent in an oil column which is not the case. Therefore, it is likely that in nature oil-water interactions are not as effective as one could imagine, which has implications for oil migration, as well as for the understanding of hydrodynamism phenomena in oil pools. 相似文献
End-member modeling of compositional data: Numerical-statistical algorithms for solving the explicit mixing problem 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
Gert Jan Weltje 《Mathematical Geology》1997,29(4):503-549
Linear mixing models of compositional data have been developed in various branches of the earth sciences (e.g., geochemistry,
petrology, mineralogy, sedimentology) for the purpose of summarizing variation among a series of observations in terms of
proportional contributions of (theoretical) end members. Methods of parameter estimation range from relatively straightforward
normative partitioning by (nonnegative) least squares, to more sophisticated bilinear inversion techniques. Solving the bilinear
mixing problem involves the estimation of both mixing proportions and end-member compositions from the data. Normative partitioning,
also known as linear unmixing, thus can be regarded as a special situation of bilinear unmixing with (supposedly) known end
members. Previous attempts to model linear mixing processes are reviewed briefly, and a new iterative strategy for solving
the bilinear problem is developed. This end-member modeling algorithm is more robust and has better convergence properties
than previously proposed numerical schemes. The bilinear unmixing solution is intrinsically nonunique, unless additional constraints
on the model parameters are introduced. In situations where no a priori knowledge is available, the concept of an “ optimal
” solution may be used. This concept is based on the trade-off between mathematical and geological feasibility, two seemingly
contradictory but equally desirable requirements of the unmixing solution. 相似文献
Hydraulic exponents and unit hydraulic exponents are unit-sum constrained, which requires that they be analyzed by statistical methods designed for compositional data. Though uncertainties remain regarding selection of the best constraining operation and method of handling departures from the unit-sum constraint, neither category of uncertainty should be an impediment to the selection of the appropriate statistical methodology. In a small sample study, the hydraulic geometry of different types of streams were compared: (1) semi-arid: perennial vs. ephemeral; (2) tropical: Puerto Rico vs. West Malaysia; and (3) semi-arid vs. tropical (by pooling the previous data sets). All three comparisons revealed statistically significant differences in either logratio mean vectorsor logratio covariance matrices but not both. All six categories of data had logistic normal distributions. Because the derivatives at a given discharge of curvilinear hydraulic geometry relationships and hydraulic exponents on either side of the breakpoints of piecewise linear relationships are unit-sum constrained, they also can be studied by compositional methods. However, the compositional approach is limited in cases where distributions have large departures from logistic normality and for streams that have negative hydraulic exponents. 相似文献
J. Aitchison 《Mathematical Geology》1990,22(4):487-511
In recognizing that a composition, such as a major oxide or sediment composition, provides information only about the relative, not the absolute, magnitudes of its components, this paper exposes the compositional variation array as the simplest and minimum way of summarizing the pattern of variability within a compositional data set. Such summaries are free of the notorious hazards of the constant-sum constraint and when depicted in relative variation diagrams can often provide substantial insights into the nature of the compositional variability. Concepts and practice are illustrated by reference to a number of real data sets. 相似文献
Two kinds of mylonite series rocks, felsic and mafic, have been recognized in the NW-striking shear zone of the Jiapigou gold
belt. During ductile deformation, a large amount of fluid interacted intensively with the mylonite series rocks: plagioclases
were sericitized and theAn values declined rapidly, finally all of them were transformed to albites; dark minerals were gradually replaced by chlorites
(mostly ripidolite). Meanwhile, large-scale and extensive carbonation also took place, and the carbonatization minerals varied
from calcite to dolomite and ankerite with the development of deformation. The δ13C values of the carbonates are −3.0‰ – −5.6‰ suggesting a deep source of carbon. The ductile deformation is nearly an iso-volume
one (f
v≈1). With the enhancement of shear deformation, SiO2 in the two mylonite series rocks was depleted, while volatile components suchs as CO2 and H2O, and some ore-forming elements such as Au and S were obviously enriched. But it is noted that the enrichment of Au in both
the mylonite series rocks did not reach the paygrade of gold. The released SiO2 from water-rock interactions occurred in the form of colloids and absorbed gold in the fluid. When brittle structures were
formed locally in the ductile shear zone, the ore-forming fluids migrated to the structures along microfractures, and preciptated
auriferous quartz because of reduction of pressure and temperature. Fluid inclusion study shows that the temperature and pressure
of the ore-forming fluids are 245–292°C and 95.4–131.7 MPa respectively; the salinity is 12.88–16.33wt% NaCl; the fluid-phase
is rich in Ca2+, K+, Na+, Mg2+, F− and Cl−, while the gaseous phases are rich in CO2 and CH4. The δD and δ18O, values of the ore-forming fluid are −84.48‰ – −91.73‰ and −0.247‰ – +2.715‰ respectively, suggesting that the fluid is
composed predominantly of meteoric water.
This project is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 9488010). 相似文献
On criteria for measures of compositional difference 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
John Aitchison 《Mathematical Geology》1992,24(4):365-379
Simple perceptions about the nature of compositions lead through logical necessity to certain forms of analysis of compositional data. In this paper the consequences of essential requirements of scale, perturbation and permutation invariance, together with that of subcompositional dominance, are applied to the problem of characterizing change and measures of difference between two compositions. It will be shown that one strongly advocated scalar measure of difference fails these tests of logical necessity, and that one particular form of scalar measure of difference (the sum of the squares of all possible logratio differences in the components of the two compositions), although not unique, emerges as the simplest and most tractable satisfying the criteria. 相似文献
E. H. Timothy Whitten 《Mathematical Geology》1995,27(6):789-806
The nature of chemical and modal closed and open compositional data for igneous petrology is reviewed. Chemical analyses of Ben Nevis (Ontario) Archaean volcanic rocks support earlier assertions that major- and trace-element g/100 cc igneous-rock data usually comprise open compositional variables which, unlike traditional closed constant-sum weight percentages, are not constrained by closure. 相似文献
J. C. Butler 《Mathematical Geology》1981,13(1):53-68
Proper analysis of transformed data arrays (such as percentages) requires paying special attention to the effects of the transformation process itself. Effects of several commonly used transformations (including percentage formation, row and column normalization, and the square root transformation) have been examined with emphasis placed on changes in the statistical and geometrical properties of column vectors that accompany the application of the transformation. Even though many transformations, including taking the square root, open up the percentage array, this does not allow one to ignore the fact that percentage formation may have considerably modified the statistical and geometrical properties of the columns of the matrix. In preparing to analyze percentages one should give serious consideration to using the row normalized form of the data matrix. The individual elements in such a matrix are the direction cosines of the vector in M-dimensional space, the row vectors are of unit length, and the row normalized matrix computed from the closed array is equal to the row normalized, open matrix that is unobservable. Application of a column transformation (such as range restriction and proportion of the maximum) destroys the equality of the open and percentage row normalized matrices. Despite repeated claims to the contrary, one can not deduce the statistical and geometrical properties of the open matrix given only the statistical and geometrical properties of the closed matrix. 相似文献
A discriminant technique based on mixture models is presented to be applied when observations are a sample of a mixture of compositions with each component following an additive logistic normal distribution on the d-dimensional simplex. The efficiency of this discriminant technique is compared empirically with the efficiency of the standard discriminant technique based on logcontrast. Simulated compositional data and a real dataset are used to carry out these comparisons. 相似文献
Sjoerd de Vos 《GeoJournal》1998,44(1):43-49
Some people are influenced by other people who live near them. They vote for the same political party as their neighbours and they go to church on Sunday because that is what most other people in the area do. This phenomenon is known as the compositional effect of the environment. This article offers a survey of the history of the analysis of such effects, of the explanations that can be given for them and of the research methods that can be used to establish them. The most important conclusions regarding political preference are given, and a direction in which research into compositional effects should develop is also indicated. 相似文献
Old geochemical datasets from the Paraná Shield of southern Brazil have been integrated into a new geochemical database and the results are presented as a series of multipurpose geochemical maps. Although the 24 datasets retrieved were analysed by three different laboratories, the maps produced correlate surprisingly well with bedrock geological features.The retrieval of old geochemical exploration data sets for the purpose of generating maps showing element depletions and enrichments is a powerful tool with a wide range of applications: trace elements such as Zn, Cu and Mo can significantly affect crop productivity; areas with high abundances of harmful elements such as As and F can be delineated in order to identify public health hazards; heavy metals such as Cd, Pb and Hg can be measured in order to better constrain knowledge of chemical background levels for environmental monitoring. The integration and manipulation of different data sets can however be complicated by the heterogeneity in sampling and analytical procedures. 相似文献
An effect of closure on the structure of principal components 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The principal components transformation generates, from any data array, a new set of variables—the scores of the components—characterized by a total variance exactly equal to that of the initial set. It is in this sense that the transformed variables are said to contain, preserve, or account for, the variance of the original set. The scores, however, are uncorrelated. In the course of the transformation, what becomes of the strong interdependence of variance and covariance so characteristic of closed arrays? The question seems to have attracted little attention; we are aware of no study of it in the earth sciences. Experimental work reported here shows quite clearly that the overall equivalence of variance and covariance imposed by closure, though absent from the component scores,may emerge in relations between the coefficientsof each of the lower-order components; if the raw data are complete rock analyses, the sum of all the covariances of the coefficients of such a component is negative, and is very nearly equal to the sum of all the variances in absolute value. (In all cases so far examined, the absolute value of the first sum is a little less than that of the second.) The principal components transformation provides an elegant escape from closure correlation if a petrographic problem can be restated entirely in terms of component scores, but not if a physical interpretation of the component vectors is required. 相似文献